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Report on:Importance of Writing Skills in Business Organization

Submitted to: Sara Sanaullah

By:Muhammad Asad

Asad shakeel

Muneeba Khalid

Bushra Khan

Date of submission: 4/24/2013


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WE are grateful to “Al mighty ALLAH” who gave us all the strength, courage, preservation and patience to finish this report. We also thankful to our parents and teachers who support us for

completing this report.Earlier presentation of our group has been described the term

"Communication", its barriers, medium, process, etc. Now we in our this presentation are going to describe the” Importance of

writing skills in a business organization". Our motive to describe its importance but also to elaborate the formats of each medium

of writing (Documents) used with inside or outside the organization. So, that our audience and viewers will not only able to understand and distinguish all the formats of all the mediums of writings and their importance in a business organization but it will also help them in their professional life. It also very beneficial

to understand the business communication skills.

S.NO Contents Page number

1 Writing skills in business organization


2 Process of writing in business organization


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3 Importance of writing skills in business organization


4 Sources of writing in business organizations


5 Letter 3-6

6 Memo 6-7

7 Report 8-12

8 Resume 12-13

9 Cover letter 14-16

10 Proposals 16

11 Tips for effective writing in business organization


12 Bibliography 19

13 Index 20-21

Writing Skills in Business Organization

“Skills that enable an individual to write lucidly, coherently and grammatically, or to handwrite legibly with ease and speed called writing skills”.

In business, we use these skills daily by various documents, these documents called business documents. It plays a vital role in every business whether it is big or small. It is

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important to keep track and keep records of these documents to have written proof of your business operation but also for legalities in the future.

Process of writing in Business organization

There are five planning steps before we transmit our message.

1) Define the purpose2) Gather material3) Organize material4) Consider alternatives5) Complete the task/implement best alternatives.

1-Define the purpose:

When you are arranging business communication you must know the purpose clearly, you must know why you should write and what should be written.

2-Gather material:

You should gather the material which needed to define the purpose, learn more about the problem situation, look possible causes and solutions etc.

3-Organize material:

One the idea have been jotted down, they should be properly arranged and organized. Disorganized writing reflects a disorganized , illogical, untrained and even weak mind. Failing to organize will foil the objective of message.

4-Consider alternatives:

Get all the alternatives after organize all the facts and data. The reason is to ensure that the message fulfills all the principles communication.

5-Complete the task:

Select an alternative to put into action then follows your decisions and get the desired result.

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Importance of writing skills in business organization

Business writing is more important today than ever before. Businesses communicate all day, every day. Writing well is important for the success of any business or organization.

Business owners and their employees who can write clearly and concisely have a competitive edge over others who are still struggling to communicate. Having multiple sets of eyes on business documents can prevent poorly written material from reaching your target audience.

These are through via text, email, online post, advertising and many other methods. Advances in electronic media make an ability to craft strong, correct, professional documents a major tool in any employees skills tool box. It means that writing skills are very important for an organization internally as well as externally. Internally is for inform employees about policies, goals, objectives, plans etc. Externally is for promoting organization, transactions, goodwill etc.

Sources of writing in business organization

There are many sources of writing in an organization some of them are given below:

Letter Memo Report Resume & Cover letter Proposals



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“A message written by a person to convey a message to another person”. It represents mutual relationship and humanly communication. Purpose of business letter is to communicate with client and business partners in a formal manner.

Purpose of letter:

Business letter are used for many purposes such as to make inquiries, send replies, to place orders or bank correspondence etc. the main and the basic function of the business letter is not only to convey your message to the person who receives the letter but also to influence the reader.

Parts of letter:

I. HeadingII. Inside addressIII. SalutationIV. BodyV. Complimentary close

VI. Signature

Types of letter:

There are two types of letter.

1. Formal letter2. Informal letter

1.Formal letter:

The letter written from one individual to another or between different parties with an aim of applying for a job, apologies, recommend a person, inquiry of information and other queries that may necessitate a formal letter. The letter is written in a concise manner as the subject topic is addressed.

