
(Customs and festivals) (Unit 4) (Higher) (Unit 4) (Theme 1)

Spread title

Main grammar point

Subsidiary grammar point

Main strategy


4.1 F Hurra! Die Tradition ist da! (Talking about customs and traditions)

Using adjectives as nouns

The names of countries and places

Paraphrasing when speaking


4.1 H Bruche braucht das Land (Talking more about customs and traditions in German-speaking countries)

Revising the verb as second idea in the sentence

Using weak masculine nouns

Using infinitives as nouns


4.2 F Das muss gefeiert werden! (Learning about more festivals in German-speaking countries)

Revising the perfect tense II

Describing past events and saying what you thought of them

Different ways of saying the same thing


4.2 H Feste feiern, wie sie fallen (Finding out more about traditions in German-speaking countries)

Using personal pronouns

Revising word order with time manner place

Using the context when listening


4.1 F Hurra! Die Tradition ist da!

Spread number and level

4.1 Foundation (pages 64-65)

Language covered

Talking about customs and traditions

AQA Theme

Identity and culture


Customs and festivals

Main grammar point

Using adjectives as nouns

Subsidiary grammar point

Learning about the names of countries and places


Paraphrasing when speaking


Pages 7475

Bilingual vocabulary list (Word) for Unit 4

Unit 4 vocabulary builder

Audio files and transcripts

Activity 3 (listening)

Activity 3 transcript

Vocab audio file (mp3) 4.1 F Hurra! Die Tradition ist da!

Extra material

Using adjectives as nouns grammar worksheet

Using adjectives as nouns grammar interactive activity

Finding another word when speaking strategy worksheet

Starter activity

As a class, students brainstorm all of the customs and festivals in German that they can remember. Make a list of these. Then ask students to give the date in German for each of the festivals, where possible, e.g. Silvester = der 31 Dezember and to make a list of festivals/customs where the date changes. Are there any festivals where the day is different in Germany to Britain?

1 Lies die Texte. Welche vier Aussagen sind richtig?

Students read through the texts again and then note down which of statements 18 are correct. Depending on the ability of the class, you may want to ask them to correct the false statements. Once students have completed this activity, ask them to read through the Grammatik box on using adjectives as nouns and to point out any examples of these in the texts.


True sentences: 1, 4, 5, 7

Using adjectives as nouns

This can be found in the grammar section on page 181.

Students will encounter a variety of adjectives used as nouns throughout the reading and listening stimuli, often referring to people. They will also need to be confident in using these correctly in their own spoken and written work.

Also refer students to the associated grammar worksheet and interactive activity which can be found on Kerboodle.

2a Write the adjectival nouns using the basic adjective given in brackets.

Work through the Grammatik box with students before they attempt this activity. Pay particular attention to the endings needed for each case and, if necessary, go though some additional examples as a class.


1 der Alte 2 eine Alte 3 die Fremden 4 der Kranke 5 der Reiche 6 der Blinde 7 die Arme 8 meine Liebe 9 die Jugendlichen 10 die Erwachsenen

2b Add the correct ending to the adjectival nouns.

Refer students back to the table in the Grammatik box for support. Encourage more able classes to write additional sentences of their own using adjectives as nouns in different cases.


1 die Deutschen 2 den Deutschen 3 Mein Bekannter 4 Unsere Bekannten

3 Listen to Mike and Marta discussing their favourite traditions and read the statements. Are the statements true (R), false (F) or not in the text (NT)?

Once students have completed this activity, go through the answers as a class. Ask students to correct any false sentences, either orally or by writing the correct answer. The transcript for this activity can be found on Kerboodle associated with spread 4.1 F. It can be used a as model for students own writing.


1 R 2 R 3 F 4 F 5 R 6 F 7 NT 8 R 9 F 10 R

4 Partnerarbeit. Sieh das Bild an und mach Notizen. Wechselt euch ab, die Fragen zu stellen und zu beantworten.

Students work with a partner to ask and answer the questions about the picture. Refer them first to the Strategie box which offers useful advice on finding alternative words to convey meaning when speaking. Ask volunteers to perform their questions and answers in front of the class. This is ideal practice for the Controlled Speaking Assessment.

