  • Yogi Gupta Society Newsletter Winter Issue 15 January 2015

    Yogi Gupta and Brahmin Priests at his Kailashnanda Mission in Rishikesh, India performinga special Path for one of his disciples to neutralize the unfavorable planetary influences.

    Neutralizing Unfavorable Influences

    In the fourth lesson I was explaining the twelveaspects of life represented by the twelve houses.

    In order to neutralize those unfavorable influ-ences, a person can use Astro/Divine Remedies andPaths, especially precious stones. By these methodsa person can neutralize problems created by sins inthe previous life. All the problems are caused bythe sins in the previous life. Whatever the prob-lem, there is a solution. One has not to just sitbut make an effort. Destiny is the master today,but yesterday you were the master...The herbs andstones are represented by the planets.

    To realize God, one has to realize oneself. Tointernalize the universe, that is Self-Realization, andsince the whole solar system is like a family, it isvery important to understand this to pinpoint theproblems in your life.

    The Sun is considered the eye of the universe,the Grand Man. The Moon also takes its light fromthe Sun and is considered to be the left eye. TheSun is the right eye and the Moon is the left eye.

    If the Sun stands in an unfavorable position itcreates family friction. Family members dont seeeye to eye and there are always problems in thefamily. Especially when the Sun is unfavorable andalso Saturn and Dragon Head are unfavorable. Forexample, if the Sun is unfavorably influencing the

    seventh house there will be very serious friction be-tween husband and wife.

    By understanding this you take care of the cause.By understanding this when there is serious frictionand the whole family suffers, you can take care ofthe problem.

    The Sun and Mars represent fire, and also Dra-gon Tail. The first, fifth and ninth houses representfire. When the Sun, Mars or Dragon Tail affectthem unfavorably, Mrtya Yoga, chance of death, isincreased; if a person catches fire he is finished, orhe can be electrocuted. When I am interpreting thestars these are the possibilities, therefore the read-ing should be done before the unfavorable influencehits.

    The Sun also represents the bones: bone prob-lems and fractures. If the Sun is in a sinful po-sition, influencing the birth chart unfavorably, theperson is prone to falls and fractures. So by havingthe reading beforehand you will know you shouldhave an Astro/Divine remedy (i.e. Surya Yantra)or Surya Puja or Path. There are so many ways.

    The Sun also represents the stomach. While itsinfluence is unfavorable on the fifth house you canexpect stomach problems. Therefore, before thathappens you start taking herb HG.

    The Sun is a loner. Other loners are Saturnand Dragon Head. Therefore when the Sun influ-ences a person (unfavorably) he wants to be left

  • alone. He just withdraws himself. You become anti-social. It is not favorable; by nature, man is social.Other species of life are social too, like ants or ele-phants the grandpa elephant says Now we go inthe Ganges River and all the girl elephants givehim a bath.

    Surya Yantra

    The Sun also represents the heart. Its unfa-vorable influence can cause heart problems. ButDragon Head is also dangerous. It brings the unex-pected heart attack. therefore when it is going to in-fluence unfavorably, that (planets) Path you shouldperform or (that planets) Astro/Divine remedy youshould purchase. Your benefit depends on how muchwas the power and force of your sins. Anyway, youbenefit the chances are less and less but thereis no one hundred percent guarantee. At least thepressure will be less.

    In brief, I am taking you through the planetsto give you an idea what you can do.

    Now comes the Moon, representing the left eye.When it unfavorably influences the twelfth house,the left eye is in trouble.

    So by knowing it beforehand you neutralize itbeforehand. Prevention is better than cure. It iseasy to prevent the burglar from breaking and en-tering, so why let him have a foothold? Preventhim from getting inside your apartment.

    The Moon unfavorable creates addiction to drugsand drinking. Before the Moon is unfavorable gettreatment so you dont get drug addiction. Thecrack babies share the mothers problem because

    children inherit the assets or karma of their par-ents, otherwise they would not be born with thatmama. A persons karma consists of his karma andhis parents karma.

