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Web 2.0 in Recruitment

February 2009

Thomas ShawManaging Director

Recruitment Directory(03) 9018 [email protected]://

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Video Introduction

IBM TV Commercial on Collaboration/Social Networking

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Thomas Shaw

Recruitment Directory

(03) 9018 5722

[email protected]

Follow me on Twitter

Subscribe to my Blog

Presentation is available for download on our site

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Contact Details

• Recruitment/HROrg Dev.background

• e-marketing,programmer

• Consult toRecruiters,Employers, JobBoards

• I blog• I twitter• I engage• I am social

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Who am I?

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• Recruitment 1.0 & Recruitment 2.0• Social Networking• Blogs, Micro-blogging• Search Engines• Video• IM/Chat• Mobile• Measurement &

Management• Candidates 2.0

• How to become “social”• Future of Recruiting

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WTF 2.0 is he talking about?

• Synchronous (virtual worlds, IMs)• Asynchronous (email, forums)• One-to-many (blogs, broadcast

channels)• Few-to-Few (Facebook, Twitter)• Many-to-Many (Forums, Virtual

Worlds)• One-to-One (PMs/DMs, IMs, Chat)

Cater for differentcommunication styles


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What are you doing?

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• Blog - A web-based journal created by single or multiple writers. Blogs allow for interactivefeedback and comments from readers.

• Wiki - A website created by a group of collaborative users. Wikis are constantly updated andedited by select users, keeping it fresh and up-to date with the latest information.

• Instant Messaging (IM) - Real-time communication between two or more people.

• Podcast - An audio file distributed over the internet. Podcasts can be downloaded onto portablemedia devices, for playback anywhere, anytime.

• RSS (Real Simple Syndication) - Allows subscribers to receive automatic updates whenevernew website content is available. XML is a structured format of data.

• Search Engine - Retrieves information based upon specified keywords, i.e. Google, Live, Yahoo

• SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - The process of increasing the website traffic produced fromsearch engines.

• Social Network Services (i.e. Facebook, MySpace, Ning, LinkedIn, Twitter) - Web basedservices that allow users to c reate online communities based upon shared interests and activities.They provide different methods for interaction including messaging, email, blogs, video, anddiscussion groups.


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Recruitment 1.0

• Typical resume shuffling service

• Post job to job board or newspaper

• No interaction, stale

• Information push

• Dictated by the Employer/Recruiter “wait

and see who applies”• 1:1

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• Many to many dialogue• Built trust• Rich media experience• Minimal data connection to


• Companies are deluged with “digitalwannabees” as the print sectorcontinues to dwindle.

• Recruitment Agencies are now justshifting into the digital space

• Investing in media, pay-per-click,advertising and social media is

useless unless you can track who,what, where and how.• Aggregation or “syndication” of

content• Aggregate jobs from career sites,

recruiters, job boards into 1 search

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Recruitment 2.0

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Virtual Career Fairs

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Second Life$ Resource intensive

Usually open for a limited amount of time

Requires the users to immersethemselves within the Virtual World

Time Wasting

Gartner – “90% of businesses who try toset up a presence in Second Life failwithin 18 months” 

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What is Social Networking?

Social networking websites are onlinecommunities of people who share interestsand activities, and who are interested inexploring the interests and activities ofothers. They typically provide a variety of

ways for users to interact through chat,messaging, email, video, file-sharing,blogging, discussion groups, images.

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Over 2,000+ web 2.0 sites

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Web 2.0 sites

• Content Syndication - Submitting articles, press releases, RSS feeds, throughsocial search engines and news aggregators.

• Display Advertising - Based on traditional cost-per-click or cost-per-impressionmodel. PPC

• Gadgets and Widgets (Applications) - Networks provide development APIs forthird-party applications. Creates brand awareness through an interactive experience.

• Social Ads – Integrated alerts through feeds to target users by characteristics, such

as age, gender, location and interests.

• Social Network Pages – Create a profile or group to represent a business, brand orproduct. May be customised to leverage the viral strengths of Social Networks.

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Advertising Models on Social


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Why are we using it?

• Embracing Social Networking as a tool to attract andretain talent

• Creating Pages, Groups, Profiles, Applications• Connecting Alumni• Promoting EVP, Employer of Choice• Careers NOT Jobs• User Generated Content• Publishing news, photos, events, podcasts• Interactive• Fun

• Exciting• Evolving 

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Feb 14th 2009

175,000,000 active users

45% of Facebook’s US audience is now 26 years oldor older.

