Page 1: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

Woodrow WilsonDeclaration of War Message

Power point created by Robert MartinezPrimary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura A. Belmonte

Page 2: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• When war erupted in Europe during the summer of 1914, few Americans were

eager to participate.

Page 3: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• President Woodrow Wilson declared the United States neutral “in thought as well as

in action.” But maintaining neutrality proved quite difficult.

Page 4: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• Powerful cultural and family ties connected many Americans to Great Britain.

Tower Bridge in London.

Page 5: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• Economists and industrialists viewed European trade as the key to boosting a

slow economy.

Page 6: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• At the same time, millions of Americans of German or Irish descent felt no affinity

(love) for the British. German Immigrants

Page 7: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• Pacifists, Progressives, and Socialists opposed war on moral grounds and feared that U.S. entry into the conflict would end

social reforms at home.

Socialist presidential candidate - Eugene Debs

Page 8: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• Although Americans remained divided in their opinions of the war, the desire for expanded international trade and a bias

against the Central Powers soon drew the United States into the conflict.

Page 9: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• German U-boat attacks, especially the sinking of the Lusitania with many

Americans onboard, generated popular demands for vengeance.

Page 10: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• At first, the Wilson administration persuaded the Germans to suspend

unrestricted submarine warfare against ships traveling to Great Britain.

Page 11: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• In 1916, Wilson won reelection, vowing to keep America out of the war.

Page 12: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• Within months, desperation compelled the Germans to resume unrestricted submarine


Page 13: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• Convinced that U.S. involvement in the war could ensure a “peace without victory,”

Wilson asked Congress for a declaration of war on April 2, 1917.

Page 14: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• “The present German submarine warfare against commerce is a warfare against

mankind. It is a war of all nations. American ships have been sunk.”

Page 15: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• “Our motive will not be revenge or the victorious assertion…but only the

vindication of right…”

Page 16: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• “I advise that the Congress… exert all its power and employ all its resources to bring the Government of the German Empire to terms and end the war…”

Page 17: Woodrow Wilson Declaration of War Message Power point created by Robert Martinez Primary Content Source: Speaking of America: Vol. II: Since 1865, Laura

• “Neutrality is no longer feasible… The world must be made safe for democracy.”