  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012


    ]jjh ]ipeP~rifm 2>32

    ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}pJ~ef p~c`e kcbixcxp if }jjhocfh

    ]jjhocfh ~cxk }ixk bouebeoop ]X^O,Pxewef Aifh

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012



    J~ef p~c`ep

    Fcxurco }jjhp cfh gjrepxp `cf be peef fjx dupx cp

    cf e{~cfpe jg hefpeoy ~c`aeh xreep/ bux c ljpci` jg

    crecp }ixk wcryifm `cfj~y `jwer/ pxru`xure cfh xree

    p~e`iep/ ifxerp~erpeh }ixk }cxer`jurpep/ pxcfhifm

    }cxer/ mochep cfh xel~jrcry `oecrifmp& J~ef p~c`ep

    cre xkeregjre ifxemrco xj fcxurcooy,guf`xijfifm

    }jjhocfh& If ~rilewco gjrepxp xkey }juoh kcwej``urreh cp c repuox jg ufheroyifm hipxurbcf`e cfh

    fcxurco ~rj`eppep pu`k cp xke hecxk jg lcxure xreep/

    pxjrl hclcme/ cfh xke egge`xp jg ocrme kerbiwjrep/ cp

    }eoo cp ufheroyifm mejojmy cfh ocfhgjrlp&

    Xkere ip lu`k hebcxe cp xj xke e{xefx cfh gjrl

    jg j~ef p~c`e if xke jrimifco ~jpx,moc`ico }jjhocfh&

    Grcfp Werc +2>>>) crmuep xkcx ~j~uocxijfp jg ocrme

    kerbiwjrep }juoh kcwe c~~oieh efjumk mrctifm~reppure xj lcifxcif c u`xucxifm ljpci` jg

    mrcppocfh kcbixcx1 }kerecp Mejrme ^exeraef +2>>9)

    kimkoimkxp xke il~c`x pjio cfh pixe xy~ep `cf kcwe

    jf wemexcxijf pxru`xure/ cfh beoiewep lechj},oiae

    mrcppocfh }juoh kcwe beef c lifjrixy eoelefx jg

    fcxurco gjrepxp&

    If ljherf UA }jjhp/ j~ef p~c`e mefercooy xcaep

    xke gjrl jg ~erlcfefx rihep cfh mochep/ ljre

    xel~jrcry crecp jg `j~~i`e/ jr `oecr,geoo& J~ef crecp

    copj j``ur crjufh ~jfhp cfh cojfm pxreclp cfh

    riwerp/ cfh }kere xkere cre rj`ay jux`rj~p jr `oiggp

    xkcx jfoy xke ljpx xefc`ijup xreep cfh pkrubp `cf


    Xkepe p`cxxerifmp jg oimkx cljfm xke `cfj~y pkche

    hiwerpigy xke }jjhocfh efwirjflefx/ jggerifm c

    }ecoxk jg kcbixcx fi`kep gjr p~e`iep xj ifkcbix&

    Crjufh 5> ~er `efx jg jrc if c ocrme }jjh `cf be

    gjufh if xke j~ef,p~c`e kcbixcxp +^exeraef/ 2>3>)&

    If gc`x/ ^exeraef copj crmuep xkcx }ixk pj lcfy

    xrchixijfco j~ef mrjufh kcbixcxp ojpx grjl xke }iher

    ocfhp`c~e xkrjumk ifxefpieh ocfh,upe/ j~ef crecp

    }ixkif }jjhp `cf be il~jrxcfx regumic gjr p~e`iep

    xkcx }juoh jf`e kcwe xkriweh if fjf,}jjhocfh

    kcbixcxp& Gjr xkip recpjf/ c~~rj~ricxe lcfcmelefx

    jg j~ef p~c`ep }ixkif }jjhp `cf lcae c wixco

    `jfxribuxijf xj }iher `jfperwcxijf jbde`xiwep&

    ]kere }jjhp kcwe heweoj~eh `jllufixiep jg

    p~e`iep reoicfx jf eixker xel~jrcry jr ~erlcfefx

    j~ef p~c`e/ `kcfmep if lcfcmelefx ~rc`xi`e `cf be

    c xkrecx& Gjr e{cl~oe/ lcfy }jjhocfh buxxeriep

    cre fj} jg `jfperwcxijf `jf`erf/ cfh xkeir he`oife

    ip cxxribuxeh if ~crx xj c rehu`xijf if xrchixijfco

    }jjhocfh lcfcmelefx cgxer lcraexp he`oifeh ecroy

    ocpx `efxury&

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

    @jlljf Oitcrh ]X^O/ cxri`a Rj~er

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012



    Cp rihep cfh mochep `ojpeh jwer cfh `j~~i`ifm

    `ecpeh/ xke gjjh ~ocfxp jg pjle p~e`iep kcwemrchucooy beef pkcheh jux/ }ixk c femcxiwe egge`x jf

    xke ifpe`xp xkcx geeh jf xkel +P~crap ex co&/ 3995)&

    ]jjhocfh/ cfh mreef p~c`e mefercooy/ kcp ~rjwef

    kecoxk befexp& Xreep cfh }jjhp `cf kcwe c

    repxjrcxiwe cfh xkerc~euxi` egge`x jf xke lifh

    +Kcrxim ex co&/ 2>>0)& Xkey `cf copj efkcf`e ljjh/

    oj}er bojjh ~reppure/ cfh rehu`e lefxco gcximue cfh

    pxrepp +Uori`k ex co&/ 3993)& Mochep cfh oimkxer j~ef

    crecp `cf be ljre }eo`jlifm/ ep~e`icooy xj xkjpe

    ~ej~oe }kj fh hefpe wemexcxijf ifxilihcxifm& Xkey

    copj ~rjwihe ~oc`ep gjr ~ej~oe xj ~i`fi` jr pix cfh

    rec~ xke befexp }jjhocfh `cf jgger&

    Fe} }jjhocfh ~ocfxifm jggerp xke j~~jrxufixy xj

    gc`xjr if j~ef p~c`ep grjl xke bemiffifm& Pj}f }ixk

    mrcpp cfh }iohj}er li{ep/ xkepe crecp `cf `recxe c

    p~ocpk jg `jojur if xke ecroy yecrp jg xke heweoj~ifm

    }jjh/ cfh befex c rcfme jg p~e`iep xjj&

    J~ef,p~c`e kcbixcxp cre re`jmfipeh by gjrepxry

    cfh gufhifm bjhiep& Gjr gufhifm xkrjumk xke Efmoipk

    ]jjhocfh Mrcfx P`kele/ cf c~~oi`cxijf crec `cf

    if`ouhe ifxemrco }jjhocfh j~ef p~c`e u~ xj c oilix

    jg 2> ~er `efx jg xke xjxco crec& Xke ]eopk Mocpxir

    ]jjhocfh @recxijf P`kele ruoep pcy j~ef mrjufh

    crecp jwer >&3 kc lupx be e{`ouheh grjl mrcfx

    cih& Bux p`cxxereh j~ef mrjufh/ ufher >&3 kc/ `cf

    be if`ouheh u~ xj c xjxco jg 35 ~er `efx jg xke mrjpp

    crec& Xj be eoimiboe gjr c P`jxxipk fcxiwe }jjhocfh

    `recxijf mrcfx c lifilul 3> ~er `efx xj lc{ilul 25

    ~er `efx j~ef mrjufh ip cooj}eh&

    Gjrepxry @jllippijf +2>>9) ]jjhocfh Lcfcmelefx

    Mrcfx Muihe& Cwciocboe jfoife kxx~4**}}}&gjrepxry&mjw&


    Kcrxim/ X&/ Ewcfp M&]&/ Dclfer O&H&/ Hcwip H&P&/ cfh

    Mroifm X& +2>>0) Xrc`aifm repxjrcxijf if fcxurco

    cfh urbcf eoh pexxifmp&Djurfco jg Efwirjflefxco

    ^py`kjojmy204 3>9,320&

    ^exeraef +2>>9) ]jjhocfh jrimifp jg lechj}p&

    Brixipk ]iohoige 2>4 373,3=>&

    Rc`akcl/ J& +2>>0)Cf`iefx ]jjhocfh4 ixp kipxjry/

    wemexcxijf cfh upep if Efmocfh& @cpxoe~jifx ^repp/


    Uori`k/ R&P&/ Piljfp/ R&G&/ Ojpixj/ B&H&/ Gijrixj/ E&/ Lioep/

    L&C& cfh Teopjf/ L& +3993) Pxrepp re`jwery hurifm

    e{~jpure xj fcxurco cfh urbcf efwirjflefxp&Djurfco

    jg Efwirjflefxco py`kjojmy334 2>3,20>&

    Werc/ G&]&L& +2>>>) Mrctifm e`jojmy cfh gjrepx kipxjry&

    @CBI ~uboipkifm/ ]cooifmgjrh&

    ]eopk Mjwerflefx +2>33) Mocpxir ]jjhocfh @recxijf

    P`kele Ruoep& Cwciocboe jfoife kxx~4**}}}&gjrepxry&



    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

    Plcoo ecro,Bjrhereh Grixioocry

    Piower,}cpkeh Grixioocry

    ]X^O/ Ri`kcrh Be`aer

    ]X^O/ cxri`a Rj~er$FILE/ewgs6-guide.pdf.$FILE/ewgs6-guide.pdf.$FILE/Glastir_Scheme_Rules_English.pdf.$FILE/Glastir_Scheme_Rules_English.pdf.$FILE/Glastir_Scheme_Rules_English.pdf.$FILE/Glastir_Scheme_Rules_English.pdf.$FILE/Glastir_Scheme_Rules_English.pdf.$FILE/Glastir_Scheme_Rules_English.pdf.$FILE/ewgs6-guide.pdf.$FILE/ewgs6-guide.pdf.
  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012



