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Wednesday, May 26, 2010 The Status of LHD Information Systems: Results from the 2010 NACCHO Informatics Needs Assessment Alastair Matheson Senior Analyst, Informatics Slide 2 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Overview of Webinar Goals of the webinar Purpose of the project Overview of the project Topics covered Key findings Implications Questions Slide 3 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Five Things First This webinar will be recorded and available on NACCHOs website The slides will also be available for download Please complete the evaluation when you receive the link Type your questions in the box as we go Quick poll Slide 4 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 PollKnowledge and Experience with PHI Please rate your knowledge and experience of public health informatics (PHI): 1 (I have barely heard of PHI) 2 (I have some knowledge of PHI but little experience) 3 (I am familiar with some PHI terms and uses) 4 (I have fairly extensive knowledge and experience with PHI) 5 (I am very knowledgeable about PHI) Slide 5 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Goals of Webinar To show why NACCHO undertook this initiative To present some of the key findings of the study To discuss implications of the findings To make you want to read the reports Slide 6 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Purpose of the Project Focus on health informatics due to HITECH Act To fill the gap in knowledge about LHDs use of informatics To guide NACCHOs programs better serve LHDs To inform and influence national and state policy and decision-makers Slide 7 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Overview of the Project Web survey Nov 2009 to Jan 2010 (42% response rate) Focus groups in Feb and Mar 2010 (41 participants) Data analysis from Jan to April 2010 Two reports: Full version contains all the findings ( ) Summary version with key findings ( ) Many potential future analyses Slide 8 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Topics Nomenclature Physical infrastructure Skills and capacity within LHDs Informatics workforce needs System development and implementation Electronic health records Surveillance Slide 9 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Topics (cont.) Other information systems Barriers to implementation ARRA/HITECH funding Health information exchange Knowledge management Web 2.0 Ways NACCHO can help Slide 10 Key Findings Some LHDs well advanced in their informatics use Most LHDs have areas for significant improvement Slide 11 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Nomenclature Many people have not heard the term informatics Some think it pertains to data and information flow It can be difficult to communicate informatics concepts to general workforce Slide 12 Control of Physical Infrastructure Slide 13 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Skills and Capacity in LHDs Most LHDs have staff who can extract, use and interpret data About a third of LHDs rely on SHDs for some to provide some or all of their informatics activities 31% LHDs do not use GIS 14% rely on contractors to maintain their web site Slide 14 Workforce Needs Slide 15 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 PollWhat Aspect of MS Office? What aspect of using MS Office do you think people need training on? How to use word processing How to add and manipulate data in spreadsheet software How to build databases How to output data in a meaningful way How to make flashy presentations Something else Slide 16 Barriers to Informatics Training Slide 17 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 System Development and Implementation Development of systems is driven by funding opportunities Funding opportunities relate to external agencies priorities (may not match LHDs) Development is driven by what gets attention Focus group participants positive about SHDs consulting with LHDs LHDs use informatics to positively impact health Slide 18 LHDs Use of EHRs Slide 19 Challenges when Implementing EHRs Slide 20 Electronic Surveillance Systems Slide 21 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Other Information Systems Many LHDs (usually 3050%) collect data on paper Office computers are the other main mechanism for collection Between 50 and 75% LHDs store data on paper Web-based databases are also common storage sites Data are often mailed or faxed In other instances other people have access to the database LHDs will use different methods for the same data Slide 22 System Compatibility Slide 23 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 PollWays to Achieve Internal Interoperability Which of the following is the most important activity for achieving internal interoperability? Coordinating grants at CDC (and other federal partners) Ensuring that statewide HIEs deal with all LHDs needs (e.g. infectious diseases, case management, environmental health, planning and assessment) Building on Common Ground to standardize LHDs business processes/workflow Developing better connectivity among state information systems Develop an information system that meets LHDs needs (e.g. infectious diseases, case management, environmental health, planning and assessment) Something else Slide 24 Barriers to System Development Slide 25 Plan to Seek Stimulus Resources Slide 26 Planning to Work with SHD on HIE Slide 27 Electronic Exchange of Health Data Slide 28 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Health Information Exchange Is this accurate or does it reflect LHDs lack of engagement? Slide 29 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Health Information Exchanges What you enter today you can see tomorrow, so all that information will be accessible to the local health department in real time. And that is one of the biggest bonuses for public health LHD focus group participant Slide 30 Knowledge Management Slide 31 Web 2.0 Slide 32 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 PollLength of Time Using Web 2.0 How long has your organization been using Web 2.0 technologies Never used Web 2.0 at all Used to use Web 2.0 but no longer do Less than 6 months Between 6 and 12 months Between 1 and 2 years More than 2 years Slide 33 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Implications Health outcomes are affected by LHD use of informatics Better communication with LHDs required Informatics concepts National opportunities such as EHR and HIE funding Tools and resources that can help Understanding which systems should be linked LHDs need dedicated informatics funding and staff to overcome barriers Slide 34 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Implications LHDs need dedicated informatics funding and staff to overcome barriers LHDs need support with informatics skills, possibly through RECs LHDs could benefit from improved tools for handling data Challenges cannot just be solved at a local level Lets start with interoperability of LHD information systems Slide 35 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Before You Hang Up Please complete the (very) short evaluation of this webinar Both reports available in NACCHOs bookstore very soon Hard copies of summary report available Tell all your colleagues about public health informatics Slide 36 Wednesday, May 26, 2010 Questions? Comments?