  • 7/29/2019 Xxxcj 38 Down Amongst the Dead Men


    Down amongst the Dead MenA Necromunda Scenario

    By Greg Smith and Charles Lister

    My gaming group had thegood fortune to be invited todemonstrate at the GamesDa'y L999, and for that event,Greg concocted rhe followingscenario - using ourcampaigns Escher Gang, aIarge amount of Zombies andsome really old Judge andAmbull (more on them later)figures. Although initiallydaunted by the wonderfuldisplay at the event, once wegot started it all seemed to gowell - especially as we werekindly supplied with rationsl!It was pleasantly surprisinghow many people wanderedover to see our little gameconsidering what else wasgoing on and due to the massinterest in the Ambulls, inparticular, I thought weshould write up the scenarioso others can have a go.The scenario depicts that inthe aftermath of a hivequake,

    the notorious Karloth Valoishas arisen from the Abyss witha horde of Plague Zombies towreak his revenge on theHive. Several settlements werequickly overwhelmed, thelucky ones being killed, theothers joining the increasingmass of walking dead. Only afew Adeptus Arbites manningthe remnants of checkpoint13 stood between Valois andhis hordes and the devastatedhivers.Outnumbered, the fewdefenders of Law fought hardagainst the shambling mass ofzombies, but Karloth had aace up his sleeve, he had beenbusy in the Abyss, and hadfound a ancient Warp Gate, ofunknown Province.It lead to the notorious worldof Luther Mclnttyre D( homeof the renowned Ambulls. Hispowers enabled him toinfluence several of the beasts

    which he now unleashed ontheJudges. The hungry andangryAmbulls made shortwork of several Judges and ifit had not been for the arrivalof a local gang, who hadrecognised the danger to theirown territory and families,they would have fallen toosoon. However, their arrivalmanaged to hold back thetide of horror long enoughfor additional reinforcemenrsto arrival and contain thezombies.This scenario, is in essence,quite simple, Karloth wants toslaughter all those who standin his path ofVengeance andthe Judges and Gang want tostop him dead - literally ifpossible.TERRAINThe defender(s) sets up theterrain as shown in the map,there should be line of


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    fencing, barbed wire,obstacles and the like to markthe defensive wall, and onelarge building to representthe remnants of theCheckpoint building.More buildings should beplaced at the rear of the tableto repfesent the outskirts ofthe settlement.GANGSThe Adeptus Arbites (]udges)set up first, in or within 6" ofthe checkpoint building, theBike is not moving at the startof the Game.Karloth Valios, an Ambull and2D6+6 Zombies enter on thefirst turn.The Gang Members arrive ontheir first turn.Additionally, Karloth's playershould roll 1d6 at the start ofeach of his turns - that manyadditional Plague Zombiesarrive and enter on his tableedge. As long as Karloth isnot Out of Play this roII ismade - even if he is down.Once he is Out of Play nomore Zombies arrive.STARTING THE GAMEKarloth takes the first tumand enters with his horde ofZombies and one Ambull,anl"where along his tableedge, moving as normal, heandlor the Ambull canrun/charge if they wish,

    subject to normal rules.Plague Zombies move 2D6" inthe normal fashion, unless ofcourse they start within 9" ofIkrloth, when they roll 3D6"and pick the two dice for theirmove distance.The Judges take the secondturn and the Gang move ontothe table (same rules asabove) at the same time. Forthe purposes of this scenario.theJudges and Gang take thesalne tufn.ENDING THE GAMEIf the Judges are all killed (ordown) and the Gang hasBottled (or all dead/down),the games ends, similady ifFrarloth and all his minionsare destroyed (unlikely).Otherwise the game endswhen both players have takeneight turns, when Adeptusreinforcements arrive.

    EXPERIENCEThe usual experience awardsapply:*d6 survives,*5 pe r wounding hit,* 10 to Gang Leader if meetsobjectives (see below).In addition the followingawards are made.t5 for surviving h-to-hcombal with a Ambull (perround),* L0 for killing an Ambull.oBJECTNTESThe Gang leader needs tostop the Zombies and in thebest case, keep at least oneJudge alive to reap therewards. Should at least oneJudge be alive AND the gangdid not bottle out thedefending leader receives *15Experience and may haveeither Watchmen Status (seeOutlanders p8) or anadditional territory of hischoice.Should the Gang NOT bottleout but the Judges are allkilled (not just down) theleader gains +10 experienceand a *2 modifier on theOutlaw table (for next 2d6games) or 2d6x10 creditsreward.Should the Gang Bottle Outthere is no additionalrewards.

