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Google Drive for Collaboration Workshop

Cara Barton, Alexandria McNier, Francione Neff, and Douglas Wall

Liberty University

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Google Drive for Collaboration Workshop

The Internet is changing how individuals can collaborate on a project, maintaining a

social environment while working synchronously or asynchronously, in the same location or at a

distance (Moore, 2016). Google Drive encompasses many different tools that make it effective

for collaboration. Moore (2016) describes the benefits offered by Google Drive as a “one stop

for multiple types of knowledge work output – documents, presentations, data sets – in an

interface that is versionless, meaning it saves automatically and does not require multiple

versions from separate collaborators” (p.236). Google Drive will allow faculty at universities to

work collaboratively, from any location, at any time, without limits to campus networks, to

develop courseware.

Needs Identification

Faculty members at Synergy Community College often work collaboratively to develop

course materials to be used in courses taught by multiple instructors, such as PowerPoint

presentations, syllabi, assignment instructions, and the like. Members of the college faculty share

these documents by attaching them to emails or using the institution’s shared drive. This

practice has led to confusion, and a lack of coherence as these methods can result in the creation

of several versions of a single document, prevent multiple users from editing the latest version of

the document at the same time, and do not allow users to see who has contributed what to the


While the practice of developing course materials collaboratively has been beneficial in

improving consistency between corresponding course sections and preventing the duplication of

work, specific problems have been identified. For example, in some cases in which the intention

was for duplicate course sections to use the same syllabus, multiple versions were created and

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edited by different faculty members, causing two or three various documents to be generated and

used. Similarly, each of two faculty members in a particular department updated course

PowerPoints to fit a new edition of the required textbook, and upon uploading them to the shared

drive, they found that they had wasted time and effort by completing the same task separately.

Because of these difficulties, faculty leaders have approached the SCC Educational Technology

Department for assistance in identifying and implementing a solution.

There are several strategies that may be used to facilitate collaboration while addressing

the problems identified:

1. For each course, appoint a faculty member to oversee the development of course

materials, collecting and making changes suggested by other instructors and taking

responsibility for ensuring the most updated versions are available on the shared drive.

2. Alter controls on the shared drive to ensure that only one person edits a document at a

time and implement a policy stating that all changes must be saved to the shared drive

immediately, rather than individual faculty working from a copy and uploading the new

after completion.

3. Implement the use of Google Drive to ensure that faculty are sharing the latest version of

materials and can make edits in the cloud at the same time as their colleagues.

Based on cost, ease of use, and goodness of fit between the identified problems and available

solutions, solution three, utilizing Google Drive, has been selected for implementation.

Goal Statement

Faculty at Synergy Community College (SCC) will collaboratively develop files and

folders in Google Drive, given a computer or tablet with an Internet connection and a Google

account, to build courseware in accordance with school policies. See Figure 1 for Task Analysis

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to meet the goal statement. See Table 1 for tasks, learning objectives, and assessments that will

meet the goal statement.

Task Analysis

Figure 1. Objective Hierarchy

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Learner and Context Analysis

Learner Analysis

The population of learners is composed of Synergy Community College faculty

members. The faculty consists of members who vary in age, ethnic background, motivation,

work experience, talents as well as disability needs. While each faculty member is experienced in

his or her particular discipline, teaching and technological experience vary widely within the

group. Some individuals possess minimal computer literacy, while others are quick to learn and

utilize new technologies. Further, some members of the faculty tend to embrace the

implementation of new technologies, though others are resistant to such changes. As a result,

training initiatives must be designed to cater to a wide variety of skill levels and develop

motivation by addressing attitudes about the usefulness of the relevant technologies.

