Page 1: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-DiscoveryJob Fit Report

This Report Prepared forSam Sample | Dining Manager

Extra Loving Care (ID) 55599994


Leader AlignmentTed Lasso | Electrical EngineersExtra Loving Care (ID) 95771844

Interpretation RequirementsGeneral Member Training

Advanced Training Available

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 1

Page 2: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Table of Contents

Using The WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report 3

Key Success Indicators 4

Personality Fit with Position 5

Personality Trait Descriptions 6

Onboarding Success Index 7

Leader Alignment 8

Stress Impact 9

Interview Guide 11

Selection Checklist 13

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 2

Page 3: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Using The WSQ-Discovery Job Fit ReportThe WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report is validated for use in Selection or Promotion decisions for all jobs listed in the United States Departmentof Labor Dictionary of Occupational Titles. It is also validated for job coaching, talent forecasting, or competency building. It is important toremember that personality traits always combine with cognitive capacity, past experience, technical skill, and job-specific knowledge todetermine a candidate's likelihood for success in a given role. The WSQ-Discovery should always be integrated with additional informationwhen making employment decisions. This Job Fit Report provides you with the following personality-related information:

Profile ValidityProfile Validity measures a candidate's overall pattern of responding to the WSQ-Discovery Inventory. Over-Representationsuggests the candidate endorsed having highly unlikely virtues and did not admit to behavioral shortcomings.Under-representation suggests the candidate was overly admitting to behavioral shortcomings. A RealisticRepresentation suggests the candidate was presenting a realistic image of their personality tendencies. RandomResponding occurs when a candidate is habitually inconsistent on 15 or more similar item pairs. Consistent Respondingoccurs when the candidate's item responses fall within the normal range of personality tendencies.

Personality Fit IndexPersonality Fit Index is determined by matching the candidate's personality against the job-relevant traits of the position. The WSQ-Discovery Personality Fit with Position is calcuated by determining fit among Critical, Important, and (ifapplicable) Supplemental traits. This score is an approximation of a candidate's potential for success in the role. Validation research suggests Index Scores between 500-999 are within normal range. Individuals who score below 500may require more coaching, self-insight, and behavior change in order to perform effectively on job. Follow the InterviewGuide and Selection Checklist for scores below 500.

Onboarding Success IndexThe WSQ-Discovery Onboarding Success Index provides insight into what areas of the job transition the new employeemay need additional support. The Onboarding Success Index is a measure of an employee's need for management,coaching, or support on four dimensions: Building New Relationships, Learning Job Requirements, Receptivity toFeedback, and Adapting to Change. Validation research suggests Index Scores between 350-999 are within normal range. Individuals who score below 500 may require more overall coaching, self-insight, or support throughout the entire jobtransition experience in order to perform up to their capabilties. Follow the Interview Guide and Selection Checklist forscores below 500.

Leader Alignment IndexThe WSQ-Discovery Leader Alignment Index provides information about how effective the Employee-Leader relationship islikely to be. It helps pin-point areas of the relationship that may need additional suport. The Leader Alignment Index is ameasure of Employee-Leader Alignment across four dimensions: Personality Match, Information Exchange, TaskCompletion, and Working Alliance. Validation research suggests Index Scores between 500-999 are within normal range. Follow the Interview Guide and Selection Checklist for scores below 500.

Stress Impact IndexThe WSQ-Discovery Stress Impact Index provides insight into the overall impact of stress on Sam's behavior as well asinformation on how much job-specific personality traits may change under stress. The Stress Impact Index is anaggregate of Global Stress Impact, Ctrical Trait Changes, and Important Trait Changes. Validation research suggestsIndex Scores between 500-999 are within normal range and stress will not have a disproportional effect on workperformance.

CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented asPercentile Standing compared to a norm group of over 55,000 individuals with a similar demographic profile to the general North American population,job family, and test-taking purpose.

This WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report requires administration oversight/interpretation from a psychologist, WSQ-Discovery Certified Facilitator, or aCareProfiler General Member who has completed training on this report. To learn about becoming a WSQ-Discovery Certified Facilitator please visit us

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 3

Page 4: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Key Success IndicatorsKey Success Indicators provide you with an at-a-glance view of Sam Sample's likelihood for success, based on their personality traits. Thislikelihood for success can change considerably when additional information, such as cognitive capacity, technical skills and knowledge, andpast experience as factored in.

0-199 Warning 200-349 Caution 350-499 Seek More 500-999 On-Target

Profile ValidityAccurate Profile Self-Presentation | Realistic Response Consistency | Consistent

Sam responded to items in a straight-foward manner. Scale scores likely represent Sam's actual personality. Samresponded to similar item pairs in a consistent manner.