    Brehe Kimk ]jjhp

    Brehe Kimk ]jjhp jwerp c xjxco jg 272 ke`xcrep

    +kc) c`rjpp xke Ecpx Puppe{ ~cripkep jg Brehe/

    E}kurpx cfh Pehoep`jlbe& Ix oiep }ixkif xke Kimk

    ]ecoh Crec jg Juxpxcfhifm Fcxurco Becuxy cfh xke

    Kimk ]ecoh Fcxurco @kcrc`xer Crec& Xke crec ip

    hjlifcxeh by fuxriefx,~jjr c`ih pcfhpxjfe }ki`k

    `recxep c rcfme jg pjiop/ grjl gree,hrcififm xkrjumk

    xj }exxer crecp jg lcrpk cfh lire&

    Kipxjri`cooy/ xke pixe }cp c li{xure jg cf`iefx peli,

    fcxurco }jjhocfh/ plcoo gcrleh eohp +bjxk crcboe

    cfh rjumk ~cpxure)/ jr`kcrhp cfh crecp jg kecxk& Xkekecxkocfh heweoj~eh if pjuxkerf Efmocfh xkrjumk

    xrchixijfco mrctifm c`xiwixiep/ bux lu`k kcp beef ojpx&

    Xke }jjhp }ere jf`e ifuef`eh by xrchixijfco

    ]ecohef j~~i`e ifhupxriep pu`k cp `kcr`jco burfifm

    gjr xke kipxjri` irjf ifhupxry cfh p}eex `kepxfux

    gjr kj~ ~joep cfh gef`ifm& Xke gcrleh eoelefxp

    }ere ~re,Pe`jfh ]jroh ]cr/ pj kcwe fj kipxjry jg

    ifxefpiwe `keli`co jr gerxioiper upe&

    If xke 390>p gcrlifm }cp cbcfhjfeh cp c xribuxcry

    jg xke Brehe Wcooey }cp hclleh xj `recxe xke

    ^j}herlioo Reperwjir& Gjooj}ifm xkip/ lu`k jg xke

    `cx`klefx crec crjufh xke reperwjir }cp miwef jwer

    xj `jller`ico gjrepxry grjl xke 398>p xj 397>p&

    Xjhcy Brehe Kimk ]jjhp ip c `jl~oe{ ljpci` jg

    kcbixcxp1 cf`iefx peli,fcxurco }jjhocfh +ljpxoy

    `j~~i`e)/ jfiger ~ocfxcxijfp +bjxk pe`jfhcry

    }jjhocfh cfh ~ocfxcxijfp jf cf`iefx }jjhocfh

    pixep)/ brjchoecg ~ocfxcxijfp/ cfh ljre j~ef crecp jg

    kecxk/ mrcpp/ lire/ P~kcmful ljpp behp cfh p`rub&

    Xke ]jjhocfh Xrupx c`suireh xke }jjhp if

    He`elber 2>>=& Purweyp cfh cppepplefxp by

    Hr ^cxri`a Rj~er cfh jxkerp ihefxieh c ri`k

    bijhiwerpixy if xke j~ef p~c`ep cfh c feeh xj

    lcfcme xkepe crecp xj rexcif il~jrxcfx p~e`iep&

    X}j jg xke UAp kecxker p~e`iep/ `jlljf kecxker/

    @cooufc wuomcrip/ cfh beoo kecxker/ Eri`c `iferec/ }erere`jrheh jf pixe& Cojfm }ixk xke p`cr`e kecxk hjm,

    wijoex/ Wijoc `cfifc/ cfh buxxeriep jg `jfperwcxijf

    `jf`erf if`ouhifm hifmy pai~~er/ ^yrmup lcowce/ cfh

    ~ecro,bjrhereh grixioocry/ Bjojric eu~krjpyfe +c UA

    BC^ p~e`iep)&

    Xke Xrupx kcp ufherxcaef pimfi`cfx }jra xj

    e{~cfh cfh il~rjwe j~ef kcbixcxp& Xreep kcwe beef

    reljweh grjl rihe ehmep xj }ihef xkel& Bux ljpxil~jrxcfxoy/ x}j ocrme j~ef crecp kcwe beef `recxeh/

    fcleoy Pehoep`jlbe Kecxk cfh Brehe Kimk Kecxk&

    J~ef p~c`e `jl~ripep u~ xj 35 ~er `efx jg xke

    }jjhp crec/ ihecooy xke Xrupx }juoh oiae xj if`recpe

    xkip xj 2> ~er `efx&

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

    Brehe ]jjhp , 2>>9 Brehe ]jjhp , 2>3>^cxri`a Rj~er ^cxri`a Rj~er

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012



    Pehoep`jlbe Kecxk ip c gef`eh 2> kc crec/ jg

    }ki`k =5 ~er `efx ip j~ef mrjufh }ixk 25 ~er `efx

    xree `jwer& Ix }cp `recxeh by `oecrifm c fulber jg

    pub`jl~crxlefxp +pub`~xp)/ }ki`k ree`x kipxjri`co

    bjufhcriep pu`k cp joh bcfap cfh kehmerj}p/

    cfh xke ~cpx lcfcmelefx jg xkepe hipxif`x crecp

    fj} c~~ecrp xj ifuef`e xkeir ifhiwihuco jripxi`


    Cp xke crec xj be `oecreh }cp jwer kcog c ke`xcreix }cp fe`eppcry xj `jl~oexe cf Efwirjflefxco

    Il~c`x Cppepplefx& Xkip cfh xke `crxjmrc~ki`

    ewihef`e pkj}eh xke ~rj~jpeh pe`xijf }cp fjx

    cf`iefx }jjhocfh1 ix }cp pe`jfhcry }jjhocfh xkcx

    kch beef c`xiweoy ~ocfxeh jr fcxurcooy remefercxeh&

    Xke `oecreh pub`~xp `jfxcifeh ufxkiffeh kybrih

    ocr`k/ Ocri{ { eurjoe~ip/ P`jxp ~ife/ ^ifup pyowepxrip/

    cfh Fjr}cy p~ru`e/ ^i`ec cbiep/ ~ocfxcxijfp +`ojpeoy

    ~ocfxeh/ hefpe cfh wery hcra) cfh c yjufm `ojpeh`cfj~y jca/ Suer`up rjbur/ ~ocfxcxijf& Xkere ip

    copj cf crec jg j~ef,`cfj~ieh/ lcxure P`jxp ~ife

    ~ocfxcxijf }ixkif xke gef`eh crec jg Pehoep`jlbe


    ]kjoe xree kcrwepxifm }cp xke `kjpef `oecrcf`e

    lexkjh cp ix ip sui`a cfh `oecf& Xreep cre geooeh cfh

    `ki~~eh1 xke repuoxifm }jjh `ki~ ip xkef reljweh

    grjl xke pixe& Hue xj xkip xke peeh bcfa }cp cboe xj

    juripk illehicxeoy/ cp xke pjio }cp fjx p}cl~eh

    by e{`epp }jjhy hebrip& Xke oegxjwer pxul~p }ere

    luo`keh1 xkip `recxeh plcoo ~ioep jg }jjh`ki~ }ki`k

    }ioh bjcr/ Pup p`rjgc/ `jfpxcfxoy rjjx xkrjumk/ xurfifm

    ix jwer cfh if`recpifm xke rcxe jg he`jl~jpixijf&

    Pjle mrjwep jg bir`k/ Bexuoc p~&/ pcooj}/ Pcoi{

    `c~rec/ cfh jxker p~e`iep }ere rexcifeh/ cojfm }ixk

    ifhiwihuco P`jxp ~ife cfh jca xreep xj be`jle

    wexercf cfh cf`iefx xreep jg xke guxure& Pehoep`jlbe

    Kecxk ip fj} cf ifxilcxe ljpci` jg j~ef mrjufhremefercxifm }ixk kecxker cfh pjle pxcfhcrhp/

