2) How does your media product represent particular social groups?

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1. Evaluation Anastasija Kuznecova 2. 2) How does your media product represent particular social groups? 3. Here are some of the images that have been used in my magazine. The women are stereotypically portrayed by using lots of make-up and having stylish clothes. Most of them have also long hair. This shows that women have to work hard to look perfect in the society. Some of the artists also appear quite feminine by using flower crowns or having pink instruments. The model in figure 1 appears to be confident as she is showing a lot of skin and looks straight in the camera, which is an usual way to represent women in music magazines. The model in figure 2 is the only female which isn't quite stereotypically portrayed, as she smokes, has short hair and a nose ring, but these things are stereotypical for the indie/alternative genre and shows that she is confident in another way. The men are in casual clothes like jeans and shirts, which represents that the males in chart music are dressing more careless compared to the females. In figure 3 you see an artist with a guitar, suggesting that the younger male artists are able to write their own songs and play instruments, which is something to aim for. Gender Figure 1: Figure 2: Figure 3: 4. The ages of the artists photographed in my magazine range from 17-29, but mostly 17-18. Both artists shown here confirm to a stereotypical view of young people as they are often represented in the media as having criminal tendencies and low morals. The girl looks rebellious by smoking and having a ring in her nose, while the boy has a quite baggy jacket and a beanie, and doesn't look in the camera, which portrays that he doesn't really care. They are also wearing fashionable and branded clothes, which represents young people as being influenced by fashion. The majority of Indie/Alternative artists in the charts today are white and therefor only white artists are represented in my magazine. It was also because of the conditions of production, as York is mostly a white area with only few other ethnicities. Age & Ethnicity 5. Social class is generally defined by job, but in this case the young audience will be defined by the jobs of their parents. Indie/Alternative music is associated with the middle class, therefor my artists have been styled to represent mostly this class. The two female artists have lots of make-up on and lots of accessories, which suggests that they have enough money to be able to buy not that important things. The guy is wearing only a shirt, but it looks elegant and sophisticated, which can suggest that he has enough money to buy good quality clothes. My magazine is 3.50, which suits the middle classes as they will have enough money to buy it. Class 6. Social class is generally defined by job, but in this case the young audience will be defined by the jobs of their parents. Indie/Alternative music is associated with the middle class, therefor my artists have been styled to represent mostly this class. The two female artists have lots of make-up on and lots of accessories, which suggests that they have enough money to be able to buy not that important things. The guy is wearing only a shirt, but it looks elegant and sophisticated, which can suggest that he has enough money to buy good quality clothes. My magazine is 3.50, which suits the middle classes as they will have enough money to buy it. Class