    A person with an eighty year span of lie canstretch it to one hundred years or by wrong habitscan shorten it to forty years. By efforts you can mul-tiply your assets of health or span of life or spiritualassets. Bill Gates has a plan every day to doublehis assets. A person is not just a slave to the plan-ets. You must make right effort. Persons like BillGates concentrate. They have been born with sometalents and they dont make foolish decisions, likebuying stock when the price goes up and selling itwhen the price is low.

    When the planets are favorable, you are mak-ing decisions, but they are helping you. But you areheld responsible, nobody holds your planets respon-sible. You suffer that is how they make you suffer.Not enough to pay for tuition and food, so the wifesays the husband is no good and the husband saysGod is no good.

    The Moon causes bad eating habits. If you eatdead food there is no life and energy. if the influenceof the Moon is joined with Dragon Head you get sickfrom wrong food. See how important it is to keepin cooperation with the Divine Family? When aperson is your friend he will help you. When hebecomes your enemy he hurts you.

    The planets only become unfriendly for a shortperiod, because they move from one sign to another.That is how to tell if a planet influences you unfa-vorably when it moves to a new house.

    When the Moon is unfavorable it can make aperson crazy loony. Some people say, When it isa full Moon, I dont go outside. The Moon influ-ences emotions, psyche and desires. It especially in-fluences the fourth house. Once, when a person wassleeping, he was dreaming he was flying a kite andstarted sleepwalking. You take care of the problembefore it strikes. You have the power, talent andmeans to know the problem before it strikes.

    We are like puppets on a string. You take Gherb when the Sun is unfavorable and G makes goodthe deficiency. But a Path stops the problem at thesource. Certain herbs in the form of yantras havean effect like bullet-proof armor, although they donot stop the person from shooting the bullet...

    The main thing is that there are five elementsand unfavorable planets create deficiencies of theseelements. For example, you represent a particularplanet, that presiding deity, therefore you prepon-derate in that particular element which is the ele-

  • ment of your presiding deity.

    Chandra Yantra

    If the problems dont go away after a persondoes everything then Guru will teach you Chan-draya Vrata. You are also doing Surya Puja, DurgaPuja, Ganesh Chaturthi Vrata, so many things. Youdont have all your eggs in one basket. When youare born with the genes which create the diseasesconnected with phlegm, bile or air you get those dis-eases. therefore you should have the Astro/Divineremedy which creates the opposite thing. Colorswhich were dim become powerful, when you turnon the light in the dark room the darkness goesaway.

    There are friends, enemies and neutrals. Guruwill tell you everything. He will not conceal any-thing, so you all become wise men. This is Self-Realization, you know more about yourself. TheSolar System must be in harmony.

    Next time when you come you should choosethe Astro/Divine remedy that you need. There isa Saligram with two big Sudarsan Chakras that isthe only one in the whole world. You have theonly Guru for the type of disciple that doesnt goanywhere. That is why Guru makes seventy fivetrips, at great sacrifice, because the disciples arethe Gurus asset, so the work will expand.

    Disciple notes from a 10-lesson course inSelf Realization given by Yogi Gupta. These notesare from Lesson 5, April 19, 2000.

    KMT Religious Services

    The Kailashanand Mission Trust has providedus with two lists of religious services provided bytheir priests. The first is a list of general religiousservices and their prices. The second is a list ofShradha services and Navaratra Path and their prices.All patrons should send their requests to KMT viaexpress courier as described here. There have beensome recent changes to this request procedure, soplease review the instructions carefully before send-ing your requests.

    Herbs From KMT

    After a recent visit to Kailashanand MissionTrust, some disciples reported that they were ableto obtain the necessary herbs for Yogi Guptas 30-dayrejuvenation program from KMT. Apparently, KMTstaff know which herbs were in the program andwill provide herbs to any disciples who go to KMT.To contact KMT, they have provided a form to fillout on their website at

    Tribute to a senior disciple

    of Yogi Gupta: Shiva Dularee

    In Yoga and Yogic Powers, Guru Jee providesa succinct explanation regarding the conferment ofa new name upon a disciple by ones teacher as fol-lows:

    At the time of ordination the disciple receivesa new name from his teacher, which signifies thathe is born twice. Twice-born means awakened intoawareness of Truth, and dead to the awareness ofbody. This is also known as resurrection. (YogiGupta, 1961, p. xv)

