  • !!

    Welcome to Forest Hills United Methodist Church! We hope you find today’s visit with us enjoyable, encouraging, and inspiring. If you are looking for a church home or have questions about Forest Hills, please contact Rev. Baxter Hurley at 477-1161. !We encourage you to sign the pew pad so that we may have a record of your attendance. !If you are joining us in worship for the first time this morning please visit the Welcome Center near the Sanctuary to receive your gift!

    Greeters - 9:45 a.m. Narthex Ned Newman Canopy Carolyn Scarborough, Gloria Shumate Ministry Center Lem & Sunny Redmond Ministry Center Back Door Ann Crawford !Greeters - 11:00 a.m. Canopy Bill & Joan Roe Narthex Mike & Anne Rehberg !Ushers: Buster Hummel, Gene Kinard Tommy Sherwood !Counters - August Cherry Carr, Carolyn Dunn !Building Security - August Chris Cole !Sunday School Offering - August New Beginnings in Christ Alcohol and Drug Recovery Home for Men

    United Methodist Church Taking Our Next Step Closer To Christ

    Forest HillsAugust 10, 2014


    Prayer Concerns Annette Barnette, Bob Barnette, June Butler, Larry & Ginger Cowart,

    Ann Crawford, Ela Engineer, Evelyn Etheredge, Lois Foster, Sue Harding, Tim Hemingway, James Holmes, Bill Ivey, Billy Mann, Jorja Marsh, Charlie Morgan, Linda Morgan, Greg Parker, Bob Parris, Mike Stefano, Sally Stofer, & Dot Towson. !

    Those serving in the military: Chris Allen, Chris Belvin, SPC Daniel Brennan, Jeffrey Dyson, Rob Hunt, Justin Layman, Matthew Nylund,

    1st Lt. Jamie Peacock, Kelley Sanders, Chris Smith, Sgt. Don Ward (Army), Justin Tillery, (Marines), SSgt. Stephanie Wammock, Bryan Caldon (Navy),

    Hunter Curl and SSgt. Lindsey McCoy (Air Force). !Names will be removed after four weeks unless specifically requested otherwise.

    August’s items to help the homeless through Macon Outreach are


    Ways You Can Help Others:August’s items to help the Backpack Ministry


    If you are able to contribute to any of these missions, please drop your items off in one of our new Missions Donation Cabinets located at the

    Canopy Center entrance and by the Welcome Center.

    The Breakfast and a Book Club is starting an exciting new ministry at Strong Tower Fellowship to help school children in

    kindergarten through second grade with their reading. Please help us by donating your new

    or gently used children’s books.

    In His Service - August 10

    The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to

    the glory of God and in memory of

    Glen Tiller by his family.

    Life at Forest Hills !Sunday, August 10 8:30 AM Blended Worship (Music Ste) 9:45 AM Modern Worship (MC) 11:00 AM Traditional Worship (Sanct) 11:30 AM Marshall Singles’ Class Covered Dish Lunch (MC) 5:00 PM Jr. High Youth 6:00 PM Sr. High Youth !Monday, August 11 Church Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 6:30 PM Trustee Mtg (Conf Rm) !Tuesday, August 12 Church Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast (MC) 12:00 PM GoodTimers Game Day (MC) !Wednesday, August 13 Church Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. 7:00 PM Chancel Choir Practice (Music Suite) Thursday, August 14 Church Office Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Haiti Terracing Trip 10:00 AM Creative Touch (MC) 6:00 PM Worship Band Practice (MC) 9:15 PM Men’s Evening Prayer Time (Prayer Rm) !Friday, August 15 Church Office Closed Haiti Terracing Trip

    Community Café is Back! !Anybody hungry? Community Café is starting up for a

    new school year beginning on Wednesday, Aug. 20. The serving line opens at 5:30 p.m. and remains open until 6:30 p.m. !We hope that you will make a habit of coming each month to have dinner with your church family, catch up with old friends and make new friends. Sit with someone different each time, strike up a conversation and eat together. Being at the table with each other matters. !Our first night back sets the table with an Italian Feast catered by Buca di Beppo. Come and enjoy a choice of two entrees: Fettucine Alfredo or Ravioli Bolognese with Caesar salad and bread. Dessert will be a wonderful homemade cake baked by pastry chef and cake designer Ashley Nowell. !Sign up today on the reservation card enclosed in this bulletin to save your place at the FHUMC table.

    Your Record of Faithfulness !!

    August 3, 2014 !Membership 963 New members in 2014 13 Sunday a.m. Worship 476

    2014 Annual Operating Budget $1,013,197.67 For the Month of June All offerings & funds received this month $82,991.45 All offerings & funds received this year $509,858.42 Expenses so far this year $475,863.01 Total operating surplus so far this year $33,995.41 !Five Year Forward Building Fund status as of June 30, 2014 Offering this month $7,232.18 Monthly building loan payments $5,972.34 Paid as additional principal $1,259.84 Original loan amount $1,834,899.90 Current loan balance $570,593.45 !2014 Apportionments Monthly apportionments paid $11,080.42 Apportionments paid this year $105,678.88

    The church office is now closed on fridays.

