Page 1: WWI - WWII The Between Years Lenin & Stalin...Stalin won the power struggle, and to solidify his power he _____ Trotsky from the Soviet Union in 1929. In 1940 Stalin sent an assassin

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WWI - WWII The Between Years

Lenin & Stalin

Lenin Rules Russia

Leaving WWI

Once in power, Lenin signed a peace treaty with _____________ that withdrew Russia from

WWI, and briefly gave Germany vast amounts of Russian _______.

Russian Civil War

The Russian Civil War (1918 – 1921) was between the Communists (_______), and those

loyal to the Czar (__________), who wanted to keep their ________.

To crush the Whites, Lenin ordered the ________________ of the Czar and his family. Soon

after, _______________ led the Red army to victory.

One Party Government (one party = dictatorship)

Instead of giving the people power, Lenin ruled as a


The ____________ party became the only party, and the _______,

Lenin’s secret police, violently enforced his will.

Just like the Czars before him, anyone who opposed Lenin was


Power Struggle

Lenin’s death in 1922 caused a _________________ between Red

Army leader Leon Trotsky and Joseph ________, another popular

young Communist leader.

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Stalin won the power struggle, and to solidify his power he ______________ Trotsky from the

Soviet Union in 1929.

In 1940 Stalin sent an assassin to find and kill Trotsky. The assassin entered Trotsky’s home

in Mexico and murdered him with an ______________.

Stalin’s Soviet Union Reign of Terror

Stalin set up a ______________________ state to maintain his power, and ruled through

terror and brutality.

Totalitarianism -

___________ replaced religion in the USSR. Christians and Jews were killed or exiled,

churches were _________________ or turned into offices, and the ________ was illegal.

Portraits of Lenin and Stalin replaced religious ___________, and schools were told to teach

against the belief in _________.

In the 1930s Stalin launched several __________ in which

thousands were accused of crimes against the


Those accused were given public _____________

_____________ in Moscow, and then executed or sent to

forced labor camps known as __________, where

few survived.

Historians estimate that during Stalin’s reign

somewhere between ___________ million people

died in the Gulags.

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The Rise of Hitler

Hitler’s Early Years

Young Hitler

Although the future dictator of Germany, Adolf Hitler was born in

______________. Hitler had no siblings and both his parents died at a

young age.

Hitler wanted to become an ________, but he twice failed the entrance

exam into the Fine Arts Academy of Vienna. This enraged Hitler, and he

used the Jews as a _______________ claiming they controlled


Hitler later moved to _________________ and fought for the Kaiser in WWI. A decorated

soldier, Hitler suffered temporary blindness due to a _______ attack.

Hitler loved Germany and could not accept defeat. He hated Germany’s new

__________________ Republic for signing the humiliating Treaty of Versailles.

Hitler Leads the Nazis Nazi Fascism

In 1919 Hitler joined the ____________, a small fascist group (National Socialist German

Workers’ Party).

Fascism -.

Both Hitler and ______________, Italy’s fascist dictator, felt

democracy was weak because it put individual rights above

national goals. Both also believed in creating an imperial

______________ and crushing communism.

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Hitler was an intense, energetic, and motivating public _____________. These talents

quickly elevated Hitler to become the leader of the Nazi party. As leader Hitler perfected Nazi

ideology, and introduced symbols such as the __________ and the Nazi flag.

Hitler organized the Nazis into squads known as _____________________ who fought

against political enemies, such as the ________________________.

Beer Hall Putsch

Anxious for power, in 1923 Hitler led a takeover of a government meeting

at a Munich _________________.

Unfortunately for Hitler, the ___________ surrounded the beer hall, killed

several Nazis and ended his failed revolution.

Hitler was sentenced to prison, but because of a sympathetic judge he would spend less than

a _____ behind bars. During this time Hitler wrote __________.

Hitler’s Ideology

Mein Kampf

Mein Kampf (___________________) became the Nazi bible and a

German best seller. The book gives Hitler’s ideology of extreme

nationalism, racism, and ___________________.