The majority of SCC’s faculty are proficient in PowerPoints and Word, and regularly use

that software to develop course materials, collaborating with colleagues through email and the

SCC shared drive. While most utilize these tools appropriately and successfully, the restraints of

the shared drive have caused problems with collaboration. Many faculty members have

expressed a desire for a better collaborative system and will be eager to learn a more effective

means of online collaboration, avoiding duplication and mismatched copies. Others will likely be

resistant to the time and effort needed to learn to use the new software, and therefore it will be

vital that they are properly supported in doing so. In prior surveys, SCC faculty have expressed a

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preference for face-to-face, hands-on workshops as a means of learning new technological skills.

Context Analysis

SCC administration is in full support of the Google Drive Workshop (GDW) to improve

collaboration amongst departments and will be hosting the training through the SCC Educational

Technology Department. SCC is equipped with high speed, wired and wireless, Internet

throughout the campus. Classrooms have been modernized to include Smart Boards, flat-screen

televisions, wireless Internet. Department shared drives and student stations that include

electrical outlets for computers and tablets, as well as hardwired Internet cable ports. The

workshop will be located in the main administration building in a large classroom that will allow

faculty to complete the workshop with the departmental groups they will collaborate with on a

routine basis. This workshop will be facilitated online, and faculty may complete the workshop

from their office, the SCC main administration building, or any location with internet access. 

The Educational Technology Department will be available onsite and online during this

workshop. The SCC IT department will have a representative available during training to assist

with any technical issues that may develop.

There are no other classes or faculty obligations scheduled for the date of the Google

Drive Workshop (GDW), so all faculty members will be able to attend. SCC will offer the

training online, synchronously and asynchronously, for those that may not be available for face-

to-face GDW. Each faculty member will need to bring their college-issued laptop and Google

log-in information. Laptops and tablets issued from the college will meet system requirements

for Google Drive and the training. Anyone who does not have a Google account will be

expected to create one before attending the training. The instructors for the workshop will be

available before class starts to assist anyone needing to set up a Google account.

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Instructional Objectives

Objective 1.0 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will create a new file

in Google Drive to share with their collaborative group.

Objective 1.1 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will identify file

types that can be built in Google drive.

Objective 1.2 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will be able to create

a Google Doc file for collaboration with their group.

Objective 2.0 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will edit files in

Google Docs to collaborate with colleagues successfully.

Objective 2.1 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will upload files into

Google Drive to collaborate with colleagues successfully.

Objective 2.2 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will convert uploads

to share with colleagues successfully.

Objective 3.0 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will manage folders

through developing new folders, manipulating files and folders, uploading folders, utilizing the

search feature to locate files and folders, and formulating the settings for files and folders in

Google Drive in order to collaborate with others in developing and refining courseware.

Objective 3.1 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will develop new

folders to collaborate with others in developing and refining courseware.

Objective 3.2 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will manipulate files

and folders for appropriate courseware to collaborate with colleagues.

Objective 3.3 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will upload folders

from their workstation into Google Drive for collaboration with others on courseware design.

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Objective 3.4 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, the learner will be able to

search Google Drive by utilizing the search engine.

Objective 4.0 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will use Google

Drive to collaborate with colleagues.

Objective 4.1 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will explain the

rationale for the share settings selected, providing at least one reason for each setting selected.

Objective 4.2 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will share a file with

a colleague successfully.

Objective 4.3 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will share a folder

with a colleague successfully.

Objective 4.4 - Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will collaborate with

colleagues in a Google Doc file.


Table 1

Skills, Objectives, and Assessments

Skill Objective Assessment

1.0 Create new Files in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop logged in to Google Drive, learners will create a new file in Google Drive to share with their collaborative group

Using Google Drive, the learners will:

1. Create a file in Google Drive.

2. Click the default title to rename the file “Module 1 File”.

1.1 Identify file types in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will be able to identify file types that can be built in Google drive.

Upon completion of the instructional lesson on how to create a file, learners will:

1. List the file types that can be created in Google Drive.

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1.2 Create a Google Doc file. Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will be able to create a Google Doc File for collaboration with their group.