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    There is no experience forKarloth or his horde - but ir isreward enough to watch themshamble menacing across,consuming all in their path.SPECIAL RULESYou will not be surprised tofind that there are lots ofthse!1. KadothRules for Karloth and PlagueZombies can be found onpage 80 andi8, respectively,of Outlanders.2. AmbullsNatives of the dangerously hotpolar rock deserts of LutherMclntyre D( attempts atdomestication have resultedin them being found on manyplanets in the Imperium. Theyhave huge barrel chestedbodies and ape like stance.Both the legs and the armsend in iron hard claws used

    for tunnelling through thesoft stone that covers theirnative land. Ambulls pursueCrawlers and other creatursthrough the tunnels and theirhuge laws are used to grabtheir prey from the looserubble. They adapt well tomost environments and willeat all manner of livingcreatures.M W S B S S T W I A L d6 5 0 5 5 3 5 3 8Ambulls are huge ferociouscreatufes that cause Fear anddue to their size and powerdo not suffer from pinning.As they have Strength 5,opposing armour rolls are at-2 to save.3. TheJudgesThe Adeptus presence at theCheckpoint is represented byseveral Judges, one of whichis a patrol judge on a bike.None oftheJudges have totake ammo rolls as theirequipment is well maintainedand supplied. The SanctionedPsyker does not have to makeroll on the Perils of the Warptable if he rolls a 2 ot ^ L2,but her powers are thenexhausted for the rest of thegame - on a roll of 2 thepower can be used as normalfor that attack.Judges (Adeptus Arbites)M W S B S S T W I A L d

    4 4 3 r 4 1 a

    Standard Equipmentr BoltPistol, Boot Knife, equivalentof Carapace armour (4f).Standard Skills: True Grit.In addition: The two StreetJudges, Joe and Armitage,have Crack Shot, Rapid Fire(Bolt Pisrol) and the IronJawskill (o r chin).The Sanctioned Psyker, (orPsi-Judge)Cassie,has Doclge,Step Aside and the Psychicpowers: Mental Assault,Mental Strength and ZenShootistThe PatrolJudge is on a Bike(See Gang War 1 for rules,what do you mean youhaven't got it?) which has aautocannon on a centerlinemount (ffxed forward 90o arc)and he is additionallyequipped with a shorgun wirhSolid, Scatter, Hotshot andBolt ammunition.Note: As you may have noted,these rules are NOT thoseofficially created for theAdeptus, (as seen in Batdes inthe Underhive). We wereusing our old Judge Dredfigures - and these rules takeaccount of that - should youwish to use the "standard"Adeptus rules you may wishto increase the horde andlornot use the gang. onerationale (if you need it) isthat these are actuallyauxiliaries recruited from theHive - hence the sanctionedpsyker- to help bring theImperial Law to the lowerdepths of the Underhive - orlike us you can use thembecause they were what wehave and they looked good.In the same way you maynotice, if the photos comeout, that we used Kaleb Darkfor Karloth - for the samereasons.4. GeneralBetween the horde, thecheckpoint and thesettlements beyond is a

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    defensive ferrceAlarriel tmi:rture of formerly poweredfence (now off-line), barbedand razor wire and the like.There is only a small entrancegap as depicted on the map.A figure that starts theirmovement turn in contactv/ith the barrier/fence mayspend all their movement toclamber over/through. Thefence/barrier provides coveras normal. (-1 to hit if firingthrough, negated if standingagainst it.)ADDITIONALLYWhen we played it at theGames Day we found that theJudges were overwhelmed a

    bit too quickly as we had fwoAmbulls and the Gang did notarrive until turn t!vo. Thismeant that, after a shon andvery brutal fight in thecheckpoint building, theJudges were slaughtered,leaving the Gang alone tofight the horde - which was ageat fight - but somewhatworrying for me running myEscher Hell-Kats!!I lost a juve and a Ganger(and counted myself lucky),but Callisto with her swordsonce again cut a swathethrough the Zombies -swords have OFTEN been alife saver against Zombies -literally - though not for my

    departed (and consumedheavy).The scenario outline abovchas a few changes to reflectthis. but if you do no thinkthis a big enough challenge tothe gang - by all means giveKarloth an extra Ambullandlor say that ifhe rolls a 6for Zombies he gets anAmbull instead (not as well asthe Zombies!).One of the highlights ofsubsequent testing was theexploits in hand to hand ofthe PSI-Judge Cassie - whotook out 8 Zombies in thecourse of the game andsurvived with not a scratch.

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    T'tredsfio (Map by tbe autbor)


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    This feat was only outdone(posthumously) by theunknown bounty hunterhired by the Shadows (aDeiaque gang) who fought aAmbull for THREE rounds ofhand-to-hand combat,wounding it once, beforesuccumbing to its claws.Once he fell - so did half thcgang - a warning to thosewho want to take onAmbulls!!