    }ex bir`k*~ur~oe ljjr mrcpp }jjhocfh/ cfh j~ef,

    `cfj~ieh lcxure P`jxp ~ife }ixk c kcteo/ @jryoup

    cweoocfc/ jca cfh brclboe/ Rubup p~&/ ufherpxjrey&

    Pif`e oecrcf`e rjpp,oecweh kecxk/ Eri`c xexrcoi{/

    ~rewijupoy ufre`jrheh jf xke pixe/ kcp c~~ecreh

    cojfm }ixk lcfy jxker kecxkocfh ~ocfxp& Kj}ewer

    mrecxer brjjlrc~e/ Jrjbcf`ke rc~ul,mefipxce/ ocpx

    re`jrheh if xke ecroy 2>>>p/ kcp fjx rec~~ecreh&

    Hjhher/ @up`uxc e~ixkylul/ ~crcpixi` jf @cooufc

    wuomcrip kecxker cfh jxker ~ocfxp kcwe ~rjoigercxeh

    c`rjpp xke `oecreh crecp jg Pehoep`jlbe Kecxk&

    Payocrap/Cocuhc crwefpip +c UA BC^ p~e`iep)/

    ~rewijupoy fepxifm if eohp xj xke }epx jg xke pixe/

    }ere re`jrheh if 2>33 if xke fe}oy j~ef crecp& Xke

    crec ip c kjxp~jx gjr chherp/ Wi~erc berup/ c fcxijfcooy

    he`oififm re~xioe/ cfh xkepe xjj }ioo befex grjl xke

    if`recpeh j~ef p~c`e&

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

    Brehe ]jjhp , 2>>9 Brehe ]jjhp , 2>3>^cxri`a Rj~er ^cxri`a Rj~er

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012



    Guxure lcfcmelefx jbde`xiwep gjr Pehoep`jlbe

    Kecxk cre xj lcifxcif xke `urrefx li{ jg kcbixcxp&

    Xj c`kiewe xkip/ oimkx `jfperwcxijf mrctifm kcp

    beef ifxrjhu`eh upifm `cxxoe cx oj} pxj`aifm oeweop&

    Fcxurco mrctifm cfh brj}pifm by rcbbixp/ Jry`xjocmup

    `ufi`uoup/ cfh xrcfpiefx/ `jfxrjooeh gcooj} heer/ Hclc

    hclc/ kerhp chh xj xke heweoj~lefx jg xke kcbixcx&

    If 2>33/ cgxer jfpuoxcxijf }ixk Puppe{ ]iohoige

    Xrupx/ }kj kcwe c fulber jg }jjhocfh mrctifm

    ~rjde`xp/ c oj`co mrctier }cp ihefxieh& C plcoo kerh

    jg we Puppe{ `j}p/ c ]ecohef breeh hep`efheh

    grjl hrcumkx j{ef/ }ere ae~x jf xke kecxk jwer

    xke puller cfh lioh }ifxer/ ufxio xkey bemcf xj

    ojpe `jfhixijf hurifm c ~erijh jg `joh }ecxker& Xke

    `cxxoe repuleh mrctifm if xke p~rifm/ cp xke }ecxker

    }crleh pug`iefxoy cfh xke fe} mrcpp pxcrxeh xj

    mrj}& Xke fulber jg `cxxoe ip oiaeoy xj if`recpe xjxef gjr xke puller ~erijh&

    Xke `cxxoe upe coo crecp jg Pehoep`jlbe Kecxk/

    mrctifm xke j~ef mrcppy crecp cfh xcaifm pkeoxer

    if xke j~ef ~ife ~ocfxcxijf& @cxxoe ljwelefxp

    ~jc`k xke mrjufh if }exxer crecp/ if`recpifm kcbixcx

    hiwerpixy cfh ~ocfx p~e`iep ri`kfepp& Xkeir xrcl~oifm

    pkjuoh copj `jfxrjo brc`aef/^xerihiul csuioiful/

    mrj}xk/ }ki`k `cf jwerxcae cfh pkche jux kecxker

    p~e`iep& Xke heweoj~lefx jg xke crec ip beifm

    ljfixjreh cffucooy by cf e{xerfco `jfpuoxcfx cfh

    xke pixe lcfcmer cfh }ioo be chdupxeh c``jrhifm xj

    xke rep~jfpe jg mrjufh jrc cfh p`rub&

    Chhixijfco le`kcfi`co lcfcmelefx jg brc`aef cfh

    p`rub lcy be resuireh ~erijhi`cooy xj ~rewefx xkel

    be`jlifm hjlifcfx& If 2>32 bjxk crecp jg kecxk

    }ere efxereh ifxj cf KOP cmreelefx }ixk Fcxurco

    Efmocfh& Xkip 3>,yecr mrcfx }ioo ~cy cf cffuco crec

    pul ~oup pjle chhixijfco `c~ixco ~cylefxp gjr

    brc`aef cfh p`rub `jfxrjo&

    @rehefkioo ^cra ]jjh

    J~ef p~c`ep cre wixco4 xkey cre il~jrxcfx xj

    bijhiwerpixy cfh `cf befex cr`kcejojmy& Bcocf`ifm

    xke ~rjxe`xijf jg cr`kcejojmi`co relcifp }ixk

    lcifxcififm jr il~rjwifm bijhiwerpixy `cf be c

    `kcooefme if }jjhocfh&

    @rehefkioo cra ]jjh ip c 93&0 ke`xcre +kc) cf`iefx

    }jjhocfh oj`cxeh if c lcdjr `jf`efxrcxijf jg

    cf`iefx }jjhp if xke Keregjrh Kioop& C p`kehuoeh

    cf`iefx ljfulefx `rj}fp xke xj~ jg xke pixe/ }ixk

    jwco pkc~eh rcl~crxp gjrlifm cf Irjf Cme Kioo Gjrx

    ef`ojpure jg crjufh 2> kc if pite&

    Xke ]jjhocfh Xrupx c`suireh xke pixe if

    2>>5& Repecr`k/ purweyp cfh e{`cwcxijfp jg ixp

    cr`kcejojmy cfh e`jojmy +if`ouhifm gufmi/ buxxeriep

    cfh }ex }jjhocfh p~e`iep) }ere `crrieh jux& Xke

    Xrupx upeh xkip ifgjrlcxijf cfh }jraeh cojfmpihe

    Keregjrhpkire Cr kcejojmy xj hewipe cf c~~rj~ricxe

    lcfcmelefx ~ocf&

    Xke Xrupx ifkerixeh x}j ~ocfxcxijfp }ixkif xke

    kioo gjrx& Xke fjrxkerf kcog kch beef ~ocfxeh }ixk

    ocr`k/ Ocri{ he`ihuc/ }ki`k kch bemuf xj boj} jwer&

    Xreep u~rjjxifm `cf `cupe perijup hclcme xj

    cr`kcejojmi`co pixep& Ix }cp beoieweh xkiffifm }juoh

    e{c`erbcxe xke ~rjboel cfh `cupe ljre xreep xj

    boj} jwer& Xkeregjre/ xke ~ocfxcxijf }cp `oecr geooeh&

    Xke pjuxkerf kcog `jfpipxp jg bee`k/ Gcmup pyowcxi`c/

    cfh Fjr}cy p~ru`e/ ^i`ec cbiep& Cp xkip }cp pxcboe

    cfh fjx `cupifm illehicxe hclcme xj xke gjrx/ c

    mrchuco xkiffifm c~~rjc`k kcp beef chj~xeh&

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

    ^joocrhifm }ixk kimk oigx

    fjrxkecpx}iohoige&`j&ua@rjpp,oecweh Kecxk

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012


    Xkip pkjuoh keo~ xj ~rjxe`x p~e`iep grjl xke

    lcppiwe hipxurbcf`e xkcx `oecr geooifm `cf `cupe&

    Xke jwercoo wipijf gjr xke gjrx ip jg cf j~ef }jjh~cpxure pypxel& Pxrjfm ifhiwihuco xreep }ioo be

    ljre pxcboe cfh }ioo ~rewefx gurxker hclcme xj xke

    il~jrxcfx cr`kcejojmy& joocrhifm }ioo copj be `crrieh

    jux& Xkip xrchixijfco xe`kfisue if`recpep xree pxcbioixy

    cfh ojfmewixy& Xke ifhiwihuco xreep }ioo kj~eguooy

    lcxure ifxj wexercf cfh cf`iefx xreep jg xke guxure/

    pu~~jrxifm c kume rcfme jg p~e`icoipx p~e`iep&

    Ifixico lj}ifm jg rihep }ihefeh xkel cfh if`recpehxke wjoule jg mrcppep ~repefx& Cgxer xkiffifm*

