2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 Kentucky FFA An Annual Report of Progress by the Kentucky FFA Foundation

2012 2013-annual-report

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Kentucky FFA An Annual Report of Progress by the Kentucky FFA Foundation

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2 2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report

Dear Friends,

! Kentucky FFA has seen many big changes in 2012-2013. Members of State Staff retired, and we welcomed new faces. Dr. Kristie Guffey is the Director of the KY FFA Leadership Training Center and Sheldon McKinney is now serving as the Executive Director of the KY FFA Foundation. It has been an exciting transition, and has brought many positive changes to KY FFA.

! Other noteworthy changes would include the very first Ag Tag campaign, championed by Agriculture Commissioner James Comer. Supporters can donate $10 to the Ag Tag fund when purchasing a KY Farm License Plate. This donation is divided equally between FFA, 4H, and KY Proud. KY FFA distributes half of the donations back to the county where they originated. This program makes

an impact on the state & local level. We thank those who supported us!

! Sponsorships also totaled to a record breaking year! Companies & individuals gave more than $180,000 to support Kentucky FFA! We have also had a surge in individual giving with nearly twenty new Century Club members.

! The KY FFA Foundation & the Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center have ! a l s o partnered to gather in-kind donations of food to be served in the cafeteria. This has been an exciting partnership that has also educated our students about the food production here in Kentucky.

! For the very first time, an individual has endowed a gift to the Kentucky FFA Foundation! Mr. Glenn & Maggie Stith have created an

endowment that will pay for the expenses of more than 120 students to attend the Washington Leadership Conference annually, half of which must be from Kentucky! Glenn is from Meade County, a former Kentucky FFA President, a graduate of the University of Kentucky who made a very successful career with Monsanto.

! The Kentucky FFA Foundation makes it possible for our supporters to make an investment in the future of Kentucky Agriculture. We are so proud of the work of our students, and the support our sponsors give them. Thank you for being a part of this vital mission. We look forward to a prosperous 2013-2014!


Matt London Chair, Kentucky FFA Foundation, 2013-2016

Sheldon McKinney Executive Director

A Word From our Sponsors “As FFA continues to provide strong leadership and aspiring agriculturalists, it is a relationship we can’t put a price on.”

— Darrell Billings, FFA Foundation Board of Trustee & RAM Dealer

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 3

Leslie Stith, Board Chairman Matt London, Chairman Elect

Kentucky Farm Bureau Darrell Billings Tanner Chrysler

Dr. Tony Brannon Murray State University

Matt Chaliff KY FFA Executive Secretary

James Comer Commissioner of Agriculture

Brandon Davis Kentucky FFA Advisor

Charlie Edgington Whayne Supply Company

Dale Glass KY FFA Alumni

Mark Haney President of KY Farm Bureau

Jimmy Dan Hicks Heritage Bank

Ali Higgs KY FFA President

Lindsey Miller Farm Credit Mid-America

Kent Moore Loveland ProductsBrenda Oldfield

Senator Dennis Parrett Cecilia Farm Services

Ronny Pryor Capitol Solutions

Jeff Rice Rice Agri-Marketing

Robert Schmitt KY Assoc. of Agricultural Educators

Billy Ray Smith Executive Director Emeritus

Bill Tolle KY State Fair Board

Jobee Thrasher Southern States Cooperative

Beth Wisman Kentucky Farm Bureau Sheldon McKinney

Foundation Executive Director 2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Board of Trustees

The Kentucky FFA Foundation is an independent organization devoted to accomplishing the aims of the FFA mission: “To make a positive difference in the lives of students by promoting their potential for premier leadership, personal

growth and career success through agricultural education.”

The Kentucky FFA Foundation is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, tax-exempt organization. It was established in 1987 and is managed by a Board of Trustees.

The Kentucky FFA Foundation Board of Trustees is made up of twenty-four individuals, dedicated to propelling the Foundation's mission. Eight seats on the board are appointed by position, and sixteen are elected at large.

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 4

Kentucky Agricultural Education Data 138 Agricultural Education Programs

Impacting 27,018 Students

Senior agricultural education students in

Kentucky earned more than $5,442,370.00 in


Local FFA Chapters or Alumni Affiliates gave more

than $177,377.00 in scholarships.

20,951 Community members that attended FFA Banquets across Kentucky

7,187 SAE Visits Conducted by Agriculture Teachers

1,331 Local newspaper articles featuring FFA

Agricultural Education Programs Total

Programs with a Greenhouse 119

Agriculture Mechanics Laboratory 114

Foods Laboratory 8

Science Laboratory 14

School Farm 27

Advisory Committee 122

Alumni Affiliate 82

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 5

Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center

In 2013, the Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center truly embraced their theme, REACH! by serving a record number of students!

