How I broke my financial crises with a vow of firstfruits to God. From N$1000 to N$259,600.71 in monthly cash flow is a miracleby Daniel Oherein Keywords: God, Jesus Christ, First Fruits, Tithes, Bread of Life, Miracles, financial miracles, prayers, Daniel Oherein, Daniel In Christianity, supernatural often denotes events attributable to divine intervention of God instead of mere mortal men. Such events are also refers to as “miracles,” “signs" and “wonders” to show the demonstrations and approval of God’s hands or His supports for Christians’ activities which differentiate them from the ways of man and non-Christians. Man can also decide to live supernaturally as Jesus explains in the New Testament that such a lifestyle requires one to have faith in the Word of God. "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there' and it will move" (Matthew 17:20). Of cause mountain is used proverbially in the above scripture to mean heaps of life threatening challenges like financial debts and poverty, sicknesses, child bareness, marital and family problems, business failures, and as well oppressions of all kinds by demons, powers and principalities or anything not in the image or character of God.


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How I broke my financial crises with a vow of firstfruits to God.

“From N$1000 to N$259,600.71 in monthly cash flow is a miracle”

by Daniel Oherein

Keywords: God, Jesus Christ, First Fruits, Tithes, Bread of Life, Miracles, financial miracles, prayers, Daniel Oherein, Daniel

In Christianity, supernatural often denotes events attributable to divine intervention of God instead of mere mortal men. Such events are also refers to as “miracles,” “signs" and “wonders” to show the demonstrations and approval of God’s hands or His supports for Christians’ activities which differentiate them from the ways of man and non-Christians. Man can also decide to live supernaturally as Jesus explains in the New Testament that such a lifestyle requires one to have faith in the Word of God.

"If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'move from here to there' and it will move" (Matthew 17:20).

Of cause mountain is used proverbially in the above scripture to mean heaps of life threatening challenges like financial debts and poverty, sicknesses, child bareness, marital and family problems, business failures, and as well oppressions of all kinds by demons, powers and principalities or anything not in the image or character of God.

Consider my financial conditions before 20th February 2011 when my total take home income was only N$1000.00 (Namibia Dollars) per month. My wife was also out of job, and our rent was about N$2700 per month with three children to take care of and one of

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them doing her undergraduate training at the university. We had mountains of debts and life threatening problems as tall as the type of mountain Jesus Christ described in Matthew 17:20.

We were scorned and mocked even by fellow church members who believed that we were suffering from generational curses. We tried all sorts of recommendations move our mountains out of our ways but it became bigger and even taller and nothing changed. The only thing in my mind we did not do since we became born again Christians was paying of our first fruits.

How First Fruits Vow Moved Our Mountains Instantly

The first testimonies of this article are how we applied the doctrine of First Fruits to our mountains of problems and God responded to our vows almost immediately. Some aspects of the image of God regarding First fruits that many born again Christians are not aware of include:

1. God gives first to First Fruits;2. God is faithful in giving to First Fruits;

3. God gives lavishly to First Fruits;

4. God also gives lavishly to people that imitates the ways He gives to First Fruits.

These words of knowledge were made clearer to us by the Holy Spirit on June 20, 2011, after God has showed us series of consistent “signs” and “wonders” about his character of ending all things of the flesh and darkness on the 6 th Day from the 6th to the 13th June 2011. We took our biggest step of faith and decided to also end our own darkness and errors in robbing God of First Fruits and tithes.

“The way the Holy Spirit ministered to us was that we should make a vow to be faithful to First Fruits and tithes should God gives me another job or income earning opportunity.”

That same evening of the 20th of June, 2011, the Holy Spirit also ministered to me to sell an old car to pay my tithes out of it immediately.

What is so important about the 13th, the 20th, and the 27th Day of any calendar month?

They are simply replica of the 6th Day in heaven when God ended all His works as shown below.

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From the above diagram, no matter how dark or tall, huge or complex a problem is, you can speak and pray to such problems to die, skip and give way if you too follow the way God works. All problems and challenges when prayed on end on the 6 th Day or fractal 6 (Job 5 vs 19). No matter how the world may view it I know within me that the character of not paying first fruits and tithes, or arguing and debating with God about it came from Satan. That day and date of June 2011, was the day God appointed for my ignorance and darkness about First Fruits to die and come to an end. There was no job and the only thing I had was this old car so I have to sell it, in order to have money to start paying my tithes.

Satan himself did not give up but was also busy persuading me not to sell it and that my problems are as a result of generational curses and not as a result of first fruits or tithes. I rejected all the counsels of the devil and agreed to do what the Holy Spirit was telling me once for a change. The next day we sold the old car miraculously within two hours for N$10,000. This was a miracle! I could not believe it myself. As soon as we got this money early on the 22nd of June, we took N$1000 out of it and RESERVED it as tithes offerings in the house of the Lord we were worshipping.

Before the end of the 22nd of June, I got several telephone calls to attend SIX JOB INTERVIEWS all scheduled for 27th, 28th, 29th of June and 1st of July 2011. To cut this long testimony short, by the 9th of August 2011, I was restored back to a senior position in public service. The last time I worked for government was 11 years ago.

Three months down the line after we began to be faithful in paying first fruits and tithes from my salary, many miracles began to happen to us and our mountain of financial problems began to give way and crumble just like Jesus Christ said in Matthew 17:20.

The most recent miracles and breakthroughs that happened to us in March 2012 are listed below.

On the 15th of March 2012, I received favours of $25,000 seeds money into “Sharing the Bread of Life.” This is approximately about N$187,000 worth of capitalisation.

