Page 1: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print


(717) 755-6222 ~ 311 Haines Road York, PA 17402

May 21, 2017

Welcome to Worship

My grace is sufficient for you. II Corinthians 12:9

Page 2: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print


May 21, 2017 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. Worship

+Please silence cell phones during the worship service+

* = Please stand, if you are able.

Child Care is available in the Nursery during church services and the Christian Education Hour in Rm. 9 on the 2nd floor of the C.E. Building, which is accessible through the right-side

door in the front of the sanctuary.

If you would like the Pastor to announce and pray for a joy or concern during the Prayers of

the People, please complete a gold Prayer Request form (located in the Friendship Pads) and

place it in the offering plate when it is passed.




PRELUDE How Firm a Foundation arr. Lani Smith


Leader: Christ promised that he would not leave his followers alone.

People: Praise God for his presence with us now and always. Leader: Christ promised that because he lives, we will live also.

People: Praise God for Christ's presence in our lives. Leader: Come, let us worship the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Leader: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you. Leader: Lift up your hearts.

People: We lift them up to the Lord. Leader: Let us pray.

People: We give thanks, O Lord, that Jesus’ resurrection has a meaning for us –

that his life can become our life; that his victory can become our victory;

that his triumph can become our triumph; and that his joy can become

Page 3: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print

our joy. And so we lift our voices together in praise of you, our life-giving

God, in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen

*HYMN OF PRAISE NO. 263 Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise St. Denio


What is our hope? Simply put, it is that God does not give up on us. With such good news,

we can dare to bring our prayers to the One who will not cast aside our words or our hearts.

Please join me as we pray together, saying,


Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise, we sing these great proclamations, but we

confess at times we do not sing with our hearts. At times our words fall short and

are meaningless. We do not follow Your Way and commandments but seek proof

and evidence. We fail to step aside to see the poor and needy around us and

continue on our narrow way, helping only ourselves and failing to seek Your

wisdom and insight. Forgive us of our foolish ways and guide us to the right paths,

remembering Your wisdom and grace, so that we might fill our hearts and sing

with the joy that comes from knowing You in our lives. In the name of Christ, our

companion on life’s journey, we pray. Amen.


Leader: Despite everything we do, God loves us.

This grace is why we can dare to hope.

People: We will witness to this hope in every word we speak to every person we

meet. Thanks be to God, we are forgiven. Amen.

*CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE NO. 579 Glory Be to the Father Gloria Patri

Page 4: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print


Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.

People: And also with you.



(11:00) ANTHEM I’m Gonna Sing Spiritual, arr. David Kellermeyer

OLD TESTAMENT LESSON Psalm 66: 8-20 (pg. 499 in pew Bibles)

NEW TESTAMENT LESSON 1 Peter 3: 13-22 (pg. 1060 in pew Bibles)

Leader: The Word of the Lord.

People: Thanks be to God.

SERMON Why Do You Believe?

*HYMN I Love to Tell the Story K. Hankey and Wm. Fischer

(see words & music in back of bulletin)



OFFERTORY I Believe arr. Donatello Noboddi

*OFFERING RESPONSE No. 592 Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Doxology

Page 5: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print



THE LORD'S PRAYER (Traditional) PH, pg. 16

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy

will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and

forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but

deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory

forever. Amen.

*HYMN NO. 379 My Hope is Built on Nothing Less Solid Rock



*BENEDICTION RESPONSE Go Ye, Therefore Gretchen Dekker

POSTLUDE Fugue in G minor J.S. Bach ____________________________________________________________________________________

Please silence cell phones during the worship service.

Green children’s worship bags are available and hanging on the wall in the Narthex at the rear of the church.

Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher.

The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print. If you would like to use one, please ask an usher.


Dr. Gregory Seckman, Pastor Randy Yoder, Director of Music

Ushers: (8:30) Bill Moore, Lois Moore, John Deming, Dan Folk (11:00) Tim Ruth, Lee Hankey, Lee Spancake, Beth Magid

Page 6: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print


The flowers in the chancel today are given to the Glory of God by Dick Campbell in memory of his loving wife Cindy.


NEXT SUNDAY, MAY 28, we will be joined by Barry and Shelly Dawson during

worship. Tim Ruth will play cello at the 11 a.m. service.

SPECIAL GUESTS – We are excited to welcome Barry and Shelly Dawson to help

lead us in worship on May 28. Barry and Shelly are PCUSA mission co-workers,

supported by our mission budget, who serve together as the Regional Liaisons for

Southeast Asia. While their home base is Bangkok, Thailand, their region of

responsibility includes the countries of Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam,

Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and the Philippines. They work with mission partners in

those 9 countries, support and supervise all PCUSA mission co-workers in SE Asia, and

actively work to build bridges between PCUSA churches / presbyteries and mission

partners and projects throughout SE Asia. .

GERANIUMS FOR PENTECOST: We will be placing red geraniums in the

church for Pentecost, June 4th. If you would like to order some in honor or memory

of someone, the cost will be $5.00 per plant.

The deadline to order is Sunday, May 28th. Please fill out a pew envelope with your

name, phone number, the number of plants you want and the amount you are enclosing.