A business letter is a letter written in formal language, usually used when writing from one business organization to another, or for correspondence between such organization and their customers, clients and other external parties.

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2.Informal letter:

Informal writing is when you are writing to someone you know personally or when you are writing subjectively to express your own private feeling and thoughts.

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Kinds of letter:

There are many types of letter some of them are given below

1. Order letter2. Inquiry letter3. Sales promotion letter4. Goodwill letter5. Announcement letter

1.Order letter:

Order letter send by consumers or businesses to a manufacturer, retailer or wholesaler to order goods or services. These letter must contain specific information such as model number, name of the product, the quantity desired and expected price. Payment is sometimes included with the letter.

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2.Inquiry letter:

Inquiry letter ask a question or elicit information from the recipient. When composing this type of letter, keep it clear and list exactly what information you need. Be sure to include your contact information so that it is easy for the reader to respond.

3.Sale promotion letter:

Typically sale letter start off with a very strong statement to capture the interest of the reader. Since the purpose is to get the reader to do something, these letter include strong calls to action, detail the benefit to the reader of taking the action and include information to help the reader to act, such as including a telephone number or web-site link.

4.Goodwill letter:

When writing a goodwill letter you should be sincere in the explanation of your purpose to the recipient. You should be clear, brief and creative. Offer a good contract and be professional. The letter should be short and to the point.

5.Announcement letter:

These letter are written to make some announcement, which may be written to an individual or to the members of various groups. It may be printed, mimeographed, or dittoed. It may also called a circular letter.



“Memo” is short for memorandum, which refers to a reminder or a notification of an important item. Memos are often sent to notify staff members about a meeting or new policy the company feels is important enough to warrant more than word-of-mouth dissemination. Memos are often informal, with less attention to structure, formatting, grammar and quality of paper.

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Purpose of memo:

The purpose of memo is that they bring attention to problems and they solve rpblems. They accomplish their goals by informing the reader about new information like policy changes, price increases, or by persuading the reader to take an action, such as attend a meeting, or change a current production procedure. Memo is a document that helps the memory by recording events or observations on a topic, such as may be used in business office. The purpose may be to provide information, analyzes and research.

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“A report is a statement of the results of an investigation or of any matter on which definite information is required”.

Purpose of reports:

Reports are management tools. Their purpose is to help you quickly grasp the essential elements and relationship found in raw data and to help you make effective decisions. Reports can cover a wide range of topics, but usually focus on transmitting information with a clear purpose, to a specific audience. They should be well-written, clearly structured and expressed in a way that holds the reader attention and meets their expectations.

Types of reports:

There are two types of reports

1. Formal report2. Informal report

1.Formal report:

If you are writing a report for upper management or for another organization, you will need a formal report. Formal reports are also used for research papers in higher education. Formal reports are longer and well researched. Formal reports are impersonal, rarely using personal pronouns and contractions. Summaries are located on separate pages and usually have more than one heading. Formal reports may also be preceded by a proposal. Include a content page if your report is more than five pages long.

2.Informal reports:

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Informal reports are typically internal report, and can go to other members of the department and department heads. They are also used for reports that will circulate throughout the company. They use personal pronouns and contractions. Though the report may be several sections long, it is typically much shorter than a formal report. No content page is included. Informal reports can even be formatted like a memo.

Types of reports with respect to its purpose:

Informational report:

When you need to provide information without opinion or suggestions, an informational report is typically the best format. For example, if you need information about how many employees work in each department and their job function, you would create an informational report. You might include employee names, years of service and salary, as well as an organizational chart. Another type of informational report might provide spending breakdowns by department or types of spending. Informational reports can be further broken down into time frames, such as weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.

Analytical report: When a company is trying to solve a problem or make a decision, an analytical report might be necessary. These reports offer both a narration of facts as well as data, explanations and conclusions. For example, a quarterly sales analysis might detail corporate initiatives, sales, expenditures and profit and loss. It could include successful endeavors as well as not-so-successful endeavors. An analytical report of this type might describe the company's advertising and promotional activities and their results.

