
Raymond Carver’s

Writing Style

Ploy, Saveera, Fei fei, Kevin

His works reflect two distinct periods in his life:

Early works:







Later works:

turning point,his “second life”

when he received new love.

“His works reflect hardships in his life”

CHARACTERISTICS MINIMALISM - “leaving room for the readers, at least for the ones who like to use their imaginations.”

- Minimal amount of words in a sentences: simple

- No use of adverbs, extended metaphors, or internal monologue

- Characters are average people, face common day to day problems

Iceberg Model- Minimalist’s technique/ minimalist implication- the tip of the iceberg is the text, the actual narration, but the tension lies beneath; in Carver's words: 'just below the surface of things'

- see only little bit of what he’s trying to convey in the story.

WHY DON’T YOU DANCE?- “her side” is the tip of the iceberg

Characteristics- Meaning is never directly given, reader interprets it through the context

- Reader is always involved, meant to choose sides based on hints within the story

- Writing was meant for writers and sophisticated readers.

Relation to WHY DON’T YOU DANCE?- Written in 1977, during a period of desperation → before he found new love.

- Related to his life story → failure of first marriage

- In the story, Carver suggests thatthe wife left the man.
