Page 1: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon



Summary 1988 Power Data Sheets

for 1 00 Developing Countries


Report No. :11339 Type: (1'TS)Title: SUMMARY 1988 POWER DATA SHEETSAuthor:Ext.: 0 Room: Dept.:

August 1991 AUGUST 1991

Trk. WAI,14r U.nni Init onri Fzncarnv Dlpnartment. PRE


lic D



e A




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Page 2: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon





Energy Development DivisionIndustry and Energy Department (PRE)

August 1991

Capgb(c) 1991

1818 H Saeet, N.W.Wuanpom, DC 20433U.SA

ll rpet X am of a suie issed by the Indusdy and EnrV Deprt_m for do emaam nd gudncof Ba1k s 1 Ths rport mq nt be published or quoted as prsenti dt viaws of th Bka Goupb nmg

does teak Group accept Xsponsiity for its aocy or omplet

Page 3: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon

This working paper compnrses a compilation of one-pagedata sheet summarizing e available power sector data for the year1988 for 100 developing couties. It is intended to be a readyrefeence for Bank staff and outside organizations in moniuoing theenergy activity in developing countries and in makdng cross-countzycompansons. It is based on the World Bank's intnal documentsand regional energy division inputs, and externally publishedsources.

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Ibis stUdy has been a collaborative effort among the staff ofthe fy Development Division of the Wold Banks Industry andEnergy Department (ENED) and the energ staff in apeadons.Mr. Edwin Mt ore and Ms. Kay McKeough contibuted to projectdesign. Mr. Enrique Crousillat advised on computationmethodologies. Mrs. Daisy Hurt contributed to finanCial data.Research was assisted by Mr. Gary Wi and Mrs. SuseelaGopalaswamy.

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1. Inuo u to ..... .... *.........................*................................... i

2. DWfinitioms aInd Explanatoy Noes to thePowennr DaSu ay Sheets ............................................................... ii

3. Performance Indicators of PowerSectors for 1() Devoeloping Countries ........................................................ 1

4. Country Data SheetsAlgeria ......................................... .. . 3

gentnaa 4.....4B angaesh.....h5B3arbaudos.. 63eAiboe. ................................................. 6Beein 8...7

Boliviav............ 9Botswana ...................... 10Brazil ... 11Burkina Faso ................... *.....12Bu id .............. *............................. 13caneroo ...... 14C(ape Ver d..... 15CDenta Afiican Republic ... .. 16

hile.... 171teoples R bepubic of cina... 18

lonm ba ......... .... 19Comoros....... 20Peopl4e's Rof t Congo . ....... ....... ...... . 21

Ri ..ic. ...... * 22

ElW Salvaoire.....30Ethiopia .......... **.*to* . ....................... .#... ....... 31

Dominican Repubc...... 27

GlEcABlsa .. ...... *......................... "* ... .................. 328

ArSab Re pu blic o f Eg yp ................................. 29lEl Salvao .......................................... 3CIF.* ............................................. 3 1Fiji............................................. 3 2

Guiruea Bissau ....................... #* .... 3 813d.............................................. 3 9

Hondwa ......................................... 4 1H1unguly ......................................... 4 1

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India ......................... 42lltdkzruesia...............* ........................ ...... 43amaica . .................... 44

Jordan ..................... 45Kenya .................. . . . 46

lteqpu ........................... 47Lao Pezoqple's IDenmocratic Republic ..... 48LesI.tho ...... 49liberia .. .... 50Madagascar .. ...... 51

alawi ................. . ... 52Malaysia ...... 53Mali ...................................................... 54

auitana .......................... 55Mlauitius ..................... 56Mxi ....................... 57

......c.... 58......bique... 59

?lyaunnar .. . 60Nep al ... 61Nicaragua ..................... 62N.iger ... 63Nisa.geria..... 64Pakistan ... 65Pana_a ... .................. 66Papua New Guinea .. .. 67Paraguay ... 68Peu ...................... 69Philippines ..................... 70Poland ..... 71Portugal .... 72Romiania ... 73Rwanda .. **..... 74Sao Tonie &Principe .... 75Senegal ........ .. 76Seychelles ............ 77Sierra Leone ........ .... 78Somalia ........... ....... 80Sri La.nkam ....... *. .81

St. I auc.ia................... 82St. Vlincent & the Gzbnacines .................. . . 83Sudan ... ................ 84Swazlanu ........................... 85Syrdan Arab Rlepublic ................... 86United Republic of Tanizani.a..... 87Tballandl ................... 88T1#gI ...... 89Ti isia. ......................... 90Turki .4444. ...... 91IJgandcal ........ 92Uruguay .. ............. 93Vanuat. ... . .. .. ......... 94Venezn eSa .... l................................... .............. 96W eY0nn S a moa ......................................... 9 6

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Yemen Arab Republic ......... t*""*.............. 97People's DIn)oxxratic Republic of Yeun ................. . ......... 98Yuposjavja ......................... 99Zaire ......................................................... 100Z uibia ........................ 101Zimbabwe ...................... . . 102

S. ANNEX - Countiy Comparisons of 1988 Power DataFigure 1: GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per CapitaFigue 2: Distibuton of Energy Inpomu as a pement of Mrchandise ExpotFigure 3: GDP per Capita vs. Electcity Production per CapitaFigure 4: Distibution oPublic Power Utility Geneation Capacit !actrFigur 5: Number of Public Power Utility Employees vs. Total Public Power

Utility Gross OutputFigure 6: Distribution of Public Power Utility Total Gross Output per

EmployeeFigure 7: Number of Public Power Utility Employees vs. Number of Public

Power Utility ConsumersFigure 8: Distibution of Publc Power Utility Consumers per EmployeeFigure 9: Distribution of Public Power Utility Total System L=ssesFgure 10: Distribution of Public Pwer Utlity Average RvenueFgume 11: Distdbuon of Accounts Receivable

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Mme Power DMata Summai1 Sheetsoide economic and technical indts of dhepower soctor in 100 developIng countris for 1988. For counties where 1988 data are notavai , e most raent dat a substituted.

The compiled aa reprsent the results of a review of various data sources

- Word Development Report 990- WoddTabe 199-IMF lPLdoWFiac Suscs 1990

- UN Em Sg3sdsYbok 198- eni Ener Agency Ststics- Develo BnkS cs

- Wodd Bank Preidents ts- Wodd Bank/UNDP Energy AssReports- Word Banik r Div- INED MisC ai Fils

Algoug inforatin has been cauly selected, reades are urgpd to exes carein intpredng and in making cross-country compisons. Ststical methods, coverage anddefiniions vay significandy fom couw ry to count fur, e anr vaiations in theavailabilit and reliability of dat in developing couitries. Te data are not represeanted to beverified va y as indcative for reference puroe

Mm body of this waidng p compises: (1) definions explanatory notes ofth tm used In te daa sheets; (2) a um o p a india fom dte daa ihee; (3)the 100 country daa smmay sheets in alphabetica oer and (4) an annex showing graphcalcoumy cparieonsof 1988 powerda


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Tem folowin is a list of definitions and exflanatory notes for the infomatkon usedin tie Dat Shets Tds 1istVn: intended to be all-incluive.


Growth rates - All growth iates are in real terms and have been calcated usinj, theleast squares method, as per Wodd Development Report (WDR)

Popuatoo - Mid-year esdmates for 1988. he figurs ae taken om te 1990WDR published by the World Bank.

Area - Measured in square klo-neters. These figures are taken from theWDR.

Population per sq hkm - These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon figuresby te total area.

GDP (GNP) - Gross Domestic Ptoduct measures the total final output of all goodsand services produced in an economy. Ihey are shown at marketprices in cunrent 1988 US dollrus. These fiurs are taken fromWDR. Whenever GDP figures are not available, Gross NationalProduct (GNP) is substituted. GNP comprises GDP plus net factorincome fiom abrad.

GDP (GNP) per - Obtained by dividing GDP at madret pices in US dollars by thecapita popuation in mid-1988. Whenever GDP figures are not available,

GNP is substituted

Offical exchange - Yearly averages sourced from the 1990 Intnal Financialrates Stdastcs ([FS), published by the Internationa Monety Fund.

Electricity produced - Computed by dividing the country's total available electicity oututper capita (public plus self-p duced plus net imports) by the populadon.

Units are measured in kIowator (kWh).

Commercial energy - Obtained by dividing tot commercial energy consumption bycosmptiom per popuin; measured mn kilograms of oil equivalen (ge).capita

Commerca enera - Obtained by dividing the dolr value of energy imp (secton 3 inImport a a % of the SITC, revision I) by the eanings from merchandise eexports.

"terchandise export

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These data, expton tol equivalent (toe), ae swmed from the 1988 UNStadsdcs Yearbk, wu oterwispeclifibd

Production - Included in comercial pmary prouin for oaM te ae peatand oU shal; all is compdsed of crude petroleum and nanual gasliquids; gas comprises nal gas; and del city is comprised ofprary electricity genatdon fon%hydro, nuclear and geothermalsources (computed at the same heat vaue as electricity csponi.e. 1GWh.086 thousand toe).

C_uumptlom * CoaUlgite includes the consumpion of p forms at solidfuds, net'ipo and changes in stocb af scodary fuels; oil iscomprseoconsumptin fengy peoeum plucts includingfeedtcks, natural gasoline, condensate, refinry gas and input ofcrude oil to thermal power plants; gs includea the consmpdon ofnat gaps net tmport and changes i stocks of gas-works andcoke-oven gas; and electrcIty is compised of consumption ofpimy ectrity im port af e.

imports, Exporb, - Import, exports and chLn. as in stoc refer to all primary andStocks and Bunkers sd fo of energy (nudlnLcondensate and feedstocks).

Bunks ree to aa and Is (i.e. avai gasoline, jetfe,diesel and reidual fuel oi).

Unalocated - These data baancel oUt the sdsical difference betwean production,trade and consumpTn. his imbalane occurs primarily due to theexclusion of non-energy petroleum products as weU as stock datadiscxes


System frequency - The most common deloping country frequency is 50 cycles persecond (cis) or horu however, some countries, manly in LatinAmeic use 60 d.

Transmision - High voltags fOr traSMiSSion Of electricity from gnerang stadonsvolte to substtadns. Units are measured in ldlovols (k.

DiribUticn - Range of volgs forprmay diibution purposes. Some udlitesvoltage may have some Id volage Industl consumear supplied dircty

the tansmission system. Units are measured inky.

LOW Voltage - Defined to be less than 600 volts. This is the utiliztion voltagesupplied to consumers


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System losses - These losses ane of a combined technical and on-tecical natu.Techical losme ae due to the electricald h£ ofe powersystem. They cos8ist mainly of reista losses which occurduring the transmission and distribudon process. Non-technicallosses consist maily of unmetered consumpdon In the distribudonprocess. In many developing countie up to 60480% of the lossesoccr in the distibudon phase. These dat an calculatd accordingto the formula: Net Generation minus Total Sales (or BilUings),divided by Net Generadon.

Countries - Us the countaies with which an iner n of the power gridInterconnected exists.

Consumers per - The ratio of consumers to udlity employees which bi a a euremployee of utlit fficiency.


Installed capacity - Refers to the rated capacity as stated on fe nameplate of theequipment in the power plant. It includes the capacity of

5mmissiond eq ent,wch is already instled, but may not bein service yet. Availabl or effecdv capt Is ually kss tanrated capa ndit uai typically decreases over tme as dt equipment

d d Jtsare measund in megawat (MW)

Gross output - Refers to the amount of eleicity gered at the gor ouas re d by the power companies on the basis of available*monthfly genering plant recor It includes plant auxilaryrequirements, tansformatn losses and lomes th occur in thetransmission and distribution proces. Units are measured ingigawahors (GWh).

Capdty fator - Th ratio idicates dhe etnt to which p}lat istalled capacity isused in generatingelectricity. is computed according Sto theformula: Grss Output (GWb) times 1000, divided by InstalledCapacity (MW), divided by 8760 hour; expressed as a ercntage.

Instlled capacity, ross outut d capacity facto ae dividod into the foowingcategories: thermal (referring to the geneaton of electricty utizing fossil fuels) and primysources; bydro, nudear, and gothberml. Sdf-produes oD s of electricity (and hydro) for privat wposes and are not normally suppled from the nail puc grid. incases of surpluses, se pm sell power to the utiies for public distribution. Data on self-producers hav to he conaddwith caudon since tey may be inmplte and uneiabl. Thesum of seloducerand publc udlites is the to capcity Int and ectidty gnrtd forte given yea. Together with the net amount of eectricity Imported (Impor-expor), theyconste the total ecticy available in the counby.


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Then data refer to the acuial metered amount of electricity billed in GWh wconsumers. They do not include unetered consumption. Sales awe subdivided into categories bytype of consumptio. The seven most common categories are: residential, commercial,industry, agriculture, government, export and others. In some countries, data on thedistributo of t sales are not available by sector. In these case, low voltage sales comprisemosdy residendl use; modium voltage sales comprise commefcial use; and high voltage sales areatibu almost soely to industi use.


Tariffs are measured as unit prices (i UScents equivalent) per kWh of electicityusng tbe average offi al exchanger for the year in which the taffs ae quoted. Tariffs varyacoing the type of consmer. Six types of consumers have been idendfied and classifiedaccording to the typical amount of electricty used per month. In insutces where coume riffstrucres unavailabl averages are substituted In some countries, there may be additidnalfiel surcharges that were not included in the unit price. Furthermore-, for some consumercategoi, there may be fixed minimum monthly charges, ireective of the kWh units used.These have been ke into account wher available. For these reasons, extreme car should beused in making con-country compais of th daa


Average revenue - It is defined as the total sales revenue of a given udHty divided bytotal sales in GWh of that utility; expssed in US cent kWh.

Rte of retum - The ratio of net revenues for the year (gross revenues minusoperating expenses including depreciation) to the value of aveagenet fied assets in service, expressed as a percentage. In mostcountres, asses are revalued to replacement costs in which the ratiois computed. Otherwise, nrevalued Rate Of Retun" is indicatedin tbedata sheets

Cash genatio - The ratio of net annual cash generation (gross revenues minesoperating expenses excluding depreciation and debt sevice) to totalinvestment; usually measurd over one year, but often a rowingaverngeof two or more yeas is used.

Debt service - The raio of net cash geneadon to tie maximum future debt service.coverage This ratio focuses on the terms of a debt, rather than the amount, in

mearing borowing capacity.

Aceou recdvables - The rado of accounts receivables to total sales for the year, dmes 12(months). Tbis raio is indicates the degree to which consumerpayments are delayed, as exprssed in months of sales.


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CoWtry (USS) (lkoge) EXOiT (kWh) (2) MLOYEE () (Uklkh) (2) IS) (tms) (mlnths)

Algria 2,181 1,018 2 587 13 41 5.64 (1) (48) 1.0 8Argtia 2.640 1,350 4 1,605 21 175 37 4.49 7 3 0.1 a

angldesh 177 54 24 63 39 39 29 6.0r a a i. SSearb s 46,010. 1 1,043 1.878 9 172 41 13.45 6 100 2.1 1alelia 1.461 / 333 - 42 17 / 66d/ 40 21.50 d/ -

hun 389 38 72 3 1s S2 10 19.10 2 60 3.1bot1v 616 225 3 269 1s 210 35 3.55 8 - -llotmm 1,617 41S 3 390 9 8 f1 * 4.37f/ 4 c/ ) c/ 1.7eUruil 2,241 91S 13 1.473 1 146 49 5.37 6 62 0.5SwkirFaco 221 19 7 1s 11 41 t/ Z 17.260 - *

sunari 1I8 17 8 26 16 13 32 8.65 7Croen 1,152 177 1 214 69/ 70 t/ 45 14.14 b/ 13 / 32 1/capvrd 60 a/ 69 a8 21 49 23 14.83 * -Cmnt. Afr. Rep. 360 24 14 31 26 14 35 14.50 S 14 2.9 15chit 1M5 sIt 4 1.321 19 48 3.06 6 90 2.7 el 1

China 340 580 2 497 12 396 S4 2.10 5h/ SO 9.0 1Cotoome 1,221 676 4 1.198 26 180I 1 60 2.24 16 a/ (5) 0.7r1C5ICo 440./ 41 32 27 25 b 32 39.27caswgo 1.024 249 5 139 19 97s 22 88.5 b -CostRica 1R22 390 12 1,183 11 103 40 3.21 7 1 0.9 3

co" d'Ioire .683 156 12 s8r 14 - 28 13.80 2 (21) 0.? 4CYPra 6,261 / 2,060 2,317 17 16 8W 52 9.20 11 74 2.2di 1oiibouti 249 - 548 19 29 26 21.00 6 21 2.4 7Dominica 1,680 a/ 244 354 13 b 106 41 17.96 3Ochinin Rep. 671 292 36 760 28 95 41 4.66 (4) 0 0.1 6

Ecuadwo 1,022 564 3 558 23 92 3l 7 2.85 2Egypt 684 574 4 815 19 * 43 2.04 3 0 0.7 9El slvasot 1,087 215 14 398 15 189 34 3.SO 4 5 0.3Ethi;p.0 105 17 59 17 17W 504S 2t 13.50 bW 2 104d 0.7o Fiji 1,520/ 4 4 * 574 '1 65 24 14.92 b/ 11 t2) 0.9

Gabon 3,018 803 1 797 12 d 6 441 50 12.56 cJGaibki 20 s/ 77 54 22 46 - 4cuhar 374 132 15 344 22 41 48 1.69 9 66 2.5 1Quateo la 933 136 14 261 17 69 32 0.10 6 (39) 0.7 11Guinea 470 63 * 102 15 36 10.58 2

Guineuaisau 1900s/ 48 * 30 32 26 37 10.75Haiti 351 35 13 74 39 62 35 15.30 2 18 1.4 3mnodoae 804 131 14 440 1? 74 b43 r.70 W 9 (3) 1.0

mausrY 2,642 2,791 1S 2,756 15 107 g 49 4.4Wb - 11 fV 1.3 */3 Idi 292 211 20 m 22 49 43 1S.4* 6 (155) 1.4 6

Indon-els 476 197 14 241 17 181 32 5.10 0 15 2.0 1Janice 1,342 670 22 992 1r 15 3 12.21 5 17 2.0 2aonrdu 1,000 693 42 1,054 14 92 43 4.20 4 (39) 0.9 dV 2Co"trs 329 67 41 127 15 33 W S 6.15 s 34 1.9KOMea 4.079 1,740 10 2,150 6 311 46 7.61 8 63 2.2

Leo P.D.R. 128 25 - 202 24 30 51 2.70 bW 39 d4 100 d 2.9 dJ 6Losotho 165 * - - 12 6 .86 bl -Libria 413 110 12 348 25 24 W 29 15.00 o -No_I 1r 172 41 45 47 14 55 2? - 4a c O o.? . * -Ual,ui 135 29 9 74 I7 If 35 3.18 7 32 1.6 2

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ft T M1e..- _F.RuIC UTILI _


Cowtry (USS) (koe) PORT (h) (2) NMPLOYEE (CZ) (Us/kWh) (2) (2) (tas) (tnths)

maLtyls 2,052 938 S 1.01t 16 108 Sr 7.10 12 64 1.5 1MaU 270 24 v 27 22 37 31 20.30 15 46 2.4 5Nauritania 472 us 6 23 - 13 -s-auritius 1.455 27% 581 16 112 27 11.40 1 0 0.9 2mNico 2.111 ,331 4 1,313 14 186 45 3.67 1 0 1.2 2

Moroeo 916 241 17 373 14 80 45 9.82 8 109 3.0 13Noobfque 74 85 43 28 14 99 1 3.87 10 Ji 4**Wmr 45 5 5T 13 30 / 26 9.68 - -laepl 159 18 29 33 28 34 34 5.92 6 J/ 3 1.7 3Nicaragu 883 211 42 329 18 76 35 6.63 2

Niger 329 19 15 22 18 40 20 20.62 4 J/ 51 1.8cV 3Nigerla 267 125 2 114 33 62 20 1.56 (8) 44 (0.3) 1SPakistan 320 199 27 348 25 38 61 3.84 14 J 21 1.7 3Panas 2.364 1.62V 5r 1,191 19 5T 33 11.94 7 96 1.6 5Popa" v" Oun. 915 207 9 161 12 18 41 15.50 13 40 2.3

Parauay 1.510 164 12 725 16 136 of 8 9 9VPru 12m 463 1 666 18 116 39 1.71 -Phillfppfne 455 231 16 435 17 172 46 8.70 10 99 1.0 2Petad 18600 3,422 IS 3,205 19 - 53 2.15 bl -Portwel 4,049 1.503 21 2,183 8 - 37 8.23 bl 8U (b9)bO 1.2 b/ 11 bi

Roaen1a 3,300 - 3,273 7 * 39 14 dV 2.6 dVRUanda 345 21 63 36 17 28 45 10.50 2 - - 12S: Tom & Prin. 490 o 1 101 143 29 24 65swepl 711 87 18 122 18 86 46 19.62 4 24 2.6Seychelles 3,800 o 618 - 1,221 18 - 43 20.61 6 - - -

Siena Leom 326 53 11 29 35 23 10 12.17 4 0 0.2 6Soltn Ilslan 630o/ 165 * 97 13 29 26 16.57 5 0 2.8 2Somlia 164 49 20 44 30 50 dl 49 14.68 Y 6 3Sri Loaf 3t6 113 25 169 1S 40 26 5.40 8 26 2.4 5St. Lucf 1,540 */ 379 717 13 105 55 14.91 b/ - 3 b

st.vsnt 0. 1,200 4/ 170 - 286 20 92 3V 21.11 bW 8gi - 2 bSudan 472 44 37 45 20 31 2V 8.87 bl 9 l 41 c/ 1.6 cSMftad 810*/ - 506 12 V 27 3.92 b 5 l 67 di 1.4Syria 1,289 m 18 699 12 W 9? 31 3.21 6 I/ -Tanana II v 44 36 25 105 dU 23 7.86 7 W O b/ 0.6

Th"oflo 1.063 39 14 665 14 99 55 S.00 13 41 1.7 3Tqo 1.360 79 6 14 24 49 4 18.20 2 100 25.8 6Twnle 1,119 S12 10 615 12 1SO 38 6.02 (2) 1S 1.0Turkey 1,196 871 24 893 13 * 42 6.22 8 35 1.5 2Uga 244 20 14 37 40 34 42 1.50 O t f 2.8 V

Unuw 2,155 597 10 1'M 19 81 41 6.30 5 43 2.1 4Vantu 80o / 186 - 190 10 * 29 22.93 - - -Ven tla 3,391 2,486 0 2,828 19 113 33 2.32 - 0 0.9m _atemSesa 640 of 252 289 12 SO 31 13.00 3 W - 3.0 W/Ymen ArabRp. 6SS 155 - 98 25 60 23 10.75 0 1 O.S 4

Ymn, P.D.R. 350 15 1 27? It 43 31 13.30 1 5 7.5 7Yoslavia 2.615 1,749 18 3,713 13 116 5/ 48 2.92 10 2.2 3Zafre 194 42 2 m 12 33 24 1.80 44 - 6z2ib 52S 174 6 1,116 7 29 40 1.01 661 18 f t1.1 -

Uidu 6 488 5 89 10 60 W 47 3.68 21 J/2S 0.8

NOME a/ 0 pw rcpta. bl9 I dot. el I9 date. 41 191 daot. e 1984 dota. f/ 1983 dot. / 1982 dta.h/ 1961 data. 1/ 190 dat. 1/ RM based an ovalued assets.

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( yw:-Jtmy 1. 19- Dember 31. 19Io)

Sedate Natond de L'Ulectuiebt at do Gz (SOElLGAZ) Is a stat-owned utility repof or the supply of publo elaetyand gas In Algeria. The mAn sysem Is uatedIn thio noth and povkides about 87% of total genertio.


Pqopuatin, 'OO 23,800 bftflfed Gss capacityArea, '000 sq km 2,382 capacity Oput FactorPopulatiao per sq km 10.0 MW GWh %GDP, US$m 51,900 Public 3,585 12,846 41GDP per Capita, USS 2,181 Thermal 3,300 12,687 44GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 3.5 Hydro 285 159 6Dinars per USS 5.9100 NuClea - - -Electricity Produced/apita. kWh 587 (edther. - - -Commercial Enrgy: Self-Prod 3SI 1,120 36

Consump. Growth Rade,% (80-88) 6.2 Thermal 3S1 1,120 36per Capita, kgoe 1,018 Hydro - - -

ImportIMerchandise Export, % 2 Total 3,936 13,966 41Net Impors (52) -

COMMbERClL ENERGY VW$=e 21 Toed AvaiblMe 13,914 -

Ntod.CtiOB Coal/Lign. - I,WO PUBLIC ELECTICITY SALES 2Vonl 53,746 8,300 GMh sGas 37,060 14,900 Residnia 4,060 34Elickity 26 21 Commercial 4,026 34

Total 90,832 24,221 Indqusy 3,791 32Imports 1,614 - Agricuture - -Epors (73,940 - Government - -Stock Chae (73) - Odter - -Buokws (273) - Export - -Unallocated 5,991 - Toa 11,877 100


Systm Fequency, c/s SO kWh/mo USclkWhVoltagr. Transmision, kV 220/90/60 Resdential Low 20 8.17

Distdiutio, kV 15/llES Resideni High 400 8.17LAow Voltage Vols 2201230 Commk_a 400 5.32

Tota Systm Losses, % 13 Small dustry 4/ 2,000 3.28Countries Ibnoed TunisiaMorocco LAr In3dustry S/ 100,000 3.28Number of Consumers, 'C00 - Bulk Rde -Nunber of Employes (1987) 18,800Consum s per Emplye -UTIT FINANCE (SONELiGAZ) 1/2

Average Revenue, USc/kWh S.64Samk Rate of Rturn,% (1.19)1 VI 1§9. WoabTaVn I5. IMP-U' 159£ SAM Cash Gneratin, 9.2

SIUsiultV D1Vha Debt Service COVM,ims 1.0IStIN hg astd os Yembsc& 1 Accouns Receivable, months 7.S

4SkWIXOt% l"Wdsw

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a Yer JAnUaay 1.158- Deee 31. 19)The power setotw. rled by SSE. is 90% _orcomwcted. FedalSwgerauit-owd utie ar AYE (geratoa..rmso, and in sal provie, dItribution), SECBA (evisln reatr a Aires ar). HIDRONOR (Hydo

devdepu of the Comba=u gon), CTMSG (Sake Gma hyro plhnt). CNEA (ucar geeratio) and EBY (BuidIngYacyra hydro plan). ISEBA and 8PEC are anong the princial utltie.GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1I ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION 41

Populaon, '000 31,500 IbIalled Gross CapacwAea, '000 sq km 2,792 Capct Oup FacorPopultion per sq km 11.3 MW GWh %GDP, USSm 83,146 Public 14,642 48,465 38GDP per Capita, USS 2,640 Thermal 7,057 26,98M 44GDP Grwth Rate, % (1980-88) (0.5) Hydro 6,567 15,682 27Australes per USS 11.32 Nuclear 1,018 5,798 65Elciity ProducedlCapita, kWh 1,68S Gooher. - - -Cmmci Eergy: Self-Prod. 1,897 4,450 27Co_ump. Growh Rate,% (80-88) 2.1 Thermal 1,875 4,340 26Cronsampti per Capita, kgoe 1,350 Hydro 22 110 57

ImporMerchudise Export, % 4 Total 16,539 53,915 37Net Impors 150 -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY O0OtOe 21 Tolal Availbl 53,065 -

Coal/Lignite 302 989 PUBUC ELECTRICrTf SALES 4/

oil 24,259 22,240 WSh Gas 18,624 17,270 Residential 11,152 29

ekc*icity 1,847 4,917 COMMINcial 4,047 11Toed 45,032 42,534 Induisty 18,491 48

Impors 4,525 - Agricultre 388 1Expors (1,851) - Government 1,565 4Stock Change (566) - Odker 2,832 7Bunkers (443) - Export 7 2Unalocatde (4,163) - ToWa 38,482 100


System Frequency, c/s S0 kWbhno USclkWhVoltage: Tranmiion, kV SO/20132 Residetial LAoW 20 9.25

Distribution, kV 13.2 Resi High 400 9.05Low Volt Vos 220/380 Com menia 400 11.00

TOWa System Les(SEGDA), X 21 Small dusry S/ 2,000 11.17Countries Inteonbnected Bolivia, Prag,UrUgUaY Lap Ibdusty S 100,000 3.75Number of Cao nsers,'000(SEGBA 3,851 Blk RAt -Number of Enpldoyos 21,986Consunmrs per Employee 175 UTILITY FINANCE (SEODA) 31

Average Renenue, USc/kWh 4.49Rate of RReturn 7.20

IIIMDnc* DORA Cash Generation% 2.80

vmsratada_ Ewazia 05L (usdmaase Det Sevice Coverage,times 0.11/853 Accots Receivable, nths 2.141S 3I Irvwmdu&ta)N5WstaSSSIUbdAaOWntnhdsa

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(Fiwd Year: July 1. 1987-June. 1938)BPDB is nqrsapaab fow selecticty geoeatioaa. transmnlsscand dho6tkltas. mept in area guyed by RIB. RIB is"sapans"l for the cosatructioc of aural delectflcatlc ion wss and osatlzlag prospectIv eoammmirso Inow-ua

cope ativ ealid PaB Iyut $eMu dismta buy delecrict (rom DDB for dlarlbutlon to thei

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELBCFRIC1TY PRODUCTION 21Population, '000 108,900 Instlle rown CacityArea, 000 eq km 144 Caaiy Output FactorPopultion per sq km 756.3 MW GWh GDP, USSm 19,320 Public 2.50 6,542 30GDP per Capita, US$ 177 Thermal 2,170 5,867 31GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 3.7 Hydro 330 675 23Tab per US$ 31.7 Nuclear - - -

Electricity Prodwced/Capita, kWh 63 (leother. - --

Commiera Energy: SelfProd. 168 325 22Cosm.Growth Rate,% (80-8) 7.6 Thewmal 168 325 22

Consuptionper Capita, kgoe 54 Hydro - - -

Import/MArchandise Export % 24 Total 2,668 6,867 29Not Imports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'OOOtoe 21 Total Availabl 6,867-Prodteion

Coal/igite - 120 PUBLIC ELECTRIUCITY SALES 31Oil 117 2,033 OWlSsGas 3,613 3,613 Reskidential 886 24Electricity 151 151 Comnmera 391 10Total 3,881 5,917 Andustry 1,843 49

Imports 2,131 -Agcutr-

Exports (84) - Gvrmn Stock Chang (1) - Odker 4/ 653 17Bunkers (10) - Export - -Unallooeod - - Total 3,773 100

ITILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UL IT Y TARIFSDDl) 3System Frequency, cIa 50 kWbh/n USc/kWVoltage. Transmison, kV 230/132 Resdential LAW 20 5.11

Disti0ion, kV 66 /il4 Reidenta High 400 7.55Low Voltage, Vos 400 Commrca 400 10.11

TOa Losses, %(1980-88) 39 Smal duty / 2,033 60Countries Lag Iduty SI 100,000 7.42Number of Consomum s, '000 963 Bulk Rate -Number of Employe 21,000

Csursper Employee 39 UTILTY FINANCE (DPDD 3/Averag Revenu, USc/kWh (eat.) 6.07

mm_Rat of Returowl (eat.) 1.70vUDW 196. Wai Taw"s im- W-S 19 Cash Generation, i% 27.50

21 MEA Umunsaw UN Be &aslaks YNA0a; £968 Debt Sevice Cov.rativaes 1.351MAb CrAe JiA Accounts Receivable, months (eat.) 5.14 , ISMI 64 GW& mld to104% 8

5TkWaSS 3,88u120kWa S,917f 1,43 4

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(Fiwel Yar: Jmusy 1,1988- Decmber 31, I9)

Daibados LigIs ed Power Compony (BLPC) Is respo=esl for al public slectrcti supy. BLIPC is datiost entrey privteyowned. The Govueats abaft i the comay is 7%.


