  1. 1. Why Is My Neck Hurting? Some Myths Attached With Neck Pain Have you recently Neck pain Fort Myers experienced pain in the neck? Acute or chronic pain in the neck affects 60-70% of people during their lifetime. While some are treated of the pain after some time, others have to live with it for the rest of their life. If you think that you know it all about neck pain, lets bust the myths today and separate pain facts from pain myths.
  2. 2. Myth 1 : You can ease the pain by resting Fact: It is believed that rest of short period can help in relieving the pain, however, doctors strictly advice against full day bed rest. General inactivity or long period rest can actually increase the pain. Resting can have a harmful effect on the body as it leads to muscle wasting, which in turn can cause more pain in the neck. Therefore, if you are experiencing pain in the neck, make sure you indulge in some kind of exercise to break the cycle of inactivity and pain.
  3. 3. Myth 2: The spine can be easily injured as it is fragile Fact: Fort Myers residents generally think that as the spine is flexible, it can be easily injured. However, this is not true. Spine cord is a well designed anatomical structure which is surrounded by ligaments, muscles, and tendons. The muscles and tendons provide a great deal of strength and support to the spine and keep it in a healthy position. However, if you are regularly indulging in different activities such as an improper posture or lifting of heavy objects it will put stress on the spine and make it prone to injuries.
  4. 4. Myth 3 Doctors didnt find the reason, so I must be experiencing pain only in my head Fact: Remember that pain is always real. Whether you are experiencing pain in the neck or lower back, there is always an anatomical cause behind that pain. If you are experiencing chronic pain that has been troubling you from the last 2 or 3 months, it is vital to treat it proactively. Sometimes psychological factors may be the reason behind the pain and thus you need to choose an alternative treatment.
  5. 5. Myth 4: Women feel more pain than men Fact: Fort Myers Men and women are equally affected by neck pain, however, they can experience the pain differently. According to a research, this may be true to some extent, but the pain threshold depends on whats hurting and how. So it is just a myth that the fairer sex feels more pain than men.
  6. 6. Myth 5:I am feeling extreme pain, there must be some damage to the neck bone Fact: The level and extent of pain may differ from person to person and it is not related to the extent of damage to your neck. If you are experiencing acute neck pain chances are that instead of spinal damage, the tissues around the neck may have been damaged. Therefore, if you are experiencing pain in the neck, the best option will be to visit a doctor for best treatment.