
Drammen SacreD muSic FeStival ����–rePOrt

We take great delight in sending out this report of the 3rd Drammen Sacred Music Festival, 2012.The festival brought together musicians and artists from all over the world, and it is with deep gratitude to them, our collaborators and our audiences that we submit this report. On the following pages, you read about the different events and concerts at the festival. We have complemented the text with photographs that were taken throughout the festival.

This year’s festival had the theme Transformations and we are proud to say that we believe every participant at the fes-tival, whether artist, musician, organizer, audience member or volunteer, has had the rich opportunity to transform and grow through cross-cultural meetings and dialogue with others. We have learnt a lot, and still have a lot to learn, and we look forward to expanding and developing this festival in collaboration with you, our partners.

A big and heart-felt thank you to all those who made this festival possible! We welcome you to work with us on next year’s festival!

Warm regards on behalf of the Board,

Ivar Flaten, Chairman of the Board

T H E B O A R DDrammen Sacred Music Festival was formally established as a registered organisation on the 24th of May 2012. The following members were elected to the Board:

Eli BorchgrevinkTore DvergasteinHenrik MeliusArzanne De Vitre Monica FinnerudArve Vannebo Ivar Flaten (leader)

P R O G R A M M E R SRicardo Sanchez (leader)Svanhild RohdinJørgen NøvikIngebrigt Håker FlatenFernando SallumJai Shankar

W O R K I N G G R O U PArve Vannebo was appointed to coordi-nate and execute the festival. All con-certs were booked by Ricardo Sanchez, and the following people formed the team that was responsible for the plan-ning and execution of the festival:

Arve Vannebo (Coordinator)Ricardo Sanchez (Producer)Signe Myklebust (Dialogue and local networking)Jørgen Nøvik (Art)Svanhild Rhodin (Art)Tom Atle Bordevik (Web design, photography and printed material)Arzanne De Vitre (Text)Jogita Reide (Coordinator for volunteers)Ivar Flaten (PR and Media)

E x E c U T I O NArve VanneboRicardo SanchezIvar Flaten

P R O D U c E R SHead Producer: Ricardo SanchezProduction Head at Strømsø Church: Fernando Sallum Production for the Children’s Programme: Signe Myklebust

I N I T I A T I v E T A K E R S:Inter-culture, Municipality of DrammenDrammen Faith Forum (DOTL)

Arve Vannebo, Ricardo Sanchez & Ivar Flaten

v O l U N T E E R SDrammen Sacred Music Festival (DSMF) has collaborated with local organisations from Drammen Faith Forum (DOTL). We are grateful for the support and cooperation of members of the various organisations. Together they contributed with 50 volunteers for the festival, who worked under the dedicated leadership of Jogita Reide-Skrastina and Signe Myklebust.

S P O N S O R S:drammen municipalityarts council, norwaybuskerud county maxbo grønn industri magasine Visjon

c O l l A B O R A T I N G P A R T N E R SUnion Scene production teamDrammen Municipality Inter-culture with Linn Silje Nyhus & Andre RuudStrømsø Church with Britta Hässlich & Svein Anders AasenFjell Church with Galina Trintsoukova & Wenche SolbakkenModum Bad with Helge HarilaSekkefabrikken SlemmestadRøyken jazzklubb with Roar LindbergKinoCity Drammen FilmklubbLe RustiqueThe Embassy of BrazilThe Embassy of TurkeyThe Embassy of Israel

M E D I AThe festival was presented and publi-cised in a variety of news articles, radio programmes and promotions in:Drammens Tidende, the local newspaperByavisa DrammenVårt Land (national newspaper)Morgenbladet (national weekly)NRK Buskerud (local branch of national radio)NRK P2 Jungletelegraph (national radio)

Tom Atle Bordevik has done a remarkable job on the website as well as the

Facebook page on the team has contributed to bringing the festival alive on these pages and in the media. Placards, posters, flyers and a 32 page program were distributed, and invita-tions and information was sent out to all concerned partners and our target groups.

T H E f E S T I v A l’S D E v E l O P M E N TWe see that the festival is growing from year to year. Musicians, artists, collabo-rating partners and our dear audiences give us constant positive feedback. Sev-eral return to work as artists, voluntary helpers and participants. The number of volunteers has grown considerably. Professionals and technicians on the production line have worked with en-thusiasm and gusto year after year. We would like to make a special mention of Jock Loveband (sound) and Paulo Luciano Araujo Bakke (light) who worked on the concerts in Strømsø Church.

