Page 1: What is an Improved Stove · 2020. 9. 11. · 8 The Farmers' Handbook, "Inside The House" Chapter 4 - Improved Stove 9 Join the 3 pieces of wood with nails, like this Saw 2 pieces


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What is an

Improved Stove ?Improved Stove ?

Mrs Chitramaya Gharti-Magar's improved stove,Surkhet district, Nepal

The stove is theheart of the household.The stove turns ourhard-earned farmingproduce into tasty andwholesome food. Awell managed stovehelps in other workalso. If the stove isn'tgood, smoke in thekitchen will causehealth problems and alot of firewood will be used. In this chapter, a usefulmethod is given to help solve these problems, which canbring big improvements in the kitchen, and from there tothe household.

This method is called the improved stove. The im-proved stove can be cheaply made from local resources,and helps to remove smoke from the kitchen, while usingless firewood.

Page 2: What is an Improved Stove · 2020. 9. 11. · 8 The Farmers' Handbook, "Inside The House" Chapter 4 - Improved Stove 9 Join the 3 pieces of wood with nails, like this Saw 2 pieces

The Farmers' Handbook, "Inside The House" Chapter 4 - Improved Stove

make anImproved Stove ?

Differences between traditional and improved stoves

Traditional Stove or Tripod Improved Stove

1. Uses a lot of firewood

4. Cost of tripod

5. Smoke stays in kitchen

6. Smoke damages health

7. Makes kitchen utensilsdirty with soot

8. Small children can fall inthe fire

9. Cooking makes the potsblack with soot

10. Wind can make the fire jump

11. Can't make tripod fromlocal resources

12. Food cools quickly

3. Can only cook one itemat a time

2. Food cooks quickly2. Food cooks slowly

1. Uses less firewood

3. Can cook 2 items at atime

4. Don't need tripod

5. Smoke goes outside

6. No harm to health

7. Doesn't make kitchendirty

8. No fear of small childrenfalling in fire

9. Pots kept cleaner duringcooking

10. Stove not affected by wind

11. Stove made from localresources

12. Food stays hot longer

2 3

There are some disadvantages of the improved stove. These are :-

1. Large pieces of firewood can't be used;

3. The stove needs good maintenance, and fromtime to time you need to let the smoke into thekitchen (see page 22 for more information).

2. The stove gives less light and direct heat in the kitchen;

Other methods to reduce firewood use

While cooking, keeping the lid on potshelps to reduce firewood use. This alsohelps to conserve nutrients in the food.

Another method of conserving fuelwood is called the"Haybox". This can be made in a basket or box filled with tightlypacked straw, as in the picture below, As soon as food (rice, pulses,vegetables, etc.) is brought to the boil on a normal stove, the pan isremoved and placed in the hay box, and covered well. Here, thereis no fire, but the food slowly keeps cooking, due to the conservedheat in the box. This takes 20-30 minutes longer than on a stove.After a while, take out the pan and the food is ready to eat.

covered by a lidstraw

clothlid of the pot

food inside (just boiled)

strawbasket or box


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The Farmers' Handbook, "Inside The House" Chapter 4 - Improved Stove4 5

HowHow To make animproved stove ?

Things to consider when making animproved stove

• get all the materials and tools ready first;• map out the height of the kitchen's wall;• map out the stove according to the needs of the family;• allow for a place to clean the stove;• the hole to allow smoke out should be out of the wind.

Materials needed to make an improved stove






brick makingform (see p.8)


straw orhusk

This Chapter's Author:Mr Laxman RanaCommunity Service Group,Dahachaur 4, Surkhet, Nepal

Making the Improved Stove

An improved stove uses a chimney to pass the smokeout of the kitchen. There are 2 ways of making a chimney todo this :-

1. Making bricks using mud "pancakes"2. Making bricks using a wooden form or mould

On this stoveunleavened flat

bread can be madeover the mouth ofthe firebox, as well

as smoke goingoutside

1. Making bricks using mud "pancakes"In this method only clay, straw or rice husk, water and a

small bowl are needed.First mix the clay and the husk, or straw cut into 2 inch

lengths, with water to make a stiff texture, like dough.see the pictures on the next page


Page 4: What is an Improved Stove · 2020. 9. 11. · 8 The Farmers' Handbook, "Inside The House" Chapter 4 - Improved Stove 9 Join the 3 pieces of wood with nails, like this Saw 2 pieces

The Farmers' Handbook, "Inside The House" Chapter 4 - Improved Stove





6 7

Making bricks from clay "pancakes"Making bricks from clay "pancakes"

The pancakes should be8 inches in diameter

8 inches

The bowl should be 4 inchesin diameter

Place thebowl upside

down on the pan-cake and pressdown, like this

The up-turned bowl

will cut the clay

make 30-35 pan-cakes like this

This willmake a hole

the same shapeand size as thebowl


2. Making a chimney using a wooden formor mould

Materials needed to make the form

One 3-inch nail

Eighteen 2inch nails

measuring tape


roundpiece ofwood



length 4-5 feet, width 7 inches,thickness half to one inch

Cut the timberinto pieces asshown here len

gth7 i


width7 inches


2 pieces of length 7 inchesand width 4 inches

2 pieces of length 7 inchesand width 4 inches

One village will need only one of these forms

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Join the 3 pieces of woodwith nails, like this

