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Duis Sed Sapien

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Nunc Et Orci

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Morbi Posuere

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Are you ready to Jumpstart your Holistic Practice and Get the Support You Need to Create a Thriving,

Sustainable practice that You Love to Wake up to Everyday?

We are truly excited to introduce to you these amazing and exciting three days workshop program

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Dates 16/06/2016

Duration 10 to 17:00

Dates 17/06/2016 Duration 10 to 17:00

Dates 18/06/2016 Duration 10 to 17:00

Carol Mathebula holistic Wellness Facilitator I am passionate about living life with purpose and I have spent about 20 years of my life studying different modalities of health, wellness. I have learned how our emotions deeply affect our bodies and if not expressed they eventually will express themselves through confusing our minds and taking our bodies out of balance and this can stops us from getting the very best from our life! I've embarked on a personal journey many years ago that has led me to new core beliefs about who I am and how I choose to live my life. Spirituality for me is really about how to transform your inner victimhood into taking full responsibility for our selves and for your chosen lifestyle. It’s not so much about fixing things, but about overcoming fear and getting to the next step of healing. Life is a journey of healing. You need to feel the pain and have those dark nights of the soul searching, the length and intensity of the process is determined by the degree of purification one requires. Think of this as peeling an onion. Each layer you strip away brings tears to your eyes. Then you heal. And you get to feel the joyfulness and satisfied in your life, spiritual wholeness is about being of service to yourself and helping others.

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Firstly is important to Take time in preparing and planning as you grow and build your private practice this will help you avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes. Below are few issues we are going to address on this informational workshop to help you ensure your personal grow and success

A. Vestibulum quam. B. Nulla quis sem.

C. Cras et sem.

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Get Your Life in Excellent Shape, 12:00 – 12:50 PM

In order to rediscover and redefine who you are you need to have energy and peace in your life. It’s impossible to change history. But we can rediscover ourselves. We can reclaim our seemingly lost qualities and talents. And even our very essence, our soul. It is never too late. There are many aspects to success, Moreover, success is a journey, not a destination. Material abundance, in all its expressions, happens to be one of those things that makes the journey more enjoyable. But success also includes good health, energy and enthusiasm for life, fulfilling relationships, creative freedom, emotional and psychological stability, a sense of well-being and peace of mind. Even with the experience of all these things, we will remain unfulfilled unless we nurture the seeds of divinity inside us.

10:00 – AM arrival and tea time

10:30 – 11:00 - AM Registration

Become one with the depths of your being

11:00 – 11:45 AM

We begin with powerful breathing, meditation and body balance techniques that purify and balance your body, mind and spirit. It allows us to release accumulated stress naturally and effectively. We all breath on average 20,000 times a day - but are we doing it properly? While most of us never give breathing a second thought, the way you draw breath can affect your physical and mental wellbeing. Breathing properly can reduce your stress levels, improve your energy level and boost your immunity to infections and illnesses. Breathing correctly means that our bodies are being supplied with the right amount of oxygen, replenishing our brain and other vital organs with essential nutrients.

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– Face your fears – Embrace Change – Stand up for your life. – Develop true courage. – Define your purpose and passions. – Foster the resilience of a core of peaceful strength. – Invoke knowing perception and embodied action. – Cultivate a courageous and healthy approach to your next steps. – Add to all of that the opening up of the “fun factor” in your life

13:00 – 14:00 lunch

Develop a Vision for Your Massage Practice. 14:00 – 16:00

It's difficult to get somewhere if you don't know where you are going. we will help you Develop a detailed vision of what you want your massage practice to look like in 6 months, 1 year and 5 years and write it down. - How many clients do you want to have? - What days and hours do you want to work? - How much income do you need/want?

Emotional Freedom Technique

16:20 – 17:00

will take you on a powerful journey with your breath. You will learn and experience the deep healing benefits of this progressive breath work and practice this self healing breath work enough so you are confident to develop a practice at home. This can help you let go of any unhealthy breathing habits, such as breath holding, shallow breathing and over breathing and release both physical and emotional tension from the body. This can dramatically shift the

way you feel in your body and bring higher states of awareness to the mind, and spirit

17:00 – 17:30 networking - then we go home

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10:00 – AM arrival and tea time

10:30 – 11:00 - AM Registration

Become one with the depths of your being

11:00 – 11:45 AM

We begin with powerful breathing, meditation and body balance techniques that purify and balance your body, mind and spirit. It allows us to release accumulated stress naturally and effectively.

