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E-Portfolio in


Submitted to: Ms. Jennifer Tan de Ramos

Submitted by: #10 Aubrey Nichole C. Reyes C39B

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Table of Contents

Cover Letter -------------------- 1(Letter to the Reader) ENGLCOM and Portfolio Objectives -------------------- 2 Entry Essay (Unedited) ---- 3Extended Definition ------ 4Problem-Solution/Argumentative Essay -------------------- 5Exit essay -------------------- 6Reflective essay ---------------- 7

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Message to the Readers Time really passed by so fast that a few weeks from now, another page of my life story is about to begin and that is my 3rd term as college student here in DLSU. Allow me to share a gist of my experiences and learnings in my Englcom journey. Taking the ENGLCOM course for me is both a challenge and a great opportunity for this is a phase in my life where I can say I’ve learned a lot. This learning helped me a lot to see what I can do more and what I’m really capable of. It is an obvious fact that life is full of vast challenges and struggles; when you’re a student with lots of pressures, stress, deadliest deadlines and many more you will really feel like the whole world is in your hands. What is true is that there are times you will go crazy or feel like you’re from different world when confusing and deadly equations, theories and ideologies are on your way. This pressures and bundles of scenarios will make your life topsy-turvy and it will even make you feel mix of emotions but there’s more to life than that. There are also instances of success that will make you feel like you are on the top of the world. But as part of life there are also failures that will make you cry and feel disappointed or even frustrated but then at the end of the day it was a blessing in disguise. Just like during some exercises where the first to finish will have + 5 points or +10 CP points, we may not always be the first to finish but you also have to experience losing so that you can realize your mistakes and correct it or even improve it. Sometimes it’s not in our triumphs we become better persons oftentimes when we lose we get to know more ourselves, mistakes, capabilities and even give us lessons that will mold us into who really we are.

I must say that I became more mature in my process of learning here in my ENGLCOM course, the impact of this subject in me transcends beyond academic but it also made me realize realities and values and discoveries in myself. There are stressful days but there are more wonderful days and moments that will show you what writing really is. You will see here in my e-portfolio different writing styles and types essays that you will help you more understand certain issues and concepts prevalent in our society like corruption and surrogacy.

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And having this e- portfolio means a lot to me for this are the products of my learnings in this subject and how I really improved a lot in writing for now I just don’t write coming from my heart but I also write using my senses and new knowledge. At first I thought creating a better and quality essay would seems to be quite difficult to achieve but the main lesson I learned is that if you want to achieve something you don’t just dream and aspire alone but rather you have to have that kind of passion and commitment to do what it takes to have it though abundant struggles are on your way. You have to dare to dream because dreaming is to reality. When you dream you have to believe and have faith and when you believe… you will achieve. With God on your side nothing is impossible. I hope that this e -portfolio will inspire, motivate and show you a glimpse of true writing. I also hope that you will learn new things and ideas as you read my sets of essays. Are you now ready to explore a world of essays? Are you now ready to discover the true essence of writing? What are you waiting for? Welcome and Enjoy!

Thank you very much! To god be the glory!

-Aubrey Nichole C. Reyes-

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ENGLCOM Objectives

Write an extended definition essay about a concrete object.

Write a problem-solution essay on any current social issue

Create a media log of articles seen from various forms of media

E-Portfolio Objectives Collect, store, and manage written outputs electronically

Develop a sense of authorship

Showcase mastery of various genres and of writing process

Evaluate and reflect on writing performance holisticallyMonitor progress

Improve understanding of oneself

Recognize the gaps in one’s current knowledge and skills

Entry Essay (Unedited)#10 Aubrey Nichole C. Reyes C39B No. Of words: 554

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“Corruption and its effect on Public Education”

Our everyday life is a challenge and a survival, as we journey towards the reality of life,

we can see certain perspectives and realities that shapes what our society is. Life is a matter of

will and faith and actions, whatever we become in the future it basically depends on the choices

we made today. Who we are right now and who we will become in the future is influenced based

on how we view the reality we have and where we stand in the society’s perspectives and

thinking. We all have hopes, we have different goals and mindsets in our lives but what if all the

things we hope for suddenly vanished and out rightly destroyed by a tremendous force in our

system called Corruption?