After the instructional lesson, learners will demonstrate how to create a Google Doc File as follows:

1. Click create and select Google Doc.

2. Click the default title and rename the doc “Module 1 Doc”.

3. Close the Google Doc.4. Share with the group

and instructor.

2.0 Editing Files in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will edit files in Google Docs to collaborate with colleagues successfully.

Using Google Drive, each learner will complete the following:

1. Open Doc.2. Use suggesting mode

to make changes to the Doc.

3. Add a comment to the Doc.

4. Accept or reject a suggested change.

2.1 Upload Files to Google Drive and convert for editing as necessary.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will upload files into Google Drive to collaborate with colleagues successfully.

Using Google Drive, each learner will complete the following:

1. Go to Google drive.2. At the top left, click

New>File Upload.3. Open/create a folder

for uploads.4. Convert uploads as


2.2 Convert Files for editing in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will convert uploads to share with colleagues successfully.

1. Click New.2. Select File upload.3. Select a file.4. Click on the file.5. From the preview,

click on open with Google Docs.

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3.0 Manage Folders in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will manage folders in Google Drive by developing new folders, manipulating files and folders, uploading folders, utilizing the search feature to locate files and folders, and formulating the settings for files and folders in Google Drive in order to collaborate with others in developing and refining courseware.

Learners will log in to Google Drive and complete the following:

1. Create two folders named “Module 3.0” and “Module 3.1:”.

2. Move “Module 3.1” inside the “Module 3.0” folder

3. Locate the Module “1 Doc” created earlier and move to the “Module 3.1” folder.

3.1 Create new Folders in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will develop new folders to collaborate with others in developing and refining courseware.

See 3.0

3.2 Move Folders and Files in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will manipulate files and folders for appropriate courseware to collaborate with colleagues.

See 3.0

3.3 Upload Folders to Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will upload folders from their workstation into Google Drive for collaboration with others on courseware design.

Learners will log in to Google Drive and upload any folder to the “Module 3.1” folder.

3.4 Search in Google Drive. Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, the learner will be able to search Google Drive by utilizing the search engine.

Learners will log in to Google Drive and complete the following:

1. At the top of the page type the subject and or file to be searched in the search bar and hit enter.

2. Learners can filter and refine their search

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using the drop-down arrow on the left side of the search bar.

4.0 Collaborating in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will use Google Drive to collaborate with colleagues through the sharing of objects.

Using Google Drive, each learner will complete the following:

1. Consider the available share settings. In the “Module 1 Doc”, explain the rationale for the settings you will use to share documents with colleagues.

2. Using the settings described in the Doc, learners will share the “Module 1 Doc” with the instructor.

3. Using the settings described in the Doc, share the “Module 3.0” folder with the instructor.

4. Use the chat feature to share a message with the instructor.

4.1 Share Settings in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will explain the rationale for the share settings selected, providing at least one reason for each setting selected.

See 4.0.

4.2 Share Files in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will share a file with a colleague successfully.

See 4.0.

4.3 Share Folders in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will share a folder with a

See 4.0.

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colleague successfully.

4.4 Use Chat in Google Drive.

Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, Learner will start a chat conversation with their collaborative group.

See 4.0.

Instructional Strategy

Pre-Instructional Activities

Before the workshop, each learner must have a Google account. The easiest way to

obtain a Google account if the learner does not have one is to go to, click the

blue “Sign In” button in the top right corner, and create an account using his or her school email

address. Before and during the time period which the workshop is available, staff from the

Educational Technology and Information Technology departments will be available to assist

learners in account creation and set up. A reminder of this requirement and the available

assistance will be displayed at the start of the online workshop.

Information Presentation

Content for the GDW will be presented through demonstration. For each task, an

instructional video using screen capture and narration will be available. Different programs are

available for the instructors to screen capture the lessons, such as Bandicam, Screencast-O-

Matic, and many others. Instructors will choose the capture method that works best for their

computer system, and record the lesson. Lessons will then be uploaded to YouTube under the

Educational Technology Department account and embedded in the delivery system for viewing.

