Magazine analysis I am going to analyze a cover page, a contents page and a double page spread from the three magazine companies Q, Vibe and Billboard. Doing this research will widen my knowledge of what works with a magazine and which parts I feel are effective. Going on from this research, I can put these techniques into my own magazine creation in order to achieve a cover, contents page and double page spread that will catch the attention of my target audience (16-24 year olds and both genders).

Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

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Page 1: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

Magazine analysis I am going to analyze a cover page, a contents page and a double page spread from the three magazine

companies Q, Vibe and Billboard. Doing this research will widen my knowledge of what works with a magazine and which parts I feel are effective. Going on from this research, I can put these techniques into

my own magazine creation in order to achieve a cover, contents page and double page spread that will catch the attention of my target audience (16-24 year olds and both genders).

Page 2: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

Q magazine• Founded in 1986 by Mark Ellen and David Hepworth• A popular music magazine published monthly in the United Kingdom• It was originally going to be called Cue to symbolize cueing a record

ready to play but was changed so the audience wouldn’t mistake the magazine for a music magazine.• It was first publishes in October 1986 by the EMAP media group • In January 2008 EMAP sold sold its consumer magazine titles which

includes Q to the Bauer Media Group.

Page 3: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

Main image: The artist is shot in medium shot and is central of the magazine so he automatically attracts the audiences’ attention. He is dressed in black which is a vital aspect of the thought behind the magazine as it allows the layout of the text to be layered on top of his image to stand out.

Masthead:The masthead of this poster is white with a red background which makes the title stand out due to the fact red is associated with danger so easily captures the attention of the audience. It also stands out due to fact the background of the whole poster is fairly pale and the dynamic red background of the masthead is also used for other text that the editors wished to stand out.

Cover lines:The cover lines feature different artists and are in white font which contrast against the dark background and is easily readable due to the colour, size and the sharp and bold font. The artist names are in a larger font so will bring more of the audiences’ attention to them.

Main cover line:The main cover lines shows the main image’s artist name- ‘Ed Sheeran’. It is in the center of the magazine which means the magazine will attract anyone who likes this artist. It is also in red and is a fairly large font which shows that this cover line is supposed to be at the focus of the audiences’ attention.

Barcode:The barcode includes the price of the magazine-£3.99- the date of the issue which was January 2015 and the website for Q magazine. The barcode is important as it provides information about the magazine and due to the fact it has the magazine’s website on it also, it increases publicity for Q magazine as it encourages the audience to look at the website.

Colour palette:The colours on this magazine are all very spread out and overall bring a very eye pleasing effect. The red and white text is used to make particular aspects stand out which I feel is a very effective method to attract the audiences’ attention. I feel this colour palette works well on this magazine as all of the colours go together well yet still stands out.

Layering:The layering of the magazine has the text over the main image which means the text is easily readable so the audience can clearly read it. But, the main image is over the background of the masthead which is an effective technique as the masthead and the main image is what attracts the audiences’ ’ attention so by having each of these next to each other it creates a bold, eye catching statement overall for the magazine cover.

Page 4: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

The masthead is also shown on the contents which reminds the audience which brand this magazine is and again is in a white font with a red background. The red background makes the title stand out but is a slightly less bold tone of red in comparison to the cover page which suggests the editors wanted o achieve the more relaxed look for the contents page so it is eye catching, but not too bold as the contents page’s purpose is to give information rather than catch the audiences’ eye.

The colour palette for the magazine in comparison to the magazine front cover is very calm and relaxed which is due to the fact that contents pages’ are supposed to clearly give information and by having bold colours it may be eye straining and distracting. But I feel that all of the colours come together really well to achieve an effective looking magazine contents page.

The images are spread out across the contents page and are angles to achieve the idea of a unique and different layout. This potentially could make the audience believe that this magazine has it’s on individual and unconventional style which could make them intrigued for what more the magazine has in store.