P'Ouation, 'O00 254 Intaled Grs CapaCiArs, *000 sq km 400 Capacy 0Ot Factor

Popuation per sq km 0.6 MW OWIh GNP, US$m 1,527 Publi 132 477 41GNP per Capita, US$ 6,010 Therma 132 477 41ONP Growt Rate, % (19608) 2.3 Hydr - - -Barbdo8S per USS 2.011 Nuear - - -Electriciy Produced/Capita. kWh 1,878 Gother. - - -Comumera Energ: Self-Prod. - - -

Cansump. Growth Rst,% (80-88) - Therma - - -_omptionper Capita, kgoe 1,043 Hydro - - -Impoct/Mercbndise Export, % - TOa 132 477 41

Not Imports - -


CoallLignit. - - PuBLuC ELECRIuCrrY SAES 2/

Oil 60 241 OWh XGas 24 24 Residenta 123 30Electriciy - - Commercial - -

Tota 84 265 Indsby 288 70Imports 327 - Aricuure - -

Export (3) - Government - -

Stock Cha - - Odter - -

Bunkers (118) - Export - -

Unalocated 25 - TOal 411 100


Syem Freuecy, c/s 50 kWh/mo USc/kWhVdbw Trmudsdm kV a Resien Low 20 13.25

Ditbtiss, kV 24/11 Resdena High 400 12.85Low Volap, Volta 115/230 Comme_cia 400 17.25

Total Systm L , X 9 Small dstry Si 2,000 14.75Counties Inteconnected - Lae Isy 5/ 100,000 13.35Numbr of Consumers, '000 81 Bulk RaftNumbr of Employe 474Conmes per Employ"e 172 uTLITy FINANCE (BPC 31

Average Revenue, USc/kWh 13.45NO Rat of Return,% 6.26

IIWm tDI VIWO Taw" if a, HP-is 1 Cash eneraon, % 10Q.23w_ 9yDMoEheMsIRyPaul." im Debt Savice Coverage,times 2.1

If SANs. ICUs. IPAZ Accounts Receivable, aonths 1.17

417b 1 MsM NeWd WUW Sawy

St *kW SS SgbstAr& W&.WVN ieuifd_au

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a YWmr Apu 1. I9M - Mll 31. IDUD)

Bdiz. ElcCUI&y Bond (BeD) ts a _ alty _loe fr g8aeas s d of


GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICrrY PRODUcInON 21Pop_tion, '000 180 e r CapaiAmea, 000 sq km 23.00 Capiy Opt FactorPaplation per sq km 7.8 MW GWa %GNP, US$m 263 Public 22 77 40ONP per Cpit, USS 1,461 Thebma 22 77 40GNP Growth Rate, % (198088) 5.1 Hydro - - -B*dizeS per USS 2.0 Nuclar - - -Electiciy Produced/Capita, kWh 428 Goodhor. - - -Commrcial Eer: Self-Prod. - - -Conwmp. C3rwh Rate,% (80-88) - Them - - -Conamptin por capita, kgoo 333 Hydro - - -Import/Mecbandise Export, % - Total 22 77 40

et Impors --


Pt_odut -CoallLignite - PUBLIC ELEmcTRITy SALES (1915) 3/Oil - 60 GWh Gas - - Residential 19 37Electricity -Commer 7 14Tota - 60 Induy 25 49

Impots 71 - Aicultuore - -Exo- - -overment

Stock Chn- Ote - -

B'u-e (11) - Eot -

Unallocated - Total 51 100

UTILIY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLT TARIFFS 3 191System Frequey, C/s 50/60 kWh/mI USc/kWhVoaW: Tansmisson, kV 22 Redential LOw 20 21.50

Distriuton, kV 22/6.6 Resdential High 400 21.50Low Valta, Vola 110/220 Comeci 400 21.50

Tota System Losses, % (191s) 17 Small Idutry 4/ 2,000 21.50Countdries nrconcted - Le Industry 5 100,000 21.50Numbor of Cosums, '000 (1915) 21 Bulk Rat -Numbe of E _ploye (1985) 320Consumers pe Emplo" (198) 66 UTLITY FINANCE (B 31

Avea Reve, USc/kWh (198S) 21.50irNuT Rate of Reot,% -IVWDR t990 W TWt t19& a-MWs tM cash Generatio , -21 UN &fhv n Yeab*o* Is Debt Service Cverage,tlmesSt WK. ap Murgw& mPftddMspaRs Acco_ Receivable, nths -4Is kWatSk hubb

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(Fkcxl Yar: Apr 1. 191 -Mah 31. 199)Soiet DBaws= d'Eloctriat et D'Eu (SlED) is a dte-ownd utit espxtsible for the distribut of tlcuical enrVpurasd fom Gha trough Commusuute Meturiq dua Rn (C81). It *peres sted dise ions id Is also"WOsBe for we suppy.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1t ELECTRICITf PRODUCTION 31Populaon, 'COO 4,400 ed ss CapacityArea, '000 sq km 113 Capay Output FacwtrPouaton per sq gm 38.9 MW GWh %GDP. USSm 1,710 Public 57 S0 10GDP per Capt USS 389 Therma 57 50 10GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 2.4 Hydro - - -Francs per USS 297.9 Nucler - - -

Electricity Produced/Capita, kWh 63 Gothoer. - - -

Commercial Energy: Self-Prod - - -

Commp. Growth Rate, % (80-88) 4.7 Thermal - - -

Consmpto per Capita, kgo 38 Hydro - - -

portMercadise EXPot, % 72 TOtal S7 S0 10NotImport 228 -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY COOboa 2V Total Availble 278 -

Prodi-a_ -Cod/Ligite - - PULC ELECTRICrTY SALES 3/

Pil 149 153 OWhIGas - - Residential 129 55Elecricity - 15 Commeria 82 35TOWal 149 168 Industy 24 10

Impor 177 - Agrcultr - -EXports (155) Goverment - -Stock ang (3) - Odr - -

Bus s - - Export - -Unallocated Total 235 100

UTLTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTILITY TARIFFS (SBEE 1987) 21Sysm Frequecy, cs S0 khm USckWVolagU: Trmisson, kV 161/63 Rsdential Low 20 13.92

Dishtibu, kV 33/20/15 Residential High 400 18.31Low Voltag, Volts 220/380 Commercial 400 20.76

TOWal Sysem LASSeS, % IS Small Industry 4/ 2,000 12.S0Counies Ghaaed Togp Lag ndtry S/ 100,000 11.12Number of Consumers, '000 57 Bulk Rate -Number of Employes 1,100Co _n per Employee 52 UTILITY FINANCE (SBED) 31

Avag Revue, USclkWh 19.1014am Rat of Reu,% 2

VI 9D0 Wil Tawlow 19& au,-Ws tu Cash Generation, % 60VtffASW1WwsaAa Debt S i Covere,times 3.1YRqisadft Jsfte Accounts Recevbl, mnts -411Ws55%laIr.WsaNO W atm 7lkW ba_sw

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(Fscl Year. Auwy I. 1988 - 0na 31. 19)Tbere arn two bulk genat utles In the couay: the at-owned EAprs Nationl de £lec1iWed (ENDS) and COBES.ENDE is in chage of goenerton, phoanig and operation at the bulk leve. In .4GWm. to gr.eatoo, CODSM distrbutes

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECTCrITY l?Tr '-TCION 3/population, '000 7,000 Intle Gr#S CVaCiyArea, '000 sq km 1,099 Capcty Output FactorPopulation per sq km 6.4 MW GWh IGDP, USSm 4,310 Public 51S 1,612 36GDP per Capita, US$ 616 Tberma 217 475 25GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) (1.6) Hydro 298 1,137 44Bolivisuos por USS 2.4 Nuclr - - -

Elctricity Produced/Capita, kWh 269 Geodher. - - -Comnercial Energy: Self-Prod. 93 271 33Consump. GrOwth Rate,% (80-88) (1.5) Thermal 69 147 24Conuamption per Capita, kgoe 225 Hydro 24 124 59ImortMerandise Export, % 3 Total 608 1,883 35

Net Imort 4COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'OOOtoe 21 Total Avaiable 1,887 -


Oil 1,046 1,050 GWh %Gas 2,400 417 Residea 689 50Elecricity 108 109 Commercial 189 14

Total 3,5S4 1,576 Idustry 171 13Impors - - Agricuture - -Exapots (2,007) - Government -

Stock Chang (111) - Otdor 13S 10Bunkers - - Bulk Sales 184 13Unallocated 83 - Totdal 1,3 100

UTlJTrY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLT TARIFFS (COBEE) 3/System Frfquency, C/s 50 kWh/mo UScikWhVoltg: Tnmassio, kV 115 Residen Low 20 4.10

Distribution, kV 69 Resil High 400 3.98LoW VoltagO, Volts 2201110 commeial 400 5.94

Totdal System Loses, S IS Small bdustry 4/ 2,000 8.70Countries Interconeed - Lag Iduty S/ 100,000 4.29Number of Consumers, '000 420 Bulk Rate 1.00Number of Employees 1,999Consumers per Employee 210 UTLITY FINANCE (COBEE) 31

Average Revnu, USc/kWh (1987) 3.SSNOTEK Rade of Redurn,% 7.68UWDR 1990. WOrdt TaUe 1969 & BIO-WS 1989 Cah Generatio % -V UN Dmv Iwio Yeaboo 1966 Debt Service Coverage,timesV AOhI C*mO$" R mt& sfa Account RceivaWbl months


saIo wkat 7ook faco

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(Fisca Yar A IA 198 -M - Ma,b 31. 1958)Doewan Powe Copoaio (BPC) is the soft utit responsie fo' publi po supply. Tho power sysm consists of twoan systm, Noth and Southern which ar not l__ercometu. The Souter System RSAiucugh a 132kv btausm lie.

GENERAL BCONOMIC DATA 11 ELECIJIC1TY PRODUCTION (1985) 2/Popuatc, '000 1,200 Gro CapcityArea, 00 sq km 582 Capaity Otput FacoPopuatio per sq km 2.1 MW OWh %GDP, USSm 1,940 Public 224 446 23GDP per Capita, USS 1,617 Therml 224 446 23GDP Growth Rate, % (198088) 11.4 Hydro - - -

Pulas per USS 1.82 Nuclear - - -

Electicity Produc*dCapita, kWh 390 Geohodr. - - -

Commerial Enetr: Self-Prod. - 22 -

Consump. Grwth Rate % (80-88) 2.3 Themal - -

Consmption per Capita, kgoe 415 Hydro - - -

Impor/Merhndise Export, % - Toalt 224 468 24

NetImpor 211 -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'OCto _ Totl Available 679 -

*-doutioc Cosmpton

Coallite - - PUBLIC ELECTRICrTY SALES (1986 )2Oil - - G'WhGas - - Residential 42 7

lcticity - - Commcil 88 14

Total usl y 460 75Impors - - Aiculture - -EportV s - - Govermnt 27 4Stock Ch - - Other - -Bunkers - Export - -

Unallocated - - TOal 617 100


System Feqcy, c/s 50 kWhIo USc/kWhVolage: Trasmisso, kV 220/132166 Residential Low 20 14.60

Disributon, kV 66/1116 Resietil High 400 9.24

Low Volage, Volts 400 Commcisl 400 11.19Totd Systm Le1986), % 9 Small Indutry 4/ 2,000 9.54

Contries Inec_onected RSA L Inustry 5/ 100,000 7.50Number of Consume, '000 (1983) 7 Bulk Rate -Number of Emplyee (1986) 1,184

Conumer per Employe (1983) 8 UTr r FINANCE IPC) 2131

Average Revenue, USc/kWh (1983) 4.37ImQW Rate of Rturn,% (1986) 4.20uwa OR n. WONUNTt M e Wi-a 19me Cab oenation, % (1986) (2.80)I1 SDA Pa,fuaaft aa. d3 Dobt Sevice Coverage,times (1986) 1.7Srf &. bus Auemms& hss Rae Accounts RecevW months4EWStSw % a mi k_r

s2/Mhwstm* bate

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(d Yer: bAmo I. i - D.uba 31. 198)

RtETRODRAS hscam as a bedi compay (of foe m* poe awadiw s6ddsAw EUAS. LONORTE.CHESF. and ELETROSUL. nd eubutla companie LIHT ad ISCULSA). and as a maw devat bak

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECrRICITY PRODUCTION 21Pplation 0 144,400 b0hd G CArm, '000 sq km 8,512 C iy Out FacPpulation per sq kmn 17.0 MW OWh Sr;DP. US$m 323,610 Publk 4S,677 204,472 51GDP per Capita, USS 2,241 Thermal 3,973 8,372 24GDP Gowwh Rate, 9 (19808) 2.6 Hydro 41,047 195,S48 54Now Cruzados per USS 0.262 Nuclehr 6S7 552 10Eectricity Produced/Capita, kWh 1,473 Goolbhr. - - -Comercial Energy Self-Prod. 3,403 8,228 28

Consumup. Growth Rat,% (80-88W) 3.6 Thendma 2,7S8 4,683 19Consunmpfio per Capit, kgoo 915 Hydro 645 3,545 63Import/Merobandise Export, % 13 Total 49,080 212,700 49

Not fIports 17,941 -COMMCERCIAL ENERGY *GOtos 2/ Teta Available 230,641 -

coa/Liagite 3,217 9,885 PUBLIC ELECTRIRCIY SALES 21

oil 27,853 59,570 Gwh SGas 5,331 3,824 RuuimniaM 37,949 21Electricity 62,094 S8,830 Cmrcr a 20,008 11

Total 98,49S 132,109 Induty 96,420 53Imports 49,137 - ASlcultur. 7,223 4Expors (7,411) - enment 17,649 10Stock Chan (387) - Other 1,334 1Bukiers - - Expot - -

Unallocateid (7,725) - TotW 180,582 100

ILrY POWER SYSTEM DATA 2/ UTVIIT TARIFFS (Naiknwi de) 2/System Frequency, c/s 60 k}wbImo UScIkWhVoltage: T m kV 75WS00440/3451230 Residential Low 20 4.19

Dis_iui. kV 138/69134.5113.8&23 Residentd High 400 688Loow Voltage, Volhs 110/230 Comardal 400 10.74

Tol SytemLaes, X 17 Small Id y 3/ 2,000 6.13Countries Interconnctd Par,Uug, Argntim lage Idusty 41 100,000 3.31Number of Cosmer, '000 28,344 Bk Rate -Number of Emplye 193,893Consumers per Emoploy.. 146 UTITPFINANCE 2V

Aversge Revenue, USc/Wkh S.37mmXtt BRd of Abtumn,% 5.80u tWDl 0o WOWTawir.t n& De-is iss Cush aeratlon, 5 62.10.V2 em1 p Divib Debt Svice Covrag,times O.53ssI*Wu3t5%sdw Recev , month4,istwllUia kiftw

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12 BURKIA FASO1988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEETed Yea:. Jary 1.195- Deaw 31. 1980)

Societe NadonadurhIo R l'Shetuiklt (SONABEL) Is a coummrcial Paauta with a ntura monoply on dcctrIcitygenm and dcisution. The daw4opaut of l p dceleIIty supp sytmhbas enedlimited.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECRCITY PRODUCTION 21Popuation, '000 8,S46 Instilled Gnu CapaiyAme, '000 sq im 276 cacity Ou_u FactorPopuation per sq km' 31.0 MW GWh %GDP, US$m 1,892 Public 59 128 25GDP per Capita, US$ 221 Thermal 59 128 25GDP Gowth Rate, % (1980-88) 6.4 Hydro - - -Rupiahs per USS 297.9 Nuclear - - -Electricity Produced/Capita, kWh IS Geood. - - -Commercial Enoery: Sof-Prod. - -

Cosump. Gwth Rate,% (80-88) - Therml - - -C _p per Capita. kgos 19 Hydro - - -Import/Mechdise Eport, % 7 Total 59 128 25

Net mports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY '00oG. 2/ Total Available 128 -

Priucton sumptoCoal/Linite - - PUBLIC ELECTICrITY SALES (1983) 3

Oil - 161 GWh SGas - - Residnal 35 32Eletricity - - Commeca - -

Toal - 161 Indsty 61 56Impors 16S - Agure - -

Eots (1) - Govement 4 4Stock Change (3) - Odter 9 8E-skwes ^ - Expon - -

Unallocated - Total 109 100

UFILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTILITY TAIUFFS (SONABEL 1984) 31Systm Frequecy, c/s SO kWh!..m USc/kWhVoltage: Trasmissio, kV - Residential Low 20 13.96

Distribution, kV 30/15/5.5 ReSdet High 400 20.37Low Voltage, Volts 220/380 Commercial 400 19.4S

Total Systm Losse, S (1983) 11 Small dusty 41 2,000 16.90Countis Interconnected - Lar Idsty S/ 100lQ,0 15.90Number of Consumers, '000 (1983) 30 Bulk Rato Number of Employees (1983) 727Co _sum per Employe (1983) 41 UTLIT FINANCE 2SONABEL) 3/

Aver evee, t Sc/kWh (1984) 17.26Rat of Retwm,% -

ItWDIZ 199. W.dMTW 1g5p& W-1F5 1989 Cash Genetion, S -

2MUNIS IWSatst Ydatk 1965 Deb Service Coverage,tims -

3S sAU v £smmm* psjfgs asputs Accounts Receivable, mons -4WSw155ka thu

S/Wso kw_ a 48 k

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Ii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~IB ~~~~~~~~~III I I~i I1001 : ' ' "w¢::- lgg-; ' "= ' g 31§I III

IILII tth A S;ffi0LIX} M1 X1t}}! § ] SLal

a111X Us.gII,I I | M

jj| 'X,§ll|j h il IIIiiIi liii.1R

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( Yar. J* L. I --JeaeX. 1M

8ece Natioav. 4'Ebsuts de Camm (SONEL) Isa p*isl tft cspcinl for ge aa, tawAssu nddistsbutla of .eal SIg.

GENERAL ECONOtC DATA 11 ELECrICITY PRODUCTION 21Popuqsim '000 11,200 tafh Ono CaciyArea, '000 sq Io 475 Capcit Ouput FactwPopuatiom per sq km 23.6 MW Gh GDP, USSm 12,900 Public 75 70 11GDP per Capit, USS 1,152 T u 75 70 11GDP Gwth Rate, % (1980-88) S.4 Hy}r - - -

Fca per USS 297.9 Nuclar - - -

Elecricit ProduedCapita, kWh 214 Geoodr. - - -

Commeral Ergy: Self-Prod. S30 2,325 50Cossump. Growlh Rae,% (80-8) 6.1 Therma 2 - -Coasutuptim s,per Capitg.. 177 Hydro 528 2,325 S0

prctMExport, % I Total 605 2,395 45Net bUorts -

COMMIERCIAL ENERGY 00 . 2 Totdal Avaibl 2,395 -

Coll/ignite 1 1 PUBLIC SALES (1982) 31Oil 8,480 1,784 GWb SGaM - - RPud&nta 749 37Ebcticiy 200 200 Commecial - -Total 8,681 1,985 ld y 1,274 63

Imports 12 - Aiclture - -Eprt 6,S81 - okment - -

Stock Cheanp (89) - Othr - -Bunhes (S1) - Expot - -

Unalocated 164 - Toald 2,023 100

UTILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTIITY TARFFS (SONEL 1987) 31Sytm Freque, c/s SO kWhdmo USclkWhVol: Tranisca, kV 22S/90 Reuldeutiul Low 20 17.43

Diutriom, kV 55I33130/15I10 Reddentia lh 400 17.43Lw Votep, Vlts 220/380 Cmmrci 400 17.43

Tdal Sytm Lose, 5 (1982) 6 Saul nday 41 2,0# 10.86Countreos - Lrg Industy 3I 100,000 6.25Number of Comers , '000 (1982) 191 BlIk Raft -Number of Emplyem (1982) 3,100Conumers pe Employe (1982) 70 UTIRY FINANCE 9SONEL) 31

Aveg Revenu, USc/kWh (1987) 14.14-TMRate of ReunA (1982) 13

U IDR1t0o Waw TO9 1ma & 8-w 1M Coasheraton, % (1980) 3221 UN W ff55 Det Service Cwvera,dmes -

Sf LO&BMW Afmess& PftdaMss Repeats Accounts Rteceable, aonths411wanes kebiS1253&WAID lAm

Page 27: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon

CAPE VERDE is1968 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEETk Yea:r JAnMl. 11m - 0,br 31, 1ow

mEatricay is gerated by autoomou pubtc enterplse SqOpyb* 00Pth p u emOf Mbnduto Sl Islad. the .Aplul atY OfPWa and senm odbr towns.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECMCrIrY PItODUCTION 1/Popudation, '000 352 hAld Gow CapacigyArea, '000 sq km 4 Capcity O0p FactorPoplation per q km 88.0 MW % wliGNP, US$m 239.36 Pulc 16 31 23GNP per Capita, USS 680 Therma 16 31 23GNP Grwth Rate, % (1980-88) 5.3 Hydro - - -Escudoss per USS 72.5 NucwAr - - -Elctricity ProduclCapta, kWh 88 Geodr. - - -Commecial Energy: Self-Prod - - -

Coasump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) - Thermal - - -Consumption per Capita, kgoe 68 Hydro - - -hportlMerchans Export, % - Total 16 31 23

Not Impor - -COMMERCIAL EN1ARGY 'OOOo 21 Total Availale 31 -

CoaLignite - - PUUC EECRICY SALES (1989) VOil - 24 OWl %(Gas - - Residew 16 35Electricity - - Commercia - -

Tota 24 24 laduty 10 23Imports 29 - Agriculture - -Export - - Govenmet 6 14Stock Change b- umq 13 28Bunlr (5) - Exp_t - -

Usallocated - - Tdal 45 100

UTLITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 11 UTTY TARIFFS 31System Frequn, cJs 60 kWhuo USckWhVoltage: Tramision, kV - Resieal Low 20 20.00

Disbution, kV 2016 R1esu High 400 23.38Low Volta, Volts - 400 23.38

Total yse Losss, % 21 Small ndby 41 2,000 1834Cunties _ - Larg Industry Sl 100,000 15.78Number of Coumers, '000 13 BDuk Rfte - -Number of Employs 261Consuers per Employee 49 UT1Y FINANCE (ELECRA 1969) 11

Avmp Rvme, USolkWh 14.0iCMn Rit of Retw,% UR*iwmu .. rsDvi Cash Gea_on, %2 UN B=r StataYa*o* tIa Debt Service CoveagstimesSf 3MAI. AMiII C=00 , Acns Recoeil monts41twatUs5% bd iaumwtatrn ,a.a.e.

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EneWs CeataMfaaw (ENERCA) I sa t-owned utiity tesposil for geserto sd dWltAK*1= of etetrlcy. ENERCAoperates in Beful and I ine ot" e ommercial eater.

GENEA ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTICIrY PRODUCTON 3/Ppoplation, '000 3,000 Inlae Gles CapaitArea, '000 sq km 623 Cwacity Outpt FacloPopuation per sq km 4.8 MW OWlh GDP, USSm 1,080 Public 30 94 35GDP per Captb, US$ 360 Themal 12 20 20GDP Growth Rato, X (190-88) 2.1 Hydro 19 74 45Framas per USS 297.9 Nucloar - - -

Elctricity PwrducUdCapita, kWh 31 Geeder. - - -Co _mmrcial Eners: Self-PrQ& - - -

Consump. Gmrwt Rate,% (-88) 3.7 Theml - - -Connmper Capita, kgoe 24 Hydro - - -ImpoMeradse Export, % 14 Totd 30 94 35

Not Imports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'OGOloo V Totl Available 94 -

ProucainumfoCoa/ ite - - PUBUC ELECMCITY SALES 31oiln 65 OS %(Sag - - Residential 24 35Electric - 6 Commercial 10 15Total 6 71 lndsby 35 50

Impots 78 - Agriculte - -

Exports - - Govmet - -

Stok Chag (3) - Othr -

Bosk (10) - Expot - -

Unallocated - - Totl 69 100


System Fre_qucy, c/s 50 Im USc/WVaog: Tr _mision, kV 110/63 ReI LOw 20 23.5

Distbutio, kV 60I15/S.5 Resdenti High 400 17.3Low Vtage, Volts 220/380 C _rcial 400 17.3

Tot Systm Lse, % 26 Small ldtry 41 2,000 13.4Countries Introicted - Lage Iuty 5/ 100,000 11.5Numnber of Co _sumes, '000 8 Bullk R4tNumber of Employees 5S7Coumes p Employe 14 UTIITY FINANCE (ERCA) 3

Average Re , UScikWh 14.S:om, Rate of Rctun,% (4.6)

U Wo MIX We"rTdawma wa ne-WS 19ts Cash Geeatin, % 13.9211UN bsV irNnil WNW* toSs Debt Service Coverage,tnses 2.9sSIA now AMuiUMsa Pfdms J _hb s ACOoUE R iable, month 15.44EIWatSS% ldw

s12kwM a7ssihs b ,

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(sc Ycar: aiuny 1955 - Ocow. 31. 198ENDESA. CIILECTRA-OENERATION and COLSUN S.A. we turee mor geratig cones. amliawsio bpuimalycauled out by ENDESA. Dibution Is th respos"ity prmriy of privte compani which purcase dectay in bulkfm the g8eating compa.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECTRICITY PRODUCTON 3JPopuafion, '000 12,800 hstbalod Grow CapcityAea, '000 sq km 757 Capacy Ou_pt FactwPopulation ptr sq kn 16.9 MW GWh *GDP, USSm 22,080 Public 3,099 13,202 49GDP per Capita, USS 1,725 Th11a 909 2,432 31GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 1.9 Hydro 2,190 10,770 56Pesos per US$ 245.1 Nuclear - - -Electricity Produced/Capita, kWh 1,321 Gooher. - - -Commcial Energy: Self-Prod. 934 3,713 45Consump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) 1.6 Therml 845 3,013 41Cosumion per Capita,k goo 817 Hydro 89 700 90Import/Merchadise Export % 4 Tota 4,033 16,915 48

Net hmpors -COIMERCIAL ENERGY *C00toe 21 Total Availble 16,915 -

Production ConsumptioCoa J/Lignite 1,322 1,774 PUDUC ELECTRIUCIY SALES ( c4Oal 1,421 5,623 aft XGas 440 440 Residenti 2,095 20Eketriity 2,620 2,620 Comercl 1,118 11Tota 5,804 10,456 Indsry 5,822 56

imports 4,902 - Transport 247 2

Expos (157) - Gvrnmet 525 5Stock Change (43) - Other 568 5Bunkers (49) - Export - -

Unallocated - - Total 10,375 100

UTILUTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLIxY TARFS ( Metro.) 3141System Froquecy,c/ 50 kVWhmo USckWhVolte: Transmission, kV 500/220/154/110166 Residenal Low 20 4.33

Distriuton, kV 33/11 R e High 400 8.23Lonw Voltg, Volts 2201440 Commecial 400 823

Totdal System Losses, % 19 Small bsby 5/ 2,'30 7.60Countws Incboneted - Large I y 3/ 100,000 4.78Number of Cnsume, '000 2,338 Bllk RateNumber of Employee -Consume per Employee UTILITY FINANCE (EDESSA forecaslod 41

Averg Revenu, USc/kWh 3.06140M, Rate of RePuru,% 6.3uWDR 1990, W.,wTs%n Igae & W-1F 190 C!ah Gonetaon, % 89.7821 mAS8.21gb. Debt Sevico Cove_e,time 2.66

sIraw"w Dtvise Awcoun Receivable, mnd 0.9641 unwU1Rwarvew

StgtWasw w ad bloraGkOwO batr 7caifd ce

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bWwayaof Darg Is rqausblfar peth ptaanbigand agIudg fteuijor powa ubhame Mmgsmentof powersdamIs dos ,uapusbioft dtwemy-two proviasla powe bureaus Tb. power aysmo I comprIse of wsv rogimi gride. Eighburm otw in boldam.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRITfY PRODUCTION 21Populato, '000 1088,400 bnalhd aGs CaitAre '000 sq In 9,561 Capcity OUt FatrPpuaii per sq In 113.8 Kw OWh GDP, US$m 372,3M0 Pubic t15,513 55,150 54GDP pr Capita, USS 342 Thmal 82,800 435,900 60GDP Gowth Rit, % (1980-88) 10.3 Hyd0 32,70 109,2W 38Y_s per USS 3.7 Nuclear - - -Ebcticit Produced/Capita, kWh SD01 Geoder. 13 S0 44Com _mw Eoor: SeW-Pod. - - -Consuinp. Grwth Rat,% (8088) 5.5 Therml - - -Consumptin per Capita, gOe 66 H*o - - -Impw*ehdin Eiort, 2 Ttal 115,513 545,150 54

Not Imports -

COMRCIAL ENERGY 'OOOab 2 Toal Ava 54S,lS0 -

C*414L0ie 490000 469,00 PUD ELBCMRCITY SALES 2/oil 137,000 105,000 OWIb on 13,000 13,000 Rsddna 2l,000 6Electricity 30,000 29,000 G 13,000 3

Tota $70,000 616,000 1dat' 376,000 81Ipos - - Apicut 32,000 7Expots (43,000) - G ,n - -Stock cahwe - - Otr IS,0OO 3Bunsr - - Expot - -

Unloctd - - Total 464,0O0 100

UTLlTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 2J31 UTLTYf TARIFFS 21Syse Freqency, c/s S0 kWh/mo USckWEVta: T _Icmiss , kV 5 01220/15110160 Reideal Low 20 4.43

Distribo, kV 3511015.6 Resldt Hi4h 400 4.43Law Voltg, Vdb IIO2O C lommcI 400 2.30

TOal Sytm Ls, % 12 Small Industry 41 2,000 2.85Co_nries I o d - Lrg bdusy 5/ 100,000 2.40Number of Co _sumers, '000 712,491 Dulk Rat -Numobr of Emloyee, 000 1,800Co_sm per Employ." 396 UTFUIY FINANCE (PEPE) 21

Avap Revene, USc/lcWh 2.10Unrevelud Rate of Retu,% 4.8

iWMD 106 WdIUITw IN & 5W-I 19 Cob (3mrtan, % so2V-SlIad buW WiM Debt Sv a , 9.0SaUft ve mA PA Acoumat Receivable months 0.904dI5WglSS h _eusrSIZoviW b.i boe

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(FIscal ear: au&a J, 1. I9 - vWbWa 31. iN)The ma ysom ar th Cetral and Adnic sygm. _nteounia Renbie 8.A. (ISA) awn" and trnamit eciyto tid eepi(ICu cvc. C 8 Ced CORELCA). thisuld d m ad -1 _! coupanies (EEES.EPM nd ENCALQ for ftu dll.On.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECRCITY PRODUCFION 2VPopuatio, '000 32,000 hutls os pArea, '000 sq km 1,139 C4ap Outt FacorPopaion per sq km 28.1 MW OWNS sODP, USSm 39,070 Publi 6,766 35,728 60ODP pe Capita, US$ 1,221 Tben 2,166 6,752 36GDP Growth Rate, % (19088) 3.4 Hydro 4,60 28,976 72Pesos per USS 299.2 Nua - - -Elocticity Produced/Capita, kWh 1,198 oe. - - -

Comme_cIa Energy: Self-Prod. S2 2,610 57Coump. Gowth Rate,% (80-88) 2.2 11313 450 2,250 S7

per Capita, kgoo 676 Iydro 75 360 SSImpotMerandie Export, % 4 Totl 7,291 38,338 60

NetIpoptls - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY '000o 21 Todal Availabe 38,338 -

Ptdodctio -Co/Lint 9,930 3,167 PUBLC ELECRCifY SALES 31Oil 20,457 10,112 owNS SGas 2,881 2,U81 Redetbil 11,097 48Elctrci 5,467 S,467 C ial 2,279 10Total 38,734 21,626 bdutry 7,009 31

Imports 1,372 - ASrclte - -

Exports (18,M) - Gom 2,203 10Stock Chang 349 - Odker 362 2Bualoes (57) - Export - -Unlocate - - Totl 22,950 100

UTILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 U1TLlTY TARIFS (toal 3System Frqecy, c/s 50 kWVh/ USc/kWhValtw: Trans_m , kV 230/11S Residential Low 20 2.59

DistibuoD, kV 34S/13/11.4 Resid a Hig 400 2.59Lw Valtago, Volta 1S/230 Co r 400 7.53

Totdal Systm Lna, 5 26 Smll dustry 4/ 2,000 5.58Countries Ineroctsed - large Ind y Si 100,000 5.58Number of CAsomu , 000 4,300 Bulk Rat (A) 2.26Number of Employees (1986) 20,173Cosmrs per Employee (1980) 180 UTL FINANCE (SA & CHB) 31

Aver Revenu, USc/kWh 2.24mm Rate of Retumn (1986 16IUWDR Ink. Wo Taw" 196 a 1-1V Sm Cash Ga tion, % (4.55)V MA Sldgu & UN m IlaiU Yeet* 1968 Debt Servioe Covr,time 0.66SIC*mntiamp pulodli s. C*lbumNs psww Secw &L SA.a Accounts Receivabl, moas -4I$WW haw2 Mwetr 7 eScter

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rcaJ Yr: Jaary 1, l - Desembe 31. 19e)

Elei St Eau des Cooros (EEDC) is a sae-owed utit rolbh for g_eat and dlstrlbutlos of elctric powor inthe Mands.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECMICfTY PRODUCTION 2VPopulation, 'OO 442 instW Grs CqacityArea, '000 sq km 2 city Out FadtPopuation per oq km 221.0 MW GWII XGNP, USSm 194.4 Public 4 14 40GNP per Capita, US$ 440 Thal 4 12 34GNP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 0.6 Hydro - 2 -Francs per USS 297.9 Nuclear - - -Electicity ProducedCapita, kWh 32 G(eoohr. - - -Commercial Energ: Sef-Prod. I -

Consump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) - Ther - - _Cosumption per Capita, kgpe 41 Hydro I - -ImporlMehanise Export, % - Todal 5 14 32

Net Imports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY '0oe 2/ Totdal Availabl 14 -

Production-Co/Lignit - - PUBLIC ELECTRICITY SALES 31Oil _ 17 OWIGas - - Rednoa 6 60Elctrkity - commercial I 10TOtal - 17 Ibdstry I 10mports 17 - Agdc ube --POCU - - Govenmet - -Stock Chan - - Other 2 20Bunkers - - Export - -

Unalocaod - - Total 10 100

UTSLXrY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTRITY TARIFFS (ERDC 1987) 31System Frquecy, cls 50 kYWhnD USclkWhVolWa: Tnsmision, kV 220f380 Resideia Low 20 36.60

Distrxtion, kV 2015.5 Resideia High 400 39.76LOW Voltage, Vols - CommIriCl 400 39.76

Toed Sysem Losses, % 27 Small industy 4/ 2,000 38.26Countries Inteora rcted - LUge bIdusty S/ 100,000 38.26Number of Consumers, *000 (1987) 7 Bulk Ra -Number of Employees 280Conimers per Employee (1987) 25 UTILlTY FINANCE (EBDC) 3/

Averap Revenue, USc/kWh (1987) 39.27rnae Rate of Return,% -u Wun two. Wai Tabs rnsa w-ws tw Cash Geation, S-2I CA Me W.I f_atbo LOS & UN W SWI Yebook IM De* Sevice Coverag,tines -IV SA_ - & A S & PO~s ResPs Accout Receivable, mo_n -1SkW.atUSS ba hbl

slu0wskW7 lg how

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(Fisal Ywr: tay a , 198 - DeAob 31. 19O

Socikt tftdol d4'Ente (SNE) is a pataa oganlos repomMo for fh=,=. trnuas si d dubA ofdlcal powe.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRI ITY PRODUCTON 2POP ulatcon 0 2,100 Insed rowsn CapciyAna, '000 sq km 342 C4apciy Outpt FacOPopation per sq Im 6.1 KW OWII GDP, US$m 2,150 Public 149 292 20GDPperCaift,US$ 1,024 Thermal 29 3 1GDP Growth Rab, % (198088) 4.0 Hydro 120 289 35Francs per USS 297.9 Nuclar - - -Electricity Produced/Capita, kWh 139 Geooher. - - -Comercial Energy: Self-Prod. - - -

Co_sump. Grwth Rate,% (80-88) 4.4 Therma - - -per Capita, kgo 249 Hydro - - -

lmportMerchandise Export, % S Totdal 149 292 22Not Impous SS -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY '000boo V2 Toala Available 347 -

CoaI/Ligmt - - PUBUC ELECTRI1 SALES (1987) 31

Oil 7,238 492 GWh Gas 2 2 Residential - -

Electricity 25 30 Commecia - -

Total 7,065 523 Inutay - -

Impor 16 - Agricul -

Epot (6,460) - Gvernmet - -

Stock Chae (70) - Other - -

Bunkers (9) - Expolt - -

Unlallocated 18 - Toal 36S 100

UTILIfT POWER SYSTEM DATA 3/ UTMLXY TARISSystem FteqPecy, cis S0 kVwahmo USc/kWhVoltage Tra_mission, kV 225/220/110 Residenial Low 20 -

Distiution, kV 33/20110 R High 400 -Low Volts, VoltS Cm r 400 -

Toal Sym lass, % 19 SmaUll dwusby 41 2,000 -Counties _dnrconnected Zar Lrg Istiy Si 100,000 -Number of Conasumes, '000 (1982) 2 Buk Rat -Nume of Employe (1982) 16Consme per Employeo (1982) 97 UIL1TY FINANCE (SNE) 31

Avrage Reveu, UScKWh (1987) 8.85Rate of Retur,% -

1/WDX 1960. Wl Town a9& au-WAs 1969 Cas enation, %v to IS SWiss Ya*aak 19S Ddb Service Covergetr8ims3YP: Cuq.Rt D.w1apmm5wf. SAN Accont Roceivable, months4IStIMSS hestu_usxownkatr 7e bet

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22 COSTA RICA1988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEET(Fisfa Yet:h Ana 1. WN - Dmb_ 31. 19U)

lant Cota e eetW(cId,d (ICE) Is do mahin pursUe and twrasu utlt. CNP. a Nudly of WCE, Is_e goa fbr dWribuld In Son Se City. Two maklu bUtI and ftu ur coepUvs distribuft lecrtIy. The publicsysisa Is intcomisaed.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELCRCITf PRODUCTION 2.31PPopula '000 2,700 I l G CaptyAm, '000 sq kmn S1 Capit Otpt FactorPopulation per sq km 52.9 MW oWh %GDP, USSa 4,650 Public 866 3,135 41GDP prCaplta,US$ 1,722 Theral 142 95 8GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 2.4 Hydro 724 3,040 48Colone por USS 7S.8 Nuclar - - -Elctrct Produced/Capita, kWh 1,183 Geodr. - - -

Commercial Enry: SolfProd. 44 58 ISCosmump. Grwwh Rate,% (80-88) 2.9 Thema 33 48 17Comurptin per Capita, koe 390 Hydro 11 10 10ImpoMercxhdise Epot, % 12 Tdal 910 3,193 40

Not imports 274 -COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'OOOoe 2V Totdal Avaiabe 3,467 -