Personality Fit Index307

6 Critical or Important Trait(s) are outside of the Target Range for position.Reference the Personality Fit section to identify these traits and then use the InterviewGuide to follow-up.

Onboarding Index409

2 Onboarding Dimensions(s) are below ideal level for position.Reference the Onboarding Needs section to identify these dimensions and then use theInterview Guide to follow-up.

Manager Alignment Index535

1 Dimension(s) of Employee-Manager Alignment are below ideal level.Reference the Employee-Manager Alignment section to identify these dimensions and thenuse the Interview Guide to follow-up.

Stress Impact Index383

4 Job Related Trait(s) Change Under Stress.Reference the Stress Impact section to identify the specific trait(s) as well as the overallimpact of stress on Sam's behavior.

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 4

Page 5: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Personality Fit Index: Dining ManagerThe Personality Fit with Position Index compares Sam's personality traits with ideal target ranges based upon the O*NET Library ofJob-Relevant Traits for the given position. Job-Relevant Traits are ranked and weighted. The top 5 Critical Traits are weighted most heavilyfollowed by the next 5 Important Traits. Some profiles may also include Supplemental Traits, which are weighted least. The Fit Index alsoawards partial points for traits within proximity to the target range. Traits are presented in descending order of importance to the position ofDining Manager.

Overall Personality Fit Index307

Critical Traits Sub-Index400

1st %ile 50th %ile 99th %ileComfort with Authority 51

Emotional Intelligence 49

Open to Learning 68

Diplomacy 10

Dutifulness 4

Critical Traits AnalysisSome Critical Traits are outside of the target range for this role. Critical traits have agreater impact on performance than Important or Supplemental traits, therefore,drill-down will be critically necessary to understand Sam's true potential.

Important Traits Sub-Index467

1st %ile 50th %ile 99th %ileAssertiveness 71

Keeps Focus 20

Contemplation 75

Achievement Drive 49

Impulsivity 45

Important Traits AnalysisSome Important Traits are outside of the target range. While less impactful than theCritical Traits, these Important Traits likely still affect performance. Recommendeddrill-down questions are provided to help you clarfiy the effect of these mis-aligned traits.

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 5

Page 6: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Employee: Sam Sample

Personality Traits Descriptions

Comfort with Authority51 | may be somewhat comfortable being in charge, may prefer roles where they areresponsible for others, likely believes they make good decisions, but may, attimes, rely on their own opinion over others

Emotional Intelligence49 | may be somewhat less inclined to relate to the emotional experience of others,may at times fail to use emotions to influence or motivate others, and may betough minded and a logical thinker

Open to Learning 68 | may have flexible thinking, may appear to be receptive to others, and may enjoylearning new ideas

Diplomacy10 | is direct about own needs and interests, does not easily let go of conflicts orback down from own point of view; often seen by others as tough minded andargumentative

Dutifulness 4 | is seen as someone who makes decisions independent of others, oftenresistant to taking direction, may break the rules, and is not concerned withsocietal expectations or norms

Assertiveness71 | may be someone who makes self heard, is likely to express opinions,particularly in given situations, stands up for self when necessary, at timescould be seen as dominant or forceful

Keeps Focus 20 | has frequent changes in focus and attention, will begin multiple tasks at onceprior to completing one, is seen as distractible

Contemplation75 | may be somewhat likely to analyze an issue from multiple perspectives, lesslikely to bring emotions into the decision-making process, and may spend a fairamount of time on analysis and evaluation

Achievement Drive 49 | may conserve ambitional energy, may not be overly ambitious with regard topersonal goal-setting, yet will likely be more open goals and direction fromothers

Impulsivity 45 | likely to moderate behaviors, is not likely to be seen as emotional, unlikely to acton impulses or urges, at times will try to make deliberate and controlleddecisions, may not forthcoming about own emotions

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 6

Page 7: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Onboarding IndexThe Onboarding Success Index displays the likelihood of onboarding success. Lower scores suggest that additional management effort willbe needed during the onboarding and acclimation phase of Sam's employment. The Onboarding Success Index is comprised of 4dimensions: Building New Relationships, Learning Job Requirements, Receptivity to Feedback, and Adapting to Change.

Overall Onboarding Index409

Building New Relationships178

Building New Relationships | Refer to Interview GuideSam may have difficulty building new relationships and make require security,reassurance, and assistance forming new relationships at work. They may experiencemore distress or discomfort than most people when asked to form relationships.

Learning Job Requirements788

Learning Job Requirements Sam will be highly engaged in learning the new duties and responsibilities of the job. They will be highly motivated to learn, drive their own learning, and will thrive on positivereinforcement and additional teaching from their manager.

Receptivity to Feedback538

Receptivity to Feedback Sam will be open to feedback on their behavior and impact on others. They will not beoverly defensive, but may need some time to process and think through their response. They will respond best to well-delivered feedback from their manager.

