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WJEC GCSE HWJEC GCSE HEnglish LanguageEnglish Language

Preparing for the Reading SectionPreparing for the Reading Section

Page 2: WJEC GCSE H English Language Preparing for the Reading Section

Your guide to gaining the best possible

grade for Paper One

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In the first part of this guide you will learn how to get the best possible grade on Paper One, the reading section, of your English examination.

To get started, let’s have a quick reminder of how many marks the reading section is worth.

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GCSE English/English Language Written PaperGCSE English/English Language Written Paper

Your examination is worth 60% of your mark for GCSE English.

Paper One makes up 30% of your GCSE. It is worth 40 marks and is one hour long.

The paper tests your reading and understanding skills.

Paper One is all about non-fiction texts.

The exam board say:

This unit will test through structured questions the reading of two non-fiction texts. Non-fiction texts may include: fact-sheets, leaflets, letters, extracts from autobiographies, biographies, diaries, advertisements, reports, articles and digital and multi-modal texts of various kinds from newspapers and magazines, brochures and the internet. Visual material will always be included in the material used.

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We are now going to look in detail at Paper One.How can you maximise your chances of gaining a top grade in this section?

Let’s take a look at what the exam board say you need to know....

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Key skills for Paper One Key skills for Paper One

The examiners are looking for certain key skills. Can you do the following?

Read and understand texts, select material appropriate to purpose, collate from different sources and make comparisons and cross-references as appropriate.

In other words, can you understand what the text is about and be able to write about it clearly, in detail and with insight? Can you select parts of the text that support your ideas and compare two different texts with each other.

Can you explain and evaluate how writers use linguistic, grammatical, structural and presentational features to achieve effects and engage and influence the reader, supporting their comments with detailed textual references?

Put simply, this means can you explain why the author has used specific words and phrases. Can you explain how they affect the reader? Can you also analyse, in detail, the author’s use of presentation in a text?

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What should I expect? What should I expect?

In the examination, you will be given two pieces of unseen writing to read. The writing will always be non – fiction / media and you will be asked four or five questions.

The texts could be about anything but they may possibly be linked by a common theme.

The type of texts you are asked to read could be any of the following:

•Leaflets•Articles (newspaper and magazine)•Reports•Autobiography / biography•Travel writing•Advertisements•Web pages•Reviews

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WJEC assessment objectives for Paper One

WJEC assessment objectives for Paper One

The exam board give us the following information about the questions:

Question 1 refers to text 1, and will be a straightforward test of the candidates’ ability to retrieve information and ideas from the text.

Question 2 also refers to text 1 and tests reading and understanding text, and selecting material appropriate to purpose. It also tests how writers use linguistic, grammatical, structural and presentational features.

Question 3 or 3 & 4 refers to text 2, and will test the candidates’ ability to read and understand texts, and select material appropriate to purpose, and develop and sustain interpretation of writers’ ideas and perspectives.

Final Question refers to both texts. The question will test candidates’ ability to select material appropriate to purpose, to collate material from different sources and make comparisons and cross-references.

Candidates should make close reference to, and quote from the sources to support their comments and analysis.

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How long should I spend on each question?

How long should I spend on each question?

You are given 1 hour to complete the paper. This means 10 minutes to read the 2 texts and the question paper, 45 minutes to answer the questions and 5 minutes to check your work.

For the reading paper spend slightly more than one minute per mark. For example spend a little over 5 minutes on a 5 mark question and a bit more than 10 minutes on a ten mark question. If you stick to this rough guideline you should get to the final question with around 15-20 minutes to go which is enough time to produce a strong final answer and will allow you to check your work carefully.

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Good news!!

Preparing for the reading section of the exam really helps you prepare for the writing section of the exam – many of the skills are identical.

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Even more good news!

You are not tested on spelling in this section. As long as the examiner can understand your meaning, your spelling doesn’t matter in the slightest which is great news for us who have trouble with speling......

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Back to BasicsBack to BasicsSkimming and scanning techniquesSkimming and scanning are ways of reading a text quickly. You will need these skills when you are looking for information in the texts.

SkimmingSkimming is when you very quickly read over a piece of text. You do not need to read every word, you are only finding out the main points or the gist of a text.

ScanningScanning is when you very quickly read over a piece of text, this time however, you are looking for a particular piece of information. For example, in the exam you could be asked to locate three reasons why smoking is on the increase for the under 16s. To do this you would scan the article looking for key words like ‘smoking’, ‘increase’ or ‘under 16s’.

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Back to BasicsBack to BasicsWhen reading any type of non fiction text, try to find the PAF.


PURPOSEThe purpose of a text is most important. What is the text trying to do? Is it trying to make you buy something? Is it trying to give you advice? Is it trying to give you balanced information about an event? How do you know this? What gives it away?AUDIENCEWho do you think is the intended audience of this text? Is it a child? Is it a teenager? Is it an adult? How do you know? What gave it away?FORMWhat kind of non fiction text is this? Is it a letter, a newspaper article, a review? How do you know? What gives it away? Do you know the features of each kind of non fiction text type? This will be helpful for the writing section too.......

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Try!Try!Junk mail can be very annoying but it is now your new best friend.

Grab as much of it as you can and try to identify the PAF. Look at the purpose – it is probably to sell you something. How do you know? Be detective like and track down clues. What words and phrases does it use to persuade you to try the product? Are there any pictures, colours, particular fonts, bullet points that are there to persuade you to buy?Look at the audience – who is it for – how do you know? Look at the text type, is it a letter, is it a leaflet – what effect does the text type have on the reader?

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Question 1 - Information retrieval

Question 1 - Information retrieval

This is one of the easier skills you have to master for the exam. It is a basic comprehension skill.

You will be asked to locate and write down information from Source 1. For example, you may be asked ‘why are there no closed prisons in Greenland?’. You would simply use your scanning techniques to find the information in text 1 and write down the answers. SIMPLE!

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Question 2 – presentational devices

Question 2 – presentational devices

Question 2 requires you to write about language and presentational devices. The presentational devices you are going to identify and comment on are obviously dependent on the texts you are given to read in the exam and the question asked. However, here are a selection of the most common to get you started........

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Question 2 – presentational devices

Question 2 – presentational devices

Pictures and illustrations. Most of the source materials in the exam will have pictures on them. Remember, you are looking at newspapers, magazines, web pages, charity leaflets etc – all of these will have carefully chosen pictures on them.

