Page 1: Willard - Torrance Aug 1... · member Willard Battery men $ 13-Plate, Rubber Case Willard fits Ford, Chevrolet, Overland, Maxwell, Star, and others. /£552S. ~ Torrance Auto Electric



Florsheim Shoes are famous for their fine style.Well-dressed men find in Florsheims just what they want smart lasts, correct designing, quality materials.


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Sartori Ave. Torrance

member Willard Battery men


13-Plate, Rubber Case

Willardfits Ford, Chevrolet, Overland, Maxwell, Star, and others.

/£552S. ~ Torrance Auto Electric

Harvel Guttenfelderi^tjKy Ptone 16«X£iAiX 1312 Cabrfflo TORRANCE

ft member Willar J Battery paen j|

For a Limited Period

Men's SuitsCleaned



You Will Find Equally Good Values In Our

Tailored to Measure

Suits--$25 and upMade Right in Torrance

DUNDEEEdison Bldg., 1417 Marcelina Ave., Next to

Torrance HeraldOpen Evenings Till 9 o'clock

Cleaning Pressing All Kinds of Tailor Work


CENTRAL EVANGELICALrrancls A. Zpller, pastor.

Sunday Hchool, 9:46 a.m.MorninR Hervlcc, 11 o'clock. Dr.

William Key, lately returned from (lie Wilfred Orenfell mlsHlon In, will apeak.

Kvcnlnir service, 7:30 o'clock.ChriBtlan Endeavor at 6:30.The members of the various or-

Kunlzatlons of the church and their Mends will enjoy a pot-luck sup­ per together In Guild -Hall Thui-H- ilay evening, Dec. 3.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETYWomen's Chubhouse, Engracla

avenue.Sunday services at 11 a. m.Sunday School classes, 9:80 n. m.Wednesday evening; meetings are

held at 8 p.m.

FIRST CHRISTIANn. H. Llngenfelter, pastor,

unday School, 9:45 a.m. Scott Ludlow, superintendent. The school

growing.[ornlng service, 11 o'clock . S i subject, "Helping the Help­

less."Evening service, 7:30 o'clock. >rmon subject, "The Light of the

World."Young People's Society of Chrl in Endeavor meets In the church

at 6:30.Midweek meeting Wednesday eve-

ore is the latest Palm B creation of white velvet, trin with white fox and hand stenciling

Parent-Teacher District Heads Hold Conference

Inspiring Business Sessio:Held at Wilmington

on Friday

ic I'.-T. A. presidents of See ion D held their regular montlil

conference at the Fries Avenu School in Wilmington last Frida] vith Mrs. Gordon L. GroveB, coun :illor, in the chair.

An inspiring business session wa ollowed by a charming luncheo: it the home of Mrs. L. A. Hart nan, with the Fries Avenue, Gul

Avenue and Canal Avenue Parent 'eactier Associations as co-host dses. During luncheon an excel tnt program of readings, vocal ornct and whistling solos wa resented by pupils of the sovern :hools.Local I'.-T. A. workers prenen

ncluded Mrs. Groves, councillor A .F. Welton, subcounclllor

_,... George P. Shidler, Mrs. 0 V. Thistle, and Mrs. A. E. As >ittle, presidents of Torrance, Nar «mne, and Harbor City P.-T. A.'s Mrs. H. B. Linderman, membershi] hairman, Section D; Mrs. C. H leers, magazine chairman, Sectioi

ind Mrs. E. K. Lynne, reportei Section D.

Federation officers present wet'ra. J. L. Thornton and Mrs. P

M. Kerris, press and membershi]chairmen, respectively, of Los Angules, Tenth District.

High School Play Is Well Received;

Students Grateful(By Journalism Class) v

Torrance High School is ver; much gratified that the musica comedy "Pickles" won much ap proval from u large, enthusiast! audience.

Since this is the first Unit- Ilia "Pickles" hus hi-en produced by i high schinil cam, we are especial!:

nil tliat it was a success, lembers from the high scliooli

of Anaheim, Burbank, Belmont am Gardena were present, because the; have selected this opera for pro iluctlon in their schools.

The people of Torrance supportet the school with a large attendant and the glee clubs appreciate this loyalty. It is anticipated that a goodly sum will be added to tin

Miss Llngenfelter's branch of tin

aud-call Wednesday, Nov. 26. Je- ime Shatter, musician, humorist, cturer and impersonator, will fur­

nish the entertainment.