    My teacher, Shiva Dularee, entered Mahasama-dhi on November 10, 2013, at the age of 99, in Is-tanbul where she had been living following her re-tirement from academia in the United States. ShivaDularee was the name that had been granted to herby Guru Jee, as will be seen from an explanatorynote in her own handwriting below, which she gaveme in 2008:

  • The last line in the above text in Turkish readsHind ismi Shiva Dularee, which literally trans-lates into English as Her Hindu name: Shiva Du-laree. Very few people in Turkey, I suspect, if atall, would have known her by the name of Shiva Du-laree. It was, however, the acknowledgement andreference below, to my teacher, as well as the textof the Affirmation, which she had taught me, inthe footnote at page 5 of the Yogi Gupta Societys(YGS) Summer Newsletter, dated June 23, 2013,that immediately caught my attention and whichprompted me to establish contact with YGS:

    From notes taken by Shiva Dularee, seniordisciple of Yogi Gupta, from Yogi Guptas coursein Psychic Treatment (see under, Classics of theGuru: Psychic Ring Pass Not)

    Spurred by enthusiasm and joy at having beenable to locate a source that would re-establish theconnection with the teachings and practices of GuruJee and my teacher I sent an email to YGS. Thewarm and welcoming message which I received fromMohan Dass of YGS did not only revive the preciousmemories of the time I had spent as a student ofShiva Dularee but also resurrected an ideal which Ihad shared with Shiva Dularee: to continue to teachwhat she had taught me, so as to ensure, as GuruJee puts it that the ancient teachings may not die(see Yoga and Yogic Powers, p. xiv).

    A decade with Shiva Dularee

    I first met Shiva Dularee in 2003, the same yearI joined as a lecturer at Bosphorus University (for-mer Robert College, the first US higher educationalinstitution outside the USA, established during theOttoman Empire in Istanbul), a couple of years af-ter I had returned from the UK, where I was bornand incidentally where I had also first begun yogain the Iyengar tradition.

    On the occasion of one of my weekly visits atthe time to an elderly relative who lived near the

    University, the granddaughter of the last sheikh ofthe mystical order of the Bektashi dervishes whoused to have their tekke or ashram on the hills aboveBosphorus University, Shiva Dularee happened tobe visiting the same relative who apparently washer classmate at the American College for Girls inIstanbul in the class of 1936 where they had bothobtained their BA degrees. At one point, duringthat first meeting, I had a vague and hazy recollec-tion of having seen Shiva Dularee on some previousoccasion. It was not long before a scene scrolledbefore my eyes where I identified Shiva Dularee ac-companied by perhaps a female student in a shop-ping mall in Washington many years ago when I hadflown over for a vacation from the UK while still astudent at a French High School in London. I alsorecall having been told, later on that same occasion,by someone that she was very advanced in yogaand that she communicated psychically with herGuru from afar. Not much else had remained fromthat short trip to the US but obviously that furtivemoment had left an indelible mark somewhere inmy mind. Having learned of my interest in yogaduring the course of our conversation on that samevisit, there and then she immediately extended anoffer to take me under her tutorship.

    Practice days with Shiva Dularee

    I called her up the following week and thus be-gan our weekly classes. I realized that I happenedto be one of only 5 or 6 privileged students whomshe had committed herself to teach. Since she wouldsee each of her students on a one-to-one basis, wedid not actually have the opportunity to person-ally meet each other. I believe almost each dayof the week was devoted to one of her students.Hence, Tuesday afternoons would be the slot whenwe would meet up for a prolonged practice sessionfor the ensuing ten years. Each time, we would be-gin by having a chat for about half an hour or soover a cup of Turkish coffee occasionally accompa-nied by homemade pastries baked by Janet, her ded-icated and affectionate helper. How is life treatingyou? was the very first question she would invari-ably put to me. As a professor with many years ofexperience in academe in both Turkey at the Uni-versity of Istanbul and predominantly, until her re-tirement in the US (where she had obtained bothher MA and PhD degrees, at Brown University andBryn Mawr, respectively), she was concerned thatI was not able to make progress on my associateprofessorship on account of several administrativetasks and projects to which I had been obliged to

  • commit myself. She took a genuine interest in thecareers and well-being of her students and wouldspeak with delight about their success and achieve-ments. She would listen carefully to every detailand offer practical advice as how best to cope. Thisperiod of conversation also provided a welcome op-portunity to discuss spiritual and mystical subjects.