Modules will be accomplished in the sequence outlined in the task analysis presented

above. If available in the delivery system, the assessment for each module will be given as a pre-

test to determine learners’ existing knowledge. Learners who earn a perfect score on the pre-

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assessment for a module will be allowed to move to the next module; otherwise, they will be

required to complete the lesson before moving on to the next module.

Learner Participation

Two days prior to the start of the workshop, learners will be emailed a code to access the

GDW in Learners who do not have a Schoology account will need to register

for one and use the access code emailed to workshop attendees. Learners will not be able to

view the courseware until the start of the workshop. To learn the needed skills, learners will view

videos containing a demonstration of each task. Learners will be encouraged to complete the

workshop in module order as exercises and assessments build on one another throughout the

workshop. The learner may choose to watch the entire video and then practice the task or to

practice while the demonstration is being conducted, pausing and rewinding the video as

necessary to complete the task. Finally, learners will be provided with contact information for the

course instructor and technical support in case assistance is needed.


Assessments will be completed at the end of each module. Most assessments will require

the completion of specified tasks within Google Drive, such as creating files and folders, setting

the correct permissions, and sharing the product with their group and the instructor. A few

assessments may require multiple-choice questions or matching exercises. Once assessments

have been shared with the instructor, learners may proceed to the next task.


Instructors will provide feedback to learners through email or chat feature in Google

Docs. Feedback on each assessment will be provided within 24 hours of submission. After a

learner completes the GDW, the learning team will conduct a follow-up with each learner within

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two weeks of completion to see if they have any questions and how they are progressing on

implementing Google Drive. Additionally, the workshop will be linked in the professional

development folder on the SCC shared drive for future reference. The Educational Technology

Department will be available by email to answer questions from learners once the GDW is

complete through the two-week follow-up.

Media Selection

The GDW will be hosted in Schoology, a learning management system that allows users

to create, manage, and share academic content to foster collaboration and improve student

learning (Schoology, 2019). Media will include instructional videos, written text (such as

learning objectives and assignment instructions), electronic tests, and a discussion forum.

Instructional videos will be loaded into YouTube, and students will be given access to them

through Schoology. Screen capture software used by instructors to create the instructional

videos includes Bandicam, Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), QuickTime, and iMovie. One

team member will edit all videos in Adobe Premiere Pro to ensure consistency in production.

Table 2 contains the organization, media selections for each module and the creators. System

requirements for all media are listed below. Because Schoology is Internet-based, learners will

need to ensure they have the most up to date browsers installed on their computers. The SCC IT

Department will be available to assist those learners who need to have their laptops updated with

the most current web browsers prior to the workshop.

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Table 2

Organization, Media Selection, and Creator

Organization and Media Selection (within Schoology Platform)

Module/Folder Section Media Creator

Welcome Instructor Contact Information Text Wall

Instructions for Completing GDW

Text Wall

SCC GDW Welcome Letter Text (downloadable document) Wall

Module 1 Introduction & Learning Objectives

Text Wall

Lesson Video (embedded) Wall

Assessment 1.1 Interactive digital quiz Wall

Assessment 1.2 Text / Google Drive Wall

Module 2 Introduction & Learning Objectives

Text Barton

Lesson Video (embedded) Barton

Assessment Text / Google Drive Barton

Module 3 Introduction & Learning Objectives

Text Neff

Lesson Video (embedded) Neff

Assessment Text / Google Drive Neff

Module 4 Introduction & Learning Objectives

Text McNier

Lesson Video (embedded) McNier

Assessment Text / Google Drive McNier

Wrap-Up Wrap-Up Text McNier

Google Drive Google Drive Discussion Discussion forum McNier

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Discussion (Optional)

Software System Requirements

Schoology System Requirements

Computer Browsers

● Firefox (latest version)

● Internet Explorer 11+ (for Windows 8 and previous versions)

● Edge (for Windows 10+)

● Safari 10 and 11

● Google Chrome (latest version)

Additional Requirements

● Javascript

● Flash 9+

● Cookies enabled (Schoology, 2019)

Google Drive System Requirements

Computer Browsers – make sure cookies, and JavaScript are turned on for your browser

● Chrome

● Firefox

● Windows only: Internet Explorer 11, Microsoft Edge

● Mac only: Safari

Other browsers may work, but you might not be able to use all the features.