When I got my March 2012 payslip I found a nice surprise of unpaid bonuses which pushed my total gross income from all sources in March to N$66,600.71 as compared to N$1000 in the same month last year.

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In the same month of March 2012 the Holy Spirit ministered to me about unpaid royalties for 6 years from my published books for Secondary Schools in Namibia. As at the time of writing this article I am yet to have a final confirmation on the actual amount due but I know this could be in the region of N$10,000 to N$30,000. Conservatively let me put a value of N$6000 on this source of income.

“In a nutshell, I received approximately N$259,600.71 in cash flow for one month (March 2012) compared to my pity and oppressed financial conditions in the same month in 2011.”

Let me share another example of how first fruits revived back to life a dying motorbike courier business in Botswana after we prayed using the same pattern of how God ends everything on the 6th Day of the week.


Eddie Molefe lives in Botswana and on reading from my website at Sharing the Bread of Life (http:firstsfruits.org) about how God restored me back to work, was motivated and also asked me to partner with him in prayer for the restoration of his business. Below is one of his initial problems we applied the doctrine of first fruits to.

Dear Man of God

I have being having some difficulties with my business (motor cycle delivery) I have even had to retrench staff and restructure the business I have down scaled the business and as you would understand I don't understand why instead of growing I have downsized. I have prayed for revelation on what I did wrong or is wrong am still to have answer man of God. As for my local pastor he seems lost for answers as well.

I have being hit by a massive serviceability  of my motorcycles standing at 40%, I can’t get spares anywhere in Africa, I can only order from China and it will take two months for them to reach here and they do minimum  orders which I can’t afford am stuck - Eddie Molefe Botswana Sunday, November 13, 2011 11:39 PM

This was in middle of November, and Eddie wanted his business back before the Christmas season starts. The situation of Eddie’s business is a replica of what many businesses, small, medium and big are currently going through. I simply pointed Eddie to the correct way of imitating God who works by ending all things on the 6 th, and reserved the 1st and every 8th item in a matrix or row to His First Fruits, Jesus Christ.

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There are different configurations to applying First Fruits in full to businesses according to Exodus 34:19; however, they all amount to the same thing. Unlike salary, God demands a full month’s net profit from each arm of business in every business matrix or cycle to be paid to His house of worship.

I told him it is a waste of time speaking to the problem and that he must make a vow (Declare and confess with his mouth) and Reserve the net profit from the first motorbike and from every 8th motorbike at the end of every month to the local house of God where he worships. I pointed him to various scriptures in the Bible in the format of 6, 7 & 8 verses where God acted instantly after people in darkness approached Him with First Fruits offerings (Joshua 6:19; Job 22:27; Psalm 50:14; Hosea 14:2; Jonah 2:6, 7 & 8).

Jonah’s case is of particular interest. He was also a high priest of God who probably was not paying his first fruits regularly, and always like to argue with God like most born again Christians and pastors of today. Until God sent him darkness and was swallowed by fish for three days before he remembered the vow he made and he prayed while he was still held captive and in darkness, God released immediately. This is the mistakes of many people. You do not make vows to God when you are already free from captivity. You make vows and call on God while you are in troubles.

Ecclesiastes 5:5: When you make a vow to God, do not delay in fulfilling it. He has no pleasure in fools; fulfill your vow. It is better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it.

After Eddie agreed to my recommendations, we fasted and pray together in the Spirit and in truth between 20th and 22nd of November. We also prayed over the phone and anointed a bottle of water which he applied as instructed. During the night of our prayers on the 21st of November, I had a dream that as I was praying in my bedroom, and as I turned and looked at an adjacent room, I saw this good looking and robust lamb waiting for me as sacrifices. I told Eddie the next day that his prayers have been answered, but we did not know how soon, but we had faith.

It doesn’t have to be motorbikes you can apply the doctrine of First Fruits to. It is applicable to any business or anything you call mountains of problems facing you. You just need to learn how to plan your business correctly according to the nature of God, who plans and execute things by giving first to Number EIGHT.

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Within few days Eddie sent me a testimony that he was back to business. This was a miracle whether you appreciate it or not. Here the testimony to this.

Hi man of God I greet you in the name of the living God. All my bikes are now serviceable all 5 motorbikes are working; I have posted a testimony on “Sharing the Bread of Life” web site for others to see we serve a living God. The Holy Spirit gave me wisdom on how to get the bikes on the road saving me thousands of Pulas and many hours in lost time and revenue I thank the lord. And today is the beginning of the busy month end when we are at our busiest. I thank the Lord for his faithfulness – Eddie Molefe Botswana 25th November, 2011

Instead of going to China, the Holy Spirit gave information to Eddie on how to re-engineer the broken parts and there was no need to go to China again. One month later, Eddie gave more testimonies as follows:

Greetings to you man of God, all is well in the Name of Jesus that is above all names. The Lord continues to confirm his word and doctrine of 6, 7 & 8 with signs and miracles. I just received a testimony of a cancellation of debts of credit card from one of our prayer network partners and she cannot believe it.

– Eddie Molefe Botswana 18th December, 2011

From the testimonies of Eddie who believed in my own testimonies, many people have started having trust and faith in vows of First Fruits; and in “Sharing the Bread of Life Ministries. It works for me and many others who are now learning at “Sharing the Bread of Life Ministries” how to be giving like God to First Fruits.

Daniel Oherein is the Founder of Sharing the Bread of Life Ministries at http://www.cashback.marketchaos.co.za or www.firstfruits.org where he teaches people during his spare time on how to be receiving miracles from God by obeying the doctrine of First Fruits in full. You can reach him at [email protected]

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