    Shiva Dularee as a business professorin the United States, about 1958.Born Afife Sayin, May 10,1914,Mahasamadhi November 10, 2013

    Our practice session that would run until earlyevening would begin by her reciting the followingwords before Guru Jees picture: May my Mas-ter Yogi Guptas blessings and healings be uponus and may we benefit from these exercises bothspiritually and physically. After a series of breath-ing exercises for cleansing and purification of thenerves, we would move on to breathing techniquesfor specific purposes and follow with psychic devel-opment including visualization and mental projec-tion. Immersed in deep healing relaxation at theend of each session would be the stage where, de-

    spite ones best efforts to remain alert by mentallyrepeating her instructions so as to commit them tomemory, a journey on to another plane of conscious-ness would prove a natural reflex. In what appearedto be the litmus test the practical benefits conferredby our practice for myself, she would, at the end ofeach session, tell me to look straightaway at my ownimage in the mirror to see for myself the change inmy countenance.

    Practicality is most important to him is oneof the statements made about Guru Jee in the intro-duction to Yoga and Long Life (Yogi Gupta, 1958).In similar fashion to her Master, Shiva Dularee ad-hered to the same tenet and always maintained thesame lucid tone and pragmatic and straightforwardapproach that one finds in Yogi Guptas books. Forone who might have had any lingering doubts as tothe effectiveness of the techniques, the transforma-tion of ones mien was the manifest result and thevisible outcome of practice.

    Just before I would bid farewell at the door toher flat, I would tender the minimal, symbolic feewhich she would receive at the end of each class.She would never accept a higher fee from anyone,including the more well-to-do. Since we were only ahandful of students and the sum for each lesson wasnegligible, she had told me that she would carefullyput these aside and every six months when a rea-sonable, albeit modest, amount had accumulated,she would send this to the Yogi Gupta New YorkCenter and it would be forwarded to KailashanandaMission in Rishikesh, India. Shiva Dularee had alsotold me that with each remittal she would send anaccompanying letter to Guru Jee, informing Himabout each one of her students and reporting ontheir progress.

    The week before Shiva Dularee entered Ma-hasamadhi, she gave me an envelope with my nameon it containing a letter which was apparently writ-ten in September 2013. This, I was unable to openuntil now. Her helper Janet, at the cemetery hadapproached me and reminded me that in accordancewith Shiva Dularees wishes, I should focus on com-pleting the law book which is one of the require-ments for the eligibility procedure for associate pro-fessorship. It would seem as though the time for theletter to see the light of day was destined to coincidewith the realisation of her wish for me to completethe law book which has just been published.

  • Letter from Shiva Dularee to her student, Mehmet Artemel,

    one week before her Mahasamadhi at age 99

    Finally, I must add a few words about her li-brary and copious notes on the philosophy of yogaand the teachings of Yogi Gupta. During the lastten years of her life when I had the privilege to beher student, she continually appeared to be compil-ing and working on her notes. She had most of thesenotes typed up and after having had them boundshe would hand over copies of these booklets to herstudents. She also gave me several books, includingthose by some of the Great Masters, together withsome handwritten notes, a number of which appearto have been taken during her practice with GuruJee, to whom a reference is given by her as YogiGupta (annexed to the end of this article).

    One of the aspects that I consider most valu-able in her notes is her non-discriminatory attitude

    towards all the faiths and creeds of the world. Hermanuscripts contain the teachings of the spiritualleaders of humanity without distinction of religionor race. This also, seems to me, to be a most timelyand precious message at a time when the world ap-pears to be racked by discord and division. Indeed,Yogi Guptas message to humanity, as conveyed byShiva Dularee, has special significance particularlyfor our day when the world is perhaps more thanever in need of peace and harmony.