Think about the purpose of your source material. If it is a charity leaflet for example, its purpose may be to persuade you to donate to that charity. You need to comment on how that picture in the leaflet helps persuade the reader to part with their money. Perhaps it could be for the RSPCA and the picture on the front is of a cute kitten with a broken paw. You would need to state how that picture a) gets your attention and b) persuades the readership to part with their money. There may be a picture of a smiling person holding up their dog who wants to thank all the lovely people who support the RSPCA. Why is this picture there? How would it persuade the reader to donate?

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Question 2 – presentational devices

Question 2 – presentational devices


Colour is another key feature that you can comment on in your exam. If you are analysing the presentational features of an advert, try to think about the colours and why they have been chosen.

For example, the colour red may be used to symbolise love or passion, white purity, green nature, blue the great outdoors. Use your imagination, there is no ‘set’ answer providing you can justify your point of view.

Take care though. It is not enough just to identify a colour, you clearly have to analyse the intended effect on the reader.

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Question 2 – presentational devices

Question 2 – presentational devices

After analysing the graphics, you may wish to look at how the words are presented on the page. For this I mean:

o font sizeo any capital letters usedo any bold type or italics or underliningo bullet pointso the layout of the source material as a whole

Keep asking yourself, why has this device been used? What is the effect on the reader. Without making this analysis, you cannot gain the full marks for this question.

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Questions 2 (and 3) – Language How to read between the lines

Questions 2 (and 3) – Language How to read between the lines

One of the key skills you will need for this exam is to locate, retrieve and interpret information. This means to read between the lines – to look for clues as to how the writer really feels about something.

Exam Tip!You can discuss both language and presentational features when writing about inference i.e. reading between the lines.

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Reading between the lines Reading between the lines Quite often a writer will give the reader clues to how they feel about a particular topic without actually saying the words ‘I like this’ or ‘I don’t like that’. On the following slide are some examples for you to look out for. These are only suggestions.

Try finding your own ways to spot the writer’s feelings on the topic they are writing about.

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Humour / sarcasm. A writer might poke fun at a topic or mock it to show that they disagree with it.

Exaggeration. A writer might go over the top about the topic. This implies that they like or don’t like something.

Repetition. A writer could repeat a statistic or a phrase to show they do or don’t like something.

Rhetorical questions. This is a technique often used in writing an argument and its function is to get the reader to agree with what the writer thinks.

Positive and negative language. Words often carry positive and negative meanings. It might be nice to be called ‘curvy’ but not so nice to be ‘fat’.

Emotive language. This is language that stirs up the emotions. If the writer uses language like ‘unimaginable cruelty’ when discussing animal experiments, they are probably not in favour of them.

Reading between the lines Reading between the lines

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Top tips for analysing languageTop tips for analysing language

For Questions 2 and 3, you need to know how to analyse language effectively.

This is often the skill that students find most difficult. So what is so difficult? Sometimes students are simply finding the correct information and copying down the text without analysing the intended impact of the language upon the reader. So, do not copy out chunks of text, use quotations carefully and always explain the effect of a word or phrase on the reader.

On the following slides are some top tricks that writers use to influence their readers.

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Analysing language - ToneAnalysing language - Tone

When analysing the language in a piece of text, think about the tone. An easy way to remember about the tone is to ask yourself, what tone of voice would be used to read out the text? Would it be persuasive, informative, argumentative, light hearted and so on.

Once you have established what the tone is, work out how you know it is a persuasive or light hearted tone. What words and phrases are used to set this tone? Think also about the purpose of the text – is it to sell you something? Does the tone match the purpose? It would be very odd to read a text whose purpose was to inform you about global warming but was using a light hearted, feel good tone!

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Questions 2 & 3 continuedQuestions 2 & 3 continued

Look for any imagery in the text. Imagery is where the writer tries to paint a picture in the reader’s mind to help them relate to what is being described.

Imagery is often used in poetry and fiction but you also find it in non fiction texts. Look out for:

Similes – compares one thing to another using the words like or as (flat as a pancake)Metaphor – describes one thing as if it were another (you are a tower of strength)

Remember, it is not enough just to identify imagery. You need to explain clearly, in detail and in your own words what effect this imagery has upon the reader.

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Questions 2 and 3 continuedQuestions 2 and 3 continued

Another technique to look out for in your text is sensational or emotive language.

Emotive language is often used by writers when they want to manipulate the reader’s feelings.

Quite often emotive language will be found in adverts, charity leaflets or a text where the reader passionately believes in or hates something they are writing about.

Examples could be: the animals used are often cold, lonely and starving.

Remember – it’s not enough to identify emotive language. You have to clearly explain the effect it has on the reader.

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Questions 2 & 3 continuedQuestions 2 & 3 continued

A common language technique to spot and comment on is the use of the personal pronoun ‘you’ or ‘us’.

This technique is commonly used by the writer to make the text feel more personal to the reader, as if it is aimed directly at them personally.

Quite often, rhetorical questions will be used for added emphasis, such as ‘Do you think it’s right that.......’ or ‘Would you like that for your children?’

Sometimes, colloquial language is used. This is the kind of chatty, informal language that you would use with your friends.

Remember – it’s not enough to identify the personal pronouns – you have to explain in detail the effect on the reader.

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Questions 2 & 3 continuedQuestions 2 & 3 continued

Repetition is a very common technique and often (although not exclusively) used in sales. The word or phrase is repeated throughout the text to make it stick in the reader’s mind. It could be the name of the company, or it could be the word ‘bargain’ or words like ‘best ever’.

It is not enough to simply identify examples of repetition – you have to explain in detail the effect on the reader.

Something similar is the use of three. You will know all about this from writing to argue or persuade. The technique to spot is where the writer uses a list of three to emphasise a particular point – ‘it is wrong, disgraceful and we shouldn’t stand for it’.

Remember – it’s not enough to identify the repetition – you have to explain in detail the effect on the reader.

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Questions 2 and 3 continuedQuestions 2 and 3 continuedQuotations, statistics and anecdotes are used often in newspapers and magazines and sometimes in sales texts. They are used to add interest and credibility to a text.

For example, a charity leaflet might highlight the fact that ‘156 more people were helped last year through the generous donations made by people like you.’

