Page 1: Ways to protect and regain your hair

Ways to Protect and Regain Your Hair

Hair makes a great difference to the way how one looks. Changing hair style does change the

appearance of the person. Hair plays an important role in the personality of an individual. Those

who care for their hair very much do spend a lot to maintain them always. The thought of losing

hair makes them worry. Unfortunately the hair problems are very much on rise these days.

Almost every person is facing some sort of hair problem. They spend huge money on

medicines, oils and vitamins to protect their hair from falling or going gray but nothing helps.

There are many types of surgical treatments available which claim 100% success in re-growing

hair naturally. But all such treatments have their own side effects and durability. There is no life

time guarantee on any treatment. There are many who adjust with the situation and stop paying

too much attention to their head. They become accustomed of the hair-less face and so do

others around them. This doesn’t make much difference to the life of common man but it

matters too much for those who value their personality as part of their performance. If you are

also losing hair and feeling worried about it, here are some precautionary solutions which can

help you keep your hair longer. Besides there is an ultimate solution at the end of the article, in

case you have lost them all.

Keep them short – It is a fact that long hair falls a lot. If you are facing hair fall problem, you

should keep your hair short so that they will not get pulled out in comb. You will not need to

comb them much and can adjust them with your hands only. The short hair can even bring

some improvement to your face. I have met a person who ultimately got his head shaved and

got even a younger look than he used to have with patchy head.

Meditation – often hair loss is related with the stress. While coping with the world, everyone of

us faces extreme stress at work place and social life these days. If so, you should practice some

meditation at any time of the day to bring your stress level down. This is a stress controlling

technique which can be practiced anywhere anytime. This seems to be a long shot but it does


Do not rub them – we all have a practice to rub our head a lot with towel after bath. This is not

really a good thing to do for those who are facing hair fall. Just press the towel against your

head smoothly and let it soak water out of your hair instead of rubbing them all out of your scalp.

There are many more advices in the list. You can find many online. My last advice is for those

who have already lost all their hair. If you are one, do not jump on to a surgical option. Try to

find undetectable non surgical hair loss treatment for yourself. It’s easy and affordable way to

regain your looks without much trouble. To know more about toupees please visit at