Along with the masthead, the header for the contents page also contains the contents title in black and the issue of the magazine in white. These two colours work well against the red background which means the text is easily readable and stands out. Each text is a different size having ‘Q’ as the largest and most eye catching as this is the masthead for the magazine, ‘Contents’ next to tell the reader what the page contains and ‘Issue 279’ in the smallest font as it isn’t relevant information yet is still interesting.

The text tells the reader where to find the most important information the editors felt was in the magazine. It includes the artists name and page number in a bold black font and then goes on to give a preview on what the page contains. This makes the audience intrigued about why the editors felt page should be featured on the contents page. The Beatles section towards to top of the page also shows an image of them and the information about what this page contains is in red font. This is an effective technique as the reader will see the masthead first as it is the most eye-catching but will then go on to look at the images which then leads them to see what the magazine features.

Page 5: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

The colours for this magazine are very simple yet I feel all work together very effectively to create an eye pleasing yet readable double page spread. I do feel the red on the ‘L’ should’ve been slightly less bold as although it is very bold and eye catching, I personally find it quite straining to read the text underneath it. This tells me to not copy this style of putting colours over black text in large pieces of text.

This text is smaller as it contains information but it is less significant than the rest of the text. It is on the outside of the margin so it brings attention to it yet doesn’t take away the attention from the rest of the magazine. It shows the page number, the issue date of this magazine and the masthead of the magazine to remind the audience which brand of magazine this is.

This tells the reader where they can subscribe to the magazine by giving them a website that they can go to. This is benefital for the marketing of Q magazine as if the reader enjoys this particular magazine then it may be likely they’ll want more copies which brings Q magazine more profit. I feel this is a very effective and subtle addition to the double page spread.

The image of Lady Gaga is shot in medium shot and is edited in black and white. It seems to be an image demonstrating The Male Gaze which is typically shown in magazines as the artist isn’t covering much and is wearing a lot of makeup. But I do feel it’s a very good image and it works well with the layout of this double page spread.

This features the artist’s name at the top of the page so the reader knows who the article is about and can make the connection between the name and the ‘L’ representing Lady for Lady Gaga. It’s on the outside of the margin so it is clear, stands out and is easily readable.

The layout of text easily shows the different sections but I feel that it appears there is a lit to read which may have an impact on whether the reader choose to read the article or not. I feel the text should be more laid out and not have the red ‘L’ over the top as it seems the page is very crowded and eye straining.

Page 6: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

Vibe Magazine

• An American music and entertainment magazine• Founded by the producer Quincy Jones in September 1993• Demographic audience is mainly young, urban followers of hip-hop culture• Mainly features R&B and hip-hop artists, actors and various other entertainers• Based in New York• The final issue was released in 2014 and now the magazine is online only.

Page 7: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

Colour palette:I feel all of the colours on this magazine go together well to create a very calm yet eye catching look for the front cover. Although the masthead is a pale colour and I personally feel by having a black outline would make the masthead much more bold but I do feel the colours on the magazine work together effectively.

Masthead:The masthead of this magazine cover is covered by the main image and some text which suggests ‘Vibe’ felt their logo was recognizable enough to be able to cover it. Personally I feel mastheads are more effective when they are very clear and easily readable as newer audience members who have not heard about the magazine before need to instantly recognize the logo which is different to do with the layering on this magazine. I feel that by having the masthead on its own will be more benefital for future profit of the magazine as the logo will be more recognizable for the audience.

Main imageThe main image is shot in medium shot and is her body position fills the majority of the front cover which brings more attention to her. Her face is central in the magazine and is holding a camera over her right eye yet as an audience we can still see most of her face and I feel the camera is an effective feature as it is an unconventional style that would make the magazine stand out.

Main cover line:The cover line features the artist’s name and is written in a bold blue font and is in a larger font compared to the majority of the other text. This brings more attention to the text and due to the fact it is close to the main image, the audience are able to associate the name and artist. I feel this text works well against the white background and it stands out on the front cover.

Cover lines:The cover lines appear to include a range of artists included in this magazine which is an effective technique as if the reader recognizes one of these artists, it is likely that they will purchase the magazine. The variety of colour and font size overall lead to an eye pleasing layout for the cover.