12:00 – 12:50 PM

Developing at Least One or two Specialization in your Practice. Massage Therapists, professionals healing and new private practice often fear that if they are too narrow in the type of services they offer, they will rule out many other potential clients. The opposite is actually more often true as people tend to want to hire specialists. The more targeted you are in marketing your practice, the more you will stand out from others and become known for your expertise. In addition, it's easier to market your practice to a particular group if you know where to find them.

11:45 – 12:00 PM - tea time

13:00 – 14:00 lunch Vunkuwa Spa Relax Massage Course create your own signature touch

14:00 – 16:00

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What is Signature massages? To set yourself apart from your competition it's always a good idea to offer a treatment that is exclusive to your practice when you are working out what your signature treatment should be, consider this question: What is currently the most popular treatment in your business? Once you've worked out the answer to this one, see if you can do a variation of this treatment with your own unique twist, so this can become YOUR signature treatment. The temptation can often be to create a signature treatment that is based on treatments that aren't very popular in an effort to boost sales of these You need to aim to have your signature treatment as one of your most requested treatments. If it is only available through your salon or spa and it is popular with your clients, they will talk about it to their friends. 16:20 – 17:00

self gratitude meditation

In this series you are guided in meditations to help you do one of the most difficult things of all: to honor and respect yourself. In each meditation you’ll be guided using a different meditation technique to help you be more grateful for who you are. In today’s meditation you’ll be guided in a breathing technique for Self Gratitude, Do you know just how powerful your breath is? You may not realize how quickly and easily you can truly calm your mind and body simply with your breath. In today’s meditation you’ll be guided using a breathing technique to honor and care for yourself. It’s so easy to express gratitude and care for others but it can be much more challenging to do the same thing for yourself. Finally, you’re going to hear me put a lot of energy into convincing you to keep a Self-Gratitude Meditation Journal.

17:00 – 17:30 networking and- then we go hom

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13:00 – 14:00 lunch

10:00 – AM arrival and tea time

10:30 – 11:00 - AM Registration

11:00 – 11:45 AM

We begin with powerful breathing, meditation and body balance techniques that purify and balance your body, mind and spirit. It allows us to release accumulated stress naturally and effectively. 11:45- 12:00 Tea time 12:00 – 12:50 PM

Lets identify Any Negative Attitudes and Fears You Have About Marketing Many massage therapists, and healing professionals are uncomfortable with the marketing aspect of being in private practice. They see their role as to be there for others and not to promote themselves. Our repeated exposure to negative and manipulative types of marketing further contributes to the belief that marketing ourselves is somehow inappropriate. Any negative attitudes and fears you have about marketing a practice need to be eliminated.

7. We will help Develop a Marketing Plan with you 14:00 – 15:00 In order to market your massage practice successfully you must have an integrated marketing plan. One of the most common mistakes holistic healing professionals make is trying a few methods of marketing your practice haphazardly, and when the results are not immediate, they erroneously assume the techniques don't work. Flourishing massage practices are frequently built upon a number of marketing strategies that work together over time. To market effectively you must make yourself repeatedly visible to potential clients and referral sources so that they get to know and trust you. We guide you to focus manly on Education-Based Marketing. Education-Based Marketing is a powerful marketing strategy that establishes trust and credibility using educational messages. It is the direct opposite of traditional marketing, which uses selling-based messages. People are tired of hearing worn-out, old sales pitches. Barriers shoot up the moment you begin delivering a sales pitch. In contrast, people sit up and listen when you share important facts and expert information that help them make a good buying decision. Treat your self to one of our innovative body massage treatment or you can also say Come and visit

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We continue with innovating your signature touch 15:15 -17:15

17:20 -17:40

we evaluate and analyse your progress.

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The purpose of Vunkuwa Association is to offer a loving safe environment that supports each individual’s highest & greatest good on their journey of self-discovery and empowerment. We are committed to serving you in the most professional manner possible giving you the best healing sessions, classes, and workshops that support wholeness and oneness. Our goal is to provide you with the opportunity to rest, restore, and rejuvenate in every area of your life. All adventurers are welcome... men, women, couples and singles, no experience required! A balance of workshops and free time allows for self-reflection. We will move from the mind to the heart, from thought to understanding and most of all from resistance to availability!

Take a jenny in understanding your business better

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(item # XXXX) $000.00

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(item # XXXX) $000.00

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(item # XXXX) $000.00

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(item # XXXX) $000.00



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(item # XXXX) $000.00


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(item # XXXX) $000.00

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(item # XXXX) $000.00

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Suspendisse congue.

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