Adapting to Change131

Adapting to Change | Refer to Interview GuideSam may resist change; they will require considerable support and reassurance whenasked to make changes to their routines. They may struggle to maintain effectivenessamidst ambiguity and will seek out to certianty even at the expense of potentialopportunities. They are very likely to worry about the future.

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 7

Page 8: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Leader Alignment IndexThe Leader Alignment Index displays the degree to which Sam Sample (Employee) and Ted Lasso (Leader) will align across 4 dimensions ofthe Employee-Leader Relationship: Personality Similarity, Information Exchange, Task Completion, and Working Alliance. Dimension Scoresare the aggregate score of the personality traits of both the employee and the Leader that are related to each dimension. Generally, thehigher the Dimension Score, the more likely the employee and Leader will work effectively together in that way.

Overall Alignment Index535

Personality Similarity568

Personality Similarity Sam and Ted share some personality characteristics such as motivations, interests,thinking style, and/or communication patterns. However, they also have their ownunique traits. It will be important for Ted to learn about Sam's styles and patterns.

Information Exchange664

Information Exchange Sam and Ted are both effective communicators. They both value information, can beeffectively assertive, and open to taking in new information. They will most likely keepthe lines of communication open, even amidst challenges or differences of opinion. Tedshould be intentional about keeping communication open.

Task Completion385

Task Completion | Refer to Interview GuideAs a pair, Sam and Ted will prefer to shift their focus, keeping multiple projects going atonce. They may not readily enjoy producing or completing basic tasks, prefering insteadto work on what is enjoyable at the time. Ted should be keenly aware of what projectsneed immediate completion and remind Sam of them.

Working Alliance521

Working Alliance As a pair, Sam and Ted can effectively build professional relationships. At times, theymiss communicate, grow skeptical, or fail to connect, but will likely reach a positiveoutcome together, even amidst stress, disagreement or intense difference.

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 8

Page 9: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Stress Impact IndexThe Stress Impact Index compares Sam's reported personality traits on Good Days, Most Days, and Stressful Days. The greater thedifference between Good Days and Stressful Days, the more likely Sam will show varying behavioral tendencies as a result of feeling stressor pressure. The Sub-Indicies show the overall impact of stress as well as changes on job-specific traits.

Overall Stress Impact Index383

Global Stress Impact696

Global Traits Stress Impact DescriptionThe impact of stress on Sam's overall personality patterns is minor. Sam will typicallydemonstrate similar behavior patterns while under stress or not. In general, stress willlikely have a small impact on Sam's behaviors. Others may not be likely to notice achange due to stress.

Critical Traits Stress Impact203

Critical Traits Stress Impact DescriptionSam's job-critical personality patterns and behaviors will be impacted by stress morethan the typical person. Stress may have a strong effect on Sam's job-critical personalitybehaviors, leading to job-contingent stress-based behavioral inconsistency (SBBI). Others will likely notice a change in Sam's job-critical personality behavior when Sam isunder stress. Stress impact is only measuring behavior change under stress; it is not ameasure of behavioral effectiveness. Please see other Key Success Indicators for athorough understanding of Sam's potential.

Important Traits Stress Impact251

Important Traits Stress Impact DescriptionSam's job-relevant personality patterns and behaviors will be impacted by stress morethan the typical person. Stress may have a strong effect on Sam's job-relevantpersonality behaviors, leading to job-contingent stress-based behavioral inconsistency(SBBI). Others will likely notice a change in Sam's job-relevant personality behavior whenSam is under stress. Stress impact is only measuring behavior change under stress; it isnot a measure of behavioral effectiveness. Please see other Key Success Indicators fora thorough understanding of Sam's potential.

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 9

Page 10: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Stress Impact & Job Related TraitsBelow are the Job Related Traits and Sam's self-reported scores on Good Days, Most Days, and Stressful Days. The greater the differencebetween Good Days and Stressful Days, the more likely Sam will show varying behavioral tendencies as a result of feeling stress or pressure.

Good Days Most Days Stressful Days

1st %ile 50th %ile 99th %ile

Comfort with Authority87 |51 |

3 |

Emotional Intelligence63 |49 |35 |

Open to Learning 49 |68 |78 |

Diplomacy5 |

10 |40 |

Dutifulness7 |4 |

10 |

Assertiveness94 |71 |23 |

Keeps Focus 21 |20 |39 |

Contemplation84 |75 |93 |

Achievement Drive 49 |49 |54 |

Impulsivity 21 |45 |75 |

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 10

Page 11: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Interview GuideThe Interview Guide provides you with specific drill-down interview questions and considerations based upon Sam Sample's WSQ-Discoveryresults. The interview guide is EEOC-compliant and legally-defensible when used as a supplemental or follow-up to the initial structuredinterview.