    `oecrifm j~ercxijfp xkepe p~e`iep `juoh xkef bexxer

    e{~cfh ifxj xke repuoxifm j~ef p~c`ep&

    Fcxiwe cpk/ Grc{ifup e{`eopijr/ jca/ Suer`up p~&/ }y`k

    eol/ Uolup mocbrc/ cfh bir`k/ Bexuoc p~&/ }ioo be

    ef`jurcmeh xkrjumk fcxurco remefercxijf if xke

    fjrxkerf kcog& Mrchuco xkiffifm if xke pjuxkerf kcog

    }ioo poj}oy j~ef u~ xke mrjufh cfh gurxker cooj}

    mrcppep xj p~rech if& If xile xkepe lexkjhp }ioo

    ~rjhu`e c kecoxky }jjh ~cpxure kcbixcx&

    Xke pixe fj} pu~~jrxp if`recpifm ~j~uocxijfpjg p~e`iep pu`k cp `jlljf m}jrx/ P`rj~kuocric

    fjhjpc/ bumoe/Cdumc re~xcfp/ bouebeoo/ Kyc`ifxkjihep

    fjf,p`ri~xc/ cfh pkee~p gep`ue/ Gepxu`c jwifc& Xj~~ifm

    ip `crrieh jux if cuxulf xj rehu`e xke mrcpp p}crh

    cfh efcboe jxker p~e`iep xj `jle xkrjumk if p~rifm

    }kef xke mrj}ifm pecpjf pxcrxp cfe}&

    Xke pixe ip `urrefxoy mrcteh by Kimkocfh `cxxoe

    cfh ]eopk ljufxcif pkee~ grjl C~rio xkrjumkxke relcifher jg xke yecr& Xkeir c`xiwixiep aee~

    xke mrjufh wemexcxijf oj} cfh if`recpe ixp

    hiwerpixy& Pkjrx wemexcxijf cooj}p xke gjrlp jg xke

    ufhermrjufh cr`kcejojmy xj pkj} xkrjumk&

    ]jjh ~cpxure cfh mrcppocfh cre j~ef kcbixcxp xkcx

    }ioo lcifxcif wipibioixy jg xke cr`kcejojmy/ efcboifm

    wipixjrp xj efdjy ix gjr lcfy yecrp&


    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

    Cocf Djkfpjf

    Cocf Djkfpjf

    @rehefkioo cra ]jjh Kioo Gjrx

    @rehefkioo cra ]jjh Kioo Gjrx

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012


    Rcwefifmkcl Epxcxe

    Xke Rcwefifmkcl Epxcxe `jwerp 9>> ke`xcrep +kc) jg

    crcboe/ ~cpxure cfh }jjhocfh fecr Ojhhjf/ Fjrgjoa&

    Ix ip j}feh by Pir Fi`kjocp Bc`jf Bx cfh ip `urrefxoyif c Kimker Oeweo P`kele& Pupxcifcbioixy ip c ~rile

    hriwer gjr lcfcmelefx/ cfh xke epxcxe ip aeef xj

    `jfperwe ixp ocfhp`c~e/ bijojmi`co/ kipxjri`co cfh

    cepxkexi` cp~e`xp&

    Rcwefifmkclp }jjhocfh `jwerp jwer 38> kc/ 35 ~er

    `efx jg }ki`k ip ~erlcfefx j~ef p~c`e& Ix ip p~oix

    ifxj pe~crcxe boj`ap xke ocrmepx ifhiwihuco }jjh ip

    8> kc& Xkere cre c wcriexy jg }jjhocfh xy~ep jf xke

    epxcxe4 cf`iefx peli,fcxurco }jjhocfh/ `jfxcififm

    cpk/ Grc{ifup e{`eopijr/ kcteo/ @jryoup cweoocfc/

    kjrfbecl/ @cr~ifup bexuoup/ cfh Efmoipk jca/ Suer`up

    rjbur1 pjgx}jjh ^C]P +~ocfxcxijfp jf cf`iefx

    }jjhocfh pixep)1 }jjh ~cpxure1 cfh }ex }jjhocfh&

    ]jjhocfh lcfcmelefx `cf be pe~crcxeh ifxj gjur


    Fjf,ifxerwefxijf/ if`ouhifm cf`iefx cfh }ex


    @j~~i`e cfh pxcfhcrhp1

    Kimk gjrepx/ }ixk rjxcxijfco xkiffifm1

    ]jjh ~cpxure/ }ixk pjle ~craocfh&

    Xke lcdjrixy jg }jjhocfh jf xke epxcxe ip c`xiweoy

    lcfcmeh }ixk xke ~jxefxico xj jgger c rcfme jg

    bijhiwerpixy befexp& Rcwefifmkcl kjohp }ioh

    ~kecpcfx/ ^kcpicfup `jo`ki`up/ cfh mrey ~crxrihme/^erhi{ ~erhi{/ pkjjxp& Lcfcmelefx ip xcrmexeh

    xj}crhp xkepe mcle p~e`iep cfh xkeir gjjh pjur`ep

    +pu`k cp peehp cfh ifwerxebrcxep)& If Fjrgjoa/ mcle

    pkjjxifm ip c ~rilcry hriwer gjr lcfcmelefx&

    Kcrh}jjh e{xrc`xeh grjl xke epxcxe ip pjoh gjr

    xilber/ }kioe pjgx}jjh ip ~rj`eppeh jf pixe cfh xke

    repuoxifm }jjh`ki~ gueop xke epxcxep xkree bjioerp

    +0>>a}/ 7>a} cfh 0>a})&

    Xke }jjhp bjcpx ocrme rihep p~cffifm 25 lexrep +l)cfh plcooer jfep jg dupx 3&2l c`rjpp& Xke plcooer cre

    p}i~eh xkrjumk jf`e c yecr xj `recxe p~c`e }ixkif

    xke ufherpxjrey& Xke lcfcmelefx jg brclboe/ Rubup

    p~&/ cfh jxker ufherpxjrey ~ocfxp ip il~jrxcfx gjr

    mcle `jwer/ bux ix copj befexp c wcriexy jg jxker

    p~e`iep pu`k cp xke buoof`k/ ^yrrkuoc ~yrrkuoc/ c

    UA BC^ p~e`iep& Coxkjumk brclboe ip hipoiaeh by

    pjle/ ix befexp c rcfme jg }iohoige if`ouhifm ~ur~oe

    kcirpxreca buxxeriep/ Gcwjfiup suer`up&

    Xke ocrmer rihep c`x cp c fex}jra xj cooj} c`xiwe

    lcfcmelefx jg xke }jjhp/ pu`k cp xilber

    e{xrc`xijf cfh heer `jfxrjo @kifepe }cxer

    heer/ Kyhrj~jxep iferlip/ cre xke bimmepx ~rjboel

    if xkip crec& Xke rihep cre copj il~jrxcfx crecp gjr

    buxxeriep/ birhp cfh }jjhocfh ~ocfxp& Mcle birhp

    gcwjur xke }jjhocfh ehme cfh if`recpep if j~ef

    p~c`e if`recpe ehme kcbixcx&


    @jlljf X}cyboche fjrxkecpx}iohoige&`j&ua

    Fimkxifmcoe fjrxkecpx}iohoige&`j&ua

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012


    ]jjh`j`a/ `urrefxoy clber oipxeh cp c birh jg

    `jfperwcxijf `jf`erf if xke UA/ cf copj be

    gjufh breehifm jf xke epxcxe& Xke Mcle ' ]iohoige

    @jfperwcxijf Xrupx kcp pkj}f xkcx xke kcf`e

    jg breehifm }jjh`j`a if`recpeh cp xke fulber

    jg mcleaee~erp }ixkif we aiojlexrep if`recpeh&

    Rcwefifmkcl lcfcmep kcbixcxp cfh `jfxrjop

    ~rehcxjrp gjr mcle birhp1 xkip ip befe`ico gjr

    mrjufh,fepxifm }jjh`j`a&

    C fe}oy `recxeh rihe }ioo kcwe ixp kcteo cfh jxker

    fcxurco xree remefercxijf `ux ewery xkree yecrp/ bux

    cp xke mrcpp if`recpep xke feeh gjr xkip lcfcmelefx

    }ioo hilifipk& Jf`e epxcboipkeh xke rihe ehmep }ioo

    be p`cooj~eh1 xkip if`recpep xke oefmxk jg xke riheehme cfh xke jrc cwciocboe xj ifwerxebrcxep/ }ki`k

