
Wastebuster News QuizA series of tricky questions for our ace reporters based on Busta’s Breaking News. The whole crew wishes you good luck.

What killed the giant Minke whalewashed up on a Norfolk beach?

Question 1

Question 3

How could the invisible killer of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch enter the

human food chain?

Why are seagull numbers falling in the NorthSea and what do the gulls mistake

Plastic bottle tops for?

Question 4

Give two reasons why David Rothschild was on Board the Plastiki in 2010

Question 6

The answers.Will you be smiling, Busta wonders? Let’s find out!

The whale has swallowed plastic waste.

Answer 1

Answer 3

Plankton ingest microplastics from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, crabs and fish eat plankton and humans eat crab and fish.

Seagulls feed their chicks plastic bottle tops which they mistake for squid or jellyfish and

the chicks die.

Answer 4

Answer 5

The worms have stopped churning up the sea bed and are slowly dying form ingesting


David wanted to see the Great Pacific Garbage Patches himself and warn people about the dangers of


Answer 6

Reflection TimeThink about these extra questions

Busta wants to ask YOU

Have you got what it takes to be a real


1 Can you think of ways of reducing the number of plastic bags you use at home and school? You could use some of these ideas for your school’s Primary Earth Summit project.2. How do you think some of your own plastic rubbish like a drinks bottle could find its way to the sea?3. Can you think of 5 small plastic items which could be mistaken for food by seagulls?4. Which type of plastic items could you reuse or repair at home to help reduce the effects of global warming on fragile environments like the Great Barrier Reef?

Pong’s challenge. Can you identify these famous people with a green factor? An

actor. Tie breaker 1

It’s Orlando Bloom who drives a hybrid

car and has solar panels at home.

Pong’s challenge. Can you identify these famous people with a green factor? A

group. Tie breaker 2

Green Day who have written songs

about protecting environment.