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● To download the Google Drive app, you’ll need Android version 4.4 or up

● To download the Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides app, you’ll need Android

version 5.0 or up

To check which version of Android you’re using.

1. Tap Settings > System > About phone or About tablet

2. Under “Android Version,” you can see which version you have

iPhone & iPad

● To use the latest Google Drive app, you’ll need iOS11 or up

● To use the latest Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides apps, you’ll need iOS11 or up

To check which version of iOS you’re using:

1. On your iPhone or iPad, open Settings

2. Tap General > About

3. Next to “Version,” you’ll see which version of iOS you’re using. (Google,



Computer browsers

● Google Chrome

● Firefox

● MS Edge

● Safari

● Opera

An Internet connection with 500+ Kbps (Google, 2019)


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OS - Windows XP(SP3)/Vista/7/8/10 (Support for 32-bit and 64-bit)

CPU - Dual-core processor, such as the Intel Pentium D or AMD Athlon 64 X2

RAM - 1 GB or more of RAM

HDD- 10 GB or more of HDD (Bandicam, 2019)

VGA - 1024x768 16bit Color (Bandicam, 2019)

Open Broadcaster Software (OBS)

OS - Windows, MacOS 10.11+, and Linux

Often used with Webcam and/or for Screen Capture (OBS Project, 2019)


Mac OS X v10.5 or later

A Macintosh computer with Intel, PowerPC G5 or Power PC G4 (867MHz or faster)


At least 512MB of Ram

QuickTime 7 (Apple, 2019)


A Macintosh computer with a PowerPC G4, PowerPC G5, or Intel Core processor (512

MB of RAM required for support)

256MB of RAM; 512 MB recommended

Mac OS X v10.3.9 or v10.4.3 or later; Mac OS X v10.4.4 recommended

QuickTime v7.0.4 or later (v7.0.4 included with iLife ‘06) (Apple, 2019)

Adobe Premiere Pro

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Multicore processor with 64-bit support

Microsoft Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (64 bit) or Windows 8.1 (64 bit), or Windows

10 (64 bit). However, Windows 10 is recommended.

Supporting Windows 10 Creator Edition & Dial

8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)

8 GB of available hard-disk space for installation

1280x800 display (1920x1080 or larger recommended)

Sound card compatible with ASIO protocol or Microsoft Windows Driver Model

An Internet connection and registration are necessary for required software activation,

validation of subscriptions, and access to online services (Adobe, 2019).

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Adobe. (2019). Adobe Premiere Pro System Requirements. Retrieved October 02, 2019, from

Apple. (2019). Apple. Retrieved September 21, 2019, from

Bandicam. (2019). Bandicam - recording software for screen, game and webcam capture.

Retrieved September 17, 2019, from

Google. (2109). System requirements and browsers - computer. Retrieved September 17, 2019,



Moore, C. (2016). The future of work: What Google shows us about the present and future of

online collaboration. TechTrends, vol. 60, no. 3, 2016, pp. 233–244.,


OBS Project. (2019). System requirements. Retrieved September 20, 2019, from

Schoology. (2019). Learning Management System: LMS. Retrieved September 19, 2019, from

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Lesson Title: 1.1 Identify file types in Google Drive.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will be able to

identify file types that can be built in Google drive.

How Learners will be Assessed:

At the end of the lesson, using Google Drive, the learners will:

Create a file in Google Drive.