Barcode:The barcode includes the price ($4.99) and the website and issue date on either side of the barcode. The date (April 2008) is written in small black font and it stands out but doesn’t draw the attention of the audience away from other aspects of the magazine. But, the website (Vibe.com) is written in the same pale peach colour other text is also written in but unlike the other text, the website font is not outlined in white yet the other text this colour is. I personally find it very difficult and straining to read what this text said and I feel it should've also been outlined in white as the text blends into the background and doesn’t stand out. The website is an important feature as it encourages the reader to look at other issues for Vibe magazine and possibly get a subscription.. This tells me to ensure all of my text is easily readable on my magazine cover.

Layering:The main image is positioned over the masthead which brings attention to the image yet the masthead is easily readable. But the cover lines are positioned over the main image. This is an effective technique to make the cover lines easily readable and stand out and it also draws attention to the main image due to the fact her face is not covered.

Page 8: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

The colour palette is a mixture of dark reds and a bright white which is used for the text to make it stand out and easily be readable. I feel all the colours go well together to create an eye catching contents page.

The masthead in written in black with a white outline but is in a very small font which suggests the masthead isn’t supposed to be eye catching. It suggests that there are other aspects of the contents page that the editors feel are more important so the masthead reminds the reader the magazine brand, but doesn’t take the audiences’ attention away from other parts of the contents page.

The contents header is written in a unique style which suggests this is an unconventional magazine and makes the reader intrigues to find out more. It is written in a large and bold white font which automatically attracts the reader’s attention. This is an effective technique as it tells the reader what this page is about.

The text tells the reader what is included in the magazine which makes the reader intrigues for what more is to come. It is written in white font with the titles in a larger font. The purpose of this is to make this text stand out so the reader sees it first.

This text tells the reader the page number they are on and also includes the masthead and date. It is written in a white font which contrasts against the dark red background which makes the text easily readable. The masthead and page number are in a bold font which suggests to me the editors felt this information would be more important to the reader than the issue date.

The main image is shot in medium shot and the positioning of the model means he takes up the majority of the page without the page feeling crowded. I feel this positioning is effective as it draws more of the audiences’ attention to the image. The accessories work well with the style of the contents page which tell me to ensure that my model’s clothing works well with the design of the page.

This text tells the reader who the image for the cover and contents page was photographed by which is an effective idea as it will gain publicity for the photography for any audience members who like his work.

Page 9: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

The image takes up one of the pages which makes the page attractive and interesting as it appears there isn’t as much text which may have put the reader off reading the article. I feel this is a very simplistic yet effective approach to the double page spread and I feel it works well overall.

This text reminds the reader of the magazine brand by having the ‘V’ to represent Vibe. This is a very subtle yet effective technique as it is symmetrical on both sides of the paper and is in white font on one page and in black font on the other. This is done so the text can contrast against the background so it stands out and is easily readable.

I love this colour palette for this magazine as it is very simplistic yet very effective and the colours all go together very well. The text is simply in black against a white background so is easily readable and the blue is used in both the background of the main image and in the title of the article to make certain words stand out.

The text is spread out into sections which makes the page layout very effective in general and also means the reader will be more likely to read the article as it appears there is less text in comparison to a large column of writing. Certain lines are in bold to bring attention to those particular lines which suggests these are lines the editors felt were important or significant.

The title of this double page spread is in a larger font size and has a variety of two colours. The purpose of this is to bring the audiences’ attention to it. The title is intriguing and will then lead the reader to find out what this article is about.

Page 10: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

Billboard magazine• An American entertainment media brand• Owned by Prometheus Global Media• Founded in 1894 by William Donaldson and James Hennegan as a

trade publication for bill posters• Weekly published• Known for its music charts and publishing pieces including news,

video, opinions, reviews, events and style• Looks at a variety of genres

Page 11: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

Main image:The model is shot in close up and is positioned to the right of the magazine whilst the cover lines are to the left which allows the main image to be clearly seen by the audience. It has also been edited in black and white which makes the coloured texts and filled in masthead stand out and creates an unconventional style that will attract the audience. I like the layout of this magazine as it is very pleasing to the eye and the positioning of the text and the image work very well together.