Cal/Ligite - - PDUC urELECTCITY SALES VOil - 792 OWh %Gas - - Rasidetal 1,404 46Electity 27S 260 Commeia 677 22

Tota 27S 1,052 lnuty 794 26Import 965 - Agrbulte - -txpofts (118) - Govaenme - -

Stock Change (40) - Odher 92 3Bunkers - - Expor 84 3Unalocat 110 - Totdal 3,051 100

UITITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 21 UTRI TAREIS ICE) 2vSystm Freque, cO 60 kWh/ro UScWhVolge: Trm ion, kV 138/34.5 Residential Low 20 3.66

Distributo, kV 34.5/24.9113.214.2 Residential High 400 3.23Low Vole, Volts 110/220 C 400 8.13

Totdl Sys Losses, % 11 Smlg Indtry 41 2,000 7.03Countries Ncara,HNndur,Panm Large Indutry 5/ 10,000 4.90Nmubr of Cnsums, '000 S92 Bulk Rate -Nuumber of Emplyee 5,722Consumers per Employ 103 UTIY FINANCE (ICE) 12

Averag Reven USc/kWh 3.21uuza Rat of Retrn,% 7.0

U T Mo. We" Tan 10. IF9-w t91969& UUb Cash Gmraticn, % 23.0C-N tIad 3'W DiitS Debt Servic Coverw ,ims 0.95SfU Nbmw uwlusYa*gt ae9s Accounts Receiva, monts 2.6041twMsr abms_wS1kWst7nb 1 i _

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( ral : Oto . iffi - septae A IOU)

E&Org Ib del Cow 4ivolr (EC) ig th as ttewned ityaubl for produdom d d 4huow ofdoeqIy. EECI opetta an system sad f*w ioteyd stato.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECIUrCTY PRODUCMN 3!Pa ,dat 000 11,200 lutao aro CpcyAra ',000 sq kM 322 Capcity O t FactorPopulatio per sq km 34.8 MW afhGDP, USSM 7,650 Public 910 2,202 28GDP per Capita. USS 683 Therml 290 1,208 48GDP Grwt Rate, % (1980-8) 2.2 Hydro 620 994 18Francs per USS 297.9 NuclA - - -

Elcicity Produced/Capita, kWh 197 Goobeor. - - -

ommercial Enrg: SelProd. - - -

Consump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) - Thema - -

Coosumption per Capita, kgoe 158 Hydro - -Impot/Merchbndise Export, % 12 Total 910 2,202 28

NetImporb 74 -COMMD ERCIAL ENERGY XoGot 2V Total Availabdb 2,276 -

Prod"cinCommto:Coal/Lignite -- PUBLC ELECntICITY SALs 2f3

Oil S98 1,663 GwIGas - - Residntia 428 22Elctricity ill 111 Commercial 187 10

Total 709 1,774 Industy 629 32Impots 1537 - Agricultre 22 1Expors (253) - Govrnnt - -

Stock Change (13) - Ohder 668 35Bunfars (69) - Export - -

Undiocated 137 - Tota 1,934 100

UMILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTIIY TARIFFS (EEC) 3JSystem Frequency, c/a 50 rkWh/o USc/kWhVoltg: Trnsiso kV 225/90 Residenl Low 20 18.89

Distribution, kV 33 Rsidential HigBh 400 18.89Low Vobltgo, Vlts 220/380 COMiKrid 400 1889

Tot System Losses, % 14 Small Industry 41 2,00 13.40Counres Introoncted Ghana Iarge Idusty 51 100,000 6.36Number of Cnsmers, '000 (1982) 322 Bulk Reb -Numxbe of Employees 3,765Consumers per Enmplyee UTIlITY FINANCE (EEC) 31

Araep Rvenues UScIkWh 15.80mmE RatN of Rtumn,% 24Uwna g1es. WowrTa.s Is& DF-0s sIM cash GenO Oert, % (21)2! UK P.w 3.Imms& EumbIsIsy PumAks 1968 Deft Sevice COVerg,tMS 1.1SAN.. b ,er Aammou& Pw~'s avow Accounts Reable mont 4.30

aisaWatnli fus_

5I25W*t5 kabs

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(Fwa YearJa Jaay, 19I*8 - D0br 31.19*8

The Ehactrity Audhouit of Cypat (SAC) Is temgpoab for generhtion and disgtuibul of dehtrlcity.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRCIY PRODUCTION 213/PopultonO '000 687 Idw Gro capacityArea, '000 sq Im 9 Capaty Outp FactorPopulaio per sq km 76.3 MW owI %GNP, USSm 4,301 Public 342 1,571 52GNP per Capita, USS 6,261 Thermal 342 1,571 52GNP Growth Rade, % (1980-88) - Hydro - - -Cyprus Pounds per USS 0.47 Nuclear - - -

Elecricity ProducedtCapita, kWh 2,317 Goothr. - - -Commewcia Eneqrg. Solf-Prod. 9 21 27

Comsunp. Growth Rate,% (80-88) - Thermal 9 21 27Commpta per Caita, koe 2,060 Hydro - - -

Impxot/Merchandise Export % - Tota 351 192 S2Net Impot - -

COMbMRCIAL ENERGY TXX1cc 2/ Totd Avaible 1,592 -

ProdmtienCoa/Lignite - 64 PUBLIC ELETRICICrY SALES 3/Oil - 1,193GWhGas - - Residential 404 32Elecrity 158 158 Co"mmrciad 440 35TOa 158 1,415 bInutry 317 25

Impors 1,386 - Agrknitwe 71 6Expors - - Gover nmet 24 2StokChoange (117) - Other - -Bunks (2M) - Ejxpnt - -

Unalloded 28 - Tota 1,2S6 100

UTULIY POVE3R SYSTEM DATA 3/ UTILITY TARIFFS (EAC) 3/41System Frequency, C/8 50 k}bWmo USlc/WhVoltage: Trnmssion, kV 132/11 Residentia LoLw 20 20.62

DistrIhuIO kV 11 ResidntilHIgh 400 12.55Low Votage, Vols 240/400 Commerial 400 15.75

Toea Sytm ILoss, % 17 Small Induty S/ 2,000 16.48Cotries nerconnected - Lge Indutry S/ I10,000 12.49Number of Caonsumes, '000 (1987) 252 Bulk RaftNumber of Empkloees (1987) 1,528Co0mer per Employee (197) 165 UTIlUrY FINANCE (EAC) 3/

Average Revenue, USc/kWh 9.20NKnk Rate of Reuwn,% 11.0UD 190O. Wow TAW" 169 &1 a-F s im Coash natioal, % 7424 tb 8U'Its Youto* I965 Debt Svice Coverage,times 2.2

31 Mt$. bmw Amui.s & Pmtdi ts Au"ntsEx Reeiable, mnKth 1.034ElbmisndEUo 15 A u s

NsawgsS lmd& MMs* " wa hdb

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r Ye Jear 1.198O- Dminsr .11 19i8)

Elmesaulcde Dboutid l' fully go"mn-WwpAUbl utilty rgoAspsi for thadsvelpuaet. ao*nittl ou gandSWoueof *l detric powe gem-adond tr_bssion fai itIs nd for the aufthrIt of r0de eneW powe geneatioM.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1! ELBCMRCrrY PRODucnION 31pulton, '000 370 bIulosd GMs Capacity

Area, '000 sq km 23 Capaity Otut FactrPpulaipersqkm 16.1 MW GWbGDP, USSm - Public 87 194 26GDP per Capita, USS Thermal 87 194 26GDP Gowth Rate, % (1980-88) (0.1) Hydro - - -Fancs per USS 177.7 Nuclar - - -

Electric ProducedlCapita, kWh G48 Geolher. - - -Commr Eneg: Self-Prod. 2 9 51

Casump. Growth Rate,% (-88) 6.6 Tbormd 2 9 51Cmmdpfi per Capita, kgoe 249 Hydro - - -

MertWMehandise Expot, % - Total 89 203 26Net Imports - -

COMMERCLAL ENERGY VIoe 11 Total Availabl 203 -

Producm C0swumptionCoal/Liguite -- PUBLIC ELECMKRIC1Y SALES (1987) 2131Oil - 92 GW lGas - - Re 4 2Electrici - - Comaeci 25 14Total - 92 usty 9 S

Impos 0 - Agriculture 4 2Expots - Gov et 56 31Stock Chnge - - Ot 83 46Bsunes 412 - Expott - -Unaocated (1) - Total 181 100

UTILllT POWER SYSTEM DATA 2/3/ UITIIY TAFS (dD) 31Syem Frqucy, c SO kWbhmo USc/kWhVoltag: Transmisi, kV 132/63/20 Redeia Low 20 14.00

Disrbuton kV 20 Rd High 400 26.00Low Voltag, Volts 2201380 Commercial 400 -

Toal System Lose, % 19 Small Indsy 41 2,000 18.00Cowadris Intrcoted - Lage Idsby SI 100,000 15.00Number of Consume, '000 21 Bulk RAte -Number of Employes 714Consumers per Employ" 29 UTL-ITY FINANCE (EdD) 3/

Avrg Reveu, USc/kWh 21.00NOTM Raft of Reftn% S.9VW t99o WiTds s91 & Da-wS IgMa& tQI Im U Cah Geraon, % 2121 sass. PM WA Debt Srvice Coveragetimes 2.4fiISnt _ 1 low piwm Accont Rcoivl, months 6.50

41 swauskweus

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26 DOMINCA1988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEEV'~ Yo: banM 1. 18 - D*Orw 31. 1958)

Domi ERleIa Swevl ikmid (DL) to a PWaft spMiO (o swatla and dlubuto oflIua ear.T. the qum (No06 Nasth-Ea & Wedl) a e.

GENERAL ECONOMC DATA 11 ELECIECIrY PRODUCTION 2Popuaton '00 82 tal1 C cArea, '000 sq Im I Capacity Ouput FactorPopuqain per sq km 82.0 MW GVIbGNP, US$m 138 PublIc 8 29 41GNP per Copits, USS 1,680 Theal 5 13 30GNP Grwth Rate, % (1965-88) 0.6 Hyd}s 3 16 61Eas CanibbeaeS por USS 2.700 Nudlea - - -Electricity ProducedlCapita, kWh 354 Geodhr. - - -Co ercal Ene. Self-Prod. - - -Cousump. Grwth Rate,% (80-88) - Thermal - -

C umption per Capita, ke 244 Hydro - - -mort/Mohandise Export, % - Total 8 29 41

Not Imarts -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY V001b 21 Total Avaibl 29 -

Prdcto Cm neptCoI/Ligite - - PUtBLC ELECTRICTY SALES 31

Oil 19 --- (as - - Reiddetal 12 S2ectic I I Commerial 6 26Total 1 20 Induby 1 4

Imt 19 - Agriculture 1 4E-o - - Gam - -

Stock Chan - - Ohe 3 14BThmbe - - Export - -Unallocated - - Totdal 23 100

UT1LIrY POWER SYSIEM DATA 31 UfLrY TAFS (ESL) 31System Freq c, c/s SO kWh/m USc/kWh

Vdo: Transmision, ItV 11 PResidential Low 20 16.10Distributon, kV 11 ideia High 400 17.40Low Vdoag, Volts 230 Comrcbl 400 22.50

TOl System Ls, X (1987) 13 Smdl Ihdty 4/ 2,000 17.90Counries d - Lge Industry Sl 100,000 16.80Number of Consumers, '00 15 Bulc Rat -Nmber of Emloyee 142Co smes per Employee 106 TrU rY FINANCE (ESL) 31

Averg Roeven, USc/kWh 17.96Rate of Retuu% -

UWm 190. W.1abTa"gm De -1us Igo Cash Geneon, _

215 brwaWmYwAo* I. Dobt Servico Covera,dmes -7bwcumm ew unwam wem Accoun Receivable, mondts 2.51

41SWaIFS tembu910 WmI mbiu

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CorpoaclsD_am < o Etsui (CDOB)is a X utilty "Wm" for an p__ sDierlty sWpply.CDOla aso%ys sopeas by tw Ofhme of Psina aidl l Falooebrp ets hyi to CDE. Tlt an do alarg aumba o pivae sel-podue

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ECMIKTY PRODUCTION VPopulaton, '00 6,900 tlhd o C cityAre, '000 sq k 49 C O_t FactoPolto por sq km 140.8 MW oIh %GDP, USSm 4,630 Pbc 947 3,244 39GDP per Capita, USS 671 Th1mal 740 2,402 37GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 2.2 Hy4o 207 842 46Pesos per USS 6.14 Ncear - - -Elctcity PrducedlCapit, kWh 760 Geoahr. - - -Com _mci Enry: Self-Pro 500 2,000 46

C _uesump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) 2.3 Theml 500 2,000 46Ceasmuption pe Capiba, ken 292 Hydro - - -ImportMehns Eport, X 36 Totdal 1,447 5,244 41

NotImports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY VW&= 21 Toal Avabl 5,244 -

Coal/nit - 45 PUBUC ELECRICTY SALES 2onl - 1,463Gas - 140 Readnt 1,059 48Electrc 195 367 Comra_l 297 13

Toald 195 2,015 bIndgy 74$ 34Imps 2,003 - Ag_riul - -E.ots - - Gemt 420 19Stck Chan (51) - Otr 94 4BnWkers - - Pucases (396) 18U Jnalloated (132) - Tota 2,222 100

UTILY POWE SYSTEM DATA 21 UTIUTY TARIFFS (CDE) 21Sysm Fqueny, c/s 60 kWhmo USc/kWhVOltage: Tks,kV 13869 R alLW 20 1.79

Distbuo, kV 12.5 Re Hih 400 3.66Low Voltag, Vdls 120240 Commci 400 7.30

Total System LUses, % 28 SmU bIdsy 31 2,000 5.35Countries Lag Idusy 4/ 100,000 3.99Nuobe of Cousume, 566 DlkRae -Number of Employe 5,934C _munuers per Employe 95 U J FINANC LCE 2t

Aveg Reveou, USckWh 4.66Rat of Reurn,% (3.5)

uWm "D Wand TAN nIsal-De 1SW Csh Gewaton, % 0.w em. s Opm Ito sfw asses, KM Det Service Coveag,times 0.13sis wdassbt Receval months 6

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(Piml Yrw: bmu, 1. £9i8 - Deombe 3t, 9wstitto SEutwduo de s-ke o (INECEL). a ata appat.m h moop*l on delricfy gpmatcva. trnmlaon

and ditbution. Sbate. powe companies and forty-two muaIoUWn wbo mgp rAte immm loca pawen kwoUdlaima we beingk*Mw=6 In as onl d.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICITY PRODUCION 3/PopuatO 000 10,100 luomed Grs C4aiAvea,'000 sq km 284 capai out Ppaeor

Pqoltio pet sq km 35.6 MW OWI sGDP, USSm 10,320 Palc 1,741 5,635 37GDP per Capita, USS 1,022 Thermd 843 832 11GDP Grwth Rate, % (1980-88) 2.0 lydto 898 4,803 61Snores Per USS 301.6 Nuclear - - -Electicity Produced/Capit, kWh SS8 (eothr. - - -

Commral Energ Self-Prod. - - -

Casup. Grwth Rate, (80-8) 0.5 Thema - - -

Coanwdmut per Capita, kgoo S84 Hydro - - -

L1portIMerclmadie Export, % 3 Total 1,741 s,6as 37No h" _

COMMERCIL ENERGY COObos 2/ Todal AvWailab S,635 -

Prmbdom C eCoalft-iLiguit - PUBIC ELECrUCITY SALES 31Oil 15,889 4,855 GW%Gas - - Resida 1,694 39

Elkctrity 1,047 1,047 Commercial 686 16Totl 16,936 5,902 Isty 1,404 33

Impos 190 - Agriculgtu - -Exports (11,225) - Goverimntm- -

Stock Cng - - Otohr 535 12Bin-- - Export - -

U-1located - - Total 4,319 100

UTILITY POWR SYSTEM DATA 31 UTIY TARIFS (CDE 19*7) 31Systm Frqun, c/. So kWnh/n USc/kWhVoltg: Trasmssio kV 230/138/69 Resideati Low 20 1.02

Distrbton, kV 13.816.6/4.4/2.2 ide I 400 3.27Low Vlagp, Volts 11Q 446. Co r 400 S.21

Totd System Lose, % 23 Scul Idusty 41 2,000 6.28contrios _dereowNcied - ILr bdustry Si 100,000 6.S5Number of Counmers, '000 1,230 Bulk Rate -Numbr of Emply (1987) 5,700Cmnums per Employe (1987) 92 UTLITY IINANCE (EC)) 31

Averae Revenue, USc/W 2.85mmrn Rate of Retum,% 2.4UIWDRI1 WMU TaOIM 9 SUL-US 1980 Cash Ge,utiw -

v _W bAtSh Debt Service Cowroge,imnes3N Iqhilwe o UUi, uab Accot Receiva, meonth4a' 1wostm ilo

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aFised Ym 1J*1 J.98 -lAmJo. 19)

The Egpttaa BhctzliI AV*Atha (EEA) is rs.osulb for operetta and ezpmaIofad tbe NMO M yM n obulk suppy to swimn dlvbwWmi companie (DCs) miassed by the Eleeitis Dislbstlm Aualbelt (EDA). SEA alsowsplieto hdiretoinumus.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECrRICfrY PItODUCTION 2WPopulton, *000 50,200 d -CaAren, '000 sq km 1,001 Cqacity Ou_t FacorPopulti 9pesq km 50.1 MW owl sGDP, USSm 34,330 Pic 10,098 39,580 45GDP per Cqait, US$ 684 Tbermd 7,353 30,258 47GDP Growdh Rate, % (198088) 5.7 Hydro 2,745 9,322 39Eptin Pauds per US$ 2.38 Nudeo - - -Electicy ProdcedCapit, kWh 81S Geeth. -- -

Coumea EArgy Self-Ptod. 800 1,310 19Causup. Gowth Rate,% (808) 6.7 Thermal 800 1,310 19Cns per Capita, 1 574 Hydro - - -ImotM ad Expo, % 4 TOal 10,898 40,890 43

Not bpos - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY '000B 21 Toal Avlb 40,890 -

ProAN"e -Coa/Ligite - 772 PUUC ELcI SALES )3Oil 44,344 20,848 OWh %Gas 4,532 5,177 Peddodial 11,642 32Eletricity 525 2,010 Co ri 1,543 4

TOlW 49,401 28,8017 bIsy 18,834 52ports 1,636 - Agriculto 994 3

Epos (22,238) - Gn 2,819 8SMock Chan (600) - Other 342 1Bunkers (1,59 - Export - -

Unallocated 1,993 - Total 36,174 100

UTILTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTIITY TARIFFS (EDC) 31System Freqncy, c/s S0 kWlhmo USI/WVoltago: Trmmsos, kV S0/2I0/132 Reideil Low 20 0.81

Dis1rlbutia, kV 66133/11 RPee Hia b 400 2.22Low Voltag, Volts 400 Comnmea 400 4.07

Toawl Sym LOsse, s 19(EDC),7(EEA) Smal Ihdry 41 2,000 2.22Coutries Ironncted - Lar Idutly 5/ 100,000 1.69Number of Consumes, '000 - Bulk Rat 1.02Number of Emplaees 33,000Conmer per Employee UTIT FINANCE (EA 31

Avea Reven, USC/kWh 2.042__ Rate of Retun,% 3.0

IwDRl 1900. Wd TAuW" 1959 aSF-FS ia Cos Generation, % 021 tIl BMW 8101fs Yeabook I Debt Swvice Coverge,tmes 0.7

3Rowed vt Divid. waIs Accounts Receivab mnths 941SIMASO Malo4SWgS ltmi b

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(P reu Ye:Jaam . onD- _b. 31.t9I)

CdouaN 8jeeuv RidrodaLetrk dddLRi Lamp (CDL) 8MWutrnlut the ountW sq* and mets in buk to pvatodwdWibua =eo"pamof Whie CAESS I the argea dlirlWo.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECrRICITY PRODUCTION 21PopOOai, 0,031 _Ute aGss CcityAm, '000 sq Im 21 Cqa Ou" FacorPopato per sq km 239.6 MW GWhIGDP, US$m 5,470 PubItc 650 1,981 35GDPperCapift,USS 1,087 Theml 167 249 17GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 0.0 Hydro 388 1O 38Colones per llS$ 5.0 Nucla - -

Eletct PrducedCapia, kWh 398 Geodirr. 95 430 S2Commercial Ener Sef-Prod. 16 21 15

Co_mp. Growth Rab,% (W88) 1.6 - - -

Conupt- per Cqaia, low 215 Hyro 16 21 ISot/Meondi Epot, % 14 Total 666 2,003 34

Not bport 35 -COMMRCIAL ENERGY 'OOOID 21 Toel Availh"o 2,038 - - - PUBLUC ELECMICITY SALES 21Oil - 624 GWham . - - Resdent 592 36

Eltricy 169 145 Cfommed 245 ISTOalW 169 769 Idustry 527 32mpos 88 - Ar8u-r - -

Expors (50) - Govmnut 266 16Socwk Clung (11) - Od_r 32 2Baunr - - Export 4 -Unlloctd 574 - Toel 1,666 100

UrTILiT POWER SYSTEM DATA 21 UTITU Y TARffS (CAESS) 21Sydm Freqeg, cs 60 kWW/mo USc/kWhVoltage: Transnion, kV 115/6146 Residental Low 20 2.89

Distibuton, kV 34.5S23/13.2 RedtalHig 400 4.23Low Vdwa, Vols 240120 Comercial 400 4.73

Toal System Lse, S 1S Sm I1dusby 31 2,000 4.75Countries _ntrcometed Gu< aNDE) Lar Industry 4/ 100,000 6.96Numbe of Couan, 000 523 Bulk Ra -Number of Emoes 2,786Consumes per Employe 188 UTlLzfY FINANCE (CEL) 27

Avema Roeu, UScikWh 3.50Rab of Reuu,% 3.7

lIwDi 1930. WOdWTaw" 193* Ao-WS 16 Cash Gowrtio, % 5_ai amDviwhi Dbt Sevice Cov.ragtlpma 0.3

wskwasa tow AountXs Recelvble, monts

4IsaoD7g h.fI_W

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(Fca Yw:l Jr* 1Vw-MY 7. 18)

EtIp Ectric & Pow A oty LPA) ad EtuEectr SupAtoy ae * two -oaeInerc PO eneceA syateu raposlb for ealecrIIy suppl. In additIo to fthml systeWm. tdwe ase a audar of Isolaed sations

GENERAL EOQNOMIC DATA 1I ELECTRIC=TY PRODUCION 21Popubtio, '00 47,000 I a CapcityArea, '000 sq km 1,222 Cqat Op FacorPoplkation per sq km 38.5 MW aW %GDP, USSi 4,950 Plic 306 768 29GDP per Capita, USS 1O Theml 76 115 17GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 1.4 Hydro 230 653 32Bir per US$ 2.1 Nwlr - - -Electicity ProducedCapita, kWh 17 GOodber. - -Commercial Ener: Sdef-Po 37 47 15

Co_sump. GROwth Rate,% (80-88) 2.2 ThemAl 37 47 ISCo_nsupton per Capita, koe 17 Hydro - - -

Import/MerchaisExport, % 59 Total 343 P15 27tlmpt oret - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY '00Obo 2V Total Avab 815 -

Coal/Lignitib _ _ PTJUC ELEMUCTICiTYSALES ()I§ 41.Oil 737 OIGas - - ReIeSOl 8 24Electicity 56 56 Comsoal6 5

TOta 56 79 Industry 448 59Import 1,099 - Asricultur -

Export (210) - Goenet--Stock Charg (28) - Odhe 57 12Bunker (59) - Export - -

Unallocated ~~65 - TOta 766 100

UTILIT POWER SYSTEM DATA 3/ UTlLrY TARIF (EULPA 19874/System Frequency cs so kWh/m USctslkhVoltage: Transmision, kV 230(132/66/45 ResidetalW Low 20 9.50

Distributon, kV 15 ReietilHO 400 8.24Low Voltap, Volt 2201230 Commercial 400 9.97

Towa Systeom Losses % (1987 17 Smel Industy 5/ 2,000 11.08Countries Interonoiectod - Lwrg Industy SI 100,000 13.13Number of Consnuinrs, '000 (1983) 344 Bulk RafteNumber of EmplaOee (1985) 6,900Consarano per Employee (1985 so UTILITY FINANCE (EA)41

Averag RvvWan USc/kWh (1987) 13-.50KOTM ~~~~~~~~~~~Rafte of Roturrn,% (forecasted) 1.6

LI WDRt IW0 TIMM Tatem IMa &wu ass, Cash Gemwaralon % (1985 102U4urv gm Id &m"s Yss*s* age Debt Service O.eaet Mes(95 0.7

41Mb $AUstpAMM & PMUPs t a ISf SkW at US tmhdbsu&So kWatm 7cudfacs.

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(Ffi Yw Aaup1, 195I -J ly31. 199)

FI ElecIt Atolly (fEA) bs a ufe-owa_d utity tpalbl for pubtli decrcy sy. SuWlis e ceted inViU-Levu. VaarLevu and Ovalau.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTCITY PRODUCTION 31Population, '000 732 naed Gross CapactArea, '000 sq bn 18 C aciqty Output FactorPopulation per sq km 40.7 MW OWh %GNP, USSm 1,113 Public 159 360 26GNP per Capit, USS 1,520 Tbaeral 76 20 3GNP Grwth Rate, % (1965-88) 1.9 Hydro 83 340 47FijiS per USS 1.4 Nucler - - -

Electricity ProducedCapit, kWh S74 Goods.r. - - -Commrcial Energy: Self-Prod. 40 60 17Cosump. Growth Rae,% (808) - Tbermal 40 60 17Consumption per Capits, kgoe 284 Hydro - - -IportMerchndise Expot, % - TotlW 199 420 24

NetImports - -

COMMERCAL ENERGY OOOtoo 2t Totdl Avaiable 420 -

CoallLignite - 12 PUBLIC ELECRCiTY SALES 31Oil - 168 GVhGas - - Residetial 123 39Ekectricity 28 28 Cmmeril 59 19

Total 28 208 Industr 131 41Impors 351 - Agicute - -Expors 75 Govern_met - -Stock Champ - - Otr 4 1Bankr 97 - Expot - -Unallocated - - TOtal 317 100

UTIL POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTIL1TY TARIFFS (F419 I )3ystem Frequency. cIs 50 kWhimo UScl

Voltage: Tranmisa kV 132133 Residenil Low 20 1S.20Disbtio, kV 11 R al Hgh 400 15.20Low Voblg, Volts 240Q415 Commeil 400 16.10

TOal System Loss, % 11 Small Idusty 4/ 2,000 10.50Countries Ineconnted - Lar Inusty 41 100,00 10.50Number of Comsume, '000 66 Buk Ra -Number of Employe 1,009Con pum per Employee 65 UTILTY FINANCE (FDA) Sl

Avog Raveue, USc/Wh (1987) 14.92peTom:Rate of Retun, S 10.6IwIDRl 00. WaN Tama sima W- in# Cob ton, 1 (27)v UNw BM iI_aY ie.k* ian Dob Service Coverag,tims 0.9SfIAn am " a " tap lwafami= Acconts Receivab mots -

1S kw at IS%akw Hauls) watWSk hpaw

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(Fiwal Year: Jaaa I. 198S - Oct. 31 191Ig

Socie d'E=Sr et d'Eu do Gab (SEG) is publk utili rtepob for gaeatoe and dIsbo of ectrcal pwer aswell as wter spy. SEEW owns and opeses ra the hydto plt.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECRICITY PRODUCION 21Popuation, 000 1,100I d iAea, 'O sq km 268 Caciy O FactorPopuationpersqkm 4.1 MW OWh 1GDP, USSm 3,320 Pubhl 200 877 50GDP per Capita, USS 3,018 Therol 75 201 31GDP Growwt Rate, % (198088) (0.2) Hydro 125 676 62Fancs per USS 297.9 Nucloar - - -Electricity ProdtcedCapita, kWh 797 (lethr. - - -

Commercial Eery Self-PrId. - - -

Consmp. Growth Rate,% (8088) 3.0 Tbermal - - -Conumptio per Capita, kgoe 803 Hydro - - -hpotMerhaie Export, % 1 TOWl 200 877 50

Not Impor - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY oe 2/ Totdal Avaibl 877 -

Prodactian -ONMGCoa/Lignite - - PUBLC ELERCITY SALES (1985)3!oil 7,750 664 GW %Gas 161 161 R l 308 41Electicity 58 58 Commercl - -Total 7,969 883 Iluty 423 56

Import 42 - Agicult - -Expot (6,820) - Go- -

Stock Chang (6) - Other 26 3Buokers (96) - Export - -Unalocated 218 - TOtI 7S7 100

UTIl.rY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLITY TARPS (SELIB. 1986 3System Frequcy, c/s S0 kWhWr USc/WhVoltage: Tmission, kV 225/90/63/30 Redenia Low 20 10.70

Disribution, kV 20/5.5 Residenal Hig 400 15.24Low Voltag, Volts 220/380 Commeria 400 15.24

Totl System La_, % (1985) 12 Smal Instry 4/ 2,000 17.32Coumts Intercncted - La Induty 5/ 100,000 16.28Number of Coumne, '000 (1985) 59 Bulk Rate -Number of Employee (1985) 915Conm per Emplt (198) 64 UTILITY FINANCE (SEBGUIREVILE) 31

Averg Revenue, USc/kWh (1986 12.56Raft of Retu,% -

ZIwD2t90. W4Tl s1w9&Dl-IFS 19 Cash Geneato, %21 UN 1mw8W nYu*k 1988 Debt Service Coverta,timesS Uu_"d sow Disse 8SAR Accowus Receivable, moens

StISOkW atS75 kWa howte4SI$" 20 ar bdtos

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I | S * ~ ;8S {t *e4ngg 1 c t41|e °| Y5i29$ ;*o

t~~~~~ S'0g s~i ;.;Wl |IO4 1° 'S ' log!

'U 21}|".i-IiI1 C1g1

WI l}i!jS0 ffXIi S11ffSia Ci -XX2Eti

W2X tj~~ l -"gz S0bSB@@ R n

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GHANA 351988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEETFa Year:JaaR 1, INS - Dcaebe 3119oW

Thb mjo powentt an VRA =d ECO. VRA upps edetrict in bulk to UCO and oth.eand expect to, CED (BDoo)

and CUET (Togo). VRA abo distriute e6eticity to Noetha Oha. ECO ibues dth ectiy fecelvd fom VRA

tlroughout the eet of Ghaa.

GNEIRAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELCRIUCITY PRODUCTION 2131Population, '000 14,000 hutd GM" apacityAr, '000 sq km 239 Capact Outpu Fato

Population per sq km 58.6 MW oW X

GDP, USSm S,230 Public 1,122 4,808 49GDP per Capita, US$ 374 Thermal 50 - -GDP Growth Rate, % (198088) 2.1 Hydro 1,072 4,808 51Cedis per USS 260.0 Nuclear - - -Electricity Produced/Capita, kWh 344 Geooer. - - -

Comecial Ener: Self-Prod. 25 3 -Consump. Growth Rte,% (808S) (3.5) Thbrmal 25 3 -

Coas_pon per Capita, poe 132 Hydro - - -prt/erchdise Export, % 15 Total 1,147 4,811 48

Net Imports (8) -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY OOOtoo 2/ Total Available 4529 -

Coal/Lignite - - PUBUC ELECitICrff SALES 2V

Oil 802 8af2t as - - Resideal 535 12

Elctricity 1,072 1,047 Comm_eial 169 4Tota 1,072 1,849 ndustry 393 9

Impot 1,118 - Mims 297 7Exports (40) - G - -

Stock Chne (55) - Odter 39 1Dunkmka (21) - Exprt 3,047 68Unalocated 66 - Total 4,480 100


Voltge: Trausmision, kV 161122S Reienal Low 20 4.90Distibui, V 33/11/0.4 Rsdedil High 400 1.92Low Valtae, Volts 450 C m 400 5.48

TOWal System Losw, % 22(ECG), 25(VRA) Sma bdusy 41 2,000 2.87Countries IUnt ncted Bein,Coe d'I`oire,To Large Industry S1 100,000 2.13Number of Consume, '000 264 Bulk Rate -Number of Employe 6,510C_sume per Employo 41 UT FINANCE (VRA) 2/

Avora Ren, USc/kWh 1.69Nams: Rate of Retu,% 9.1V, wDn two. W TW Is & Dr A -iF Is Cashb Genrtios, "% 66V! RiqMI Da ONt sit Debt Service Covra.g,time 2.5St MAstl8se 11955 * UN a,W &WiYe book I Accout ReceivaW mont 1.2

4Jt kWa51%lkW bsSf2=NWSm sbdst

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(FIAv Year.: JAnr. 1988- Duo=*h 31. 1955Ingito Naeaal de Elactlfim (DE) Is reposbl for expAlor of poe gStaos & bt1smuulao & dto devewlopuAof ld .lacttlfim. ERO b repon for dItributIon In umuiCy. ECity n Smas munipa utliis dribt electity

in tiwI siunclpsths.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELEC lCITY PRODUCTION 31Populo 'O-O 8,681 itutslhd Gfars CapcityAra, '000 sq Iom 109 CApcq Ot FqacWtPoplation per sq km 79.6 MW oWh %GDP, UStm 8,100 Public 791 2,057 30GDP per Capita, USS 933 Thenml 303 208 8GDP Gowth Rate, % (1980-8) (0.2) Hydro 488 1,849 43Quzlos pe USS 2.6 NuclAer - - -Electicity Prodced/Capita, kWh 261 Gooder. - - -

Comnuercial Energy: Sdf-Prod. 30 210 80Cauwsmp. Growth Rate, % (80-88) (0.5) Theml 30 210 80ConuumpIor- pa Capita, kgoe 136 Hydro - - -Import/Mechan Expot, % 14 TOtal 821 2,267 32

Not Iports - -COMMERCIAL ENERGY '000to. 2/ rota Availale 2,267 -

Prnduedm -CoalfLigite - -PUBLIC ELECTRICITY SALES 3/-Oi 203 1,030 OWIIGas - - Rsdtal493 30Electricity 152 152 Commercial 379 23

Total 355 1,182 Industry 549 34-mof 1,111 - Agriculur - -

Exports (101) - Government 46 3Stock Chang (52) - Other 169 10

rIrs (129) - Export -_Unllocated - - Toea 1,636 100

UTJL1T POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTrLrr TARIFF (ntimu verg) 3/SytmFrequency, c/a 60 kWh/ca USc/Wh

Voltage Trnainision, kV 230/138/69 Residential Low 20 6.90Distribution, kV 69150134.5122 Resdoideta High 400 5.77Low Voltae, Volts 11 400 8.71

TOtal Sys3m L , S 17 Smal Inutry 49 2,000 8.46Coutoies (1) - LarG ndsy 5/ 100,000 8.26Number of Consumers, '000 568 Bulk Rate-Numbe of Employees 8,190Cmer p Employ"e 69 UTIJLIY FIN CE ( 31

Average Revenue, US0ckWh 0.10Valto= T _ IcV 230/138169Rate of Return, 2 6.0i twon D WdiTal 15 & 5-IFS kV Cash Gemton, i (39)2' lA mSNs awe Debt Service Covarage,times 0.7

& Lnsomb-Famm r lag VitollsAccout Receivabe Cmonth 1141swasssnahofasNSut t k asf i kw ,1

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(FIscal rw July 1. 195-u Awn Xg

Societ Ndaiona d-EWedcft (SNE) is bUy te*-wwd ad ha raonblft for tSosda and d_st _ of d.eub

to Canby and tereawaf twns am vUag.