They might go on to say that Prince Charles supports the charity and feels ‘This charity holds a special place in my heart’.

They may also choose to have a few lines about how the charity has helped a particular person. ‘Robert, 16, was struck down by this terrible illness during his GCSEs.’

Remember – it is not enough to identify quotation, statistics and anecdotes – you need to explain in detail the effect upon the reader.

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Questions 2 and 3 continuedQuestions 2 and 3 continued

Humour and or sarcasm is an easy technique to identify and comment on in an exam.

Think about the purpose of the humour – is it there simply to entertain and make the writing more lively? Or, is it there to manipulate the reader into thinking in a particular way. For example, if you were reading an article about the justice system in the UK and the judge in a case was mocked as being ‘old as the hills’ and ‘doddery as a dodo’, you might be prejudiced about what he said.

Remember, it is not enough to simply identify humour and sarcasm in the exam – you need to explain in detail the effect upon the reader.

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Questions 2 and 3 – last bitQuestions 2 and 3 – last bitLook out for and comment on the following techniques – they tend to impress the examiner........

Sentences and paragraphsShort sentences suggest tension and speed. Short paragraphs are often used in tabloid newspapers making them easier to read. Very short paragraphs attract the reader’s attention.Long sentences are mainly used for description and are full of detail. This is the same with long paragraphs. These are often used in broadsheet newspapers.

PunctuationLook for question and exclamation marks. Question try to draw a response from the reader while exclamations often stand out and attract attention.

Use of imperativesCommands often appear in advice leaflets, ‘try this tip at home’ but can also be used in persuasive texts ‘ Give money now’.

Try to link the language to the audienceYou might wish to comment on more sophisticated language for an educated audience and a more colloquial vocabulary to a teenage audience etc.

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The Final Question - ComparisonThe Final Question - Comparison

The final question will always be a comparison of the two texts. The key to answering this question is to a) make sure you are analysing the presentational devices and the language and b) ensure you are answering the question in depth and writing about both texts.

An example question might be:

Compare and contrast what Simon Bateson and Sarah Lord say about the use of capital punishment. (10 marks)

So, how do you compare the texts?

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Comparing textsComparing textsIn the final question you will always be asked to compare the 2 texts.

There is no set format for answering this question.

Perhaps the easiest way is to analyse Text 1 and then compare it to Text 2 saying in what ways they are similar but different.

On the higher paper there are not usually bullet points to help you structure your answer. You must therefore structure and plan yourself.

Make sure you use a wide range of connectives when comparing the texts.

Remember to look for the PAFs of each source and write about how well each text succeeds in its chosen purpose.

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What else should I look for?What else should I look for?It is likely (although not certain) that one of the source materials on your exam paper could be either a newspaper or magazine article. For this reason, it is a good idea to get to know the main terminology used in this industry.

Broadsheet – a newspaper like the Times or the Guardian. Usually tackles more serious stories. Smaller headlines and more serious tone.

Tabloid – a less serious newspaper like the Sun which does contain news but also celebrity gossip and scandal. It will have a less serious tone and a more limited vocabulary.

Headline – the title of the main story on the front page.

Strapline – the introductory smaller ‘headline’ located just underneath the main headline.

Byline – the journalist’s name who wrote the story

Sub-headings – you will find these breaking up columns of text. They make the story easier to read and you can find out the main points of the story by scanning these.

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Media terms continuedMedia terms continued

Lead story – as its name suggests, it is the main story on the front page.

Feature article – a feature is a topic the journalist believes will be interesting to the readers. S/he will cover the topic in some detail.

Human interest story – this type of article is often a personal or funny story, e.g. at Christmas a 100 year old letter addressed to Santa Claus is found up a chimney etc.

Editorial – this is where the editor (the person in charge of a newspaper) writes his / her opinion on a particular subject or news story. This is sometimes quite controversial.

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What else?What else?

Practice really does make perfect. For best results keep your junk mail and continue to find the PAF.

Go one step further by analysing both the language and the presentational features and getting vital practice for questions 2 and 3. Soon you will be able to do this in your sleep!!

For practice see your teacher who will be delighted to give you millions of past papers.

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Top tips for exam success........

1.Prepare for your exam now. Start saving that junk mail ..... you know what to do!2.Start asking for those past papers.3.Time yourself. You have 1 hour to complete 4/5 questions. Can you do it?4.Read every non fiction title you can manage. Start to look at different types of newspapers and magazines, web pages, travel writing etc. Start to look for particular styles – know what to expect.5.Get a good night’s sleep before your exam – you’ll need it!6.Pack at least two pens in black or blue. 7.Plan your journey. Do you really want to be late?8.In the exam room, listen carefully to all instructions9.Read the questions before you read the texts. This will help you as you already know what you are looking for when you read the texts.10.Read the questions carefully. Use the bullet points to help structure your answer.11.Remember that you get most marks for questions 4 and 5.

12.Take a deep breath and relax. You can do it!!

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WJEC Eng Language HWJEC Eng Language HUnit 2Unit 2

Preparing for the Writing SectionPreparing for the Writing Section

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All about writingYour guide to getting the best

grade on Paper Two

All about writingYour guide to getting the best

grade on Paper Two

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Paper Two of your English exam will assess your WRITING SKILLS

Paper Two of your English exam will assess your WRITING SKILLS

You will be asked to complete:•Two non fiction writing tasks – both are worth 20 marks•You will have an hour to complete this section, and must answer both questions•You should aim to spend around 30 minutes on each writing task. This should include 5 minutes to check your work once you have completed each task

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The tasksThe tasksThe writing tasks will ask you to produce a non fiction text, for example, a letter or an email. It is likely to be a functional task, such as writing to inform or explain.The exam board say:

‘This unit will test transactional and discursive writing through two equally weighted tasks (20 marks each). Across the two tasks candidates will be offered opportunities to write for a range of audiences and purposes, adapting style to form and real-life context in, for example, letters, articles, leaflets, reviews etc.’

Both tasks require you to produce a non fiction text in which you have the chance to develop your ideas in detail, for example, an article for a magazine or newspaper. This might involve writing to argue or persuade.

You will be given a clear form, purpose and audience for each task. Usually the audience of the text will be mentioned in the task, for example, ‘write an email to a friend to let them know about…’. If an audience is not given, you will be writing for an examiner.There may be a link between the tasks you are asked to complete on Paper Two and texts you read on Paper One.

