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World HistorySemester 1 Final Exam Study GuideThe Neolithic RevolutionWrite out the answers to the following questions:

1) Which two developments make up the Agricultural Revolution (Neolithic Revolution)?

a. _________________________________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________________________________

2) Why did women in farming societies have a lower status than women in hunter-gatherer societies?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________



3) What is specialization? (as it relates to jobs)




4) Why is a surplus of food necessary for humans to “specialize” in particular areas of work, like pottery making, basket weaving, or tool making?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________



5) What were the benefits of domesticated animals?

a. _________________________________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________________________________________________

6) Why were farmers were able to beat out hunter-gatherers?







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Indian Religions:

Translate and define the following terms into English and explain how they fit into Hinduism and/or Buddhism:

1) Dharma:_______________________________________________________________________________________________



2) Samsara: _____________________________________________________________________________________________



3) Moksha: _______________________________________________________________________________________________



4) Karma: ________________________________________________________________________________________________



5) Caste: __________________________________________________________________________________________________



6) Identify the four ancient castes and explain their roles in society._________________________________________________________________________________________________________



7) What are the Vedas? How do Vedic beliefs portray perennial characteristics?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________



8) In what ways do Hindu beliefs portray elements of an Axial faith. Be able to recognize specific Hindu






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9) What does the story of Charlis tell us about the significance of caste in India and the Reservations System?




10) According to Hinduism, if you do your __________________ you should get good __________________________.

11) How do Hindus explain why we are born into the life we are currently living?



12) What is the role that dharma plays in Hindus’ everyday lives?



Crime and Punishment1. Identify and define the different theories of jurisprudence and give an example of each from Hammurabi’s





1. Identify the following as related to Legalism and Confucianism: a. Their views on human nature (good, bad, etc)



b. Their views on how to get order (laws, punishments, rewards or something else)



2. What is the meaning of Han Fei’s Legalist metaphor of the baby with a boil?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________



3. The meaning of the Han Fei’s Legalist metaphor of the tools for bending and straightening?



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4. Be able to identify specific quotations from the Stop, Think, Write exercise on Confucianism and Legalism as well as Hammurabi’s Code.

5. What are the fundamental (MOST important) differences between Confucianism and Legalism?

a. The main characteristics of Confucianism are:



b. The main characteristics of Legalism are:



6. In what ways does OPRF incorporate characteristics of Confucianism and/or Legalism?



Understanding Ferguson:

1. Describe the events leading up to and following the shooting of Michael on August 9th, 2014. A timeline of

these events will help.




2. Define the following terms in your own words and give an example of each term:

a. Race




b. Prejudice:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________



c. Discrimination




d. Oppression:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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e. Racism:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



f. White privilege: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________



3. Define self-defense: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________



4. What role did race play in shaping Wilson’s perception of a reasonable fear? (Your response should include

something about the way our brains work as well as white privilege) ____________________________________________




5. Why did the grand jury vote to not indict or charge Darren Wilson? Why do most grand juries not indict

police officers? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________




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6. What are the arguments for and against the militarization of police forces?

For Militarization Against Militarization

7. How did the militarized police force play a role in Michael Brown’s death and the protests that followed?







8. How do other countries view the Ferguson case? Be specific. _____________________________________________________






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9. How are people around the country working to create change in response to the Ferguson case and others

like it? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________







You will write an APE paragraph in response to the following question: To what extent did racism influence the

shooting death of Michael Brown? Remember, “to what extent” questions ask you to consider “how much?” In

this case, you would want to address how much race and racism played a role in Brown’s death at the hands of

Darren Wilson and address any other factors you feel played a role (for example, the militarization of police, self-

defense, etc.) Your response needs an argument that clearly and specifically answers the question, specific proof

or evidence and elaboration that connects the evidence to your argument.


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Criteria You’re ALL potential… Almost there… Awesome! You’re a master.


Addressing the Question I did not clearly answer the question.

I answered the question but not in a way a person could understand without reading the question.

I clearly answered the question in such a way that a reader can deduce the question without reading it.

Making an argument

I did not make an argument in the positive or negative, nor did I explain “how” or “why.”

I made a general argument that simply restates the question in the positive or negative, and does not explain “how” or “why.”

I made a specific argument that goes beyond merely restating the question in the positive or negative. My argument offers “how” or “why.”

Overview of the paragraph

I did not preview the content of my paragraph.

I attempted to preview the content of my paragraph but was too specific and left out some content.

I fully and succinctly offered an overview of the content of my paragraph.


Support of Argument

I did not provide any evidence or my evidence does not support my argument.

I provided some evidence, but most of it does not support my argument.

Some of my evidence isn’t the strongest I could have chosen.

I provided substantial evidence that all directly supports my argument.

I chose the strongest evidence to support my argument.

SpecificityMy evidence is vague and general or missing completely.

I have some evidence but it is too general, referring to broad areas, rather than specifics.

I provide specific evidence such as direct quotations or paraphrases from the text or documents.

Explanation I did not explain my evidence or my explanations are incorrect.

I tried to explain my evidence but some of my explanations are incorrect.

All of my evidence is explained correctly.


Analysis I do not connect my evidence to my argument.

I connected my evidence to my argument but with no analysis, just direct explanations.

My evidence is analyzed, showing how it relates to the argument.

The “so what”I do not answer the question: “so what” about my evidence

I try to answer the question “so what” but my answer is too simple.

I clearly answer the “so what” question by showing the significance of the evidence to the argument and the subject of the paragraph.


Page 9:…  · Web viewWorld History. Semester 1 Final Exam Study Guide. 4. The Neolithic Revolution. Write out

Map Review

You will need to be able to locate the following for your final exam. These are from your East Asia map:

C ount r i e s

Bangladesh Bhutan Burma/Myanmar China India Japan Laos Mongolia Nepal North Korea Philippines Russia South Korea Thailand Vietnam

Other Political Designations

Hong Kong Manchuria Taiwan (Republic of China) Tibet

Ph y si ca l G e ogra p hy

Chang Jiang (Yangtze River) East China Sea Gobi Desert Himalayas (Mountains) Huang He (Yellow River) Pacific Ocean Sea of Japan South China Sea Takla Makan Desert Tibetan Plateau Yellow Sea


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