March 2, 2015 CLASS PRESENTATION 3 Lean Entrepreneurship Project Chief Food Officers Team 4

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March 2, 2015


Lean Entrepreneurship


Chief Food OfficersTeam 4


Our Last Week1

Business Model3

The 10 Hypotheses: Summary, Evaluation and Forms


Lessons Learned4

Our last week…

Brainstorming Evaluate Hypothesis Impact and

Probability of Failure

10 Hypothesis

Voting Discussion

The 10 Hypotheses: SummaryCustomer Segments: Time poor

Customer Segments:Lazy/ Don‘t want to cook

Value Propositions: Quality

Value Propositions: Fast Delivery

Channels: Website

Channels: Mobile Application

Customer Relationships: Automated/ Customized Service

Revenue Streams: Comission Fee

Revenue Streams: Delivery Fee

Key Activities: Distribution

The 10 Hypotheses: Evaluation

The 10 highly scored are our 10 hypothesis to evaluate

Customer Segments, Channels and Revenue Streams are the most important Components.

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 1

Component: Customer Segments


Time-poor consumer will order food online.

Test Interview 25-50 persons from the segment “time-poor consumers” and ask them if they would order food online from our website


At least 70% of the people mentioned that they would order.

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 2

Component: Customer Segments


Lazy consumers/consumers that don't want to cook will order food online.

Test Surveys to 100 people (mainly students) and ask them if they would order food online from our website.


At least 75% of the people mentioned that they would order from our website.

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 3

Component: Value Propositions


High food quality increases consumers‘ likelihood to order food online.

Test Online survey to 100 potential customers (university students, young professionals, etc.) to find out if a high food quality would increase their likelihood to order food online.


At least 70% of the respondents state that high food quality would increase their likelihood to order food online.

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 4

Component: Value Propositions


Fast delivery increases consumers‘ likelihood to order food online.

Test Online survey to 100 potential customers (university students, young professionals, etc.) to find out if fast delivery increases the likelihood to order food online.


At least 70% of respondents state that fast delivery would increase their likelihood to order food online.

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 5

Component: Channels


Our customers will use a website to order food from different types of restaurants.

Test Interview 25-50 potential customers (university students, business people, busy mothers, ..) to see how approachable and convenient would this tool be and how useful it would be in their daily tasks management.


If 80% of the interviewees consider using this tool to order food online, we should validate the hypothesis.  

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 6

Component: Channels


Our customers will use a mobile application to order food.

Test Interview 25-50 potential customers (university students, business people, busy mothers, …) to see how approachable and convenient would this tool be and how useful it would be in their daily tasks management.


If 60% of the interviewees consider using this tool to order food online, we should validate the hypothesis.  

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 7

Component: Customer Relationships


Automated but simultaneously customized relationships are important to build/increase customer satisfaction.

Test Interview 20 potential customers (university students, young professionals, etc.) to find out if they like these kinds of relationships.


At least 70% of respondents state that they would like these kinds of relationships.

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 8

Component: Revenue Streams


Restaurants are willing to pay a comission fee in order to have their services in both website and mobile application.

Test Interview 25-50 people


Collect 75% of positive answers

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 9

Component: Revenue Streams


Customers are willing to pay for the delivery service which means an additional cost compared with the normal prices of the restaurant.

Test With a landing page with fake food ordering at home with a delivery fee OR/AND 200 Surveys


When more than 1000 people click for ordering the food with the delivery feeOR/AND we have 50% positive answers on the survey

The 10 Hypotheses: Form 10

Component: Key activities


We can rely on our restaurant partners to take care of the delivery.

Test Telephone calls or interviews with 30 potential partner restaurants to find out if they are offering delivery services.


At least 50% of respondents state that they are currently offering own delivery services.

Business ModelKey Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer RelationshipsCustomer Segments

Revenue Streams

ChannelsKey Resources

Cost Structure

Time Poor

Lazy/ Don’t

want to cook

Personal Assistance




Website Mobile Application

Quality Food


Fast Delivery




ScootersIT System


Marketing ScootersHR RentComission Fee from


Delivery Fee from

final consumers



IT Partners


Lessons Learned

How to develop a business name in group

How to validate a Business Model Hypothesis

“How to Conduct an Interview Effectively”,http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/225960

- Thank You -