Research report: When executives make decisions about new products and services, expanding personnel or layoffs, they might use research reports. Research specialists or teams are given an issue or topic and asked to create a report that provides all details about the topic, including relevant facts and statistics. The report typically offers the conclusions of the researcher(s) as well as alternate options and their potential outcomes, all backed up by the appropriate research.

Parts of reports:

a. Prefatory partb. Body of the reportc. Supplemental parts

a.Prefatory parts:

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1. Title fly2. Title page3. Letter of authorization4. Letter of transmittal5. Table of contents6. Preface

1.Title fly:

Title fly is the cover of the report containing the title of the report, name of the receiver of the report and name of the title of the report.

2.Title page:

The title page is next to the title fly. It has more information than title fly it has title of report, name of receiver, his designation and name of his company. The name of the writer, his designation and name of his company. The date of submission of report.

3.Letter of authorization:

The authorization letter appear immediately after title page, in it the individual or the management authorizes the report writer to prepare the report.

4.Letter of transmittal:

This letter comes immediately after the letter of authorization and is bound part of the letter. It is the covering letter because it transmit the report. The transmittal letter may include authorization of receiver, acknowledgment of those who helped with the report, personal comment not included in the body of the report.

5.Table of content:

The table bears the major and subdivisions of the report and then respective appearance in the report. The numbering of the content is marked by roman numbers(I,II,III), alphabet(A,B,C), and Arabic numbers(1,2,3….) etc.


Preface is the foreword talked by the writer. Through it he addresses the reader of the report. The function of the preface may be performed by the letter of transmittal. Therefore, preface is not included if the transmittal letter is inserted in the report.

b.Parts of the body:

1. Introduction 2. Text3. Terminal section

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Introduction acquaints the reader with the better understanding of the report. It include the following elements.

i- Authorizationii- Problemiii- Purposeiv- Scopev- Backgroundvi- Definitionvii- Results in briefviii- Plan of presentation.


The text contain the actual details of the report. It is the main and crucial part of the body. This parts explain findings and data. The content, organizations, language, style, and visual aid should be trimmed to the type of the reader.

3.Terminal section:

Terminal section of the body of the report may comprise one or all of the following elements.

I. SummaryII. ConclusionsIII. Recommendations


This section summarizes the finding of the investigation.


It interprets facts explained. It does not give the writer’s personal opinion. The opinion should be unbiased and should not basd on personal likes and dislikes.


This section suggest a plan of action based on findings and conclusions. If recommendations runs through the report, it will include only summary of recommendations.

c.Supplemental parts of report:

The following are the supplemental parts of report

1. Appendix2. Bibliography3. Glossary4. Index

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In the appendix you may include tables, pictures, graphs, charts or some additional information. It appears immediately after the last page of report.


It refers to the sources from where the data have been collected. The sources may be books, newspaper, magazines etc.


A glossary is an alphabetic listing of special terms and word with their meanings and definitions.


It includes the list of topics, their divisions and subdivisions with their location in the report. The order of items listed in the index is alphabetical.

Resume Definition:

A resume is a brief document which highlight in individual experience, qualifications, and skills in hope of securing a job interview, the resume is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters. Basically it is the first and last impression of a candidate.

Purpose of resume:

The purpose of a resume is to provide a summary of your skills, abilities and accomplishments. You use it to be invited to a meeting or short-listed for an interview, it describes your education, abilities and previous employment and is usually attached to a job application to give further information about you.

How resume is different from cv:

A resume is a brief summary of individuals work history, educational attainment and relevant skills, accomplishment to the job being applied. An individual can create several resume for different positions or different companies.

Whereas cv on the other hand bear all the information of an individual. Every details of education, achievement, employment and skills are listed with the addition of organizations or affiliations. All trainings and seminars attended are listed, in short cv are actually longer than resume because it carry more details.

