Page 1: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current

Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0

Disclaimer: This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current version of the platform (Minimum Viable Product - MVP) and future work in progress, and illustrates the intent of iHuddl Inc to develop, launch and market certain products and services. These products and services are built on new technologies, and the plans may be altered as the platform matures to meet evolving consumer demands, markets, technological advances, and government regulations.

Page 2: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


We’re on a Mission 3

In Summary 4

Motivation 6

Financial services are exclusive 6

Social networks do not compensate users 7

Few tokens provide real utility 8

Huddl Platform 9

Users 10

Providers 11

Huddl Token 12

Token Supply and Release Schedule 13

Token Distribution 14

Roadmap 16

Team 17

Marketing Plan and Approach 19

Access Granted 20

Disclosures 21

Page 3: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current

We’re on a MissionAt Huddl, we want to empower the collective to achieve a broad and fair

distribution of wealth.

“ Our mission is to channel the collective aspirations, networks, and

buying power of the general public such that every individual derives the

maximum monetary and functional benefit from their consumption and

investing activities.

To accomplish this mission we will begin by focusing our initial attention on

democratizing access to premium financial services and exclusive investment

products. We will discover the best investment products and financial services

Wall Street has to offer and bring them to Main Street.

Page 4: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


In SummaryToday we live in a world of mistrust where consumers and investors find it very difficult, if not impossible, to

trust global institutions, whether these institutions are NGOs, Government, Business or Media. Many studies

have been performed over the last decade confirming these views and it appears this discontent is growing

deeper and broader.

In a recent study performed by Edelman, they found that the majority of consumers and investors trust the

financial services and banking industries the least. However, what may be surprising is this distrust traverses

all industries, where the predominant reason for consumers’ distrust is caused mainly by consumers believing

most businesses are corrupt or fraudulent, and that unethical motivations drive business decisions.

A powerful example of this distrust can be seen by looking at the significant deterioration of trust in

“platforms” (i.e. search engines and social media). Whether the lack of trust is the result of the rise of fake

news, or the industry’s exponential adoption of business models based predominantly on obtaining and

exploiting personal consumer information for profit, is unclear. However, what is clear is that consumers

are no longer accepting of revenue and profit models that return enormous benefits to institutions at the

expense of consumers, communities, and our overall society.

In order to find a solution to these issues, we must first understand that the problems in the global marketplace

stem from the unique role consumers fill, where their actions alone decide the overall success of the global

economy. What is often overlooked is the fact that consumer income (supply) and spending (demand)

drives the direction of interest rates, corporate profits, stock markets, employment, government debt, prices

of goods and services, and so much more. It is this dependency on the consumer that has caused the

marketplace to broaden and accelerate their endeavors to understand and secure the activities, intentions,

and information of the consumer.

Percent Who Trust Each Sector


























62 63 6670


Page 5: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


However, what institutions, and the global marketplace, often fail to understand is the provision of tools or

services that deliver ease-of-access, games and social media does not justify gathering and distributing

personal consumer information for corporate profit. Consumers’ and investors’ personal information should

not be simply thought of as a way to discover methods to sell more products but, more importantly, something

of tangible value that should be visible and deliver direct benefits to the owner of that information, the

consumer. Existing technology platforms have failed to recognize this reality and, in many cases, that is part

of the problem. Making matters worse, the financial services and banking industries have also failed in this

regard, as their products and services are both highly commoditized and seriously outdated. Thus, what we

are left with is a global marketplace that cannot meet the needs of the 21st-century consumer or investor.

Considering the distrust consumers and investors have for all industries, alongside institutions’ inability to

meet their needs amidst ever more treacherous and speculative capital markets, a significant need and

opportunity exists for a new and trusted social platform model that can maximize a consumer’s value and

wealth by focusing on their specific interests and needs in an ever-changing and challenging world.

“ Huddl believes these problems can be resolved by introducing a new market utility that connects,

incubates, and fuses consumers in unique and powerful ways to create trusted micro-sharing communities,

maximizing every individual’s buying power, influence, and impact.

Huddl’s unique approach unlocks consumers’ potential while providing them with unprecedented monetization

and value creation opportunities to assist consumers in maximizing their savings and wealth, and improve

overall quality of life in their earning years and in retirement.

Our powerful, multi-sided digital platform enables the exchange of consumer products and services while

delivering actionable intelligence to both consumers and businesses to discover, locate and engage one

another in a controlled fair environment.