We wish to expand our collaborations with local, regional and national insti-tutions to give this festival a stronger foothold and widen our reach.

c O N T A c TRicardo Sanchez Producermobil: 951 43 127 [email protected]

Arve VanneboCoordinatormobil: 918 03 [email protected]

Ivar Flaten Chairman of the Boardmobil 415 45 849 [email protected]

Adress:Drammen Sacred Music Festivalc/o Fjell kirke, SOLSVINGEN 90, 3034 DRAMMEN

viSiOnDrammen Sacred Music Festival is a meeting place for local, national and international artists with a focus on art and music of a spiritual nature. The artists and the public share a common interest and fascination for the creative dynamic that occurs when different traditions and art-forms are shared, where artistic expression is central.

Drammen is known for its international population, and the festival emphasizes an open dialogue between all the groups represented.

The festival envisions a platform that encourages different people to meet, be moved, and create meaning together through shared artistic expressions.

The ambition of Drammen Sacred Music Festival is to be a cen-tral, national festival on this front.

Photos: Tom Atle Bordevik and Roger HennumEnglish version by Arzanne De Vitre (board member)Report design: Erlend Askhov

Drammen SacreD muSic FeStival ����

Day by Day

TUESDAy 25th

concert in fjell church, 7pmv I N T E R M å N E

visitors: 45Fjell Church has been seminal to the birth of DSMF and has been active in all aspects of the festival. Special mention must be made of the minister, rev. Ivar Flaten and the deacon, Signe Myklebust.The Cultural committee of the church arranged the concert with the quartet Vintermåne (Wintermoon)Anne Gravir Klykken, Frøydis Grorud, Kenneth Ekornes & Torjus Vierli played a beautiful and moving concert of hymns and folksongs that was much appreciated by all.

MONDAy 24th

film screening in collab-oration with kino city, O f G O D S A N D M E N

visitors:15As thanks to our many volunteers, we screened the film Of Gods and Men for all our supporters. The film is a poign-ant depiction of the lives of Christian monks in a monastery that becomes the target of national and religious fanaticism. The monks overcome their struggle for survival by serving the lo-cal community and remaining faithful to the Lord.

This film was a fine reminder of how good people’s work can be threatened by fanaticism and violence. Our festival aims at contributing to positive meet-ings between people of different cul-tures, religions and backgrounds where strong relationships based on trust and security can be built. DSMF wishes to build these constructive relationships that promote peace and reduce bigotry and fear among different peoples.


opening of the art exhibition “transformations”

visitors: 80 (1050 during the festival)Svanhild Rohdin was responsible for the festival’s art project. Together with Jørgen Nøvik she curated an exhibition with contributions from international artists covering all the five continents. The art works all represented the theme Trans-formations and were exhibited at Union Scene, both in- and outdoors. The magnificent glass greenhouse was meant to symbolise art in a constant state of change. The opening of the exhibition was in collaboration with Un-ion Scene for Children. To this effect the letters in the word Transformations were constructed using plywood and chil-dren and grownups alike were invited to paint and transform them into art. Drammen’s own Head of Cultural Affairs, Tone Ulltveit-Moe officially opened the exhibition. Several international artists were present, among them Ping Wang (China) and Kunsang Gyatso, an artist from Nepal, currently working in New york. Three other Nepalese artists from the art project Riimo had an artist-in-residence function. There were also representatives from the Norbu Dawa Old-Age Home in Nepal who sold products, the profits of which will be given to the old-age home.