The following slide will show you an example

The writing tasks will ask you to produce a non fiction text, for example, a letter or an email. It is likely to be a functional task, such as writing to inform or explain.The exam board say:

‘This unit will test transactional and discursive writing through two equally weighted tasks (20 marks each). Across the two tasks candidates will be offered opportunities to write for a range of audiences and purposes, adapting style to form and real-life context in, for example, letters, articles, leaflets, reviews etc.’

Both tasks require you to produce a non fiction text in which you have the chance to develop your ideas in detail, for example, an article for a magazine or newspaper. This might involve writing to argue or persuade.

You will be given a clear form, purpose and audience for each task. Usually the audience of the text will be mentioned in the task, for example, ‘write an email to a friend to let them know about…’. If an audience is not given, you will be writing for an examiner.There may be a link between the tasks you are asked to complete on Paper Two and texts you read on Paper One.

The following slide will show you an example

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Answer Question 1 and Question 2.

In this unit you will be assessed for your writing skills, including the presentation of your work. Take special care with handwriting, spelling and punctuation.

Think about the purpose, audience and, where appropriate, the format for your writing.

A guide to the amount you should write is given at the end of each question.

1. A company that runs play-schemes for children in the 3-10 age range is looking to recruit part-time staff for the school summer holidays.

You decide to apply.

Write your letter of application.

The quality of your writing is more important than its length. You should write about one to two pages in your answer book.

2. You have to give a talk to your class with the title ‘Mobile Phones: a blessing or a curse?’

Write what you would say.

The quality of your writing is more important than its length. You should write about one to two pages in your answer book.

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REMINDERWhen an examiner marks your work, they will look at the following Assessment Objectives for writing:

1.That you can communicate clearly, effectively and imaginatively, using and adapting forms and selecting vocabulary appropriate to task and purpose in ways which engage the reader.

2.Organise information and ideas into structured and sequenced sentences, paragraphs and whole texts, using a variety of linguistic and structural features to support cohesion and overall coherence.

3.Use a range of sentence structures for clarity, purpose and effect, with accurate punctuation and spelling.

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Guide to planning your


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•Ideally, you want to spend around 30 minutes on each task, including around 5 minutes to plan and check your work.

•The examiner will expect your writing to be around 4 – 5 paragraphs which is approximately one and a half to two sides if you have average sized handwriting.

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Stage 1: P.A.FStage 1: P.A.F

The first thing that you should do in an exam is read the question carefully. When you are sure that you understand what you are being asked to do, look for the PAF.


The purpose is the most important. It makes you think about why you are writing . Are you trying to persuade someone to abolish school uniform? Are you trying to advise someone about internet safety? What are you trying to do?

Audience – who are you writing for? Are you writing for your Head teacher or are you writing for your classmates?

Form – this asks you to think about the type of writing. Are you writing a letter or an email? A magazine article or a report?

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Find the PAF in the following examination questions.

Write a letter to your school magazine which argues for or against homework being set at Key Stage 4.

Write a review for a teen website about a film or TV programme you have seen recently.

Write a report for your local newspaper which offers advice on how to provide more facilities for teenagers.

Write an article for a teen magazine persuading young people to stop smoking.


Find the PAF in the following examination questions.

Write a letter to your school magazine which argues for or against homework being set at Key Stage 4.

Write a review for a teen website about a film or TV programme you have seen recently.

Write a report for your local newspaper which offers advice on how to provide more facilities for teenagers.

Write an article for a teen magazine persuading young people to stop smoking.

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Stage 2: Spider diagram

Stage 2: Spider diagram

After writing your PAF, the next stage is to put down all of your thoughts on a given topic. Think about the shorter question from Jan 2011:

Write a letter to your head teacher explaining how to improve your school or college.

Remember to:Write a letterExplain the things that would make your school or college better.

Your P = to explain the things that would make your school or college betterYour A = your head teacherYour F = a letter

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Your next step should be to design a spider diagram to get down as many thoughts as possible about the question.


New computers

New uniform

New school rules

Better food

New playing fields

New sports equipment

More teachers

Longer school dayNew buildings

More text books

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Stage 3: Developing your ideasStage 3: Developing your ideasThe next step is to develop your ideas by adding more detail to your plan and to note down what you will include in each paragraph.

Look at how this plan, based upon the previous spider diagram, would help you write your essay.

Intro – Formal – Dear Mr or Ms …… state briefly why you are writing to them, that you feel school needs to change. State that you have a number of suggestions.

Para 1 – If school needs to change something fundamental like uniform and school rules explain how to change and the impact on school.

Para 2 – Explain improvements to sporting facilities and equipment. Why important.

Para 3 – Explain improvements you would like to see to canteen food. Why important.

Para 4 – Explain improvements to lessons. More text books, better computers, more teachers, more interesting lessons? Explain what you’d like to see and why.

Conclusion – Summarise your main points and thank your head teacher for reading. Can you think of a final sentence to push him or her into understanding why your changes are so important?

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Basic skills to improve

your writing

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Structuring your writingStructuring your writing

After you have written your plan, you need to think about how to structure your writing. Here are some handy hints:

•Start each new paragraph with a topic sentence. Topic sentences introduce your paragraph. They let the reader know what to expect.

•Link your paragraphs using connectives – words or phrases that show your reader how your ideas link and work together. Here are some different kinds of connectives:

• Time order: At first, Then, Later• Logical order: Therefore, Consequently, As a result• Contrast: On the other hand, In contrast• Simple ordering of ideas: Firstly, Secondly, Finally• Development of ideas: Because of this, Also, Moreover, What is more,

In addition

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Structuring your writing (continued)

Structuring your writing (continued)

Think carefully about how to paragraph your work:•Start by introducing what your writing is going to be about•Develop your ideas in the next two, three or four paragraphs•Keep to one main idea for each paragraph•Make sure you restate your point of view clearly at the end of your writing. You could also save a new idea for your conclusion.

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Look at this question:

Many older people don’t use computers or the internet, either because they don’t see any value in them or because they are afraid of modern technology.

You have been asked to give a talk to a group of older people to persuade them to use computers and the internet.

Write what you would say. [20]

The quality of your writing is more important than its length. You should write about one to two pages in your answer book.

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Some other ways to

improve your writing

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Top Tip:Try using a range of sentences in your work.Why?It will make your writing more interesting and hopefully impress the examiner.