Click the default title to rename the file “Module 1 File”.

Upon completion of the module, learners will list the file types that can be created in Google


Technology Used for Demonstration: Bandicam

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

To create a new file in Google Drive, learners will

● log in to Google Drive by going to and selecting an account to

work in. Once the account has been clicked on, the learner will enter their password and

click Next.

● Learner will now be looking at the Drive dashboard.

● Learners will click on the Plus sign and New tab in the upper left corner.

● Instructor will touch on Docs (comparable to Microsoft Word), Sheets (comparable to

Microsoft Excel), Slides (comparable to Microsoft PowerPoint).

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● Next, the instructor will cover file types under More – Google Forms, Google Drawings,

Google My Maps, Google Sites, and Google Jamboard.

Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and look at the different file types available in Google Drive.

Lesson Title: 1.2 Create a Google Doc File.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop logged in to Google

Drive, learners will create a Google Doc file for collaboration with their group.

How Learners will be Assessed:

At the end of the lesson, using Google Drive, the learners will:

Create a file in Google Drive.

Click the default title to rename the file “Module 1 File”.

Technology Used for Demonstration: Bandicam

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

To create a new file in Google Drive, Learners will:

Click on the Plus sign and New tab in the upper left corner

Scroll down to Google Docs, place their cursor on the “>” and select the “Blank document.”

A new Google Doc will open.

Learners will click on “Untitled document” in the upper left corner and rename the document

“Document 1.”

Instructor will:

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● Scroll over and give a brief explanation of each menu item and its contents (i.e., File,

Edit, View, Insert – Image, Table, Drawing, etc., Format) and the menu items for editing

the document (font size, bold, italics, etc.).

● Go over the editing, suggesting, viewing button on the top right.

● Have students write a brief job description of their current position (3-4 lines) while

typing in the document, noting the auto-save feature in Google Docs.

The instructor will close the document and show students where the file appears in Google


Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and build the document

Lesson Title: 2.1 Upload Files to Google Drive and convert for editing as necessary.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will upload files

into Google Drive to collaborate with colleagues successfully.

How Learners will be Assessed:

At the end of the lesson, using Google Drive, the learners will:

Login into Google Drive.

Go to the top left, click New> File Upload.

Open/ create folder for uploads.

Convert uploads as necessary.

Upon completion of the module, learners will:

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Demonstrate to their classmates and instructor the skill learned by creating a small video

Uploading Files to Google Drive and convert for editing.

If converting a document, the next step is to “Convert Uploads,” check the box.

If the learner uploads files with the same name, click Upload a file, click Keep as

separate file.

Technology Used for Demonstration: Open Broadcast Software (OBS)

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

On Google Drive in the top left corner, the learners will click New, and then the learners will

click on file upload and choose a file to upload, or they can choose to upload a folder and the

files contained will be uploaded as well.

Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and look at the different file types available in Google Drive.

Lesson Title: 2.2 Convert Files for editing in Google Drive.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will convert

uploads to share with colleagues successfully.

How Learners will be Assessed:

Given an uploaded file, learners will open it in Google Drive by clicking on the file. After

clicking on the file, a preview is shown, at the top, there is a button called “open with google

docs.” Learners will then click this button and the file will be converted to a Google doc and can

be edited and shared with others.

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Technology Used for Demonstration: Open Broadcast Software (OBS)

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

After reading the title and objective, the instructor will upload a word or excel file and click on

it to preview it. In preview the instructor will mention the Open with Google docs button and

explain that by clicking it the files are converted to google docs. They will then show it on the

screen and show how it can be edited and shared.

Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and convert a file for themselves to test it out.

Lesson Title: 3.1 Create new Folders in Google Drive.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will develop

new folders to collaborate with others in developing and refining courseware.