Ann, '000 sq km 24 c q FsebrPapulation per sq km 220 MW GWh XGDP, USSm. 2,S40 Puhc 73 246 38GDP per Cpita, US$ 470 Thermal 26 76 33GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) - Hydro 47 170 41Fncs per USS 539.5 N - -Elcticity ProducCapita, kWh 102 Geodo. - - -

Commercial Energy: Self-POd. 103 305 34Cnnn. GrowtmhRate,%(8088) 1.1 Therma 103 305 34Consumption per Capit, klgo 63 Hydro - - -mp terchadise Export % - Toala 176 SSI 36

Not hupors -

COMM ERCLAL ENERGY 'OOtee 2V Tot Availaled SSI -

ColLiite - - PUBLUC ELECTR1CfrY SALES 31Oil 327 owlSGas - - ResidJntial 28 13Electity 15 15 Cia 18 9

Totil 15 341 Indusby 142 69Import 342 - Agicultur - -Exports - - Goe _t12 6Stock angpe (4) - Odher 4 2Bunkers (11) - Ezpyt - -Jnallocated - - Totl 204 100

UTEL1TY POWER SYSTEk DATA 31 UTILrY TARIFS (E!U M7) 31Sytem Frequncy, c/s 50/60 kWhms UScllWhVoltaW: Transmission kV 110160 Redl Low 20 11.21

D 1iiuto kV 20/15113.8U11 Residedt Hig 400 9.09Low Volw, Volts 110220/380 Cocbl 400 9.09

TOal System Lses, % IS Smll dusy 4/ 2,000 11.15Countries nternnected - Larg Idy 51 100,000 12.0Number of Consume, '000 - Bulk Rde -Number of Employees (1987) 1,377C _sume per Employ - UTT FDIANCE (eNLUl) 31

Averae Rvenue, USc/kWh 10.58Raft of Retn,% 2.0

W £91in WaU MTom 193& IMP-I £"9 Cah Genratin, % -2! tI BuMWatiss Yewbo*t 9M Debt Sevice Corgo,time -NB,hbatu=dDluau *qjtofTomw Phu & &&s Acco at Reival months 5.7

SI48kWam laud a

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(Fis Ye:a /Auaay 1.1W - ft9 abr 531. 19)

The public MAG is tosponuiblo for tIme produtilo & distributics of lecftrIty in all utban aream with DOE sharig the_poDsbII tu rur asm. Tbm an as six Isated rual d@ctrIs sysems, m_ountig for about 10% of all elctridy su.


Area, '000 sq km 36 Cpcity Output FactorPopulaio per sq km 26.1 MW Wl XGNP, UStm 178.6 Pulc 6 25 46GNP per Cpta, US$ 190 Themal 6 25 46GNP Grot Rate, % (1980-88) (1.9) Hydro - - -Pesos por USS 1,200 Nuc1k--Electty ProdwcdCapita, kWh 30 Goohe. - - -Commer Energy: Self-Prod. 3 3 11

Conaump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) - Therma 3 3 11Conumption per Capita, k4oe 48 Hydro - - -Import/Mrchandise Export, % - Todal 9 28 37

Not Ipt - -COMM CLAL ENERGY 'OOOto 21 Totll Availabl 28 -

PNodwetian-COalLigite - - PUBLIC ELCMRITY SALES (EAGB) 31ol - 45 OW XGlas - - R l 6 38Electricit - - C ia 2 13Total - 45 Iduty 2 13

Impors 53 - Agriculture - -

Exports - - Govermen 3 18Stock Cha (2) - Other 3 18Bunks (6) - Expo_ - -

Unalloc"aed - - TOl 16 100

UTILTY POWAR SYSTEM DATA 31 UILITY TAR S G) 3/Systm q , C/s 50 kWht`s USc/kWhVdw: Tranmssion, kV - Resdential Low 20 3.80

Distibution, kV 0.6 e Hi 400 8.15Low Voltage, Volta 230/400 Commecial 400 12.50

Tol SystLasosse, % 32 Small dustry 4/ 2,000 12.SOCQunties Interoncted - Lag Industy Si 100,00 12.50Number of Consuma , '000 8 Bulk RateNumber of Employee 300Cowamer p Empla5e 26 UTILrY FINANCE (AGS) 3/

Averag Reveu, USc/kWh 10.75Rat of Retux % -

1 Wm 190 Wow Tals 9 aS-I8 16 Cash Genwratio S -21V OwSUNAsYa_t* a Det Sevie Coveragetimes -1 IsgImo qD *kW sASs Acoout Receivable, months -

4WsSwas iskbsa

11Z0WN97 "w

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(Fffd Yor O"c 1. IN?- Sqm*w 30, INS)

Eltweve 4-H (NMo' b an VAM. eassmy aRgp fo samuts. umluln, wid dl**

of dedc power. kM a oa u a -d lga moopdy aS a pubUo utWt ala 1971.


Poqulation,'3000 63o0d o CapacityAm, 0 sq tn 28 C Oupt FactwPopltion per sq km 226.6 MW 56IIGDP, US$m 2,211 Public 123 430 40GDP per Capita, US$ 351 T1werml 53 110 24GDP Gwth Raft, % (1980-88) (0.3) Hydro 70 320 S2Gourdes per USS 5.000 Nucla - - -

Electricity Producd/Capita, kWh 74 Goodwer. - - -Commera Energy: Self-Pro 23 20 10

Colsump. Growth Rat,% (1041) 1.6 ThemA 23 20 10Consumption per Capita,koe 3S Hydro - - -Imp ed a Export, % 13 Told 146 450 35

Net Impors - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 4OOts 2/ Totl Availa 450 -

F~~Pouto -Coal/Lignie -- PUBLIC ELECTRCITY SALES 41Oil - 19S wIh%Gas - - Residel 133 42Electc 28 28 Conunrcial 25 8

Total 28 223 dustry 118 37-mp - - Aice - -

Exporb - - G 30 9Stock Chaon - - Other 12 4

Bunkers (19) - Export - -

Unullocated I - TOal 318 100


System Frequncy, c/s 60 kWhlo USclkWhVoage: Trnsmissio, kV 115/69 ResideilLow 30 14.17

Ditbon, kV 12.5/7.2/4.2/2.4 Resid otaHigh 400 18.18Low Votage, Volts 120/240 Coammcial 400 18.18

Tot. System Los, % 39 Sma Iustry Si 2,000 12.68Coatries hntan"meW - lrI Ita S/ 100,000 13.23Number of Consmer, '000 103 Bulk RaftNumr of Employes 1,667C _onue per Employ. 61 UTLITY FINANCE (DDH) 3/

Avae Ruvmu, USc/kWh 15.3mmXR Raft of Retw,R 1.9uwANSu MAN"da Cash GmnradlMA, 18.0VUNNv9ass.Y"l"*o es Debt Sevice Covege,times 1.4Slsahinl amw IVfi Account Receivab nmoths 3.24l5A3. iwno v (iW9

sjsI twt35ss hadw& 2fokWran 7ukfaw

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(eca YTmr; JAua 1. 198- Dwmbw 31.198)

ESpw NaslA de Ebetrkca (NU) is a at-owzAd and autoomous utt wbiah prid an public t supply. The_Wmwsfor9sysm accounts for 95 of aia.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICITY PRODUIICION 2V3/Populati, '000 4,800 Installed Gro CapctAaea, '000 sq km 112 C ciy Oup PactorPopulation per sq km 42.9 MW oWh 5GDP, USSm 3,860 Public 550 2,058 43GDP per Capita, USS 804 Therma 119 1 -GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 1.7 Hydro 431 2,057 54Lempira per USS 2.0 Nuclou - - -Ebcricity Pduced/Capita, kWh 440 Geother. - - -

Cammrcial Energy: Self-PrOd. is SS 42Coaump. Grwth Rate,% (80-88) 3.2 Termal 15 SS 42Cms m por Cnta*, kgoo 131 Hydro - - -mporVMrchn_o Eport, % 14 TOtal S6S 2,113 43

Not Imports IS8 -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY '000too 21 Total Availa 2,271 -

production-Coa/uLignite - PUBUC ELECRcT SALES 3/oil - 542 GWh %

nas - - Reskien 446 25Electricity 76 89 Commeral 267 IS

Total 76 631 I1dusty 499 28Imports S66 - Agricutr - -

Exprtb - - Govrnmen - -Stock Chap - - Othor 161 9Bukes - - Export 410 23Unllkoatod 10 - Total 1,783 100

UIITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTIIITY TARWS (ENEE 1987) 3/Sysem Frequeacy, c/s 60 kWhhw USc/kWhVoltage: Transmission, kV 230169 Resident Low 20 10.50

Distriution, kV 34.S/13.8/4.2/2.4 Residetl High 400 9.72Low Voltage, Volts 120/240 commercial 400 13.37

Total Sytem Los, % 17 Smoal Industry 4/ 2,000 9.64Countries hItonnected Nicazaua,Costa Rca Larg bInduy SI 100,000 6.50Number of Cosume, 'O0 (1987) 245 BWk RateNumber of Employees (1987) 3,307Consume per Empboye (1987) 74.09 UTfILTY FINANCE (ENEE) 31

Ava Revenue, USc/kWh(1987) 7.70Raft of Return, % 8.6

UWm 1991. Waid Tabw low & 20-93 19 Cob Geneation, s (3)21VX UN SWnu Y_ * 196 Debt Service Coverege,times 1.0SA MU PFAU Accounts Receivb, months -4/$YvW&tSSS b *dfdSOD at69 bD fd

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(Fica Year: JAay 1. J9U - D_mbr 31. 19)

The mai a suppen s are Hain NaetIal 0 and Gas Tdst (OKl. and th Natonal Power Compn (MYMT) whlis responsIbl for 97% eleetrI power geneadion and dIsftrIuon.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECRICITY PRODUCTION 41Populatio, '000 10,600 Insaled Gras CapactyArea, '000 sq km 93 CaPcity Out ParPopuation per sq km 114.0 MW OWb SGDP, USSam 28.000 Public 6,463 28,228 SOGDP per Capita, USS 2,642 Thermal 4,761 14,614 35GDP Growth Rate, % (190-88) 1.6 Hydro 48 169 40Forints per USS 50.0 Nuclear 1,654 13,445 -Electricity ProducedCapita, kWh 2,756 GeCthor. - - -Commercial Enery: Self-Prd. 383 988 29Consump. Growth Rate,% (8W8) 1.0 Tbrmal 383 988 29SkusmapUe per Capita, kgoe 2,791 Hydro - - -ImportMderchadise Eport, % IS Totd 6,846 29,216 49

Ne Imports 11,291 -

COMMAIERCIAL ENERGY OOOoe 2V Tota Availble 40507 -

Producte Coal/Ligite 5,659 8,107 PUBLIC ELECTCRICTY SALES 4/

-on 2,723 9,279 OWbhXGas 4,408 8,183 Resikdenta 8,227 23Eltricity 3,041 4,012 Commrcia 3,992 11Totd 15,831 29,582 Indusay 16,781 48

Impors 15,794 - Agriculure 2,039 6Expors (2,33) - Tranmrt 1,685 5Stock Chang (293) - Other - -Bun - - Ebxpot 2=323 7Unallocaed 585 - Total 35,047 100

UTILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 3/ UTILITY TARIFS (MVMT 1987) 31System Frequey, c/s 50 kWh=/ao USckWhVoltg: Tansmissio kV 7501240/220 Resideta Low 20 3.40

Distidbti, kV 10-4WI Hisiden gh 400 3.16Low Voltep, Volts -Commeria 400 9.39

Totd System Lasses, % 15 Small Indusy 5/ 2,000 15.60Countries In. roo led Austria,Czech,USSR,Romania Larg Industy SI 100,000 6.70Numbwr of Comsums, '000(1982) 4,164 Bulk Rae -Number of Employees (1982) 38,135Comers per Employe (1982) 109 UTIT FINANCE 3

Aveae Reu, USc/kWh (1987) 4.64HUMDi Raft of Retr,% -lIwDa Mo9WO, Tam" a au-wime Cash Genraion, % (1983) 1121 A st 9nSOa DObt Sevice Coverago,times (1984) 1.32Sf A. BMW Amsmunaa Pa_ldmis _pm Accounts ROcOivable, monds41UNJEst2d02ftW 8tbftnfWB_P

SI SkWaS S %hd wubo kW satOI hsladcS

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(Fwi rar.: Apri 1.1DM -MaW 31, 1989)

Powe is suppli by Nat Wlba a Pwe Cotp. (NP). NoA Hydr wowr Coap.. tey-oe so ecuIy Doars(S) d *fve privdo utities. The aes dam : 13% by NTPC. 15% by th tweont SBU. and do ea by do otes.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELEC1Cfff PRODUCnON 21Popuation,I 8015,600 Is d ars CptArea, '000 sq km 3,288 Capct 0pu FacrPopulatio per sq Im 248.1 MW OWIIGDP, US$m 237,930 PubLic 56,330 221,150 45GDP per Capita, USS 292 Theral 37,000 163,717 51GDPGowth Rate, % (1980-88) 5.2 Hydro 18,000 51,926 33Rupees per USS 13.9 Nueak 1,330 5.507 47Electricity Produced/Capita, kWh 292 Good r. - - -Commercial Energw Self-Prod. 6,903 16,650 28

Casup. Growth Rate,% (8088) 5.4 Themal 6,900 16,632 28Conswuptias perCCapita, 18e 211 Hydro 3 18 68Imponrt/Mchandise Export, % 20 Total 63,223 237,800 43

Not Imors 730 -COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'OOto 21 Totdal Availal 23,530 -

Productin Coal/Lint 111,606 112,207 PUBLC ELECMICIY SALES 31oi 31,950 41,302 GW/ %Gas 6,214 6,214 Residenial 24,969 15Electricity 4,940 5,003 C _omr 13,316 8

Total 154,710 164,726 Idsby 81,565 49Imports 25,282 - Ariculur 38,285 23Expors (352) - GovWement 4.994 3Stock Chan (364) - Othr 3,333 2Bunkes (1,078) - Export - -Unalocated 10,195 - Totdal 166,462 100

UTIITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTILITY TAI Pra SED) 31System Frequc, c/s SO kWb/mo USc/kWhVolge: Trmission, kV 400Q201321110 Roddeti Low 20 3.4

Distinuo, kV 66/33/221116.6 Resddenal High 400 3.4Low Voltg, Volts 2401415 Commeca 400 5.9

Toal System Lsses, % 22 Small Idusby 4/ 2,000 2.2Counties Interoonecd Nepal Larg Indsty S/ 100,000 4.5Number of C _on , '000 - Bulk Rato 3.5Number of Employs -Cnsum per Employe 49 UTLY FINANCE (Hmacal Pude. SEB) 3/

Aveag Revenue, USc/kWh 15.40Rate of RPetur,% 5.6

IWDRa sm, We" T*w am mlP-D's ts Cash Geatio, % (155)21 UN 8117 Ste Y*wk 198 Debt Srvice Coveragei,tmes 1.431SfM, PM& WARA Acount Recivab, months 6.0418WatXS %kbW

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(FLsuu Yet: ApsU 1. 19* - Mad31.19*9)

Paflpn -uofelsut supply are the Sw. Ehelgmb Cor. (P). pvwdb theX Minluy of Miu ma Eneer, andSdf-oeralon(ampl). mai by Ibndy.


Pugaulsljon, '000 174,800 sAre, '0 sq ktm 1,905 C Oupt FatoPapaon per sq km 91.8 MW OWI GDP, US$m 83,220 Public 8,149 25,190 35(JDP pr Capia, US$ 476 Tb,ml 5,970 17,450 33GDP Grwth Rate, (1973-80) 5.1 Hydro 2,039 6,754 38Rupla per US$ 1,685.7 Nuclea - - -Elctrt ProdcedCapih, kWh 241 latodr. 140 986 80Comercial EnerEy: Self-Prt 7,007 16,881 28Cosump. Growth Rl4% (80-87) 4.5 Thwml 6,047 12,677 24Consumpio per Capita kge 1,970 Hyro 960 4,204 50ImporMerhandIse Export, % 14 Totdal 15,156 42,071 32

Not Imports - -

COMMRCLAL ENERGY COOho 2/ Totdl Aval 42,071 -

CoWaigite 2,007 1,843 PUKUC ELECTRICllT SALES 2/Oil 67,208 2S,180 GWk s(as 36,606 6,221 R l 7,275 36Eecticity 1,027 1,027 comm Jcia 1,670 8Total 106,848 34,271 ldsr 9,052 45

Imports 6,085 - ic - -Expors (70,693) - Govnnt 1,966 10StckChean 1,559 - Otr - -Bwih366 - Export - -

Unallocated (9,162) - TOal 19,963 100

UTILITf POWER SYSTEM DATA 3/ UTIT TAIWFS (Pl 2VSysm Fr_qecy, cis SO kWhAo USc1kWhVoage: T mon, kV 15070/02 Resdeal Low 20 7.40

Distdbatim, kV 20/1216 Rsiden Higb 400 6.90L}w Vlapo, Vdls 1213/380 Commercial 400 13.60

TOtal System Loss, % 17 SMal Industry 4/ 2,000 6.60Countrie Intercotb d - Lar Industy 5/ 100,000 5.20Number of Consura, 000 9,276 Bulk ae -Number of Empoyee 51,237

Camzsper Employge 181 UTILIY FINANCE Vf±N 2/Avea Revenue, USC/Wk 5.10

NO= Rat of Retun,% (0.10)YWDtw9a t.WWTdaN.S&9ne-wa9 Cah Genatido, % 14.80V23ar%600d5DM Debt Sevice Coverace ,tlm 2.03SI hWau3 Dbi* Aft Acout Reoeivva mths 1.44Etwall *bhad

Stiiuw s teat ba

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(Fisva Year: Ap1 1.98 - Marc 31. 1959)

_amakl Pkblc Servie Comy. Limitd (JPSC) provd esectria ms cowsumed in jamac. SUpt Buxit ad ceu

ludusties -wd the rmainder


Popuation, -000 2,400 Ihstaled Gnu Capaci

Ar, '000 sq km 1 I Capct Output FacoPopultion per sq km 218.2 MW GWh $GDP, US$m 3,220 Public 490 1,530 36

GDP per Capita, US$ 1,342 Themal 465 1,410 35

GDP GowthWRat, % (1980-88) 0.6 Hydro 25 120 SSJamaicaS pot USS 5.5 Nuclear - -Ecti Produed/Capita, kWh 992 Geodthr. - --

Commrcial Eneg: S@WPrOd 250 85 39Consump. Growd Rate,% (8g88) (2.8) Therm 250 850 39Conswuptio per Capia, kgoe 670 Hydro - - -lmp aMerchdi Export, % 22 Total 740 2,380 37

Net Impots - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY OOkee 21 Total Availab 2,380 -~~o -

Coal/Lignite - - PURLC ELECMICIrY SALES (peqiete 3/

Oil - 1,599 GW Gas - - Residenial 37S 30Eltcity 10 10 Commecl 569 45

Total 10 1,609 Indusy 177 14IMPors 1.719 - Agrcltu - -

Eports (36) - Government - -

StockChag - - Odher 14S 11

Bunke (45) - Export - -

Unallocated 38 - TOta 1266 100


Sysem Frequency, cls 0 k / UVoltage: Trnsmison, kV 138/69/33 LOW 20 12.4

Distribution, kV 24/13.8/6.914 Reident High 400 9.7

Low Voltage, Vols 110/220/440 Commerca 400 15.8Total System Losses, % 17 Smal Industy 5/ 2,000 11.0Countries 1 - Lag butry 5S 100,000 9.3Number of Consmer, *000 271 Bulk Rate -Number of Employe 1,750Consmr per Employee ISS UTILITY FIANCE E?PSC, d 3/

Avea Revenue, USc/kWh 12.21NOTM Rate of Return,% 5.01/WDR 1990. WcddOlm T a air-Wa isa Cash Ganeron, % 172v ON S ateuaasY_AO& t9s Debt Srvice Coverage,times 2.0

SA WsAuM Accounts Receivable, months 2.2341 hs OM=smksu U tU uy 1,

i5 kWg leatSSS r &20kW az 7m hmdwor

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(Fial YOr JIqn 1.1988- vDaoobew 195I)

Ja ( o Ele Ibayi Ashadm (JEA suppiUs powe in buk to th l10d Powe Comn (1EPOK) whi lsaths smd distrtor

of puc deectqy. Anohr &diruto i I" Ditc HecricIy Comp (IECO).

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICITY PRODUCIN 21!Populain, '000 3,900 Intllod Gsa CaacityArea, 'O sq bIn 92 Coait outet FactorPopulation per sq km 42.4 MW GWh sGDP, USSm 3,900 PubL;c 979 3,262 38GDP per Capita, USS 1,000 Themum 972 3,23S 38GDP Gowth Rate, % (1980-88) 4.2 Hydro 7 27 44Dinus per US$ 0.372 Nuclar - - -Electricity Produced/Capita, kWh 1,054 Geoder. - - -Commercial Energy: Self-Prod. 114 850 85

Co_um. Growth ab,% (8s88) 6.9 Theal 110 80 8SSixDue I pepr capita, uoe 693 Hydro 4 - -

hIorMerchwndise Export % 42 Tota 1,093 4,112 43Net Impots - -

COMM11ERCIJAL ENERGY V004ov 2/ Totd Availdal 4,112 -

Odin C0nmp m

Ca/Lignite - - PUBLIC ELECMRICITY SALES 31on1 16 2,700 GWVhGas - - Rusidential 821 30Ekcticity 2 2 CoUmRcial 292 11Totd 18 2,702 bIduosty 1,040 38

Im 3,055 - Argiculhre 446 16Expors - - overnme t 77 3StockChange (39) - Other 85 3Bunkrms (197) - Expot - -

Unalocatd (135) - ToNl 2,761 100

UTILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTILITY TARIFFS (JE,PCOIDEO) 31System Frequewy, cls 50 kWW/o USc/kWhVoage: Tanmssio kV 230W132/66 Rsideal Low 20 5.60

Dis1tibutio kV 33111/6.6 Resdential High 400 10.40Low Voage1, Vols 400 C 'l 400 9.20

Total Sysem Los, % 14 Smalbl usty 4/ 2,000 6.40Countries Intrconect - Lag Iduty S/ 100,000 3.40Number of Cnumers, '000 483 Bulk Rte 2.80Number of Employe 5,232Consume per Emplyee 92 UILITY INCANCE (OM) 31

Aveor Revenue, US/kWbh 4.20NoTk FoRat of Retun% 3.8a wna two. w Town Ima w-ws aw Cas Generation, % 36.502SI tN 3uW SIWNu Yesibac tea Debt Service Coverage,times 0.7N %gd am& mDi* .6SAR Accouts R ivable, monhs 2.04 SIOWst Iitbetow

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( Yre JA 1.197-Juwne. n1v

The Kwya VOwe sal Ligidi Couipac LImnk. (KPLC. a m-o&waod aiSy. is die sae dlgimbuor of de*ratlty geaeratedby EARL, TRDC ead TARDA.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECFRIC1TY PODUCTION 21Population, 0oo 22,400 Ibued Grow CapaciyAna, '000 sq i 580 Caociy Ow FaPrPaplati pe sq km 38.6 MW Wh %GDP, USSIM 7,380 Public 558 2,774 57GDP per Capita, USS 329 Thliml 164 148 1oGDP Gwth Rate, % (1908) 4.2 Hydro 349 2,303 75S1illig per USS 17.75 Nuclar - - -

Electricity ProdoedCapita, kWh 127 Geethr. 45 323 82Commrial Energ: Self-Prod. 17 70 47

Coueump. Growth Rat,% (W84) 0.2 Thema 12 S0 48Camunt per Capita, kV* 67 Rydro 5 20 46

MgFMNt,h % -- 41 Ttal 575 2,844 56Not mporta 110 -

COAMMERCIAL ENERGY 000o60 2 Toal Avalb 2,954 -

Co/Ligte - 80 PUBLIC ELICIUCffY SALES 31Oil - 1,186 Gwh sGas - - RPesde 449 19Elctriciy 228 237 Commeci S10 22

TOta 228 1,503 Idty 966 41Impors 2,193 - Ag 8utu - -Eqo (699) - Gov._mnt - -

Stok Chop - - Oder 414 18Bunkes (177) - Export - -UIllocastd 41 - Total 2,338 100

U1RSI POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLITY TAREFFS (KaC) 3/Sytem Frequ , c/s SO kWhm USc/kWhVoltag: Tnsmisslo, kYV 222113V66 Rsdetdd LOW i0 11.07

Dbibutd kV 4033111 Residenal High 400 6.49Low Vltag, Vlta 240/415 Co_uecial 400 7.53

Todal Sysm Lsses, X 15 Smal Idustry 4/ 2,000 7.00Co _nhios 100011combecte Ugana Lar Idustry 5/ 100,000 6.13NumbrofCionrmes, '000 222 Bulk Rat -Numb of Employ (1987) 6,760Cosme pr Employe (1987) 33 TuLT FPINANCE (pkjctd eatmal) 3/

Aver Reu, USc/kWh 6.15mmRate of Retinr,% 5.0IIWRm. "A , WON t Tm lowa map-us imu Casb Geneaton, U 34iiu tt u..swaymb*s "m Deft Saevice Cverag,imes 1.9san.. SAf . uWA Ac .. is RaReeivabl, months -

4t 0w Stn m_

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(Renal Ya,J uya7 1. 1995- Demobe 31. 1955

Kora Electrie Power Compy (KEICO) is a ats-ownd luet pow utlity _pob for dho adire puli sWly. Thesytm is copisely Int.rcontd.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICITY PRODUCrION 3/Popuation, '000 42,000 Itll Gross CapcityAea, '000 sq km 99 Capci Opt FaPtPopulation per sq km 424.2 MW GwI UGDP, US$m 171,310 Public 19,942 83,495 48GDP per Capita, USS 4,079 Tberm 11,042 41,791 43GDP Gowth Rate, % (1980-88) 9.9 Hydo 2,23S 1,623 8Won per USS 684.1 Nclzer 6,665 40,081 69Electricity Prodced/Capita, kWh 2,150 Geode. - - -Commercial Enoery: Se-Prod. 2,229 6,8C0 3S

Consump. Growth Rate,% (808) 5.S Therml 2,229 6,800 35per Capita, kgoe 1,740 Hydro - - -

ImportMerchndise Export, % 10 Total 22,171 90,295 46Not pors - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'Ooe 2V Total Available 90,29S -

Nfodwm -osmdCoam/Lignite 11,176 2S,082 PUBLIC ELECTRICrY SALES 2oil - 35,590 OWI XGos - 2,669 Residnial 12,029 18Electricity 9,754 9,7S4 C al 10,834 16Total 20,930 73,09S Indsty 45,S89 67

Impos 59,588 - Agrcl -

Exports (4,249) - GomStock Chang (1,624) - Odth - -

Bnkrs (1,549) - Export - -

Unalocated - - Total 68,4S2 100

UTIITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 21 UnIfY TARIFS (KEOO) V2Sysem Frequeny, c/s 60 kwhlm USc/kWhVoltage: Trasmision, kV 34S/154166 Redeta LAw 20 7.93

Didbtln, kV 22/11.416.6J5.713.3 Resdentia High 400 7.95Low Vdolge, Volt 110220380 Commrci 400 7.9S

Totl Sydem LoMM, % 6 Smal Industry 4J 2,000 5.82Countries Ineroncted - Lag Induty 51 100,000 5.82Number of Caosumers, '000 7,893 Bulk RAte -Number of Empltym 25,341Conome per Employ" 311 UTIITY FINANCE (KPCO) 21

Average R _evom, USckYWh 7.61NO13 Rate of Reur,% 8.1ttWDR 1tO. WdN TON 1. i&s OP-WS It Csb Genraion, % 6321 Rssi. BV Divid. SAf Debt Sernice ovra ,mes 1.3SI UN now MIsUes Ya*aa* iwo Account Receivable, mouths 4l5WatD5%huitagstssiwgS hahta

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(Fid Y.a Aqty I. IM - Dombew 31. I8)

Ebctrt Do Lao (SDL) is a autmus ta arpdse d tew Mnisloy of Industry ad Comme_ It s3es Viatne,Naow NV= sd suroding viaes ad Itiun projecs About b0% of rd out Is epoitd to Thad.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1I ELECTRCITY PRODUCrION 31Population, '000 3,900 Itaed Gross CapaciyAmea, 'OO sq km 237 Cpacty Oupt FactrPapuatin per sq km 16.5 MW OWb SGDP, US$m SOO Public 176 789 51GDP per Capita, US$ 128 Thebal 25 - -GDP Growth Rate, % (1973-S) - Hydro 151 789 6DKips per USS 400.0 Nucler - - -Electricity Produce/Capita, kWh 202 Goodbr. - - -Commercl Eaw9: Sef-Prod. - - -

Coasump. Growi Rate,% (8087) 2.0 Therld - - -

Cnmpi per Capita, koe 2S Hydro - - -Impoercan Expo, - Toal 176 789 51

Net ImporS (95) -COMMERCLAL ENERGY OOSo. 2/ Total Availabl 194 -

Coalni - - PUBIC ELECTRCITY SALES 31Oil - 69 oWI %Gas - - Rsidential 90 12Eectricit 90 27 Commercia 11 1

Total 90 96 I1nry S IImpors 71 - Agdculbe 5 1Exports (65) - Govenmen 42 5Stock Char - - Odber - -Bunes - - Export S95 80Un-alod - - Total 748 100

UTLITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLlITY TARIS (EDL 197) 31Sytem Frequency, c/s 50 kWbh/o USc/kWhVolta: Trammisioi, kV 115 Risidential Low 20 5.26

Discbutio, kV 15/22 ResitiligH 400 7.37Low Voltg, Vlts 230 Co l 400 7.37

Todal Sysm Leoses, X 24 Sml Idustry 4/ 2,000 7.37Countries Itercontd Thailnd Lag Idusty 5/ 100,000 3.00Number of Csumers, '000 36 Bulk Rat -Numbe of Empyaes 1190Consu per Einp1oye 30 UILITY FINANCE (MDL) 31

Avra Reven, USc/kWh (1987) 2.70EBNO: RateofRetwn,% (1985) 39u WDl iO. Wot Tam ia w-ws i9e Cah Gnation, % (19 100vz UN 2sg _ mm" &* s Debt Service Coverage,ims (1985) 2.9Sf SIIsBMW A.usaU & ts~mas UsO Accont Recivable, mnt 6.04IskWtsi d bwf100Wnm3 Imdhat_

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ff Y: Apd 1. 9S - Ma3t 31.190)

The Lescio EecticitY Cowpoati (LEC) Is ropose for Impoftg dctx powe fm Sowh Afrc eM for dwisrbm tolal c _aoe in Lasotho.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ EULECICrIY PRODUCI1ON (1983) 31Population, '000 2,000 Lied Or CaiAres, '000 sq kLi 30.00 COutpt FactorPopulation pec sq km 66.7 KW GWh %GDP, US$m 330 Public - - -GDP per Capita, US$ 165 Thema - - -GDP GrWth Rate, % (1980-88) 2.3 Hydo - - -Lotis per USS 2.035 NuAcar - - -Electricity ProdocedfCapita, kWh - Geotbr. - - -Commercial Energy: Sotf-Prod. - -

Conump. Gwth Rate,% (80-88) - Therml - - -Cosumption per Capita, koe - Hydro - - -ImpoltMerchbatAf Export, % - Toal - - -

Net lmpors 111 -COMMERCIAL ENERGY '000to Told Avaible III -

producton CaLnite - - PUBUC ELECrRICrIT SALES (198 2/Oil - - GWh sGas Residea 20 23Elctricity - - l S1 S8

Tota - - Induby 17 19im-f - - Agcuhr - -Expofts - - o- -

Stock Cha - - Otr - -

Buners- - Expot - -

Unaloabed - - Total 88 100

UrILffY POWER SYSTEM DATA 2V iFMLff TARIS (LC 197)21System Frequey, cls so kWh/uoro USc/kWbVeotter Trasmison, kV 88 Residential Low 20 6.86

Distrution, kV 11 Reideil High 400 6.92Low Veltage, Volts - Commeria 400 11.61

Total System Losses, % (1982) 12 Small Iduty 4/ 2,000 7.84Countries Intorconected S. Africa iar Idusty 100,000 S.67Number of Consumers, '000 (1982) 5 Bk Rata -Number of Employe -Consumers per Employee - ULlTY FINANCE ( 2EC) V

Aveg Roveu, UScOkWh (1987) 6.86NO": Rate of Rtum, -U WDR t90. u Tama t9e A wit-we t1 C wnhaMtiI % -

21 S8t BMW Amum_t & Pft~s R_oi DeW Service Coveraetimes -SI ON usawIa S"" Y*ok l91? Accounts Recevab mooths -4EWgSSU tud".YSewram had ftor

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(Fifa Y" r JA,ayI. 19 - D,be 31. 198

Tl Librais EbLe Cop. (LEC). a dft. to Xmp fort p ecuot sPply. Mm Own Sot= isin Monrovia. A few sed syte supply the rural arm

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECIuCiTY PRODUCTION 2Populatio, '000 2,400 bosaed Gos CapacitAma, '000 sq im 111 Capaity Output FaPtorPopulatio pt sq qkm 21.6 KW owI%GDP, USSm 990 PubL;o 177 398 26GDP pr Capia, US$ 413 Thsrl 101 93 10GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-) (1.3) Hydro 76 305 46LAberaS pr USS 1.0 Ncla - - -

Elctricity Poduced/Capita, kWh 348 Gether. - - -Commercial Enegy Self-Prod. 148 436 34

Consump. Growth Rate, % (808) (8.4) Tlernl 143 417 332S_ i per Capita, kgoa 110 Hydro 5 19 43

Impot/Mer dis Export, % 12 TOWm 325 834 29N Impots - -

COMMECIL ENERGY 'OOOo 21 Tol Available 834 -

Producton-Coal/Lignite - - PUBUC ElECTRICITY SALES (1984) 3Oil 236 GWhGas - - RPsdeal 90 32Elctrici* .28 28 Co Immc 91 32Total 28 264 InduY 22 8

Import 315 - Agricute 37 13Eqports (18) - Govenm_ t 34 12Sck Chage - - Ode 7 2-nsr (62) - Export - -

Unallocaed - - Toal 281 100

U1LTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 3I UTflLlf I TARIFFS (lEC 194) 3System Frquncy, do 60 Wim.o USc/kWhVoltage: Tra sion, kV 69 daLow 20 15.00

Distribton, kV 12.S Resil High 400 IS.00Low Voltage, Vols 1202240/ Commercial 400 15.00

Total System Lasses % (1983) 25 Smal Iduby 4 2,000 IS.00Cousties Intecomcted - Lag Idury S1 100,000 IS.00Number of Consurms, '000 (1982) 33 Bulk RatoNumber of Employees (1982) 1,420Consumers pr Employee (1982) 24 UTMLiTY FINANCE (qiLt 31

Avea Ren, USc/kWh (1984) 15.00PE , Rabt of Reur,% -IV WDU 1.w WM TaIls 99 & Da,-Vs 99 Cab Geneato s

2/ ON F.u ft**1 Yek* US Doe Sevice Covera,times -AwSs. alua Awsmieci Vmsts Upoi A,coou Receivablo, mns -

51200kW attSsi bets

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d Y.r:^ a ,y 1988 - D.tahea 31. IS)