Huddl will begin this journey by focusing our initial technology solutions on democratizing access to essential

financial products and services. These services will deliver more benefits and value to users than is currently

being provided by the global financial and platform industries, as it will both incubate and unite consumers

to create a single new global consumer clearinghouse, marketplace, and exchange.

Page 6: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


MotivationWe see several inefficiencies across traditional financial services, dominant platforms, social networks, and

current blockchain and decentralized application structures that motivate us to build the Huddl platform.

Financial services are exclusiveThe risks involved in global capital markets have resulted in specific laws or regulations devised by well-

intentioned bureaucrats to protect the less fortunate or knowledgeable. However, in many cases, instead

of actually protecting investors, these laws and regulations have created a divided financial market where

those with wealth have access to specialized products and services -- thus better knowledge and risk

management -- and those without are left to their own devices resulting in inadequate financial literacy and

risk management.

To make matters worse, the public market no longer offers the full breadth of opportunities that have

historically been available to the general public, and consequently, investors need to consider a broader

array of alternatives to access younger and rapidly growing companies. The National Bureau of Economic

Research finds that public stock markets are shrinking - the number of publicly listed companies in the U.S.

has declined by ~50% since hitting a peak in 1996. Countries in different regions, such as Germany and

Brazil, have also experienced a significant decline in public listings. In general terms, the remaining public

companies in the U.S. are older, larger, and slower growing. Companies prefer to remain private for longer

because they can access venture-capital and private equity funds, and not deal with the regulatory burdens

and investment pressures that accompany the public marketplace.

Mainstream investors must discover ways to gain access to exclusive investment opportunities and specialized

services typically only available to the wealthy, and obtain vital financial education so they can make more

informed decisions.







Number of Companies With Listed Stocks Has Decreased Over the Years





Page 7: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


Social networks do not compensate usersToday’s dominant social networks provide functional utility to their users but reserve the monetary rewards

of the network growth to themselves. Individual users’ networks, buying habits, and data are monetized

by centralized social network platforms, but the users themselves do not receive a share of the monetary

reward. User internet browsing history and interests are collected and sold to enable more accurate ad-

targeting for corporations, often involving consumer data of one company’s customers being sold to other


In the life of a typical network, platform developers and investors add the most value in the initial stages by

building and funding the network. Over the course of time, as a network grows, it’s the users that contribute

a larger portion of the utility.

However, traditional centralized networks have directed the majority of the monetary value of network utility

to the founders and investors, whereas users receive none.











0 12 Years25

Monetary Benefit From Network Utility

Contribution to Network Utility

6 18

For Illustrative Purposes

For Illustrative Purposes0 12 Years256 18
















0 12 Years25

Monetary Benefit From Network Utility

Contribution to Network Utility

6 18

For Illustrative Purposes

For Illustrative Purposes0 12 Years256 18






Page 8: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


Few tokens provide real utilityThe crypto industry as it stands today has been flooded with numerous Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)

promising to create self-described revolutionary products or services. Many ICOs have no product, service,

or development team -- simply an idea for a future business -- and are exclusively used as a capital raising

mechanism. Utility is commonly an afterthought for an overwhelming majority of tokens. Those that do

receive funding often struggle to define how their token will have any utility for their platform, product, or


Such projects deceive investors and hinder progress for the industry, as projects providing actual utility will

be met with skepticism due to the large number of scams and hacks. If crypto is to be taken seriously and

progress as an industry, tokens must not only be a source of capital, they also need to provide real utility

and, ideally, be launched alongside a working version of the intended product or service. This utility-focused

approach will provide consumers the best opportunity to assess a project’s utility before committing their

networks, traits and behaviors, data or hard earned capital.

Page 9: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


Huddl PlatformThe Huddl platform is initially focused on bringing together consumers and financial service providers so

they can more easily and effectively form mutually beneficial relationships. Huddl is a two-tiered network -- a

social network, that in turn powers a robust investment network.

A typical user journey will involve these steps:

1. Discover: a new user is invited to the Huddl network by friends/family, or learns about Huddlfrom a media campaign, event, etc.

2. Explore: the user signs on, shares their investment preferences, and explores the variousinvestment strategies (or “themes”) available on the network.

3. Unite: the user finds one or more investment strategies that appeal to them and invites friends,family, and colleagues with shared interests to unite and form a dynamic investment pool (or“pod”).

