
In-Class Exam Guide

In this course, you will be asked to write two (2) in-class exams, both of which will be done online in groups of no more than three (3) students. The two exams will be the Midterm and Final Exam.

In-Class Exam Learning Outcomes:

In-class exams have several purposes, most of which comprise of, but are not limited to:

1) Test ability to write a thesis including what you want to say and why

2) Synthesize information into a cohesive manner that reflects college level work

3) Be able to communicate effectively with others both through oral and written methods

4) Test your ability to prepare for, and complete, a timed-exam

5) Your ability to comprehend the material and write about it in a reflective way

Sample Assignments

This is a group assignment though you may work individually. Groups should be no more than 3 students per group. Please write aboutthe prompt below. I am asking you to quote at least once from one of the author(s) of your choice. Write the essay in 4-5 paragraphsfocusing on two to three main ideas. All exams are open book with one page of notes.


College and higher education are very important to ones long-term goals and success. However, what are some resources that can help you be successful in college? Focus on personal responsibility and several options that make a college student successful such as DSPS, tutoring help (i.e. TLC tutors), Financial Aid, networking, joining clubs, taking good notes and IGETC.

Training and Prep

Group work is something that takes time, patience and effort to work together that will make your work successful. The number one issue most students have is lack of preparation, especially when it comes to working in groups.

Most students take an exam with little preparation in advance. It is highly suggested that rather than every individual student writing a paragraph, that you all work in tandem with each other on the same paragraph.

So, for example, one person might write topic sentences and how the paragraph relates to the thesis. Another student might introduce quotes and their purpose. In addition, another student may be the one who analyzes the quote itself, providing detailed words that stick out to them and write about the concepts. This will not only make the writing process less hectic during a timed-exam, it also allows more freedom of ability without obstructing your ideas to flow freely.

Heres a couple of additional tips to consider:

1) Identify and choose group members as soon as possible

2) Make sure you all can use Google Docs and know how to use it

3) If possible, come together to write it or be able to communicate effectively

4) Write together and focus on each others varying strengths

5) Always have an accessible dictionary

Having done this, you will find that you have a lot of time on your hands to successfully navigate what you want to say and why.

Good luck and remember to smile!!!