10 Things You Never Knew About Shipping

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The largest shipping container ships can cost over $200 million to build


There are approximately 55,000 merchant ships currently carrying cargo around the world


Relatively speaking, shipping is the greenest form of transport in comparison to trucks, planes and trains


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As of this moment, there are roughly 20 million containers crossing the world


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If you stacked up the containers of just one ship’s cargo, they would reach the height of nearly 7,500 Eiffel Towers


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Shipping is so cheap that it’s less costly for Scotland to ship its fish to and from China to be filleted rather than to have it filleted in Scotland


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There is an estimated 10,000 shipping containers lost at sea every year (or approximately one container lost every hour)


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Approximately two thirds of ship crews around the world have no means of communication with the outside world when out on the open sea


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A large container ship has roughly 1,000 times more power than the average family car


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Ships as large as container ships are not controlled, or steered, by a spoke steering wheel, but rather by either joystick or mouse.


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