4. Invest: the pod finalizes investment pool rules, makes investment strategy selections, hireshighly-skilled financial professionals, and commits capital to investment style clusters.

5. Monitor: the pod oversees activities including manager and service provider selection,performance, and quality reviews while governing the activities of the investment pool throughdynamic voting, polling, and open discussions.

Social Network Investment Network


Premium Investment Opportunities

Page 10: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


UsersThe Huddl social network is comprised of pods, clusters, and investments -- from smallest to largest groupings.

“Pods” are the smallest unit of measure in our network, and are comprised of family, friends, and extended

personal connections. “Clusters” can be comprised of multiple pods having shared interests in strategies,

and help to increase assets and purchasing power. “Investments” identify the general investment theme,

style or strategy such as “Active”, “Passive” or “Value”, to specific strategies such as “Private Equity” or

“Pre-IPO Stock.”

Individually, retail investors don’t have enough capital to be given the attention by high-quality investment

advisors or access to elite investment options and products. The Huddl platform aims to allow retail investors

to form pods that can pool their money together and use their collective buying power to obtain access

to these investment options. The platform streamlines the legal process of setting up these pods so that

users can focus solely on creating pods and gaining access to previously unavailable financial services

and products. Huddl takes care of all administrative responsibilities and legal obligations associated with

starting and maintaining the pod, allowing users to focus on the investment products and financial services

in which they are interested.

Investors can also utilize the Huddl platform to create their own pods with specific interests. These pods

could be as simple as a family jointly investing for retirement, to more sophisticated options involving a

group of people from across the globe coming together to request an investment product or strategy not

currently available on the Huddl platform. Individuals making greater contributions to the pods by serving

as pod managers, coordinators, etc. will be rewarded with Huddl tokens for their efforts in creating and

supporting the pod. Financial service providers on the platform with investment expertise in these areas can

then compete to provide services at competitive prices.

The end user benefits in several ways from the Huddl platform:

1. Community: Build an investing community with friends and families. The community becomes apowerful support system where investors can share and discuss investment ideas and views.

2. Access: The mainstream investor can gain access to products and services typically reservedfor the wealthy (Hedge Funds, Pre-IPO Stock, Venture Capital, etc.).

3. Collective Learning: Investors can learn from each other and from the educational materialprovided by the Huddl platform.

4. Collective Buying Power: Users have collective buying power to negotiate better pricing forfinancial products and services, including wealth and asset management, financial and taxplanning, etc.

5. Collective Influence & Impact: Users can rally behind shared interests to shape the behaviorof institutions to improve social outcomes through collective proxy voting and investment policyformation.

6. Monetary Rewards: We leverage the power of the blockchain and utility economics. The Huddlplatform is powered by the Huddl token, which is a recurring reward given to investors forinvesting via the Huddl platform. The token rewards can help offset platform fees, and unlocknumerous premium features.

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Ordinary investors can leverage the Huddl platform to compete with the financial elite by utilizing the

collective buying power of pods and clusters, while also learning from the resources provided by the platform

and from one another. Collective intelligence and investing eliminates a great deal of risk associated with

an individual investing on their own.

ProvidersProviders of investment products and financial services can leverage the Huddl platform by utilizing the

unique investment experience of communicating directly with many investors at once. The Huddl platform

provides an open marketplace with these benefits for providers:

1. New source of assets: Huddl allows for many retail investors to invest in traditionally out-of-reach products, thereby increasing the potential amount of assets a financial service providermay gather while, more importantly, supporting our shared-commitment to grow the percentageof the global population saving for retirement and other financial goals.

2. Expanded opportunity for smaller providers: New or smaller providers lack the marketingand distribution muscle of established providers and frequently struggle to get enough attentionor interest. The Huddl platform allows these providers to gain greater exposure. These firmscould even explicitly tailor products to pods or clusters on the Huddl platform through the podmanagement/creation process.

3. Direct access to end investors: Traditionally, if an investor buys an exchange-traded fund(ETF) or a mutual fund, there is no communication between the buyer and the fund creatoror sponsor; Huddl facilitates direct interaction between the two parties, removing a layer ofintermediaries. This “customer-discovery” model can yield new insights for the service providerand allow them to more accurately tailor their products to their customer base. Firms can makeimprovements by utilizing feedback on their investment products to attract even more investors.