Tlic basketball teams are prac-:lng with enthusiasm for the

coming season. It Is anticipated that there will lie four teams, tin

embers of which are to be se-cted soon.

* * * * * *** LOMITA NOTES *

Dearborn, and Kd

al people o attended the UK "f 11»- Associated Chain-ul I'omiiM'rce at Hellflower

V evening were Mi. and Mis. . I'hrlsllen, Miss Killth S. i. Miss Until lir. enluiul and


Mi Vml,

FOUR-SQUARE 'GOSPELAngelus Temple students in

charge. i.Sunday School, 9:45. G. W.

Northrup, superintendent.Morning service, 10:45 o'clock:

Good singing.Evening service, 7:30 o'clock.

Evangelistic. Special solos and music.

Tuesday, 7:30, prayer and praise. We will also have a tarrying meet­ ing for those seeking the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Wednesday morning'; from 10 to 12 -prayer' irreetitlgr:

Thursday, 7:30, Thanksgiving service. We expect to have Mr. Morrlson with us, and will have special Thanksgiving solos and songs; also special music. All are cordially invited.

SALVATION ARMY1324 Sartori avenue. Envoy Ivy

A. Grace, commanding officer.Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.Morning service, 11 o'clock.Evening service, 7:30_o'clock.Young People's Legion at 6, led

by Secretary Scudella. The boys' service last Sunday proved very successful and interesting, and next Sunday the girls will have charge.

Tuesday night, praise and Sal­ vation meeting.

Thursday night, Bible study, led by Brother Geddes.

Friday night, cottage prayer meeting will be held' at the home of Mrs. Grosscup in Walteria. Meet at the hall at 7 o'clock for trans­ portation to Walteria.

There will be no service Thanks­ giving evening.


Sunday School, 9:45 a.m. Morning service 11 o'clock, ex-

ept first Sunday of the month. Holy communion first Sunday of

le month at 9 o'clock. Women's Guild meets first and

third Thursdays of the month in the Parish-House.

CATHOLICRev. Reardon, Pastor.

Mass celebrated Sundays at 7:30 ftni 1:10 a. m.

Sunday school, 9 a.m. Sunday and 4 p. m. Saturday.

Benediction, 7:46 Sunday eve­ ning.

LOMITA GOSPEL MISSIONBetween Weston and George on

Arfiene street. Wllford Treulge, pastor.

Sunday School, 9:45 a.m.Preaching services at 11 a.m.

and 7:30 p.m.Young people's meeting, 6:30 p.m.Prayer meeting and Bible study

Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 7:30.

The mission services Sunday

England, and It was Indeed good to be there. Brother Treslse spoke

nlng. Love is the fulfilling of the law: It workcth no 111 to his neighbor.

Mrs. Rexford Pierce sang a solo entitled "I Love Him Each Day Far Better Than Ever I've Loved Him Before" very sweetly, and in the evening the congregation was favored with a beautiful duet by Mr. and Mrs. Pierce.

Bible studies conducted by Rev. D. R. Plunkett are well attended, and interest is on the increase. One can learn from Paul's epistles to the Romans all he needs to "maW one clean-cut for God an* land one safe In Heaven.

FOUR-SQUARE GOSPELAngelus Temple students

charge.Sunday School, 9:45. G.

Northrup, superintendent.Morning service, 10:45 o'cl.

Good singing.Evening service, 7:30 o'clock.

Special music.Tuesday, 7:30, prayer and praise.Wednesday morning from 10 t

12, prayer meeting.Thursday evennlg this week, at

7:30, Mr. Morrlson, captain of th Joy Brlngers will be with us. and give the message. Come out hear this spirit-filled man. Special

Rich Simplicity

id soloA cordia ne awaits you.

LATTER DAY SAINTSServices held In the American

Hall, located on Border Avenue be­ tween Carson and 218th Street!.

Sunday School commence* at 10 a.m.

Preaching services, 11: IE a.m.Public Invited to attend. No

collection taken up.Elder's address, 1816 Arlington

Avenue.SEVENTH DAY ADVENTI8TWeston and Walnut streets, Lo­

mita. Glenn Morton, Elder.Sabbath School, 2 p.m.Preaching service, 3 p.m.Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7: SO

p. m

| OBSERVATIONS(Continued from Page' One)

lie was emphatic In the belief that too much government in busi­ ness hutts more than It helps.