Paraphrasing when speaking

See activity 4. This strategy offers useful advice that students can put into practice in activity 4 and other speaking activities and tests throughout the course.

For extra practice, refer students to the associated strategy worksheet which can be found on Kerboodle.

5 Du schreibst eine E-Mail an deinen deutschen Onkel. Schreib ungefhr 40 Wrter ber die Themen.

Students choose one of the topics listed and write an email of about 40 words to their German uncle on this topic. Encourage them to refer back to the vocabulary and grammar in the spread for ideas and support. This is ideal practice for the Controlled Writing Assessment.

6 Translate the paragraph into English.

Once students have completed their translation, encourage them to read it through to check that they have conveyed the meaning in natural sounding English.


On 1st May I did the traditional walk in the woods with my family. It was a sunny day and at lunchtime we had our picnic next to a lake. I think its great to eat in the open air.

7 Translate the sentences into German.

Encourage students to refer back to the reading stimulus for support. Remind them to check their spelling and grammar carefully and to refer to the Grammatik box for support if necessary.


1 Meine Lieblingstradition ist Halloween, weil wir eine groe Party haben.

2 Machst du am Maifeiertag eine Wanderung?

3 Ich hoffe, das Wetter wird schn sein. / Hoffentlich wird das Wetter schn sein.

4 Wir mchten im Wald picknicken / ein Picknick machen.

5 Leztes Jahr regnete es / hat es geregnet, und es war sehr kalt.

4.1 H Bruche braucht das Land

Spread number and level

4.1 Higher (pages 66-67)

Language covered

Talking more about customs and traditions in German-speaking countries

AQA Theme

Identity and culture


Customs and festivals

Main grammar point

Revising the verb as second idea in the sentence

Subsidiary grammar point

Using weak masculine nouns


Using infinitives as nouns


Pages 7475

Bilingual vocabulary list (Word) for Unit 4

Unit 4 vocabulary builder

Audio files and transcripts

Activity 2 (listening)

Activity 2 (transcript)

Vocab audio file (mp3) 4.1 H Bruche braucht das Land

Extra material

Revising the verb as second idea in the sentence grammar worksheet

Revising the verb as second idea in the sentence grammar interactive activity

Using infinitives as nouns strategy worksheet

Starter activity

Introduce students to key words for festivals in Germany with which they may not be culturally familiar. Give them pairs of words to try to match, either by guessing or by using prior knowledge or logic. These could be German and English words for festivals to pair up, or the months of the year in German with festivals (e.g. Karneval, Rosenmontag, Weihnachten, Heiligabend, etc.) to assign to them. Discuss their findings.

1 Lies diesen Text ber eine deutsche Tradition und beantworte die Fragen auf Deutsch.

Students read the text about German traditions and answer the questions in German. Before they answer the questions, refer them to the Strategie box and ask them to complete the challenge.


1 Man kann die Zukunft vorhersagen.

2 Blei ist hochgiftig / Zinn schmilzt leichter / Zinn ist sicherer / nicht gefhrlich

3 Eine Kerze, einen Lffel und eine Schssel mit Wasser

4 ber einer Kerze oder einem Bunsenbrenner

5 Um das Metall abzukhlen. / Das Metall khlt im Wasser ab.

6 Man deutet die Formen.

Using infinitives as nouns

See activity 1. This strategy will help students to boost their vocabulary.

For extra practice, refer students to the associated strategy worksheet which can be found on Kerboodle.

2 Hr dir den Anfang dieses Mrchens an. Welche vier Aussagen sind richtig?

Students listen to the beginning of the story and choose the four correct statements. The transcript for this activity can be found on Kerboodle associated with spread 4.1 H.


Correct statements: 2, 6, 7, 8

Revising the verb as second idea in the sentence

This can be found in the grammar section on page 189.

This rule is fundamental to writing and understanding German. Students need to understand this. If necessary, work through further examples to ens