4. Cost-efficient solutions: Servicing individual investors involves many costly layers fromoperations to compliance, legal, risk, and marketing, all of which are fixed costs that causefinancial service providers to require an individual investor to be wealthy. Huddl solves thisproblem through our efficient cluster technology allowing the provider to further extend theirreach and expand customer channels globally.

5. Secure and Compliant Communication: The pod creation process and direct communicationability made available via our highly secure connection with the Symphony Platformencourages a highly compliant and efficient marketplace for financial service providers todirectly interact with pools of investors.

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Huddl TokenThe Huddl token is an incentive and payment mechanism that monetizes the utility of the network. The token

can be earned by bringing value to the Huddl Platform through participation and engagement, whether

through sharing individual networks, traits and behaviors, data, and so on.

“ The token provides an incentive mechanism such that every member of the community benefits from the growth of the platform.

Key activities are rewarded with tokens in order to increase the overall value of the Huddl network. These

are described later on in the paper.

Huddl token is the preferred currency of the platform, and tokens can be held on-account or spent to receive

discounted products and services on the platform, and unlock numerous premium features. Users paying

platform fees with tokens will receive significant discounts compared to those paying with fiat currencies.

Further reduction in platform fees is possible by holding (depositing) tokens for longer periods. Holding

tokens on-account will entitle users to additional incentives.

Here, it is important to emphasize the following:

• Possession or ownership of Huddl Tokens carries no rights, express or implied, other than foruse on the Huddl Platform.

• Huddl Tokens do not represent or confer any ownership right or stake, share or security orequivalent rights, or any right to receive future revenue shares, profits, dividends, intellectualproperty rights, or any other form of participation in or relating to iHuddl Inc or its corporateaffiliates or iHuddl Inc’s property, other than rights relating to participation on the HuddlPlatform.

• Huddl tokens do not constitute an offering of securities, they are not “security tokens” and usersshould not expect any profits from the efforts of the company.

• Purchasing Huddl tokens provides access to the Huddl platform through which you can connectwith service providers and thereby make investments, however, simply purchasing Huddl tokensthemselves is not an investment, passive or otherwise.

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Token Supply and Release ScheduleInitially, 100,000,000 tokens (10% of the total supply) will be released into the circulating supply. Thereafter,

tokens will be released on a quarterly frequency per the inflation rate schedule described later in this

section. The quarterly schedule continues until a total of 1,000,000,000 tokens are released. No further tokens

will be released once this total supply is reached.

The first quarterly release will introduce an additional 10% tokens to the initial supply. The inflation rate is

reduced by 4% of the previous quarter’s rate from there on.

Current quarter inflation rate = (1 - 0.04) x Previous quarter inflation rate

= 0.96 x Previous quarter inflation rate

Therefore, the inflation rate for the first few quarters will be 10.00%, 9.60%, 9.22%, 8.85%, 8.49%, and so on.

In token supply terms, an additional 10,000,000 tokens will be released in the first quarter, 10,560,000 in the

second quarter, 11,110,810 in the third quarter, 11,649,391 in the fourth quarter and so on.

The decreasing inflation rate is chosen for its similarity to the growth curve of a network - rapid growth is

experienced while the network is new, and the growth rate slows down as the network expands and is

adopted by the majority of the participants the network targets.

The decreasing inflation rate and its impact on token supply for 100 quarters (25 years) can be seen on

the charts below. The total supply of 1,000,000,000 tokens will be released in 72 quarters (18 years).








Inflation Rate

Token Supply

0 8 16 24 Years

Page 14: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


Token DistributionThe Huddl token distribution model aims to achieve an equitable distribution of network value. The long-term

goal is to incentivize all contributions that lead to overall platform growth by rewarding users, partners and

contributors with tokens. These rewards can in turn be utilized on the platform to pay for essential products

and services, reducing the overall costs and fees often involved in global finance and investing.

Released tokens are distributed into circulating supply among the following:

• Users: Users of the Huddl platform will receive tokens for their contributions on the socialand investment tiers of the Huddl platform. On the social tier, activities like referring friends,exploring investment themes, contributing to conversations, forming and managing investmentpods, etc will be rewarded. On the investment tier, users will receive token rewards inproportion to the capital they invest in various investment themes and their positive investinghabits.

• Contributors: Operating and growing a platform requires a variety of contributors who needto be compensated for their efforts. Such compensation includes payments to project teams,sponsors and partners, software developers, marketers, customer service providers, productpromoters, financial service providers, community builders, researchers, etc.

