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Fall, 2009Volume 26, No. 2

AMVETS—American Veterans who have served or are serving in the Armed Forces of the United States during and since World War II


Arizona Department of AmvETs, Inc.

sEC Report Submitted by Department Commander Jim Hostetler

As has been the case for the past four years, I want to take this opportunity to thank you once again for having the confidence

and trust in me as your Department Commander. Again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support and AMVETS endeavors.

Kudos to the many years that outgoing provost Marshal Don Downing and Trustee Albert Marti-nez served and for their commitment, dedicated hard work and many volunteer hours of service to our veterans. I would be remiss if I didn’t take this time to thank both of you.

As long as I am in office I will continue to stress the importance of the annual membership drive. It has been my continuous goal every year to increase the numbers and this year will be no exception. Please work on this endeavor extremely hard and help us reach the 1,500 membership total during 2009-2010. I believe that 2nd VC Bernice Aris quoted 1,382 during the 2009 State Conven-tion and I would very much like to see us top last year’s number.

A few of us attended the August 2009 AMVETS National Convention in New Orleans, LA. I was at the convention for a few days and was able to attend quite a few meetings. The banquet was ex-tremely nice and well organized. The highlight of the 2009 Convention was, in my humble opinion, the introduction and referral of the Department of Arizona sponsored Resolution CBL 09-02, calling for each annual member 80 years of age or older to receive a free life membership. Apparently, the National Finance Committee was charged with the

reviewing and consideration of the Resolution. The final decision on the proposed resolution was a denial by the National Finance Committee.

I attended the Officers Call Meeting held at Post 770 during the month of September. Re-elect-ed Officers IVC Bernice Aris, 2VC Tom Dingwall and Executive Director Ralph Velez presented their goals for the coming year. In light of the mi-nor membership renewal issues at National Head-quarters, I believe that Bernice will have another successful year with the annual membership drive. Also suggested during the meeting was an early handout of the Convention Book Ads sheets and I believe that an early start will help us with our cash flow.

The Fall SEC meeting will be held at the Radis-son Phoenix City Center Hotel on November 07, 2009 and I look forward to seeing all of you then.

Once again, I look forward to continue serving you during the coming months.


Submitted by John L. Hines, NEC

membership: Congratulations to newly re-elected Arizona De-

partment 1st Vice Commander, Bernice Aris. As of 05/30, the Department of Arizona had 1,317 Mem-bers, was ranked 27th, with 625 Annual Members, and 692 Life Members. Our New Members Rank-ing was 14th, with 353 New Members, and we were ranked 1st in New % with 26.60%. Congratulations to everyone who made this happen.

However, our renewal ranking was 35th with 191, and our percentage ranking was 37th. Accord-ing to Bernice, and all the Arizona AMVETS, we need to really improve our renewal rates, and get out there and recruit new members. Programs:

Congratulations to newly re-elected Arizona De-partment 2nd Vice Commander Tom Dingwall. One

hundred percent participation of all the posts within the state is still Tom's goal. As he did last year, Tom is again planning to visit all the posts in both the Northern and Southern Districts to help implement AMVETS Programs. Successful implementation benefits our Membership effort and raises the pro-file of AMVETS within the state of Arizona. We all plan to work with him to establish these goals. The Southern District mailed out articles of need to fe-male troops stationed in Iraq. service:

I attended the Memorial Service for Past Post 770 Commander Rick Franks on 02/28 at Post 770 in Tucson. A Memorial Service was also held for Past Arizona AMVET of the Year, Mick Meek on 03/12 in Tucson. Both will be missed, our prayers go out to their families. PDC Fred Jervis, AZ Auxiliary President Denise Campbell, and I along with other Members of Post 39 attended Memorial Day Ser-vices at South Lawn Cemetery in Tucson. Depart-ment Commander Jim Hosteler, PDC James Goode and Alt/NEC Charles Epps attended Memorial Day Services at the National Cemetery in Phoenix. Post 39 of Tucson, and several posts in the Phoenix area are planning to have their Annual Christmas in July visit to their local VA Hospitals, handing out cards and stuffed animals to the patients. Great job.

Upcoming Events:

Most of the posts within the Depar-ment of Arizona will be remaining dark for the summer, and will be back in business after Labor Day. An Officer's Call will be sched-uled for sometime in July for the cur-rent Department of Arizona Officers. We are expecting to have several Arizona Delegates attending the National Conven-tion scheduled for August in New Orleans, La., including Executive Director Ralph Velez, Com-mander Jim Hosteler, Alternate NEC Charles Epps, and I plus other AMVETS, Auxiliary Members and Sons of AMVETS. A great time will be had by all. Other:

Congratulations to newly re-elected Department Commander Jim Hostetler, and all the other Offi-cer elected at the 28th Annual Arizona, Department of AMVETS State Convention held 05/16-05/17 in

2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona AMVETS News

Editorial CriteriaFollowing are guidelines to aid you in preparing your articles for publication:1. Articles MUST be typewritten. DO NOT TYPE IN ALL CAPS.2. NEW! Submissions may be e-mailed to [email protected]. Your submissions must be at the editor’s office by: Dec. 15, March 15, June 15 and Sept. 15.4. Photos must have captions to be used with an accompanying sheet of paper which lists name(s) of people in the picture, as well as the date, event and post involved. Do not write on the back or the front of photos. Do not tape or staple photos to your article.5. The editor reserves the right to edit any submission for clarity, brevity, etc.

National Service Office Staff3333 North Central Ave, Suite 1050, Phoenix, AZ 85012-2407

(602) 627-3276 Fax 602-627-3280

National Service Officer Paul ZangerNational Service Officer Dawn Reynolds

ARIZONA AMVETS NEWS: Official Publication of AMVETS, American Veterans

P.O. Box 91191, Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191 Phone (623) 536-0362 Fax (760) 768-2103

E-mail: [email protected] and [email protected] Quarterly

Department Elected Officers 2007/2008Commander (Cmdr.) H. Jim Hostetler Post 0651st Vice Commander Bernice Aris Post 7702nd Vice Commander Tom Dingwall Post 089

Judge Advocate (JA) Leo J. Pimple Post 089Finance Officer (FO) Ralph Velez Post 065Provost Marshal (PM) Dave Johnson Post 039One-Year Trustee Albert Martinez Post 065Two-Year Trustee Richard Starker Post 003Three-Year Trustee Preston A. Scull Post 089 National ExecutiveCommittee (NEC) Person John L. Hines Post 011Alternate NEC Person Ernest Epps Post 066

United District CommandersNorthern District Don Downing Post 005Southern District Bill Vanasdale Post 770

