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MCAG IS AN INDUSTRY EXPERTMCAG is ready to assist class members with revenue recovery under the terms of the Visa®/MasterCard® Settlement. MCAG is an industry expert in settlement assistance and recovery, having recovered over $225 million in settlement returns. In addition, MCAG has a proven history of increasing recoveries for clients. In a recent national class action settlement, MCAG clients recovered an average of 44% more than claimants who were not represented by MCAG.

MCAG has been fortunate to partner with over 20 of the top payment card processing companies. This means that MCAG may be able to capture your current and historical processing data among our card processor partners, and all you have to do is enroll in MCAG’s Service.

MINIMIZE RISKBetter yet, MCAG offers its comprehensive settlement solution, which includes analysis, document preparation, claims filing, recovery and reconciliation on a contingent fee basis. There is no upfront or hidden fee - if no money is recovered for the client from this Settlement, then MCAG will not charge or retain a fee.

C l a s s A c t i o n S e t t l e m e n tVisa®/MasterCard®

800.355.0466 •

After years of litigation, the final approval for the Visa®/MasterCard® Class Action Settlement (In re Payment Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount Antitrust Litigation | MDL No. 1720) was issued by the Court on December 13, 2013. Businesses that accepted Visa® or MasterCard® payments between January 1, 2004 and November 28, 2012 may be eligible to recover money from the $5+ billion in funds set aside for participating class members.

The Court approved claim forms are not available yet, and the filing deadline for claim submission has not been announced, but that does not mean you need to wait to take action. You can engage MCAG now to ensure that a proper and timely claim is filed on behalf of your business.


MCAG is a nationally recognized leader in helping class members

recover cash from class action settlements.

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3434 Granite CircleToledo, Ohio 43617

800.355.0466 tel866.643.0508 fax

The most convenient method is to

• This site and code will provide access to the MCAG portal, where you will find an electronic Enrollment Form, and more information on the Settlement and MCAG’s services.


• Relieves the potential burden of gathering historical data for a claim period that covers over 9 years that may pertain to multiple locations across multiple processors, and submitting multiple claims.

• Has experience working with the Settlement Administrator that is handling this Settlement so MCAG is familiar with the process to submit, track, and reconcile claims for all of your locations with the Settlement Administrator.

• Uses your data when negotiating your claim. We do not use guesswork or create special formulas as your data is the proven method that is both acceptable and effective for increasing your recovery.

and enter this code: CHG500

As part of MCAG’s Settlement Recovery Service, MCAG will:

• Gather relevant business and payment information that is available through our partners.

• Triangulate this data with the Settlement database(s) and other available sources.

• File a complete and accurate claim into both funds (Cash & Interchange) offered through the Settlement in an effort to maximize your return.

• Correspond with the Settlement Administrator to ensure that you receive a proper and timely recovery. Claim forms are not yet available from the Class Administrator. When claim forms do become available, class members are not required to sign up with any third-party service in order to participate in the monetary relief, but may instead file their claim directly with the Class Administrator. The claim form will inform most class members of their actual or estimated interchange fees on which it is proposed their claims will be paid. You may accept or dispute this estimate with the opportunity to submit additional information. No-cost assistance will be available from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during the claims-filing period. For additional information, class members may visit, the Court-approved website for this case.

