ICTENSW 25 th Annual Conference 2015 Personalised Learning through Technology Sunday 15-3-15 11am-12.30pm HSC Board Room

2015 ICTENSW Conference

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ICTENSW 25th Annual



Personalised Learning

through Technology

Sunday 15-3-15


HSC Board




@det.nsw.edu.au I support innovative

educators and schools

Noelene CallaghanRooty Hill High School

• Counselor of The Teachers Guild of New South Wales

• Microsoft Innovative Expert Educator 2015

• Freelance Writer for the Australian Teacher Magazine and the Australian Education


• A member of the BOSTES Initial Teacher Accreditation Panel

Personalised Learning

• Personalised learning starts with the learner and asks the question, “What does this student need to understand, and how best can that happen?”

• This is a student-centered approach

• Built around the notion of recognizing the vast differences in students

• It is an authentic need to know.

Personalised Learning

….designed to encourage deep approaches ...can equally make surface approaches much easier for students. Independent study can foster critical analysis or protect students from the need to demonstrate it

[Entwistle, 2006]

Differentiation v Personalised Learning

• Differentiation is a kind of personalised instruction, where teachers adjust process, & product, according to a student’s readiness, interest, & learning style.


Differentiation v Personalised Learning

• Planning of the learning starts with the content, and the content remains the same for all students.

Personalised Learning

Differentiation v Personalised Learning

• This is a school and curriculum-centered approach that attempts to amend the delivery of the content to match the student’s needs, strengths, and general readiness.

Personalised Learning

What does the research tell us?

• Hargreaves (2005) asserts that personalised learning is necessary of education as;

1. students are engaged in learning and schooling,

2. show responsibility for own learning, 3. independent for own learning and

behaviour4. codesign learning and teaching


What does the research tell us?

• Campbell et al (2007) finds that personalised learning allows teachers to cater for 1. mentoring, 2. valuing experiential learning, 3. incorporating learners’ personal and

social experience, and 4. providing individual support

What does the research tell us?

• Leadbetter (2005) claims that personalised learning equips children to;1. make choices about which subjects to

study, 2. what settings to study in, 3. what styles of learning to employ


• Preparing students for 21st Century Learning Environments

• Learning own strengths and weaknesses• Ability to develop weaknesses• Ability to become an expert• Self Assessment opportunities

Personalised Learning Environments

• Personalised Learning does not work ‘inside 1 classroom’

• The school/culture must change to become a PLE for all students

Personalised Learning @ RHHS

• Rooty Hill High School prides itself in creating individualised personalised learning plans for all students in years 7-12

• RHHS offers a personalised learning environment for its students and teachers

• This environment encourages learning in and outside of the classroom

Personalised Learning @ RHHS

• Critical in the RHHS Strategic Plan 2015-2017

• “As a Learning Neighbourhood school, our

overall purpose is to increase expectations,

capacity & achievement for students, staff and

the community through the following strategic


Personalised Learning @ RHHS

• Class Profiles• Literacy Program• Personalised Learning Week• Individual Learning Plans• Learning Center• Senior Study Center

Benefits for the Educator

● Provide stimulating learning experiences that

challenge, extend and develop the gifts and

talents of all students

● Use their knowledge of students’ individual needs, strengths and interests to ensure access to the teaching and learning program

[ACARA, 2015]

Benefits for the Educator

• Supports all learning environments;a. Flipped Classrooms, b. Problem Based Learning, c. Project Based Learning, d. Collaborative Classrooms,e. Activity Based Learning

Benefits for the Student

• Challenges and engages all students• Allows students to plan and conduct a specific

investigation making decisions about variables• Enables students to draw from and emphasise

specific aspects of one or more of the general capabilities / cross-curriculum priorities to adjust the learning focus

[ACARA, 2015]

Pedagogical Approaches

● scaffolding student learning through guided practice and support● modelling and demonstrating skills, knowledge and cognitive strategies● explicit and systematic instruction● identifying key vocabulary for explicit instruction● organising and connecting knowledge, skills and values to promote

generalisation● motivating students through engagement with personal interests● levels of prompting● modelling problem solving● providing opportunities for the student to think aloud (verbalisation)● providing feedback and correction● using cross-curricular and naturally occurring learning opportunities to

enhance individual learning goals

Pedagogical Approaches

● providing alternative representations of teaching and learning materials (for

example, using multimedia, Braille, illustrated texts, simplified texts or

captioned video)

● providing alternative opportunities for students to represent their learning

(for example, using technology and augmentative and alternative

communication systems)

● frequent cumulative review

● providing opportunities for generalisation and maintenance

● providing opportunities for the student to work at a faster pace

(acceleration, compacting), at greater breadth (enrichment) and in more

depth (extension).