In the system that we obey and in the society we are in, corruption seems to be a very

prevalent matter and the most pressing problem we have. It is considered to be a malady or

chronic illness that almost destroy our system at the same time destroys millions of futures and

millions of lives. It seems a normal thing for us to view corruption as a natural issue present in

our society. We became blinded and deaf to the cries and moanings of people who are greatly

affected by this: which are the marginalized sector of our society. It was once defined by

Baghdad (1907) that corruption is the “acquisition or act of getting funds and money for personal

interest, gain or benefits.” This definition may be familiar to all of us but its impact within us

varies in different ranges based on how we see CORRRUPTION.

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Manifestation of corruption is evident in different sectors of our society like health, public

works, transportation, agriculture, infrastructures, education and the likes. But the educational

sectors are the ones that step by step falling into pieces and little by little vanishing into dust.

Education, one of the 5 major institutions that plays a vital role in one’s life and stances. It is the

top sector which has the highest allocation funds by the government. It is believe that with

education everyone can attain higher level of awareness, consciousness and knowledge that will

contribute in the betterment of their lives. But why? Why does the ways and actions of the

government seems to be futile? Why does attaining high quality of education seems to be elusive

for the many? Lack of classrooms, facilities, technologies, low salaries of the teachers and the

likes are just few of the bundles of manifestations we can see in the public education sector.

What can we do to solve this? It’s never too late and never too early to begin; we hold a

significant role in solving this destructive mistakes of the past and transforming it into

meaningful corrections for the future. If we have the courage and boldness to stand up and fight

corruption, we can make a difference. We should always remember that we are not just born to

say something but rather we are born to stand up for something we believe that will make a

difference. ”Hand in hand helping each other “and it takes one courageous person to stand up

and carry the torch of transparency and integrity that will greatly influence the many.

Extended Definition Essay

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10 Aubrey Nichole C. Reyes November 5, 2014 ENGLCOM C39B

Notebook – Extended Definition Essay

A notebook is a certain kind of paper that may either be compiled by a yarn, spring, glue

or stapler. It is where a student writes his/her notes, ideas, feelings, lectures and the likes. Its

cover may vary in different colors, themes, images, designs and may include photos of places,

things or significant people. Sizes of this notebook may be of small, pocket size, big and may be

thick that can allow you to write hundreds of paragraphs or may be that thin which gives you a

notion to be concise and only write important things and concepts. It is a vital tool for everyone

and helps in one’s studies and field of work. But looking into a deeper phase of its meaning, a

notebook is a student’s instrument that can define who really a person is, shows reality of life

and helps in the realization of one’s everyday struggle.

A notebook can reveal a glimpse of who a person really is in bundles and tons of ways

that most people do not notice. Because of what a person take note of and write in the notebook,

other people can see an overview of a person’s identity, personality, stances, beliefs and may

even change a person as a whole. Certain beliefs and perspectives that a person has may be

written down in his/her notebook in order to be remembered, supported and to be inculcated in

his/her heart and mind. According to Pilgrim (2013) “My eyes opened to new possibilities. What

if instead of keeping a book solely for recording my experiences, I kept a book meant for every

thought I have? It wouldn't be weird for me to write a poem, an idea for a recipe, or a knitting

pattern in the same notebook. There would be no limits. “ . She (2013) further added “It helped

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me use my notebook to stretch my mind, to train myself to think abstractly and constructively. It

became not just a receptacle for thoughts, but a way to create thoughts that might be useful later

on.” Moreover, when a person’s notebook has a clean and good appearance it shows the

person’s keenness in terms of cleanliness, organization and is careful in a much bigger aspects of