The Maay EcIrlity ad WaW CooWatlon (JMAMA) Isa Use-was oty whihs resposi* to prutbi addisrbun of lecict ad Water.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTCllY PRODUCIION 21Popultion, '000 10,900 Instaed ross CapacityAm, '000 sq kn 587 C 4aai Outu FactorPoplto per sq km 18.6 MW owI %GDP, USSn 1,80 Pubic 187 406 25GDP po Capit, US$ 172 Tberm 81 103 ISGDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 0.6 Hydo 106 303 33Facs per US$ 1,407.1 Nuclear - - -Electiciy PrceCapita, kWh 47 ewher. - - -

Comca IEnergy Sdf-Prod. 32 110 39Consump. Grwth Rate,% (80-88) 1.5 Therml 32 110 39

Consum Pto er capita, kgoe 40.73 Hydro- -

Import/M_ExcbandiueEport, % 45 Total 219 516 27Not Imports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY OOOIo 2V Told Avaihble 516 -

Coal/Lignite - 12 PUBUC ELBCTRICTY SALES (195)3/

_il - 406Gas - - Resideil 61 30Electricity 26 26 Commecial 26 13Total 26 444 Inuby 98 48

Impors 541 - Agicutr - -Expo"r (A) - omum 1S 7Stock Chan (57) - Odhr 3 1Bunr (10) Export - -

Unllocated (31) - TOl 203 100

UTILTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTILITY TARIFS (DRAMA 19m 31System Frqun, c/s S0 kWh USc/kWVolta: Transmission, kV 63 Residal Low 20 12.51

DIrbuon, kV 22 l Hig 400 15.95Low Volae, Vol 220/380 Com cial 400 15.95

TOal System L_, % 14 Small Indusry 41 2,000 9.68Counkies - Lg Industr SI 100,000 9.30Number of Coumer, '000 (1985) 120 Bulk Rae - -Number of Employe (1985) 2,182C_nsme per Emplye (198) 55 UTL FINANCE QIRA) 31

Avesg Reve, , USc/kWh -sTe;Rate of Reftu,% (1986) 4.00t211, WDR 96.TW n tiN & 1 l9-Ws iPCash O199a_i.n % (1986) 0VJ UNS 1W -tlu Yuch Debt Srvice Coveragtines (1986) 0.7

II SRa,~ Mesn. Paiius apats.AD9&MI5& 8idwAn Account Receiable monnthsdi 8 kW as kw hoiwBt

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( Yaw.: July 1. 1w7-J,ra 1985)

Eledotay Suppl C04mui of Malwi (ESCOM), a d_aewnd ulDt. is te sole dkt*tt for .lciit in Maawi. Hydro_us esa almost ad of the dectricty usd. The min symb Is __.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICITY PRODUCrION 31Populatin V 8,000 Intoaed G CapcitArm, '000 sq n 118 Capacity Oup FaPopuli per sq km 67.8 MW GwI IGDP, US$m 1,080 Public 168 561 38GDP per Capita, US$ 135 Termld 23 1 -GDP Gwwow Rate, % (1980-48) 2.6 Hydro 145 560 44Mawi KwacUa per US$ 2.53 Nucla - - -Electicity Produced/Capita, kWh 74 (oodhr. - - -Commercial Enry: Self-Prod. 26 31 13

Coosump. Grwth Rate,% (8088) 0.2 Thermal 25 23 10CD_Os per Capita, kgoe 29 Hydro 1 8 74Import/Me phandise Exort, % 9 Total 194 592 35

NetImports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY OOtOo 2/ Total Available 592 -

C4aligt- 46 PUBLC ELECTICITY SALES 41Oil - 140 GWhXGas - - Resdential 80 17Elaebticity 49 49 Comercial 70 15Total 49 235 Inutry 331 69

Imports 196 - Agi=utue - -Exports - - Gwnment - -

Stock Chlnge (1) - Ot-uns (8) - Export I -

Unalcad - - Total 482 100

UTILITY POWE SYSTEM DATA 31 UTILIY TARIFFS (ECOM) 41System Frequec, c/s 50 kWhImo USc/kWhVole Tranmissio, kV 132/66/33/111 R LOW 20 4.97

Distribution, kV 33111 Resdenal High 400 4.19Low Voltage, Volts 230/400 Commercial 400 5.94

Tot System Lsses, % 17 Sm InIduty SI 2,000 4.57Countries bIutonnected Zambia,Mozamblqu Lrg Idstry 5/ 100,000 4.86Numbr of COnumers, '000 36 Bllk RateNumber of Employe 2,100Conum per Employe 17 UTLTY FINANCE (ESCOM) 31

Averg Roveam, USc/kWh 3.85UNiO Rate of Return,% 7.3uwVMS i"0s WeTdIs 1"JMF- Igo Cab Generation, % 32It UN aew 8IaUdSu _Ym*osk19 Dabt srvice Covere,times 1.631 2%lui Nw Oh8iu SAN Accoun Receivable, nmont 2.03

a1 &_Emw AMmema Pmits tIkWatS5S &hmSiwW&=kWd7*% kmd&d

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(c Yor: S.ptazbe 1,1 87- Auge* 31. 195

E6hlly Is sbppied by the Natiol Ileeloty Boad NB) an doi PeabuA, SESCO in S owak and MM fn Sabb. NEI

and SEB an owned by th Fderal Govomme. SESCO I owned by do atiw ovremamL

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECRICITY PRODUCTION 31Poplon, '000 16,900 Insta1led Grss CapityArea, 'O0 sq km 330 Capacty Outpt FactofPopulation per sq km 51.2 MW owI sGDP, US$m 34,680 Publi 4,829 16,216 38GDP per Capita, US$ 2,052 Thermal 3,579 11,630 37GDP Growt} Rade, % (1980-88) 4.6 Hydro 1,250 4,586 42Ringit per USS 2.62 Nucler - - -Electricity ProducedlCapita, kWh 1,018 Goeodh. - - -Commercial Energy: Self-Prod. 490 980 23

Cousump. Growth Rate,% (80-82) 5.9 Thuma 450 950 24Cassumptio per Capita, kgoe 938 Hydro 40 30 9ImporMerchns Export, % 5 Total 5,319 17,196 37

NetImports 51 -001 WERCIAL ENERGY *000b. 21 Tol Availab" 17,247 -

Cosl/Luite 1S 282 PUBLIC ELCICITY SALES 31Oil 25,536 10,626 GWb on. 12,415 4,460 2,877 21Elcriciy 482 482 Commcal 4,417 32

TOtl 38,448 15,850 blduby 5,829 43Impors 6,888 - Agric e - -

Exports (29,880) - GovMet - -Stock Chae (203)- - Other S1S 4Bunkes (63) - Export 21 -Unslocated 660 - TOal 13,659 100

UTILITY POWER SYSIEM DATA 31 IUTILIfY TARIFFS (NIB) 3/System Frequey, c/s SO kWhm/ USckWhVoltage: Tramision, kV 275/132166 Resikeial Low 20 8.10

Distibutiro kV 3322/1116.6 Resikdel Higb 400 8.60Low Voltg, Vots 230/400 Commercial 400 9.20

Totd ysm Losses, % 16 SmalltIdury 4/ 2,000 8.10Countries lwterumected Sigpore,Thalland Large Idoty 5/ 100,000 6.20Nunber ofCosumers, 'W00 2,77 Bulk Raft 3.80Number of Employs 23,892C_sumes per Employt 108 UTLT FINANCE (NIB) 3/

Avsg Reue, USc/kWh 7.10NO tRaft of Rum,% 12.0UWm 1". W.IUTama ina nor-us tm Cas Generatin, % 6421 UN v_ aqS Ym* 1I6 Debt Servie Coverage,tmens l.SSf g D Accou Re Ul, ms 1.641$ kWft .e ad

5lX) aWas7Sk hdw

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(7m er:kua~ 1J98 D.em&r o31, 1995)En~~~~~~Fw8id rdir ;DMy tbt - _&vffi$. I tEvArgi do Mal (3DM) 1 reapoolbl for operation ad wskm fmdm power nd wibas wate f(oaelte. office pouir

lTz*Mdm des R.aoure Hydraulqu do Haut N4pr (OE3HN) ts aw1 paa eaWAIhed to opee th Salig

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECIRICrrY PRODUCTION 2/31Populaio 000 7,989 Iustalld Gro CapaityAm, '000 sq km 1,240 Capct Outpu FactorPopuation per sq Im 6.4 MW oWh SGDP, USM 2,154 Public 73 201 31GDPpot Cpta,US$ 270 Thelmd 29 39 isGDP owth RAte, % (198088) 7.6 Hydro 44 162 42Francs per US$ 297.8 Nuclea - - -Eliciq ProcdCapita, kWh 27 Geotb. - - -

ommrci Energy: Sdf-Prod. 6 13 25Caowsp. Gowwd Ral,% (8088) 2.9 Therm 6 13 25

- _ - per Capita, kcoo 24 Hydro - - -

ImpoercM his Export, % 31 ToWal 79 214 31Not Imports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'OO 21 TOtal Avaiable 214 -

Coal/Ligoito - 14 PUBLIC ELECRICITY SALES 2/onl - 166 OWIoas - - Reidential - -

letriit 39 13 Commcia - -

Total 39 193 duy- -

Imprs 174 - Agrculu - -

Expots - - Govnmnot - -

Stock Che- - Odor -

Bunks - - Expot -

Unallocated (20) - Total 149 100

UrTLiTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 21 UTITY TARIFS (EDsM) 2Vystm Frequncy, cs S0 kWbhmo USc/kWh

Voibge: T _ansmbao, kV 150 ftsidenial Low 20 27.00Distrilu, kV 30115 Resden Higb 400 18.00Law Voltag, Volts 2201380 Commecial 400 18.00

Todal Sysm Loss, % 22 Smal lodusty 4/ 2,000 24.00Countries - Lar Indust 5/ 100,000 17.00Number of Co _auer, '000 37 Bulk RateNudmbr of Employe 1,00C0mu per Employeo 37 UTILITY FINANCE (EDM) 21

AvrV Revenue, USc/kln' 20.30v<m: Rade of Retun, % 15.0UW= 1160. WTTl. S & vtW Cash Gerato , s 46V R__$h O Dkhk. SAs Dobt Srvico Coverage,ines 2.411 Rw& t antus.v ua Ies Accounts Receiva, monats 5.04SRWAX$ bhu_

51No0w kW ast7 bkWho

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MAURffANIA ss1988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEET(FOY r: rear a 1. 1988- Dcot31, 19U8)

Yu Pub powe sd wa_ Wity. SONELEC, mae .ila ed deeW yt_, m Vid bulk of wbhk &"W In tawobus. cetes (NouAobse sad Nouao).


POp , '(XX) 1,907 Imotad an" CamtArea, '000 sq Im 1,026 COutpu FactorPopultionpefsqkm 1.9 MW owlSGDP, US$m 900 Public 53 96 21GDP per Cpita, US$ 472 Tmal 53 96 21GDP Growt Rate, % (19808) 1.6 Hydro - - -Ougyas pe USS 75.3 Nucle - - -

Eectricity Produced/Capita, kWh 68 Gower. - - -Commcal Energy: Self-Prod. 61 34 6

C _nsup. Growth Rate,% (8WU8) 0.3 Thera 61 - -I I' per Capita, lwe 535 Hydro - 34 -

ImpoMerhandise Eort, % 6 Total 114 130 13Net Imports - -

COMtMCIAL ENERGY 'COOkt 2/ Toal Availbl 130 -

Coal/Lignite - 4 PUBLIC ELCRICTY SALES (192) 31Oil - 1,014 OWbGas - - Residnia 70 57Electricity *.2 2 Commecia 6 4Total 2 1,020 Industly 16 13

IMPo 1,084 - Agclu - -E-o - - Oev_ - -

Snock Chang (41) - Other 32 26Bunkers (19) - Expot - -

Unallocated 87 - TOa 124 100

UTXTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLITY TARIF (SONELEC) 31Systm Prquency, cls 50 kWhn USc/WVOltge: Tr i , kV - Residnall Low 20 23.00

Distribi kV 6 ResidIal High 400 23.00Low Volta, Volts 220/380 CommcIl 400 23.00

Total Sym Lsss, % 23 Smalldatry 4/ 2,000 20.00Countris Interoed - Larg Inutry 5/ 100,000 20.00Number of Consumes, '000 - Bulk Ra -Numbe of EmployeesCosumrs per Employe - UTLY FINANCE

Averog Revenue, USc/kWhmm Raft of Return,%SIWDE 19t, WOW T1ab 199 & Diff-jI I9 Cash Getion, %_

21 UN _rp atics Ymo* tas Debt Sevice Coverag ,tm_f213q11 =DhMe.&& Accout Receivab montbs41 s at 35d5 651 SO ko habsb_

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Page 69: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon

MEXCO 571988 POWER DATA SUMMAR' SHEET~l Yuez Amuwry 1. 195- D0o4ar 31,199)

CPE & CLFC ae aponible for ewatlon and dtributlan of d_etbly. CLFC Is manlYmpoAI forthw supply in thcenta put of Medw Cty. Power Aubuectr poinisa are fmultd by SM,nd & are waled out by


GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION 21Poation, '000 83,700 tll Gos CapcityArea, '000 sq km 1,973 Ccit Outt FaCPopuato per sq km 42.4 MW GWb %GDP, USSmr 176,700 Public 23,954 101,905 49GDP per Capita, USS 2,111 Thrnml 15,505 76,466 56GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-) 0.S Hydro ,,,49 20,778 31Pesos per US$ 2,273.1 Nuclear - - -

Elctricity ProducedlCapita, kWh 1,313 Geedr. 700 4,661 76Com_mcial Energy: Self-Prod 3,798 7,957 24

CXnnsunp. Growth Rate,% (80-88) 0.7 Tbermal 3,722 7,761 24C n per Capita,kgo 1,331 Hydro 76 196 29

Import/Merciadise Expoft, % I Totd 27,752 109,862 45Nt p' (1,832) -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY COOtos 21 Totd Available 108,030 -

P_n -Coal/Ligite 5,354 5,404 PUBLIC ELECTRICITY SALES 21Oil 145,201 71,884 GOWh Gas 33,260 32,062 REshidtil 16,825 20Electricity 2,188 2,031 Commercalw 7,303 9

TOWal 186,003 111,381 Industy 46,893 56Imports 4,526 - Agricutum 6,409 8Exports (79,604) - oernment 4,456 5Stock Change (670) - Other - -Bunes (562) - Export 1,996 2Unalocatoed 1,688 - Total 83,882 100

UTILITY POWEAR SYSTEM DATA 2V UTILITY TARIFFS (CFE) 2/System Fequency, c/s 60 k'Wh/u USc/khVolte: Transmission, kV 4001230161/115 Residead Low 20 1.78

Distribution, kV 22113.2/6 Resdenial High 400 4.18Low Votage, Volts 127/220 Comeria 400 6.98

Total Sytem Loss, % 14 Sma ndury 3/ 2,000 4.59

Countrioesl USA Lape dusy 4/ 100,000 3.12

Number of Cowsumes, '000 lS,447 Bulk Rat 3.55

Number of Employe 77,S92

Cosumers per Employee 186 TLIT FINANCE (CE) 2VSI

Avere Revenue, USc/kWh 3.67

s:m Ras of Retn,% 1.4VIWDI issWe Tais s a sws te Cas Generation, % 12.70V21Uwm a9w mv1)a Det Srvico Cveage,tims 1.2

51&wats 25 ulaw Accouns Receivl, monts 2.1

4USNOWMaI hui"ta


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l Year: au:J 19 tW- S.31. 19Offlko Nbado de L'eetrIcft (ONE) I rnetbh for gmmedain d dect att xojt Ithe manure centers. The litqs of Inlterireuai oprtons.e Te1 re mpubllkl owned &istriutorof dcily and war in tew mai udba aroe.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECUClTY PRODUCTION VPopulai,'O000 24,000 slld_ Gam CapacityArea, '000 sq kimn 447 Capt Outu FacrPoputia pr sq Icm 53.7 MW owS sGDP, US$oi 21,990 Public 1,963 7,518 44GDP per Capita, USS 916 Tbhol 1,347 6,582 S6GDP Gwwh Rate, S (1980-88) 4.2 Hydro 616 936 17Dihams por US$ 8.2 Nucwea - - -Electiy PoducedlCapits, kWh 373 Geoodhr. - - -Commercial Enrgy: Self-Prod. 292 1,424 56

Coasmp. Grwth Rate,% (8-88) 2.4 Thwrml 286 1,424 S7Conmpi perCapia, kgoe 241 Hydro 6 - _I upot/MerchandiiExport, % 17 Tota 2,255 8,942 45

NotIports 18 -COMMfERCIAL ENERUGY 'OGOos 2/ Totd Availdae 8,960 -

Prodution -cCoal/Lignite 356 1,031 PUDLIC ELECTRICITY SALES 2/Oal 20 4,449 aft s(as 63 63 Residetl 1,893 30Elecriciy 243 243 Cmnmecid 628 10Totd 682 5,, 6 ndmiz y 3,189 50Impos 5,947 - Agr=utwe 364 6Expots (319) - Governumet 334 5Stock Chasr - - Other - -

Bunskrm - - Expt - -Uniallocated (524) - Totd 6,408 100

UTILITY POWER SYSMEI DATA 21 IFLRITY TARIFFS (ONE) 21Sysm Frequency, c/s 50 kWh/rno USckWhVoltag: Transsion, kV 225/10/60 Resideal Low 20 9.00

Dstribtion, k 3k/22 Residenia Hish 400 10.80Low Volg, Vols 220380 Commciad 400 12.96

Totd System Lsses, S 14 Smll Idury 3/ 2,000 10.21Counries Algera Large Indu*y 4/ 100,000 8.20Nmber otCansumes, '00 677 Blk Rat -Number of Employees 8,462Csumr pe Employee 80 T FINANCE (O

Average Revenue, USc/kWh 9.82mmnsk Ratb of Retum S 8.4uwsa lassot. Wowd Tas lm aDuAS ims Cash Gmeratlos, % 109I aqg e,gt h5d Debk Srvice Cover,brmes 1.7NSaSS% dbams Accounts Roiv*able months 13.4410kW at _ i-ikgsN u ts. a& WpAl

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Mod aI ?w uy 1,. I - Dbw 31. INS

EIulo cdiM _ds Mmblms (EDM) Ia mAu** rmbl for Un pul supply of .dry lcuA psugatls.truaunisuion & drbAs of power. The Woa Sams hydr oomp . uty a nd coltad by Pstupe itKasta

GENERAL EOONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICITY PRODUCON 213/Poulation, 1'000 14_90 w Gro Caay

Aa, 00 sq km 82 C O_pt FactorPopulationpor sq km 18.6 MW GWYI %GDP, USsa 1,100 Puc 2,29 263 1GDP per Cpita, US$ 74 Theml 184 275 17GDP Growth Rate, % (198048) (2.8) Hydro 2S075 so -Moeicais per USS 575.0 Nuclr - - -

Ebctric ProducedlCapita, kWh 28 Go . - - -

Commeca Eergy: Self-Prd. 113 150 1SCamimp. Growh Ratbeo, (80WU) 2.0 Thmal 110 IS0 16Consumption pef Capita, ksoe 86 Hydro 3 - -ImportMmeba Eor, % 43 Tdal 2,372 413 1

Not ImporS 340 -

COMMRCIAL ENERGY 000to 2V Ttal Ailabl 607 -

CoatLignits 28 40 PUBLIC ELECTRICITY SALES 31Oil - 469 OWIRGas - -ide 181 34Eectrt 13 31 Ger 78 15Total 41 550 Medum Tson 120 23

Impots 538 - Hi Tensi 144 27EXpfots - - Gon 3 1

Stuck Chag - - Odhe - -

Bun- n (29) - Export - -

Unalocad - - Totdl 526 100

TIITM POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLi TARIFFS (ED) 31Sytem Fqn,cs do k Wh/r USckWh

Volge: Tmn sion, kV 500S380 3220 aRsinil LOw 20 9.00Disrbuio, kV 33122111/6.6 R1side High 400 10.80Low Voltgo, Volt - C _l 400 12.96

TOal Sysm Los, X 14 Small Idusty 41 2,000 10.21Countrie bltonmcted S.AfkaMaawi,Zbbm Lrog ndusty 41 100,000 8.20Number of Con0som, '000 375 Bulk RU -N be of Employ 3,00Cnsmers per Employ. 99 TlY FINANCE (EDI) 31

Average _Rvnu, USc/kWh 3.87-, U tsvalu Rat of Retu,% 10.0

IIWm 15 WoM Toms lo aF, 1n50 Casb G_nerton, % -

2 MA mbs I0 Debt Swvioe C*ova,times -

StwMS. EwUusuap swmWaipa Accont Reivab mondh 3.67-A UNod_ u1

41kWatS% kWsaWhbrauwa Ata7bk a

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~F rk e:l API 1. 1U - M31. 191i9)

ehi;lo Pow Cotp. (EPC) Is for pufft eltity supply. A few emnme oatlaua nd oih on aptivp to mm tdeir electri-a I nera arequirenme.


Aea, '000 sq Iok 677 Ca,ci Ouput FacWrPoplto per aq km 59.1 MW OWih GDP, US$m - Public 752 2,212 34GDP perCapita, US$ - Tbal 494 1,091 25GDPGrowth Rate, X (1980-88) - Hydro 258 1,121 SOKyats per USS 6.39 Nucla - -Electricity ProdceWCapita. kWh S7 Gleoer. - --

CommerIl Energy: Self-Pod. 257 60 3C _nsup. Growth Rate,% (80-88) 5.1 Tbrml 2S7 60 3Consumption per Capita, 'we 45 Hydro - - -Import/Mrchand Export, % S Toeal 1,009 2,272 26

Not Imports - -COMUERCLAL ENERGY *OObo 21 Total Avilal 2,272

Coali*nt 30 65 PUBLIC ELBCFCrfTY SALES 31Oil 733 580 oWII sias 1,069 1,069 Residential 4S7 24

Eocticity 96 96 Commecia 1,217 64Total 1,929 1,810 Indusry - -

Impor 34 - Aiculte - -

E-ore - - Gowrnm. - -

Stock Cblng - - Odthr 230 12Bunabrs - - Expoit - -

Unallocated 153 - Total 1,904 100

uTlLlrff POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTELITY TARFFS PC-RA N 1984) 31Systm Fequn. cts So kWhmo USc/WhVoltag: Transmiuice, kV 230/132166 Residentia Low 20 3.68

Dibuto, kV 3311116.6f3.311.4 Resdeial High 400 3.30Low Volag, Volts 220/400 Comerial 400 5.71

Total Syslem Lse, % 13 Smi ldustry 4/ 2,000 2.03Countris _ - Lar Indty 5/ 100,000 1.52Number of Consus, *000 2,800 Dul RatbNvunber of Employes (1984) 16,979Comm per Employe (1984) 30 UTLITY FINANCE (RAUWOON) 31

Avege Revenu_ USc/kWh (1984) 3.68Rat of Retu,% -

VIYDNQ. WeT1 "1W9&I-i1n393 Cash Genraon , -VuK ft Sldw Ye_te 19 Deit Srvice Coverg,6tir -Nf sat.. NU. PFAU & BMW Aimonst Accounts Receivable, mons -4181w"S IhfA_

9130W wn IaSae

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( Yew:ulA 16 1DM -14 4 IND)The Ne EIc_tct AMout (NfiA) Is rqw_aMb for de pmii. c_tim of an d lc poWe flIIn Nepa. There ts ai privat co r Indmi in th ai of mueX,r*e oairutc h amsc_ 4opea of


Ara, '000 sq km 141 Capaciy Ott FactPopuatiaper s km 127.7 MW owV SGDP, USSm 2,860 Public 183 564 35GDP per Capita, US$ 159 Thema 25 I -GDP Gwth Rate, (1980-88) 4.7 Hyro IS8 563 41Rpeoa per USS 23.3 Nuclwa - - -Electicity Podud/Capita, kWh 33 Gooedr. - - -Cme6rca Eorgy: Self-Prod. 13 25 22C _maup. Gowt Rabt,% (80-8) 9.4 Thebmal 13 25 22

," -per CePi, kgoe to Hydlro - - -I1 tMWecandt Epot, % 29 TOWal 196 589 34

NotnhpWO 6S -CO AMERCIAL ENERGY 'OOOe 21 TOWa Avail 654 -

Prodr -Coal/Lignite - 62 PUBLIC ELBCTPICfff SALES 41

Oil - 217 OWh sGas - - Resdentil 184 40Ebcticit 48 53 C4esmerlu 75 16Totdal 48 332 induay 161 35

Impots 288 - Agriculuo 18 4voft (A8) - t _

Stock Chag (24) - Ohr 6 1Bunkrs - Expowt 16 3Unallkcaed - - TOal 459 100

UTLITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 IfLl TARIFFS NA 197) 31Systm Freency, cts SO kWbhl USckWhVlag: Trnumison, kV 220/132V66111 Residetl Low 20 4.72

Disbution, kV 33/1113.3/2.3 RHih 400 8.33Low Voltg, Volts 230/400 Comweca 400 7.00

Totl Syste Lms, 27 Sma dby 5/ 2,000 6.19Coutiles lnteronected India Lrp Induty 5/ 100,000 3.94Number of Consum , '000 238 Bulk Rat -Number of Em s 7,065COmmrs pe Emplo 34 UlTlffY FINANCB 2M,_ftcah* 31

Aveag Revemue, USclkWh 5.92Kong Unrvalued Rat of Retua,% 6.0ItWDR tsi, WoUTM. 19U9& IMP-3S 199 Cash Geration, s 321 UN NO is Yaa 19SO DWA Servic Coveug,times 1.7SI Na P_1aq s sterRee.u SAN Accons Receivab, onths 3.14f1 AWn1 Es Dbis

SiWg5 at uloWad h aifwsw"S

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(FfbII Y bg JWM 1.1DMJ- -~a31, lo"

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICITY PRODUCTON 213/PFcuatio, '000 3,622tad Gro CatyAr, '000 sq km 130 Cap4t Oup FaorP qpuaIo por aq km 27.9 MW OW %GDP, USSM 3,200 Public 338 1,120 38GDP per Capit, USS 884 11 203 543 31GDP Grwth Ras, 5 (1980-8) (0.3) Hydro 100 387 44Codba psW USS (1987) 0.0700 Nuclau - - -

ElctictY ProdOCCapita, kWh 329 Geoodi. 3S 190 62Commercial Eer Sef-Prod. 55 73 15Cassump. Gwth Rdse,% (80-8) 1.8 Thernu 52 65 14Comumtka ps Cphi. kgo 211 Hyro 3 8 30ImportlMercbaadkm Export, % 42 Totl 393 1,193 35

NotImports 83 -

COM[MERCIAL E_ERY 'Otos 23 Totdal Avail 1,276 -

CashLignite - - PUDLIC ELBCTRCrIT SALES 2VOil - 679 owXGas - - Residal 330 34Eleicity 102 87 Commecil 82 9Toal 102 766 Industry 256 27

bmport 732 - Adcult 91 9Expor (1) - Govumea 106 11StockCage, (39) - O_m 87 9Bookurs (415) - Ert 2 1Uzmllcad 388 - TOal 954 100

uTaLIT POWER SYSTEM DATA 21 UTIITY TA VSystm Feqny, cha 60 kW}ho UScAkWhVolag: Tun ssuom, kV 2301138/69 Ruldsatia Low 20 S.16

Distrlbuda, kV 24.9113.84.16124 Rosidmmial Hih 400 3.43Low Votg Vols 1101220/440 C ul 400 9.96

Total Sydow LTsse S 18 Sa Inuosy 5/ 2,000 9.10Coutrs lutoameoed Cota Ria,Haodm Lar Iusty S/ 100,000 7.46Number of Csms, '000 276 BDk Rt -Numbe of Employe 3,651C _ume par Empes 76 UTIrLTY FINANCE N) 2/

Averg Reoveu, USclkWh 6.63;OTM Rat of Rturn,%S -

VW" t"0S w. Yt9s SW& ank-IS low Cinh Omeafti, sZ2Iqdft3WDaM DoN Sevice Cove,timos -SINasqai" Yeaft*sa" Acco_t Roeiabl, mat* 1.64EfghsuMSW "$inbso_ vbsusta Mick,9s$Wuno Imdarohw iSt " odo

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NIOER 631988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEETFic Yr: hbmw 1. iN -Dembe 31. INS

Socibt Nlno d'lei (NIOELEC) Is do =di pxl ut rpolb f ountaa. _ta & o df docataty.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELBCnRuCIY PRODUCIoN 21Population, '000 7,300 ns a CqaaAr, '000 sq km 1,267 ci Opt PaerPopulation per sq I 5.8 MW an GDP, USSm 2,400 Publk 93 159 20GDP per Capita, USS 329 T11uu 93 159 20GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) (1.2) Hydro - - -

Fan per USS 297.9 Nuclear - - -Elctrity Pro dCapta, kWh 22 Goerbr. - - -

Commercial Euern Self-POd. - - -Conaump. Growth Rate,% (0-88) 3.2 Thwml - - -Consumption per Capita, kmgo 19 Hydro - - -Import/Mercandise Eport, % 15 Toal 93 159 20

No Import 156 -COMMERCA1L ENERGY *000mm 21 TOl Available 315 -

Productin Coaline 17 - PUBL ELECTRICiTY SALES 2/oil - 116 owI

as - - Residenal 52 20Electcity - 22 Cs 6

Total 17 138 nduay 34 13Impots 182 - AiWinltUm - -ExpOrt - - Governmet 37 ISStockChae (9) - Ode 117 46Bunhera (17) - Exprt - -

(35) - Total 255 100

UTlUTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 2/ UTIITY TARIS 2/3/System Ftrquency, c/s 5s lh/ USciVoltg Truam ssion, kV 132V66 Resdil Low 20 23.40

D _.bjtio,, kV 20 Rednta igh 400 20.00Low Vdol, Volta - Co 400 20.00

Total Syse Lsses, % 18 Sml bndaty 4/ 2,000 16.77Countrde Nigeia LoargeIndus b ty 5/ 100,000 14.00Number of Consumer '000 40 Bulk Rate -Number of Employ 1,000Cosume per Employ.. 40 UTLT FINANCE :\2C /

Average Reeue, USc/Wh 20.62Unreae Rate of Retn,% 4.2

uwoa too. Wm Tama irn& nw-r ta Csh Gwnaton, % S521 X*md v _ DiW= Debt Srvi CoveraOnos (1986 1.8Sf1$A3t. - Am & PgeW AccounP R Reoeivabl monts 3.04lr5 kWat S% kuib

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(Fhl Yea JauuuY 1.1W - Dvaft 31. 19*8n

Ndknl Sectric Powe Atowfty (NRPA) as min owad udlty eapoNa_ for gmusa. is sdigrbutioc of etty.