  • Traditional Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. !!Lighting of the Candles !Prelude Brant Snow *Welcome Chorus No. 328 Surely the Presence !Greeting & Announcements !*Opening Hymn The Lily of the Valley Proclamation

    Leader: The Lord be with you. !People: And with your spirit. !Leader: Lift up your hearts. !People: We lift them up to the Lord. !Leader: Let us say what we believe: !People: We find our faith in Jesus, who lives among us,

    who calls us together to understand life and love as radical commitment to others. !We have faith in one God,

    who created and claimed all creatures, who enters our lives with hope and

    redemption and courage to act on our beliefs. !We know that God's presence comes to us in community,

    wherever we seek to know God by doing justice and loving mercy. !Once we were no people,

    but now we are God's people. Once we had not received mercy, but now we have received mercy. !Because all things are possible through God's love,

    we proclaim the gospel in this world where God is still creating and redeeming

    and making things whole. *Hymn No. 70 Gloria Patri !Pastoral Prayer & Lord’s Prayer No. 895 !*Offertory Hymns There’s Something About That Name His Name is Wonderful !Tithes and Offerings Offertory Jazz Medley on Two Hymns Brant Snow (Keveren-Wolaver) !*Doxology No. 95 !Anthem Old-Time Religion (Gordon Young) Chancel Choir !*Scripture Lesson 1 Chronicles 9:17-21 !Message Preaching the Geneaologies Rev. Baxter Hurley !*Closing Hymn Take The Name of Jesus With You !Benediction !*Postlude Brant Snow !*Singing Together - Standing As You Are Able

    Youth Ministry Sunday Evening ScheduleJr. High @ 5 p.m. • Sr. High @ 6 p.m.

    For the next three weeks, we're talking about prayer in the series "Can You Hear Me Now?” Tonight, we're tackling the fact that sometimes the church is better at teaching posture than it is content when it comes to prayer. Folding your hands? Bowing your head? Taking a knee? What does it all mean?! And does it matter? Find out tonight!

    FHUMC News & Notes• Thank you for participating in the Kroger Community Rewards

    program this year. By registering for a Kroger Plus Card and linking it with FHUMC we earned several thousand dollars this past year, which were used toward different ministries in our church. Beginning Aug. 1, you will need to re-enroll in Kroger Community Rewards. Simply go to and sign into your already created account. Enter “84263” as our organization number and click “save.” You will start earning rewards for FH on qualifying purchases every time you use your Kroger Plus Card. Of course, if you haven’t enrolled yet, please do! If you have further questions, contact Cele Minshew ([email protected]). !

    • The Creative Touch small group will meet on Thursday, Aug. 14 from 10 a.m.-noon in the Ministry Center. !

    • Plans to take a pilgrimage to the Greater Phoenix, Arizona area for an amazing experience are in the works. Our friend and former FHUMC member, Karen Richter, would join us for our experience. A variety of awesome opportunities will be available to us with time each day for prayer, reflection and worship. Two informational meetings will be held: Wednesday, Aug. 20 at 6:45 p.m. and Sunday, Aug. 24 at 5 p.m. !

    • The Mashall Singles Class is holding a “class reunion” dinner on Sunday, Aug. 24 at 6 p.m. in the Ministry Center. Anyone who has ever attended the Marshall Singles Class is invited to attend. The cost is $13 per person or $25 for married couples. The deadline to purchase tickets is Tuesday, Aug. 18. For more information, see Lorene Powell. !

    • FHUMC has an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) to use for medical emergencies involving a heart attack. The staff and Trustees have been trained to use it, but we want to strengthen the pool of users. On Sunday, August 24 there will be a short training session at 10 a.m. in the Narthex and at 11 a.m. in the Conference Room. We are requesting that each adult Sunday School class send a representative to this training. In addition, we are asking that all healthcare providers (nurses, physicians, pharmacists, dentists, paramedics) attend. Even if you know how to use the AED, please attend so we can make a list of people that can be called upon in the event of an emergency. !

    • All women are invited to attend the United Methodist Women Salad & Sandwich Supper on Tuesday, Aug. 26 at 6:30 p.m. in the Ministry Center. Current members are asked to bring a salad or sandwiches to share and new members and visitors are our guests. Please bring a donation of school supplies to share with the schools in our BackPack Ministry. Sign up and bring a friend! !

    • In September, the GoodTimers’ "Back to School " event with lunch will be held at the Methodist Children’s Home at 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 9.The cost is $10 and includes lunch and a group donation to the Methodist Home.

    Kids Ministry Sunday Morning ScheduleKids Worship: 9:45 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

    Experience worship through both 30-minute large & small group settings.

    Forest Hills Student ministriesThink Orange: Church + Family = Greater Influence


    We are pleased to announce that Lauren Sanders will be interning in our Kids Ministry program in conjunction

    with her internship with the Wesley Foundation at UGA. Lauren is the daughter of Ronnie & Shelia Sanders.

    Parent Meeting & Family Potluck LunchSunday, Aug. 17 • Noon • Ministry Center

    Join us for a potluck lunch. We'll provide the fried chicken and drinks, and each family will bring side dishes. This event is for all families in

    the Youth and Kids Ministries. Please go online ( to reserve a spot for your family. !

    Children’s Choirs Return!Wednesdays starting Sept. 10 • 5:00-6:00 p.m.

    AmaSing Grace (3K-5K) meets in the Kids Small Group B room. rechoired (1st-5th grades) meets in the Orange Room.

    Go online ( to register your child today!

    The BackPack Ministry is gearing up for a new school year. There will be a volunteer meeting about the upcoming school year on Sunday, Aug. 17 at 4 p.m. in room 125. All those currently volunteering and anyone interested in volunteering (shopping, stocking, packing and/or delivering) are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Brenda Lambert.

    BackPack meeting about new year