Emotional Intelligence 49 %ile | Score Below Target Range

Tell me about a time when incorporating an understanding of others' emotions into adecision would have been helpful. What happened? What did you learn?

Awareness Behavior

Diplomacy 10 %ile | Score Below Target Range

Describe a time when allowing conflict to continue created a problem at work? Whatgot in the way of resolving or noticing the conflict sooner?

Awareness Behavior

Dutifulness 4 %ile | Score Below Target Range

Tell me about a time when you struggled to follow a direction from someone else. What happened? What got in the way of taking the direction?

Awareness Behavior

Keeps Focus 20 %ile | Score Below Target Range

Tell me about a time when you needed to maintain focus on a singular task for anextended period of time. What was it like for you? How did you keep out distractions? What did you learn about yourself?

Awareness Behavior

Achievement Drive 49 %ile | Score Below Target Range

Tell me about a time when a barrier kept you from achieving a goal. How muchimpact did the barrier have? How did it get in the way? What did you learn from theexperience?

Awareness Behavior

AwarenessCheck the Awareness box when the candidate has given indication theyare aware of that particular aspect of their personality.

BehaviorCheck the Behavior box when the candidate shared examples ofchanging their behavior when necessary.

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 11

Page 12: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Interview Guide Ctd...The Interview Guide provides you with specific drill-down interview questions and considerations based upon Sam Sample's WSQ-Discoveryresults. The interview guide is EEOC-compliant and legally-defensible when used as a supplemental or follow-up to the initial structuredinterview.

Impulsivity 45 %ile | Score Above Target Range

Describe a situation in which you may have overly controlled your reactions to asituation. What was the impact? What did you learn?

Awareness Behavior

Building Relationships Index 178 | Score In Low Range

Tell me about how you build relationships in a new environment, particularly at work. What's it like for you? What do you find most challenging?

Awareness Behavior

Adapting to Change Index 131 | Score In Low Range

What gets in your way of adapting to change? Give me an example of a time whenyou needed to be highly flexible and adjust to change.

Awareness Behavior

Task Completion Index 385 | Score In Low Range

How do you ensure tasks are done well and on time? What gets in your way ofcompleting tasks?

Awareness Behavior

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 12

Page 13: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

Selection ChecklistThe Selection Checklist provides you with an at-a-glance view of follow up recommendations based upon Sam Sample's WSQ-Discoveryresults. Check the box if, after your follow-up, all concerns are satisfied.

6 Critical or Important Personality Trait(s) are outside of the Target Range.Were Sam's responses to follow-up questions regarding awareness andbehavior change sufficient to satisfy all concerns with these out-of-rangepersonality traits?

No Yes

2 Onboarding Dimensions (s) are in the low range.Were Sam's responses to follow-up questions regarding onboarding andgetting to know the job sufficient to satisfy all concerns related to first 90days on the job?

No Yes

1 Dimension(s) of Employee-Manager Alignment are below ideal level.Did Sam's responses to follow-up questions regarding theEmployee-Manager relationship satisfy all concerns of Sam working withTed?

No Yes

4 Critical or Important Personality Trait(s) are impacted by Stress.Sam is likely to change their behavior when under stress, potentially impacting jobperformance, engagement and tenure. Have you collected sufficient evidenceoutside of the WSQ-Discovery to understand how Sam experiences stress?

No Yes

Have you assessed for cognitive capabilities?Because Sam is generally curious and open to new experiences, cognitivecapabilites will play a normal role in determining Sam's job success. Have youcollected sufficient evidence outside of the WSQ-Discovery to assess cognitivecapabilities?

No Yes

Past success, technical skill, and job-knowledge are important.Because Sam is less conscientious and more flexible, past experience, technicalskill, would be needed to overcoming these personality tendencies. Have youcollected sufficient evidence outside of the WSQ-Discovery to determine pastexperience, skill and knowledge?

No Yes

Assessing Work Values will be critical.Because Sam is highly emotionally expressive, it will be critical that Sam's WorkValues are consistent with the organization's values and purpose in order for Sam'semotions to have a positive impact. Have you collected sufficient evidence outsideof the WSQ-Discovery to Sam's Work Values?

No Yes

CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 13

Page 14: WSQ-Discovery · CareProfiler's WSQ-Discovery Personality Inventory is a scientific instrument developed by Organizational Psychologists. All scores are presented as Percentile Standing

WSQ-Discovery Job Fit Report

Sam Sample - Dining Manager | Extra Loving Care | 2018-11-15 | ID: 55599994

My Notes


CareProfiler | Saint Paul, Minnesota 866-551-0996 | www.careprofiler.comCopyright 2006, 2010, 2016, 2019 CP Consulting & Research, LLC Page 14