Popuaton, '000 110,100 Isal own CpacityArea, '0 sq km 924 Capacity ou_u FactorPopuaa per sq km 119.2 MW oW %GDP, USSa 29,370 Public 7,200 12,505 20GDP per Capia, US$ 267 Themal 5,300 8,855 19GDP Gowth RAW, % (180-688) (1.1) Hydru 1,9W0 3,650 22Nairs per US$ 4.5 Nuca - - -Electricity ProdxdCapita, kWh 114 Geatoor. - - -commercial E y:r Self-Prod. 20 75 43

Coaump. Grwth RAe% (80-88) 6.6 Thrma 20 75 43Consmp,i per Capit, koe 125 Hydro - - -

Imp xpoMn,handis. Export, % 2 Totd 7,220 12,580 20NetImporb (100) -

COMMERCLAL ENERGY OOObo 21 Total Avable 12,480 -

Ntoducon -Coal/1ignite 83 64 FUDUCELECIC1fY SALES 31oi 70,691 9,826 GW Gas 2,970 2,970 Resid 4,417 57EFect 695 89S Commerial 788 10Totald 74,639 13,755 Iutry 2,601 33

Imports 2,633 - Arcltur - -

Exports (63,670) - Goem - -Stock Champ 514 - Odor - -Bunbe (361) - Export - -Unalocatd - - Totl 7,806 100


Systm Freq , do so kWh/r UScIWVoaltag: Trinamin, kV 33032 Resiential Low 20 1.50

Dirbuio, kV 33/11 Resdeta High 400 1.56Low Voage, Volts 240 C cia 400 1.66

Tol Sysw TLown, % 33 S/el Industy SI 2,00 2.12C400trwB istweconecte Nir Lar Idusby St 100,000 1.65Numbe of Conunr, 000 2,030 Bulk Rs -Numbe of Employs. 32,900Cosumers per Employeo 62 UrY FPIANCE (EPM) 31

Aveg Rvseue, USckWh 4/ I.S6NO:M Rts of Retum,% (8.2)

iWm io We"1TNm too a OLwOS is Cah Geation, % 44I WA SWIE 1 1m0 U& 1 Sraulsa Ye_t* I988 Debt Service Covesa ;-times (0.3)

31 3moi amu. DMbhm SAM Accont Receivable, mouths 15.44I SANa 193S W asU'S kWsibuW., kWaD 5 7 akbw

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(FLw Ywetr July 1. 18 - lw 30. 19f1)The Wter and Pow Dlopaat Audwority (WAPIDA) ad do Kwadh Eleddciqy Supply Cop SC) e ar th two antilinvolved n the pow setor. Undet the jurisdiction of ti ?M3at of Wae & Pow, pubi WAPDA sppes 80% of thecdectzlc. and privae KESC sapplies 20%.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECITRCITY PRODUCTION 21Populaion, '000 106,300 .tud capacityArea, '000 sq km 796 Cpc Oput FcrPopulation per sq km 133.S W OWb %GDP, USSm 34,050 Public 5,738 31,630 63GDP per Capita, USS 320 Thema) 2,700 14,265 60GDP Grwth Rate, % (1980-88) 5.6 Hydro 2,901 16,755 66Rupos per USS 18.0 Nuclear 137 610 SiElectricity ProducedCapita, kWh 348 Gother. - --

Com_ercia Evergy: Self-Prod 1,138 5,310 53Cansump. Growt Rate,% (80-88) 6.2 Therml 1,138 S,310 53Commptic~t par Capita, kgoe 199 Hydro - - -ImportMrachaise Export, % 27 ToWa 6,876 36,940 61

met mports - -COMMERCLAL ENERGY -0001. 2/ Toba Availab" 36,940 -

Coal/Lignite I,l2S 1,875 PUDBLC ELECTtRICITY SAL-ES 3/oil 2,183 8,832 aft %Gas 8,955 8,95S Residatial 7,246 35Elctricity 1,493 1,493 Comuerciad 1,449 7Totd 13,916 21,15IS Idusry 71246 35

imports 8,068 - Agriculte 4,347 21Expows (22) - Govvem- -

Stock Change (23) - Other 414 2Bunkers (115) - Eqxpot - -Unallocatd (659) - Totd 20,702 100

UTILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 3/ UIMLITY TARIFFS (WAPDA) 3/Systm F _requey, c/s s5 kwb/auscikWkVoltage Trasmisakn, kV 5SOfl201132166 Resiedenti Low 20 4.51

Distr ttin kV 33/1110.4 Reidentil High 400 4.S1Low Votge, Volts 230400 Cormmercia 400 4.51

Totl System Loss, S 25 Sma Iduty 41 2,000 6.32Comtries ntercometed - Large nduostry 5 100,000 S.4Number of Consumers, '000 S,700 Bulk PRaeNumber of Employees 150,300Consumers per Employee 38 UTILrTY FINANCE (WAPDA) 3/

Average Revenue, USc/kWh 3.841mm Uwrvaued Raft of R ,% 14.4uWDRue.^ We"TAWb", rm & no-s lm Cas Outtton, % 212iMt w ut.a Veusocl teIO Debt Servi CoveIAeti 1.71SAM, SPFAf A C3P Acco Receivae, mwnths 2.8Vskwa0n ha been

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(Fk o:bl JmaeyJ. IND - JAbL*w SDUis

Imdktat de Reourno Uidmulicas Y Ehgrils.cla (MMl3 ma pebis uldily ruspmaul for oil piuli power vuppy in Pnama.The system Is s1Adtflaiy Iutroamsstfd.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA E R PRODUCTION 31PptioO, W 2322 Instaled Gow CaactyArea, '000 sq km 77 Capcity 0 u FactorPopulain por sq km 30.2 MW OWIRGDP, USS 5,490 Pbl 912 2,534 32GDP psr Capita, USS 2,364 i11 361 342 11GDPGnwII Rae, S (198088) 2.6 ydro 551 2,192 45DWboa per USS 1.0 Nuclea - - -Elctcity Prodc/Capita, kWh 1,191 Geaoher. - - -Commecia Eng: Soef-Pfd SO 231 53Comup. Grwwh Rt*,X% (80-88) 4.2 Th1al so 231 a3Cosumption per Capia, kgeo 1,627 Hydro - - --xt&ec ddse Expxrk % 57 ToMa 962 2,765 33

NotIUpoV s 78 -COMMAERCIAL ENERGY 'Xoo 2/ Totd Availble 2,843 -

CoallUgnit. - ~~ ~~to PUBUK LETICT SALES 31.OHI - 750 OWnxGas _ 52 tasidentia2 655 32Electricity 164 164 ercial 605 29Toed 164 976 hwztr 247 12

Impors 3,524 - ricuure- -

Ebxorts (333) - Gores 377 18Stock Clag - - Other 147 7B=ubns (2,236) - EBxpW 40 2Unalocted 143 - Totl 2,071 100


Sys_m Freq,ency, cis akhmo USikVoltae Tranmsioo, kV 230/115 ResIdetal LOW 20 16.25

Distiution, kV 34.5113.8 IEsietoilHgh 400 11.23Low Volag Volts 11o20 C meria 400 12.46

Tot System Louses, % 19 Smel bdutry 4J 2,ooo 1131Coumbies - Ladgs hInusry S/ 100,000 8.95Numbr of Consumers, '0O0 307 Blk Rae -Neumbr of Employee 5,354

Cmumr per Emploe 57 UTIIY F_ INACB (111)3

Aver Raves, USc/Wh 11.94

NpTsK Rot of Rotumn,% 6.5II WM1950. Wald TOSM 19isea lIff-M no Cub Gerton, s 96aIUwNsuMgt.dsysYu* Irn Debt SevicO Coveras,ti1mes 1.6sIurswauWdrwi Accounts Rceivas month 5.041ISWISSS ImiSf U2UI* bA 7 eta,

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( Ybqr Ja# 1. 1958- Da w31 1958)Papua NOW Gulame 0h010Y Comu LM ) Ia rsaIbit fo _aL d dl butloa of 4 *tiy. The qmcand_t of Part Mo ViWd. R_ gldd. Galo P_bul VW ad KNIN-Am. y_m BLOM dw puaham de&Ilyfro pdWat debctly p-dw.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION 21Pq'Eoao, '000 3,700 OO cGs apityAea, 00 sq km 462 C it Oupt FctorPopulat per sq km 8.0 Mw ol %GDP, US$m 3,520 Public 22S 500 25GDP perCapita, US$ 951 Thermal 7S 100 ISGDP Gowth Rate, % (1980-88) 1.2 Hydro 10 400 30Fins per USS 0.867 Nucler - - -

Electricity ProducdCapita, kWh 161 eodu. -

Commercial Energy: Self-Prod. 260 1,245 SSCousump. Growth Rate,% (808) 2.4 Tbemld 2S0 1,200 SS5Consuption per Capita, kgoo 207 Hydro 10 45 S5

Impout/Morchandise Export, % 9 Total 485 1,745 41Netimpacts - -

COMMERCIL ENERGY '0OOu 2o Totdl Availabl 1,745 -

pwoduw=cons -iCoal/Lignite - I PUBLC ELBCTRICiTY SALES 3/Oil - 726 anlS sGas - - Resideal 143 27Electrict 38 38 Cm i 326 60

Total 38 76S }dusty 67 12mporb 760 - Agricu - -

ExOrt (5) - a t - -

Stok Change - - Odr 3 1Budws (29) - Export - -Unallocated - - TOtal 539 100

UTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 3/ UIITY TARIFFS (ELCOM) 3/Sysem Frqun, c/s 50 kWbnm US&cVoag: Trmi Ion, 13/V66 Residea Low 20 28.99

D _striluto, kV 33/22/11 Ridenal Hih 400 15.51Low Voltage, Vota 240/41S Cmmeial 400 15.51

TOal Syste Loos, 5 (1986) 12 Stmall Idsty 41 2,000 15.60Countries o- Lae sd 5/ 100,000 12.43Number of Cmimes, '000 (1984) 43 ftk Rat-Number of Emplcye 2,318Consume per Employe (1984) 18 UTILIY FINANCE LOM) 31

Avea Re_veu, USc/kcWh IS.50s:M Rate of Return, 12.7Ui W 9m . WtoWSON Taw" 190 R.PS 190 Cash Ge .am%on, 5 40

21 UWN_uWOOYaa*sIsk Db Service Cov_ragetimn 2.3SIARsA &ns =M0 u Accunt Receivable mnoths

41shwaISS mish"hoMSWiSload beta,

Page 80: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon


(Fisa Yea.: JAumy 1. I8 - _eaemM 31. 19)

Admbi09104NAtlau de Ekeftlda (ANDE) Is an waunomou govaorma aftity aponMle for ani publi .oiacscy suppl.Tbh Om fre w aqarat NODi prvate Vsystms AND operate the maln Iutsoansead sytem.

GENERAL ECONOMC DATA 1I ELECF'UCITY PRODUCTION 2fPopulatiWs, '000 4,000 . te tAres, '000 sq km 407 Caciy Otpt FacDrPopulato por sq km 9.8 MW owIGDP, USSm 6,040 Public 4,400 2,9 GDP per Cft, US$ 1,510 Theal 10 5 6GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-) 1.7 Hydro 4,390 2,895 8Guarnio per USS 550.0 Nucla - - -Elctici* ProduedlCspita, kWh 725 Goth. - - -

Commrcial Ezmrg3: Sdf-Prod. - - -Conswup. Growth Rat,% (80S) 4.6 Thema - - -cofhmm per Capita, kgoo 164 Hydro - - -lmpotmer ne Export, % 12 Total 4,400 2,900 8

Not huports (1,090) _COMMERCIAL ENERGY OO. 2/ Totl Available 1,810 -

_o -C4Liite - - PUBLIC ELECI rCIY SALES (1982) 31Oil SW GwhGos - - n 468 S8

lctrii 249 ISS Commrci 277 34Totdal 249 655 Inuby - -O 507 - Aiculr - -

Ex"r (95) - Govermen - -

Stock Clmp - - Other 67 8BtXmr (2) - Export - _

Unalcatd 4 - Total 812 100

UTILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTIITY TARIS (ND 1982)31Sysm Frquc, cIs O Whn USc/WhVolg: T _asmision, kV 220/66 Residenil Law 20 10.30

Distibution, kV 23 l High 400 10.30Low Voag, Volts 220/380 Commeci 400 10.30

Totll Syste Loses, % 16 Smll Idustry 4/ 2,000 7.70Coutries _atoooctd rai & Arnn Lug Idusty 5S 100,000 7.70Nume ofConsms, '000 (1982) 226 Bulk Rat -Nuer of Employee (1982) 1,659Cosmrs per Emloyee (1982) 136 UTIY FINANCE (ANIDE) 3/

Averg Rev_e, USc/kWhN°ri Rate of Ratu% (1982) 9

wD I. Wl Tam.a -S £9t0 Cashb Gation, % -21 MNI BW 5WU ssYeha* I95 Debt Service Covera,timasSIIANU. BMWAin *& PM s Rp ccous R val, months4dIaIarn watb5Y@WaOWS mi

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(Findrel .Yea: u'uay 1985m- Cecawke 31. 198)No&.h Ceatra, Southwest Southeas and East ame usi power systems The North and CetalW syuu.s are kargs sad

kurocano Tb. Thesh uftilts ase EleirPev and Ehotoolm. both state-wnad. Odhe utiltie we SAEL, LOSEILE.SULSECU and HIDRANDINA.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECTRICrTY PRODUCtION 31Populatio, 0 21,000 Insbtale an"s Cacitcy

Ame, '000 sq kin 1,28S Ca0it utu FactorPopultion per sq kmn 16.3 MW OWlSsGDP, US$m 25,670 Public 2,808 10,036 41GDP per Capits, US$ 1,22 Therml 717 952 isGDP Growt Rate, % (1980-8) 1.1 Hydro 2,091 9,084 SDhitis per US$ 5w00. ula - -

Eletricit Produced/Capita, kWh 666 Geoode. - --

Commerial Energy: SWl-Prod. 1,280 3,952 35Casip Growth Rate,% (80M8 0.7 Thermal 1,002 2,30 26

m 0 -per Capita. kg"o 463 Hydro 278 1,644 68ImotMerchandise Expot, S 1 TOta 4,088 13,98 39

Net Impot - -

COMMERCIAL ENERY '000ke 21 Total AvaIlbl 13,988-Producton

Coal/igite 91 143 PUDUC ELECMRICTY SALES 3/Oil 7,805 6568 owlS sGam S 16 516 Rsdtal2,6S8 32Electricity 2,499 2,499 CoAUMniaria 445 6TOta 10,910 9,72S indiuty 3,940 48

UV"rt 1,694 - Agriultur 71 1Exports (2,464) - Goenet1,096 13Stock Chang (355) - Odhe 20 -

Bunker (0 - Export - -

Unallocated -- Total 8,230 100


System Frequncy, cis 60 kWAh/rn Usc/kWhVoltge Trasiso,kV 220/139/60 Residentia Low 20 0.15

Distribution, kV 13/11l06Rsdeta High 400 0.37Low Voltage, Volta 220 Comril400 4.92

TOWa Systm Losse, % 18 Samall Industry 41 2,000 2.36Countriesnwooob - Lrg Industry SI 100,00 2.64Numaber of Consuomes, '000 1,742 Bulk RafteNumzber of Esup1cores 15,000Caosmers per Employee 116 UTILITY FINANCE PbicScS 3/

Average Revenue, USc/kWh 1.71mom, ~~~~~~~~~~Rafte of Return%*

IIWDR i90, WOuWYTau" iOW& 1W-IFS tee Cauh Genus"Ion S2I MA lesist 19M Debt Service Coveage,tilmnsSimate PewadwIw m(NecWeu) Accounts Receivabl, monfth4ISVwst25I es4bi

SM&jW40m lAd ase,

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( Year Jaurq 19 88-r Deabe 31. 198)Nationdl Power Coap. (NIC) to pulmazy resouuN* for genertIo & uub . NPC edLa in bulk to MURALCO. whic Isgsaponakit for dliuibutios In the Mank iaars DiftrIbtIon ehewbKer Is done by prvate of samuiupu gomeowued utiliIe&s- by 120 0 dectrI cooperae

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA U1 ELECTRICrfY PRODUCION 41Popultion. '000 59,900 bsald ow Cqmc4Ame, '000 sq km 300 Cpacity Outt FacWPopulato per sq km 199.7 MW OWb lGDP, USSm 39,210 Public 5,782 22,944 45GDP por CaP, US$ 655 Thrust 2,764 11,931 49GDPGrwwh Rae, % (1973-80) 0.1 Hydro 2,124 6,195 33Pesospr USS 21.1 Nuwea - - -Eletrcit PrwoducedCapita, kWh 435 Geodu. 894 4,818 62Comnercil Energy: S-Prod. 71S 3,120 SOCAosump. Gmowth Rate,% (80-88) 1.0 Thrml 697 3,05S SO

pper Cvits. koo 231 Hydro 18 65 41ImprtlMc o Exrt, % 16 Tdal 6,497 26,064 46

Net Imports - -CO_MMERCIAL ENERGY 0OOom 2V Toala Avaib 26,064 -

Col/Lignite * 681 1,52 PUBIC ELcRucrY SALES 41oil 304 9,714 aWh %Gas - - Resideia 4,99 27Electricity 2,S69 2,569 4,347 23

Todal 3,SS4 13,835 bduty 7,9S4 42Imports 11,734 - AgVcu - -

E-s (2S4) - Govarwmt - -Stockchae (1,102) - Other 1,49S 8Bumnb (9$) - Export - -

Unalocated - - Total 18,755 100

UTIr POWER SYSrM DATA 31 UTIT TARIFFS (R C 41Sysem Fi8ei y, c/8 60 kWbh/o USc/kWhVog: Tumissio, kV 5001233/IIS/69 Rsioenti Low 20 2.17

Dstbuto, kV 138/34.S Redt High 400 4.36Low Vlge, Vols - Co 400 4.8

Totl Sysem Loss, % 17 Smal bnduy Sl 2,000 4.8SCo_X_ itieneonsectd - Lae Iny5/ 100,900 3.96Numbe of Consums, '000 6,211 Bulk Rat -Nmber of Employe 36,198C_am w per EmPloye 172 UTILTY FINANCE (MERALCO) 31

Avae Rveu, USCkWh 8.70is Rat of Relun% 9.8itWM 1060 WOt To"ks & al-us 959 Cash Geratio, % 99VIA ShUnt. Debt Servico Covrage,td=es 1.0SI PkmfOw*msarI Acout Receivab amn 1.644dIRagismI DiWis5wdS bai&die*r&25kWul0 heiAc

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(RmI Ye Ape 1.1958- Mar8 31. 199)Te power qem Is owned ad oprated s a natinl Pmob by te Pose & LAgt board (WERWB). The dectadly ptat ofW*'WIs split bto live rei l operatg comne . that are vwtlly tgralod from g_eao thogh to do C Ie_.

PIus a modie dispadila agency.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECCrITY PRODUCrION 41Popuaton, '000 37,900 ma Gross capacity

a, '000 sq km 313 Caacity Outpt FactorPqpoatiopersqrkm 121.1 MW ow XGNP, USSm 70,494 Public 27,992 135,927 55GNP per Capt, USS 1,860 Themd 26,016 131,733 SsGNP Grwth Rate, % (1980.88) - Hydro 1,976 4,194 24Zlotys per USS 430.6 Nuler - - -Elctict producedCapita, kWh 3,205 Gecihw. - - -Comerc Energy: Self-Prod 2,929 8,407 33

Conswmp. Growth tate,% (80-88) 1.1 Thermal 2,929 8,407 33g- r per Capita kgoe 3,422 Hydro - - -

hIortMerceanise Export % 15 Tota 30,921 144,334 53Net Iports 4,476 -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY MCOOC& 2 Total Availabl 148,810 -

Pto --Caigni te 122,749 102,117 PUBLIC ELECTRICrrTY SLESA 4Oil 157 16,978 OWh XGas 3,908 9,274 Riddtia 19,319 11Electricity 939 1,25 Commercial 10,537 6Tobd 127,753 129,694 Idutry 121,324 68

Import 24,680 - Aiculte 8,582 5Expors (21,059) - Trapot 6,004 3Stock Chne (1,680) - Olbor 4,103 2Banbers - - Expott 7,980 4Unallocated - - Toal 177,8-'9 100

UTflLY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UfLItY TARIFFS (WTW 1987) 31System Fequncy, c/s kWhYmo USck*.Voe: T _nsmsion. kV Reidential Low 20 2.41

Disbution, kV Resdetl Higb 400 2.41Low Volages, Volts - m 400 2.41

Totl Sysem Los, % (1987) 19 SmlIdusby 5/ 2,000 2.83Cmmntuies USSR & Austria Lrg Inusry S/ 100,000 I.S0Number of Consumer., 000 - Bulk RateNumber of EmpleCOMs per Emplyee - UTDTY FINANCE (WEWS 31

Aveage RIevaeu, USc/kWh (1987) 2.15amnS: Rate of Retr,% -IWDR IJ90. Wodi Tab 19& Se-WS IM Cash G atio, %

2/NMA satIn Iwo L1 Servico Coveragetimes1 JIa% _w A st& a _sput Accounts Reciable, months4tUN: AM. kIhUsdtle hea Sna for aump_

S/$5WatS% asmdfauv kW at _ W uikwug

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(al Year ar7J 19 U - Doeoebe31. 191)

lselui Pdrtugal (EDP) b the makk publk utlt nponsI for gewatlo & dJcbdou of eloc. Thure maddiUa fowu Port AuthorItes, 116 munl d pve tpdsaknp, EPD alo dbuts gas In Lisbon

GENERAL EONOMaC DATA 11 ELECTICTrY PRODUCTION 41Population, '§00 10,300 Ialld Gross; CapcityAnea, '000 sq Im 92 Capaciy Output FactrPopuladio per sq km 112.0 MW (O XGDP, USSM 41,700 Pubic 6,421 21,142 38GDP per Caifa, USS 4,049 Thermal 3,152 8,880 32GDP Grwth Rate, % (1973-80) 0.8 Hydro 3,268 12,260 43Escudos per USS 144.0 Nuckle - - -Electricity ProducedfCapita, kWh 2,183 Gotbber. 1 2 23Comm rcial Enrgy: SeWfPrd. 494 1,347 31

0onsump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) 2.7 Therma 479 1,305 31Con5smpio per Capita kgoe 153 Hydro 15 42 32ImportlM Bndis Exporti % 21 Total 6,915 22,489 37

Net Imports 2,390 -COMMERCIAL ENERGY 00Xbe 21 Totd Availb 24,879 -

_o -Col/Liite 1,040 2,900 PUBLIC ELECTRICTY SALES 4/Oil - 9,320 OWIGa" - - Rsidntial 5,110 23Electrci 2,760 2,760 Commecial 3,955 18Total 3,800 15,480 Indsby 11,587 52

Import 12,770 - Agriculture 234 1ExprtCs (1,020) - Transotatn 266 1Stock ChAP (2,909) - Otewr - -

Bukers 220 - Export 1,027 5Unldlocated 2,619 - TOta 22,179 100

UIrrXrY POWIER SYSTEW DATA 3/ UTILITY TARIFFS (E? 1987)D3/System Frequency, c/s SO kWbhhno USckWhVoltage: Transmission, kV 400/220/150 Residential Low 20 25.85

Disibutin, kV 60C30/1S/1016 Resibede High 400 17.16Low Voltage, Vohs - Commercial 400 17.57

Totl System Losss, % 8 Small Idusry 5/ 2,000 22.85ComtRies ntraconneed Spain Laurge Industry 5/ 100,000 12.24Number of Consums, '000 - Bulk RAt -Number of Emnpklees (1987) 18,459Co_sm per Employee - UTILITY FINANCE eDP 198) 31

Average Revnue, USc/kWh 8.23MMkRate of Return,% 8.1siWm ISO. Wge" TAW" tess& I mw-as im Cash Geeaton, % (593Vu MA wt.1 900, Debt Sewvies Coverag,times 1.2qIt%ft-- Accounts Receivable, maets 10.5)

41: IINea s. wu St bf

515kWa a 5S%i maso&2POkwt aS hhwb

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(Fim Ye Jay 1.15- I eaub_ 31, IQ*)

Tb. pawnr subesr Is gov8ud under exacdve autm of to Mialsy of Ebtnk EDRV (MEM. Subaswor pol, Iedfoast & pow exapm progm arm clsy reltd to the gaowamts fiveymr plan and Is twgded produti gols.


Popuaton, '000 23,000 bstld GOWs C cityArea, '000 sq km 238 Capci Output FactWPoplatin per sq bkn 96.6 MW Owb %GDP, USSm - Public 20,200 71,200 40GDP per Capib, USS Thermal 15,000 60,000 46GDP Growth Rate, % (180-88) - Hydro 5,200 11,200 25Lei per USS 143 NuclewAr - - -Electricity ProdcedCapita, kWh 3,273 Gooder. - - -Commrci Enrgy Sdf-Prod 1,643 4,080 28

Consump. Growth Rate,% (888) 0.8 Themal 1,610 4,000 28Consmption per Capita, kgoe 3,300 Hydro 33 80 28ImportMerchands Export, % - TOal 21,843 75,280 39

Not Imports 5,210 -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY VOOtoe 2/ Total Availle 80,840 -

Coal/Lignite 16,071 20,723 PUBUC ELECTICITY SALES 3/Oil 11,440 14,418 .GWGa 36,328 39,3S3 Reside5al 5,139 8Elctricity 970 1,417 CmI - -ToWl KW,81 75,911 Inutry 51,470 79

Imwpos 24,838 - Arculr - -

Exwots (9,318) - Govermet 73 -

Stock Champ - - Odher 8,470 13Bubem - - Expt - -

Un"allocated 4,418 - ToWal 65,152 100


Systm Feuency, c/s s5 kWh/mo USckWhVolWa: Transiion, kV 900/220/110 Reddial Low 20 -

Disbun, kV 35/20/15110 Reddtl HFg 400 -Low Voltg, Vlts 220380 Commer 400 -

TOta System Lss, % 7 Small lndusty 41 2,000 -Couties letamecte4 USSR,Bu*ar,Yugo,Czch Larg I dbsty 5/ 100,000 -Number of Consuame, '000 - Bulk Rat -Numtr of Employs (1987) 130,000Consmers pe Employee P UTLT FINANCE( 31

Averg Rewm , USc/kWh -wacng Rma of Return,% -uwua ,woo WOWTaWSS m * alw-ws mse Cash eara0o, % (1985) 142f Ult _S Wanl Y_ltoa 106 Debt Sevice Covaagetimes (1985) 2.6

31MII lEA ui_s Accont Receivable, mohs -

4'JaOWais Imhsw

st$1 wam s7 eisb¢w

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cu A Year:Jmiy 115- Decebe 31. 95)

dgmbsoae PubUlc d'Eceti. aat as(ELEClTOGAZ) i steq l ford - daistriutnofmatein_*w ato m _e m watoa ttansdal and dtributdon of delet0y turoughout the coty and dtb _ hl of ga

GENERAL ECONObIC DATA 1U ELECTRICTY PRODUCTION 2131Population,'000 6,700 itallod a s Area, '000 sq km 26 Capaity Oup FacoPopuaion per sq hIn 257.7 MW X WIIGDP, USSm 2,310 Pubri 29 126 soGDP pr Cspitt US$ 345 Themal 2 - -GDPGwthRates, % (1980-88) 2.1 Hydro 26 126 55Pras per US$ 76.5 Nuclear - - -

Elctricity ProduWdCapit, kWh 36 Goolber. - - -Co _mecia Enaer Self-Prod. 31 112 41C _us11p. Growh Rae,% (088) 4.4 Theral 1 2 23Co_mpb per Capita, koe 21 Hydro 30 110 42IniportlMercbandiae Export, % 63 TOal 60 238 45

Net bIpors 20 -COMMERCIAL ENERGY OOQ = (1987) 2 TOal Availablo 258 -

Pm&wdmo -auptCoal/Lignite - - PUBUC ELECMCITY SALES 31Oil - 127 GWI XGas .I 1 Residtial 36 25Electicw 14 16 CO_mercial 18 12Total IS 144 bnduty 34 23

Imots 137 - Agrilr - -

Eports - - Governmet 23 16Stock Champ - - Ot_ 35 24Bunlirs (9) - Expo_t - -

Unallocated - - Total 146 100

UrTIIr POWER SYSTEM DATA 21 U711XLrY TARIF (ELBCR OGAZ) 3/Sysm , cs 50 UScAkWhVoltagp: Tr_nmission, kV 110/7030 Residenal Low 20 11.00

Distbuio, kV 15/6.6 Hgidhul High 400 11.00Low Volage, Valts 220/240 Cnmmecil 400 13.00

TOal System Lses, X 17 Small Inustry 4/ 2,000 13.00Coun Duoctdi,Zm Ar Lrg Indusy 5/ 100,000 10.00Number of Consumers, '000 17 Bulk Rat -Numbr of Enplqym 586Comsm per Employee 28 UTI FPINANCE LROGA 3

Avea Rove_, UScIkWh 10.501Rate of Reu P,% 1.6

IIWmR WP. Weld Twbos wu &De-we iot Casb Generation, s 21 BW htaaS_da Ye* 1s Debt Service Coverae,tims -SIl l_ Imz WiIN Accout Receivab month 11.80411WOuster

s2DOtWaa Icibt

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(~i Ywlamy I. 195- Db=*a 31, 19)

Empres de ApsE B eMicdm4saf (EMAB) Isea puruatai orgamirdo respMUDt for Publi &edmciAY ad uwafr iu$ ldwh

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECICITY PRODUCTION 3/Population, V0W0 119 hbae Gra CapatArea, 000 sq mn I Capact 0.21 FatorP qraton per sq km 119 MW GWh %GNP, USSm 583 Public 4 tS 43GNP per Cqit, USS 490 Tbermal 2 7 40GNP Grwth Rate, % (1965-8) (0.1) Hydro 2 8 46Doas per USS - Nuclar - - -

Elect Prodced/Capita, kWh 143 Goothr. - - -Commrcial Energy: Self-Prod. 3 2 8C _nsump. Growth Rate,% (80) - Them 3 - -Coastunptian per Capita, kgoo 101 Hydro - 2 -Import/Merndise Export, % Total 3 17 65

Net ImportB - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 00Cooe 21 Toal Available 17 -

Coal/lignite - - PUBLIC ELECRIUCrTY SALES 31Oil - 11 OWh

as - - Resdent 5 49Electicity 1 1Cmeca

Total 1 12 Indusry 2 16-aot 11 -Apicuhr. -

Exports - - Gov _ment 3 28Stock Chan - - Ote - -Bunkers - - Expor - -

Unallocated - - Total 11 100

UTLITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 3/ UTILIY TARIFFS (EMAE, 1989) 3/Systm Freency, ¢/s -Who obm/kaWVoltge: Tanaission, kV 30 Residendal Low 20 11.50

Ditibution, kV 30/6 Redail High 400 11.50Low Voltae, Volta 220/2270 Commercia 400 17.00

Total Sydem Lss, % 29 Small dutry 4/ 2,000 14.50Coountie Iteronnectd - Lag Idusy Si 100,000 14.50Number of Consumed, '000 8 Bulk Rate -Number of Employe 320C_sumu per Employee 24 MUT FINANCE (EMAE) 31

Avg Revenue, USc/kWh (1989) 12.70121R Rat of Retu,% -IWD M 910 Wou Tom iHP& DW-US tes Cash Ga tio, % -

2! UN Emug8WIN19Yuse* 19 Debt Service Coveage,tima -now BMW D,aD SAb Accou Reeivabl, monh -

4 M5whM htfab s

uf0wsemu Imi

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ff Your: Jra 18 19U- Dwmber31, lo"

Soce S_easube de 1trbutoa d' Ewrgi Electque (SENELEC) b ao autowed utqty nspansbl for gasuo addlbue of deeteku e.w

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECIRICrrY PRODUCTION 31Populatioa, -O0 7,000 bsaed GOWs CpacityAea, '000 sq kia 197 Capcity Output FactorPopuatio per sq km 35.5 MW OWI XGDP, USSm 4,980 Publc 206 843 47GDP per Capita, USS 711 Theral 206 843 47GDP Growth Rate, X (1980-8 3.3 Hydro - - -Francs per USS 297.9 Nuclear - - -ElecticW Ptoduced/Capits, kWh 122 Geoder. - - -Comnmerial Energy: Self-prod. 5 12 27

Cnsump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) (1.2) Tbermal S 12 27_ammpfm per Cap. 1pot 987 Hydro - - -

ImportMerchns Export, % 18 Total 211 855 46Net Imports - -

COMERCIAL ENERGY OOObe 2V ToWal Avaiabl 855 -

C;oal/Ligi - - PUDUC ELECTRI SALES 31Oil - 610 aft XGas - - Residdtal 138 20Elsc - - Com_mcial 48 7Total - 610 I1Nd Y 490 71-"Or 968 - Agriculture - -

Exorft (33) - Govement - -Stock Chal_ (31) - Other 14 2Buner (238) - Expor - -Unallocated 56 - Total 690 100

UTIllTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTILI'Y TARIFPS (SENELE 31System Fraecyo, c/s 50 kWhDm USc/kWhYoltwo Tunsmisson, kV 90/30 Reidential Low 20 23.50

Disbuton, kV 6.6 Res l High 400 25.00Low Volte_, Vohts - C 400 20.99

Toal Sysm Losses, X 18 Small nduty 41 2,000 16.52Counties Ineconnecftd - Larg Idustrl 5/ 100,000 13.52Number of C umer, '000 195 Bulk Rat -Number of Employe 2,260Comms por Emply. 86 UTIY FINANCE SEN C 31

Avea Revenue, USc/kWh 19.62;OTM Rat of Retu,% 3.7

It DOI. w,o Town iW i w Osim Cash G _neration, % 2421 UN _mw 8~.aYea*suk 1065 Dobt Sewvice Covage,times 2.6

21 a.g11 -r DM31.. SARa Accounts Recivable, moths 4I5Wtas 35Idat

5OkWu3 Icib

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( Year: auy 1.1,m- D*Ua*e 31. 1DM)

Shdka EHiely Caporetio (SEC) upple dealdat to ?d. sod Put tdot acount for about 85% of t ouay'stat. -waic.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTR1Crff PRODUCnON 2VPapuadon, '000 68 GtlAM, VW sq km 400 Capt utt FoPcrAationPersqlkm .17 MW owIRGNP, US$m 2S8 Publc 22 83 43GNP per Capita, USS 3,800 Tbormal 22 83 43GNP Gowth Rate, % (1965-88) 3.2 HYdr - - -

Rupees per US$ 5.400 NucleUr - - -Electriity Produced/Capita, kWh 1,221 Goodher. - - -Commeial EnerXa: SW-Prod. - - -

Consump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) - Tbema - - -per Capita. kgoo 618 Hydro - - -

ImpotMerchase Export % - Tota 22 83 43NotImports - -

COM&M CIAL ENERGY 'OOo. 21 Total Avaiabl 83 -

Coal/Lignite - - PUBLtC ELJICITY SALES (1982) 31

Oil - 42 am %Gas - - Resdential 14 31Ecicit - - C0omer 8 18

TIrtal - 42 Ind y 16 36Imots 150 - Agiutr - -Exob - - Govanmet 7 16Stock Chang 6 - Oheor - -Bunkrs (102) - Expt- -Unallocted - - Total 45 100


System Frequency, cIs 50 kWlhJm USkWhVoltage Transmissio kV 33/11 Residential LoW 20 20.45

Dlstributi, kV 33/11 Residendi High 400 21.16Low Volage, Vols 240/415 Commercial 400 23.70

Totd Syste Lse, % (1982) 18 Small nbdury 4/ 2,000 21.46Countries _ - large bustry 100,000 20.65Number of ConsmerGs, '000 - Bulk Rate -Number of Eploye (1982) 381Consumaes per Employee - UTILIrY FINANC(SEQ% 3/

Average Revne," USc/kWh (1912) 20.61mom Rate of REun,% -

U WDIR 9 Wol Tam" k & IM-IFS l96 Csh Gnmaeion, %ii UN u.pswsdss Yu**a asa Debt Service Coverge,timesVS'u* EiwAmews.. V~u* RsuspIsb Accounts Receivabl, mnths-41wJS 555 kMdsiuew. tee fte

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(u rar Apsi I. - litb 31, 9INV

Ndlauiu Power Audwtho (NPA~) is a ate-owned utilR gespomulbl for guasrdbe, U=mmmlobm and disbribution of electiul

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELEctry PRODUCTION 31Poplatio 00 3,90 Istad Go CapcityArea, '000 sq bm 72 pacity Out FactorPopulatonper sq km 54.2 MW ow %GDP, USSm 1,270 Public 72 72 11GD per Capita, US$ 326 Tbhsul 68 72 12GDPGOrowth Rate, X (1980-88) 0.2 Hydro 4 - -Lems pr USS 313 Nucle - - -

Elctit Produced/Cspita kWh 29 other. - - -Comerial Enwgy SlfProd. 58 40 8

C nup. Growth Rafe, % (80-88 (0.8) Therml 58 40 8Conumpionper Capita, 'we 53 Hydro - - -Iznport/tderbandise_Export, % 11 Total 130 112 10

Not Iport - -


hm -Coaiitse - - PUDUC ELECRCrTY SALES 31.Oil - 208 owX IGas - - Re4dea l 21 46ElcticW - - Cmmecial 10 22Total - 208 Intry 13 30

Import 330 - Agicuas - -

Expart (2) - Gove_met - -

StockChange (3) - Owr 1 2Buhers (g0) - Export - -

Unalocated 28 - Totdal 45 100

UTLiTY POWER SYSM DATA 31 UILITY TARIFFS (NWA) 31Sysm FePuny, cJs so kSWhO USckValt: Truans ion, kV 33 Residel Low 20 3.36

Dib on, kV 11 Rd lHi 400 3.68Low Volbg, Vls 230/400 C4mmerca 400 3.85

TOl Sysm Loe, % 35 Smll duy 5/ 2,000 3.96Cow er cmuetd - Lrg Idt 5/ Sl0,000 3.35Numbe of Comers, V00 35 BDk Rat -Numbe of Emplayes 1,530Consumers pr Emploji 23 UTLT FINANCE (NPA,_xdmtd 3141

Ava Reveu, USckh 12.17Rat of Return, 3.9

ItWD 1990 WaMYdha t* SIUL-S iS Csh -enerat, % 0

21 uO saw *tmm Yeu** 15 Debt Servio C _vg,tms 0.2S13q Dma Aocounts Receivable, monts 5.5341 Mb PM& PWAS

St kWasS mm _w&mwa tad kw f

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(FicY Y Jau3Ml 1 I5 - D 1amb 31915)

Tb. pulic Sdola lnds Eetrcy AthorW (SWA) pets t dsetttolt gmdraanat spy sp* hax tido SolmaIslads. Powe usage Is onated in the Haia am. Tbwt i a Irp umber of prvae amnaft st in te eaoaty.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELEM CRICIfY PRODUCTION 2VPopulation, '000 310 ownd n Ca-c_Aa, 000 sq km 26ft Capcy O_pt PaorPopulationpersq km 1.1 MW GWh %GNP, USSm 195 Pui 8 25 36GNP per Capita, USS 630 Tbal 8 2S 36GNP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 3.4 Hydro - - -

Solmawn IuladS per USS 2.08 Nucleu - - -

Electricity Produced/Capita, kWh 97 Gooer. - - -

Commerial Energy: Self-Prod. S S 11Conisup. Growth Rate,% (80-88) - Tbrnml 5 11Consumption per Capita, kIqe 16S Hydro - - -Imp xtprchai Export, % TOt 13 30 26

Not bport - -

COMIERCIAL ENERGY 'OObo 21 Ttala Avbl 30 -

Pradration-Coal/LIgnite - - PU-IC ELECRCrIT SALES 31Oil - SI an SGas - - RPsidential S 24Electricity - - C 8 35

Total - St Indul y 2 8Impts S3 - A u - -

Exports - - Govrment 7 33Stok Chan - - Odr - -

Bunea (2) - Export - -Unallocated - - Toed 22 100

UTITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTITY TARIFFSM (A 31Syste Fpeqny, cis s0 kWi hA USchVolta: Tran_,sm kV 33111 Residnal Low 20 7.50