    Om ShantiMehmet Nafi Artemel

  • Shiva Dularees notes on yogic breathing, p. 1

  • Shiva Dularees notes on yogic breathing, p. 2

  • Shiva Dularees notes on yogic breathing, p. 3

  • Shiva Dularees notes on yogic breathing, p. 4

  • Yoga and Nutrition

    Yogi Guptas diploma as Master of Nature TherapeuticsYoga Vendanta Forest Academy, July 3, 1953

    A Cancer PreventativeAnd More

    The pineapple, a bromeliad belonging to thefamily bromeliaceae, whose botanical name is ananascomosus, basically grows in tropical climates, e.g.,Costa Rica, Hawaii, Florida, Philipines, parts of In-dia, etc. There are many different types, with differ-ent sizes, colors of flesh, acidity and flavors; thoughflavor pretty much depends on the soil and one en-sures divine flavor by allowing the fruit to fully ma-ture on the plant before picking it. Aromatic, thepineapples healing and nutritional qualities and vi-tamins vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and manyunique trace minerals include bromelain, whichkeeps joints supple and destroys arthritis.

    But much more key is pineapples anti-cancerproperty that is preventative of this horrible karma,particularly when combined with cardamon fruit.In Yoga and Long Life, Chapter 7. Ayurveda:The Psychosomatic Medical System of the Indians,Gurujee says that the cure for cancer lies in pre-venting it by abstaining from pork and underdonemeat, along with daily intake of pineapple, honeyand cardomom. This is not hard to do as the fla-vor of pineapple and cardomom taken together isdelightful!

    Pineapple is also a great purifier of the liver andbalancer of the bile system. Once, I contracted hep-atitis B from exposure to raw sewage and Gurujeegave me a program of herbs (cardamom was one of

  • them) and the only food intake was sweet pineapplejuice for three days. I was completely cured, withthe pineapple juice and a green juice added for sixweeks as a follow up. The liver showed no damage.

    Cardamom is a member of the ginger family,zingiberaceae, with several important species: InAmerica or England only elettaria cardamomum (of-ficial) is commonly available. Growing natively inMalabar, India, elettaria cardamomum, whether cul-tivated or more wild-crafted, is also known as amo-mum cardamomum (from Sri Lanka). Bengal car-damom, amomum sublatum, grows in both whiteor black varieties; the oil has been used in medicinefor centuries. Hopefully further research will re-veal the climatic conditions needed for cardamom.Possibly it can grow in Florida or California.

    So exercise wisdom (jnana) and incorporate pine-apple and cardamom in your daily diet and be freefrom cancer!

    Hari Aum Tat Sat

    Swami Jnananand

    In the Gurus Kitchen

    Since Yogi Gupta was known as a raw foodsproponent and nature cure expert, how were thesevalues reflected in his own grocery shopping andfood preparation? I cannot say too much aboutwhat Guruji ate in India, but I can say either fromeither first or second hand something about his foodwhen he was in the urban environment of Manhat-tan later in life. I believe there are some lessonsfor us in this story, because everything that a YogaMaster does is an example for our benefit and whathe practised in his diet was also what he counselledeveryone to do.

    Like any Manhattanite, Guruji had the conve-nience of many grocery stores nearby, but his fa-vorite store, according to Tribeni Devi, was DAgo-stino. There was one on 57th steet and about 8thAvenue where Guruji often went. Tribeni said thatGuruji liked to go shopping there and select thefruits and vegetables himself, then have the storedeliver to his apartment. If you looked inside hisrefrigerator after a trip to DAgostino, you wouldsee all types of fresh vegetables and fruits lyingon the soft styrofoam packages that they were pur-chased in, but all other plastic wrapping had beenremoved. You would see salad greens: romaine let-tuce, boston lettuce, oak leaf lettuce, arugula, en-dive, watercress, scallions, spinach, kale, etc. Youwould see large beefsteak tomatoes as well as cherrytomatoes, green and red cabbage, cucumbers, redand green bell peppers, radishes, mushrooms, car-rots, celery, potatoes, beets and pearl onions. Othervegetables included brocoli, asparagus, and sweetpotatoes. The overall theme was freshness and va-riety.