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Sentences continuedSentences continued

So what kinds of sentences are there?

The grammar bit

There are three kinds of sentences and you should try to use a mixture of all three

Simple sentencesCompound sentences

Complex sentences

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Short sentences

A simple sentence contains one main idea, with one subject and a verb. It is a sentence which is complete in itself.

The boy sauntered into the room

Boy = subjectSauntered = verb

As you can see, the sentence is only about one thing which is a boy sauntering into a room!

Sentences continuedSentences continued

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Sentences continuedSentences continuedShort sentences have a variety of uses.

They can:•Add excitement to your writingThe girl started running. She turned. The man was still following.•Make a powerful pointPeople often promise to stop misbehaving in lessons. This never seems to happen – someone always lets the class down. Something needs to change.•A single word sentence looks fab!The fog stretched ahead of her, enclosing and wrapping itself around the house, the car, the world. Silence.

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Sentences continuedSentences continued

Compound sentencesCompound sentences are easy, they are two simple sentences joined together. This type of sentence must be balanced though, each part of the sentence must be able to ‘stand on its own’.

Two simple sentences:My friend invited me to a tea party. My parents didn’t let me go.

A compound sentence:My friend invited me to a tea party, but my parents didn't let me go.Do you want to stay here, or would you like to go shopping with me?I have a lot of work to finish, so I will be up all night.


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Sentences continuedSentences continued

Complex sentencesA complex sentence is made up of at least one main clause and at least one subordinate or supporting clause.

ClausesIt sounds tricky but is in fact very easy. If you look at most longish sentences, you will notice that the sentences are made up of different parts. The main clause is the part of the sentence that makes sense on its own. The subordinate clause links to the main clause but can’t stand on its own.

The horse galloped across the field as if something was chasing him.

main clausesubordinate clause

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Sentences continuedSentences continued

Complex sentences are great because we can ‘expand’ them.

We can use extra detail to make the writing come alive and to enable them to picture what you are writing about.

The horse, who was glad to be free, galloped across the field as if something was chasing him.

We can also use adjectives and nouns to add more detail:

The delighted horse galloped joyously across the field as if something was chasing him.

Remember:Showing range and variety in your writing gets you marks. This applies as much to your sentences as to vocabulary, punctuation and ideas.

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TRYLook at a leaflet or magazine article. Choose one paragraph and count how many sentences it has. Then identify the complex, compound and simple sentences. How much variety is there?

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If you want to get a top grade in your exam you’ve got to know about punctuation.

It’s easy when you know how.

If you want to get a top grade in your exam you’ve got to know about punctuation.

It’s easy when you know how.

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Use apostrophes to:Show possession.

First find the ownerThe pen belonging to the teacherThe bag belonging to the lady Then, add ‘sThe teacher’s penThe lady’s bag

But, if the owner already ends in s then just add the apostropheThe bikes belonging to the boysThe boys’ bikesThe coat belonging to Mrs SykesMrs Sykes’ coat

Use apostrophes to:Show possession.

First find the ownerThe pen belonging to the teacherThe bag belonging to the lady Then, add ‘sThe teacher’s penThe lady’s bag

But, if the owner already ends in s then just add the apostropheThe bikes belonging to the boysThe boys’ bikesThe coat belonging to Mrs SykesMrs Sykes’ coat

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Apostrophes Reminders

Apostrophes also show where letters have been removed.

Do not talk = don’t talkShe will not talk = she won’t talkShe has not got any = she hasn’t

Apostrophes also show where letters have been removed.

Do not talk = don’t talkShe will not talk = she won’t talkShe has not got any = she hasn’t

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Try!Add the apostrophes in the sentences below:

1.The cats whiskers.2.The teachers pen.3.There are birds nests in the beech trees.4.Paul caught the dogs tail.5.The boys toilets.6.Mrs Robinsons coat.7.The miners lamps.8.Its a big decision.9.The womens handbags.10. The builders toolkit.

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How to use language

to get higher marks

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This section is all about how to use language creatively. An examiner will see hundreds of examination papers. How can you get yours to stand out?Try to remember and use some of the following tips in your writing. They will help you gain a higher mark. You know it makes sense!

This section is all about how to use language creatively. An examiner will see hundreds of examination papers. How can you get yours to stand out?Try to remember and use some of the following tips in your writing. They will help you gain a higher mark. You know it makes sense!

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Everything you wanted

to know about

openings and endings

Everything you wanted

to know about

openings and endings

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Openings and endingsOpenings and endings

One of the most difficult things in English is deciding how to start a piece of writing and then how to finish it. Follow these simple tips to maximise your grade.

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The job of an opening is to grab the reader’s attention. You must hook the reader straight away and force them to continue reading.

Here are some ways to do this:

For non fiction

Start with a quotation (real or made up)63% of 16 year olds don’t take enough exercise

An anecdoteIt was watching X Factor with my friends that really got me into dance

A rhetorical questionSchools to close? Teachers to resign? This is not some vision of the future – it is happening now….

How to write an effective openingHow to write an effective opening

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The conclusion is the ending to your writing – it is the impression that you will leave the reader with. For a non fiction essay you need to summarise (not just repeat) your main points and provide a final perspective on the topic. Try and use anecdotes, or humour or statistics to conclude.

If you take anything from this speech, I want you to remember that school uniform is unnecessary, it is ugly and most parents can ill afford it. Why does this school persist in making us students suffer in this way? 97% of students and 87% of parents think that students in Year 10 and 11 should be given the choice to decide what they wear. Do the right thing. You know it makes sense.

How to write an effective ending

How to write an effective ending

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Different types of writingDifferent types of writing

One of the most common questions asked by students is

how to set out a letter, an article etc..

This section is all about the different types of writing you

might be asked to produce in your writing exam.

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Part of your overall grade for writing will depend on your ability to spell a wide range of words accurately. Handwriting is not assessed, however, if an examiner cannot read your writing you are unlikely to score highly.Follow these simple tips to boost your spelling:•create a list of common spelling errors. Try using this link•learn to spell the most common words using the look, cover, write, check method•learn the difference between commonly confused words such as:

• there/their/they’re• two/to/too• quite/quiet• effect/affect• where/were/we’re• accept/except

Simple spelling rulesSimple spelling rules

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What is a simile?A simile is a comparison of two things using like or asThe frost sparkled like diamonds on the pavementWhat is a metaphor?A metaphor is a comparison of two things where one thing is anotherThe boxer’s iron fist crashed into the opponentWhat is emotive language?Emotive language is any language that makes people feel emotional i.e. anger, sympathy etc..There are many valid reasons why cosmetics should not be tested on animals. This hurtful industry causes unimaginable agony to these innocent animals. Would you condone experiments conducted on your own child?