Department Appointed Officers 2007/2008Executive Director (ED) Ralph Velez Post 065Chaplain Curly McClain Post 770Service Officer Misti Isley-DeCaire Post 001Inspector General (IG) Gil Devine Post 003Public Relations Officer Ima Denmon Post 065Deputy Provost Marshal Vacant Post 000Deputy Provost Marshal Vacant Post 000ROTC Program Director James E. Goode, Sr. Post 005Membership Director Bernice Aris Post 770Editor AZ AMVETS News Ralph Velez Post 065

VA Medical Center Service Officers (SO) & Volunteer Service Reps. (VAVS)

VAVS Phoenix Albert Martinez Post 065Deputy VAVS Phoenix VacantVAVS & SO Prescott Misti Isley-DeCaire Post 001VAVS Tucson Frank D. Smith Post 039Deputy VAVS Tucson Jonathan Burleigh Post 039

ADVERTISING MANAGEMENT-Midwest Publishing, Inc.10844 N. 23rd Ave., Phoenix, AZ 85029-4924, 602-943-1244

ARIZONA AMVETS NEWS: Official Publication of AMVETS: American Veterans P.O. Box 91191, Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191

Phone (623) 536-0362 Fax (760) 768-2103E-mail: [email protected]

Published Quarterly

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Please fill in your new address and mail to:Arizona Department of AMVETS, Inc.

P.O. Box 91191, Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191

We are all out of the 2009 Arizona state pins.

A new pin will be voted on during the March SEC meeting.

Arizona AMVETS News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

The Tucson Best Western Airport Inn was the setting for the Arizona Department of AMVETS, Inc. annual May State

Convention. AMVETS had not scheduled a convention at this particular site since 2002-2003 and the setting was in excellent condition as the entire building and grounds were recently remodeled.AmvETs

AMVETS started the weekend by hosting the quarterly SEC meeting on Friday morning and onto the afternoon. The Finance, Constitu-tion and Bylaws, and Membership Committees met early Friday morning, with the SEC Meet-ing held during the afternoon. The highlights of the SEC meeting were the proposed 2009-2010 Annual Budget and the direction given to De-partment Commander Hostetler to ensure that the contributions made to the Arizona AMVETS Service Foundation be returned to the respective Department Post(s).

On Saturday, Commander Hostetler presided over the Joint Opening Ceremonies of the 2009 State Convention. Commander Hostetler, Presi-dent Denise Campbell and SONS Commander King all participated with brief welcoming and annual department accomplishments. National Guest 2nd National Vice Commander Jerry Ho-top also welcomed the convention delegates and thanked all present for the invitation.

The annual banquet was held Saturday night and the diners were served a delicious buffet of beef, chicken, vegetables, desert and favor-ite beverages. During the banquet Commander Hostetler honored Post 3 with the POST OF THE YEAR award and AMVET Red Foland, Post 770, with the AMVET OF THE YEAR award.

Of course the night couldn’t pass without the infamous Studley Nite activities. The annual Studley Nite raised $464 and all present walked away with some form of gift. All in all it was a fun and memorable night.

The Memorial Service was held Sunday morning, with annual elections held imme-diately after service. AMVETS elected for a one-year term were: Department Commander Jim Hostetler; 1VC Bernice Aris; 2nd VC Tom Dingwall; Judge Advocate Leo Pimple; Finance Officer Ralph Velez; and Provost Marshal Dave Johnson. Elected for a three-year term was three-year Trustee Preston Scull.

A brief SEC meeting was held after the elec-tions and shortly afterwards, the weekend was over and all made their way home. LADIEs AUXILIARY

The Ladies Auxiliary celebrated their 25th Annual State Convention and the scheduled pretty much mirrored the AMVETS one. The Ladies Auxiliary also started the weekend by holding meetings on Friday morning and after-

noon, capped off with the annual and infamous Poker Run.

On Saturday, the Ladies Officers and other attending members gathered for the Joint Open-ing Convention Ceremonies on Saturday morn-ing. Immediately after the opening ceremonies, the ladies held their own work sessions during the remaining portion of the morning and unto the afternoon. The annual banquet was attended by various Ladies Auxiliary members.

On Sunday morning a few of the Ladies Aux-iliary members in attendance participated in the Memorial Service candle lighting segment. Af-ter a brief break the LADIES also had their elec-tions and the results were as follows: Depart-ment President Denise Campbell; 1VP Elaine Owens; 2VP Barbara Traskos; 3VP Jill Devine; Secretary Ardeth Bernal; Treasurer Lynda Ap-pleton; and NEC Sheila Jackson-Atchison.sONs OF AmvETs

The SONS had the lightest weekend sched-ule in that they met on Saturday and briefly on Sunday morning. SONS were also involved in the Joint Opening Ceremonies as well as the Sunday morning Memorial Service. SONS elected for the Year 2009-2010 were as follows: Department Commander Roger D. Orban; 1VC Ben Howard; 2VC Dan Lillis; Adjutant Fredrick L. King; Finance Officer Phillip Melvin; Judge Advocate Arthur L. Olson; Provost Marshal Jim Bush; and NEC Ben Howard.

Tucson. Jim must be doing something right, this is his fourth year as com-mander.

We really appreciated the visit of our two National Guests, National 2nd Vice Commander Jerry Hotop, and National 6th District Commander John Peterson. Thanks to John, my Post #11 in Tucson has a new Mem-ber, with John having signed up a friend of his who lives here in Tucson. It was also great to see Past Executive Director Leo Desmond. Hope to see you in New Orleans, Leo. On a joy-ous personal Note, I became a grand-father for the first time, on D-Day, June 6th, with the birth of my grand-daughter Allison, to my son and his wife at Yokota AFB, Japan where they live. Enough about me, God bless the troops, may they come home safely and soon.


Calendar year 2009 has been a very rough for me as AMVETS Department Executive Director and Finance Director. Based on the Year End 2008-

2009 Annual Fiscal and 2009-2010 1st Quarterly Financial reports there is no question that the economy has had a toll on our revenue stream. In fact, it has also had an indirect effect on the newspaper articles because our posts seem to be doing fewer activities hence, a lack of reports across the board.

I am printing the Year-End and 1st Quarter Finan-cials reports in this edition, for your review and con-sideration. As of this writing I have not had the op-portunity to meet with the Arizona AMVETS Service Officer to discuss the pending contract with the State of Arizona Veteran Services Office but, it’s only a matter of time before I do. I have a new employer and am currently working on a four-day, 10-hour sched-ule with Fridays off.

I attended the AMVETS National Convention held in New Orleans during the month of August and was joined by a rather large delegation from Arizona. I

believe that 20 Arizona AMVETS members attended the convention. As has been tradition, the banquet had an excellent program.

The officers Call Meeting was held on September 19, 2009 and was held at the Tucson Estates Com-munity Room, adjacent to the Post 770 building. The meeting was well attended and in addition to various items discussed, the November 7th SEC Meeting was scheduled during the meeting giving all present about a 50-day notice.