This year the KY FFA Foundation and the KY FFA Leadership Training Center partnered to gather donations of food products and commodities produced here in Kentucky. The program entitled, “Kentucky

Commodities...Feeding the Future of Kentucky Agriculture” was a tremendous success, providing more than $15,000 worth of product donations to feed campers from across the Commonwealth!

Dr. Kristie Guffey has been named the Director of the Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center. Dr. Guffey hails from Trigg County, and served as the KY FFA State President in 1996-97. Kristie taught high school agriculture at Carlisle County High

School for four years, and taught agriculture for seven years at the WKU Glasgow Campus. Kristie & her husband Jamie now reside in Hardinsburg, at FFA Camp.

103 FFA Chapters 1,418 FFA Members 168 FFA Advisors

74 Chaperones1,660 Participants!

Training future agricultural leaders to

REACH their full potential....

it all starts here!

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 6

Kentucky FFA Foundation Financial Statement

Note: Only a partial draw from the LEAD Endowment was taken, in order for the Foundation to get on a scheduled plan for the annual draw.

Expenses by Category Amount PercentageAdmin. & Office Expenses $129,725.03 26.59%Ag Tag $120,312.34 24.66%Awards, Gifts & Programs $118,341.92 24.26%LEAD $40,400.00 8.28%Tractor Expenses $36,775.55 7.54%Knife Expenses $17,383.55 3.56%RAM Truck Program $12,036.35 2.47%State FFA Convention $8,765.96 1.80%Support for LTC Staff $2,500.00 0.51%Website & Misc. $1,615.00 0.33%

TOTAL $487,855.70 100.00%

Sponsorships & Revenues Amount Percent Sponsors $180,173.30 39%KDA Ag Tag Funds $121,708.64 27%Tractor Sales $54,115.78 12%Knife Sales $30,428.54 7%LEAD Endowment $30,000.00 7%KY FFA RAM Truck Program $19,280.70 4%Ag Teachers Change Lives $10,933.61 2%Century Club $6,885.30 1%Career Show $3,911.12 1%Special Scholarship Income $740.00 <1%Misc. Income $629.58 <1%      TOTAL $458,806.57 100%



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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 7

Ag Tag Program The Ag Tag program began in 2012 under the leadership of Agriculture Commissioner James Comer. When purchasing a Kentucky Farm License Plate, people are encouraged to donate $10, which is divided equally among FFA, 4-H, and Kentucky Proud. In 2012 this program generated $121,709.00 for Kentucky FFA.$59,238.00 was distributed back to local FFA chapters. The Kentucky FFA Foundation supports a variety of programs with these funds.

Chapter Distribution $59,238.00Kentucky Breakfast at National Convention $2,540.00State Officer Travel $13,000.00Regional Banquet Sponsorships $12,000.00Ag Achiever Grants $20,000.00Teacher Education Support $5,000.00Meats Judging & Floriculture Contest $1,186.00FFA Chapter Contest $3,700.00National Convention Travel for Teams $3,000.00Ag Tag Advertising $1,597.00Total $121,261.00

LEAD Endowment As part of the Master Settlement Agreement, the Kentucky Agriculture Development Fund awarded the Kentucky FFA Foundation a $2,200,000 gift that is to be invested, with the intent to diversify Kentucky agriculture. The endowment is currently managed by PNC and as of June 30, 2013 was valued at: $2,918.737. The Kentucky FFA Foundation takes an annual draw from the endowment’s income.

State Officer Scholarships $11,000.00SAE Mini Grants $12,000.00SAE Class at Camp $3,500.00Governor's Sale of Champions $3,000.00State FFA Degree Program $3,000.00Online SAE Record Keeping System $5,000.00Sponsorship of Diversified SAE Programs $2,900.00FFA Foundation Operating Costs $5,487.64Total $45,887.64

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 8

Statement of Financial Position


Current Assets as of June 30, 2013

Cash $156,551

Accounts Receivable (Sponsors) 28,050

Collectible Knife Inventory 21,800

Collectible Tractor Inventory 49,825

Total Current Assets 256,226

Other Assets !Other Assets !