How Learners will be Assessed:

Learners will be given two folder names that they will use during their coursework: “Module

3.0” and “Module 3.1”. They will make new folders for their accounts and give them these

names. After making them, they can experiment with moving them around and placing files into

them. In addition, learners will be given a folder named Sample for use in an upcoming lesson.

Technology Used for Demonstration: Open Broadcast Software (OBS)

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

Page 26:  · Web viewThe Internet is changing how individuals can collaborate on a project, maintaining a social environment while working synchronously or asynchronously,


After reading the information, the Instructor will follow the written instructions given to learners

and show creating a folder and naming it Module 3.0. Then a file will be drag and dropped into

the folder, and the folder will be moved around to show students what kinds of organizations are


Student Directions:

Students may follow demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing and rewinding as

necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google Drive and

create folders in Google Drive.

Lesson Title: 3.2 Move Folders and Files in Google Drive.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will manipulate

files and folders for appropriate courseware to collaborate with colleagues.

How Learners will be Assessed:

At the end of the lesson, using Google Drive, the learners will:

● Move “Module 3.1” inside the “Module 3.0” folder.

Upon completion of the module, learners will:

● Locate the “Module 1 Doc” created earlier and move to “Module 3.1.

Technology Used for Demonstration: Open Broadcast Software (OBS)

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

The learner will right-click the item they want to move, Module 3.1. Click move to Module 3.0,

then click Move. If learner is going to drag a folder, click and hold the item you want to move,

move the item over the folder and release it. The learner will locate Module 1 Doc created earlier

and right-click on the item to move it to the Module 3.1 folder.

Page 27:  · Web viewThe Internet is changing how individuals can collaborate on a project, maintaining a social environment while working synchronously or asynchronously,


Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and


as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google Drive and

look at the different file types available in Google Drive.

Lesson Title: 3.3 Upload Folders to Google Drive.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will upload

folders from their workstation into Google Drive for collaboration with others on courseware


How Learners will be Assessed:

At the end of the lesson, using Google Drive, the learners will:

● Upload the folder, Sample.

Technology Used for Demonstration: Open Broadcast Software (OBS)

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

The learner will go to the top left, click New>File Upload, learner will upload the folder named


Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and look at the different file types available in Google Drive.

Lesson Title: 3.4 Search in Google Drive.

Page 28:  · Web viewThe Internet is changing how individuals can collaborate on a project, maintaining a social environment while working synchronously or asynchronously,


Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, the learner will be able to

search Google Drive by utilizing the search engine.

How Learners will be Assessed:

At the end of the lesson, using Google Drive, the learners will:

● Search for the folder Sample from the prior Module 3.3.

● Enter the folder name; Sample in the search bar located at the top of the screen and hit


Technology Used for Demonstration: Open Broadcast Software (OBS)

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

The learner will go to the top, type in a word or phrase into the search box, on their keyboard,

press enter. If learner wants to narrow the search, they can click on the down arrow on the right

side of the search bar and narrow the search by:

Type: File types such as documents, images, or PDFs.

Date modified: The date the file was last edited.

Item name: Searches only for the title of the file.

Has the words: Searches for words and phrases within documents.

Owner: The person the file belongs to.

Shared with: Who can view, comment, or edit the file.

Location: Whether the file is in a specific folder, "Trash," or "Starred." You can

also search for files available to people in your organization.

Follow up: If the file has action items assigned to you or suggestions in files you


Page 29:  · Web viewThe Internet is changing how individuals can collaborate on a project, maintaining a social environment while working synchronously or asynchronously,


Then the learner, after choosing what to search (Sample Folder), goes to the bottom right and

click Search.

Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and look at the different file types available in Google Drive.

Lesson Title: 4.1 Share Settings in Google Drive.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will explain the

rationale for the share settings selected, providing at least one reason for each setting selected.

How Learners will be Assessed:

Learners will open the “Module 1 Doc” created earlier in the workshop. In the Doc, they will

write a few sentences naming the settings they believe are most appropriate for sharing files and

folders with colleagues and explaining the rationale for each selection.