I will continue to work on the newspaper articles and hopefully issue an edition before the holidays. I, as always, continue to beg for articles and featured activities from both Districts but it seems that sub-mittals trickle in and with what we have on hand, it’s hard to issue a 16-page newspaper.

Finally, I would like to thank Post 770 for the Of-ficers Call hospitality and the Ladies Auxiliary for ar-ranging the food and beverages.

I look forward to seeing you in Phoenix.




4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona AMVETS News

By Richard Starkerservice Officer’s Report

Below are a few web sites that provide information on veterans benefits and how to file/ask for them. Accordingly, there are many sites that explain how to obtain books,

military/medical records, information and how to appeal a denied claim with the VA. Please pass this information on to every veteran you know. Nearly 100% of this information is free and available for all veterans. The only catch is you have to ask. They won’t tell you about a specific benefit unless you ask for it. You need to know what questions to ask so the right doors open for you -- and then be ready to have an advocate who is willing to work with and for you, stay in the process, and press for your rights and your best interests.

Appeals admin21/m21_1/mr/part1/ ch05.doc Board of Veteran’s Appeals CARES Commission gov/vbs/bva/ CARES Draft National Plan Center for Minority Veterans / Center for Veterans Enterprise Center for Women Veterans Clarification on the changes in VA healthcare for Gulf War Veterans Classified Records - American Gulf War Veterans Assoc Compensation for Disabilities Associated with the Gulf War Service Compensation Rate Tables, 12-1-03 Department of Veterans Affairs Home Page Directory of Veterans Service Organizations index.cfm?template=view Disability Examination Worksheets Index, Comp Due Process Duty to Assist Electronic Code of Federal Regulations Emergency, Non-emergency, and Fee Basis Care Environmental Agents Environmental Agents M10 Establishing Combat Veteran Eligibility EVALUATION PROTOCOL FOR GULF WAR AND IRAQI FREEDOM VETERANS WITH POTENTIAL EXPOSURE TO DEPLETED URANIUM (DU) and also, Depleted Uranium Fact Sheet EVALUATION PROTOCOL FOR NON-GULF WAR VETERANS WITH POTENTIAL EXPOSURE TO DEPLETED URANIUM (DU) Fee Basis, PRIORITY FOR OUTPATIENT MEDICAL SERVICES AND INPATIENT HOSPITAL CARE Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependants 2005 Forms and Records Request

General Compensation Provisions Geriatrics and Extended Care Guideline for Chronic Pain and Fatigue MUS-CPG Guide to Gulf War Veteran’s Health Gulf War Subject Index Gulf War Veteran’s Illnesses Q&As Hearings Homeless Veterans HSR&D Home Index to Disability Examination Worksheets C&P exams Ionizing Radiation Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom Veterans VBA M10 for spouses and children M10 Part III Change 1 M21-1 Table of Contents Mental Disorders, Schedule of Ratings BOOKC/PART4/ S4_130.DOC Mental Health Program Guidelines Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Centers of Excellence My Health e Vet NASDVA.COM National Association of State Directors National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Neurological Conditions and Convulsive Disorders, Schedule of Ratings OMI (Office of Medical Inspector) Online VA Form 10-10EZ Parkinson’s Disease and Related Neurodegenerative Disorders pdf and, Peacetime Disability Compensation usc&docid= Cite:+38USC1131 Pension for Non-Service- Connected Disability or Death title38/partii_chapter15_subchapteri_.html and, and, Persian Gulf Registry This program is now referred to as Gulf War Registry Program (to include Operation Iraqi Freedom) as of March 7, 2005: Persian Gulf Registry Referral Centers Persian Gulf Veterans’ Illnesses Research 1999, Annual

Arizona AMVETS News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

Report To Congress Persian Gulf Veterans’ Illnesses Research 2002, Annual Report To Congress Phase I PGR Phase II PGR Policy Manual Index Power of Attorney Project 112 (Including Project SHAD) Prosthetics Eligibility Public Health and Environmental Hazards Home Page Public Health/SARS http://www.publiche SARS/ Publications Manuals 4 Publications and Reports individual.cfm?webpage=gulf_war.htm Records Center and Vault Homepage Records Center and Vault Site Map REQUEST FOR AND CONSENT TO RELEASE OF INFORMATION FROM CLAIMANT’S RECORDS Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses April 11, 2002 Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans Illnesses Research and Development Survivor’s and Dependents’ Educational Assistance Title 38 Index Parts 0-17 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title38/38cfrv1_ 02.tpl Part 18 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title38/38cfrv2_ 02.tpl Title 38 Part 3 Adjudication Subpart A Pension, Compensation, and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title38/38cfr3_main_02..tpl

Title 38 Pensions, Bonuses & Veterans Relief (also § 3.317 Compensation for certain disabilities due to undiagnosed illnesses found here) 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title38/38cfr3_main_02..tpl Title 38 PART 4--SCHEDULE FOR RATING DISABILITIES Subpart B--DISABILITY RATINGS target=_blank> ab7641afd195c84a49a2067dbbcf95c0&rgn=div6&view=text&node=38: 2&idno=38 Title 38 § 4.16 Total disability ratings for compensation based on unemployability of the individual. PART 4—SCHEDULE FOR RATING DISABILITIES Subpart A—General Policy in Rating http://ecfr.gpoaccess. gov/cgi/t/text/textidx?c=ecfr&sid= 1b0c269b510d3157fbf8f8801bc9b3dc&rgn=div8&view=text&node=38: 1.96.11&idno=38 U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims VA Best Practice Manual for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) VA Fact Sheet VA Health Care Eligibility VA INSTITUTING GLOBAL ASSESSMENT OF FUNCTION (GAF) VA Life Insurance Handbook — Chapter 3 VA Loan Lending Limits and Jumbo Loans VA MS Research VA National Hepatitis C Program VA Office of Research and Development VA Trainee Pocket Card on Gulf War VA WMD EMSHG VA WRIISC-DC VAOIG Hotline Telephone Number and Address Vet Center Eligibility - Readjustment Counseling Service Veterans Benefits Administration Main Web Page Veterans Legal and Benefits Information VHA Forms, Publications, Manuals VHA Programs - Clinical Programs & Initiatives VHA Public Health Strategic Health Care Group Home Page VHI Guide to Gulf War Veterans Health Vocational Rehabilitation Vocational Rehabilitation Subsistence VONAPP online asp WARMS - 38 CFR Book C Wartime Disability Compensation usc&docid= Cite:+38USC1110 War-Related Illness and Injury Study Center - New Jersey Welcome to the GI Bill Web Site What VA Social Workers Do

Help yourselfto these government

resources and pass it on!

6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona AMVETS News



Thank You Corporate Sponsors!



A E S Inc.

A Z Industries

A-1 Patch & Pave Inc.

Aquasafe Swim School

Arizona Lien Services Inc.