    As far as fruits were concerned, you would seeall types of citrus: grapefruit, oranges, limes, etc.,grapes, and all types of berries, cherries and otherfruits in season, melons especially watermelon,and pineapple. Also in the refrigerator you mightsee fresh-squeezed juices: celery juice, carrot juice,orange juice and pineapple juice. On the kitchencounter you probably would see some bananas andavocados ripening. He regularly sprouted nuts andgrains; almond sprouts were one of his favorites. Idont think I ever saw anything cooked in his refrig-erator, except for one dairy product: some plain,

  • non-fat yogurt. Otherwise, it was all raw and vege-tarian.

    Yogi Guptas refrigerator looked a littlebit like this, but with more variety

    How did Guruji prepare his food?

    Guruji ate mostly raw food, but not all raw.He never fried food, but he did bake potatoes andalso had a pressure cooker to steam vegetables. Us-ing a pressure cooker instead of simple cooking potavoided loss of nutrition due to boiling. That said,according to Tribeni Devi he ate a salad and wa-termelon every day, and also drank raw juices everyday. Guruji also ate large quantities of raw garliccloves with his food, like it was candy, accordingto Krishna Das. I heard from both Krishna Dassand Tribeni Devi, who helped to prepare his food,that they had to be very careful to make sure hisfood was fresh and washed thoroughly before beingprepared.

    Gurujis kitchen was an excellent example ofadaptation to necessity. A raw foods yogi from the

    forests of the Himalayas, he could have stayed thereand enjoyed wild-crafted organic fruits and vegeta-bles, but he made the sacrifice of living in the bigcity so we could learn from his wisdom and followthe example that he set in his life including in hiskitchen.

    Mohan Dass

    Upcoming SeriesOn Sustainable Agriculture

    It sounds technical, advanced and difficult, butits not. Sustainable agriculture can range from assimple to as technical as fits your personal needs andspace. The phrase sustainable ag was coined byAustralian agricultural scientist Gordon McClymont.The idea refers to techniques that allow produc-tion of more food or animal by-products, with lesswaste and better health, helping to decrease worldpoverty and protect the environment. These agri-cultural principles encompass organisms and the en-vironment with regards to production of plant andanimal fibers. In an upcoming series of articles,well be exploring organic power and space-savinghydroponics: using no electricity, various types ofgardening methods, from city dwellers use of porchand patio to farmers cultivating acreage, naturalpest control, organic fertilizers and much more. Ar-ticles are written not only for educational purposesbut for fun. See ya next time.

    Happy gardening.William Shiva Dass Cadle

    Christmas Christ Mass

    We have now passed through the renewed en-ergy of the season of Advent, the birth of a newopportunity for awareness of truth and the real-ity of our purpose while incarnated here on Earth.Christs physical birthday is represented inthis Christ Mass, the practice of a ritual of purifi-cation and devotion, needed to cultivate the depthand eternity of God-Atman-Christ-Krishna withinus. The knowledge of this truth brings the PeaceThat Passeth All Understanding.

  • Jesus said, I am one of many brothers aline of enlightened souls brought to Earth to illumi-nate the path for those seeking God. We disciples ofYogi Gupta had the greatest example of inspirationin our Gurujee, a living Master, or brother of Christ.The example of Christs life was reflected in his dis-ciples after his physical death, and the preservationof his teachings of Love and Truth were broadlyexpanded through his disciples, giving opportunityto more of humanity to experience the Peace ThatPasseth All Understanding, Prosperity, and Bliss ofGod.

    In the same way Swami Kailashnananda tire-lessly translated and taught the Vedas to his disci-ples for 60 years, and, by having become one andinseparable with the Vedas, he directly transmittedTruth and Love of God to us by what the Christianscall the Holy Ghost or Spirit, which is the kineticand active movement of God on Earth. This HolyGhost is represented in the Vedas by Lord Siva theTransmuter the third tier of the Trinity Father,Son and Holy Ghost or Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.So now it is time for his disciples to give more oppor-tunity to humanity to take advantage of the humanbirth.

