Page 1: Yanco Public School Newsletter “The Ibis” · Hi everyone, last week the students had a hot couple of days. Students were lucky enough to be able to use the Little Learners room

2013 Term 2 Week 5 Principal: Timothy Allen

∇ 2018 ∇ T4 –W4 ∇ 08.11.18 ∇ Principal: Tarnya Grigg

Yanco Public School Newsletter

“The Ibis”

Main Avenue, Yanco NSW 2703

Phone: 02 6955 7162 Mobile: 0436 691 944

Fax: (02) 6955 7477

Email: [email protected]


Yanco Public School………..Towards a better world

Page 2: Yanco Public School Newsletter “The Ibis” · Hi everyone, last week the students had a hot couple of days. Students were lucky enough to be able to use the Little Learners room

Yanco Public School…….Towards a better world 1

In this edition

Principal’s News Yanco Splash Park Opening Page 2 Kindergarten Transition Page 2 Milo Cricket Page 2 School Photos Page 2 K/1/2 Excursion Page 2 School Swimming Program Page 3 Lost Property Page 3 No Hat No Play Page 3 Working Bee Page 3 Semester 2 Reports Page 3 School Uniform Page 3 Chaplain’s News Page 3 P. & C. News Page 3 Choir report Page 3 General Photos/Information Pg 4/5 Student Work Page 6 Student profiles Pgs 7/8 Term Calendar Page 9 Little Learners Report Page 10 Our Sponsors & Community Calendar Page 11

Feature Photo

Our Little Learners love being out and about in the

Yanco Public School Principal: Tarnya Grigg Phone: 02 6955 7162 Mobile: 0436 691 944 Fax: (02) 6955 7477 Email: [email protected] Website:

Towards a Better World

Yanco Public School Main Avenue

Yanco NSW 2703

Upcoming events Term 4, Week 4

Friday, 9th Nov Little Learners followed by Kindergarten Transition

Term 4, Week 5

Monday, 12th Nov Yanco Shop lunch orders available

Tuesday, 13th Nov School Photos taken Final Scripture

Thursday, 15th Nov Student Banking Canteen Meal Deal – Nyree Dunn

Friday, 16th Nov LAST Little Learners followed by Kindergarten Transition Cricket session

Sat 17th Nov Working Bee

P.B. Award Winners Weeks 3 and 4

Nikita Passlow & Ally Bourke

Page 3: Yanco Public School Newsletter “The Ibis” · Hi everyone, last week the students had a hot couple of days. Students were lucky enough to be able to use the Little Learners room

Yanco Public School…….Towards a better world 2

Principal’s News Dear Parents and Carers, To everyone who played a part in the organisation and running of Saturday’s Splash Pad Grand Opening I would like to thank you for your time and effort in making the morning such a wonderful experience. It was a fantastic morning with quite a good crowd of local residents and people who travelled for the event. The community of Yanco are lucky to have such a beautiful park. Thank you to the students of Yanco Public School for wearing your school uniform on Saturday, you represented and supported our school and community and this was fantastic to see. Well done to all of you! Thank you to the Yanco P and C members and Yanco Public School parents for assisting in running the P and C stall, it was a huge success! The donut wall, snow cones, fairy floss, ice creams, lolly bags and popcorn were all very popular with our customers. Thank you also to Mayor Mr Paul Maytom, Leeton Shire Council, the Yanco Lions Club, the Yanco Hall Committee and Milbrae Concrete. We hope to use the Splash Pad for our own school events-it will be a great way to cool down following next year’s YPS Cross Country!

Kindergarten Transition Tomorrow Kindergarten transition will commence their first full day of activities in the K.1.2 classroom. Kindergarten transition students will participate in two full days in the K.1.2 classroom for their final sessions for 2018 at Yanco Public School. A Kindergarten information session for Kindergarten 2019 will be held at the beginning of Term 1 in 2019, the date is yet to be confirmed. It has been a pleasure to have this year’s Kindergarten Transition students in our K.1.2 classroom they have enjoyed their time and a great deal of fun building friendships and learning new skills. We look forward to welcoming all of our new students and families to the K.1.2 classroom next year.