Technology Used for Demonstration: QuickTime and iMovie

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

Next, the instructor will demonstrate the steps below while providing an explanation of each


● Open the document to be shared in Google Drive.

● Identify and click the blue Share button in the upper-right corner of the screen.

● Point out the link and demonstrate copying it.

Page 30:  · Web viewThe Internet is changing how individuals can collaborate on a project, maintaining a social environment while working synchronously or asynchronously,


● Open the drop-down menu and view the options to allow anyone with the link to edit,

comment on, or view the document.

● Click the More button and describe the access settings available. Point out that the setting

selected may negate the setting for permissions allowed for those who have the link by

automatically changing it to “Off - only specific people can access.”

● Point out the ability to share the Doc with specific individuals. Explain that this is done

by entering an email address and choosing whether that particular user will be able to

view, comment on, or edit the document.

Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and look at the different file types available in Google Drive.

Lesson Title: 4.2 Share Files in Google Drive.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and a college-issued laptop, learners will share a

file with a colleague successfully.

How Learners will be Assessed: Learners will use the settings described in the “Module 1 Doc”

to share the Doc with the course instructor.

Technology Used for Demonstration: QuickTime and iMovie

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

Next, the instructor will demonstrate the steps below while providing an explanation of each


● Open the same document used to demonstrate the 4.1 objective.

Page 31:  · Web viewThe Internet is changing how individuals can collaborate on a project, maintaining a social environment while working synchronously or asynchronously,


● Click the blue share button.

● Demonstrate copying the link provided and explain how students might paste this into an

email or other message format to share it with colleagues.

● Remind students to pay attention to the available settings.

● Enter a sample email address to share the document with and remind learners to select

whether the user they are sharing with should be able to view, comment on, or edit the


● Remind learners to click done to share the file.

Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and look at the different file types available in Google Drive.

Lesson Title: 4.3 Share Folders in Google Drive.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and a college-issued laptop, learners will share a

folder with a colleague successfully.

How Learners will be Assessed: Learners will use the settings described in the “Module 1 Doc”

to share the “Module 3.0” folder with the course instructor.

Technology Used for Demonstration: QuickTime and iMovie

Explanation of Instruction:

Next, the instructor will demonstrate the steps below while providing an explanation of each


● Display the Google Drive homepage and point out the folder to be shared.

● Right-click on the folder and select “Share” from the drop-down menu.

Page 32:  · Web viewThe Internet is changing how individuals can collaborate on a project, maintaining a social environment while working synchronously or asynchronously,


● Explain that folders cannot be shared using a link; they can only be shared with others via


● Demonstrate entering an email address and choosing whether to allow the user to view,

comment on, or edit the document.

● Remind learners that they must click “Done” to share the folder with others.

Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and look at the different file types available in Google Drive.

Lesson Title: 4.4 Use Chat in Google Drive.

Lesson Objective: Given a Google account and college-issued laptop, learners will collaborate

with colleagues in a Google Doc file.

How Learners will be Assessed: See assessment for LO 4.0.

Technology Used for Demonstration:

Explanation of Instruction:

The instructor will read the title and objective.

Instructor will

● Open a Doc file (two-page minimum) that has been shared with another instructor

(Instructor B, IB). IB will open the same document from their location and place their

cursor towards the bottom of the document.

● Show learners how to identify individuals that are in the Doc file, the color identifier for

each individual, and the Chat button.

Page 33:  · Web viewThe Internet is changing how individuals can collaborate on a project, maintaining a social environment while working synchronously or asynchronously,


● Demonstrate locating where the other individual is in the document by clicking on the


● Open the chat feature and say hi to IB. IB will respond.

Student Directions:

Students may follow the demonstration, working alongside the instructor, pausing, and

rewinding as necessary. Students may also view the entire demonstration and then open Google

Drive and look at the different file types available in Google Drive.