The fastest growing segment in the US: Women over55, up 175.3% in the last 120 days.

Facebook growing faster with women than men inalmost every age group.

The number of people on Facebook grew by over

10% monthly in 52 countries in January. It grew byover 20% monthly in January i n 13 countries.Facebook’s monthly growth accelerated by at least25% in 30 countries in January vs. December 2008.

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• Professional• Searchable• Social

• Resourceful

• Groups• Q&A• Exchange Ideas• Connections• 6 degrees of seperation

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Where should you start?

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• Establishing a simple Web presence

• Promoting specific products or services

• Creating loyalty with your products and services

• Consolidating existing, unofficial social networks related to yourorganisation

• Informal outreach that blends the personal and professional

• Researching candidates, employees and other users

• Strengthening relationships between people who already know each other

• Encourage and respond to feedback quickly

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Opportunities with SocialNetworking

• Embracing Social Networks – Connecting with passiveand active job seekers. Engaging with users on a sociallevel

• Groups – Employers, Agencies, Alumni, Interests,Private or Public

• Applications – Job Search, Latest Jobs, Refer a Friend,

Job Mail, Competitions, Graduate Recruitment Programs

• Pages – Advertising product or service, Connecting withusers

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What are other Recruitment Agencies,

Employers, Job Boards doing?

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Is your username taken?

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What are other Recruitment Agencies,Employers, Job Boards doing?

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What are other Recruitment Agencies,Employers, Job Boards doing?

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What are other Recruitment

Agencies, Employers, Job Boardsdoing?

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What are other Recruitment Agencies,Employers, Job Boards doing?

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Using platform

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Ed Moran from Deloitte 2008 Survey

• 6% of businesses put over $1m into branded online community building efforts

• 35% have less than 100 members, < 1/4 have more than 1,000

3 Reasons why:

• Business are being enticed by fancy technology• Lack of proper Management• The wrong measurements metrics 

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Why Most OnlineCommunities Fail

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• Write Well and Write Often• Answer questions with blog posts• Invite guest blog posts• Highlight your success

• Conduct feedback surveys• Encourage comments• Build a community of clients, prospects, partners, etc• Submit Your Blog to Search Engines• Submit Your Posts to Social Bookmarking Sites• Promote your blog via social media and network sites• Promote your blog via email• Be a resource - link to other relevant articles• Blogging creates a discussion - you are the host.• Tag Your Posts• Don't Forget Images• Search Engine Optimization• Promote Outside Your Blog

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• Fastest growing, hottest social media property right now• Potential to be as big as/bigger than Facebook and MySpace and even takes on Yahoo and

Google for news.• Basically SMS over the internet – limited to 140 characters

• 1 to many, 1 to 1• Searchable, Free, Easy to set up and use

Opportunities for Recruitment

• Post hot jobs, or latest job links on twitter back to the employers or agencies web site• Recruitment news updates.. ie "Looking for a PHP developer in Melb, Top rates apply"

• Speaking/networking functions.. ie "Speaking at XXX on how to find a job", "Meet us at theCareers Expo"• Links to career content - employee profiles, videos, articles, etc.• Follow discussions on various topics or trends• Connecting with job seekers via twitter• Market Intelligence

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Recent tweets



People I amFollowing

People thatare followingme

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Recent tweetsby the users Iam following

What should I say? USER DASHBOARD

People I amFollowing

People thatare followingMe

DM’s sent


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Have A Job?(#HAJ)

Need a Job?(#NAJ)

#job, #jobpost, #NAJ, #HAJ,#employment, #recruiting,

#hiring, #rtjob, #career,#staffing, naj, haj, hiring

Frequently Used Phrases

• The Twitterverse, or the Twitosphere - the community of Twitter users

• Tweeter, or Twitterer - a Twitter user

• Tweeple - Twitter Users

• Tweet - a post on Twitter. Tweets - the updates you, and everyone else, post

• Followers - people who have chosen to receive updates for a particular Twitterer

• Twitterati - the members of the Twitter A-list that everyone wants to follow.

