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What to do With Your Tax Refund

Cody Wheeler -

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Big chunks of money are dangerous

It sounds a little counter intuitive, but it’s actually very easy to take a big chunk of money and make

your financial position far worse than it is right now. I’m here with this training to help you make that position better, wherever you are on the financial


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Everyone’s situation is different

Depending on where you are on the financial spectrum, what you do with your tax return money can make a big impact on your

financial future. These are in order from at which point in your life you should be thinking about


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Pay off chunks of debt

It can often be more effective for your motivation to choose a small account of your debt that you can pay off in one large payment. This will give you a

quick win, one less bill to pay, a nice feeling of accomplishment, and motivate you to pay off future

accounts much quicker.

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Reward yourself with something small

The psychology behind this is if you get yourself something small you’ve been wanting, you’ve

rewarded yourself with your refund and satisfied your desire to spend. You’ve spent it responsibly on something you want, but you’ve left yourself 80% of it or more to be smart with it, which is what comes


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Save for a large financial goal

This could be something like a down payment for a house, a down payment for a vehicle, an

emergency fund, or anything else in the upper four to lower-mid five figure range.

Dropping the remainder of your tax refund into an account you’ve set aside for just this specific

purpose is a great way to keep it safe from being spent.

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Buy things that make you money

Rather than buying thousands of dollars worth of stuff like cars, jewelry, electronics, get something small to satisfy your spending need, and consider buying investments that will pay you back over


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Deposit into a retirement account

You can deposit up to $5,500 of after tax money into an IRA or Roth IRA each year, and up to

$18,000 into a 401k.

One cool unconventional strategy to take advantage of your tax return to pad your retirement accounts

is by temporarily increasing your 401k contributions from your paycheck to deposit a couple thousand

extra bucks for your future.

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Take a much needed vacation

Plan a short vacation and get away from it all for a few days. A nice vacation can help you come back refreshed with a new outlook, higher productivity,

and a heightened sense of motivation.

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Make home improvements

Personally, I’m an advocate of making home improvements for improving the experience of your

home as well as improving the value, but certain home improvements can pay off far more than they cost. You may want to consider focusing

on these first.

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Improve yourself

There’s a famous quote from Abe Lincoln that goes something like this – “Give me six hours to chop

down a tree and I’ll spend the first four sharpening my axe.”

The point is, the more you can sharpen yourself and your own skills, the better you are going to do in


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Let’s review

Depending where you are on the financial spectrum, consider the follow tactics while

making your decision for what to do with your tax refund.

● Pay off chunks of debt

● Reward yourself with something small

● Save for a large financial goal

● Buy things that make you money (invest!)

● Deposit into a retirement account

● Take a much needed vacation

● Make financially sound home improvements

● Improve yourself – Sharpen your axe

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