Automated Control Tech LLC

Bella Terra Landscapes

Canyon Semi

Carefree Homecare Companion

Cindy Robinette

Cochrane & Associates

Early's Automotive Service

El Guero Canelo

Els Construction Inc.

Fast Brake Enterprises LLC

Fesser Financial

Geoffrey Roth Ltd.

Government Sec Solutions LLC

Jack's Papago Plaza Barbershop

Manuel's Restaurant

Merchants Info Solutions Inc.

Price & Price Law Offices

Schmidt Curley Design

Shannon Law Firm

Texas Roadhouse

Truly Nolen



Double D Drywall

Johnson A to Z Roofing Inc.


Associated Construction Econ


Brady Transport Inc.

Cordova Cable Construction LLC

Lawn & Order of AZ

Mystical Elevator

Perini Building Company

Summerwinds Nursery

Arizona AMVETS News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7

By Ralph VelezFinancial Report


FISCAL YEARJULY 01, 2008 – JUNE 30, 2009

Source Projected 1st QTR 2ND QTR 3RD QTR 4TH QTR YTDMidwest Publishers $ 24,000.00 $ 2,958.61 $4,968.49 $ 3,022.80 $ 2,812.92 $13,762.82Az Vet Service Commission

7,200.00 1,800.00 1,800.00

Annual Dues 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00

Life Dues 1,200.00 Piggyback Dues 300.00 Donations/ChaplainFund 240.00

Miscellaneous *** 5,120.00 205.00 3,958.00 4,265.00 8,428.00 TOTAL $ 43,060.00 $ 3,163.61 $ 6,768.49 $ 9,480.80 $ 9,577.92 $ 28,990.82


Deposited $4,265 from Convention Registrations, Banquet and Studley Nite Revenues

ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF AMVETS, INC. Income, Expenses and Assets Financial Statement

Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 FOURTH QTR APRIL - JUNE 2009

INCOMESource Projected 1ST QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR YTD

Midwest Pub. $ 23,800.00 $ 2,958.61 $ 4,968.49 $ 3,022.80 $ 2,812.92 $13,762.82 AZ Vet Serv. 7,200.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 Annual Dues 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 Life Dues 1,200.00 Piggy Backs 300.00 Donations 240.00 Miscell. 5,120.00 205.00 3,958.00 4,265.00 8,428.00 TOTALINCOME $ 43,060.00 $ 3,163.61 $ 6,768.49 $ 9,480.80 $ 9,577.92 $28,990.82

EXPENSESProjected 1ST QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR YTD

TOTALEXPENSES $ 43,060.00 $ 4,926.85 $ 7,703.25 $ 5,089.80 $ 10,724.26 $28,444.16


ASSET 03/31/08 06/30/08 09/30/08 12/31/08 03/31/09 06/30/09

Gen. Fund $ 2,094.19 $ 2,776.96 $ 463.07 $ 1,129.76 $ 4,246.61 $2,619.43

Savings 921.78 922.04 922.27 922.42 922.51 922.57

Conv. Ckg. 4,212.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 Mem. Ckg. 5,113.57 1,379.12 2,544.12 1,608.12 827.87 1,931.91 TOTALASSETS $ 12,341.54 $ 5,078.12 $ 3,929.46 $ 3,660.30 $ 5,996.99 $ 5,473.91

8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona AMVETS News


JUNE 30, 2009


Cash on Hand Wells Fargo General Fund Checking $ 2,619.43 Bank One Membership 1,931.91 Wells Fargo Savings 922.57 Bank One Convention 00.00 _______________

Sub-total $ 5,473.91

_______________ Total Assets $ 5,473.91

LIABILITIES 00.00 _______________

FUND BALANCE $ 5,473.91 _______________ _______________

ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF AMVETS, INC. Income, Expenses and Assets Financial Statement

Fiscal Year 2008 -2009 FOURTH QTR APRIL - JUNE 2009

INCOMESource Projected 1ST QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR YTD

Midwest Pub. $ 23,800.00 $ 2,958.61 $ 4,968.49 $ 3,022.80 $ 2,812.92 $13,762.82 AZ Vet Serv. 7,200.00 1,800.00 1,800.00 Annual Dues 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 5,000.00 Life Dues 1,200.00 Piggy Backs 300.00 Donations 240.00 Miscell. 5,120.00 205.00 3,958.00 4,265.00 8,428.00 TOTALINCOME $ 43,060.00 $ 3,163.61 $ 6,768.49 $ 9,480.80 $ 9,577.92 $28,990.82

EXPENSESProjected 1ST QTR 2nd QTR 3rd QTR 4th QTR YTD

TOTALEXPENSES $ 43,060.00 $ 4,926.85 $ 7,703.25 $ 5,089.80 $ 10,724.26 $28,444.16


ASSET 03/31/08 06/30/08 09/30/08 12/31/08 03/31/09 06/30/09

Gen. Fund $ 2,094.19 $ 2,776.96 $ 463.07 $ 1,129.76 $ 4,246.61 $2,619.43

Savings 921.78 922.04 922.27 922.42 922.51 922.57

Conv. Ckg. 4,212.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 00.00 Mem. Ckg. 5,113.57 1,379.12 2,544.12 1,608.12 827.87 1,931.91 TOTALASSETS $ 12,341.54 $ 5,078.12 $ 3,929.46 $ 3,660.30 $ 5,996.99 $ 5,473.91

Arizona AMVETS News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9


FOURTH QTR. 2008 - 2009 APRIL - JUNE 2009


COMMANDER $ 200.00 FIN OFFICER 200.00 HQ SUPPLIES 1,500.00 $ 124.81 $ 229.44 $ 174.96 $ 529.21 POSTAGE 900.00 102.77 109.98 94.10 306.85 TELEPHONE 1,200.00 95.90 363.90 $ 278.48 270.00 1,008.28 REC AWARDS 800.00 DUES 250.00 ROTC 800.00 396.75 396.75 POSTER/ESSAY 1,300.00 700.00 700.00 MISCELLANEOUS 2,500.00 793.37 260.46 636.48 6,202.47 7,892.78 TOTAL ADMIN $ 9,650.00 $ 1,116.85 $ 1,663.78 $ 914.96 $ 7,138.28 $ 10,833.87



TOTAL $ 2,825.00 00.00 00.00



SEC/OFFICER $ 24,485.00

SUB TOTAL $ 24,485.00 $ 1,900.00 $ 6,039.47 $2,719.84 $3,585.98 $ 14,245.29


CONV NEC $ 500.00 CONV NEC ALT 1,000.00 $ 955.00 $ 955.00 WINTER NEC 300.00 WINTER/SPRING COMMANDER 1,000.00 SPRING NEC 300.00 $ 500.00 500.00 SPRING/WINTER NEC ALT 1,000.00 955.00 955.00 CONV COMMANDER 1,000.00 955.00 955.00CONV AZ DEL 00.00SUB-TOTAL 1,000.00 SUB-TOTAL $ 6,100.00 1,910.00 1,455.00 00.00 3,365.00