(Cause and effect)

The true reality of life may be compared to a notebook for life’s reality can be seen in the

products of what a person writes in his/ her yesteryears. Nicholas Sparks (2004) implied in his

novel “The Notebook” a true to life instances of how a notebook changed lives and showed how

meaningful life is. In the story, the notebook where Noah’s letters is compiled is like the brain

and memory of Allie who had an Alzheimer’s disease and forgot all things about herself and

Noah, her love. It is the same as a storybook of how their love began and how they surpassed

different obstacles of life. It showcased a unique and unusual kind of love story that uses a

notebook as its soul and heart. The movie also is far more different than any other written love

stories. From one’s pains, sufferings, laughter and tears, notebook serves as an eye opener to

enlighten and make one realize that not at all times we are in a bed of roses for there are times

we learn more when we are in a bed of nails. Just like a compilation of learnings, notebook

gives also an overview to see life beyond one’s naked eye and appreciate more what is deep and

significant in one’s heart and soul .

(Comparison and Contrast)

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A person’s everyday life is a struggle and a survival. As we grow and learn new things,

notebooks play a vital role in achieving real success as a part of our different adversities and

struggles. It is a remembrance of a student journey towards learning and struggling in the crazy

cycle called life. Famous personalities that we admired and idolized made used of a notebook to

document their experiments and inventions that also serves as their fruits of labor and products

of the struggles they’ve gone through. Price (2007) also stated, “Karl Marx hand-copied whole

passages of Spinoza’s Tractatus Theologico-Politicus into his notebooks.” It is a great

manifestation that the significance of notebooks transcends beyond knowledge but is necessary

in our everyday lives and thirst for learning.


At the end of the day, different people may have different perspectives, opinions, sets of

thinking and this can be of great help if a person write and share it on a notebook. Looking on its

brighter and much wider scope, notebook is an essential instrument for a person in various ways

and diverse circumstances. It is not just tool for learning but a key in a person’s growth,

development and experiences .It also shows different paradigm of phases of life, it identifies

one’s character and identity, shows the true reality of life and a person’s everyday challenges.



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1. Pilgrim, T.R. (2013). The Infinite Importance of Keeping a Notebook. Behind the Red Door (Web Blog). Retrieved from:

2. Price, R. (2007). The Importance of Notebooks in My Writing. The Literature Network Forum (Web Blog).Retrieved from:

3. Sparks, N. (2004). The Notebook. United States: Warner Books.

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Problem-Solution/Argumentative Essay

10 Aubrey Nichole C. Reyes November 24, 2014 ENGLCOM C39B

Surrogacy is a kind of problem most people neglect to accept its presence. It is an

arrangement or agreement between a surrogate mother which carries the baby for intended

parents. It is also a situation wherein a woman carries a child for another person with money

involved through artificial insemination or carrying the baby up until birth. Most of these

transactions are illegal and informal. There are two types of surrogacy, the gestational surrogacy

where embryo is embedded to the surrogate mother through in-vitro fertilization with the egg and

sperm cells of the biological and intended parents. Traditional surrogacy on the other hand is a

natural and real intercourse between the surrogate mother and the father is done. But looking at

its various phases and impact, surrogacy is treated as an immoral and illegal act that diverse

complications are within it. With the current situation we are in, poverty forced people to go

beyond morality and dignity just to survive and earn a living. Implementations of laws and

provisions that ban surrogacy, acceptance of the public and having one’s own choice and

freewill, development and formation of organizations fighting against it are some of the

solutions evident to eradicate this pressing problem.


In our society nowadays, there are few revisions and action plans the government is

proposing to solve this “womb for rent”. Example of this is the bill is the proposed by Sen.