5 W’s

• Most simple to execute• Suitable for learners of any age and any ability

level• Suitable for any KLA

5 W’s

Source: http://www.teachthought.com/learning/beginners-guide-personalized-learning/?_escaped_fragment_=dSnUoH

5 W’s

Source: http://www.teachthought.com/learning/beginners-guide-personalized-learning/?_escaped_fragment_=dSnUoH

Blooms Taxonomy

• Suitable for classes with students of a range of learning abilities

• Suitable for extension students• Suitable for NESB students

Blooms Taxonomy

Blooms Taxonomy

Blooms Taxonomy

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

• Suitable for all students regardless of ability level

• Supports cross-KLA teaching and learning Most commonly used PL tool by teachers

• Can be burdensome to create

Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences

Blooms & Gardner’s MI Grid

capabilitiesLearning Across Capabilities

● Direction of all Australian schools ● Includes Cross Curriculum Capabilities● Using this approach, requires commitment

by the school and all teaching and support staff

● Suitable for students regardless of learning abilities

capabilitiesLearning Across Capabilities

Literacy Clusters

• Students are enrolled into classes based on previious literacy testing eg NAPLAN

• Requires a whole school approach and support

• Enables teachers to modify teaching programs to the literacy level of students in that class

• Learning Centre and Support Staff play critical role in supporting students in their learning

Literacy Clusters

ICT Capabilities

• Ideal for schools introducing BYOD and/or Digital Curriculum

• Requires mapping current school technology based lessons to the ICT Capabilities of the National Curriculum

• ICT Levels appear to aligns with Literacy Clusters of students

ICT Capabilities

Assessment and Reporting

• Students can complete individual and personal tasks that deliver the same outcome

• These tasks are moderated by staff to ensure that all students are advantaged

Assessment and Reporting

• HT Teaching and Learning, Year Advisers and Learning Support Staff interview every student twice a year (at the end of each semester) to discuss their school report (PLW)

• Personalised Learning Week gives students the opportunity to comment on their report before their parents see it

• PLW also allows students to set their learning goals and determine if they have achieved it

An example of a Personalised Learning Activity

Digital Citizenship

Lets create a Personalised Learning Activity

Step 1 - Determine the Learning OutcomeStep 2 - Ascertain the final productStep 3 - Which teaching model is most

appropriate for my students?Step 4 - Work out which digital resources can be

used to create the workStep 5 - Create the learning Activity

Teaching Models

• 5 W’s• Blooms Taxonomy• Gardners Multiple Intelligences• Blooms and MI Grid• Learning Across Capabilities• Literacy Clusters• ICT Capabilities

Lets create a Personalised Learning Activity

Step 1 - Determine the Learning OutcomeStep 2 - Ascertain the final productStep 3 - Which teaching model is most

appropriate for my students?Step 4 - Work out which digital resources can

be used to create the workStep 5 - Create the learning Activity

Some resources to get started

Haiku Deck





Visual Studio





Bing Maps

Google Maps



Google Docs


Blog Ed

Microsoft Office

Auto CollagePhotoSunthMovie MakerZoom itCiteThis For MeTimeline MakerStory MakerJam StudioMovie Maker



iPad Apps

Android Apps

Social Media





Lets create a Personalised Learning Activity

Step 1 - Determine the Learning OutcomeStep 2 - Ascertain the final productStep 3 - Which teaching model is most

appropriate for my students?Step 4 - Work out which digital resources can be

used to create the workStep 5 - Create your Personalised Learning




@det.nsw.edu.au I support innovative

educators and schools

Noelene CallaghanRooty Hill High School