• Reserves: The reserves will be used for new initiatives to expand the Huddl platform. Thisincludes future development projects like new services/offerings on the platform, platformexpansion in new regions/countries, customer-acquisition, etc. The initial development of theHuddl platform has been funded by founders and select equity investors. As the platform andtoken gains traction, the reserves may also be used to compensate founders, equity investors,and strategic partners.

“ A third of the tokens will be distributed to users in the initial release, and a larger share in every

quarterly release thereafter.

The Huddl token model recognizes the value users bring to the platform, and is committed to sharing the

monetary value with the users in a very transparent manner. At launch, the model will distribute the tokens

in three equal parts among users, contributors, and reserves, i.e. 33.33% each. As the platform matures and

achieves economies of scale, the share to contributors and reserves is reduced by 1% of previous quarter

distribution rate, and a larger share of the tokens is directed to users.

Current quarter share of contributors = (1 - 0.01) * Previous quarter share

= 0.99 * Previous quarter share

Current quarter share of reserves = Current quarter share of contributors

Current quarter share of users = 1 - Current quarter share of contributors

- Current quarter share of reserves

Page 15: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


Token Distribution Schedule

0 12 Years256 18









To elaborate, in the first quarterly release, the share of contributors and reserves drops to 33.0% each, and

34.0% tokens are directed to users; in the second quarter, the share of contributors and reserves drops to

32.7% each, and 34.7% are directed to users, and so on. Following schedule reflects the share of tokens

distributed among users, contributors, and reserves over 100 quarters (25 years).

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Founding Team formed

Founder capital contributedfor MVP development

Advisory Board initiated

Business Plan completed

Technical Spec completed

MVP “Financial Services”development initiated

MVP financial and technologypartnerships secured

Crypto Wallet Provider secured

Huddl Whitepaper published

Deploy Huddl Smart Contracts on Mainnet

Marketing Partner secured

Huddl Branding completed

Referral Program and MarketingCampaigns launched

Financial Services Partner platform development

Financial Services Consumer App Development

MVP “Financial Services” Phase 1 launch on iOS and Android

Phased international rollout

Huddl Business Foundation Laid

Huddl TechnologyFoundation Laid

Huddl Token ModelDeveloped

Huddl Brand Launched

Premium cluster management features

Introduction of premium money management services

Web Version launch

Initiate “Consumer Services” Development

Huddl Token Smart Contracts developed

Smart Contract Audit completed


Page 17: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current




Founding Team formed

Founder capital contributedfor MVP development

Advisory Board initiated

Business Plan completed

Technical Spec completed

MVP “Financial Services”development initiated

MVP financial and technologypartnerships secured

Crypto Wallet Provider secured

Huddl Whitepaper published

Deploy Huddl Smart Contracts on Mainnet

Marketing Partner secured

Huddl Branding completed

Referral Program and MarketingCampaigns launched

Financial Services Partner platform development

Financial Services Consumer App Development

MVP “Financial Services” Phase 1 launch on iOS and Android

Phased international rollout

Huddl Business Foundation Laid

Huddl TechnologyFoundation Laid

Huddl Token ModelDeveloped

Huddl Brand Launched

Premium cluster management features

Introduction of premium money management services

Web Version launch

Initiate “Consumer Services” Development

Huddl Token Smart Contracts developed

Smart Contract Audit completed

TeamThe Huddl team is passionate about democratizing quality financial products and services, and is equipped

with years of experience at some of the most respected financial firms in the world.

Stephen Corliss - Chief Executive Officer

Stephen serves as the Chief Executive Officer and overall financial and

strategy guru for Huddl. Stephen had a 30-year career at the most

prominent financial institutions in the world. He served as a Former

Executive at Blackrock & BGI/iShares. He held lead financial roles at UBS,

Bank of America Merrill Lynch and State Street. Recognized as a Finance

2.0 visionary, Stephen has led strategy at multiple blockchain firms over the

last 6 years.

Vishal Karir - Chief Investment Officer

Vishal serves as the Chief Investment Officer at Huddl. Vishal brings 17

years of investment and technology experience. Formerly, he was the

portfolio manager and quantitative investment researcher for multi-billion

dollar funds and model portfolios at Blackrock, the world’s largest asset

manager. Vishal also served in a lead technology role at Morgan Stanley

within their Prime Brokerage business.