Manny Villar entitled Senate Bill No. 2344 which would outlaw surrogacy. It proposes that

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people who engaged in a surrogate agreement will be penalized. It also aims to ban all the acts

and degrees of surrogacy .At the same time, other politicians are proposing some bills and

regulations of how to monitor and arrest parents engaging in surrogacy as well as the baby

makers. But at this point, there is no progress or feasible output with this bill and proposals.

According to Espino (2012) “The closest law the Philippines has regarding surrogacy is in The

Family Code of the Philippines (Family Code). The Family Code, however, is silent about

surrogacy but has provisions regarding artificial insemination or adoption.” He also added that

“In our jurisdiction the legal status of surrogacy has not yet been settled. The 1987 Constitution

has no outright prohibition of surrogacy. On the other hand to further support this claim,

according to Robles (2009) “Social welfare Secretary Esperanza Cabral said in an interview that

she was not aware that commercial surrogacy was being practiced in the country. Even if it was,

she said there was no law to ban it.” It is an obvious fact that the solution related to law is still

inefficient and will not do any help to solve this issue of surrogacy because there are some

loopholes with the law itself.


In a diverse and modernized society we are in, it is inevitable for us not to be involved in

loads of issues that not just affect us but the entire society as well. We became more open to the

reality and truth of what is happening now. Accepting and having new sets of thinking and

perspective about this issue raised so many questions and sides to different sectors of our society.

One dilemma that this solution encounters according to Van Niekerk (1995) “ Unless one can

ensure the legitimacy of the surrogate bonds on the child and her perspective on her pregnancy

without denying thereby the commissioning couple the surrogacy arrangement can always said

to be dehumanizing and alienating” . It is clear implication that the society change of this view

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may not be effective for each of us has this right to say what we think, want and what our

opinions are. This might cause clashes and misunderstandings between different people and

various circumstances. Because of the reason that the public or us tend to say something and

become involved about society’s most pressing problems, this solution of “change of

perspective” and widening one’s thinking about this seems to be ambiguous and indefinable. We

have different stances and due to this, we live up to this point of views until the end and fight for

it no matter what. The very main reason why this solution is really unfeasible is because our

society has various ranges of perspectives and beliefs that whatever we do we can’t change it.

(Cause and Effect)

Most non- government organizations supporting women, children and youth at risks and

the likes support certain programs and projects eradicating surrogacy. Organization like

Gabriella which care for the abused and neglected women organized rallies, protests and some

interviews expressing their sentiments and opinion about this issue. A certain idea is being

proposed by several activist and non-government organizations about the strict implementation

and avoidance of baby makers that are said to be better and more efficient. Most of the groups

made used of protest and certain programs that aims to abolish this problem. Examples of this

are concert for a cause, seminars, workshops and school to school, city to city information

dissemination programs. Based from an interview of Dr. Eileen Malapaya Manalo the president

of Philippine Society of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility “In 2005, we came up with

our own ethical guidelines. One of the principles is, there should be no third party surrogacy and

no cloning,” It only goes to show that this part or group against surrogacy is only one in a

hundred of organizations fighting to eradicate surrogacy. Though we can say that there are so

many groups and organizations promoting and helping to resolve this surrogacy issue, lack of

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awareness, lack of information, networks and connections are some of the weak spots of this

resolution. A statement of Robles (2009) “Amihan Abueva, national coordinator of Asia Acts,

an advocacy group against child trafficking, said she was unaware that the surrogacy business

had arrived in the country (Philippines). It means that these organizations still need more time

to understand and dig deeper the core of this topic enable to have better actions and solutions.