    if xurf geeh mrecxer fulberp jg birhp cfh bcxp&

    P`cooj~ifm copj efkcf`ep kcbixcx hiwerpixy/ hipru~xp

    }ifh j} cfh ~rjwihep pkeoxer&

    Xke epxcxe lcfcmep crecp jg coher/Cofup mouxifjpc/

    `j~~i`e cfh cpk*jca pxcfhcrhp jf c 25 yecr

    rjxcxijf& Xkepe ufixp/ }ki`k `cf be kcog c ke`xcre

    if pite/ `recxe xel~jrcry j~ef p~c`ep cfh c rcfme

    jg pxru`xurco hiwerpixy cfh fi`kep cp xkey fcxurcooyremefercxe& Xke fe} pxjjop cfh remefercxijf cre

    ~rjxe`xeh grjl mrctifm ~reppure upifm hech kehmep&

    Xkip xrchixijfco kehmifm xe`kfisue upep uf}cfxeh

    plcoo `j~~i`e xj `recxe c bcrrier purrjufhifm xke

    ufix& Ix ip xcoo xj pxj~ heer/ hefpe cx xke bjxxjl xj

    e{`ouhe rcbbixp/ Jry`xjocmup `ufi`uoup/ cfh kcrep/

    Oe~up eurj~ceup/ cfh lcaep mrecx }iohoige kcbixcx&

    ]ixkif xke `j~~i`eh crecp xke fulberp jg

    x}cyboche/ Oipxerc jwcxe/ cfh ecroy ~ur~oe jr`kih/

    Jr`kip lcp`uoc/ xreboe if xke j}erifm ~erijh

    hire`xoy cgxer `j~~i`ifm& Fimkxifmcoep/ Oup`ific

    lemcrkyf`kjp/ cfh mrey ~crxrihmep copj gcwjur fe}

    `j~~i`e/ cfh upe xke hech kehmifm xj fepx if& C

    rcfme jg ifwerxebrcxep copj uxioipe xke wcrijup pxcmep

    jg `j~~i`e&

    Xke epxcxe kcp peef pimfi`cfx if`recpep if ixp

    buxxery ~j~uocxijfp& Ljpx fjxcboy/ }kixe chlirco/Oilefixip `cliooc/ cfh piower }cpkeh grixioocry/Crmyffip

    ~c~kic bjxk jg jfperwcxijf jf`erf& Xke }kixe

    chlirco buxxery kcp befexxeh grjl xke rcfme

    jg rihep cfh `j~~i`ifm/ bux copj grjl xcrmexeh

    `jfperwcxijf jg ixp ~rilcry ocrwco gjjh~ocfx

    kjfeypu`aoe/ Ojfi`erc ~eri`oyleful& Piower,

    }cpkeh grixioocry buxxeriep copj befex grjl rihe

    lcfcmelefx cfh `j~~i`ifm&

    Jg `jurpe/ jfe ~erpjfp j~ef p~c`e `cf be

    cfjxkerp grcmlefxcxijf& Bux jf c djifeh,u~ epxcxe

    oiae Rcwefifmkcl/ xkip wcriexy jg kcbixcx cfh

    }jjhocfh pxru`xure keo~p bjjpx bijhiwerpixy }kioe

    piluoxcfejupoy pu~~jrxifm xke epxcxep c`xiwixiep&


    Rcwefifmkcl Epxcxe/ re`efxoy recxeh rihe Djkf Ebbcme

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012


    ]crekcl Gjrepx

    ]crekcl Gjrepx ip c 3/5>> ke`xcre }jjhocfh

    cfh kecxkocfh ljpci`& Pixucxeh lih}cy bex}eef

    ]crekcl cfh Bere Remip/ ix ip ~crx jg xke Hjrpex]jjhocfhp& Xke Gjrepxry @jllippijf +G@) oecpep

    xke lcdjrixy jg ix grjl xkree higgerefx epxcxep/ }ixk

    pjle greekjoh& G@ lcfcmep ]crekcl Gjrepx gjr

    xkree lcif jbde`xiwep1 `jfperwcxijf +}iohoige/ kcbixcxp

    cfh kerixcme)/ xilber ~rjhu`xijf cfh re`recxijf

    +~ej~oe cfh ewefxp)&

    Kipxjri`cooy/ xke crec }cp `oecreh jg ixp cf`iefx

    gjrepxp `efxuriep cmj by kulcfp gjr ecroy

    cmri`uoxure& Xke fuxriefx,~jjr pjiop repuoxeh if xkegjrlcxijf jg kecxkocfh/ }ki`k }cp lcifxcifeh by

    ~ej~oe gjr mrctifm& ]ixkjux `jfxifueh lcifxefcf`e

    kecxkocfh mrchucooy `jfwerxp bc`a xj }jjhocfh&

    Cp kecxk crecp ojpx gcwjur xkey bemcf xj p`rub jwer&

    Xkey kch fj hepimfcxijfp/ }ere oixxoe wcoueh cfh

    }ere ljpxoy wie}eh cp }cpxeocfh& If 3939 crecp oiae

    xkip }ere kimkoimkxeh cp puixcboe gjr xree ~ocfxifm/ cx

    c xile }kef Brixcif }cp hep~ercxe gjr xilber& Xke

    `jufxryp }jjhocfh repjur`e kch mrecxoy hilifipkeh/

    cfh `jwereh oepp xkcf 5 ~er `efx jg xke xjxco ocfh

    crec& Xjhcy/ xke UAp }jjhocfh `jwer kcp ripef xj 30

    ~er `efx&

    ]crekcl Gjrepx }cp ~ocfxeh if 3928 jf ocfh xkcx

    }cp c lcxri{ jg kecxk cfh p`rub& Cp xke pjiop }ere

    fuxriefx ~jjr/ ix }cp beoieweh brjchoecg p~e`iep

    }juoh fjx yieoh efjumk mrj}xk ~er yecr xj ~rjhu`e

    xilber sui`aoy cfh miwe mjjh fcf`ico rexurfp& Pj c

    wcriexy jg `jfiger p~e`iep kcwe beef mrj}f jf xke

    pixe& Xkepe if`ouhe @jrpi`cf ~ife/ ^ifup fimrc pubp~&

    ocri`ij/ lcrixile ~ife/ ^ifup ~ifcpxer/ Ljfxerey ~ife/

    ^ifup rchicxc/ cfh P`jxp ~ife/ ^ifup pyowepxrip& If re`efx

    yecrp/ xkere kcp beef c mrecxer gj`up jf brjchoecgp~e`iep/ }ixk crecp jg peppioe jca/ Suer`up ~exrcec/

    ~ocfxeh if xke fjrxk jg xke gjrepx&

    Xke pixe ip lcfcmeh jf rjxcxijf/ }ixk xreep `oecr

    geooeh cx 7> yecrp& Xkip lcifxcifp c ljpci` jg `oecr

    geoo/ xreep jg wcryifm hemreep jg cme/ }jjheh kecxk

    cfh ~erlcfefx j~ef mrjufh& Xke G@ kcp if`recpeh

    xke e{xefx cfh sucoixy jg xke rihe fex}jra }ixkif



    Lcoe pcfh oitcrh bcpaifm Fi`a Ljuoxjf

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012


    Rihep c`x cp weifp/ oifaifm ~erlcfefx cfh xel~jrcry

    crecp jg kecxk }ixkif xke gjrepx ixpeog/ bux copj

    crecp jg kecxk if xke }iher ocfhp`c~e& @jffe`xifm

    ~rewijupoy grcmlefxeh pemlefxp kcp mrecxoy

    if`recpeh kcbixcx cwciocbioixy cfh p~e`iep purwiwco


    ^rewijupoy/ dupx 3> ~er `efx jg ]crekcl Gjrepx }cp

    j~ef p~c`e& Xke urbe`a Kecxkp Gjrepx Hepimf ^ocf

    xkef kimkoimkxeh crecp gjr rihe*moche }ihefifm& Xkip

    ojfm,xerl ~ocf ip joocbjrcxiwe1 hrc}ifm xjmexker

    xke e{~erxipe jg xke G@ cfh ixp ~joi`iep/ Fcxurco

    Efmocfh/ FMJp cfh jxkerp/ cfh ~uboi` j~ifijf& Xjhcy

    j~ef p~c`e kcbixcx kcp ripef xj 0>,05 ~er `efx/ }ixkc wcriexy jg xel~jrcry crecp j~efifm u~ cp geooifm