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Pattern of resume:

Cover letter:


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A one page letter to a prospective employer, usually accompanied by resume. It expressing interest in employment in a company, it contain information not normally found in resume, is not larger than two or three paragraph and usually causes a direct request for an interview or appointment.

Purpose of cover letter:

The purpose of cover letter is to make a good case for the match between you and the position for which you are applying. Show how you are unique in your ability to add value to the organization. Focus on your qualifications for the position. Provide an example of your writing abilities. Convey interest in the position. A cover letter is a summary of the reasons why you are the best candidate for the position.

Types of cover letter:

There are two types of cover letter

1. Solicited cover letter2. Unsolicited cover letter

1.Solicited cover letter:

Solicited cover letter written in response to an invitation(usually advertisement) has the advantage that a vacancy exists and the employer is anxious to fill it. Its disadvantage is that if faces competition.

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2.Unsolicited cover letter:

Unsolicited cover letter written to an employer who has not invited an application does not face an y competition, but possibility of non- availability of job is its disadvantage.

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“Proposals are persuasive offers to solve problems, provide services, or sell equipment.”

They are organize to answer the receivers question proposals are written offer some proposals are internal, it could be form of justification or recommendation report. External proposals could be in form of profit and loss generation report (e.g audit).

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Tips for effective writing in business organizations:

There are many tips some of them are given below:


Be attentive when writing because if you are inattentive so possible is that you should not keep it to the point.

Use of simple words

You should use simple words to accurately understand the intention. By this every one can understand that what you want to say.


Message receiver either listener or reader desire complete information because incomplete information can create problem for both receiver an dsender.


Being to the point is very necessary when writing, your clients, employees as well as seniors will prefer if you are direct and concise, provide only that information which is necessary.


Concreteness adds conviction to the message. It is easy for the reader to believe on concrete messages. Concreteness also increases credibility of the sender of message


You should be clear as what you want to convey with your words. Ambiguous words and statement can lead a great deal of misunderstanding.

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You should use the right level of language, check accuracy, facts and words, maintain acceptable writing mechanics.

Be fair

Your mind should be free from all bias, be fair attitude for everyone is important in organization.


Your points, style, and information should be attractive, it is important in writing.

Use appropriate words relevant to the mood of the topic.

Use only that information or words which are relevant to the mood of topic, it helps you to be on the topic.

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Business communication by professor Amin Khalid

Business communication by Marry Ellen Guffey

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AAnalytical report….6Announcement letter… 9Appendix …12Attention …17Attractive …18

BBe fair …18Bibliography …12Body of report …11

C Clarity …17Complete the task… 2Completeness …17Conciseness …17Conclusion …11Concreteness… 17Consider alternatives …2Correctness …18Cover letter definition… 14Cover letter purpose …14

DDefine the purpose …1Difference between resume and cv


FFormal letter …4Formal letter pattern… 4Formal report… 8


Gather material… 1Glossary …12Goodwill letter… 6

IImportant of writing skills in business organization …2Index …12Informal letter… 4Informal letter pattern… 5Informal report …8Informational report… 9Inquiry letter …6Introduction …11

KKinds of letter …5

LLetter definition …3Letter of authorization… 10Letter of transmittal …10Letter purpose …3Letter types …3


Memo definition …6Memo purpose …7

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Order letter….5Organize material…. 1

PPattern of memo ….7Preface ….10 Prefatory part ….10Process of writing in business organization …1Proposals …16

RRecommendations …11Report definition …8Report purpose …8Research report …9Resume definition… 12Resume pattern …13Resume purpose …12

SSale promotion letter… 6Solicited cover letter …14Solicited cover letter pattern …15Sources of writing skills …2Summary …11Supplemental parts… 12

TTable of content …10Terminal section …11Text …11Tips for effective writing in business… 17Title fly 10

Title page… 10Types of cover letter… 14Types of report …8

UUnsolicited cover letter …15Unsolicited cover letter pattern… 16Use appropriate word relevant to mood of topic …18Use of simple words… 17

WWriting skills in business organization… 1.
