
Where next for Major Accident Hazards

Stuart Taylor, Apache North SeaIain Wright, Total E&P

RIDDOR Reportable Hydrocarbon Releases

“prior to any disaster there will nearly always be information somewhere within an organisation that trouble is brewing….critical information must not be allowed to lie around unrecognised, ignored or buried like some landmine waiting to be triggered. The challenge is to find ways to assemble this information and move it up the hierarchy to the point where it can be understood and reacted on responsibly”

Andrew Hopkins (Lessons from Longford)

Oil and gas industry worker pyramid

SPE- 195769Major Accident Hazards – Own Your Barrier

Gillian Simpson

Understanding MAH Workgroup

Aim of the workgroup:

• Improve the workforces understanding

of Major Accident Hazards

• Promote a MAH management culture

• Create a greater state of Chronic

Unease both onshore and offshore

• Share industry best practice

Personal Safety Process Safety


How Do We Achieve Parity

SPE- 195769Major Accident Hazards – Own Your Barrier

Gillian Simpson

MAH Resources

SPE- 195769Major Accident Hazards – Own Your Barrier

Gillian Simpson

MAH Resources

Total E&P Approach

• Major Accident Hazard Awareness Strategy• Continuous learning & refreshment for all personnel.

• Two year rolling plan comprising a number of elements.

• Previous / Ongoing Elements • Spadeadam MAH course with linkage to historic events.

• Risk assessment training onshore & offshore with MAH focus.

• MAH virtual reality system.

• Site discussions with worker groups.

• Safety case and SECE booklets.

• Library of MAH safety moments.

• MAH element in OIM briefing.

Total E&P Approach

• Future Elements• Leadership MAH workshop.• Develop virtual reality scenarios of actual HIPOs. • Further develop SECE health dashboard.• Further poster campaigns based on historic events.• Further enhance permit & toolbox talk checklists.• Redeploy Step Change resources.

Training - Spadeadam, SAGE gas plant and in Abd office

Risk Assessment & Well Integrity

SCiS MAH awareness packs

Visibility - Process Safety Dashboard

New PTW system with MAH as primary hazard

Improved induction process (offshore and office)

SAP improvements

Auditing - Improved auditing programme with PS alignment

Engage - ESR involvement in quarterly PS reviews

Offshore contract management visits


Training - Spadeadam & office based MAH intermediate training

Leadership in an MAH industry

SCiS MAH awareness packs and 7 C’s JUT videos

Discipline specific barrier ownership

Manage - Control of Work audit and improvement project

Embed the language & practices through all work systems and practices

Improved communications through use of technology

Visibility - Development of the Process Safety dashboard

Know the barriers, Own your barrier and Play your Part



Where to Next for MAH

• Increase engagement

• Work on embedding the understanding

• Build the behaviour change

• Test / Assure up-take and understanding

What do you need to do in your organisation to get parity?