    c`xiwixiep xcae ~oc`e&

    Xke pixe pu~~jrxp coo pi{ jg xke UAp xerrepxrico

    re~xioe p~e`iep& Ix ip jfe jg xke ljpx il~jrxcfx

    pixep if Efmocfh gjr xke pljjxk pfcae/ @jrjfeooc

    cupxric`c/ cfh pcfh oitcrh/ Oc`erxc cmioip/ bjxk

    Eurj~ecf ^rjxe`xeh P~e`iep }ixk c pxrjfm cgfixy

    gjr kecxkocfh& Pif`e 3998/ xke Cl~kibicf cfh Re~xioe

    @jfperwcxijf Xrupx +CR@) cfh G@ kcwe ljfixjreh

    cfh lc~~eh re~xioe ~j~uocxijfp& ]kere ~jppiboe xkip

    ifgjrlcxijf kcp beef if~uxxeh xj G@p Rihe ]ihefifm

    P`kelep/ Kecxkocfh Repxjrcxijf ^ocfp cfh J~ef

    Kcbixcxp ^joi`y/ xj efpure lc{ilul befex&

    Re~xioep cre `recxurep jg ehmep/ jr resuire ljre

    xkcf jfe kcbixcx if jrher xj `jl~oexe xkeir oige

    `y`oep& J~ef p~c`ep/ mochep/ rihep cfh ~cxkp `cf

    ~rjwihe xkepe aifhp jg kcbixcx if cbufhcf`e&

    Re~xioep/ if ~crxi`uocr/ feeh j~ef crecp gjr bcpaifm

    +xkerljremuocxijf) }ixk crecp jg `ojpe `jwer fecrby

    gjr pkeoxer&

    CR@ oecpe xkree pixep }ixkif ]crekcl Gjrepx cfh

    hire`xoy if~ux ifxj xkepe& Xke G@ copj uxioipep CR@p

    e{~erxipe xkrjumkjux xke repx jg xke gjrepx& Xke pixe

    fj} jggerp c }ecoxk jg rihep/ mochep cfh crecp jg

    rpx xkiffifmp xkcx xkepe `joh,bojjheh p~e`iep upe

    cp bcpaifm pixep& Pjle re~xioe p~e`iep copj upe xke

    lcxure `rj~p gjr gjrcmifm& Xkeir }jra kcp repuoxeh

    if ocrmer/ ljre rjbupx ~j~uocxijfp cx ]crekcl1

    if`recpifm fulberp cfh oifaifm pub,~j~uocxijfp&


    ]crekcl Gjrepx kecxk xrc`ap Lcra ]crf

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

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    Xke kecxkocfh rihep kcwe xke gjooj}ifm pxru`xure4 c

    `efxrco bcre xrc`a +mjjh gjr bcpaifm)/ c pkjrx p}i~eh

    crec oechifm ifxj xcooer kecxker/ c ~cx`ky p`rub ocyer

    +lcifoy Eurj~ecf mjrpe/ Uoe{ eurj~ceup)1 cfh fcooy

    kimk gjrepx& P`cooj~ifm ip copj fjx cp eppefxico cp

    kecxk p~e`iep resuire lc{ilul puf& G@ kcp chheh

    p`rc~ep if xke xcooer kecxk/ ~rjwihifm re~xioe bcpaifm

    pixep c}cy grjl lcif xrc`ap&

    Rihep kcwe xke chheh chwcfxcme jg c`xifm cp re

    brecap& Xkere ip c kimk ripa jg re if hry kecxkocfh&

    Ig uf`ke`aeh ix `cf rcwcme ocrme crecp& Rihep `cf

    keo~ xj lifilipe re p~rech/ xkey copj ~rjwihe

    mjjh c``epp xj xke re perwi`e xj efcboe xkel xj

    egge`xiweoy xc`aoe c bocte&

    Xke pxru`xure jg xel~jrcry j~ef p~c`ep he~efhp

    jf gjrepxry rjxcxijf& Hurifm xke rpx 35 yecrp c

    fe}oy,~ocfxeh boj`a ip hjlifcxeh by kecxk/ cp xke

    mrjufh relcifp j~ef& Cgxer xkip xke `cfj~y `ojpep

    jwer/ mrchucooy pkchifm jux xke puf,ojwifm kecxkocfh

    ~ocfxp& Bux xkeir peeh bcfa pixp if xke pjio/ }cixifm gjr

    xke rimkx `jfhixijfp xj rexurf xj cooj} mrj}xk&

    Cx 25,0> yecrp rpx xkiffifmp xcae ~oc`e/ cfh

    pubpesuefx xkiffifm ip `crrieh jux jwer xile& Xkip

    j~efp u~ xke hefpe `cfj~y/ cooj}ifm oimkx xj cmcif

    rec`k xke }jjhocfh jjr& Xke pufoimkx pxiluocxep

    mrj}xk grjl xke peeh bcfa/ cfh kecxkocfh ~ocfxp

    cfh mrcppep pxcrx xj re`jojfipe xke crec& Cx 7> yecrp

    xke xreep cre `oecr geooeh cfh xke kecxk hjlifcxep

    jf`e ljre& Fe} `oecr geoo `jl~crxlefxp cre

    fjx oj`cxeh fe{x xj jxker re`efxoy `oecreh crecp/

    efpurifm mrecxer pxru`xurco hiwerpixy& CR@ cfh G@cre `urrefxoy repecr kifm kj} gcpx re`jojfipcxijf jg

    `oecr geoo by jrc cfh gcufc xcaep ~oc`e&

    Xke repxjrcxijf cfh il~rjwelefx }jra kcp beef

    wery pu``eppguo gjr c ~rjxe`xeh kcbixcx +kecxk KC^)

    cfh kcp repxjreh xke p~e`iep rcfme cfh `jfperwcxijf

    pxcxup jg xke pcfh oitcrh cfh pljjxk pfcae +PC^p) if



    ]crekcl Gjrepx pcfh lcfcmelefx Fi`a Ljuoxjf

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012


    ]jralcfp ]jjh

    ]jralcfp }jjh `cf be gjufh jf xke Eb}jrxk

    Epxcxe/ Moju`epxerpkire/ cfh ip fcleh cgxer ixp

    ~rewijup j}fer Djkf ]jralcf c rep~e`xehgjrepxer cfh fcxure `jfperwcxijfipx& Ke hieh if

    2>>;/ oecwifm kip 8>5 ke`xcre +kc) epxcxe xj xke

    Fcxijfco Xrupx gjr jwer 5> yecrp ke kch beef xke

    chwiper jf gjrepxry cfh fcxure `jfperwcxijf gjr xke


    Xke }jjhp ke j}feh cfh hire`xoy lcfcmeh cre c

    oemc`y jg kip wipijfcry/ cfh pjle}kcx ufjrxkjhj{

    cx xke xile/ lexkjh jg `jfxifujup `jwer gjrepxry&

    Fj `oecr geooifm }cp `crrieh jux/ cfh fcxurco

    remefercxijf }cp ef`jurcmeh& @creguo cfh remuocr

    xkiffifm rexcifeh xke bepx xreep/ }ki`k heweoj~eh xj

    lcxurixy& Xkrjumk xkip Djkf heweoj~eh cf ifxilcxe

    reocxijfpki~ }ixk kip }jjh&

    Xke wcooey if }ki`k xke xilber }cp mrj}f ip pxee~

    piheh& Xkip lecfx xke xreep }ere hrc}f u~ xj xke

    oimkx/ ~rjhu`ifm il~reppiwe xrufap jg jwer 7> geex

    begjre xke rpx brcf`k/ ~rjhu`ifm fe xilber gjrgurfixure lcfugc`xurerp& Xke helcfh gjr pu`k