Hitler believed that Jews were inferior and that Germans belonged

to a superior master race of ___________, or light -skinned

northern Europeans.

Hitler also argued that Germany needed to gain ____________________, or “living space” in

the east by conquering and then inhabiting the racially inferior countries of Poland and


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Hitler also argued that the German military did not lose WWI but was _________________

by corrupt politicians, communists, and Jews.

Hitler’s dramatic failed putsch and new book made him _______________, and upon leaving

prison he gained many followers among veterans and those frustrated with the Weimar


Winning the Masses

The Great Depression

Extreme _______________________ during the Great Depression caused Nazi membership

to grow. Hitler’s message of ending the Versailles _____________, job creation, militarism

and nationalism appealed to many.

With the democratic Weimar government weak and divided, the Nazis continued to win more

and more seats in the German legislature, known as the ________.

Hitler Appointed Chancellor

Because the Great Depression increased Nazi representation in the Reichstag, Hitler was

appointed ___________________ in January 1933.

However, Hitler did not have total control. Power in Germany was split ______ ways

between the chancellor, the Reichstag, and President Hindenburg. There was also the

________, which currently favored Hindenburg and the Reichstag, but not Hitler.

Path to Dictatorship

Step 1: The Reichstag Fire

The Reichstag building was mysteriously set ___________ less than

a month after Hitler was appointed chancellor.

Hitler convinced citizens that ___________________ were the

arsons, and had them banned from the Reichstag. However, today

historians believe ________ did it.

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Step 2: The Enabling Act

____________ then erupted in the streets between Nazi Brownshirts and German

communists. Property was destroyed and ___________ reigned.

Hoping to restore order and prevent a communist takeover the Reichstag agreed to the

_________________________ which gave Hitler power to single-handedly pass emergency

_________ for four years.

With the power to make his own laws Hitler threw out the democratic

constitution, banned other political parties, ____________ the media,

and spread Nazi ___________.

Those who protested the takeover were sent to concentration camps

by the _______________, a branch of Hitler’s SS (special security)

that carried out his brutality within Germany.

Step 3: Winning the Army

The _________ still did not support Hitler because they often fought with his Brownshirts, and

viewed them as competition.

To win over the army, in June of 1934 Hitler ordered the killing of nearly 500 Brownshirt

leaders on what was dubbed the “__________________________.” Army generals were now

pleased and supported Hitler.

Step 4: Der Fuhrer

President Hindenburg was Hitler’s last obstacle in the way of a

total __________________, but in August 1934 the aging

Hindenburg died.

With Hindenburg gone, Hitler declared himself “_______” or

ultimate leader of Germany. A _________________ was held and

the Germans voted in favor of having Hitler as Fuhrer.

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Hitler’s Rise to Power



______________ (Power split three ways)


(Communists blamed, street fights, chaos)

___________ ACT

(Only Nazi party allowed, censorship, Reichstag powerless)


_________ - army now supports him)


_____________ (All opposition



__________ (Dictatorship


How Did Hitler Become a Dictator?

Harsh Versailles


Great Depression

Strong Leadership

Weak Weimar


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The Road to World War II

Disturbing the Peace

After WWI, the _____________________________ of the 1930s brought chaos and

unemployment to Europe, which led to the rise of authoritarian dictators. ________

totalitarian regimes in Italy and Germany threatened to end the peace in Europe, while

aggressive ______________ militarism caused tension in Asia.

Japanese Aggression

Since the _______ Restoration Japan had been growing more nationalistic,

militaristic, and imperialistic. A military government controlled Japan, and it

desired a vast Asian ___________.

To attain this imperial goal Japan conquered _____________ in

1931. The League of Nations, which was formed to keep the peace

after WWI, merely condemned the aggression and took no

_________ against Japan.

Japan then conquered much of eastern __________ in 1937, brutally killing thousands in

what became known as the “________ of Nanking.” Again, the League of Nations did

nothing but protest.