TOTAL TRAVEL/PERDIEM $ 30,385.00 $ 3,810.00 $ 6,039.47 $ 4,174.84 $3,585.98 $ 17,610.29

TOTAL BUDGET $ 43,060.00 $ 4,926.85 $ 7,703.25 $ 5,089.80 $ 10,724.26 $ 28,444.16

10 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona AMVETS News


JULY 01, 2009 – JUNE 30, 2010




Commander $ 200.00 $ 00.00 Finance Officer 200.00 00.00 Hqs. Supplies 1,500.00 1,000.00 Postage (USPS) 900.00 900.00 Telephone 1,200.00 1,200.00 Post/Recruiter Awards 800.00 400.00 Dues 250.00 00.00 ROTC Awards Program 800.00 800.00 Poster/Essay Awards Program 1,300.00 1,300.00 Miscellaneous 2,500.00 00.00 TOTAL ADMIN. $ 9,650.00 $ 5,600.00


AASF 000.00 000.00 VAVS Phoenix 650.00 300.00 VAVS Tucson 650.00 300.00 VAVS Prescott 650.00 00.00 Chit Bks./Bus Tkts. Phx. 200.00 00.00Chit Bks./Bus Tkts. Tucson 175.00 00.00Chit Bks./Bus Tkts. Prescott 100.00 00.00Ponderosa Manor, Payson 400.00 00.00TOTAL DONATIONS $ 2,825.00 $ 600.00

AZ TRAVEL/LODGING PER DIEMSEC & DEPT OFFICERS $ 24,485.00 $ 13,000.00 EXEC. DIR. (Ralph) TOTAL $ 24,485.00 $ 13,000.00


NAT’L Convention NEC $ 500.00 $ 500.00 Convention Delegate (Alt.NEC)

1,000.00 1,000.00

Winter (NECman) 300.00 300.00 Winter or Spring (Commander) 1,000.00 1,000.00 Spring (NEC) 300.00 300.00 Spring or Winter (Alt. NEC) 1,000.00 1,000.00 Convention Commander 1,000.00 1,000.00 Convention Past Commander 1,000.00 1,000.00 Convention AZ Delegate 00.00 00.00 Convention AZ Alt. Delegate 00.00 00.00 TOTAL $ 6,100.00 $ 6,100.00 TOTAL TRAVEL/ PER DIEM $ 30,585.00 $ 19,100.00

TOTAL BUDGET $ 43,060.00 $ 25,300.00

Arizona AMVETS News ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11



12 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona AMVETS News

Bouldens Celebrate Anniversary at the VeeBy Ima Denmon

Approximately 50 members, friends and family members gathered at a beautifully decorated VFW Post 1710 on August 11 to help Archie and Renae Boulden celebrate their 4th anniversary. The Bouldens

are members of both VFW Post 1710 and AMVETS Post 15. The event was a semiformal event, so the ladies all looked gorgeous in their white dresses and Jewell Miller did his usual magnificent job of decorating. The theme was blue and white and consisted of balloons and table decorations.

Auxiliary President Avis Mitchell helped the honorees welcome and help seat the guests. Guests spent the early part of the evening socializing and congratulating the couple until helpers Ivan Brown and President Mitchell announced that the food was being served. Guest enjoyed a buffet of as-sorted Mexican food including beef and chicken enchiladas, refried beans, garden salad, Ms. Avis’s salsa and chips, and a menudo all prepared by Mrs. Boulden.

Guests and the honorees ate, socialized and danced to the music of DJs Silk and Scorpio.

Mr. Archie and Mrs. Renae Boulden had an enjoyable fourth anniversary and are looking forward to many more years together.

AMVETS Give Thanks to JohnsonBy Ima Denmon

Thank you! Thank you! You’ve done so much for us! These were just a few of the expressions of gratitude that were uttered to AMVETS and American Legion Charter member

Floyd Johnson at an appreciation party held for him at AMVETS Post 15 recently. The event was organized by Post Finance Officer Carlette Jones with the help of the Ladies Auxiliary. Jones stated that since Johnson is always helping at the post when and wherever possible, she did not want to wait until a birthday. “I want to say “Thank you” now.

Jones, Auxiliary President Rene Boulden and Past President Shirley Cheatham did a lovely job of decorating the building and a special head table for Johnson’s family and friends. Friends from all other AMVETS and other Coalition organizations were on hand to give praises to Floyd. His daughter Priscilla and her husband George were also present.

When called up for acknowledgement, Floyd had several pictures that were taken when he and a few other veterans started the American Legion. He is the only one of the group still living. He spoke of how Mr. Curtis Daniels took him under his wings and was just like a father to him when he came here. Daniels later encour-aged him to start a post and that is how AMVETS Post 15 was born. After the passing of Mr. Daniels, the Post was renamed Curtis Dan-iels Memorial Post 15.

Special acknowledgements were given to Mr. Floyd Johnson by different members including, Post 15 Commander George Rogers, PDC James Goode, PC Blondell Cooper and Post member Bruce Steele, who is finally home after serving several terms in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Guests enjoyed a delicious buffet and listened and danced to the music by DJ Micko.

Good friend and fellow AMVET Blondell Cooper (left) speaks of how Floyd brought him into the American Legion and AMVETS.

Floyd takes a light spin on the floor with

his daughter Priscilla.

Floyd displays pictures of Charter members of Post 15.

PDP Shirley Cheatham was present and gave many special remarks about Floyd. She is a charter member of the Auxiliary.

Arizona AMVETS News --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13

AMVETS Posts 5 and 66 Give Neighborhood Kids Easter

By Ima Denmon

It was touch and go with the weather on Saturday, the day the members of AMVETS Post 5 and 66 members, Auxiliary and Sons scheduled an Easter egg hunt for the children of the neighborhood, but fortunately

the weather cleared up. Approximately 100 children with parents stopped at Hermosa Park and enjoyed a fun day of playing, eating and hunting eggs.

Post members including Coalition Chairman Bob Boyd, who is a Past Commander of Post 66, Post 5 Commander Don Downing, Past Post 5 Commander Jim Rex, Dennis Smith, Post 5 Sons Past Commander, and Kevin Boyd, Post 5 Sons Commander, just to name a few, handled the grill duties and prepared hot dogs and hamburgers for the children.

Auxiliary members entertained the children with games and passed out a multitude of miscellaneous juices, cookies, candy bags as well as the hot dogs and hamburgers. Of course the Easter egg hunt was the highlight of the afternoon. Almost all the children found eggs and those that didn’t were given some by Auxiliary members. It was a pleasant way to begin the Easter weekend for these children.

AMVETS Post 15 Sons member Dominic Gray has his hands full preparing to serve two ladies on Mothers Day.