Kurt Bierbower - Chief Business Officer

Kurt serves as the Chief Business Officer at Huddl. Prior to this role, Kurt spent

12 years advising C-suite executives at both Fortune 500 companies and

Government agencies at Deloitte Consulting, in the strategy and blockchain

practices. He is a serial entrepreneur, having founded and scaled two

startups, and authored growth playbooks for many others. Kurt served as a

venture capital consultant and startup advisor for the past 6 years.

Lance Weaver - Chief Advisor

Lance serves as the Chief Advisor for Huddl. Lance was formerly the

Chairman of Mastercard and has held advisory roles with Visa and

Citigroup. He served as the Chief Administrative Officer at MBNA, helping

grow the business to 35,000 employees, taking it public, and eventually

selling to Bank of America for $35B. Lance has also held executive roles at

Bank of America, Virgin Money Holdings, Wells Fargo, and Citibank.

Page 18: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


Alex Matjanec - Chief Technology Officer at AD:60

Alex serves as the Chief Technology Officer for Huddl. Alex brings over 14 years

of development and branding experience, having successfully delivered leading

fintech products for dozens of the largest brands in the world and most well-

known startups, including Northwestern Mutual, Stash Invest and Google Music.

Alex is the founder and CEO of AD:60, an award-winning design, branding, and

technology agency.

John Saltarelli - Vice President of Engineering at AD:60

John serves as the Vice President of Engineering for Huddl. John brings over

15 years of experience serving in executive technology roles. He currently runs

engineering at AD:60, having built dozens of award-winning fintech applications

for leading companies. Previously, John founded his own full-service software

development agency and operated his business for five years.

Foxtail Marketing

The marketing veterans at Foxtail serve as Huddl’s fully-integrated public

relations, branding, and marketing firm. Foxtail is an award-winning agency

who has successfully delivered campaigns for Fortune 500 clients, including

prominent financial and fintech clients. Foxtail has executed over 100 ICO

campaigns over the past two years for notable blockchain companies.


AD:60 develops robust digital solutions—from mobile apps to web platforms—

for everyone from startups to enterprise customers. AD:60 partners love the

entrepreneurial drive and ability to quickly understand and translate their needs

into scalable products. Since 2009, AD:60 has helped dozens of companies

create web and mobile apps that have lead to million-dollar businesses, raised

favorable capital rounds, and produced successful acquisitions from industry-

leading brands.


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Marketing Plan and ApproachHuddl has partnered with Foxtail Marketing, an award-winning, fully-integrated public relations, branding,

and marketing firm, to deliver a robust, sustained marketing campaign to attract traditional finance, fintech,

and blockchain audiences.

We will leverage the following channels to reach target audiences and convert customers:

• Referral Campaign: Exploding (timed) referral campaign to attract customers and build socialmedia channels. Founding customers will be rewarded through tokens.

• Public Relations: Mainstream financial PR and Blockchain PR.

• Champion Program: Fintech and Blockchain champion program.

• Experiential: Major conference presence and speaking engagements.

• Partnerships-Based Acquisition: Cross-marketing and customer acquisition through built-inpartner audiences (Financial Institutions, Blockchain Firms, etc.).

• Content: Professionally-authored content pieces, promotional videos, and targeted liveinterviews.

• Social Media: Organic, viral campaigns, and built-in audiences. Active communities andincentives to join our channels.

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Access GrantedHuddl’s mission is to channel the collective aspirations, networks, and buying power of the general public

such that every individual derives the maximum monetary and functional benefit from their consumption and

investing activities.

To accomplish this mission, the initial focus of the Huddl platform and token is to incentivize collaboration

among individual investors and financial service providers and to break the barriers that have historically

existed in the space.

Individuals pool their assets together, which allows them to access asset classes, investment opportunities

and financial services that have historically been available only to the wealthy. Pooling assets increases

buying power and allows users to negotiate better pricing for financial products and services.

Financial service providers benefit as the market for their services expands to mainstream investors. New

or smaller providers lacking the marketing and distribution muscle of established providers, can compete

on the Huddl platform. All financial service providers get direct access to end investors, thereby removing

a layer of intermediaries.

Page 21: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


DisclosuresRisksThe following are the key risk factors in relation to iHuddl Inc business, in general, and Huddl token in


• iHuddl Inc is developing a complex platform and its public launch may be delayed due to

unforeseen development barriers.