Our Little Learners picnic will commence at 12pm and conclude at 1pm. Family members of Little learners and K.1.2 students are invited to attend please bring a picnic lunch. Tea, coffee and sweets will be provided. Milo Cricket K-6 enjoyed participating in the Milo Cricket session today. Next week Milo Cricket will be held on Friday, November 16th 2018. Thank you to Luke Olsen for running the sessions and ensuring all of our students are involved in the activities. Students are reminded that they must have their school hat for sporting events or they will be asked to sit out of the activities. School Photos School photos will take place on Tuesday, November 13th 2018. Please ensure your child/ren are wearing their full school uniform and pack in a brush or comb to tidy their hair. This year photos will be taken by Cliff Dykes Photography. Information about ordering and prices is attached to this newsletter. It is a bit different to other systems, as parents are able to see the photo before placing an order, and you can also change the background. We have attached a copy of the family envelope - these DO need to be brought in on photo day, with money enclosed. If they don't have the envelope, then they assume they don't have permission to photograph the family K.1.2 Excursion On Monday, November 19th 2018 K.1.2 will attend an excursion to Altina Wildlife Park. A permission note will be sent home closer to the date. Whitton Murrami Public School will also attend on the same day.

Friday, 16th November – 12 till 1 pm.

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School Swimming Program Our 2018 Swim School program will take place in Week 8 and Week 9 of Term 4 for ten days. Please ensure your child has all the items they require for the upcoming two weeks. Please label all their items of clothing. Students must have their own towel, thongs, sunscreen and wear a rashie top with long sleeves where possible. No student will be allowed to participate without a rashie top. Lost Property There is a large amount of lost property at the school. If your child is missing anything the items are located in a tub next to the school bubblers. No Hat No Play All students are required to wear their school hat in the playground this term. Students may wear Riverina caps in the playground before school only, no other cap is to be worn at school as they do not offer enough protection. Students who do not have their school hat will not be able to participate in sport events and play on the oval or basketball court area at recess and lunch. Yanco Public School Working Bee A reminder that our Yanco Public School working bee will take place in the school garden on Saturday, November 17th 2018 from 8am-12pm. If you are able to attend please contact the Front Office. Please bring along your own gardening tools and gloves. Morning tea will be provided. Student Report Cards Semester Two student report cards will be sent home on Wednesday, December 12th 2018. Parent teacher interviews are not typically planned after the report cards go home however, if you wish to make arrangements to meet with your child’s teacher please contact the Front Office.

School Uniform The wearing of school uniform builds school pride and a sense of belonging in students. All items of clothing in the school uniform are available from the school office, which is open every day, except Friday. If any parents or carers are having difficulty purchasing items of school clothing, please contact the office.

Chaplain’s News Hi everyone, last week the students had a hot couple of days. Students were lucky enough to be able to use the Little Learners room and the 5/6 room to keep nice and cool. In the garden we had a chance to pull out some weeds and place some bark chips around the different gardens. Some students found different ways to keep themselves cool. This week it is lovely to see the rain making the garden grow and students trying to miss the many puddles around the school. Mrs Strachan

P. and C. News P & C Meeting General monthly meetings of the Yanco Public School P&C are held monthly after the Whole School Assemblies and open classrooms at 3.30pm. All parents and community members are invited to attend and join the P & C, which serves an important function within the school.

Choir Report

Can you believe Christmas is around the corner! We have begun learning our Christmas songs in Choir this term. You might hear your children singing songs like “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” or an Australian version of “Jingle Bells” around your house over the next few months! Students are having a lot of fun with these songs and I encourage them to listen and practice at home when they can. You can find these songs on YouTube by searching “I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas” and “Aussie Jingle Bells”. Students are also learning two songs “Young and Free” and “Extraordinary Strangers” that they will perform at the Remembrance Day service this weekend. A number of our students will perform solo and small group parts. What a fabulous opportunity.