Saw 2 pieces of woodas shown below

length 15 inches,width 4 inches

Join the pieceswith nails, asshown here

Now put the round pieceof wood in the form

diameter4 inches

length3 inches

On the undersideof the form make

an 'X' betweenthe 4 corners tofind the centre

Holding the roundpiece of wood on

the other side, nailin the long

nail tohold it in


Making bricks in the Form

• mix the clay, husk or straw and water• wash the form well• scatter a little husk or straw in the form so it sticks to

the wet wood

Now put the claymix into the Form

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Scrape off the excessclay to make level

Turn the formupside down and

tap gently

Leaving theclay brick onthe ground,gently lift theform off

To make thechimney,12-13 brickslike this areneeded

Make 1 brick without a holefor the top of the chimney

Make 2 brickslooking like this

The formused to

make thechimney

Rice husk, orchopped straw

Husk orstraw mixed

to a thickpaste




Let's seeLet's see How to make animproved stoveHow to make animproved stove

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The Farmers' Handbook, "Inside The House" Chapter 4 - Improved Stove


12 13






Cleaning the Form

Pressing theclay/straw mixinto the form

12-13 ofthese bricks

2 brickslike this

1 brickwithout ahole

Chimney brick afterremoving from the form

Starting tobuild the


Bridgingstone overthe fire-box hole

Smokeleaves here

Build up thestove, leavingholes for potsand a path for smoke


Red arrowsshow pathwayfor smoke

Yellow linesshow emptyspaces left in-side the stove

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9Holes for pots Hole for smoke



Put firewood here

Now start to buildthe chimney withbricks made withthe form (or clay


After plastering,the stove is al-

lowed to dry outand can then be


In the below pictures is the processof building the stove in drawings

First, estimatethe best place for

the stove, andmap out with thetypes of pots tobe used and achimney brick

If using the clay pancakes for thechimney, use them to measure

Mark out ac-cording to themeasurements

Mark out theareas and path-

ways for firewood,fire and smoke

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Start to build thewalls according to the


Iron rod

Use an iron rod if available. This sitsinside the pot's hole and allows

smaller pots to rest on it

Continueto buildup thewalls

Cooking areafinished

Inside the stovelooks like this

Below the sec-ond pot-hole asmall hump is

made. Thissends the

flames right upto the base of

the pot

This shows theinside when afire is burning

Between thehump and baseof the pot a 1.5

inch gapsmoke going


fire burning inthe stove

clay hump

Note: the pots should sit down in the hole (see page 22)

smoke goingout

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Now use a string tomeasure the hole

going outside



Place thechimney

bricks likethis

If using the clay pancakebricks they look like this

After placing 12-13 of these bricks

the level of thehole is reached

This isthe waythe top 3




After placing thetop 3 bricks, the

hole from thechimney and thehole going out-side should fit








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The method to place the top 3 bricks is shown below

Brick 1 seenclose up

Brick 1

Brick 2 seenclose up

Brick 2

Hole to the outside

Brick 3 seenclose up

Brick 3

Finally, plaster thestove, and allow itto dry out. Then it

is ready to use

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Things to pay attention towhen using the stove

In this picture the stove is beingused correctly - the pot islow in the hole wheremore flames reach thebase, and smoke can escape.

In this picture the stove is notused well - because the potdoes not sit low in the hole,the flames do not reachclose. In this way foodcooks slowly. This is due to using the wrongsize pots for the hole.

If the pots are the wrong size for thehole then, as in the diagram, put 3small stones under the pot todraw the flames up wherethey heat the base of thepot. But this allows moresmoke into the kitchen.

stones or clay

A well made stove, used correctly, will not let smoke outinto the kitchen. But this can cause another problem in thatthe smoke helps to control various pests which otherwise candamage timber, stored grain and seed. Smoke, protects thetimbers from these pests. Therefore, every few days smoke needs to be let into the house.

Cleaning the Improved Stove

• watch if smoke is passing or not• watch if food is cooking fast or slow• clean the chimney every week or 2 (see below)• plaster the stove daily (do not use dung)• measure how much firewood is used

Once every 2 weeks wrapcloth on the end of a stick to

clean the chimney





Open the stove to removethe dirt and soot

Clean from theoutside also

Re -plaster

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Mrs ChitramayaGharti Magar

Mrs ChitramayaGharti Magar

From Nepal, Surkhet district,Dahachaur - 4, and member of"Ritu Laligurans" and"Hariyali" women's group MrsChitramaya Gharti Magar hasmade an improved stove. Nowlet's read about what she says.

Because smoke affects ourhealth it's important to make thesmoke go outside. In the im-proved stove less firewood is alsoused, so time is saved collectingfuel as well as helping to protectthe forest. To make this stove stone, clay, rice husk and aform to make the chimney is all that's needed. We didn'thave a form in our village, so I used a bowl to make 35-36clay pancakes. The form also uses more clay. Making thepancakes needs less clay and you don't need the form, so Imade up this method. There's no smoke from my stove, andit uses less firewood. Once cooked, the food stays warm along time left on the stove. There are no flies and thefood can't burn. Also, the pans don't get so black withsoot. Now, I want teach others in the village howto make the stove.
