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World War LoomsWorld War Looms

Section 1 – Dictators Threaten World Peace

Section 2 – War in Europe

Section 3 – The Holocaust

Section 4 – America Moves Toward War

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Section 1Section 1

Dictators Threaten

World Peace

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Soviet Union – Joseph Stalin Italy – Benito Mussolini Germany – Adolf Hitler Japan – Nationalistic Military Leaders Spain – Francisco Franco

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Did away with private businesses– “collectives” = huge state-owned farms

Made Soviet Union a leading industrial power

Everything controlled by the state Totalitarian government – individuals have

no rights… opposition is silenced!

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Fascism – strong, central government with a dictator– Grows from extreme nationalism

Il Duce = “the leader” Very charismatic leader

– “Italy wants peace, work, and calm. I will give these things with love if possible, with force if necessary.”

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Nazism – German “brand” of fascism Germans were the “master race” Germany needed to expand…

– Combined extreme nationalism, racism, and expansionism

Chancellor in 1933 Creates the Third Reich

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Military leaders take over Want more land and resources Attack Manchuria in 1931

– Protested by the League of Nations– Japan leaves league… keeps Manchuria

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League of Nations

Established after WWI to prevent aggressive acts ~ such as Japan’s

Had to have unanimous consent on actions… any nation could veto over League judgments

Basically gave aggressive nations a “slap on the wrist” and opened the door to BIG PROBLEMS!

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Hitler & Mussolini

Watched closely at how the League dealt with Japan

Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles– Puts troops in the Rhineland– Rebuilds army

Mussolini takes over Ethiopia

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Fascist general Led rebellion – overthrew elected

government in 1939 Supported by Hitler and Mussolini

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Isolationism in the US

Anti-war rallies held Neutrality Acts passed FDR seemed to want to help… but stepped

down in his effort due to criticism

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Section 2Section 2

War in


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Hitler Expands

Wants to Annex Austria and Czechoslovakia– Favored by Germans

1938 – march into Austria unopposed Makes accusations toward the Czechs Focuses on the Sudetenland

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Munich Pact

France and Britain – defend Czechoslovakia

September 1938 – French, British, and German leaders sign– Gives Germany the Sudetenland– Hitler’s “promise”

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“Peace with Honor”

Neville Chamberlain – British prime minister– Signed Munich Pact

Winston Churchill… Pact was dishonorable appeasement– Pacifying the aggressor– Predicted appeasement would…

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March 1939 – Hitler conquers Czechoslovakia

Accuses Poland– Hitler is very brave

Nonaggression pact with Soviet Union– Hitler and Stalin’s secret

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Lightning War September 1, 1939 – Hitler attacks Poland

– Fell in a month

Britain and France declare war on Germany– “phony war”

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The Soviet Union

Attack Poland from the east as Germany is attacking from the west

While phony war is going on…– Stalin takes back regions lost in WWI

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Spring 1940

April – Hitler invades Denmark and Norway

May – takes the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg

Also in May – attacks France unsuspectingly in the North– Britain rescues 90% of Allied troops

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Italy joins Germany

Attack France from the south June 1940 – France surrenders

– Germany controls north– Vichy government controls south

Charles de Gaulle – French general exiled in England– Makes promise

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Invasion on Britain

Air raids over England Entire month of August 1940 RAF – defend using radar Called Battle of Britain Winston Churchill – new Prime Minister

– Rallies British

Hitler gives up

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Section 3Section 3



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Hitler wants to make Germany “racially” pure– Orders all non-Aryans out of government jobs

Begins the Holocaust– Systematic murder of over 11 million people

across Europe– Anti-Semitism – hatred of Jews

• Long history in Europe• Scapegoats

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Hitler vs. the Jews

Persecution increased No civil rights Yellow stars of David

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November 9 – 10, 1938 “crystal night” Organized, violent persecution Nazi storm troopers attack and arrest Jews

– Homes– Businesses– Synagogues

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Jews seek refuge

Flee Germany Nazis favor this Other countries did not accept refugees US allows some, but we have strict

immigration quotas – American anti-Semitism– Fear for jobs

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Final Solution

1939 – only ¼ million Jews left in Germany… other countries have millions

Ultimate goal – Genocide “Enemies of the state” – arrested

– Condemned to slavery and death– Not just Jews… political opponents as well as

• Gypsies, Freemasons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, the disabled, & terminally ill

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Jewish Ghettos

Segregated Jewish areas Sealed off Forced to work in German factories Many starved Despite brutal conditions… Jews hung on

– Made attempts of keeping life “normal”

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Final Stage

Jews sent to concentration camps– Suffered terribly

1941 – six death camps built in Poland– Gas chambers… kill 12,000 a day– Doctors separated on arrival– Crematoriums built– Not all were gassed to death

6 million Jews died

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Section 4Section 4

America Moves

Toward War

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US Neutrality

Neutrality Acts – US not allowed to enter war in Europe– FDR suggests “cash and carry”

New Neutrality Act passed in November 1939

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The Axis Powers

1940 – Germany, Italy, and Japan sign mutual defense treaty

US goes to war with one… all 3 fight– US would have war on two fronts

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US prepares

FDR prepares– Supports Britain yet…– Assures people US will stay out of war

Congress increases national defense spending

Passes first peacetime draft Sept. 1940 FDR elected to a 3rd term

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Lend-Lease Act

FDR tells US people – cannot watch Hitler conquer the world

US – “the great arsenal of democracy” FDR suggests lending or leasing arms to

any nation “whose defense was vital to the United States”

Passed in March 1941

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Germany keeps going

Invades Soviet Union– US give lend-lease support to Soviets

U-boats attack ships in the Atlantic June 1941 – FDR US Navy protects ships US warships allowed to defend selves

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US plans for war

Secret meeting – August 1941 Atlantic Charter signed 26 nations later sign similar agreement Become ALLIES

– United to fight Germany, Italy, and Japan

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War Inevitable

Sept. 4, 1941 – U-boat fires on US merchant ship

FDR orders US Navy to fire on sight of U-boats

U-boats sink several US ships Senate allows arming of merchant ships

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December 7, 1941 Main US naval base attacked by Japan US Pacific fleet crippled

– Planes and ships destroyed– 2400 people killed

FDR realizes US will fight on two fronts– Dec. 8th – Congress declares war on Japan– Germany and Italy declare war on US

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Japan Strikes

Japan seizes Asian territory Invades Indochina – US cuts off trade

– Japan needs US oil

Hideki Tojo – Japan’s prime minister– Starts peace talks… prepares for war

Secret codes deciphered– US knows Japan will strike – but where?