Please PRINT your dedication on the back of the envelope, noting if you are dedicating

in memory or honor and that person's name. Place a check or cash in the envelope and

place in the collection plate. Orders may also be mailed to the church office. Plants may

be taken June 4th at the end of the service you attend. Please call Joan Vange at 840-

9158 if you have any questions.

PCUSA 2017 PENTECOST OFFERING envelopes are in the pew racks and

may be received anytime between now and Pentecost Sunday, June 4th. Forty percent of

this offering stays with Eastminster for the support of things like scholarships for the

pre-school, young adult volunteers and leadership development, etc. Please read the

newsletter and bulletin inserts for more information and respond as generously as you

can. This is the last of the PCUSA offerings we support. Thank you.

Page 7: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print

YARD SALE & CHICKEN BBQ POSTPONED – The yard sale and chicken

BBQ initially scheduled for May 13 are being rescheduled for June 10, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Tables for the yard sale are $15. Please call Dave Lewis at 757-6738 to reserve your

spot. Chicken will be available for purchase that day starting around 11 a.m.


going to graduate this spring, or do you know an Eastminster member who will be

graduating this spring? Our congregation will be honoring these folks on Sunday, June

4, during the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Please contact Tim Ruth, Worship Elder, at

849-4135 or e-mail [email protected] before May 30, 2017.

CHURCH DIRECTORY -- An updated church directory will be issued in June. It

will include those changes submitted in the past year. If you have any additional

updates, please submit these to Beth Anne at 755-6222 or [email protected] by

May 22nd.

RUTH CIRCLE PICNIC – Ruth Circle will have their May picnic at 12:30 p.m. on

Tuesday May 23 in the Multi-Purpose Room. There will be no Ruth Circle meetings

during the months of June, July and August. The next meeting will be September 26 at

1:00 p.m. in the MPR. Please call Pat Brunk at (717) 757-3321 with any questions.

NURSERY ATTENDANT NEEDED – We are in search of someone to supervise

the nursery during worship services. Hours are 8:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. each Sunday.

This is a paid position. If you or anyone you know is interested, please contact the

church office at 755-6222.

Page 8: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print

York Revolution Baseball Night

Your Congregational Life Committee has scheduled a Revolution Baseball

night on July 15th 2017 at 6:30 PM!

We are pleased to offer reduced price tickets for $5.00 per person instead of

the full price of $12.00. There is a limit of 50 tickets for congregation families.

The price will include entrance to the game and a $5.00 food voucher. The

Rev’s will be playing the Bridgeport Bluefish on Faith and Family Night.

There will be a pre-game tour of the stadium and fireworks after the game.

Tickets will be available on the 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th of June and July 2nd

in the multi-purpose room after each service.

See Jeff Lewis or Jan Trattner for info or payment. This should be a family

friendly and fun night for all. Hope to see you there!

Page 9: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print

*HYMN I Love to Tell the Story K. Hankey/Wm. G. Fischer

Page 10: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print

The calendar in the bulletin gives this week’s events. Copies of our latest newsletter are available in the Narthex in the back of the Sanctuary. The newsletter contains our worship schedule and information about the activities, events, and opportunities for ministry and mission offered at Eastminster.

CALENDAR Please see our website,, for possible updates and changes.

Sun May 21 8:30-9:30 a.m. Worship – Sanctuary

9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. New Generation Ministry Worship – MPR

9:30-10:30 a.m. Sunday School – C.E. Bldg. & Haines House

11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Worship – Sanctuary

5:00-7:30 p.m. New Generation Ministry Worship – Fellowship Hall

Mon May 22 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Preschool Graduations – Fellowship Hall

Tues May 23 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Preschool Graduations – Fellowship Hall

10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Staff Meeting -- MPR

12:30-2:00 p.m. Ruth Circle – MPR

5:30-8:00 p.m. Bair Foundation Support Group – F. Hall and Library

Wed May 24 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Preschool Graduations – Fellowship Hall

10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Cool Knitting/Warm Fellowship – Haines Reception Room

6:30-8:00 p.m. Christian Ed. Meeting – MPR

7:00-8:30 p.m. New Generation Ministry Youth – F. Hall & Room 13

Thur May 25 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Preschool Graduations – Fellowship Hall

Fri May 26 ---- Church Offices Closed

---- Last Day of Preschool – Offices Closed

5:00-10:00 p.m. New Generation Ministry Worship – Fellowship Hall

Page 11: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print

Please keep these people in your prayers this week:

+All our military men and women around the world and their families back home+

+Eastminster Presbyterian Church – its congregation, mission, and ministry+ + Stephen Ministers and their care receivers+

Brooks Argento

Dick & Lou Bowen Linda & Jim May

Jerry and Tania O’Hearn The family and friends of Gloria Hildebrand

Phil & Tana Rarick and family Walter & Frann Ross

Barbara & George Simonson Bonnie Spancake

Lee Spancake Dick Thomas

If you would like to have someone placed on the prayer list, please first obtain that person’s permission and then drop a note in the offering plate

or contact Beth Anne by e-mail at [email protected] or phone 755-6222. As of April 1, 2017, all names will remain on the prayer list for a period of four weeks. Please notify

us if prayers are requested for a longer amount of time.

Page 12: Welcome to WorshipMay 05, 2017  · Wireless personal listening devices are available in the Sanctuary by contacting an usher. The Presbyterian Hymnal is available in large print