Page 1: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

Writer’s WorkshopWriter’s WorkshopWriter’s WorkshopWriter’s WorkshopMetzler ElementaryMetzler Elementary

Third GradeThird GradeMrs. WestgardMrs. Westgard

Page 2: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

What is Writer’s Workshop?• Writer's Workshop is a teaching

technique that invites students to write.• Writer’s Workshop makes writing a

meaningful part of the classroom. • Writer’s Workshop is based on

educational research.• Writer’s Workshop is a Best Practice for

teaching literacy.

Page 3: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

Why use Writer’s Workshop?• Writer’s Workshop lets students write

about subjects that interest them.• Writer’s Workshop helps students learn

the traits of quality writing. • Writer’s Workshop allows students to

experiment with different types of writings.

• Writer’s Workshop differentiates, or personalizes, instruction in order to accommodate the learning needs of all students.

Page 4: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

What are the Components?• There are four components in Writer’s

Workshop.• The components are:

– Mini-Lesson (5-10 minutes)

– Status of the Class (2-3 minutes) – Writing & Conferencing (20-40

minutes)– Sharing (5-10 minutes)

Page 5: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

What are Mini-Lessons?• Mini-lessons are quick lessons about

some aspect of writing.• Mini-lessons are fast discussions about

some part of language.• The teacher engages students by

exploring quality writing, by demonstrating a writer’s secret, or by modeling/reinforcing some language convention.

Page 6: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

What is Status of the Class?• Status of the Class provides

information about how students’ works are progressing.

• It is a fast response from students indicating if they are Prewriting, Drafting, Conferencing, Revising, Editing, Illustrating, or Publishing.

Page 7: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

What is Writing?• Writing is the act of actually

placing thoughts on paper.• Students write on regular

notebook paper.• Students skip lines to allow for

revising and editing.

Page 8: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

What is Conferencing?• Conferencing has two parts.

– In part one, the teacher listens and talks to the student about a writing.

– In part two, the teacher makes a teaching decision based on this conversation. The teacher shows the student one item that helps not only this writing, but many other writings.

Page 9: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

What is Sharing?• Sharing is students reading their

writings.• Sharing is done in the Author’s Chair.• Students play TAG during Sharing.

– T ell one compliment.– Ask one question.– Give one suggestion.

Page 10: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

When is Writer’s Workshop?• Writer’s Workshop is a daily activity.• Mrs. Westgard’s homeroom will enjoy

Writer’s Workshop each morning.• Mrs. Rieke’s class will enjoy Writer’s

Workshop every afternoon.

Page 11: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

What Skills Are Addressed?• Writing Process• Qualities of Outstanding Writing• Strategies Used by Writer’s

(Writer’s Secrets) • Six Traits of Writing • Conventions of Language

Page 12: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

Is Writer’s Workshop Graded?

• Writer’s Workshop is graded using:– teacher’s daily notes– teacher’s records from conferences – students’ participation rubrics– students' writings – students’ self-assessments

Page 13: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

Is Writer’s Workshop Helpful?

• Writer’s Workshop helps foster the joy of writing within students.

• Writer's Workshop helps build students' fluency in writing.

• Writer’s Workshop helps students practice the conventions of language.

• Writer’s Workshop helps develop life-long writers.

• .

Page 14: Writer’s Workshop Writer’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard

More Information…• The Art of Teaching Writing by Lucy

Calkins• Mechanically Inclined by Jeff Anderson • Writing Like Writers: Guiding Elementar

y Children Through a Writer's Workshop by Kay Johnson

• Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell
