

Coupar Angus and Bendochy Community Council

Minute of the meeting held on Monday 11 December 2017 at 7pm in the Town Hall Chambers.

Present: Wendy McCombes, John Easson, Keith Langelaan, Shona Turnbull, Johann Rennie, Cllr Stewart, Saranne Davies, Clare Damadoran reporter(part), John Palfreyman(part), Michelle Peet minute taker. Two members of public(part)

Apologies: Cllr Fiona Sarwar, Shona Turnbull



Welcome. Wendy welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Correction and adoption of minutes of 13 November 2017. Corrections:- Item 9. Last sentence should be buses from Dundee to Coupar Angus (not the other way round). Item 10. Sentence should read One email received 23 October for a wall bordering Union Street. With the above corrections the minutes were proposed by John Easson and seconded by Wendy McColm as a true record.


Matters arising from Minutes (not on the agenda).

1. Item 3.2. Bowling Club. The Bowling Club had looked at the applications received to use the building they currently occupy but it was not known who had been successful. Clare D arrived 7.08pm.

2. Item 3.3. Precinct Street and Cross hatching on Queen Street. Wendy had contacted the Community Police and Police Scotland but so far had not heard anything back from them.

3. Item 3.4. Meeting with Barbara Renton. John P was still trying to arrange a meeting with Barbara Renton.

4. Item 3.5. Member of Roads Department to a Community Council meeting. Councillor Stewart would arrange for a member of the Roads Department to attend the January Community Council meeting.

5. Item 3.7. Fireworks. Community Green Space had finally got in touch with the concerned resident the Wednesday before this meeting regarding the blast zone of the firework display. A meeting was to be arranged between Green Space, PKC, John Kettles and a Community Council representative. This meeting only came about after John Swinney MSP become involved which the Community Council found disappointing. There was some discussion regarding the siting of the firework display next year.

6. Item 3.9. Planning. John P had been in touch with the planning department at PKC and had an agreement that they would send all planning applications. There was some discussion that this still does not appear to be working as the Pheasantry application has still not been seen. There was discussion as to whether the application had been applied for; it was thought possibly not yet.

7. Item 4. Enverdale Gym. Michelle to send letters distributed with last minutes to Enverdale Gym.

8. Item 9. Local Development Plan (LDP). There is some confusion between the LPD and Community Planning Partnerships in the previous minutes but as Councillor Sarwar was not at this meeting it couldnt be rectified.


Cllr Stewart



Subjects Raised by Members of the Public.

1. Parking at Small Scotmid and Union Street. People had noticed that there was an increase in the number of cars parked near the Small Scotmid and on Union Street between 10am to around 7pm. These cars seem to belong to people from outwith Coupar Angus who are commuting by bus from Coupar Angus. The situation is worsening because new owners in the surrounding houses have more than one car and require more on-street parking. Residents are also parking in the small car park. There was discussion regarding providing parking for a park and ride scheme. Councillor Stewart will add it to the survey he hopes to arrange with various PKC Departments of Coupar Angus.

2. Burger Van near Doctors surgery. Patrons of the burger van are parking inconsiderately and causing problems. Keith will speak with the burger van owner.

3. 20mph throughout the town. Wendy said she had recently asked the Roads department and received the answer that there was no such proposal at present to change all towns to 20mph; she was advised that need to get the support of the local elected member. Councillor Stewart said that the present policy was restrictive and was being re-written at this present time. The Roads department now had the revised policy to look at and make their comments and suggestions. Councillor Stewart said the committee hoped that the revised policy would be more flexible and would allow local decisions rather than any proposal going to the full committee. It was agreed that once the revised policy was available to CABCC local consultation would take place as the where 20mph could be introduced in the town. There was a lot of discussion with a member of public pointing out that Fife Council had, in 2003, implemented a 20mph restriction through all residential areas. The member of public had lots of facts regarding the 20mph restriction in Fife however it was agreed that it would be best to wait until the revised policy had been released before asking for 20mph restrictions in Coupar Angus. John P arrived 7.35pm.

4. Narrow footpath along Forfar Road. A member of the public wanted to know why the footpath narrowed along Forfar Road; he was under the impression that the footpath along the whole of Forfar Road was to be widen so that buggies and wheelchairs would be able to get along the path. It was pointed out that a discussion regarding why the footpath hadnt been widened had taken place during a previous Community Council meeting. As an alternative to widening the footpath at that point was available PKC were reluctant to go the Government to get a compulsory purchase order. Councillor Stewart agreed to speak with the Roads department about removing the narrow part of the footpath.

5. Strathmore Avenue, Princes Croft, Kings Road. A member of public had approached one of the Community Councillors to report that cars are speeding around the loop of Strathmore Avenue, Princes Croft, Kings Road; as there was no police attendance at the meeting, the advice would be to contact the police when it next happens. Wendy will also write to the police regarding the issue.

6. Davidson Crescent Park. The park at Davidson Crescent was not in a good state of repair; a fence was in a dangerous state, the grass was not getting cut and there was a lot of rubbish. The park is popular with kids. Decision? Two members of public left at 7.49pm.

Cllr Stewart


Cllr Stewart



Update from PKC Roads Department.

Queen Street. No additional measures planned at present. Some people think it is better with the cross hatching, others are not so sure.

Survey interpretation. Councillor Sarwar has the survey interpretation, Wendy will contact her to pass it on to the Community Council.



East Perthshire Action Partnership. Wendy attended the last East Perthshire Action Partnership meeting. She reported that the next round of participatory budgeting was about to begin in the early New Year. She commented on how big the group was and how few community representatives were on the committee. Councillor Stewart said that when the Action Partnerships were set up initially there were six PKC officers, six Councillors and six community representatives. They were to run in this format for a year. The East Perthshire Partnership includes thirteen Community Councils (although three are not running), Wendy suggested that six Community Council representatives on the East Perthshire Action Partnership committee would be good, one for every two Community Councils. The Fire and Rescue Service, the NHS and Police Scotland all have representatives on the Action Partnerships. There were now ten Councillors on the Action Partnerships. Councillor Stewart stated that 1% of the PKC budget would be participatory. Wendy will let the chairman of the East Perthshire Action Partnership know that Coupar Angus Community Council would like to see more community representation and suggest that there should be more collaboration between Community Councils.



Defibrillator Group update. Not received money from Tesco as Tesco are too busy with Christmas to do a presentation. Received 500 from Scotmid; they wont allow a defibrillator in their building or on their land. The group have applied for a grant from the British Heart Foundation. At present having difficulties with PKCs insurer Zurich. The group have written to Zurich with the relevant part of the constitution stating that they are a sub-group of the Community Council Christine Grant was copied into the letter. Saranne suggested that the group speak to the risk management team at PKC.


Resilience Group update. The emergency plan has been updated. The group plan to hold a table top exercise in January with the Blairgowrie group. John Handling the PKC Emergency Planning Officer has training material for the groups to use at the exercise. Need a second place of refuge - suggestion of the Abbey Church. John E is a key holder. John E will speak to the minister and see what is required. It will need to go to the Church committee, Wendy will provide resume of requirements.



Local Councillors report.

Budget for next year just being discussed and set; waiting to see what the settlement is going to be from the Government.

Local Development Plan 2. The Local Development Plan 2 has been agreed and published; there is now a consultation period until early February. The LDP2 contains general policies and land use proposals. John said there was a meeting on Saturday and he wanted to know if the LDP2 could be changed. Ideally would like the LDP2 to say support cycle paths as this would be useful when applying for money if it could be shown to be in the LDP2. Wendy would also like the LDP2 to say, support land for community growing for the same reasons. Councillor Stewart said to write in with anything you support or dont support as any objections are taken into consideration.


Pending Planning applications. Nothing. Still feel that the Community Council are not receiving all the planning applications that they should. John P will contact the planning department again.



Police and Fire reports. Nil.


Treasurers Report. John E had received a text and telephone message regarding the letter he wrote to the bank. The letter had gone to a senior executive instead of the complaints department the bank offered 50 for the delay in replying and for sending the form regarding American tax. The 50 was to go towards the defibrillator fund. A cheque had arrived towards the flood sacks for 1890. There was 269 in the Community Council account. A cheque book and paying in book had arrived for the Fundraising account. Shelves would be needed to store the flood sacks, fundraising would have to be done to pay for the shelves.



1. Mini gritting machines. PKC are offering mini gritting machines and salt/grit on a self-help basis. Keith has applied for a machine. Having a machine will have no impact on the usual gritting. Comment that Davidson Crescent and Grampian View had been missed in the recent bad weather.

2. Common Good Fund. There was discussion regarding whether the VAT could be claimed back if money was received from the Common Good Fund and if there was any money in the Coupar Angus Common Good Fund. Councillor Stewart agreed to find out.

3. Vandalism at Butterybank. Two posts had been cut down on Butterybank. The police are aware and are dealing with the situation.

4. The Blairgowrie Advertiser. Clare pointed out that the publishing day for the Blairgowrie Advertiser was to change from a Wednesday to a Tuesday from Tuesday 15 January 2018. Copy was to be at the office by the Sunday evening.

5. Ardler village and Coupar Angus and Bendochy Community Council. A request had been received if Ardler could once again be linked to the Coupar Angus and Bendochy Community Council. Wendy had checked with Christine Grant at PKC and was told that if the Community Councillors agreed then the process could be started. It would be good if an active member from Ardler came on to the Community Council. Wendy would check if the decision had to be unanimous as one Community Councillor was not at the meeting. Those present had no objections.

Cllr Stewart


Next meeting. Next meeting to be held on Monday 8 January 2018 at 7pm in Town Hall Chambers.


Meeting closed at 8.54pm