    Gurujee became more and more emphatic dur-ing his last several years that we must take advan-tage of the human birth. This is the only planeof existence in which one may find Self-Realization.Shraddha can help the soul of the departed evolvemore and be inspired to seek out a better, morespiritual human birth, but only in the human birthcan ones karmas for Self-Realization be fulfilled.

    Therefore, this Christmas and New Year, cel-ebrate your opportunity of human birth and gainknowledge of yoga to fulfill your God-given, Guru-given destiny for Self-Realization the best rem-edy to end all suffering and serve all humanity withGods Love.

    Aum Shanti Aum Swami Jnananand

    International Day of Yoga

    In December of 2014, the United Nations Gen-eral Assembly declared June 21 of each year to beInternational Yoga Day after a 3-month campaignby Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi to increaseglobal awareness of Yoga. In his September addressbefore the General Assembly he declared,

    Yoga is an invaluable gift of Indias ancienttradition. It embodies unity of mind and body;thought and action; restraint and fulfilment; har-mony between man and nature; a holistic approachto health and well-being. It is not about exercisebut to discover the sense of oneness with yourself,the world and the nature. By changing our lifestyleand creating consciousness, it can help us deal withclimate change. Let us work towards adopting anInternational Yoga Day.

    The UN declaration invites ...all Member andobserver States, the organizations of the United Na-tions system and other international and regionalorganizations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organizations and individuals, to ob-serve the International Day, in an appropriate man-ner and in accordance with national priorities, in or-der to raise awareness of the benefits of practisingyoga.

    In India, PM Modi has appointed a Ministerof Yoga and taken steps to incorporate yoga ed-ucation into Indias schools, hospitals, and policeacademies.

    What steps should we take in our own indi-vidual countries to increase yoga awareness? Howwould you like to remember International Yoga Daythis June 21st?

    YGS Accomplishments Last Year

    In December of 2013, YGS was incorporated as anon-profit, charitable and religious organization. InSeptember, 2014, YGS received IRS approval as a501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.YGS published seven issues of its newsletter in 2014.YGS continued to sell on e-book copiesof Yogi Guptas books, Yoga and Long Life andYoga and Yogic Powers. In October, 2014, YGS be-gan selling print copies of Yoga and Yogic Powerson facilitated Shradha and Navaratra requests toKailashanand Mission Trust (KMT) and updatedthe YGS website,, with revisedinstructions for sending requests for services to KMTin accordance with the information provided by KMTmanagement.

  • YGS Goals For This Year

    Continue newsletter publicationOpen a publications store on yogiguptasociety.orgto increase sales of Yogi Guptas books.Publish a print version of Yogi Guptas book, Yogaand Long LifePublish a biography of Yogi GuptaEstablish a Yoga Retreat Center in NYC

    YGS Longer Range Goals

    Expand the publication of works based on the teach-ings of Yogi Gupta, including books on Nature Cureand Psychic DevelopmentExpand NYC Yoga Retreat Center activitiesEstablish a Nature Cure Retreat Center outside ofNYCExpand ties with KMT in areas of Yoga and Astro-Divine servicesExpand ties with other organizations with sharedvalues

    Membership in the Yogi Gupta Society

    Yogi Gupta spent his time in America tire-lessly bringing better physical, mental and spiritualhealth to this country. Now the essential mandateof Yogi Gupta Society, Inc., a non-profit religious or-ganization incorporated in the State of Florida, is tofurther his aims by protecting, preserving and pro-moting the great yogic legacy of Yogi Gupta. Mem-bership is an opportunity for Seva (Selfless Serviceor Karma Yoga), to maintain the continuity of YogiGuptas teaching, to keep these teachings alive.

    Membership in the Yogi Gupta Society, Inc.,is open to all disciples, former students, devotees,patrons of Yogi Gupta and any other persons whosubscribe to its mission and purposes as stated inthe Articles of Incorporation. Further informationabout becoming a member can be found at

    Contacting Us

    Yogi Gupta Society, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Tax Exempt Religious Organization. YGSis a society of volunteers your contributions, com-ments, questions, feedback, or requests are welcome!To be on our emailing list, you can send us emailat [email protected]. Past newsletters arearchived here.

    Yogi Gupta in the 1950s

    Yogi Gupta Society Newsletter, Vol. 3 Issue 1