Investments-LEAD 2,918,737

FFA Alumni Account 36,055

Total Other Assets 2,954,792

Total Assets $3,211,018


Current Liabilities as of June 30, 2013 Current Liabilities as of June 30, 2013

Payroll Tax Payable $1,417

Due to KY FFA Association 43,006

Total Current Liabilities $44,423



Kentucky State Star Farmer, Morgan Phillips

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 9

The Kentucky FFA Foundation is excited to announce that the first lifetime gift has been made. Not only is it the first for our State, but it’s the largest endowment in National FFA history.

! For over 35 years, Glenn Stith has assumed leadership positions in the field of agriculture seed, crop protection and biotech business sales along with marketing design & structure. He served as the Vice-President of US Branded Business for Seeds, Biotech Traits and Chemistry and Global Lead of Seminis Vegetable Seeds at Monsanto. After retiring in 2010, he is now a Senior Associate with the Context Network. He has a BS in Agriculture Economics from the University of Kentucky and an executive MBA from Washington University in St. Louis. Stith attributes much of his career success to leadership, teamwork and communication skills he learned in FFA.

! Stith grew up on a farm in Meade County, and became an FFA member in high school. He served as Kentucky FFA State President in 1972-73. Since being a member, he has continued to give back

to FFA. He has served as Chair of the National FFA Foundation’s Sponsors Board, a member of the Board of Trustees, and the Individual Giving Council, where he will assume a leadership position as chair in October 2013.

! Mr. Stith & his wife Maggie, have committed the first endowed gift with special focus and direct benefit to Kentucky FFA. It is also the largest endowed gift that the National FFA Foundation has ever received. When his estate plans are executed, approximately 110 FFA members will receive full scholarships to attend the Washington Leadership Conference and additional funds to cover travel expenses. Half of all scholarships given will be reserved for Kentucky FFA members. This endowment will provide the scholarships annually in perpetuity.

! The Washington Leadership Conference is a five day event held in Washington, D.C. It teaches FFA members how to become effective leaders by teaching them to know their purpose, value people, take action and serve others. National

FFA says, “Students leave WLC with the knowledge and confidence to act in ways that help their schools, community and country.”

! The Kentucky FFA Foundation cannot thank Glenn & Maggie Stith enough for this tremendous gift that will benefit thousands of KY FFA members and for leading the way for legacy gifts and endowments to Kentucky FFA.

First Legacy Gift Designated to Kentucky FFA Glenn & Maggie Stith plan endowment to impact thousands of Kentucky FFA members for years to come.

Legacy Gifts are future gifts to charity.

Contributions can be made by will, trust, other forms of written designation, life-income arrangements and endowment gifts. It can be as simple as designating a

savings account to the Kentucky FFA Foundation.

It’s a great way for an individual to leave a powerful legacy of giving and generosity to an organization that

they love. If interested in planning a gift, the Kentucky FFA Foundation has many services in place

to help you and your family through that process.

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 10

Kentucky FFA Sponsors The Kentucky FFA Foundation is able to help more than 14,000 Kentucky FFA members through awards, scholarships and programming only because of our generous sponsors.

5-Star Sponsors $25,000 Gifts & Above

4-Star Sponsors $10,000 to $24,999

Mulhollem-Cravens Foundation

3-Star Sponsors $5,000 to $9,999

CSX TransportationKentucky Association of Electric Cooperatives

Kentucky National GuardMonsanto

2-Star Sponsors $2,500 to $4,999

Beck’s HybridsConAgra Foods

Crop Production Services PNC Bank

Toyota Manufacturing of KentuckyWhayne Supply Agribusiness Division

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 11

1-Star Sponsors $1,000 to $2,499

Agribusiness Association of Kentucky

Ale-8 One Bottling Company

Anderson County Farm Bureau


Bluegrass Stockyards

Bob Allen Dodge


Cal-Maine Foods

Central Kentucky Ag Credit Association

CEV Multimedia

Charlee Doom

City BBQ

Conway Heaton of Bardstown

Don Franklin Chrysler

Don Marshall Auto

Dr. Luther Hughes

DuPont Company


Fayette County Farm Bureau

Friends of Kentucky Agriculture

H & R Agri-Power

Hardin County Farm Bureau

Hobdy, Dye & Read, Inc.

Houchens Industries, Inc.

Hudson Automotive

Jefferson County Farm Bureau

Kentucky Association of Conservation Districts

Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association

Kentucky Corn Grower’s Association

Kentucky Livestock Marketing Association

Kentucky Pork Producers

Kentucky Poultry Federation

Kentucky Small Grain Grower’s Association

Kentucky Thoroughbred Association

Linwood Motors

Little Kentucky Smokehouse

Mann Dodge

Monty’s Plant Food

Nutrena Feeds

Ohio Technical College

Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.