Don’t forget that you can use statistics, even if you have made them up yourself!

Everything you ever wanted to know about metaphors, similes and emotive language – try using these devices even in non fictionEverything you ever wanted to know about metaphors, similes and emotive language – try using these devices even in non fiction

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For your English examination, you will be asked to write in a variety of styles e.g. a letter, magazine article etc.. and to write for a variety of different purposes e.g. to argue, to persuade etc..

Different types of writingDifferent types of writing

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To write a letter, you need to go back to your PAF. Who is your audience? Your letter will be very different if you are writing to your head teacher than if you are writing to your best friend. You must think carefully about your language and your tone.

Letter writingLetter writing

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Here are some general tips for letter writing.

For formal letters:•Write your address in the top right hand corner•Write the business address in the top left hand corner•Start either with a name (if you are given it in the question) or with Dear Sir / Madam•Begin by stating why you are writing the letter•Write your points clearly and in paragraphs•Finish your letter with Yours faithfully if you began with Dear Sir / Madam•Finish your letter with Yours sincerely if you began with a name

For informal letters:•Write your address in the top right hand corner. This shows the examiner you know how to set out a letter•Start with Dear (name of friend)•Write your points clearly and in paragraphs•Finish your letter informally e.g. lots of love or speak soon

Letter writingLetter writing

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Writing an article for a newspaper or magazine is a very common question at GCSE. Follow these top tips for exam success!!1.Do write a headline, it shows you are aware of presentational features. Also use a strapline which fits underneath the headline. Use subheadings when you change topics.2.Don’t waste your time drawing pictures – an empty box will suffice and you don’t need to bother writing in columns.3.Think carefully about the purpose of your article, make sure you sustain the purpose until the end of your article.4.Express your ideas clearly, usually one idea per paragraph.

Writing articles for newspapers and magazines

Writing articles for newspapers and magazines

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Writing a report is another common GCSE question. More top tips………

•Reports are nearly always factual and ask you to do things such as write a report for the school magazine about a recent school play or a school trip•Reports are usually a mix of fact and opinion (but remember, your facts don’t have to be true)•Use a headline like a newspaper article•Use reported speech•Try using what, when, who and where in your opening paragraph to set the scene for the reader•Write organised paragraphs which explain what happened

Writing a reportWriting a report

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You may be asked to write a review. A review is basically your account of an event and your thoughts and feelings on it.

A review usually follows the same structure:

1.A brief description / summary of the concert, play, film, TV programme that you are reviewing.

2.A bit more detail with examples to highlight what was good or bad about it.

3.Your opinion.

Top tips for writing a review•If you are asked to write a review about a film, don’t give away the ending•Consider ending with an evaluation and marks out of 10•If possible, write about any technical details e.g. in a film / play review you could write about the special effects / settings / the director / the acting•Your review topic (film / book / holiday / concert etc.) can be real or imaginary

Writing a reviewWriting a review

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In addition to writing in a particular style i.e. a letter or a newspaper report, you will be asked to write for a particular purpose i.e. to argue your point of view, to persuade your reader of something, or to explain a particular topic.

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Top tips:•Find your PAF and write a plan – examiners want to see structured, considered work•An argument means you put forward a well considered point of view – for or against a given topic

Consider using all or some of the following:•anecdotes real or imaginary•statistics real or imaginary•arguments to counter the main alternative views•rhetorical questions•emotive language•rule of three•repetition•hyperbole

Writing an argumentWriting an argument

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Top tips:•Find your PAF and write a plan – examiners want to see structured, considered work•Being persuasive means to encourage your readers to believe or do something•Writing to persuade is generally more emotional and one sided than writing to argue

Consider using all or some of the following:•emotive language – make your writing particularly emotional•anecdotes – real or imaginary•Pronouns - ‘we’ or ‘you’ to give a sense of belonging•List or rule of three•statistics - real or imaginary•rhetorical questions•examples of what could be done to improve the situation

Writing to persuadeWriting to persuade

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Top tips:•Find your PAF and write a plan – examiners want to see structured, considered work•Writing to advise means to give your audience help to do something, so depending on your PAF, your work needs to be very clearly laid out

Consider using all or some of the following:•bullet points or headings to separate ideas into sections•diagrams (not too elaborate though!)•offer logical solutions•commands (then you should…..)•be encouraging and motivating in your tone•try and capture the reader’s attention (what kind of learner are you??)•depending on PAF, be polite but informal

Writing to adviseWriting to advise

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Top tips:•Find your PAF and write a plan – examiners want to see structured, considered work•Explaining something means being objective and explaining how and why something happens. You may be asked to write something formally or explain about something that is personal to you

Consider using all or some of the following:•try describing a situation and explaining how and why it came about and what effect it had•always give reasons and examples for why something occurs•use statistics or ‘evidence’ either real or made up but make it sound believable•be clear and specific•focus on the title, if you are asked to write about something memorable – then write about that•consider your language, it should be interesting to read

Writing to explainWriting to explain

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Writing to informWriting to inform

Top tips:•Find your PAF and write a plan – examiners want to see structured, considered work•Informative writing means you are giving clear information to your reader in an easy to understand style

Consider using all or some of the following:•include both facts and opinions – either real or imaginary•use statistics or evidence – either real or imaginary. You should sound as if you know about the subject•personal anecdotes to make it more interesting•consider language use carefully – who are you writing for and how will this influence your language use•make your information very clear – imagine your reader knows nothing about the topic

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Specimen Exam and Mark scheme

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Test yourself!Specimen mark scheme and


The next slide will give you the opportunity to try out some of the skills you have learned in this unit of work. Remember, you must answer both questions and have 1 hour to complete all of the writing.

A mark scheme is included so you can assess your work.

Good Luck!!

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Answer Question 1 and Question 2.

In this unit you will be assessed for your writing skills, including the presentation of your work. Take special care with handwriting, spelling and punctuation.

Think about the purpose, audience and, where appropriate, the format for your writing.