• Allowing collective access to investment products and financial services through the Huddl

platform is subject to applicable regulation, in particular - the applicable financial markets

regulation that may require iHuddl Inc to obtain relevant approvals.

• The plans outlined in this white paper may be altered as our technology and platform matures.

• The Huddl token is a utility token designed for specific use solely on the Huddl Platform and is

non-transferrable for an exchange of monetary value directly between users and iHuddl Inc, as

the Huddl token is only a payment mechanism acceptable for platform services.

• Any off-platform value of the token may be significantly influenced by blockchain and crypto

market trends or other non-Huddl related events.

• Cryptocurrency and Tokens are a digital representation of value that functions as a voucher,

medium of exchange, a unit of account, or a store of value, but they do not have legal tender

status. Cryptocurrencies are sometimes exchanged for U.S. dollars or other currencies around

the world, but they are not currently backed nor supported by any government or central bank.

Their value is completely derived by market forces of supply and demand, and thus are more

volatile than traditional financial assets or currencies.

• Trading in cryptocurrencies comes with significant risks, including volatile market price swings

or flash crashes, market manipulation, and cybersecurity risks. In addition, cryptocurrency

markets and exchanges are not regulated with the same controls or customer protections

available in equity, option, futures, or foreign exchange investing.

• Cryptocurrency trading requires knowledge of cryptocurrency markets. Cryptocurrency trading

can lead to severe financial losses.

• Under certain market conditions, it may be difficult or impossible to immediately liquidate a

position at a fair or reasonable price. For more information see the, CFPB’s Consumer Advisory,

CFTC’s Customer Advisory, SEC’s Investor Alert, and FINRA’s Investor Alert.

• Use of Huddl tokens may be governed by certain unforeseen government regulations and laws.

• The ownership of Huddl tokens may fall under new and unpredicted taxation laws that may

reduce their benefits.

• Blockchain wallets, smart contracts and crypto exchanges have been known to come under

malicious attacks by hackers and other parties resulting in theft of tokens. Such events may

inflict significant losses on token holders and the company.

Page 22: Whitepaper 2018 - V1 · 2019. 2. 28. · Whitepaper 2018 - V1.0 Disclaimer: This is not an ofier to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current


TermsThis document has been prepared by iHuddl Inc., a Delaware corporation (“Huddl”), who has taken

reasonable care to ensure that the facts stated therein are true to the best of their knowledge, information

and belief.






The information contained in this document is subject to revision. It does not purport to contain all the

information that a prospective customer, partner or interested party may require and the Company does not

guarantee the accuracy or completeness of such information.

These materials may contain forward-looking statements and may include, for example, business plans and

strategies, projects under development, competitive position, growth opportunities, management’s plans

and objectives and predictions of future operating results, and other matters relating to the Companies.

These forward-looking statements include matters that are not historical facts and speak only as of the date

of the Presentation. No representations or warranties are made as to the accuracy of such forward-looking


The forward-looking information contained herein is based upon certain assumptions, intentions, beliefs or

expectations about future events or conditions and is intended only to illustrate hypothetical results under

those assumptions (not all of which will be specified herein). Actual events or conditions or results may differ

materially from, those assumed. In addition, not all relevant events or conditions may have been considered

in developing such assumptions. Accordingly, actual results may vary and the variations may be material

and adverse. The Companies and its advisers are under no obligation, and do not intend, to release

publicly any revisions to these forward-looking statements to reflect events, circumstances and unanticipated

events occurring after the date of this Presentation.

The information in this Presentation is presented as is without any representation, warranty or other assurance,

express or implied, as to its accuracy or sufficiency, and contains only preliminary partial information and

is not intended as an offer or recommendation to buy, sell or call on any security or investment and to the

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officers, partners, employees, agents, advisers, affiliates, representatives or any other person for any such

information or opinions or for any errors, omissions, misstatements, negligence or otherwise for any other

communication written or otherwise or for any loss, cost or damage suffered or incurred howsoever arising,

directly or indirectly, from any use of this Presentation or its contents otherwise in connection with the subject

matter of this Presentation or any transaction.

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All information and data within this document is as of February 22, 2019.

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Disclaimer: This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any digital assets. The paper represents the current version of the platform (Minimum Viable Product - MVP) and future work in progress, and illustrates the intent of iHuddl Inc to develop, launch and market certain products and services. These products and services are built on new technologies, and the plans may be altered as the platform matures to meet evolving consumer demands, markets, technological advances, and government regulations.
