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From the Pastor September 27, 201526th Sunday in Ordinary Time - B

To help spiritually benefit from Pope Francis’ pilgrimage to our country this week we reflect on the third Preface for Nuptial or Wedding Mass. The Holy Father has exhorted us to open our ears, minds and hearts

to the divine revelation concerning GOD’s plan for family life and marriage. We reflected on Marriage Preface I last Saint Valentine Day and on Marriage Preface II last weekend; so here’s Preface III:

Preface III: Matrimony as a sign of divine loveIt is truly right and just, our duty and our

salvation,always and everywhere to give you thanks,Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God.For you willed that the human race,

created by the gift of your goodness,should be raised to such high dignitythat in the union of husband and wife

you might bestow a true image of your love.

For those you created out of charityyou call to the law of charity without

ceasingand grant them a share in your eternal

charity.And so, the Sacrament of holy

Matrimony,as the abiding sign of your own love,

consecrates the love of man and woman,

through Christ our Lord.Through him, with the Angels and all the

Saints,we sing the hymn of your praise,

as without end we acclaim:

OUR DIVINELY GIVEN HUMAN DIGNITY. I cannot say enough that the source of all we have and all we are and all we are called to do is God’s gracious gift! And not only that, EVERYTHING is God’s gift, given out of LOVE. Three times this Preface reminds us that what the old song says is true: “Love makes the world go round!” However, the revised orations in the Roman Missal do

not use the word ‘love’ but ‘charity.’ Let’s ponder the three ideas about charity in this Preface: 1] that we were “created out of charity;” 2] we are called to live the “law of charity;” and 3] we are promised a share in “eternal charity.” WE WERE ”CREATED OUT OF CHARITY.” Does this mean we are all ‘charity cases?’ Well, YES, it does … for we did not create ourselves or our world, redeem ourselves or our world, or sustain ourselves or our world. We are completely dependent on God, who in His great charity, creates, redeems and sustains us. God’s loving actions literally define the meaning of ‘charity:’ it is the total giving of oneself to the other, providing all one can to the other, supporting and sustaining the other without counting the cost or expecting anything in return. This is the unbreakable charity with which God loves us in His Only Begotten Son, for “[nothing] will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” [Romans 8:39] WE MUST LIVE THE “LAW OF CHARITY.” Our Lord did not mince words when He laid down the law of love: “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” [John 13:34] The words, “as I have loved you” even led an Apostle to correct himself, “Beloved, I am writing no new commandment to you but an old commandment that you had from the beginning … and yet I do write a new commandment to you, which holds true in him and among you.” [1 John 2:7a; 8a] For the love we must have for each other - especially those whose love is raised to a Sacrament in Matrimony - must be like the love Jesus has for us: undeserved, unlimited and unbreakable! WE WILL SHARE IN GOD’S “ETERNAL CHARITY.” The best news about God’s charity is that even MORE of it awaits us in heaven, especially FOR those who dedicated their life to loving God and others in the Sacraments of Holy Orders and/or Holy Matrimony. This is not, as some jokingly quip, because there’s no marriage in heaven but because the charity awaiting those who try to live in true charity on earth will be rewarded in heaven - where love never ends. For “faith, hope, love remain, these three;

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but the greatest of these is love.” [C.f. 1 Corinthians 13:13]

ABIDING SIGNS OF CONSECRATED LOVE. As Jesus said as He ascended back to heaven: “I am always with you.” [C.f. Matthew 28:20] One way He fulfills that promise is through those in Holy Orders or united in Sacramental Matrimony.

In His holy Name,

Rev. Thomas J. SerafinMass or Communion Prayer Service

IntentionsSaturday Vigil: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5:00 pmSue Haskoorr/o: Tom & Ruth Pryor

Sunday 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00 amIn celebration of the 50th

Wedding Anniversary of Cliff & Joan

Jorgensenr/o: Skylar, Luis & Emrie

Medina9:30 amCarmela Serravillo-Graci

r/o: Kowinski family11:30 am Ann LaCorte

r/o: her familyMonday

9:00 amDuke Hauckr/o: Larry & Lynne Dawkins

5:00 pmClass Mass available for an intentionTuesday Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael

9:00 amHenry A. Paczynskir/o: Ronald & Maryann Pack

5:00 pmClass Mass available for an intention

6:45 pmClass Mass available for an intentionWednesday Saint Jerome

9:00 amMary Truskowski & her son Benjamin

r/o: Gertrude Neis5:00 pmClass Mass available for an

intentionThursday Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus

9:00 amCatherine Mercurir/o: Petroni family

Friday The Holy Guardian Angels9:00 amPrayer Service with Holy

CommunionSaturday Vigil: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5:00 pmChip Higginsr/o: Donna Grady

Sunday 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time8:00 amBeatrice Marcantonio

r/o: Anita & Larry Wuest9:30 amNicola & Mario Roccio

r/o: Maria DeSapio11:30 am Chip Higgins

r/o: Larry & Lynne Dawkins

The Sanctuary Lamp will burn this weekin memory of Howard Drakeas requested by Joan Drake.