School Banking Day Is THURSDAY


FREE service for all children aged 0-18 yrs. For an appointment call

1800 450 046



Page 5: Yanco Public School Newsletter “The Ibis” · Hi everyone, last week the students had a hot couple of days. Students were lucky enough to be able to use the Little Learners room

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Page 6: Yanco Public School Newsletter “The Ibis” · Hi everyone, last week the students had a hot couple of days. Students were lucky enough to be able to use the Little Learners room

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Page 7: Yanco Public School Newsletter “The Ibis” · Hi everyone, last week the students had a hot couple of days. Students were lucky enough to be able to use the Little Learners room

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Members of Stage 1/2 always like to share their special news and exciting events with their classmates. This term we have been recording and sharing our special events by writing recounts, in the form of diary entries, and writing letters and postcards. Recounts tell about something that has already happened, in the order in which the events took place. A recount must also tell the reader who was involved, when, and where it happened. Students have worked well to develop their understanding of writing in present and past tense for this unit of work. This week’s work sample comes from Cameron Miners, who wrote a postcard to Mrs Strachan, about his holiday experience of travelling to Melbourne with his dad to deliver goods in a truck. Cameron enjoys spending time with his dad driving trucks, and likes watching first hand all the processes involved in freighting goods

This term we have been learning to write ballad poetry. We were asked to select a topic and find 4 sets of rhyming words. We then began to write our story making sure to rhyme the second and

fourth lines. They were a lot of fun!

The fat cat sat on a rug Eating a Chocolate cake With a friendly bat And a very spikey rake Sucking on a rats head The fat cat spat the rat out Then the bat put the rake on a bail While the cat walked about Along came a cow He was looking for a meal He was walking in the fog But he had to make a deal The cat offered some hay But the stupid cow refused So the cat scratched his eyes out And the cow wasn't amused By Mia

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Page 9: Yanco Public School Newsletter “The Ibis” · Hi everyone, last week the students had a hot couple of days. Students were lucky enough to be able to use the Little Learners room

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4 Nov 5 Yanco Shop lunch orders

Nov 6

Nov 7 Canteen Meal Deal -TBC

Nov 8 School Banking Whole School Assembly P & C Meeting

Nov 9 Cricket for Sport Peace Project Little Learners followed by Kinder 2019 Transition

5 Nov 12 Yanco Shop lunch orders

Nov 13 SCHOOL PHOTOS Last Scripture

Nov 14

Nov 15 School Banking Canteen Meal Deal Nyree Dunn

Nov 16 Cricket for Sport LAST Little Learners Kinder 2019 Transition SATURDAY Nov 17 WORKING BEE at school


Nov 19 Yanco Shop lunch orders Altina Excursion – K/1/2

Nov 20

Nov 21 Canteen Meal Deal Helen Hopewell

Nov 22 School Banking

Nov 23 Cricket for Sport


Nov 26 Yanco Shop lunch orders

Nov 27 Nov 28 Nov 29 School Banking

Canteen Meal Deal TBC

Nov 30 Little Learners Kinder 2019 Transition

8 Dec 3 Yanco Shop lunch orders

Dec 4 Dec 5 Dec 6 Dec 7

9 Dec 10 Presentation Night Yanco Shop lunch orders

Dec 11 Dec 12 Dec 13 Canteen Meal Deal Nyree Dunn

Dec 14

10 Dec 17 Yanco Shop lunch orders Year 6 Farewell

Dec 18 Dec 19 Last day for students Lake Talbot- Narrandera

Dec 20 School Development Day

Dec 21 School Development Day

School Swimming

School Swimming

Borambola Excursion – Years 5 and 6

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Yanco Village Markets Yanco Community Hall Sunday, 25th November

Powerhouse Museum

Open Day Sunday, 25th November

Yanco Lions Club Meeting Yanco All-Servicemen’s Club

2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month @ 7pm



P.O. Box 23, Yanco

Ph: 02 6955 7106

Fax: 02 6955 7290


“We serve”

P.O. Box 750, Yanco Road,


Phone: 6953 2000 Fax: 6953 2772