Other artists represented at the exhibition were:Ping Wang (China)Svea Bjørnson (Australia)Beverly Nadius (USA)Samuel Komlan Olou (Togo)Obras Javier Fernandez Svanhild Rohdin (Norway)Jørgen Nøvik (Norway)

film screening drammen film club, union scene, 8pmA N D R E j R U B l O v

visitors:32We are very grateful for our newly es-tablished collaboration with Drammen Film Club which screened Tarkovsky’s film Andrej Rublov. The life of the icon painter in Russia during the 1400’s is also a powerful reminder of the play between God and Man, culture and ideology.


the silent room, siloen, papirbredden, 12-6pm all days of the festivalvisitors: 80Drammen Faith Forum (DOTL) organised a Still Room for thought and meditation coordinated by deacon Signe Mykle-bust. The room housed the holy books of several of DOTL’s members. The room was manned at all times by a represen-tative from the Faith Forum who was available for discussion and dialogue with visitors.Central to this room was an art installation called Adam and Eve, a concept by Jens von Krogh.

the foyer, union scenefood by le rustique, 1-9pm all daysArtists, organisers, volunteers and the public could indulge in delicious food served by Le Rustique throughout the festival.

exhibition & saleRepresentatives from the Norbu Dawa Old Age Home in Nepal sold traditional jewellery and textiles, the proceeds of which will go to the home. The Nepalese artist, Kunsang Gyatso showcased his artworks and video installation at the festival. He worked live on a canvas throughout the festival to finally produce an artwork that would be auctioned to the highest bidder. Kunsang was also invited to the local high school where he showed his work to the students and taught them some in-teresting techniques. This project with the local school was a huge success and much appreciated by the students. We hope he will return next year.

dialogue and informationDrammen Faith Forum (DOTL) had an information stand in the foyer of Union Scene throughout the festival. Two or more representatives were present at all times to talk with visitors, answer questions about DOTL’s work and its members. DOTL encourages all religious and ‘human-ethic’ organisations to participate in inter-faith dialogue. Dram-men Sacred Music Festival is DOTL’s biggest project.

union scene, 4pmM A S T E R c l A S S W I T H H E R M E T O P A S c O A l

visitors: 15The Brazilian legend and improvisation maestro, Hermeto Pascoal gave a Master Class for interested musicians and others. At 78, he is as vibrant and ‘crazy’ as ever! Fans could hardly believe that they could actually meet and play with the maestro! Participants of the workshop created music together with Pascoal who then composed the piece as a gift to all present.

O P E N I N G c O N c E R Tunion scene, 8pm

visitors: 190The festival’s producer, Ricardo Sanchez did a marvellous job of managing the Opening Concert for the festival. He created a simple melodic theme that was sent out to all the participating musicians, and requested them to interpret it and create music through it. The musicians worked on it in-dependently before the festival, and came together to create a magical performance after only a few hours of rehearsing collectively on the day of the opening!

Invited guests were welcomed at 7pm and the Mayor of Drammen, Tore Opdal Hansen was present. Other prestigi-ous guests included the Ambassadors of Brazil and Turkey. Leaders from the various organisations in Drammen Faith Forum were also represented along with music lovers, artists, our collaborating partners and others.

The Head of the Board for DSMF, Rev. Ivar Flaten welco-med everyone and spoke of the vision for the festival. The Mayor then gave a speech in which he emphasized the importance of such a festival in a multi-cultural city like Drammen before he officially declared the festival open.

Producer Ricardo Sanchez then introduced the artists for the evening’s concert: Gevende Band (Turkey), Ivan Mazuze (Mosambique), Sidiki Camara (Mali), Ayani (Huni Kuin - Amazon), Fernando Sallum (Brazil/ Norway), Nilson Dourado (Brazil), Tal Zimra Coleman (Israel), Ricardo San-chez & Oscar Cruz (Bolivia), Sigmund Kristoffer Vadtvedt (Norway), Espen Jørgensen (Norway) & Hermeto Pascoal and Aline Moreno (Brazil).

modum bad, 7:30pmY A M M A E N S E M B l E, I S R A E l

visitors: 80yamma Ensemble gave a beautiful concert based on the rich cultural traditions of Israel. The ensemble’s 5 members represent several different nations and musical traditions, including Arabic, Lebanese, and Bulgarian amongst others. The concert was woven together with the unique stories of the migration of their ancestors to Israel, and how their music has been influenced by their background. Their repertoire spanned psalms from the Bible to other religious and folksong traditions. It was a special honour to hear their music based on the prayers said at yom Kippur, which they celebrated just the day before their concert. The audience even got to hear the Shofar (ram’s horn), an instrument that dates back to the time of the Old Testament.

FRIDAy 28th

photo exhibition, black box, union scene, all days 12-7pm

The Brazilian photographer, Rodrigo Petrella has exhibited in prestigious galleries around the world. His stunning pho-tographs of life in the Amazon were shown at the festival thanks to the support of the Embassy of Brazil.

strømsø church, 7pmM A R I B O I N E T R I O

visitors: 300Norwegian legend, Mari Boine created musical magic at the church in her 90 minute long concert accompanied by Gun-nar Augland (percussion) and Georg Buljo (strings). Torgeir Vassvik opened the concert with songs from the coast Sami tradition influenced by Sibiran throat song. A spell-bound audience just did not want to let the trio go. This concert was a high-point of the festival.

union scene 9:30pmG E v E N D E B A N D, T U R K E Y

visitors: 80See above.


strømsø church, 7pmP A D I K

visitors: 24This unique concert opened with a musical dialogue between two virtuo-sos, Svein Westad on the Jews harp, and Zotora Nygaard on the didgeridoo. Their expansive music filled the church room with meditative sounds, and a stillness that was magical. Padik is a group that plays music from Baluchistan, an area that spans Afg-hanistan, Iran and Pakistan. Roshtam Mirlashari (vocals), Anne Hytta (Har-danger fiddle), Abdul Rahman Surizahi (sitar) and Elias Massih (tabla) gave a concert based on the theme of love and peace. Several audience members were familiar with their music and could sing along. The concert was made pos-sible by Transnational Arts Productions (TRAP).

sekkefabrikken slemme-stad, 7pm,collaboration with røyken jazz clubG E v E N D E B A N D I S T A N B U l, T U R K E Y

visitors: 52Gevende is a distinguished band from the recently evolving music scene in Turkey, which has also caught the attention of music lovers and profes-sionals abroad. They have played with Eivind Aarseth and other jazz greats. On stage Gevende makes music which has no boundaries. Their energetic concert in progressive rock and jazz styles thrilled the audience. The music was perfectly complemented by a video installation and brilliant light design. The vocalist, not wishing to explain the music, asked the audience to rather “feel” it, and let it speak for itself. One of the many successful concerts of the festival!

union scene, 9pmY A M M A E N S E M B l E

visitors: 55See above. The concert at Union Scene was at-tended by a big delegation from the Embassy of Israel, led by the Ambas-sador. We look forward to collaborating further with yamma and hope to see them again at the festival.

SATURDAy 29thbackyard, union scene, 12-3pmT U R B A N S T A N D

A group of Sikhs from the gurudwara (Sikh temple) in Lier, generously shared their tradition of turban tying with the public. Everyone was welcome to choose a colour they liked and try on a turban. Interesting discussions about the Sikh religion and practice characterized this colourful afternoon.

union scene 1pmf l Y, B U T T E R f l Y, f l Y! in collaboration with union scene for children

visitors: 197This family event was in collaboration with DOTL and its many member organisations. Participating groups included members of the Jesus Christ Church of the Latter Day Saints, Minhaj ul Quran International Drammen, the Baha’i Faith, the Tamilian culture organisation, as well as Ayani, from the Huni Kuin tribe in the Amazon, and musicians Talilema from Madagascar.

Talilema opened this family concert with energising rhythms from Madagascar, thrilling children and adults alike. Everyone was encouraged to join in and dance. Two young students from Inspiro Drammen then led the audience on a colourful journey through various lands and traditions, always explaining the basis of the religious faith the per-formers represented.

The title for the children’s programme was “Fly, Butterfly, Fly!” – an appropriate metaphor for growth, change and transformation. Students from the local high school created an animation film to this effect which served as the back-drop to the stage.

After an enthusiastic performance by all the children, the audience was invited to join in a rhythm workshop with Tali-lema, and Ayani opened a stand for traditional face-painting from the Amazon. Fly, Butterfly, Fly! was a huge success and definitely one of the festival’s many high-points!

black box, union scene, 2pmT A l Z I M R A c O l E M A N: H E A l I N G S O U N D W O R K S H O P

Tal has been actively involved in the festival since its inception. She has held several workshops in meditation and healing sound, and is also a musician with the group Amazon Ensemble. Her workshop at Black Box was set up and designed with the help of Jørgen Nøvik, an artist whose work has also been central to the festival. The Black Box space housed a sand mandala made by Ti-betan monks in 2010 and the Maya Shamans in 2011 and is indeed a sacred space that we would like to use more.

