Page 1: When I See Things I Do It With Objectivity

When I see things I do it with objectivity. I do it with the memory of all of the many thngs I've learned combined with my knowledge of very important brain functions and psychology. Now after all I've learned and witnessed and experienced I see most things with a very open mind but with a mind that is filled with knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment. With still more yet to come! When most people see someone like the Obamas their minds go to wonderment and thoughts of beauty and good will. That's because they have not studied much and they are unable to connect the dots and combine the facts and learn the back stories. They are unable to understand or contemplate just how so-called black people can sit in the "White House" and rule the country. The don't realize that that is not how things really are and that people can look perfectly harmless and good yet be perched and ready to destroy them! This country we live in. Is not at all what the whites in power profess it to be. The system we are taught the contittution and everything we are led to think or believe is nothing more that one of the greatest con games in the world! It is difficult for the unlearned, unstudied, unwise, unenlightened to see much of this. The get bits and pieces..Only enough to make them upset about some of the little things. The can't see the forest for the trees and that in and of itself was meant to be as well! The mental input is laid down in decades of layers on top of layers. The responsibilites compartmentalized to keep one group from seeing or understanding the information needed to realize how wrong they truly are! The main concept is such that people are made to believe that those who have been lucky or slick enough to receive positions really care when everything around screams otherwise! We are living and enjoying life here while layered with millions of inconsistencies! Everything..Everything is wrong! The way we got here and the information we receieved down through the ages is tainted and full of misconceptions and lies. If except any part of all of this as true and solid we are already done! We are already trapped in a mental state of lies and secrets and tyranny that calls us to participate and help our children learn to participate. It is one thing to know all of this and try to act accordingly and another to not know and think we know and act accordingly. Know that whites are much more insane than blacks by definitions, but we have been assimilated and we are getting crazier and just as conformed as those who would just as well see us piled and burned like in the past! There is no waking up from the many symptoms of brain damage. There is only learning how to work around it! Most of us some 45 million blacks have so very much to learn because most don't realize just how this system really is and most will never know!