(Classification and Division)

Looking at different phases and actions done by the government, country’s organizations,

certain groups and all of us a whole; it seems like there is still a need for a much better and

feasible solution. Adoption is a simple solution that is prevalent ever since however, most

people do not consider and take this as an option. According to Ms. Amy Visitacion, secretary of

Hospicio De San Jose- an orphanage and institution of the Daughters of Charity “There are

almost 30-50 kids a year that are abandoned and surrendered by their own parents. In effect

there is a gradual increase of demand for adoptive parents.” She further stated that “Every year

there are only about 10-15 kids that are being adopted because aside from the adoption process

takes time, most parents prefer to have children having their own flesh and blood.” Because of

adoption, abandoned children will still have a hope that one day they can have a one big happy

family and will have a much better life. Since adoption is widely accepted in our society, the

adoptive parents will be able to live a life free from criticisms and violent reactions from the

masses .If we look deeper within this reality we are facing, considering this option and making

this into action will not just benefit the parents who wants to have a child but the child who long

for a mother and father who can call his own. At the same time, there is no need for illegal and

under the table agreements and transactions involving money it will just entail a specific period

of time.

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(Cause and Effect)

Going deeper and understanding the paradigm of this issue may seem to be elusive and

quite difficult for all of us. It is a certain idea or concept that has various levels of approach,

degrees of ways and gives so many phases and perspectives. We may view this as a problem that

may not be important and may not be prioritized but in reality it must be addressed and be solved

now before it’s too late. There may be hundreds of solutions being proposed, bundles of options

we can choose from or even loads of possibilities we can see but we only need one significant,

effective and attainable solution to this predicament. There might be sets of actions done by the

government, certain group of people and the society as a whole to solve this but we must stand

up and think of better and more efficient solution that will make this issue only a part of our

yesteryears and a lesson for our future. Furthermore, it will be like a ripple effect that will

benefit the specific organizations taking care of the abandoned kids, it is not inhuman, immoral

and against the law and this will not cause any complication in aspects such as religion, morality

and humanity. If we only open our minds and our hearts to the possibility and chances of

exploring this option of adoption, we can see that having a child is possible in legal, moral and

right reasons.


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Robles, R. (2009, June 19).Womb for Hire - Part 1. Newsbreak. Retrieved from:

Robles, R. (2009, June 19).Womb for Hire - Part 2. Newsbreak. Retrieved from:

Espino, D. (2012, September 26). The appreciation of surrogate mothers in the Philippine legal system. -AUSL Tech & Law. Retrieved from:

Van Niekierk, A A, Van Zyl, L L. (1995). The ethics of surrogacy: Women’s reproductive labor. Journal of medical ethics, 21: 345-349.


Reyes, A. (2014, November 20). Personal communication.

Robles, R. ((2009, June 19). Personal Communication with ABS-CBN News.

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Exit essay#10 Aubrey Nichole C. Reyes C39B No. Of words: 1,240

“A Dark Glimpse of the Philippine Society: Corruption”

Philippines society is composed of various ranges of cultures, perspectives, beliefs and

wants; we may all be living in the same society but the reality dictates that each one of us have

diverse wants, needs and desires. As our world evolves on merely changing, progressing and

moving forward there are certain aspects that serve as a hindrance in attaining this progression

that we all hope for. In the society we have and in the system that we obey, we play a vital role

in shaping what our society is. We all live in a world full of vast challenges, adversities and

complications and thus we all live thinking on how we will survive and how we can go on

surpassing this tremendous hurdles present. With this kind of thinking, we become aware and

open to the struggles and problems of our society in which we may be a victim of the actions

done or a key player that holds the chance in correcting and solving problems and bringing back

significant lessons that was lost and gone. And as we journey in correcting the destructive

mistakes of the past and embracing the incoming adversities we will have in the future, what can

we do to respond? What can we do to help? And what are the things we are willing to fight for

and strive hard for?

Our country the Philippines, the pearl of the orient and a wonderful country with rich

resources has a great potential of success in almost all industries. It is an archipelago with 7,107

islands and almost 100,617,630 in population. Because of our country’s growing economy and

progressive status in terms of business, investments and utilization of natural resources; a lot of

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people are hopeful that one day marginalized sector of the society will be alleviated from

poverty. But at some point, this potential had also been the cause for politicians and some

significant and famous people to take advantage. This kind of act is popularly known as

CORRUPTION. Looking at a deeper phase of it, it is an obvious fact that all nations and

countries we have today experience this societal dilemma. This “evil force in our society varies

in many forms that every one of us has been befuddled if certain actions the government are

doing is right or wrong? It is like a chronic illness that poses a threat in each one of us and might

destroy our future.