Reading between the lines of the address, one concludes that the pressure brought to bear on the President by representatives of business which means corporations, labor and farm organiza­ tions is great and continuous. The President did not say so but he intimated as much. He stated succinctly that in his mind men In government know more - about government than men in f' business.

K * * * r\ID you read the President's speech or "just the headlines"?

If you don't read, ['resident's addresses, can you vote intelli­ gently ut the next national election?

This beautiful evening gown, de- ligned by Gloria Swanson, is of :repe georgette in apricot shade

'er cord*.

Legion Auxiliary To Elect Tuesday

The American Legion Auxiliary will elect officers at the n regular meeting, to be held Tu day evening, Dec. 1, at the ho of Mrs. Lr V. Babcock, 1740 And

A full atte urged.

nce of member

LOMITA NOTES **** * * **

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Beard and Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Gibson, and families, are at . Glenn Ranch f<

holidays. They are guests of and Mrs. Don Proctor of Seal

Mrs. Loretta Marshall, who un- srwent a major operation at the ii-ed Sidney Torrance Memorial

Hospital within a few hours of arrival here, left Monday for home in Fort Collins. Mrs.

shall has been the guest of and Mrs. J. U Tinsman.

r. and Mrs. Carter Murphy of Arizona street were entertained at Thanksgiving dinner by Mrs. Alice Murphy of Long Beach.

Have you heard about the new Ten-Pay Budget Plan at Rappaport's? Adv.


Comings, Goings and Doings of

Folks Hereabouts

J e It) c i e r

Expert Watch Work

Assemble It YourselfDo an Hour's Work and Save a Lot of Money

Complete 5-Tube Radio$35.00

Will Get Any Station That Any Other 5-Tube Set Will Get



We sell it to you "knocked down" in two assembled units as pictured. Wire it up yourself. The Premier New-Way Six-color Wiring Chart enables ANYONE to complete the set in an hour or less. No drilling, assembling or machine work to do.

All material is furnished, even to the solder and soldering iron. Complete, $35.

This set is guaranteed to be mechanically perfect You are sure of excellent results.


Paxman's HardwareLomita

Gas Heaters A Dollar Down

For a limited time the Southern California Gas Company will deliver and connect in your fireplace any Humphrey's Radiantfire heater on the payment of one dollar down, 'the balance on easy monthly terms.

This is a clean, economical, efficient-gas heater which may be installed in any fire­ place.

Inquire today. .

Post and Cravens Torrance, Cal.

You Can Sell "It" Through Our Want Ads.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lyons at- nde<l the dedication Sunday of

he Pronrt'SKivi- Spiritualist Church Truth, Sun ivdro, i>( which

i. Lyons' daughter, Mrs. Hazel Madden, is pastor.

r. and Mrs. Jack Tonkin of ___ Angeles attended the Athletic " lull dance Saturday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Riandi have loved from the West on ranch tc ompoc.

and Mrs. H. O. Golding of ml street attended a Los Ao-

Ilieutre Sunday.

Suturdt Me Don.

street were dlnne

.Id of Long Beach.

Miss Dorothy Hall of Long Be is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. H. Hulladay of Oak street.

Bobby, twin son of Mr. and Mrs :. G. Marxmiller of Cypress street < recovering from an acute at- lu.-k of bronchitis.

Ml Alice Ruth Murphy was kend guest of her grandmothi

In Long Beaoh.

Ripple's ToysBring Christmas Joys!

Toy Furniture Wheel Goods

Dolls Silver Wreaths

Tree Decorations

LEWIS RIPPLENew and Second Hand Furniture

1927 Canon St., Torranoe Phone 73-W

Eby's Carson & Cabrillo

Eby's Torrance


EBY'S FOR DOLLSEby's are specializing in DOLLS. Here you will find a

splendid assortment of the newest creations in Dolls.Ask to see the new "BYE-BYE" DOLLS. They are the very newest ad­

dition to Dolldom. Modeled just like infants and a perfect image of little "Baby Brother." Buy yours early as the supply is limited and no more are obtainable. They are selling rapidly.

"Christmas Handkerchief Headquarters"