    kjle,mrj}f xilber kcp hilifipkeh if re`efx yecrp&

    Xke bee`k/ Gcmup pyowcxi`c/ ojmp }ere e{xrc`xeh cfh

    xcaef/ rpx by kjrpe,hrc}f }cmjfp cfh ocxer by

    xrc`xijf efmife/ cojfm xke fcrrj} ocfep xj xke lioo&

    Xke jrimifco cf`iefx peli,fcxurco }jjhocfh }cp

    jf`e p`cxxereh xkrjumk xke wcooey/ ix }cp upeh xj

    pu~~oy `kcr`jco gjr pleoxifm& Bee`k xreep }ere

    `j~~i`eh xj ~rjhu`e luoxi,pxelp/ ux jf rjxcxijf

    ewery 35,2> yecrp& Xke pxee~ wcooey pihep cfh upe

    by kulcfp kcwe `jfxribuxeh mrecxoy xj xke }jjhp


    Xke ]jralcfp bjumkx xke epxcxe if 39>> }kef

    UA }jjhocfh `jwer }cp gcr oepp xkcf xjhcy& Hurifm

    xke cmri`uoxurco he~reppijf ix }cp hig`uox xj fh

    xefcfx gcrlerp/ pj lu`k jg xke j~ef mrcppy kioopihep

    }ere ~ocfxeh }ixk xreep& Xkip `jffe`xeh xke cf`iefx

    }jjhocfh boj`ap/ recxifm jfe ocrme }jjh xkcx fj}

    e{xefhp jwer 2>> kc& Xke jrimifco }coo bjufhcriep jg

    xke joh eohp/ fj} `jwereh by xreep/ `cf pxioo be peef

    }ixkif xke }jjh&

    Jxker crecp jg xke }jjh }ere jf`e j~ef ~craocfh&

    Xkepe pix chdc`efx xj xke jrimifco Eb}jrxk Kjupe/ c

    ocrme Mejrmicf buiohifm +jf`e c kufxifm ojhme/ fj}

    heljoipkeh)/ }ki`k pcx ~rjuhoy jf xke kioopihe fe{xxj cf joh heer ~cra&

    Xjhcy Eb}jrxkp ocfhp`c~e pkj}p kj} bee`k cfh

    cpk/ Grc{ifup e{`eopijr/ }jjhocfh/ }ixk pjle `jfiger

    kcp beef lcfcmeh jwer xke ocpx `efxury& @kcfmep

    if xke jrc cre ewihefx xkrjumk reocxiweoy re`efx

    lcfcmelefx if }jjhocfh xerlp/ cp re`efx cp xke

    epxcboipklefx jg fe} }jjhocfh if 397> }kef

    fecrby Pcoxrihme }jjh }cp e{xefheh jux jwer



    Kcrxp Xjfmue Gerf fjrxkecpx}iohoige&`j&ua

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

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    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32


    ]jralcfp }jjh kcp fulerjup gjrepxry xrc`ap xj

    miwe mjjh c``epp& Pj xreep `cf be geooeh }ixkif rec`k

    jg c xrc`a/ gjr ecpier e{xrc`xijf cojfm xke pxee~

    }jjhocfh poj~ep& Xkepe }ere `ux xkrjumk }ixk c

    buoohjter by Hcwe Kcrrip xke }jjhlcf if xke 397>p

    ke pxioo oiwep jf xke epxcxe

    Coxkjumk ix }juoh be grj}feh u~jf xjhcy/ ix

    fewerxkeoepp pkj}p xkcx ~ocfxp `cf rep~jfh }eoo

    xj pu`k ifxrupijfp cfh pjle c`xucooy befex grjl

    hipxurbcf`e& Hcwe re`coop xkcx lcfy jg xke oepp

    `jlljf ~ocfxp gjufh if xke }jjh xjhcy be`cle

    epxcboipkeh cgxer }ihefifm }cp hjfe cfh jfoy jf

    xke pxee~,piheh xrc`a ehmep& Xkepe ~ocfxp if`ouhe

    fmereh pehme/ @cre{ himixcxc/ cfh pxifaifm keooebjre/Keooebjrup gjexihup&

    Xke xrc`a ehmep/ }ixk e{~jpeh pub pjio/ jgger

    iheco mrj}ifm `jfhixijfp gjr lcfy ~ocfxp& Xkepe

    if`ouhe ~rilrjpe/ ^riluoc wuomcrip/ kcrxp xjfmue gerf/

    ^kyooixip p`joj~efhriul/ yeooj} cr`kcfmeo/ Oclicpxrul

    mcoejbhjojf/ cfh kjfeypu`aoe/ Ojfi`erc ~eri`oyleful&

    Rcrer ~ocfxp purwiwe if xke }jjhp mochep&

    Pfj}hrj~p/ Mcocfxkup fiwcoip/ bouebeoop/ Kyc`ifxkjihep

    fjf,p`ri~xc/ }jjhrugg/ Mcoiul jhjrcxul/ cfh }ioh

    mcroi`/Cooiul urpiful/ `cr~ex lu`k jg xke }jjhocfh

    jjr if p~rifm/ ewef if crecp }ki`k }ere ufxio xke

    ecroy ~crx jg xke ocpx `efxury mrcteh by pkee~&

    Xjhcy xke }jjh ip hepimfcxeh c Fcxijfco Fcxure

    Reperwe/ P~e`ico Crec jg @jfperwcxijf cfh kcp

    beef c}crheh c Fcxijfco @efxre jg E{`eooef`e by

    xke Gjrepx Cuxkjrixy if 3998& Ix ip cf e{cl~oe jg

    kj} il~jrxcfx c`xiwe }jjhocfh lcfcmelefx ip xj

    efpure c hiwerpe kcbixcx gjr ~ocfxp/ ifpe`xp cfh jxker


    Hurifm xke Pe`jfh ]jroh ]cr xke }jjh }cp

    jwer geooeh ufher ifpxru`xijf grjl xke }cr jg`e&

    Xke }jjh xkef lupx kcwe beef ljre jg c gc`xjry

    jjr/ }kere xilber }cp reljweh jf cf ifhupxrico

    p`coe& Hep~ixe xkip ix kcp `jfxifueh/ xkrjumk `creguo

    pxe}crhpki~/ xj be c }jjh jg fcxijfco il~jrxcf`e

    gjr ixp xilber cfh fcxurco kipxjry&

    ]jralcfp ]jjh xrc`a ehme ^cuo Ruxxer

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012


    Xjhcy xke }jjh `jfxifuep xj resuire pxe}crhpki~

    cfh jfmjifm xree lcfcmelefx& Xkrjumk `jfxifueh/

    `creguo cfh ifgjrleh lcfcmelefx ix `juoh be`jle

    cf ewef ri`ker kcbixcx& Xke coxerfcxiwe/ xj oecwe xke

    }jjh cojfe cfh cooj} ewery ~crx ix xj be`jle

    `rj}heh }ixk xreep/ }ioo fjx efkcf`e ixp bijhiwerpixy&

    Xke }jjh feehp `jfxifueh mrchuco xkiffifm cfh

    `j~~i`ifm xj if`recpe oimkx oeweop jf c remuocr `y`oe&

    Lu`k jg xke xkiffeh }jjh ip upeh xj kecx xke

    fecrby jg`ep cfh h}eooifmp cx Eb}jrxk/ upifm c

    pxcxe jg xke crx }jjh bjioer cfh pjocr ~cfeop& Jxker

    c`xiwixiep/ pu`k cp xj~~ifm xrc`a ehmep if ocxe puller

    cfh hrcmmifm xilber cojfm xke rihep xj aee~ xkel

    j~ef cfh hipxurb xke mrjufh/ pxiluocxep mrj}xk cfhhiwerpixy jg jrc&

    Cp ~crx jg xke li{eh lcfcmelefx jg xke }jjhocfh/

    ix ip copj il~jrxcfx xj oecwe pjle crecp suiex

    cfh ufhipxurbeh& Lifilul ifxerwefxijf befexp

    c higgerefx puixe jg p~e`iep xkcx he~efh jf ljre

    pxcboe jr hcraer `ojpeh,`cfj~y `jfhixijfp gjr


    ]jralcfp }jjh ip c mjjh e{cl~oe jg }jjhocfhlcfcmelefx il~rjwifm bijhiwerpixy/ pjlexilep

    by c``ihefx& Ix pkj}p }e kcwe lu`k xj oecrf grjl

    kipxjry cfh xke c`xijfp jg ~rewijup mefercxijfp/

    cfh pkehp oimkx jf xke lcfy lerixp jg xrchixijfco


    ]jjhocfh @recxijf

    Xke ]jjhocfh Xrupxp }jjhocfh `recxijf pixep~rjwihe c `oecf `cfwcp gjr hepimf& J~ef p~c`e