Disributn kV 3.3 ReideNal H 400 13.33Low V4ag, Volts 240/415 Commcial 400 17.98

Todal Sydm Loses, % 13 Sm_l Industy 4/ 2,000 17.62Countries lnter8 .edl1 - Lar Industry St 100,000 17.53Nume of Consme, '000 S.3 Bulk RaftNumber of Emp£aE 182Consums per Employe 29 UTILITY FINANCE RA) 3/

Averag Revenue, USc/kW 16.57Rat of ReAwn.% S.0

IlWDR 1950. WOi Taw" am a Bar-Ws rm Cash Generaion, % 02*W USri SIaSS Yabtos IM Det Service oor s 2.8hUlZMA lmpt 9I. $Afs Acouts Receival months 2.24JakSrust basUhWWasr Imbste

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( Year: Jana 1. 1W - Decme 31. 19o

Natimd Elutc rg Au*rty (ENEE) has oea1 1e1pasbiy for mnt rlted to dectrk pow. EBeciciLy productio

and dbftAo awe gin at an ealy oq of dwekVlat. The sytm is not cosply Inss ecd.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECrICrTY PRODUCTION 21Populaton, -000 51900 Insaled GvM" capacityArea, '000 sq Ikm 638 Capcty 0upu FacoPopultio pa sq kim 9.2 MW OWh sGDP, US$m 970 Public 60 257 49GDP per Capita, US$ 164 Thema 60 2S7 49GDP Gowth Rate, % (1980-88) 3.2 Hydro - - -

Shillings por USS 270.0 Nuctoar - - -Elrcy Produed/Caia, kWh 44 .eaer. - - -Commerial Energ: Self-Prod. - - -

Cowump. Growh Rate,% (8088) 1.8 ThermAl - - -

Consumption per Capita, tgo. 49 Hydro - - -I t¢lMchadise Eport, % 20 TOal 60 257 49

Nt imports - -


COalU ' - - PUDUC ELECr fr SALES 31Oil - 289 oWS%ONs - - * Ridential 28 16Elcrici - C__nnercial 91 52

Tota - 289 Industy 49 28Impotb 404 - A icultr 3 2Exports (40) - Govemmun 4 2Stok Chang (1) - Odhr - -

SunE (44) - Export - -

Unallocated 31 - Totl 175 100

UTlLfrr POWR SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLiY TARFS EEE 1987) 31Systm Frqueny, cls kWh- USclkWhVoltage: Tranmwision kV 33/1S ResidentalLow 20 14.68

Distibuto, kV 3 High 400 14.68Low Voltp, Vols 220/380 Ccmerc 400 14.68

Totda Sytem Loss, % 30 Smal Industry 41 2,00 14.68Couknties - Larg Idustby SI 100,000 14.68Number of Consmes, Q0 (1985) 44 Bulk RateNumber of EmployB (1985) 880Conmer per Eloye (198) SO UTY FINANCE (ENEE,e s 31

Ava Rvenu, USc/kWh (1987) 14.68_ PiRate of Return,% 5.8

UWDWM.100 Wow Tama dSS& SW-W5 LtI Cah Genration, % _

2/ UN bs. &MMa=YeaAo IW Debt Sevice Coverag,timesi 8*3. rnAh vca. Account Roceivab monts j.3241/rwats 25 _dw

u2eaXm telbeSe_

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(Fiwf Year Jauoy 1. IM - Demb3 1958)

Ceylo Ebectity Boerd (CE8) b a statoy coroation reqpwl& for the gasaton. tsmemlo & distrilmtoa of electricity.CEO supi power diet to consum and also .ll In buk to locd digruts. Tbh delic ay_m b laterconnecd.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELEClRCIfY PRODUCTION 31Populatn '000 16,600 lowald Capacity*Area, '000 sq km 66 Capaci Output FadrPoapi per sq kn 251.5 KW OWh %GDP, USSm 6,400 Pubtic 1,208 2,798 26GDP per Capita ,USS 386 Thermal 270 201 8GDP Growdi Rate, % (1980-88) 4.3 Hydro 938 2,597 32Rupees per USS 32.7 Nuclear - - -Elcticit Produced/Capita, kWh 169 aeother. - - -Commercial Enery Self-Prod. - - -

Coos_mp. Growth Rde, % (8088) 3.7 Thermal - - -ConsumptiorCper Capits,l oe 113 Hydro - - -

ImporMcadise Export, % 25 Total 1,206 2,798 26Not mports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY OOOto 2 Totdal Avable 2,798 -

Prdodction Co.sinonCoal/Lignite - - PUBn C ELECMRICr SALES 31

Oil - 1,297 aft lGas - - Res 405 17Electricity S80 580 Coalercial 359 15

Total 580 1,877 Indusy 883 37Impots 2,043 - Liceoses 601 25Expots (339) - Hotes 107 SStock Chag (58) - Sbteet igtn 16 1Bunkers (350) - Export - -Unallocated - - Total 2,371 100

UTLTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLITY TARIFFS (CED 197) 21System Frequeny, c/ so kWhmO USc/kWhVoag: Trnsmision, kV 132166 Redentl Low 20 2.72

Distributi, kV 33/11 Red l Hig 400 5.93Low Voltage, Vlts 230400 Commecial 400 6.78

Total Sysm Loses, X IS Smll bdustry 4/ 2,000 5.93Countries - UdLag Idusty Si 100,000 5.90Number of Coasums, '000 S30 Bulk Ra -Number of Employees 13,300Coames per Employee 40 UTILITY PINANCE (CI) 31

Avoa Revnuo, UScIkWh 5.40NOOL, Rat of Rebus,% 7.9U WDR ID WOND Ta 1* W-s t9 CasGh Geeato, % 262 _ A IwisewoQ9SA Debt Sevice Covarge,times 2.4

Bstinl as,m*o Accout Rcevbl, monts 4.841 kWatrSSS hadSINGWas b 8 u_

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aJ Yora, Jaua t, 19*5 - Oer 31. IncE)

S Lucia EMlectqty Sev1 (LUCQLEC) is th netoa deltris ut usubl for the p_o atlIhq of two spare dielgnratIon Wyami.Softh and Sout).

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECRI Y PRODUCTION VPoulati, '000 145 huslied Os CArea, '000 sq km I CaPcIY Out FacrPopulation per q km 145.0 MW (Wb tGNP, US$m 223 PubliO 22 104 55GNP pi Capita, USS 1,540 The1ml 22 104 55GNP Gowwh Rate, % (1980-88) 2.7 Hydro - - -E. Caribbemn$ per USS 2.7 Nucaw - - -Etricity ProedCapita, kWh 717 Geodir. - - -

Co _meroW EerV: S-Proed. - - -C ump. Gwwth R8te,% (80-$) - Themal - - -

Co-nsumpion pot Capia, kgoe 379 Hydro - - -Import/M lie Export, % - TOWl 22 104 55

Not Imports - -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY V0m 2/ Toal Availab" 104 -

CodI/Lisuito - PUBLIC ELECTRICITY SALES (11967)31Oil - 55 OWhGas - - ResIdentia 26 34Elcticty - - Cmel 41 53Total - 55 Indulry 10 12mU 55 - AVicu - -

Eots - - Goveranmnt 1 1Stok Change - Othe - -Bkws - - Export - -

Unallocaed - - TOl 78 100

UTILITY POWER SYSTIIM DATA 2/3/1 UTILI TARIF (LUCEIEC 1987) 31System Frequn, c/s SO kWho, UScW/kWhVtWa: Transmission, kV 11 Redd:," Low 20 13.19

Distbuibo, kV 11 R I g 400 19.90Low Voltage, Valb 2401416 Conmca 400 15.70

Totd Sydm Looes, X (19 13 Small dustry 4/ 2,00 14.99Countrisd - Lar Iduty 5/ 100,000 14.99Number of C _oners, '000 22 Bllk Rab -Number of Employe 212Consms p Employe 105 ULY 3INANCE (LU 3

Aveg Revenue, USC/kWh (1987) 14.91Rate of Ret,% -

UWMD M WesTASWS 19 & tIM-I969 Cash Geneaton, %V UN 3mw f5bls Ym_ook 195& 81 Deb Swvice Cveuage,tims -SIOsCli t*gMt ue 59W Acounts Receivable, mots(1987) 2.654I5hWat55Sha ata

si205Wgm had h

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a Yro:w Jmy. LiD - Dmbr3 1988)

The S. Vinht EIrltcly Sewvi (VINLEC) opvts ad dth no nd diarbuln aieso th couwAty. Thb ector sconoll by th Mlby of Publc Work and the Mnistry of Akultue d Ta.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 1U ELECTRICiTY PRoDUCTION 21Ppulaon, '000 112 bltued G CqacitAra, '000 sq In I Capact outpt FacorPqolatio por sq km 112.0 MW OWII %GNP, USSm 1,344 Public 10 32 37GNP per Capita, US$ 1,200 Thl mal 8 12 17ONP Grwth Rate, % (1980-88) 2.0 Hydra 2 20 114E. Cariblean per US$ 2.7 Nule - - -Eblctty Poduced/Capita, kWh 286 Geotr. - - -Comal EnWergy Sdf-Prod. - - -

Consmp. Gmowth Rate,% (8088) - Tbheral - - -

Consumptwon per Capt, ke 170 Hydro - - -ImportiMechmudi.Export, 9 - Total 10 32 37

Net I'port - -COMMERCIAL ENERGY _ Coo 21 Todal Avaiabl 32 -

Coal/Lignite - - PUDUC ELEC1CfrY SALES (1873/

-il 18oas Reaideal is 45Electrcity 2 2 Comeria 13 37

Total 2 19 n_tay 5 ISIort 18Aricut - -

Exports - - Goveme 1 3Stock Change - - Otber - -

Bankers - - Expor - -

Unaoaed d Tota 34 100

UTLITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTILITY TAPIFS (VWNLBC 1987) 31Systm Frequcy, cs0 kWhnm USc/kWhVao: T _ammds^ kV 33111 _Residea Low 20 19.83

Distrib, k 11 sid Hih 400 19.83Low Volag, Volts 230/400 Commera 400 21.13

Tol ystem Le, X 20 Small Idustry 4/ 2,00 19.09Comai tes - Lar ndusty Si 100,000 19.09Number o Consumers, *000 IS Bulk Ratb -Number of Employes 165Come per Employe 92 UTILITY FINANCE (VIN 31

Avea Revoeu, USc/kWh (1987) 21.11Noraa:bRate of Retum% (1982) 8IIWDXI. W*MTSks SW& DOWS 19am Cash Generation, % -2111 UN lftv eS.W YOM&. 365 Debt Sewvice Cvovreg,tinmes $l Coofgess_t.uuw Accou Receival mt (1987) 2.0841UW4*SS bd w

sluewatm led_e.

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~f1sc Year Jab 1. 1 J - Ae 30t 15)

Naticl Elett Corp. (NEC) as tmain podue sad aci. dubto of4gtlt In Sudan. Opertaa atvts aedivded Iut. alas georaphd ar of whch only the Blue NO VWld r'md * se s we ibfte.

G3NERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECIUCrfY PRODUCrION VPopuato 'O0 23,800 n dos Capacity

ra, '000 sq kmm 2,506 Cpacity Oup FactorPopulai per sq km 9.5 MW OWb %GDP, USSm 11,240 Public 350 936 31GDP per Capit, US$ 472 Tbem. 12S 419 38GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 2.5 Hydro 225 517 26Po_ per USS .2222 Numr - -

Electricity ProducedCapits, kWh 45 Geodt. - _ -

Commeial Energy: Self-Pro. 100 12S 14Conump. Grwth Rate,% (80-88) 0.9 Tbhrml 1oo 125 14CsmptI-- per Capita, kgoo 44 Hydro - - -ImporMerchn Export, % 37 Total 450 1,061 27

Net Impoft - -CO_MM CIAL ENERGY 'OGSo 21 Total vailabe 1,061 -


oil 994 GwhGas - - Resilential 277 38-lecdtricit 44 44 Commercial 44 6Tatal 44 1,038 Industry 387 53

Impots 1,260 - Agricu 7 1Export (38) - GoveraMMt -

StockCCbang (10) - Otr 15 2Bukrs (34) - Expot - -Unallocaed 184 - Total 730 100


System Fraqun, c/s 50 kW}hrn USckWhVdlage: T _usissic% IcV 220ltlO Raidosa Low 20 11.13

Didsuin, kV 33111 Redeil Hig 400 11.13Low Voltag, Volts 220/3810 Co ia 400 10.93

TOal Sysem Lse, % 20 Smal Iusby 4 2,000 7.12Counr Inteoumuecd - LaW Instry 5 100,C0 7.12Num of COnsumen, '000 282 Bulk ae -Number of Empte 9,100Coume per Employee 31 UTIIY FINANCE E 3/

Avee Rveaue, USc/kWh (1987) 8.87rn Rate of Retr% (1986 9itWDI a"Aow TAdi y air-Ns am cash Genet, % (1986) 41PlUm Bttl dmmuua t m Dt Sevie Covea s,times (196 1.6ofu ,t m Am a s Accous Receivab mntles4l5wasSS 15haSIIGsWgo% a bait

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(cl Yr: st, 1. 1M -At" 31. IM5)

SwaZiand Electidiy Boad (SEI) is .onsb for all decickcy muly. 83 ata about 26%. but about 67% of thedwabcy coaud in Swaziad (Induding RSA WiMpon).

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECIDCrTY PRODUCTION (19) 21Popuaon, '000 735 nst GM"s CqacityArea, '000 sq km 17 Ca Out FactorPopulaio per sq km 43.2 MW GW %GNP, US$m 595 Pubic 104 182 20GNP per Capita, US$ 810 heml 64 1 -GNP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 2.4 Hydro 41 181 S1langonis per USS 2.035 Nucwlr - - -

Eecticity ProduedCapita, kWh 506 Geodir. - - -

Commercial EWr: Sdf-Prod. St *D0 43Csump. Growth Ra.t,% (8-88) - Thema s0 190 43

5 _ per Cn, k -Hydro I - -Iapon/Moc hds ExpoJ % - TOWal ISS 372 27

Nt imports 270 -COMMERCIAL ENERGY V00Coe Toal Availa"o 642 -

Prodoct -Coal/Lignite - - ncPUKC ELECFRIClTY SALES (1986) 21

Oil a"- OVnas - - Residential 79 20

Electz*t - - Ca c 39 10Total - - Induqy 130 33-s - -

E-prl - - Govenmn _ _stock Chayg - - Odher 148 38Bu-imwlsss - - Export - -

Ualoca - - ToWal 396 100

UTIITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 21 UTILIY TARIFS (819B 7)3System Freqc ' 50' ' Wh m USVolag: Tnmisin kV 132166 RsIdential Low 20 3.64

Disbuti 11/3.3 R l High 400 3.64Low Votage, Volts 400 C r 400 5.09

TotalSystm Ls, % 12 Sl IndAtty 4/ 2.000 5.09Countries S. Africa Lap Ibdsy Sl 100,000 2.15Number of Consumers, '000 - Bulk Rate -Number of Employe 450

Csu per Employe UTAM FINANCE (3, _31

Aveap Rvu, USckWh (1987) 3.92am Roat of Retum% (1986 5V WD1 me. WET19WAS tS a so-us te Cas enration, % (1985) 672V OM hraftbUAW 8. VOL6 Debt Sevic (f.vferatedmes 1.455I5Ai R AMMggs& Pmds Re.r Acount Receivable, months41WMA355 hbstw

slmkWm lead _

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ff Yrar: bAuy l. 18 - Si. 19#

- aPubl dcuetwst (P). unde the Mhoiy of uomby, s pooslbi for eiybl decide emwtfroghot the county. The elg"trIal yem is fuoly

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELEBCMIC1TY PRODUCTION 21Po-, 'OO 1i00 ad ow CaacityAre, '000 sq km 185 Capc O FacwrPopuat per aq km 62.7 MW OW DGDP, USSat 14,950 Pic 2,067 7,210 40GDP per Capia, US$ 1,289 Therml 1,219 5,200 49GDP Grwth Rate, % (198088) O.S Hydro 848 2,010 27PoundperUS$ 11.2 Nuclar - - -Electci PtodtwedCapits, kWb 699 Gooth. - - -Commera Eeg Self-Prod. 9S7 900 11Coua. GRowth Rate, %(80-88 4.1 Thrnal 9S7 900 11CousuunpdIos per Capit, kgoe 771 Hydro 2,983 - -ImporhtMewcandie ExpoAt, % 18 TOWal 3,024 8,110 31

NetImos (25) -COMfERCIAL ENERGY ¶00b. 2/ Total Avails 8,085 -

: - ,-. -CoAlLgite - I PUBIC BLECIWCITY SALES 3/Oil 14,164 8,584 -W %qas 191 191 Resideal 2,604 42Elec 173 171 Commercial - -

tOl 14,528 8,947 hIdsy 2,914 47mcios 2,S74 - Agicuotu - -Expots (6,450) - Govnent 6S8 10Stock Cha (144) - Ow - -Dimer (331) - Export 2S IUnalocated 1,222 - Total 6,201 100

UTLY POWVR SYSTEM DATA 3/ UTIIY TARIFS (P) 3/S¢om P1F=quw, c/s SO kWh/mo USc/kWhVola: Transmison, kV 400230166 Resideoi Low 20 3.12

D1strtl^ kV 20 Resdeal High 400 3.50LAw Vol_, Volts 12720/380 C =mmc 400 3.SO

Totdl ystm L sS (I987) 12 SmA InWdusty 4/ 2,000 3.28Comiu osb Jordln Lae Inutry SI 100,000 3.09Nuwr of Co0umers, 000 I,sss Buk Raft -Numbe of Emloyee 19,065Coun pe Emplbyee 97 UTITY FINANCE 31

Avmpe Rovon, USckWh 3.21;40M Roa of Rstun,% (1980 6

uUVWSe,_ Tawr u1_9I au-we ie Cash Generation, IVII_w_t"Ymve* *t$e Debt Service Coverage,tinesSIAR& SAS Accouns Recoivl months4IWMtSS isMO

S0ioew ufd

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( Yw Jaiu 1. 1PM - o hr3J, I9#M

Tamat Eldrity Supply Copwy. LAd. (rAN4SCO) bta a.tmw)umt tympue for gmsmtto & AnldW ofdedeatuey.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECrRICrY PRODUC4ON 2!Poplation, '000 24,700 Gr CwAea, '000 s, km 945 Cpacity Outut Fac0toPopulatiopersq km 26.1 MW owIIGDP, USSn 2,740 PubUc 419 784 21GDPperCapita,USS 111 Tba_m 160 172 12GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 2.0 Hydro 259 612 27Shis per USS 99.3 Nuclea - - -Electicity Produo edCapita, kWh 36 Gooder. - - -

Commcial Energy: Self-Prd 20 9S S4Coasup. Growth Rate,% (80-) 2.4 Tbomal 20 95 54

qonsumption per Capits, koe 27 Hydro - - -morMercsdise Export, % 44 Tota 439 879 23

Not Iowts - -

COMM0ERCIAkL ENERGY 000km 21 Total Aailabl 879 -

Pon -CoelfLiguite 2 3 PUDUC ELECRCrTY SALES (1985) 31Oil - 602 aft SGas - - Ro.dential 189 25Eletricity 53 53 Com _mca 143 19

TOW 55 658 adfby 415 SSImports 709 - Aric - -

Expolts (42) - o t - -

Stock Chng (1) - Odher 8 1Buakes (29) - Export - -Unllocaed 34 - Toal 755 100

UTLiTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 3/ UTILTY TARIFFS (TANESCO) 31Sytem Frquency, cas S0 kWhho UScIkWIVag: Tramwiion, kV 2201132t66 Reddential Low 20 9.00

Distibution, kV 3311116.613 R eeidl High 400 8.00Low Voltage, Volta 1101220/400 Com cial 400 4.20

ToalE Syam Loom, % 2S SuI Inhtry 4/ 2,000 5.S0Countries ntercnnected - Lae ldustry St 100,000 5.20Number of Co _sumus, '00 (1985) 590 Bulk RaftNumbe of Emoye (1985) S,619Consum per Empleew (1985) 105 UTIL FIANCE (ANEO) 31

Aveag Revu, USckWh 7.86NMI Rate of Rem,% (1817) 7u1woaa m. w.U wro am & ant-is lom Cash Genera on 5(I98 0/uW w aauYu*o* 1965 Debt Sevice Covera,tines 0.64

31_ewetSme?ANUWCODim dPowe Acout Receivab nodUw4ISWdss .uifbSu2eDwXOn talfa

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FW Y: Oea I. lw- *Setmbw. Iw*Eletiioty GOmemtft Authoity of Thailad (BOAT) Is a atas-wned deetri powe utiity that ghluataa about 95% of tecount's dtisty. tdeopUth ;edhicity Auhry (MA & Prowhjl EcrIciy Aulty (PEA) at puI-ownd midthey &WOb* deeticty rhas from BOAT.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRIUCTff PRODUCTION 31Papulatiors, '000 54,SOO Installed Gos CacilyAea, 000 sq km S13 Capacity Outpu FactorPulaa per sq km 106.2 MW OWb %GDP, Ussa 57,950 Pnl C,494 36,000 60GDP per Capita, USS 1,063 Themal 4,644 31,469 77GDP Gro Rate, % (1980-88) 6.0 Hydro 2,250 4,531 23Babt per US$ 25.3 Nucla - - -EblctricityProducdCapift, kWh 685 (late. - --

Conmerial Ery: Self-Prod. 816 1,340 19Couxump.- - wth Rate,% (0-88) 6.6 Thlemal 816 1,340 19CausumpL . . Capita, Igo 399 Hydro - --

ImporMrchandis Export, % 14 Totd 7,710 37,340 55NetImports 584 -

COMMIERCIL ENEtGY 'O00to 2/ Totd Availb"e 37,924ftodewen -amu

Coal/Ligiter 1,960 2,152 PUBLIC ELECTRICITf SALES 31Oil 2,480 14,357 GWIV %Gas 4.3 4,364 Reg" 7,331 23Electiity 844 879 Com1mercial 7,125 23

Totd 9,648 21,752 Indusry 13,970 44ImPots 12,309 - Agricuktre 888 3Expors (690) - GOverment 2,236 7Stock Change 484 - Other 72 -Buhom - - Expoct - -

Unallocated - - Totd 31,622 100

TIL) POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 IYrILrrY TARiNFFS (MEA,PEA &I EA) 3/System Fnrqueocy, c/s 59 kWhb/o tUSc/kWhVoltae 'Transmission, kV 500/23011 6IS9 Resiketal Low 20 3.3

Distibuftim kV 33/2211 Resideal High 400 83Low Voage, Vohs 2301400/460 Commecial 400 7.3

Totd System Lossess 1 14 Smalkliudustry 4 2,000 7.6Coutries I _tercoctd Ls,Mlaysia Lauge bInusty S/ 100,000 6.1Numbe of Cowmrs, '000 6,667 Bulk Rde -Number of Emploees 67,386Coesumeu per Empoyee 99 UTILITY FINANCE (EGA1 31

AveragoReenue, USc/kWh S.00No__ Rates of Retun,% 12.6vIn WI"sue. WourTam" tesa no-us ts CasbhGnraton, % 412F1 Ealeniha I1o Debt Srvice Covrnge,tlmes 1.7Sf 3uimuIa.W PIckle Accounts Receivable, mnts 2.S4I5IWatSSS isdsaN2OOWawS la ae

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TOGO 891988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEET( Ywr ocoroet 19- Sqi rem b I)

Compeg_l 4Et'lngI 8bu4l du Topo (CEIT) ian ane-owne oft ulbs owrth doi _dbutloo d deault pproasdfom C_mmute ElBtiquo d4u De8m (CED), a publti ut ownd by Togs & Dada. CEEIT pets Ia fw diced saos a_tn-by for mg atod

GENIRAL ECONOMIC DATA 1/ ELECTRICIfY PRODUCllON 2/31Pop1 ulaO, 000 3,400 lsbUad own CacyAea, '000 sq km 57 POut FacorPapuation per sq km 59.6 , MW owIIGDP, USSm 1,360 Public 128 4S 4GDP pt Capia, USS 400 T11mal 126 43 4GDPGrowth Rate, % (1980-88) 0.5 Hydro 2 2 14Fancs per USS 297.9 NAclear - - -

Electricity ProducoCapt, kWh 14 Othe. - - -CaoWrcla Enetr: Self-Po 17 1 1

Coasump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) (1.5) Therma 17 1 1Cs -pr per Capita, 'we 79 Hydro - - -

prlMerhanxd Export, X 6 Totdal 145 46 4Not bports 262 -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 0OOOb 21 Total Available 308 -

c - 33 on Coal/ignite - 3PUBLIC ELECTRICrfY SALE 21Oil - 206 GM%Gas - Residental 55 24Electricity IS 29 Cmc 47 21

TOal 1S 268 Idsty 126 551 269 - Agricul - -

Exports (42) - GOvenmet - -

Stock Cha - - Odter - -

Beakes - - Export - -

Unallocabd 26 - Toal 229 100

UTILXTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 21 UTILIfY TARIFFS (C , sno 1985) VSystm Frequen, cJs so kWSOm} US/kWhVoab*ge: Tranmssion, kV 161/6U63 Rsdenal LOw 20 13.92

Dkibuion, kV 20 RuI H 400 12.80Low Voltge, Vols 220/380 Commcil 400 12.11

Total Sysem Lasses, % 24 Small bdusty 41 2,000 11.18Countries Ineconnected BeninGhana Lrg Idusty SI 100,000 11.09Number of Conm , '000 (1989) 49 Bulk Rate 7.00Numde Of EmpIGYe (1"9) 1,009Coanum per Employw (1989) 49 UTILITY FINANCE (CT) 21

Avea Rveue, UScdkWh 18.20Rate of Retun,% 2.4

uI tWmI. ow, TW" I 1W aOAF-S 1959 Cas Geneaton, % 1002iSAb& PFAU Debt Swrvice Covagetlmes 25.8h UN amp auasa Ysk Ie Account Receivabl" , mnt1hs 5.94fSWdI355 law fste5118 War Sebela

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90 TUNISIA1988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEETimI mamy 1. lN - O ,31. 19L1)

Soete Tuali_ do 11_ iWe et de On (MG) b a d-ow-ued Corp" soley repouub for gmwie .

GENERAL BOON )MIC DATA 11 ELECTRICIY PRODUCON 21Populaton, '000 7,817 Installed Gross CqacityAmo, VW0 sq km 164 acit Ouqput P=tCPoplaon pe sq km 47.7 MW OWII sGDP, USSm 8,750 Public 1,405 4,278 35GDPperCapt, US$ 1,119 Tmal 1,340 4,231 36GDPGrwthRaf, St (1980-88) 3.4 Hydro 65 47 8Dimsra pr USS 0.86 Nuclar - - -Elketiciy ProducedCapita, kWh 615 Go . - - -

om bmcl Emery: Self-Prod. so 533 122Cowtup. owth Rato,% (808) 5.6 Thermal SO 533 122C__mptxonperCapita, 'oe 512 Hydro - - -Imoorth/MorcbndisoExport, 5 10 Total 1,455 4,811 38

Net Imports (31) -COMMEURCLAL ENERGY OGOki 2V Told Availabe 4,780 -

Coal/Agi - 64 PUBUIC ELECTiRICITY SALES 2Joil 4,908 2,846 GWII Soas 475 1,091 Residentid 676 18Eleticiy 4 1 CoisrWial S64 15TOta 5,387 4,002 hIdstry 1,7S4 47

-Imots 2,8M1 - Agricuture 305 8Ebxpts (4,312) - Govoermen - -

Stock Cbange (18) - Other 441 12Embrts - - Expot 31 1Usaaoixated 94 - Totd 3,771 100


Votage: Trarissin kV 225115090 Rsutal Low 20 6.91Distrbuti kV 30'15/10 Resid HiGh 400 8.38LAow Vo1tae, Vdot 10/220/380 Commewcia 400 8.50

Totd System Losse, % 12 Sml Idusty 3/ 2,000 6.74Couries Inaoctd Agea Large Industy 41 100,000 4.81Number of Conoumes, 00 1,250 Bulk Rat -Number of Employe 8,335Consumos per Employee ISO UILITrY FINANCE (SFM9) 21

Avrae Reve, USckWk 6.02Norm oRat of RtumS (1.5)

Wm N19. Wu" Taw"Ms iSS& no-FS 19 Cash GeneatIon 18V _RqII asDihda Debt Sevice Covers,tibmos 1.0

SISWat SS IA b.w Accounts Receivable, monts-4flXC0WIad be.

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TURKEY 198 POWER DATA SUMMY SHEETF~ Yrar: lwy 1.1DM - abet 31.1Ji

lao TOMiuad st Aut*y (MIK) hb sosbl for phuatag. muI d -tuas afd dstriba damoa dideewitruy ad in Tu*q. TK Is atVo rspad for dom Isplsmo*Ia of doe geveramsas progam for rura decsewfinwtim.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECtICrTY PRODUCTION 41Poplation '0V0 53,808 Itd G_s CapcityAna, '000 sq kmn 779 C yu FactorPopulat per sq km 19.1 MW OWh GDP, USS. 64,30 Public 11,805 44,871 43GDP pr Capit, US$ 1,196 Tbeal SS82 12,637 26GDP Gwth Rate, % (190-88) 5.3 Hydro 6,0 28,926 53Liea per USS 1,422.3 Nuclow - - -Elecric PrcedCapita, kWh 893 Geoter. IS 3,308 2,518Commercial Euerg Self-Ptod. 1,158 3,177 31C _mump. Growth Rate% (80-IS) 7.3 TI.rui 1,147 3,154 31Consumpionlper Capita, kgoe 871 Hvdo 11 23 24Import/Merchndise _ Expot, % 24 Tt 12,963 43,048 42

Not Impors 381 -COMMERCIL ENERGY COO. 2/ Ttal Avala 48,429 -

Prodo -CCoal/Lignite 1S,660 18,50 PU C l R SALES 41Oil 2,630 21,740 GU %Gas - 110 Rtet 7,192 18Electrity 6,450 6,450 C rl 6,078 15

Total 24,740 46,850 Idoty 25,180 64Imp 26,670 - Agicultore 416 1Expots (3,0 - Tnspot 250 1Stock Cq (50 - Oer 240 1Bunqr (110) - _ xot - -

Unllocated Z60 - Tota 39,36 100

UTFLITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTILITY TARF (_ 2Mt!!ed 3/System Frqe, cds 50 kWhJ%D USc/WEhVoltag: Trmisn,Ic V 36&1S4 Residia LOw 20 4.19

Distibution, kV 66134.SIS16.3 RePdetl Higb 400 6.83Low Voae^, Volts 22W380 Cm c 400 7.13

Total Systm Lossos, % 13 Small lndsty S/ 2,000 8.47Countrios _nterOMIeCtd USSR, Bugai Lg Idusy / 100,000 7.10Numbe of COnsum, '000 - BoU Rae -Numbe of Emplyes (1985) 55,000Consumers- per Employ"e UTUrr FINANCE C_EK, gmQecsd 31

Avere Reveonu, USc/kWh 6.220Mo lRate of Retua,% 8.1IWmI t.. WoU Tim"esII a REP-EsN Cash Gnatin I 35.

2! lM&ai tWO Doek Service Cvee,imes 1.52! aa& sc Accounts Receiva, mntIhs 24Vl4l _I INsa uPs MMSI5Wg5a S a ftma2Nokwg lawshes

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92 UGANDA198 POWER DATA SMMARY SHEETF Year: Jaus,1. 198- Dbeo 31.i19. )

U_ad Uloscttis Baud (U) is a gaeownal utty uapwaMs (at pwe g_A_liu. diaubuton 9 dlectrct expors to

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTCrTY PRODUCION 2VPopulton, 000 16,200 bUwmod s CpArea, '0 sq bht 236 Capaci Out FacrPopuaio pote sq km 68.6 MW GW GDP, USSm 3,950 Pulic 155 566 42GDP r Cqaita, US$ 244 Themal 5 2 5GDP Gmwth Rate, % (1980-88) 1.4 Hydro 150 564 43Shilin per USS 1061 Nucl - - -Elecbci Pry&x*dCapibt, kWh 37 Geoohr. - - -Commeci Eny: Self-Prod. 7 33 54

Consump. Gowth Rate,% (80$) 4.0 Tlben 2 2 11Caum-mp er Capiba, koe 20 Hydro 5 3 71ImpotMerhndise Export, S 14 Total 162 599 42

Not Impots (110) -

COMM CLL ENRG OfOt 21 Totdal Availal 489 -

Pon&f -osmpCoaLini - - PUDUC ELECTRIClTY SALES (1984) 3/o - 278 GWh s

nas - - Pesideditl 2 22Electrity St 42 Commcial o 11

Tota 51 320 Indury 104 19

- 280 - Agdcult - -Eport 12 - Govemunun - -

Stock Chag - - Other 8 1Bunkers - - Export 252 46Unaloted - - ToWal 546 100

UTrI POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 UTLITY TARIFFS (UEB 1987) 3/System Fequecy, c/s So kWhno USc/kWbVoita: Tranmision, kV 400113V66 Residetl Low 20 2.74

Dis_tbuon, kV 33111 Residenda Hbig 400 2.74Low Vola, Vla 2301400 Commecial 400 2.42

TOa System Losss, % 40 Small Idsby 41 2,000 2.26Countries Interoontd Keya Lar IndRtry Sl 100,000 2.26Number of Cosumers, '000 95 Bulk Rate (1988) 2.00Number of Emplyes 2,800ConmS per EmplDye 34 UTLITY FINCE (U) 31

Aveg Rov_u, USc/kWh 1.50Rate of Rotr,% -

VWD 1990. We" Tani too & BiPF8 10 Cah G, MatiO, % (1983) 021W usw e in YNAe "9a Det Service Coverage,times (1983) 2.8SIAM & b Accouans Reciable, months -4f$W&WnSSS &eWNUB Wat3 st bi

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Iii if III iFJ'I'M1 I| ifli54 2111111

bJ~ 1 ii [4. .& ilm''.1II w .Is IF s

a 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~a,

Goi Ij

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94 VANUATU1988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEET(Am Year AprI 1. fl - 19JJ_ 31. 1f0)

The We*b $up* S Sy_meof Va_at biotly dkso-budsod es f: a mbss a p °e -arusud Pon Vu/aoercatedby a pvstso Pu ompomy ISolat dilute E)sadra doi Vuumu (UNSLCO-VANUATU); a seosud wbss syatm opeasedby CUBds iturd syisman ar pertd by pwD.