• Twitterstream - the public, or friend, timeline - the posts on Twitter are chronologically listed

• Mistweet - an accidentally posted tweet - may have errors or be incomplete ie a mistake

• Retweet - the action of reposting another user’s post, crediting them for it

• Retweeter, or Retweetist - someone who retweets

• Twisticuffs - the posts when 2 or more twitterers have a disagreement

• Twetiquette ( or Twitetiquette) - the right way to behave on Twitter

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Twitter Shorthand

• Because each post can only contain 140 characters, shorthand is used lots when tweeting:

• RT = Retweet, followed by @ then the person you’re retweeting’s username e.g. RT @thomasshaw indicates you areretweeting one of my posts

• OH – Overheard

• DM - Direct Message

• @ - Send/Reply to e.g. @thomasshaw - sends a message to me on the public timeline

• BTW - By The Way

• JV - Joint Venture

• IRL - In Real Life

• LOL - Laugh out Loud, or Lots of Laughter depending on who you ask!

• FTF - Face to Face

• IMHO - In My Honest Opinion

• abt - about

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• Is a service to help Twitter users find people to follow. From Accountants to Yoga, Twellowcategorizes and organizes Twitter into hundreds of niches to make your searching easier. So goahead, Connect with people who matter


• Here’s how to get your jobs/blog (or any other RSS) sent to popular microblogging platforms:

• Decide which network(s) you want to post to - twitterfeed can post directly to twitter,,custom laconica installations, and via, simultaneously to the many services supported

• Login to twitterfeed using your OpenID, Provide us with the URL for your blog's RSS feed, andhow often we should post on your behalf

• Our servers will check your blog's feed at the specified interval and post any new items to yourspecified service. You just sit back and relax!

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• Search Engines – Google, Yahoo, Live

• Submitting Content


• Advertising PPC, banner ads

• Trends

• Analytics, ROI

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Search Engines

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• Standard XML/RSS feed

• Aggregate/Mashup multiple feeds

• Allows users to keep up with their favorite website, receiving updates in a constant,automated, and organized manner.

• Candidates can easily receive constant updates on new positions that fit theirqualifications. RSS Job Alerts allow recruiters to stay constantly connected tocandidates and ultimately reduce time-to fill costs and other expenses.

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• Target your audience

• Engage with the audience

• Be honest in yourpresentation

• Integrate with the rest ofyour recruitment campaign

• Short and sharp

• Encourage feedback

• Share via YouTube, social

bookmarking, widgets etc

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• Google is a search engine, which spiders websites for new content

• Job Aggregators ie SimplyHired, Recruit.Net, aggregate (mashup) the joblisting from leading job boards, career sites etc.

• The aggregation occurs reading a XML/RSS feed for the new jobs, and updating itsexisting content.

• Using these tools, recruiters have become more connected with candidates and clients.

• Candidates no longer have to wait for the newspaper, or conduct searches on job boards.

• Social networks continue to grow in number as well as intelligence.

• Emergence of these tools has allowed employers/clients the same opportunity to use thesetools as a recruitment agency.

• 2 fields – Job Title, Location

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• AIM, ICQ, MSNMessenger, YahooMessenger, GoogleTalk, FacebookChat, Skype

• Integrate into yourwebsite?

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• Push/Pull

• Advancements in technology – ie iphone, android, HTC


• Optimized websites

• Application compatibility

• Costs $$

• iPhone does not currently have Flash, Java and otherplugins that work in PC based browsers.

• Are candidates going to use mobiles?

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Check mobile optimization of your site

• Ethical? Legal?

• Spokeo, Wink, Google

• 10 Privacy Settings Every Facebook User Should Know 

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Background Checking

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• Connected & informed

• Multiple profiles across social networking sites

• Candidate will engage with potential employerbefore submitting interest in a role

• Interactive resume –,

• Candidate will champion their job 24/7

• Network of friends

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Candidates 2.0

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Measurement & Management

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• Be transparent, honest and open• Refer all links, jobs, content back to your website• Use other web 2.0 sites to disperse content• Conversation - Engage with users• Recruitment blogs are a great way to interact with candidates and provide

them with a sense of a company’s culture and work.• Blogs add an element of humanity to the hiring process and allow recruiters

to find candidates that are qualified and that fit within their company’sculture.

• Devote enough time to maintain their social networks.• What are our competitors doing?• Rich media interface? Mobile optimization?• Create a short video on why you should work with XYZ Agency/Employer?


• Use social networks as a sourcing tool to reach passive candidates and forhard to fill positions.


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• Be a leader, not a follower

• Understand the medium

• Identify your target market

• Create integration not fragmentation

• Engage with users!

• Manage your reputation

• 360 Degrees of Technology

• ROI, Feedback, Comments

• Work smarter, not harder!

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Where are you headed?

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