Page 1: Web view · 2013-02-14We are presented with an opportunity for innovation. Anticipating what the world has to offer, we endeavor to advance beyond our horizons. With drive and vigor,



Suit Themes : Creative/Innovative; Motivation; Personal Development; Work/Career; Energy and Vitality

Corresponding Element : Fire

Energy Attribution : Active; Yang Energy Principle

Seasonal Attribution : Spring

Astrological Associations : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Social/Estate Hierarchy : Third Estate - Rural / Agricultural; Free Peasants

Modern Application : Work/Career & Innovation; Health/Wellness

Story of the Wands

We are presented with an opportunity for innovation.

Anticipating what the world has to offer, we endeavor to advance beyond our horizons.

With drive and vigor, we persevere, and then we wait to see what our work will bring.

It brings victory and with it, peace and harmony to the home.

But the peace is short-lived. Motivation becomes competition against our own.

We must resolve the tensions to achieve glory. We must be a leader and bring the dissidents to agreement.

To do so, there are times we must stand our ground.

Then our goals will be met; our creativity will have its engine...

... though when we have attained much, others will want to take from us. We inclined to protect our own.

Know that our advancement has a price. We become burdened, and we lose sight of where we are going. Where is our advancement leading us?


Page 2: Web view · 2013-02-14We are presented with an opportunity for innovation. Anticipating what the world has to offer, we endeavor to advance beyond our horizons. With drive and vigor,



Suit Themes : Emotions; Spirituality; Intuition; Interpersonal Relationships; Inner Domestic Sphere of Influence

Corresponding Element : Water

Energy Attribution : Passive; Yin Energy Principle

Seasonal Attribution : Summer

Astrological Associations : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Social/Estate Hierarchy : First Estate / The Clergy

Modern Application : Love & Relationships; Spirituality

Story of the Cups

It starts with an abundance of love in our hearts.

Then we find love in others.

We celebrate our joys together.

However, we eventually tire of the festivities and we retreat inward for solitary reflection.

That solace is the silence that our demons thrive in. We retreat so far into our darkness that we forget to see our good.

Memories of home and hearth, of childhood and family will keep us grounded.

We face many temptations that look like opportunities in the world.

We must remember to always pursue higher spiritual ground.

That is where we will find harmony of emotions...

... and harmony in our world.


Page 3: Web view · 2013-02-14We are presented with an opportunity for innovation. Anticipating what the world has to offer, we endeavor to advance beyond our horizons. With drive and vigor,



Suit Themes : Ambitions; Expansion; Intellect; Philosophy; Analysis; Politics; Communication; External Sphere of Influence

Corresponding Element : Air

Energy Attribution : Active; Yang Energy Principle

Seasonal Attribution : Autumn

Astrological Associations : Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Social/Estate Hierarchy : Second Estate / The Nobility

Modern Application : Ideas & Politics; Philosophy; Ambitions; Communication & Trendsetting

Story of the Swords

There are ones who are born to be king.

The path of the king is plagued by difficult decisions...

... and strife.

Battles wound us and we must find respite.

We fight back harder, and when we win, someone else must lose.

That is the karma of the king. Forlorn, ashamed, nursing wounds, we flee or at least we try to flee from our regrets.

We do not want to own our actions; we want the blame to fall on others. They have hurt us. They inflicted the pain. In defense, we deceive others and ourselves.

The deceit imprisons us and we wonder what it will take be freed of the bondage caused by our own aggressions.

We are haunted by what we have done.

The ultimate sacrifice: we are defeated. That is the cycle of kings. Live by the sword, die by the sword..


Page 4: Web view · 2013-02-14We are presented with an opportunity for innovation. Anticipating what the world has to offer, we endeavor to advance beyond our horizons. With drive and vigor,



Suit Themes : Finances; Wealth; Matters of Stability and Security; Material Issues; Property; Commerce and Business

Corresponding Element : Earth

Energy Attribution : Passive; Yin Energy Principle

Seasonal Attribution : Winter

Astrological Associations : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Social/Estate Hierarchy : Third Estate - Urban / Merchants and Artisans

Modern Application : Money Management; Commerce & Production

Story of the Pentacles

An offer for gain, a promise of prosperity.

We are tenacious with our balance of manifold enterprises.

After toiling at the grindstone, we gain the recognition we worked for.

Yet the more we have, the greater the fear that we do not have enough.

Driven to attain material prosperity, we find ourselves shivering in the winter of our spiritual poverty.

Only through benevolence, charity, and generosity can we find redemption.

Restored to the path of honest work, the seeds we sowed bloom in full.

Aspirations coupled with methodical skill, we are artisans mastering our crafts.

Soon enough we bask in our own prosperity...

... and bring honor to the family name.