A guide to the amount you should write is given at the end of each question.

1. A company that runs play-schemes for children in the 3-10 age range is looking to recruit part-time staff for the school summer holidays.

You decide to apply.

Write your letter of application.

The quality of your writing is more important than its length. You should write about one to two pages in your answer book.

2. You have to give a talk to your class with the title ‘Mobile Phones: a blessing or a curse?’

Write what you would say.

The quality of your writing is more important than its length. You should write about one to two pages in your answer book.

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For each of questions 1 and 2 you will be awarded two marks:

Content and organisation (13 marks)

Here the examiner is looking for evidence of:•Purpose, audience and form•Organisation – cohesion and use of clear, ordered paragraphs•Use of a style appropriate to audience and purpose•A range of vocabulary

Sentence structure, punctuation, spelling (7 marks)

Here the examiner is looking for evidence of:•Sentence use•Punctuation•Spelling•Tense and agreement

The following slides will give you the mark scheme an examiner would use when marking your writing. Check each band carefully and see which band your work would ‘best fit’.

Mark Scheme

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Letter of application for a job. [20]

An understanding of purpose, audience and format is particularly important in this type of writing. As the task is of a functional nature, an understanding of 'real life‘ uses of English is also important.

Content and organisation (13 marks)

0 marks: not worthy of credit

Band 1 1-3 marks

• basic awareness of the purpose and format of the task• some awareness of the reader / intended audience• some relevant comment but analysis is basic• simple sequencing of ideas provides some coherence• paragraphs may be used to show obvious divisions or group ideas into someorder• some attempt to adapt style to purpose / audience (e.g. degree of formality)• there is a limited range of vocabulary with little variation of word choice formeaning or effect

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Letter of application for a job. [20]

An understanding of purpose, audience and format is particularly important in this type of writing. As the task is of a functional nature, an understanding of 'real life‘ uses of English is also important.

Content and organisation (13 marks)

Band 2 4-6 marks

• shows awareness of the purpose and format of the task• shows awareness of the reader / intended audience• a sense of purpose shown in analysis / comment and some reasons are given insupport of opinions and ideas• sequencing of ideas provides coherence• paragraphs are logically ordered and sequenced (e.g. topic sentences aresupported by relevant detail)• a clear attempt to adapt style to purpose / audience• there is some range of vocabulary, occasionally selected to convey precisemeaning or to create effect

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Letter of application for a job. [20]

An understanding of purpose, audience and format is particularly important in this type of writing. As the task is of a functional nature, an understanding of 'real life‘ uses of English is also important.

Content and organisation (13 marks)

Band 3 7-9 marks

• shows clear understanding of the purpose and format of the task• shows clear awareness of the reader / intended audience• clear sense of purpose shown in content coverage; appropriate reasons givenin support of opinions/ ideas• ideas are shaped into coherent arguments• paragraphs or sections are used consciously to structure the writing• style is adapted to purpose / audience• there is a range of vocabulary selected to convey precise meaning or to createeffect

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Letter of application for a job. [20]

An understanding of purpose, audience and format is particularly important in this type of writing. As the task is of a functional nature, an understanding of 'real life‘ uses of English is also important.

Content and organisation (13 marks)

Band 4 10-13 marks

• shows sophisticated understanding of the purpose and format of the task• shows sustained awareness of the reader / intended audience• content coverage is well-judged, detailed, and pertinent• arguments are convincingly developed and supported by relevant detail• ideas are selected and prioritised to construct sophisticated argument• paragraphs are effectively varied in length and structure to control progression• confident and sophisticated use of a range of stylistic devices adapted topurpose/audience• a wide range of appropriate, ambitious vocabulary is used to create effect orconvey precise meaning

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Sentence structure, punctuation and spelling (7 marks)

0 marks: not worthy of credit

Band 1 1 mark

• sentences are mostly simple or compound• compound sentences are linked or sequenced by conjunctions such as ‘and’ or ‘so’• punctuation (full stops, commas, capital letters to demarcate sentences) isattempted where appropriate and with some accuracy• the spelling of simple words is usually accurate• control of tense and agreement is uneven

Band 2 2-3 marks

• sentences are varied and both compound and complex sentences are used• there is use of some subordination to achieve clarity and economy• some control of a range of punctuation, including the punctuation of direct speech• the spelling of simple and polysyllabic words is usually accurate• control of tense and agreement is generally secure

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Band 3 4-5 marks

• a range of grammatical structures is used to vary the length and focus ofsentences• simple, compound and complex sentences are used to achieve particular effects• a range of punctuation is used accurately to structure sentences and texts,sometimes to create deliberate effects, including parenthetic commas• most spelling, including that of irregular words, is usually correct• control of tense and agreement is secure

Band 4 6-7 marks

•there is appropriate and effective variation of sentence structures•there is a sophisticated use of simple, compound and complex sentences toachieve particular effects•accurate punctuation is used to vary pace, clarify meaning, avoid ambiguity andcreate deliberate effects•virtually all spelling, including that of complex irregular words, is correct•tense changes are used confidently and purposefully

It is presumed that candidates attaining Band 2 and above will have achievedthe criteria listed in the previous band(s). Fine tuning of the mark within aband will be made on the basis of a "best fit" procedure, weaknesses in some areas being compensated by strengths in others.

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Additional task-specific guidance

Good answers may include some of the following features:

• a sustained sense of register and purpose which meets the requirement for aletter of application (for example, a suitably formal tone and offering convincingreasons why the writer is a suitable applicant)• a clear and coherent approach (offering a range of skills and aptitudes suitablefor the requirements of the job)• a logical structure within which relevant information is conveyed effectively andclearly• an evident sense of cohesion with material linked effectively (use ofconnectives/subordination)• a range of appropriate and well-selected details to illustrate and give substanceto information offered (relevant details of previous part time work or offeringnames of people prepared to offer a reference)• some development of ideas (perhaps showing evidence of specific skills, such asworking with young children)• positioning and establishing a relationship with the reader (clear sense ofaudience)• ability to move from the general to the particular or vice-versa (specific andrelevant examples used within a coherent approach to the topic)• clear understanding of format

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Less successful answers may be characterised by some of the following features:

• uncertain sense of purpose and register (for example, ignoring the specificrequirements for the job or showing a limited sense of audience)• less secure control of structure (uncertain or random sequencing)• a tendency for details to be handled in isolation with limited sense of linking orcohesion (uneasy with connectives/subordination)• details are thin or generalised with little sense of development (for example, Iwould enjoy working with children but giving no evidence why this would be thecase)• limited development of why the writer would be a strong candidate and atendency to simple assertion (for example, I like adventure activities so I would begood in this job)• very limited awareness of the reader (for example, offering details unrelated tothe demands of the post applied for)• a tendency for comments about personal strengths and qualities to stay at thelevel of the general and to lack specific examples• limited understanding of the features of a letter of application

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Talk to class : ‘Mobile Phones: a blessing or a curse?’ [20]

An understanding of purpose, audience and format is particularly important in this type of writing. As the task is of a functional nature, an understanding of 'real life‘ uses of English is also important.

