
Mission Animal Rescue: Three neglected pups find a new, caring home

My article is called Mission Animal Rescue: Three neglected pups find a new, caring home.1. A homeowner in Florida bought 2 wolves as pets and kept them in a rundown backyard. When the wolves had babies they were not able to take good care of the pups due the unnatural environment they lived in.2. The three week old wolves huddled together hungry and lonely. 3. The wolves had infections such as itchy fungus and deadly parasites living in their bodies and if they didnt get help they would die.4. Concerned neighbors called the Wildlife Conservation Commission to rescue the three wolves.5. The wolves were brought to the Shy Wolf Sanctuary in Naples, Florida, which cares for abandoned and neglected exotic pets.6. The wolves, were brought to Nancy Smiths house, a co owner of Shy Wolf Sanctuary, for 5 days where the wolves were given daily medicated bathes to treat the fungus, antibiotics to get rid of the parasites, bottle fed goats milk every 4 hours and IV treatments to give them nutrients.7. After 5 days, the wolves were then brought to Sue Stefanellis house, a volunteer at Shy Wolf Sanctuary, so they have more room to run around.8. The wolves are named Tien, Indy, and Chocowa. 9. After 6 weeks, the wolves are strong and healthy and are ready to move to their permanent home at Shy Wolf Sanctuary because they dont have the survival skills to live in the wild.10. Interesting Facts: -wolves have 200 million scent receptors and humans only have about 5 million. -found in European caves the earliest drawings of wolves date was from around 20,000 B.C.