Ray’s RAM

Robey Farms


Swope Dodge

Tanner Dodge

Triple Oaks Farms

University of Kentucky Ag Ed Society

University of Kentucky AG & HES Alumni

University of Kentucky College of Agriculture

Warren County Farm Bureau

Winchester Farms Dairy

Wright Implement

Zimmer Motors

At the 2013 Kentucky FFA State Convention,

the KY FFA Foundation distributed more than $96,000 to

FFA members to award their achievement.

All made possible by our sponsors!

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 12

Gold Sponsors $500 to $999

Gold Sponsors $500 to $999

1997-1998 KY FFA State Officer Team2007-2008 KY FFA State Officer Team

Agri-Chem, IncBig Head Studios

Breckinridge County FFABluegrass Dairy & Food

Bluegrass Region in Memory of Neal Floyd

Brenda BandyCarr, Riggs & Ingram Cecilia Farm ServicesCentral Bank & Trust

Chrysler on NicholasvilleCommonwealth Agri-Energy

Continental IndustriesCPC Livestock Nutrition

D&R Livestock Dairy Products of Kentucky

Dings & DentsDiversified Crop Insurance

Dotson Brothers Dodge Dr. David Coffey

Dr. Kristie & Jamie GuffeyDr. William Jay Jackman

Dunn ChryslerE-Town Exterminating Company

Eastern KY University Agriculture Farmers Feed Mill

Farmers Livestock Market of GlasgowFB Purnell Sausage CompanyFirst Southern National Bank

Frank Shoop Chrysler-Dodge-RAMHardin County Young Farmers

Hart County Farm BureauHolland CPA’s & Wealth Management

Hunt Auto of Franklin

Hutson, Inc. Jack Trumbo Farms

Jeff Wyler Chrysler Dodge Jeep RAMJHC Insurance Company

KY Assoc. of Agricultural EducatorsKY Dairy Development CouncilKY Nursery & Landscape Assoc.

Kentucky Propane Gas Assoc. Kentucky Retail Federation

Kuegel-Flat Lick FarmsKY Veterinary Medical Association

Kentucky Young Farmers Assoc.Lake Cumberland Livestock Market

Lawrence HallLimestone Farm Lawn Worksite

Lincoln ElectricMann Chrysler of Maysville

Marcus AdamsMason County Farm BureauMeade County Farm Bureau

Meade County Young Farmers Morehead State University Agriculture

Murray State University FFA Nelson County Farm BureauOhio County Farm Bureau

Oldham County Farm BureauPickard Chrysler of CorbinPilgrim’s Pride Corporation

Pro Ag Crop InsuranceRichardson Family-Meade Stock Farm

Rickards Tobacco Seed CompanyRod Hatfield Dodge

Russell County StockyardsRyan Brothers

S&B Cattle CompanySandford & Sons Sales & Services

Scott County FFA AlumniShelby County Farm Bureau

Shelbyville ChryslerSnowy Owl Foundation

Sodworks, Inc. South Central BankSouth I-75 Dodge

Spencer County Farm BureauStith Brothers

Syngenta Crop ProtectionTaylor Cattle FarmsUnited Producers

WKU Ag Ed Society Western Kentucky University

Department of Agriculture

The Agriculture Teachers Change Lives Program

lets former FFA members honor their agriculture teacher and FFA advisor for the contribution they

made to their lives. Program honorees are invited to a

luncheon in their honor at the State FFA Convention, where a former student will honor them with a speech. Honorees are then introduced on stage at the State Convention. A photo and bio of honorees will then be forever on

display at the Kentucky FFA Leadership Training Center. Teachers can be honored by a

$2,000 contribution. $1,000 goes back to the local FFA chapter. The

remaining $1,000 is sent to the KY FFA Foundation where it is used for agriculture teacher training.

2013 ATCL Honorees

Left to Right

Dr. Pete Dreisbach

KY FFA Leadership Training Center

Mr. Larry Gilbert

Calloway County

Mr. Bland Baird

Spencer County

Mr. Jamie Potts

Calloway County

The Family of Mr. Harold Wood

Lone Oak

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 13

Silver Sponsors $250 to $499

2006-2007 KY FFA State Officer Team

Allen County-Scottsville FFA

Apollo FFA Alumni

Arnold Feed & Seed

Bach- B&E Farms

Bevins Motor Company

Breckinridge County Farm Bureau

Brenda Oldfield

Broadbent’s B&B Food Products

Burley Tobacco Growers Cooperative

Butler Farm-Sunrise Acres

Clark Energy Cooperative

Conley Livestock, LLC

Damon Talley

Dr. Tony Brannon

Fayette Seed, LLC

Feeders Supply

Fleming County FFA

Fresh Start Farms

Glass Fencing, LLC

Gro-Tec, Inc.