Colour Palette The colours work together well on the poster with the bold colours in the masthead and text adding a bold finish to the cover which will easily attract attention due to its originality.

Main cover line:The main cover line features the artists’ name which will easily capture the attention of anyone who enjoys this particular artists’ music. It is in a thin white font which I feel is a very suitable font for this cover line. It stands out against the grey background due to the positioning and is easily readable.

Cover lines:The cover lines for this cover are in different font colours and sizes which adds a sense of variety to the magazine which will make it stand out. The text colours are black and red and easily stand out against the white background.

Extra text:A barcode is not included on this magazine so I presume it usually is in a plastic covering with the barcode on top. This text however tells the audience the website for this magazine and the price and by including the website, it is good publicity for the magazine as the reader can then go onto possibly subscribe to the magazine or look at more of their work. The text is small and is in white so is readable but doesn’t draw attention away from other more important aspects of the magazine cover.

Masthead:The masthead is in a bold black font with sections filled in with bright, vivid colours to express uniqueness and makes the title very dynamic as it clearly stands out. This is the logo for this magazine and it is very recognizable with the bright colours and which ensures this magazine will stand out amongst the others.

Layering:The main image has been positioned under the text which means the text is easily readable but the positioning of the main image means the model still stands out. The masthead is on top of main image also yet doesn’t cover much of the model’s face so is still an effective layout.

Page 12: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

The masthead is shown in a small font but is still clearly shown. This is an effective technique as it reminds the audience of the magazine without drawing attention away from other aspects of the page.

The colour palette is effective on this magazine as it is very soft so the text in blue stands out but isn’t very dramatic which is a good way to present a contents page due to the fact the purpose of the page is to give the reader information rather than stand out. This particular contents page is eye pleasing and easily gives the reader all the information they need to know and is very readable due to the choice of using blue and black font contrasting against the background.

The range of images give the reader an insight to what the magazine contains which intrigues them to find out more. The range of pictures means it’s likely for the audience to recognize a celebrity and will be likely to directly read that particular article.

This text tells the reader the date this magazine issue was released, the Billboard website and the page number. The magazine issue date and the page number are in a black font whereas the website is in a red font which tells us the editors wanted this information to stand out more to the reader. This is because the reader could go on to subscribe to this magazine and this makes more money for Billboard.

This text tells the reader the top charts albums and songs. This allows the reader to perhaps look into songs and artists they haven’t heard of before and therefor the magazine is promoting publicity for all of these songs and artist.

This text gives an insight into what a few certain pages are about which will make the reader intrigued about what more there is in store. By having catchy headings, it will grab the attention of the reader and it will be more likely that they will continue reading and perhaps re-purchase.

Page 13: Analysis of Music magazine front covers, contents pages and double page spreads

This text tells the reader the page number, reminds the reader of the masthead and the website. It is on both pages which means although it is in a small font, having it on both pages means it is more likely the reader will see it. This means the text is easily seen but isn’t too big or taking attention away from the text and images.

This image automatically catches the attention of the reader and draws them in to read the article. The image has a back background which vividly contrasts against the rest of the page which means it stands out. We can also see the picture goes across both pages which means the reader will pay attention to both sides of the article.

The test is spread out in sections which encourages the reader to read the article as it may feel off putting having the article in big paragraphs. By having it in sections, the text looks like its much shorter than it actually is.

I like the colour palette for this double page spread as the colours are used to make certain text stands out without being distracting and too dramatic. The purpose of this is to make the pages attractive and interesting without taking the audiences’ attention off the article and I feel billboard editors have achieved this.

The use of having quotes in a larger, bolder fonts means the reader will see these first and is likely to interest them about what this article is about. Having different words in different colours makes the text seem more interesting as it adds a sense of variety.