AMVETS Posts Honor MothersBy Ima Denmon

AMVETS Post 15 and 65 joined other organizations in the Coalition in paying tribute to their female members and guests. Carlette Jones, newly elected Commander (a mother also) of Post 15

headed up the group of members that planned the Mother’s Day tribute for their members and guests. Mothers were served chicken, green beans, potato salad, macaroni salad, garden salad, and rolls. Members of the post and Sons including SONS Commander Manny Hester, Anthony Byas 1st Vice AMVETS, Bobbie Brown, 2nd Vice AMVETS, Billie Huff Provost Marshall, PC Blondel Cooper Trustee and Dominic Gray Sons member helped with the serving. Ladies were happy to participate in a free raffle of a beautiful watch donated by bar maid Sandra Scroggins. Lena Bauman won the watch.

AMVETS Post 65 members 1st Vice Commander Mike Gray, 2nd Vice Commander Ron Neal and Daniel Jones Judge Advocate prepared and served the delicious Mexican food dinners for its ladies and guests. Moth-ers also received a free libation from the post.

DJ Ray Dollar entertained with his usual style of good music.

These cute children sat on a ledge and enjoyed their food, candy and the day.

These two sisters know how to pose after receiving their goody bags and cookies.

AMVETS 5 and 66 members take a break

from cooking. They enjoyed the picnic as much as the children.

AMVETS Post 65 Judge Advocate Daniel Jones serves Mothers Day dinner to these lovely ladies.

14 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona AMVETS News

Veteran Patients Get Christmas in JulyBy Ima Denmon

Approximately 125 patients in the Carl Hayden Veterans Administration Hospital and Nursing Home received a surprise after their Sunday bingo when members of three

AMVETS posts: Leroy C. Ward Memorial Post #5, Curtis Daniels Memorial Post #15 and James C. Foster Memorial Post #65 arrived and distributed gifts wrapped in Christmas paper. As one veteran put it when receiving his gift, “It was Christmas in July.” Christmas in July is one of the major projects that the Department of Arizona looks forward to each year for hospitalized veterans.

Each Post/Auxiliary purchases clothing items, such as t-shirts, socks, handkerchiefs and toilet and other articles, including tooth-brushes, toothpaste, deodorants, shampoos, lotions, playing cards, and writing supplies and gift wrap them for distribution. Patients also re-ceived lap robes donated by AMVET 65 Auxiliary member Debbie Gibson and Ima Denmon and Auxiliary 15 member, who received the donation from Virgil VFW Post 1710 Auxiliary. The group was led by PDP President and current VAVS Representative Etta Foster. A VAVS Representative or hospital employee must be present with visitors in order for gifts to be distributed on the wards.

Post 5 PP Ida Nolen and PC Don Downing brought items from their post. Post 15 Commander Carlette Webber, Auxiliary President Angela Rene Boulden and Auxiliary 15 Hospital Chairman Renea Hare brought gifts from Post 15 Auxiliary. Post 65 representatives were Etta Foster, SEC Yolanda Harry, 1st Vice, Diane Jiron, Sgt. at Arms Rita Lucero, Denise Westbrook, Auxiliary President Jeanetta Garland-Brooks, Sons State Commander and Post 65 Sons Finance Officer Roger Orban and Department Commander and Jim Hostetler all represented Post 65 well. A special helper was future Junior AM-VETS Auxiliary member Tyaunna Harry who is currently a Brownie and helped shop, wrap and pack the gifts for the veterans.

All patients were most appreciative of the gifts presented to them. Post 65 Commander Homer Washington and member Larry West-brook prepared and served all attendees dinner at the post after the hospital visit. A good day of giving for all. (l to r) Auxiliary

15 members Hospital Chairman Renea, President Angela and Commander Carlette prepare to distribute their gifts.

Tyaunna (center)

helped Post 5 members Ida

and Don with their gifts also.

(l to r) Etta, Diane, Denise and Tyaunna arrange gifts on cart. Jim and Roger are in background.

My HealtheVet – VA’s Online Personal Health Record

VA’s online personal health record, My HealtheVet, located at, provides America’s Veterans

access to personal, secure, informed health information. Through a web-based portal, registered veterans have Internet access at any time to VA health information that allows them to become informed partners in their care with their medical providers.

Any Internet user may record and store impor-tant health and military history information and ac-cess personal medical information by registering at the Web site. Visitors to the site can keep activity and food journals; record, track and graph their vi-

tal signs; record and store their health history and prescriptions; access trusted health information; and read about VA benefits and services.

Veterans enrolled for care at a VA facility can use enhanced functions online after they make a visit to a VA medical center to verify their iden-tity. These registrants can request VA prescription refills online and receive personalized reminders and tips on how to stay well. More than 6.5 million refills have been requested since 2005. The refills are delivered to Veterans’ homes in five to 10 busi-ness days.

In the near future, veterans will be able to schedule and change appointments, view their lab-oratory results, enter and update their own health information for their medical providers to monitor, and communicate with their VA medical care team through secure messaging.

Launched nationwide in 2003, My HealtheVet has more than 740,000 registered users; 72 percent are VA patients.

My HealtheVet’s secure portal allows Veterans to own their personal information. The information they track most often is medication history, health history, contact information for health care provid-ers, weight and blood pressure. The program is bringing them incremental additions of data copied from their VA electronic health records.

Secure messaging, now being implemented at several VA health care facilities, will provide VA patients and clinicians an alternative communica-tion channel that is convenient and flexible, reduce the need for phone calls and provide timely re-sponses. It may decrease the need for unscheduled clinic visits.

Arizona AMVETS News --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15

ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OF AMVETS, INC.DR. LAUREL CLARK AMVETS POST 3Also honoring the Memory of LEE D. TODACHEENE of Lukachukai, AZ.PO BOX 1655DOLAN SPRINGS, AZ 86441COMMANDER Gil DevineFAX [929][email protected]

August 2009-Newsletter

July was a very hot month. The Monsoon’s hit us hard, up here in our little town.“AMVETS Safe Driver Rest Area” for the

4th of July weekend well with no problems..We had 176 people sign in, some as far away as Italy, Japan, Holland, Germany, and Greenland. This doesn’t count the number of people in their cars.We assisted a couple with a flat tire, took people to get gas, gave out information [how far was it to] the next gas station, Las Vegas, Laughlin, Kingman and the Grand Canyon “North and South Rim”.The town residents really came out and helped AMVETS to no end.

Our next holiday is Labor Day, Sept.4, 5, 6, 7th. We are gearing up for it now.So if you want to volunteer for a shift, just call-[928-767-3167] and we will put you on the list.

This month is AMVETS National Convention, Michele Nissel will be there for Post #3, and hopefully she will bring back all kinds of info for us.

Commander’s Corner

Post #3 received a letter from the VA Hospi-tal in Tucson. Thanking us for the donation of T-Shirts [Vic & Erma Musick] and the many books we sent them - good job Post 003.