GENEtAL BCONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTUCIrY PRODUCION 2Vp W Ooa 147 tald amG CapacityAm, '000 sq bkm 12.19 C*Ml Outp FactorPouoyl pt persqkm 12.1 MW GWh XGNP,US$m 125 Publi 9 22 28GNP par CIO, USS 850 Tera 9 22 28GNP Gt*wtk Rate % (1980-I) 5.1 Ilyo - - -Vaw pr USS 104.4 Nwua - - -

Elcricit PA_odued/Capita, kWh 190 Goohe. - - -

Com ial_ Era. Slf-Pro 2 6 34Co _mp. Growh Rats,% (WSI) - Thermd 2 6 34Co _umptlo pw Cpi, 'we 114 HY* - - -W *rt,% - TOl 11 28 29

Not hUpors - -

CO{MM CLAL ENER V'&m 21 TOa Avale 28Ptodrd -

CoalL*ibnt PUKLIC ELECTRICITY SALES (1964) 31Oil - 27 xWI

n - - Residet 5 29fletric -Commeal 7 41Totl - 27 lodust 2 12

Imots 414 - ASltreo - -EXPOrs - - Govmuut 2 12StockCbaop - - Oer 1 6Bunib - Export - -UOnoa - - TOl 17 100

UTLITY PO R SYSM DATA 3/ lfLY TARIFFS (UNELCO 1T 1431Sym Fqumoy, cis 50 kwhY US/hVoltaW Transmso, kV 230166 ResIdeal Low 20 14.S

Diaubl, kV 31.5115 s M 400 31.37Low Vohlge, Vods 1101220 Cmc 400 26.82

Toald Sytm LIs, % (191) 10 Sma Idsty 41 2,000 26.08Cos internnected - Lag ndustry 5 100,000 15.51Number of Conur, 000 - Bulk RateNumbr f Employm sCommers pr Emplyeo - U TFY FIN CE E 31

Aveo Revenue, USc-Wh (1984) 22.93mom ~~~~~~~~~~~~Rate of Retnmn,%-

uwname. 7Wm1lN. isma meP-z m reCash Geneatin, 2W Y IuSZYa*u* 193 Debt Srvico C ago,tmesSisAl.. 8&..a PudhWs Eqata Accounts Iteceive, months415&wgr ts_aYsWa3 Iso Ana

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1988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEET(Ffid Yrar Jaemwy. .M, 31. 1M)

The asto iB mae& up of fou daswowaad powe coapasi (CADAFU. EDILCA. ENEVEN & ENEIAEt) an svaT to se c ur X w i( C =,^ ^ ^ -~~mtofwomyeoepaIad-we c_mans. CADP saaoUa.tsmbIes h *lsue atlspdae _u ol llb.emua acep

sevm of themou lmportda uha tm-a nd Ois

OGNMLAL ECONOMIC DATA I/ EIlCCRICITY PMODUCFON 31Populati'0 , '000 18,800 Lawild own Cquity

a, '000 sq km 912 Cactyt F0atbPopuluoa pra q ck 20.6 MW GW& UGDP, US$m 63,750 PiMC 16,2 46,276 32GDP per Cait, US$ 3,391 Tirmal 7,755 19,155 28GDP Growth Rate, U (190-8 0.9 Hydro 8,70 27,121 35Bolhva per US$ 14.S Nudloe - - -Elctri ProlCel"apia, kWh 2,88 Gadb. - - -Commercial Ery: SelfPod. 2,139 6,887 37

Coisump. Growth Bate, % (80-88) 2.1 Thermad 2,132 6,866 37t*S5wmpio oCWla,kIre 2,484 Nnydro 7 21 34

Impottlerdu Eportl , X 0 Toed 18,663 53,163 33Nol- - - -

COMbMCIACUL ElllRCt MXM0r 2/ TC"^ Available 53,163-

Coal/Lignite S06 147 PUBUC ?ECTRICrff SALES 3/Oil 104,821 22,013 Wbh Uas 16,683 16,683 R*uiestisd 5,907 16ElcticiY 7,864 7,864 Commercia 2,528 7Tobt 129,872 46,707 bInuby 19,76 52

IMPOMts 117 - Pobiciht*f 77 -

Export (83.106) - sawrameat 4,S18 12StockChnge S84 - Other 275 1Bunlms (761) - Nt lUok Sals 4,608 12UnsUotadbd - - Total 37,678 100

UTILTY POWE3R SYSTEM DATA 31 UTr&LrlY TARIFFS (CADAPE 1987)31systm Froquecy, c/s S0 kWhuno lWkhbVlVolte Tuuaauia,k 8kV NVS04001230K1IIS Resideid Low 20 2.48

Diastiudtm kV 6*I34.5/13.8 ResibdeilHigh 400 3.31Low Vol_e, Vols - ommecia 400 6i16

Tota System Losses 19 Smball bsdy 4/ 2,000 3.26Counties baereor d - Lage lwp dry 5/ 100,000 2.15Numer of QCoamrs, '000 2,119 BkP Raft 1.48Number of Employees 18,789CXormes per Empbyee 113 __U_UrrY (C_ _I_D _ )

Averego bRewne, USa/kWh 3/ 2.32Ratof Re%,% _

IJUD 15g WON TaN. winoel-Ws wa Cah Gameau, X 3/ 0v11BAGMdOn Debt Servio C _,rageAmes 31 0.87

NIUimmu Aco=fs Receivable, mad.4CkWaISsinitw_StINWtm 70 kW

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(Fal eY Jaa_1u I8 - Dw8bnr 31. 98)

Eled* Pow Cofp. (DC) Isa Min-owaed utiuy -sap-ena for the Vguta and d&0budon fctd s pw in WaeswaUpolu, Seoa and Nsths Saval. _by otwh pbl oed pVwate acbe is iuked.

OGNERAL EONOMIC DATA IJ ELCUCfY PRODUCTION 2!PU1016=6 '0M 159 ftaie o cA , '000 sq km 3 Capwit Output PatrPopultio per sq I= 53.0 MW Wb XONP, USSm 101.76 Pic IS 38 29GNP per Capita, USS 640 Thermal 10 20 23GNPGowth Rate, % (1980-88) 1.1 Hydro 5 18 41Talas per US$ 2.08 Nocbar - - -Electricity ProducedCapita, kWh 289 GoAlr. - - -Commercia Ener. Self-Prod. 2 8 46

Co¢sump. Grwth R,X (-88) - Thermal 2 8 46Consumption per Caita, oe 252 Hydro - - -bJmport/Merlianlse Export, 56 - Total 17 46 31

Not Imports - -CONMMRCIAL ENERGY VW$= 2 Toal Availble 46 -

Productin Ca/Ligit - - PUDUC ELECTRICITY SAUS (1905)3JOil - 38 XWIGas - - RP_1etial 8 24Eicity 2 2 Com0mra 13 43

Total 2 40 Iduty 4 13Imports 38 - Agricolt - -

- - - G _OVVAent - -

Stock Cha - - Ohr 5 17B0sakets - - Exp.t - -

Unlocated - Total 30 100

UTILT POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 =TLY TARIF (EC 31Systm Fqny, c1s S060 k}InI USc/kWhVoltage: Trnsmdsion, kV 22 ResideI Low 20 13.00

Dirbon, V 6.6 Rsidenl Hi 400 13.00Low Vdoa, Volta - C rc 400 13.00

Totl System Lo, % (1987) 12 Smll dstry Q4 2,000 13.00CaoUtries _ - Lare I y 5/ 100,000 13.00Numbor of Consums, '000 12 Buk RateNumber of Emplye 230Csume per Employee S2 UTILIY FINANCE (EPC) 31

Avea Reve, USc/kWh 13.00Nam Raot of Retumn,% (1981) 3.05uWassewwdS_Tams saew-ss Cash oeration, % -stun M(BMr SwdfWNW* us Dekbt Service Covierm,times (1987) 3.01Si AMDD & $AR Accout Receivabe, moth-4t.Lwous at4SieWastas% haSot

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(Frc sel Y br: nuay 1t, I- Deemh 31.198)

Yeome Geraud E ty Cwat~mla (YOEC), undehw pesvis of the Minisby of EhstW & Wait (MEW) isa pablo .*fty resposibi for P~aIAc doheftriit "u . It opeates thre=e usi Ilted systms

GENER1 L ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRC1C PRODUCTION 21Poputon, '000 8,500 _Ie o CpArea, '000 sq km 195 Caocity Outu FacrPopdation per sq klm 43.6 MW a"f.GDP, USSm 5,910 Publh 398 811 23GDP per Capit., US$ 695 Thmal 398 811 23GDPGowth Rate, % (1980-88) 6.5 Hydro - - -

Riasl per USS 9.8 Nucla - - -

Eecticity ProducedlCapita, kWh 98 Gaeor. - - -

Commercil Enrgy: SefPrd IS 20 15*Consump. Gowth Rate,% (80-88) 10.7 Therml IS 20 IS

-na a per Capita, koe 155 Hy"o - - -impuercadi Export, 9 - TOW 413 831 23

Neot lupaos - -


Co-lLig - - PUBLC rr .-Al - 1,314 amGs - - Resideal 356 46EleOtrkcity - - Cmc 107 14TOa - 1,314 lndusry 207 27

Impot 3,659 - Arcute 18 2Expos (1,944) - ane 41 5St:okCange, - - Odtr 37 sDuceIrs (401) - Expwot - -Unallocated - - Totl 766 100

UTILITY P0V" SYSTEM DATA 31 UTIY TARIS (YGBC) 31Sydem Fequey, c/a5s SO kw USc/WhVoaig: Tanasi, kV 132 Residetal Low 20 11.7

Dbuion, kV 33/15111/10 Resdeia Hig 400 11.7Low Voltag, Volhs 200/400 CoZmeri 400 I1.S

Toed Sytem L -am, X 25 Small uy 4/ 2,000 11.4Countries b_ _rconeed - LIg Indu St 100,000 6.7Numbe of Coumers, V000 248 Bulk PRAt

Numbr of Employes 4,100Co4sm s per EDIPm 60 UTBITY INANCE (GCM 3/

.Aveag RJVe_, USc/Wh 10.7SNM ~~~~~~~~~~Rate of Return. 0.4

11 am.lof WOW TAN" leow a w9 -aS Casc oe.aetion, % 0.86VII%E 590$lm*&vKaswiswbwYeM*sa1"s Debt Q%rSc COVerap,tims 0.521I1 RO oti. ski a B Strn aevuw Accout Receivabl, mont. 4.0

4haliSS% loftr

SMD kWaI 5 iwdb t

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Th Publi Coepowauc for We*b Power (CPC) is tdo malo publi nftll n*Apusi for asratwas & dJIbtloa of


Populapic '000 2,400 sotad aG" CacityAe, '000 sq km 333 Cpciy Outpt FactPopuatlo per sq im 7.2 NW OWV XGDP, USo$ 840 Pblic 195 S60 33

GDP per Capita, USS 3S0 TUlal 195 S60 33GDP Gwth Raft, % (1980-88) 2.0 HO - -

D&.n pa US$ 13.345 Nlear - - -

Electricity ProdcdCpta, kWh 277 Gaotr. - - -

Commea Ener: Sdf-Pro 49 105 24

C-umap. Growth Raft,% (808) 2.S Thwul 49 105 24Oam ompti -c Pe Capta, k4po SHy} - - -

MportchdsIExport, % - TOWl 244 66 31Nt Imports - -

COJMERCIL JENERGY 001toe 2/ Tod1 Amalbl 66S -

Coal/Ligint. .PULIC _Ecrff SALE 3_

011 _ _ - h

Gas - - Rasiatso 2i5E bctri 48 37 Cotmmecial 138 32

TOWal 48 37 S nduy 57 13-wod 566 - Apicdkr - -

Export (18) - aovwmet -

Stok Cb_ag - - Odwer 18 4

Embrs - E-Pot - -

Unucatd (559) - TOal 428 100


Systm FPquy, c/s so kWh/o UScAkWh

VdlaF Tn ,mbdk IcV 33 Resideal Low 20 S.76Distbti kV 11 Rednial High 400 13.40Low Vdlao, Vlta 41S Com"rial 400 1758

Todal S ma Loses, S 17 Small bI ty 4/ 2,00o 12.29

Counties Intmced - Lrap bdu*ty 41 100,000 17.14

Nume of Cm0um, V00W 130 Bulk Rte -

Numbr of Employs 3,000Csamr per Employe 43 UTI ANC 31SI

Avrag Rfvenue, USc/kWh 13.30Nt: IbtoofRdr,% 1.0

UWDR MW wow Tas lwa ua-ws im Cus a on,% 5

VLWU8WswsakeYQ*0k asa Debt Srvice Cowagtim 7.51 iRsird BmW OkM. ACcomh Receivable, mth 7

4fskWasgr baibsr&UW0kdl0% IagdoSt MU PM SbA

Page 111: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon


(Fisal Yeu: bln 1a, I. 1W - Deombr 31. 19U)

TIo UnionafYuoodwer Idustry (JUGEL)oortdadts kiemo peteof grtl= ddiuhw Decsio mAkiand _ v 4 I -- 9 -I- pows e litb BOAL, while uslf-meugd. Idpend nt are nege ino WOAL.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICrIrY PRODUCTION 31Populaton, '000 23,600 Instale Grsm Ca"cArw, '000 sq km 256 Cpcity O a FactorPoplation ptr sq km 92.2 MW OWbRGDP, US$m 61,710 PubLIc 20,001 84,743 48GDP per Capita, USS 2,615 Thenl 11,389 54,800 55GDP Grwth Rate, % (1980-88) 1.4 Hl1o 7,948 25,87 37Dinus por USS 2,522.6 Nuclear 664 4,136 -

Elctii PmoducedlCapita, kWh 3,713 (ledkhr. - - -Commercial Energ: Self-Pd. 793 2,886 42Cosisump. Growth Rate,% (80-88) 3.1 Therm"a 793 2,886 42Consumption per Capita, kgoe 1,749 HyJro - - -

VortMerchandius Expont, % 18 Told 20,794 87,629 48Net tIprts 1,147 -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'CCC0o 21 Totd Availhbo 88,776 -

Proauctim onsup- oCoaWlLignie 15,781 18,414 PUBUC ELEC CRIC1Y SAULiS 31Oil 3,788 14,474 GWh %Gas 2,090 S,634 Residntdal 20,381 29Electricity 2,86 2,743 CommecAti & Othes 4,074 6Total 24,524 41,266 bInusry 39,847 56

ImPorts 19,819 - Agricultur 3,050 4Expors (1,084) - Governme - -

Stock Change (238) - Tranqpot 1,200 2Bunkers - - Expent 2,559 4Unalocated 1,7SS - Toal 71,111 100

UTJIUTY POWER SYSTEM DATA 31 TTY TARIFFS (SERBIA,1989) 3/System Frequency, c/s 50 kWbhuo US SciWhVotage: T _ns ion, kV 400 Residentil LAoW 20 2.97

Ditibuion, kV 110/35110 Ridetal High 400 10.60Low Votage, Vots 380 Commercia 400 7.80

Todal System Los, % 13 Smal Indsty 41 2,000 14.41Cowtrius Ineronnected - Lag Idusty SI 1C,000 11.61Numbr of Coa_sm , 000 (1982) 6,770 Bulk Rat -Numbe of Employe (1982 58,600Comems per Employe (1982) 116 UTILfTY FINANCE) 31

Aver Revenuo, USckWh 2.92Nam,Ratw of RetrS -

U Sn 1990. Vt'd Tama 96 a off-us tes Cs neation, 10VX9tt iss_Yu*ertMs Debt Servico ae,tims 2.2

St n Divide. SA. AccontsB Recexivab, months 3.06

4mewakm IaUkwa

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(1W Yeer: JAay 1. 19u - t31mbe3L. 19S)

Soiet Nt4aI d'Eletlslte (SNUt) k *ag-ownd utlt. A SV DC Una connet th On Zalw-Klwshm eglon withth Cappe:r wcn S.ion A smigid In the lUw bsin Is with Rwaad and DturM.

GENERAL ECONOMIC DATA 11 ELECTRICITY PRODUCTION 21Popul . 33,400 tlod Grs CapcityArea, W = -q t" 2,34S Capai Outt FacoPopulas r' -8. tm 14.2 MW oWh SGDP, tJ4 6,470 PubL;¢ 2,440 5,660 26GDP per (wift, US$ 194 Thermal 58 22 4GDP Growth Rate, % (190-88) 1.9 Hydmo 2,402 5,638 27Zade pr US$ 187.1 Nuelar - - -Ebctrcit ProduceCapit, kWh 233 Geode. - - -Commec EErgy: Self-Prod. 686 2,113 35

Consup. Grw RA,% (80-88) 1.5 Throl 25 92 42I _bx por CaPi. 4poo 42 Hydro 661 2,021 3S

ImportMrchndi Export, % 2 Tdal 3,146 7,773 28Not Import (168) -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 001boo 21 Tdoal Avalbl 7,605 -

ftoduwon -...Coul/Ugnite 66 204 PUMJC ELBCTRICITY SALES 2VOil 1,500 790 cm RGas - - LOW Tawion 909 18Elecrit 487 408 Medim Tenion 977 20Total 2,053 1,402 1Industy 2,S46 52

Imports 800 - Otber he Tniona 317 6EJors 1,470 - GOVernmet - -Stock Chap - - Ote - -

Blu8 - - Export 168 3Unalocated (2.921) - ToWal 4,917 100

UTILITY POWER SYSTEM DATA 21 UTrUY TARFFS (SNEL) 21System Frequncy, C/s so kWh/r USclkWhVodltg: T , kV S00M0132V120 Residential Low 20 2.30

Distriuton, kV 11017015150 Residna i 400 2.30Low Voltage, Volts 220 C l 400 3.80

Totl System Losses, % 12 Small Idsy 31 2,000 2.00Camtia ltomectd Cwigo,Rw,u,Zambia Lar Idry 4/ 100,000 1.30Nu_obr of Commes, '000 145 Bulk Rat 1.00Number of Employe 4,378Consumers per Employe 33 UTILITY INANCE EL) 2

Avea Revene, US¢ckWh 1.80am Raeb of Retur -

itWmI us We" Taw" am au1-w we9 Ch Genatio, % 44213.gIml v r ="= Debt Svice Coverge,timessigwatg Iliha Accoms Receivabl monts 6.1EomWenW Id

Page 113: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon

ZAMBIA tlo1988 POWER DATA SUMMARY SHEET(f/m Ywr Ay 19 88- Mar 31.1989)

Zambla E t* SuPy* CO. (ZESCO) is a _s-wiwd aft eu=lb for goaatio. asisuoe and dhudua inmatmrss of Z7 IlaT Cn Dlt Pow CoDpWi pubas bulk pow fea ZESCO for d&ih" in the Coppr Dekara CAPC peaste Idao K Com$lex.


Area, '000 sq km 753 Cacty O t FactwPopulation per sq km 10.1 MW GWh %GDP, US$m 4,000 Publ 2,220 8,245 42GDP per Capita, USS 526 T1eml 20 IS 9GDP Growth Rate, % (1980-88) 0.7 Hydro 2,200 8,230 43Kwachas per USS 8.2 Nuclar - - -Electricity PrxduceCapita, kWh 1,116 Geoder. - - -

IonmercIal Ergy: Self-Pod. 216 240 13Coiup. Growth Rate,% (80-88) 0.6 Thwml 171 25 2Consumption per Capita, koe 174 Hydro 45 215 55Import/Merchandise Eport, % 6 TOal 2,436 8,485 40

Not Imprts (1,48) -

COMMERCLAL ENERGY 21 Total Avaab 7,005 -

Pdon C _mCoal/Lige 271 268 PULIlC ELECTRICITY SALES (987/88)2

Oil - 453 GWII Gas - - Reide 962 12Elecriiy 726 599 C _ommecia 1,299 16Tota 997 1,320 bdustry 4,480 54

Impotls 617 - - -

E8ot (174) - G m _ _- Chag - - Od_er

Bukers (39) - Expoct 1,507 18Unallocated 81 - Total 8248 100


Systm Frequency, cl8 - kIWb USclkWVollw o: TDdi, -IwkV 330t=132 aResidnid Low 20 3.94

Distributio, kV W81113.3 Reidel Hig 400 1.34Low Voal, Vobs 2202S01400 Cmmc 400 2.43

Totdl Syse Lsses, % 7 Smell IdstyS/ 2,000 2.39Cotries d Zimbl,ZdAie,Doft Lar Iuby S/ 100,000 1.35Number of Cnsumers, '000 ISO Dulk Rate 1.50Numbr of Emplaoy (1987/8) 5,100Colmir perWEmployee 29 UTILITY FINANCE (ZESCO) 3/

Average Rovenue, USc/kWh 1.01Rate of Retum,% (1982) 6

U1nDl 990.Wow Talw" zm &Da-W Li Cah Genaton, % (1982) 182IUVN Mqy Ma.w& U PlmsIFlD. 196 Debt Swice Cveiaetlm (1982) 1.1'

1ACI SI Accoun Receivale, monds -41 ISS .huzbinliWhisd.

SI5Wat25 uaihas& 2ISWag habt

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i Yei:dJul. 1, lIN-JmX, 199)

TMO outr's M_b u*. ZUSA, ISpOasb ,_ for decOtcy pamoic and bulek a to p=Wu dIibuto aga(NW. SEMD. MMED and MED) an dir c _uma


Popw'Oulo '000 9,30D Istl own Capciyea, '000 sq km 391 CapNciy Output Facw

Popuation per sq km 23.8 MW cWm GDP, USS$ 5,650 Public 1,961 8,144 47GDP per Capita, USS 608 Thmal 1,29S 5,479 48GDP Growh Rate, % (1980-88) 2.7 Hydro 666 2,666 46ZimbabweS per US$ 1.73 Nacl - - -Elcicity Produced/Capita, kWh 891 Geoher. - - -Commercid Ener: Self-Prod. S1 140 31

C _nsumP. Gowth Rato,% (80-88) 0.6 Th1mal Si 14(' 31CdUWpio per Capita, IoO 488 Hydro - -

IEp xpo/Morchaudise Export, % S TOal 2,012 8,284 47Net lmpots 8S4 -

COMMERCIAL ENERGY 'OOi V Totdal Avaiblo 9,139 -

Cal/Ligu 2,706 3,122 PUBLIC ELECTRICflY SALES 3/oil - 746 OWIGas - - Reddential 1,304 16Electrc 561 668 Commecia 742 9

TOa 3,267 4,536 bIdty 5,4S3 67hIpors 1,306 - Aricture 613 8Ep (3 - Government - -

StockCange - - OthrBuohgs - - Expa - -

Unalocated - - TOal 8,113 100


System FrEqecy, cis k USVotge: Tr ison, kV 330M0/132/110188166 Resideal Low 20 4.18

Distibutim kV 33/11 Reidntia High 400 4.18Low VOltap, Volt 220/400 Commeri 400 3.97

Tdal Sysm Los,% 10 Small dusty 4/ 2,0O0 3.38Cosuties tonsed Zbonm Lar bd y Sl 100,0Q0 2.05Numbe of Conmes 'M0(1987) 260 Bok Rat -

Number of Employes (1987) 4,325Comas per Emplyee (19 60 UTIiTY FINANCE (eS 31

Avea Revenue_ USc/kWh 3.68Urealued Rae of Re,nX 20.8

1 1Wm9I We"T_au low& au-WS ros UN ISY two Cah Generaton, % 24.62lASwOIi9 Det Service Coveage,ties 0.8

AUROW b Amuemu& uuI_aRhpo Acouot Receiable, niond -

uswam ai_he

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The following gph provide some prelimlnary cross-country of thevaiabbs dt chadteim the power sectors i developing counuries, based an an analyus of the1988 power data

ComelatngODP per capita with commercial rV csit per capi for 77devloping cuties lded an R squared of 0.72 (see Figure 1). Forhile GDP percapitaaverd at $l,16, aveg ee con Mption per ca was 433 oe.

Figure 2 illustres the levels to whicb energy impos account for the developingcoties' toa export earnigs. From a sample of 75 cotie, energy imnorts avaged 17% ofmerchandiSt exports, with 53 coumnies below the 20% level.

mme atosh betwee GDP per capita vesus electricity poducon pea capita(Igure 3) and GDP per capi verus comeMal enr consmpio per capita (Figure 1) wenesimilar. With an R squared yield of .78, elecicity produc per capita aveagd 604 kWb.

Five commonly used efficiency indicators of the electric power sector are:f0~~tion capaity facto.gross oUtput per employee, consumers per empyee, totsyswmuiisand adentio recnicaple. As clus f bo 4, thirds of the countes public,esU had gemadon capciy f&ws betwn 26 4S%.

Th relationship between toa s outu and the number of emploe in thesample showed a courelated R squared of 0.68 (Figure 5). Frm a smple of 65 counes, 37 hadps than SW MWh ps ouu per emloyee and 17 between the 501-1000 MWhper eployee

range (igure 6). As for the number of consumers and employees, a higher orreaion existedwith an R squar of 0.78 (Figure 7). Wwever, more dtan half of the counties i the sampl hadratioso lesso than 80 consumers per emAoye, (Figure 8).

With regard to total system losses, more than one-third of the countries in thesample bad losses over 18% (Figure 9). Furthermore, ight countes incured losses above the28% range.

Averag rnue covered a wide rnge frm UScMIMW% to ove USc39kWh, withthe average being USc8.7/kWh. Almost two-thirds of the utilides in the sample had revenuesbelow this avrge (FIgure 10).

Accounts receivables of developing country power utilites in 1988 wereoutstding for periods rning from 1 to 15 months, with an aveage of 4.6 months. About hlfof the udlities i the sample had receivables outstanding for periods avenging over 3 mont(Fgr 1).

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R squard 0.722500 sanpie Sln u77 countrie

C Bet Fltn /m 1500

| § t~~~~

I ~~~~0 10W III ol00-

0~O SOO 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500


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3o40 10

36-40 2

31-35 ̂ 1

26-30 2p0 5r 21-25

e 16-20 7n +.t

11-15 18



4 11

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18Number of Countrles (mple shze 75)

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R quared a 078Samp Sb n 77 counti

3000.p BestFltr 2500.0du 20 0 0at1 1500



0 5 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 450GDP

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46-50. 12

C 4145- 17pa36-40 - 14e -t- ',,

t 31-35 17y +

26-30 :14

C21-25 6tO 18.20 2r


-c11 5

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 isNuMber of CoutrMes (saple d2e - 98)

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450000 .

40000G R squared0.68r 35000 Sample ize=64countrles08 30000 Bstfit


U 15000- t 20t

10000 .


0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000Number of Employes

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a 325O 2O 0* 2,01-2500 1sam "

0 1,501 -000 22ut l1,00-1,500 6

P 401-5000r +

301-400 5E +m 1m 201-3g00 @- 12i + -__'o tO1 - 200 9y +e 4101 6

* ~~I I , j. I I . , 0 2 4 B 8 10 12 14 16 i8

Numbe at Counte (sampIe sine = 65)

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9000 R SUd a 0.78Sampb S* 5o countlbs

8000 * * Bt FEt

7000- C° 6000 n9

* 40Wr

3000i 9~~000Z


0S0 10000 20000 30000 40000 0000 60000 70000

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Mr2i160 ' K9

c + .. .. .

° 141 -160 3S

U 121.140IOmr 101-120 7S +

81 6 100 8p +0 r 61e60 -

+ ..... _ ..._ .. ... ._. ... ...E 41.60 9m + ....

pi 31.40 i _9o +y 21 -30

_ _ _ _ _


21 3

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Number of Gountris (sanple sze a 62)

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32 5

29-32 3

8 24-28 9

8 21-24 10t

m 19-20 10

L 17-18 150

* 15-16 11

13-14 13

11-12 10

i411 8

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16Numbw of CoUwI (sample On 94)

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1 z& - I. ., 6

; 1.1.1X0 6


R 6.1 "9.0 M10

;a 4.6 - -.

u MtZe -4.5 1 2

1.6 -& I 101.6 +3

0 2 4 6 8 10 12NumSrw of Countils (smple Nu" a 71).

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3 1435 2

A 131-14.5 0Cc .a 11.5- 13.0 2Uu.n 9.1-11.5 _1t

7.6-.0 _ 2R* 6.1-7.5 3

I 4.6-6.0 _1V

a 3.1 -4.5 5b

o 1.6-3.0 _191.5_

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20Numbw of Cowu Ms (sample abs 51)

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No. 1 Enr Issues in the Develoig Waod,P Fbnay 1988.

No. 2 Reviw of Wod Bank Lending for Elctric Power, March 1988

No. 3 Some ons in Colectng Data an Household Energy Consumpton,March 1988.

No. 4 Impoving Power Sysem Efficiency in the Developing Counties througFerfonance Conacting, May 1988.

No. 5 Impact of Lower Oil Pies on Renewable Env Technoogies, May 1988.

No. 6 A Compaison of Lamps for Domesic lighting in Deelping Countrie Iun1988.

No. 7 Rcen Wold Bank Activites in Energ (Revised October 1989).

No. 8 AVisuaOverview ofheWWrldOilMrkts,July 1988.

No. 9 CumtIntunatiOnalG Trades and Pries, November 1988.

No. 10 Promoting Invsment for Natua OGas Explatio and Pt ion inDeveloing Countries, January 1988.

No. 11 Tecdolog Survey Report on Electric Power Systems, Feb y 1989.

No. 12 Reces De in dte U.S. Power Sector and Their Relevance for theDevelopingCounies, Febuary 1989.

No. 13 Domestic EnergyPricing Policies, April 1989.

No. 14 Fmancing of the Energy Sector in Developing CoutieS, April 1989.

No. 15 e Future Role of Hydrpower in Deveopig Cunies April 1989.

No. 16 Fuelwood Stnpage: for Devloping Country Ery Plannin,Jue 1989.

No. 17 Inrporating Risk and Uncainty in Power SySom Planning, June 1989.

No. 18 Review and Evaluation of Histi Elcticity Forncastg Experiqen (1960-1985), June 1989.

No. 19 Woodfuel Supply and Envimental Managoment July 1989.

No. 20 The Malawi Charcoal Poject -Experien and Lessons, January 1990.

No. 21 C Ependisforectric Power in the Devoping Countries in the19W, Febray, 1990.

Page 128: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon

No. 22 A Review of Reguladon of the Power Sectors in Developing Counties,Febrary 1990.

No. 23 Summary Da Sheets of 1987 Power and Commercial Ene Sstics for 100Developing Counties, March 1990.

No. 24 A Review of the Tament of Enviromental Aspecats of Bank Enery Pr*s,March 1990.

No. 25 Mme Stats of Uqified Nawal Gas Worldwide, March 1990.

No. 26 Populaon Growth, Wood Fuels, and Resource Problems in Sub-SaharanAfiica, March 1990.

No. 27 The Status of Nuclear Power Technology - An Update, Apdl 1990.

No. 28 Decommisioning of Nuclea Power Faciles, Aprl 1990.

No. 29 lnerfl Subsitution and Changes in the Way Houslds Use Energy: TheCae of Cooking and Lighting Behavior in Urban Java, October 1990.

No. 30 Regulton. Deregton, r Raegulaon-What is Needed in LDCs PowerSector? July 1990.

No. 31 Undending the Costs and Schedues of Wold Bank Suppot HydrelectricPrjet, July 1990.

No. 32 Review of El ity Tariff in Developing Countries During the 1980s,November 1990.

No. 3 Privae Sector Paticipaon in Power tbrough BOOT Schemes, December 1990.

No. 34 Idendfying the Basic Ondions for Economi Geneaton of Publc Eleictyfrom Suwplus Bagsse in Sugar Mlls, Apdl 1991.

No. 35 Prospects for Gas-Fueled Combined-Cycle Power Geneaon in the DevelopingCountries, May 1991.

No. 36 Radioactive Waste M met - A Background Study, June 1991.

No. 37 A Study of the Tansfr of Peftreum Fuels Pollution, July 1991.

No. 38 Imving Charcoaling Efficiency in the Tradidonal Rura Sector, July 1991.

No. 39 DeciSion Maidng Under Unceainty - An Option Valuation Approach to PowerPlanning, August 1991.

No. 40 Summary 1988 Power Data Sheets for 100 Developing Counties, August 1991.

Note For extra copies of dtese papers please call Pamela Sawhney on extension 33637FAX No. (202) 477_0560.

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No. 1 Japanesc Direct Foreign Investment: Pattems and Implications forDeveloping Countries, Februa 1989.

No. 2 Emerging Patterns of International Competition in Selected IndustialProduct Groups, February 1989.

No. 3 Changing Firm Boundaries: Analysis of Technology-Sharing Alliances,February 1989.

No. 4 Technological Advance and Organizational Innovation in theEngineering Industry, March 1989.

No. S Export CaWyst in Low-Income Countries, November 1989.

No. 6 Overview of Japanese Industrial Technology Development, March 1989.

No. 7 Reform of Ownership and Control Mechanisms in Hungary and China,April 1989.

No. 8 The Computer Industry in Indurialied Econs: Lessons for theNewly Indusrilzing, February 1989.

No. 9 Institutions and Dynamic Comparative Advantage Electronics Industryin South Korea and Taiwan, June 1989.

No. 10 New Environments for Intellectual Property, June 1989.

No. 11 ng Entry Into International Markets: Lessons From the EastAsian Experience, June 1989.

No. 12 Impact of Techological Change on Industrial Prospects for the LDCs,June 1989.

No. 13 The Protection of Intellectual Property Rights and IndustrialTechnology Development in Brazfl, September 1989.

No. 14 Regional Integration and Economic Development, November 1989.

No. 15 Specialization, Technical Change and Competitiveness in the BrailianElectronics Industry, November 1989.

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No. 16 Small Trading Companes and a Successful Export Response: LessonsFrom Hong Kon& December 1989.

No. 17 Flowers: Global Subsector Study, December 1989.

No. 18 The Shrimp Industry: Global Subsector Study, December 1989.

No. 19 Garments: Global Subsector Study, December 1989.

No. 20 World Bank Lending for Small and Medium Enterprbes: Fifteen Yearof Experience, December 1989.

No. 21 Reputation in Manufactured Goods Trade, December 1989.

No. 22 Foreign Direct Inestment From the Newly Industrialized Economies,December 1989.

No. 23 Buyer-Seller Lmks for Export Development, March 1990.

No. 24 Technology Strategy & Policy for Industrial Competitiveness: ACae Study of Thailand, February 1990.

No. 25 wnvestment, Productivity and Comparative Advantage, April 1990.

No. 26 Cost Reduction, Product Development and the Real Exchange Rate,April 1990.

No. 27 Overcoming Policy Endogeneity: Strategic Role for DomesticCompetition in Industrial Policy Reform, April 1990.

No. 28 Conditionality in Adjustment Lending FY80.89: The ALCID Database,May 1990.

No. 29 Intenational Competitiveness: Determinants and Indicators,March 1990.

No. 30 FY89 Sector Review Industry, Trade and Finance, November 1989.

No. 31 The Design of Adjustment Lending for Industiy Review of Current Practice,June 1990.

Page 131: World Bank Document · PDF fileIndia ... GDP per Capita vs. Commercial Energy Consumption per Capita ... WDR. Population per sq hkm -These figwes are obtned by dividing the 1988 populadon


No. 32 National Systems Supporting Technical Advance in Industzy: The BrazilianExperience, June 26, 1990.

No. 33 Ghana's Small Enterprise Sector Survey of Adjustment Response andConstraints, June 1990.

No. 34 Footwear: Global Subsector Study, June 1990.

No. 35 Tightening the Soft Budget Constraint in Reforming Socialst Economies,May 1990.

No. 36 Free Trade Zones in Export Strategies, December 1990.

No. 37 Electronics Development Strategy: The Role of Govemment, June 1990

No. 38 Export Finance in the Philippines: Opportunities and Constraints forDevloping Country Suppliers, June 1990.

No. 39 The US. Automotive Aftermarket- Opportunities and Constraints forDeveloping Country Suppliers, June 1990

No. 40 Investment As A Determinant of Industrial Competitiveness and ComparativeAdvantage: Evidence from Six Countries, August 1990 (not yet publlshed)

No. 41 Adjustment and Constrained Response: Malawi at the Threshold ofSustained Growth, October 1990.

No. 42 Export Finance - Issues and Directions Case Study of the Phflippines,December 1990

No. 43 Tbe Basics of Antitrust Policy: A Review of Ten Nadons and the EEC,February 1991.

No. 44 Technology Strategy in the Economy of Taiwan: Exploiting Foregin Linkagesand Investing in Local Capability, January 1991

No. 45 The Impact of Adjustment Lending on Industry in African Countries,June 1991.

Note: For extra copies of these papers please contact Miss Wendy Young onextnsion 33618, Room S-4101