Content and organisation (13 marks)

0 marks: not worthy of credit

Band 1 1-3 marks

• basic awareness of the purpose and format of the task• some awareness of the reader / intended audience• some relevant comment but analysis is basic• simple sequencing of ideas provides some coherence• paragraphs may be used to show obvious divisions or group ideas into someorder• some attempt to adapt style to purpose / audience (e.g. degree of formality)• there is a limited range of vocabulary with little variation of word choice formeaning or effect

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Content and organisation (13 marks)

Band 2 4-6 marks

• shows awareness of the purpose and format of the task• shows awareness of the reader / intended audience• a sense of purpose shown in content coverage and some reasons are given insupport of opinions and ideas• sequencing of ideas provides coherence• paragraphs are logically ordered and sequenced (e.g. topic sentences aresupported by relevant detail)• a clear attempt to adapt style to purpose / audience• there is some range of vocabulary, occasionally selected to convey precisemeaning or to create effect

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Band 3 7-9 marks

• shows clear understanding of the purpose and format of the task• shows clear awareness of the reader / intended audience• clear sense of purpose shown in content coverage; appropriate reasons givenin support of opinions / ideas• ideas are shaped into coherent arguments• paragraphs are used consciously to structure the writing• style is adapted to purpose / audience• there is a range of vocabulary selected to convey precise meaning or to createeffect

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Band 4 10-13 marks

• shows sophisticated understanding of the purpose and format of the task

• shows sustained awareness of the reader / intended audience

• content coverage is well-judged, detailed, and pertinent• arguments are convincingly developed and supported by

relevant detail• ideas are selected and prioritised to construct

sophisticated argument• paragraphs are effectively varied in length and structure to

control progression• confident and sophisticated use of a range of stylistic

devices adapted to purpose/audience• a wide range of appropriate, ambitious vocabulary is used

to create effect or convey precise meaning

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Sentence structure, punctuation and spelling (7 marks)

0 marks: not worthy of credit

Band 1 1 mark

• sentences are mostly simple or compound• compound sentences are linked or sequenced by conjunctions such as ‘and’ or ‘so’• punctuation (full stops, commas, capital letters to demarcate sentences) isattempted where appropriate and with some accuracy• the spelling of simple words is usually accurate• control of tense and agreement is uneven

Band 2 2-3 marks

• sentences are varied and both compound and complex sentences are used• there is use of some subordination to achieve clarity and economy• some control of a range of punctuation, including the punctuation of direct speech• the spelling of simple and polysyllabic words is usually accurate• control of tense and agreement is generally secure

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Band 3 4-5 marks

• a range of grammatical structures is used to vary the length and focus ofsentences• simple, compound and complex sentences are used to achieve particular effects• a range of punctuation is used accurately to structure sentences and texts,sometimes to create deliberate effects, including parenthetic commas• most spelling, including that of irregular words, is usually correct• control of tense and agreement is secure

Band 4 6-7 marks

•there is appropriate and effective variation of sentence structures•there is a sophisticated use of simple, compound and complex sentences toachieve particular effects•accurate punctuation is used to vary pace, clarify meaning, avoid ambiguity andcreate deliberate effects•virtually all spelling, including that of complex irregular words, is correct•tense changes are used confidently and purposefully

It is presumed that candidates attaining Band 2 and above will have achievedthe criteria listed in the previous band(s). Fine tuning of the mark within aband will be made on the basis of a "best fit" procedure, weaknesses in some areas being compensated by strengths in others.

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Additional task-specific guidance

Good answers may include some of the following features:

• a sustained sense of register and purpose which meets the requirement for a talk (forexample, a lively, opinionated or witty approach)• a clear and coherent approach • a logical structure within which relevant information is conveyed effectively andclearly• an evident sense of cohesion with material linked effectively (use ofconnectives/subordination)• a range of appropriate and well-selected details to illustrate and give substance tosuggestions, information and opinions (relevant use of facts/figures/anecdotes)• some development of ideas and opinions (perhaps involving alternative views)• positioning and establishing a relationship with the reader via devices such asasides, questions, humour, use of active or passive voice and other journalisticdevices (clear sense of audience)• ability to move from the general to the particular or vice-versa (specificexamples used within a coherent approach to the topic)

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Less successful answers may be characterised by some of the following features:

• uncertain sense of purpose and register (for example, ignoring the requirement for a talk)• less secure control of structure (uncertain or random sequencing/no clear sense of argument)• a tendency for details to be handled in isolation with limited sense of linking orcohesion (uneasy with connectives/subordination)• details are thin or generalised with little sense of development (for example, a single sentence for each topic such as everyone like mobile phones)• limited development of ideas/opinions and a tendency to simple assertion (forexample, not having a mobile phone is ridiculous)• very limited awareness of the audience • a tendency for comments to stay at the level of the general and to lack specificexamples

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Finally!!Top tips for exam success:1.Read widely and for pleasure.2.Read non-fiction and fiction. Make friends with your school librarian.3.Listen carefully in class. Your teacher is an expert and wants you to gain the highest grade possible.4.Try completing as many practice papers as possible at home. This gives you a feel for the timings and the sort of questions you will be asked.5.Try planning imaginary essay questions using the three point method.6.Try and extend your vocabulary. Reading will help with this.7.Make a list of your weaknesses – is it spelling, apostrophes, planning etc. and work on them.8.Get a good night’s sleep before the exam.9.Ensure you have at least two black / blue pens.

10.Take a deep breath, close your eyes and relax. You can do it!!

Page 110: WJEC GCSE H English Language Preparing for the Reading Section

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