Aug. 13th is AMVETS next meeting, at 5:30 p.m. at the Community Hall.

It is the AMVETS turn for food. I will be call-ing you.School starts soon. Watch out for the little ones in the street.Make sure you read the Auxiliary President thank you letter for the 4th of July “Safe Driver Rest Area” weekend.Just received a phone call from Kentucky, from Arthur Jones-Sgt. 1st Class. He is doing and feeling better and should be home late Aug. He said thank you a million times for all the Care Boxes Post #3 has sent to Iraq for him and the troops. I hope to have him at one of our meet-ings, when he’s feeling better and up to it.The P.G.R. “Patriot Guard Riders will give him a very big Welcome Escort. These escort riders are something to see. They will have so many bikes, trucks, cars, police cars and firetrucks. Their way of saying “THANK YOU FOR OUR FREEDOM”.We will be letting you know when this will take place, so you can participate if you want to.

sICK CALLWelcome home “Dave Tobin”. He has been in Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada for many weeks. Now he’s home and we all say get well –stay well.

Birthday list for August

6th—Walter M. Woods----7th –Scott Key----11th –James H. Rhodes11th –Debbie Albritton----13th—Sue Baugh-man----20th—Donald Greenwald22nd—Charlene Starker----25th—Vickie F. HendersonHappy Birthday everyone!

Auxiliary Corner

Aux. is having a rummage sale on Aug. 8th at the Ranch Club. Starts at 8 a.m. till gone.We are also getting ready for the next holiday week end “Labor Day”.We will show pictures and ask for your ideas on how to make things go smoother.So ladies, please try and be at the meeting.

Poker Run

On September 12th, the DSCC- Transit Bus held a Poker Run Fund Raiser. For more info please contact Kathy Long for details at 928-767-4872.

For those seniors and disabled residents this bus is needed for them to get to doctor appoint-ments and shopping.

I, Jill Devine, as Auxiliary President would like to thank all of the post members and volunteers for the 4th of July week end “SAFE DRIVER REST AREA”.

We all worked very hard and long hours in the heat and rain.

Opening Day

Our opening day ceremony included the Mayor of Kingman John Salem, Supervisor District #1, Gary Watson, Mohave County Sheriff Depart-ment Carlos Rooks, A.Z. D.P.S. Tom Kern and Ron DeLong as well as Pastor Rex Austin of the Dolan Springs Community Church for the opening prayer.


The volunteers who helped set up the site were;Norty and Judy Turchen [use of their 5th wheel]; The land Office [use of property]; Curtis Arnold [for towing the 5th wheel to and from]; Joe Risner [for the awning]; Gary Sims and Celeste Irons [for clearing the land and the parking lot lights with flag]; Tom Stienberger-Road Maintaince [for the flashing road signs on Hwy 93]; Vic’s T-Shirts [for the banners]; Headquarters [Port-a-Potty]; Westside Disposal [Dumpster] and Ready Ice.Companies that also donated were;Culligan Water, Farrell gas, McKee foods, Wal-Mart, Staples, Excalibur Casino, Las Vegas, Nev, The Ranch Club, D & D Self Storage, Jeannie Kay Mini Market, Double D Market, Mohave Rancho Lumber, The Wishing Well Restaurant, St. Vincent de Paul’s and all the members of the community who donated.

To all the volunteers who gave their time and energy by toughing it out with the heat and rain.They were: Norma Rupert, Gil and Jill Devine, David and Irene Ahuna, Mark Shaver and Mer-cedes Stout, Jim Bettes, Norty and Judy Turch-en, Sue Baughman, Robert Silver, Ernie Duarte, John and Betty Ford, Gary Sims and Celeste Irons, Joe Risner, Curtis Arnold, Tracy Menge, Lewis and Vickie Henderson. These volunteers put in a lot of hours. On behalf of AMVETS, thank you.

Post 3 Report

16 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona AMVETS News

AMVETS Give Book Bags to Neighborhood Children

Approximately 100 children in the neighborhood of Leroy C. Ward Memorial AMVETS Post 5, 3806 S. 16th S. were treated to a joyous day of

love and fun as they were served hot dogs, drinks and given book bags by the members of AMVETS Post 5 and AMVETS Post 66.

As the children enjoyed their snacks, Officer Chris Granado Community Action Officer from the COP Police Department South Mountain Branch gave the children instruction on the do’s and don’t’s of safety, including a most strenuous caution of contacting a par-ent if ever approached or fondled by a stranger. Officer Granado stayed during the day and answered other questions the children had.

Leon and Ruby Sagere of BLT AZ KID (Better Liv-ing Tomorrow for Arizona’s Children) the local chapter of United Care, USA were on hand. They fingerprinted and weighed the children and helped parents fill out profile forms that will help locate their children if they are ever lost.

They also had coloring books and other informative information regarding preventing and wiping out child abuse. The parents were very grateful to the Sageres for their service. The Sageres are the son and daughter-in-law of “Doc” Sagere a member of AMVETS Post 5. He often helps them as they visit different organizations (schools, daycares, etc.). They will gladly help wherev-er they are asked. Please call 602- 472-0846 for further information.

Attendees were also entertained by a three-man Congo demonstration that had the children dancing and clapping. DJ Tina really made the day fun as she played the latest hip-hop music featuring a Michael Jackson birthday tribute. Auxiliary President Ida Nolan and Sons Commander Dennis Smith are to be com-mended as they worked continuously providing drinks and hot dogs for the children and parents. It was a fun, successful effort for a most important cause, helping young children prepare to go to school.

Officer Chris Granado COP Police Community Action Officer speaks to children on what to do if they encounter “Stranger Danger”.

Leon and Ruby Sagere fingerprints child for safety profile.

These young daughters of members Sharon and Tina dance to the good music played by DJ Tina.

By Ima DenmonPost 5 Report

Arizona AMVETS News --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17


On Friday Sept 18th, we had a sloppy Joe dinner at the VFW. Price was $5 per plate and was from 5-7 PM.

The VFW had an open house from Noon – 6 PM on Labor Day, September 7th. They raffled off two exercise bikes.

1st vice CommanderJust a reminder, membership re-newal time is coming for annual members. Let’s get everyone renewed early this year!

september Birthdays

Felix Rivera 09/01 Bryan Cassels 09/05 Frank Hayes 09/06 Lynn Baker 09/16 Michael Vonpinnon 09/18 Gail Vonpinnon 09/22 Barrie George 09/30 Please join me in wishing these members a Happy Birthday! Ladies Auxiliary

Our next meeting was Septem-ber 19, 2008. Hope we saw you there.

August 2009


We had a Taco Dinner on Fri-day night, August 14th at the VFW from 5-7 which consisted of a plate of tacos, beans, and rice for $5.The Pig Roast went very well, as did the Christmas in July

at the VA Hospital. Our next meeting was scheduled on August 15 at 10:00 a.m. We discussed future dinners and fund raisers. Please come to the meetings whenever we have them. We always need your support. Hope to see you at a future meeting.