Italian Aggression

Like Japan, fascist Italy was also militaristic, nationalistic, and had

dreams of an empire. Mussolini used his modern military to conquer

______________ in 1935.

Ethiopia appealed to the League of Nations for help, but the league

merely responded with _________________, or economic penalties,

against Italy. The sanctions were never _______________, and by 1936 Mussolini fully

controlled Ethiopia.

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Hitler’s Militarism

Seeking his own empire, Hitler rebuilt the German

________________. This violated the Treaty of Versailles, but once

again the League of Nations did nothing.

With a stronger military, in 1936 Hitler ordered troops to occupy the demilitarized

___________________, a region the Treaty of Versailles forbade German troops from

entering. Yet again, the League of Nations took no action.

Hitler challenged Britain and France and won. Although

they denounced Hitler’s moves with ___________, the

western powers took no action, adopting a policy of


Appeasement –.

Appeasement convinced Hitler that Britain and France were weak, which ________________

him to continue to break the Treaty of Versailles and further expand the Third Reich.

Overjoyed with their victory, the German public _____ behind their triumphant Fuhrer.

Why Choose Appeasement?

Lack of Strong


Great _____________


____________ – Against all War

Hitler was a Defense

against ____________

Some _______ with Hitler

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The Axis Powers

In the face of appeasement weakness, in 1936 Italy, Germany, and Japan formed the

_______ alliance and agreed to allow each other to pursue their own empires and combat

Soviet communism.

Both Germany and Italy sent troops to ___________ to help fascist General Francisco

____________ gain power in the Spanish Civil War. During the action, Germany

experimented with its new planes and tanks, and Hitler was encouraged with the effective


German Expansion

1. Austria Annexed

Hitler’s next goal was to unite _________ with Germany. Hitler

was popular in his native country, and many Austrians wanted to

be part of the German _________.

In 1938 Hitler forced the Austrian chancellor to put the Nazis in

power. When the chancellor refused, Hitler sent the German army

into Austria and _________________ the critics. Hitler again

broke the Versailles treaty, but the western powers did nothing.

2. Czechoslovakia

With Austria taken, in 1938 Hitler demanded the ________________________, which was

the western portion of Czechoslovakia that was mostly inhabited by Germans.

Hitler and Nazi propaganda leader Josef Goebbels fabricated stories of ___________ against

Germans living in the Sudetenland. To discuss the matter and avert war, the leaders of

Britain and France agreed to meet Hitler in _____________.

Fearing war, Britain and France _______________ Hitler at the

____________________________ and convinced

Czechoslovakia to give him the Sudetenland. With the

Sudetenland now part of the Third Reich, Hitler _______ he

would never again ask for more land.

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Shortly after Hitler was given the Sudetenland he broke the Munich agreement and ordered

his troops to also occupy the Czechoslovakian provinces of _____________ and


Hitler then made ____________ a Nazi puppet state, which put the whole country of

Czechoslovakia under Nazi domination. Again, Britain and France did nothing to combat

Hitler’s aggression and ______.

3. The Polish Corridor

With Austria and Czechoslovakia in Nazi hands, Hitler turned east to Poland to attain his

quest for lebensraum. In 1939 Hitler demanded Poland give him the

____________________________, which was land that had been taken away after World

War I.

_________________ Hitler proved to be horribly unsuccessful, so Britain and France vowed

to ________________ Poland’s freedom and uphold the Treaty of Versailles, even if it meant

war with Nazi Germany.

With war on the horizon, both Britain and Nazi Germany worked to

gain an alliance with the __________. In 1939 Hitler announced to

the world a ____________________ pact with the Soviet Union.

Hitler had secretly promised Stalin that they would split


Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union invaded Poland only one week after

their pact was formed, and defeated the weaker country in less than a

_________. Britain and France responded by declaring ______ on

Germany, thus beginning World War II.

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_______________ (Manchuria, China, & Ethiopia taken)


(Against Versailles;



_____________ (Against

Versailles; Appeasement)

HITLER TAKES ___________

(Against Versailles; Appeasement)

HITLER TAKES _________________

(Appeasement is a total failure at Munich)


CONQUERS ___________ (Splits Poland with Stalin –

Britain & France Declare war)

How Did World War II Start?