    kcbixcx `cf be gc`xjreh if grjl xke wery bemiffifm&

    Xkere cre }cyp xj if`recpe xke illehicxe befexp

    jg xkepe rihep cfh mochep/ if`ouhifm xke pj}ifm

    jg }iohj}er peehp& ]iohj}erp `cf ~rjwihe

    bijhiwerpixy cfh cepxkexi` befexp&

    If Xyfe cfh ]ecr/ Kehoey Kcoo ]jjh }cp ~ocfxeh

    if 3990,95 jf gjrler crcboe cfh ~cpxure ocfh/

    oecwifm 07 ~er `efx j~ef p~c`e& If 2>>=/ Kehoey Kcoo

    }cp if`ouheh if xke xkef c`xiwe Gjrepx jg Goj}erp

    ~rjde`x/ c djifx wefxure bex}eef xke ]jjhocfh Xrupx

    cfh Ocfhoige&

    C oj`co e`jojmipx purweyeh xke j~ef crecp cfh mrcppyrihep/ cfh gjufh fjxkifm jg ifxerepx if xke mrjufh

    wemexcxijf& C hee~ ~ojumkifm xe`kfisue }cp upeh if

    pjle jg xke rihep cfh j~ef p~c`ep xj xurf jwer xke

    xj~ =5,3>>`l jg pjio& Xkip buriep xke jwer,gerxioipeh

    xj~pjio cfh xke cmri`uoxurco mrcppep cfh ruhercop&

    Cffuco }iohj}erp }ere peeheh gjr pkjrx xerl

    `jojur cfh pkj}/ xkepe hjlifcxe gjr xke rpx 3,2

    yecrp1 xke ~erefficop xkef `jle ifxj xkeir j}f&

    Mrcppep kcwe fj} ljweh if cfh cre boefhifm }ixk

    xke }iohj}erp/ recxifm p~e`iep,ri`k mrcppocfh&

    Mrjufh fepxifm birhp/ pu`k cp mrey ~crxrihme/ ^erhi{

    ~erhi{/ kcwe befexxeh cp xke mrcppocfh ~rjwihep

    wemexcxiwe `jwer& Kehoey Kcoo kcp copj peef c ripe if

    buxxery ~j~uocxijfp/ }kioe xke }iohj}er hip~ocy

    re`eiweh c mrecx heco jg ~uboi` pu~~jrx&

    Mrctifm by `cxxoe cfh pkee~ xcaep ~oc`e jf cf joh

    5 ke`xcre +kc) lechj} xkrjumk xke Goe{imrctep`kele& Lelberpki~ ifxj xke p`kele cooj`cxep

    mrctifm `rehixp& Xkepe `cf be upeh xj c`suire

    xke perwi`ep jg mrctierp copj if xke p`kele& Xke

    chwcfxcme jg xkip ip ixp xjxco e{ibioixy/ kjjpifm

    e{c`xoy }kef cfh }ki`k p~e`iep yju }cfx xj mrcte

    mexxifm xke bepx `jfperwcxijf befexp gjr xke pixe&

    Xkip `cf be ep~e`icooy upeguo gjr plcooer pixep&

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32


    Ojuipe Fei`kjKecrx}jjh cffuco j}er hip~ocy

  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012



    Coxkjumk xke Gjrepx jg Goj}erp ~rjde`x kcp fipkeh/

    xke ]jjhocfh Xrupx cre pxioo aeef xj if`jr~jrcxe

    }iohj}erp ifxj fe} ~ocfxifmp& Kecrx}jjh Gjrepx

    ip c 08= kc }jjhocfh `recxijf pixe if Kerxgjrhpkire/

    ~rewijupoy crcboe gcrlocfh&

    J~ef p~c`ep kcwe beef hepimfeh ifxj xke pixe +pee

    Kecrx}jjh Gjrepx @jf`e~xuco Hepimf beoj}) cfh

    lcae u~ 2>,25 ~er `efx jg xke xjxco ocfh crec& Xke

    jwercoo wipijf ip c ocrme ocfhp`c~e,p`coe ~rjde`x/

    gjrlifm c ljpci` jg }jjhocfh/ mrcppocfh/ }iohj}er

    lechj}p cfh c `jllufixy jr`kcrh/ }ixk lioep jg

    ~cxkp cfh brihoe}cyp& Kecrx}jjh djifp grcmlefxeh

    ~j`aexp jg cf`iefx }jjhocfh cfh Fjlcfpocfh

    @jlljf +cf crec jg ocrme mrcppocfh kcbixcx)/

    ~rjwihifm `jffe`xiwixy gjr c rcfme jg p~e`iep&

    Pe`xijfp jg Kecrx}jjh }ere pkcooj} ~ojumkeh&

    Pjle }ere ~ocfxeh }ixk c mrcpp cfh ~ereffico

    j}er li{/ if`ouhifm lechj} gep`ue/ Gepxu`c

    ~rcxefpip/ }kixe `ojwer/ Xrigjoiul re~efp/ Ochyp

    behpxrc}/ Mcoiul werul/ cfh `j}poi~/ ^riluoc werip&

    Pjle }ere ~ocfxeh ~ureoy }ixk mrcppep/ pu`k cp

    reh gep`ue/ Gepxu`c rubrc/ cfh Xiljxky mrcpp/ ^koeul

    ~rcxefpe& Cfjxker crec }cp ~ocfxeh }ixk c jrfeoh

    cffuco li{ xj miwe wipixjrp pkjrx,xerl pkj} cp xke

    xreep cre mrj}ifm& C xj~~ifm lj}er ip upeh jf

    jfe pe`xijf& Xkip xe`kfisue reljwep xke xj~p jg

    xcooer ~ocfxp/ pxiluocxifm remrj}xk cfh ef`jurcmifm


    C ~er`efxcme jg xke mrcppocfh ip remuocroy `ux xj

    lcifxcif c pkjrx p}crh& Xkip befexp p}igxp/ C~up

    c~up/ cfh p}cooj}p/ Kirufhj rupxi`c/ }ki`k ~reger

    xkepe crecp gjr `cx`kifm ifpe`xp jwer xkjpe }ixk c

    ojfmer p}crh& Xkepe pkjrx mrcppy crecp cre ~j~uocr

    }ixk wipixjrp/ }kj upe xkel gjr c rcfme jg c`xiwixiep

    oiae ~i`fi`p cfh ewefxp&

    Kecrx}jjh copj `jfxcifp c Rjlcf pexxoelefx cfh

    Brjfte Cme rjufhkjupe& Xkepe }ere hip`jwereh

    }kef xke Xrupx `crrieh jux cf Efwirjflefxco Il~c`xCppepplefx& Xkepe pxru`xurep ~rewefxeh ~ojumkifm/

    cfh xke crecp kcwe beef oegx cp j~ef mrcppocfh xj

    ~reperwe xke il~jrxcfx cr`kcejojmy&

    Gjr ljre ifgjrlcxijf jf xke Gjrepx jg Goj}erp

    ~rjde`x ~oecpe pee xke cuxulf 2>33 ippue jg ]jjh

    ]ipe/ cwciocboe grjl }}}&p`ribh&`jl

    ]jjh ]ipe ]jjhocfh @jfperwcxijf Fe}p P~rifm 2>32

    Kecrx}jjh Gjrepx @jf`e~xuco Hepimf
  • 7/31/2019 Wood Wise - Open Space Habitats - Spring 2012



    Xke ]jjhocfh Xrupx/ Ael~xjf ]cy/ Mrcfxkcl/ Oif`jofpkire FM03 7OO&

    Xke ]jjhocfh Xrupx ip c kcrixy remipxereh if Efmocfh cfh ]coep fj& 298088 cfh if P`jxocfh fj& P@>0;;;5&

    C fjf,~rjx lcaifm `jl~cfy oilixeh by mucrcfxee& Remipxereh if Efmocfh fj& 39;2;=0& Xke ]jjhocfh Xrupx ojmjip c remipxereh xrchelcra& 5305 >2*32

    Ehixjr 4 Acy Kc} +]jjhocfh Xrupx)

    @jfxribuxjrp4 Hcwih Bjfpcoo +]jjhocfh Xrupx)/ Djkf Ebbcme +Fcxurco Efmocfh)/ Derely Ewcfp +]jjhocfh

    Xrupx)/ Dcae Gieffep +Rcwefifmkcl Epxcxe)/ Mcry Kcoey +]jjhocfh Xrupx)/ Rjry Kcrx/ Ojuipe Fei`kj

    +]jjhocfh Xrupx)/ Fi`a Ljuoxjf +Cl~kibicf cfh Re~xioe @jfperwcxijf Xrupx)/ ^cuo Ruxxer +^ocfxoige)/ Lcra

    ]crf +Gjrepxry @jllippijf)

    Buoof`k fjrxkecpx}iohoige&`j&ua