As the manifestation of this corruption became prevalent, the degree of its effects and

impact in the different sectors of our society maybe severe or light. In the five institutions in our

society, the education sector has been greatly affected by this pressing problem. Distinct

examples of corruption in public education may be present in various forms and various ranges it

may be in the school itself, the facilities, teachers and students like poor allocation of resources,

unjust salaries and no benefits for the teachers and the likes. It was once defined as acquiring

government funds for personal gains and benefits thus sacrificing the welfare of the many. How

can we achieve progress if the education that is the pathway for development is little by little

deteriorating because of corruption? It is an obvious fact that if we want true progress we need

to strengthen and improve the quality of education we have in our country, but this goes the other

way around for the people whom we trusted and voted prioritized having more money. It is also

a clear implication that the public education sector should be given enough attention and help not

only because the majority of the people are within this public education but because if proper

education and knowledge will be inculcated to them, we can assure productive citizens that will

contribute to the betterment of our country.

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Furthermore, education indeed plays a significant role in our society since Filipinos have

great perspectives and stands about education. They believe that it is the stepping stone towards a

stable or even a progressive life. But as we look deeper on the core of the issue, we can say that

as corruption deteriorates and become a bigger problem it also affect the system of our

education making it impossible for children to attain a much better and quality system of

learning. Therefore, corruption is indeed a very intractable problem and its effects don’t just

affect us but also destroys certain hopes we have today an even in the future.

It may be inevitable for us not to be affected by corruption but it will never change that

all of us need to know how this corruption started and how this infiltrated the Philippine society

and in what ways it destroyed the quality of public educational system we have. It is an issue that

we need to solve and we need to eradicate for it step by step killing thousands of future and

thousands of lives. Through time we learn things and through our maturity our stances develop

and change into something better. We broaden our views and perspectives because we have

much knowledge in wider scopes and ranges to understand it, learn from it and see different

phases of it. These notions will cloud our minds and make us think what aspects of our society

are greatly affected in this issue? What do the key players of our country such as the government,

educational sectors, students, teachers and parents would say about this? Will there still be a

developed and progressive Philippines?

It is frustrating to know that the funds allocated and given to the education are being

used by some people for their personal gains and benefits. The money that is expected to help

thousand of students to attain education for their future was robbed by people who doesn’t care

what other people‘s futures are. Corruption causes the downfall of our public education system.

With this, attaining high quality education seems to be elusive and a great challenge for Filipinos

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now a days. What can we learn from this mistakes and issues we are facing? What can we do to

solve corruption? All of this lies in each one of us and It’s never too early and never to late to

begin, we the youth has the mission to eradicate and destroy corruption before it destroy us and

before it conquers our system. The youth of today are the strong and powerful force that has the

capability to uproot the corruption in our society.

Reflective essay

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Aubrey Nichole C. Reyes C39B December 10, 2014

I never thought that writing would be so fun and exciting as much as this. I never

expected that I will improve a lot in a span of 27 meetings. My ENGLCOM experience is a

phase in my life where I realized and learned a lot. It served as my steeping stone in seeing my

capabilities and realizing that there is more that I can do and more that I can achieved. At first, I

thought that writing should merely coming from the heart and expressing ideas base on your

perspective; but I was wrong, for you should not just write coming from your heart but also you

should write certain ideas based on new things you learned and experience. It was so fulfilling

to know that my progress here in this course is indeed that good for I was able to see writing

from various perspectives. I also became more aware and conscious of the different patterns I

can use to write my essay. These patterns guided me to come up with ideas and concepts that

catch the attentions of the readers and help them understand more certain issues.

