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Word for the Dazed

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/ni’--liz’-m/ n. [< L. nihil, nothing]

1. the general rejection of customary beliefs in morality, religion, etc.

nihilismKanye West’s style of Hip

Hop avoids the nihilism of many other recording


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/sang’ gwin/ adj. [< L sanguis, blood]

1.cheerfully confident



Pedro is one of the most sanguine

characters in the movie

Napoleon Dynamite.

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Diaspora/di-as’-p-ra/ n. [<

Gr. dia, across + speirein, to sow]

1.The dispersion of the Jews after the Babylonian exile

2.Any scattering of people with a common origin, beliefs, etc.


Hurricane Katrina has created a

Diaspora of people from Louisiana and Mississippi who now seek shelter in other

states throughout the U.S.

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halcyon/hal’-se-n/ adj. [< Gr. alkyon, kingfisher]

1.tranquil, happy, idyllic, etc.

halcyon Bob Marley’s

music brings to mind a halcyon lifestyle.

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lament/l-ment’/ vi, vt. [<

L. lamentum, a wailing] feel or express deep sorrow; morn

2. an elegy, dirge, etc.; mourning some loss or death

lament Now that over 1,700 soldiers

have died in Iraq, many Americans are beginning to

lament our involvement in the war.

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/lo-kwa’-shs/ adj. [< L. loqui, speak]

1.very talkative

When Eminem

testified in court, he was anything but loquacious.


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/lim’-pid/ adj. [< L. limpidis,clear]

1.perfectly clear


limpidHarold and Kumar’s motives in life are always limpid.

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/ nak’-kr-niz’m/ n. [< Gr. ana, against + chronos, time]

1. anything out of its proper historical time


The movie Gladiator is filled with

many anachronism


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staunch/stônch/ adj. [< L. stare, to stand]

1. Steadfast; loyal 2. Strong, solid 3. seaworthy

staunchChris Rock is a staunch supporter of one’s right to masticate in public.

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prodigal/präd’-i’-gl’/ adj. [<, forth + agere, to drive]

1. exceedingly or recklessly wasteful

2. extremely abundant

prodigal Part of the problem Michael Jackson faces is his prodigal lifestyle which has left him on the verge of bankruptcy.

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implacable/im-plak’--bl/ adj. [<L. im, not + placare, appease]

1.not appease; not pacify

implacableMany other nations believe President Bush will be implacable regarding Iraq’s attempts to avoid attack by the United States.

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/kwiks-ät’-ik/ adj. [after Don Quixote]

1. Extravagantly chivalrous or foolishly idealistic.


admired or despised, Ralph Nader is considered to be one of America’s most quixotic politicians.

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/käm’--te/ n. [<L. comis, polite]

1. courtesy

If you’ve ever been to England, comity is a way of life.


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paragon/per’--gän/ n. [<L. paragone, touchstone]

1. A model of perfection or excellence

The Lakers will once again be a paragon of success.


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/dif’--dnt/ adj. [< L. dis, not + fidere, to trust]

1.lacking self confidence

diffidentThe Rock

is anything

but diffident

in the ring.

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/krän’-ik/ adj. [< Gr. chronos, time]

1.lasting a long time or recurring

2. habitual

chronicUnfortunately, some American

troops developed a

chronic habit of smoking

marijuana during the

Vietnam War.

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hubris/hyoo’-bris/ noun. [< Gr. hybris, arrogance]

1. arrogance caused by excessive pride

hubrisIn the last few

years, Britney Spears has

shown a great deal of hubris (aside from

showing other things, as well).

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/e-fem’-r-l/ adj. [< Gr. epi, upon + hemera, day]

1.short-lived; transitory

O-Town’s success was at best



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/pur’-spi-ka’-shs/ adj. [< L per, through + specere, look]

1.having keen judgement; discerning

Over the last year, Mariah Carrey has not made

perspicacious decisions about her career.


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/ha-ns / adj. [< Fr. hair, to hate]

1.outrageously evil

Without a doubt, the

vast majority of Americans

believe Osama Bin Laden to be a heinous



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harbinger/här-bin-jr / n. [< OFr.

herbergeor, one sent to arrange lodgings ]

1. One that indicates or foreshadows what is to come; forerunner

harbinger The Defense Department exploded the

MOAB (Massive Ordinance Air

Burst) bomb as a harbinger of

things to come if Iraq does not


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unctuous/ungk’-choo-s / adj. [< L.

unctum, ointment ]

1. Marked by affected, exaggerated, or insincere earnestness

2. Greasy; oily


Many Europeans consider President

Bush’s actions in Iraq to be unctuous.

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vacillate/vas’--lat/ vi [<

L.vacillare, sway]

1. To sway to and fro

2. To swing indecisively from one course of action or opinion to another; waver


Even though he’s been captured,

Saddam Hussein will never admit to

vacillating in regard to

President Bush’s demand he leave


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fulminate/ful’-m-nat/ vi, vt [<

L.fulmen, lightning]

1. to issue a severe denunciation

2. to explode

fulminateThe Dixie Chicks angered many of their fans by

fulminating against

President Bush and his desire to go to war against Iraq.

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vociferate/vo-sif’--rat’/ vi, vt

[< L.vociferart, vox, voice + ferre, carry]

1. to cry out loudly and vehemently, especially in protest


Michael Moore clearly vociferated his displeasure with the Iraq War and President Bush in his documentary Fahrenheit 9/11.

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/eks-zas’-r-bat’/ vt [< L.acerbus, harsh]

1. to increase the severity of; aggravate


A windy day only exacerbates the situation.

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/for-mi’-d-b’l’/ adj. [< L.formidare, to dread]

1. causing dread, fear, or awe

2. hard to handle

formidable With the addition of Shaq, the Heat will be one of the most formidable teams in the NBA.

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/präd’--je/ n. [< L.prodigium, omen]

1. an extraordinary person, thing, or act; specifically a child


Without a doubt, the world’s most famous prodigy was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