Hendricks-Beech Spring Farms

Heritage Bank

Jacobi Sales

Jim & Betty Claycomb

Jim & Jeanne Caldwell

Jim-David Meats

KABA/Select Sires

Kentucky Quarter Horse Association

Kentucky Dept. of Fish & Wildlife

KY Forest Industries Association

KY Goat Producers Association

Matt London

Mr. Casey Mulberry

Premier Crop Insurance

Sister Shubert Rolls

Specialty Food ProductsBronze Sponsors

$101 to $249Cahall Brothers

Carter County Farm BureauCaudill Seed & Warehouse

Central EquipmentCroushorn EquipmentGreenline Equipment

Harrison County Farm BureauHenry County Supply

KY Feed & Grain Association London Farm Service

Meyer FarmsMontgomery Tractor

Mr. Bill TolleMr. Dexter Knight

Mr. John WoodRoeder EquipmentThe Farmer’s Pride

Trigg County Farm Bureau

2011-2012 State Officer Team

Lellan BarlowBarren County FFA

Aaron BealsDavid Beck

Bill Gatton FoundationRayetta Boone

Dr. Tony BrannonBreckinridge County

FFABreeders Supply &

EquipmentDr. Charles ByersBrad Chambliss

Anne ClarkJohn Colliver

Commissioner James Comer

Delmer DatlonBrandon Davis

Scott DavisDale Dobson

Charlee DoomHoward DowningCharlie Edgington

Edmonson County FFAKim ElligntonMike England

Tyler & Kirby GreenLawrence HallMark Haney

Pat HargadonBruce HarperDrew & Holli

HatmakerWillie Hawkins

Roshella JacksonDexter Knight

Delbert Krahwinkel Lincoln County FFA

Bryan LivelyMatt London

Logan County FFAMarion County FFA

Daniel Mattingly Sheldon McKinney

Lindsey MillerHarvey Mitchell

Robert MonkKent Moore*Sam MooreFrank Penn

Ronny PryorEric Raby

Heather RaganDonna Remington

Jeff RiceAlex Richardson

Bobby ScottMatthew Simpson

Billy Ray SmithLeslie StithEd Tabor

Dr. Brad TannerSusan TannerDonald TarterRobert Taylor

Marilyn ThomasWarren East FFACheryl Williams* Laura Winstead

Beth Wisman

Century Club Members Individuals Contributing $100

Annually for 10 Years

The Kentucky FFA Foundation is able to make a difference in the lives of FFA Members across the

Commonwealth only because of our generous sponsors.

To discuss sponsorship options, please contact:

Sheldon McKinney

Kentucky FFA Foundation Executive Director

[email protected]

(606) 782-4620

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 14

Kentucky FFA Fundraising Programs

The 19th Kentucky FFA Foundation Collectible Toy Tractor will be a

Farmall 1256. The cost of each tractor is $55 and they are available at all local

Southern States stores and several agricultural trade shows.

The 5th and Final Edition of the Kentucky FFA Collectible Case Knife Series is available

December 2013.This knife is called “Kentucky Bluegrass”.

Knives will be available at a variety of agricultural trade shows, or the Foundation can ship to your home.

“I need a caretaker”

so god made a farmer

the year of the farmer is sponsored by:

Support an FFA Chapter participating in the Kentucky FFA-RAM Truck Program by purchasing a “God

Made a Farmer” bumper sticker and entering in the sweepstakes to win a 2014 RAM 1500.

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2012-2013 Kentucky FFA Foundation Annual Report 15

Brian Chism, President Meade County

Ruth Anne Myers, Vice President Boyle County

Allison Ware, Secretary Casey County

Allie Maples, Treasurer Montgomery County

Daniel Patton, Reporter Crittenden County

Sheldon Burks, Sentinel Barren County

Kasin Burnett, Big Sandy State VP East Carter

Heath Durbin, Green River State VP McLean County

Megan Harper, Purchase State VP Calloway County

Anna Hawkins, Capital City State VP Western Hills

Bobby Joe Monhollen, Kentucky River VP Whitley County

Hunter Sutton, Northern KY State VP Owen County

Introducing the 2013-2014 Kentucky FFA State Officer Team

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P.O. Box 110Lewisburg, Ky. 42256 Phone: 606-782-4620