strømsø church, 7pmH E R M E T O P A S c O A l D U O

visitors: 150Hermeto Pascoal thrilled fans and audiences alike with his charismatic presence and musical genius. His requests were unique – a tub of water in the church, in which he and Aline Moreiro fascinated the audience with percussive sounds made in water! Hermeto played on everything from a tea kettle to the Church’s new Mühleisen organ. He was inspired by the old church and performed a beautiful rendi-tion of a hymn from his childhood sung during Easter. He also involved the audience in the composition of a new piece inspired by his stay at the festival. Hermeto said that he has developed a strong bond to the festival and to Drammen and “threatened” to return. We are sure that he will not disap-point!

union scene, 10:30pmj A M S E S S I O N

visitors: 40The Jam was an inspiring session with several of the artists performing at the festival. When Espen Jørgensen opened on his guitar, there weren’t many people there. But then came our Cuban friends, almost directly from the airport and the energy levels soared to great heights. Hermeto Pascoal, Talike Gelle (of Talilema), Josef Angyal, Fernando Sallum, Ricardo Sanchez and others jammed into the wee hours of the night, much to the delight of a tired but very happy audience.


The festival has grown considerably both in quality and size, and we hope to continue our good work so that next year’s festival is bigger and better.

We were disappointed to announce the cancellation of the concert by Shabaz Hussein and his qawwali singers from Pakistan. The concert was planned in collaboration with Drammen’s Cricket Club, but due to visa complications they were unable to attend the festival. We apologize for this and hope to have them visit in the coming years.

Father Paolo dell’Oglio, leader of the Deir Mar Musa el Habashi monastery, north of Damaskus in Syria, had con-firmed his attendance at the festival. Many of us are familiar with Father Paolo’s work for dialogue and peace in the region. Due to the recent events in Syria, he had to flee the country and was unable to attend. However his dedication to the Syrian people and his contribution to peace-keeping efforts across religious groups is com-mendable, and we applaud him.

We hope that our festival will con-tinue to contribute to dialogue and collaboration between peoples of all nationalities, religions and cultures so that we may live together in a peaceful and harmonious world.

SUNDAy 30th

union scene foyer, 1pmS U N D A Y R U M B A W I T H l U c U M I O N I (c U B A)

visitors: 120Members of the group Lucumi Oni shared with us their yoruban rituals in a traditional Sunday rumba. Five percus-sionists, two dancers and a singer performed the ritual that led us through a pantheon of yoruban gods and rhythms, and everyone was invited to join in.

strømsø church, 7pm c O N c E R T f O R P E A c E - c l O S I N G O f D R A M M E N S A c R E D M U S I c f E S T I v A l 2012

visitors: 130The Concert for Peace brings together all the participating artists at the festival in a dynamic musical homage to peace.

Linda Johansen & Tonje Øvern from the Church of Latter Day Saints opened the concert with a touching rendition of Ave Maria. Lucumi Oni thrilled us with their rumba before young girls from the Quran school at the Minhaj mosque sang devotional songs to the accompaniment of the ‘dhaf’ drum. Hulda Elira and Mirjam Thorkellsdottir, siblings with an Albanian-Icelandic background charmed us with their delightful version of The Rainbow Song from The Muppets. Svein Westad took us into a meditative state on the Jews harp before we heard the sounds of nature from members of the Huni Kuin tribe accompanied by Fernando Sallum, Sigmund Vatvedt, Nilson Durado and Tal Coleman from the Amazon Ensemble. A trio from the Sikh gurudwara sang devotional songs to the accompaniment of harmonium and tabla. The evening’s performance was beautifully rounded off by the duo Talilema.

Board Member, Arzanne De Vitre led and compeered the closing concert, reading excerpts on peace between perfor-mances.

Artist Kunsang Gyatso’s finished work Entrapment of the Samsara was displayed and put up for auction at the closing. All proceeds from the sale will go to the Norbu Dawa Old-Age Home in Nepal.

Rev. Ivar Flaten thanked all the artists, sponsors, volunteers, technicians and everyone else who made the festival pos-sible. In gratitude to all who participated, and in the spirit of blessing, he closed the festival with a beautiful rendition of a traditional Christian hymn.

N E x T Y E A R S f E S T I v A l:

16.-22. SEPTEMBER 2013