There are few misconceptions about writing and reading that really became clearer to me.

First, I often used logical fallacies in my essays just like appeal to pity, hasty generalizations and

the likes. I ‘am really not aware that I’m using certain fallacies in my essays and I was

enlightened by certain discussions about this topic. I was able to practice writing in which it

focuses merely on ideas and perspectives that have enough proof and basis. With that, making

conclusions and generalizations also became more organized and feasible for me. Second,

having a clincher in every paragraph made me realized that it makes ideas and the pattern more

precise. There are just few notions I know about citing references, I thought that only one way

of citing references can be used but I learned not only citing references using MLA but APA

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format as well. I got to see a clearer picture of how will I organized my ideas using different

ways, may it be free writing, using mind mapping and the likes. This is a good help for my

writing because it gave me more techniques to set and arranged my ideas unlike before that I’m

always using outlines. Certain questions that befuddled me before was given specific

explanations and answers that aided me to have a better style of writing. Therefore this fallacies

or misapprehensions are just words for me now and it will no longer hinder me in making a

quality and finer essay.

It is indeed inevitable in the process of learning to experience some hardships and

struggles; it is a part of improving skills at diverse levels at the same inculcating values that will

not just be used now but in the future as well. There are instances that really challenged my

capability and unleashed the true writer in me. There was once a time when we had the problem

solution essay and the topic that I chose is that difficult and sensitive. At first I had a hard time

thinking of what possible solution will I propose that will persuade the readers and build a stand

that others may consider. It seems hard for me to expand this issue and develop stances and

proofs to support it but with this challenge, I was able to think out of the box and think of

solutions with strong facts and basis. Another challenge for me is during the making of my

extended definition essay wherein we need to explore a different meaning for a concrete object, I

was in a great dilemma on how will I give a certain object a new interpretation or a new

definition. How did I come up with a new and better definition for a notebook? I just put in

mind on how will I connect this concrete object to life, for life is colorful and diverse and it can

be associated with many things. I also take into account using references and finding resources

that will support my definition. Indeed, there may be bundles of struggles I experienced and lots

of difficulties that went on my way, but at the end of the day I surpassed this with flying colors

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for learning is my motivation and the people that surrounds me and loves me are my


I must say that academic writing and reading is not that hard to achieve when you have this

kind of commitment and passion to learn and develop it within you. If you have enough

determination and focus you can really achieve making an essay with a good quality and

organized ideas. This is what I learned from my ENGLCOM experience that I will really

treasure a lot. Moreover, I also became more flexible in writing various types of essays, with the

styles and knowledge I acquired I was able to not just to master and improved a specific type of

essay but I can now write well may it be cause and effect, argumentative, problem-solution and

many more. I also incorporated various techniques and writing patterns that improved my over-

all skills in writing. From the entry essay to exit essay, a great manifestation of improvement in

terms of grammar, organization, style, content and many more are obviously seen. The use of

transitional devices also helped me a lot in producing a quality essay. I really improved a lot in

my writing and a great part of it are from the lectures and discussions about transitional words,

following the guidelines and making sets of outlines , thesis statements and essays as well.

As my ENGLCOM journey come to an end, it’s a feeling of so much joy, contentment and

fulfillment that is in my heart for I truly achieved what I wanted. My desire for learning new

things and for improvement is what ENGLCOM gave me. With the new knowledge and

techniques of writing I learned, I’m now ready to step to the next level of writing and I can now

write essays with confidence and a mindset that this is a quality and better essay. Though I’m

about to finish my ENGLCOM course and it may end soon ,but the lessons and knowledge I

gained will forever be here in my mind and in my heart. I’m very thankful for the writing

style I now have is the product of the 27 days and meetings we have in ENGLCOM. It may be

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27 meetings, 1 hour and 30 mins a day , 5 times a week but the improvements, values, learnings

and developments it gave me will last forever and I will live up forever.