August Birthdays

Abel Morales 08/01 Jose Marquez 08/03 Al Garcia 08/03 Arnold Orozco 08/04 Donald Shriner 08/11 David Cowan 08/11 Nestor Chavez 08/12 Maurice Eisheid 08/15 Rick Schmidt 08/31 Please join me in wishing these members a Happy Birthday!

Ladies Auxiliary

We will be taking our break until September 19th. Hope you enjoyed your summer. I went to National Convention in August hopefully I came back with some good information on how to get our membership to grow and participate. See you in September!

June 2009


Our next meeting was on June 20 at 10:00 am. Hope we saw you there. We discussed our next dinner and Christmas in July at the VA Hospital. I would like to thank everyone who

came out for Memorial Day at Southlawn.

Post Officers for 2008-2009:

Post CommanderBryan Cassels

1st Vice CommanderSandy Phillips 2nd Vice CommanderJon Burleigh Adjutant/Finance OfficerJoe Moxley Judge AdvocateDee Vermillion Provost MarshallLarry Phillips 1st Year TrusteeFrank Smith June Birthdays

Charles Good06/01William MarshallSandra Phillips06/05Jon Burleigh06/16Pedro Gonzales06/29 Please join me in wishing these members a Happy Birthday!

At the AMVETS State Conven-tion, the newly elected officers are:

Department Commander – Jim Hostetler

Dept 1st Vice Commander – Bernice Aris from Post 770Dept 2nd Vice Commander – Tom Dingwall from Post 89

Department Finance Officer – Ralph Velez

Department Judge Advocate – Leo Pimple from Post 89

Department Provost Marshall – David Johnson from Post 39

Department 3rd Year Trustee – Preston Scull from Post 89

Southern District Commander – John Richardson from Post 770

Ladies Auxiliary

Well, the convention is over. I will be the Department Presi-dent for another year. Thanks to the ladies who came to vote.

The Auxiliary came home with one trophy and three fourth place awards for our service. I will be sending off to National a couple of entries for child welfare and community service. Let's cross our fingers maybe we will get a couple more awards.

THANKS to Artie's letter to the Department I won Auxiliary Member of the year. I was so surprised. Thank you Artie for your wonderful letter to the Department.

Let’s work hard next year and get our hours to me so I can get them together. Maybe next year we will come home with more. Hours are from May 1 to Oct. 31 and are due to me by Oct 15. Just write what you do on a cal-endar and turn in the calendar to me. I'll figure the program out.

I know we are dark for the summer, but keep in mind the service work we do over the summer that we can turn in. Monday we will attend the memorial at South Lawn for our 5th year. Thanks all who came to support us. Let's have a nice summer and see you in Septem-ber.

ByPost 39 Report

18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Arizona AMVETS News

By Ima DenmonPost 65 ReportAMVETS Post 65 Auxiliary Represents At National

August is the month for national conventions in Veteran organizations across the United States and the members of James C. Foster Memorial Post #65 worked all year to raise funds to attend the 63rd AMVETS National

Conventional held this year August 8 to 13 in New Orleans. AMVETS Post 65 Auxiliary had a total delegation of 13 members that attended the convention. In addition, Auxiliary 15 had two members; Auxiliary 5268 had one member and the Arizona Department President Denise Campbell and Sr. Vice President Elaine Owens that represented Arizona.

Besides working on local programs for veterans, the AMVETS Auxiliaries work hard year on National programs for the Veterans and veteran families. Such pro-grams include PAWS for Cause, training dogs for handicapped veterans ($36,520 contributed); St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital ($24,698 contributed); Freedom Founda-tion, and the John Tracy Clinic, school for the deaf.

All came away from the convention more knowledgeable, energized and anxious to begin another year’s work for our veterans and our community.

AMVETS Auxiliary 65 delegation poses for a picture after a convention meeting. National President Charlene Kee (first African American) directly behind them looks on. Pictured (l to r) Deborah White, Beverly Hill, Etta Foster, Knoye Brown, Roseann Robinson, Darlene Ross, Diana Jiron, Janetta Brooks-Garland, and Peggy Ross and Rita Lucero kneeling in the front.

(l to r) Lance Weber, Carlette and Daniel Jones begin a new life together.

AMVETS Post 65 Honor AMVETS Newlyweds

Approximately 75 members and friends

packed the James C. Foster AMVETS Memorial Post #65 on April 16 to honor and congratulate newly married couple Carlette Weber and Daniel Jones who after a year of ups and downs finally got it together and became one. Jones and Weber were introduced to each other by good friend Ima Denmon. Both are members of AMVETS Posts. Daniel, a Marine Corp veteran is a ten year member of AMVETS Post 65, currently serving as Post Provost Marshal. He has been an electrician for 17 years. Carlette is a member of Curtis Daniels AMVETS Memorial Post #15, an Army Veteran, currently serving as Finance Officer. She currently works at the V.A. Hospital as Supervisor of the Division of Development of Disabilities.

Members of AMVETS Post 65 and Auxiliary decid-ed not to wait to honor the couple who were married last week. They decorated the building, invited members and friends, cooked up hot links, greens, yams, and din-ner rolls and every one feasted, dance and had fun. DJ Mo’reece provided the music for the evening. Carlette’s son Lance joined the happy couple in celebrating.

Above right: AMVETS 65 ladies

gather informally in meeting room.

AMVETS 65 Auxiliary go

shopping in New Orleans.

Arizona AMVETS News --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19

Join Now! • Veterans Service

• Legislative Action • State and National Publications • Local Post Activities • Community Service • Memorial Carillons • V.A.V.S. • Scholarships

EligibilityAll American Veterans who were honorably separated after September 15, 1940 or are now serving in the Armed Forces, National Guard or Reservists, are eligible for membership in AMVETS.

Application For Membership

Membership Fees: ANNUAL: $30 LIFE: $200 RENEWAL: $30Send Application to: Arizona Department of AMVETS, Inc., P.O. Box 91191, Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191

Attention Veterans!

I apply for: New Annual Renewal Life Membership & Pay $________ Post dues __________

Printed Name ________________________________________ Service# or SS# ______________________________________

Street Address___________________________________________ City __________________ State _____ Zip ____________

Sponsor __________________________ Phone _____________________ Branch of Service __________________________

Mo/Yr Entered SVC. _______/_______ Mo/Yr Discharged _______/_______ Type of Discharge __________________________

Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY) / / Date of Application / / Spouse

Signature______________________________________________________________ *Post dues vary.

THE ARIZONA AMVETS NEWSP.O. Box 91191Phoenix, AZ 85066-1191


We want you!

To submit more articles and photos about local events. Show your AMVETS pride.

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