Last Weekend’s CollectionSeptember 20 $14,276.95

Thank you!Renegotiated Mortgage Information

New Mortgage (5/1/2015) $1,865,560.60Principal Paid to Date $ 23,618.58Interest Paid to Date $ 26,060.98Current Balance (as of 9/1/2015) $1,841,942.02Monthly Payment $ 12,406.89

Our Parish Prayers“For everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven…”a time to be born… a time to heal… We pray for all the sick of our Parish and especially for:

Jack BolandGeorge BoulergisJoseph ClarkCarol ClericoDan CummingsBill DeLiseShirley FreyMary HotalingKathy IbbetsonSamuel John

Josephine KnoblochDave KreutzerStan LabrunaAnn PadovaniArjan PanjwaniZarefth ParveezAnthony SorrentinoPaul UrbanChristopher Viscuso

Names will remain on our sick list for three months after which time they will be removed, unless we are notified to keep them on the list. a time to die… Deacon Michael Sullivan

Additional Masses Available for an Intention

During the early part of the Religious Formation year, Masses are celebrated with small groups of children as a learning session

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for them. These Masses may have an intention named. They are included in the list of Masses for the upcoming week with a note if is still open for your special intention. If you are interested in having one of these Masses offered for a loved one, please contact the Parish Office.

Feast of Saint Francis - Animal BlessingNEXT Saturday, October 3 - 3:30 PM

On Saturday, October 3, at 3:30 PM we will celebrate our annual Animal Blessing! All animals large and small are welcome to attend this blessing as long as they are accompanied by a human! We are asking all who

attend to bring a donation for the Saint Hubert Animal Shelter in Branchburg. Please note this is also an S.R.F. event. Refer to your event calendar or call your grade coordinator for more information.

2015 Bishop’s Annual AppealGrace, Mercy & Peace

Thanks to your generosity to the Bishop’s Annual Appeal, thousands of men, women and children experience the GRACE, MERCY and PEACE of Christ through the many ministries and outreach programs of the Diocese of Metuchen. Please prayerfully consider making a gift today. Every gift is important, and every gift is appreciated.

Parish Ministry ContactsTo join a ministry, please contact the ministry head. A complete list of ministries can be found in the narthex or on our website: Choir/Cantors...Brett Walzer ~ 782-1475 x20Adult Faith Formation.....Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14Baptismal Prep.....Anne & Brian Moore ~ 534-2136Cancer Support Group.Andrew Casella ~ 782-1475Employment Group.........Deacon Mike ~ 400-3036EM of Holy Communion/Homebound/Hospital.........

Larry Dawkins ~ 284-1617Fatima Rosary...................Shirley Frey ~ 806-4889Knights of Columbus....Floyd Campbell ~ 732-598-5905Lazarus Ministry................Anne Hayes ~ 751-5660Linens Ministry.................Parish Office ~ 782-1475Liturgical Environment Norma Santella ~ 782-1475Men’s Club................Deacon Paul ~ 782-1475 x13Military Outreach.Chris McPherson ~908-246-5114Prayer Shawls...............Judy Herdman ~ 782-7973

Pat Rivero ~ 806-7890Readers.................Ann McCrystal ~ 908-797-4070

Georgann Scibilia ~ 908-782-6625

Respect for Life.............Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618R.C.I.A.......................Diane Luceri ~ 782-1475 x14Sacristans....Maureen & John Lybarger ~ 369-5331Usher/Minister of Hospitality.......Bob Caron ~ 236-6492Wedding Coordinator.....Geri Kaczorek ~ 369-3712Women’s Spirituality.......Loraine Richmond ~ 725-2502

Youth MinistriesAltar Servers..............Suzanne Wooby ~ 369-6390Children’s Choir...............Coleen Cucci ~ 346-0367Children’s Liturgy (CLOW)......Kelly Robison ~ 284-2234Religious Formation Main Line.................284-2929

P.C.L...................Mariam Nawab ~ 284-2929 x23Confirmation.............Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24RF Secretary....................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929Safe Environment Background Coordinator.........

Helen Schuler ~ 369-6618Summer RF......................Gina Perez ~ 284-2929

Karen Baron ~ 806-4384WINGS Teen Ministry. . .Jenni Clark ~ 284-2929 x24

SEAS NEW Web Address -

Things are moving along on our new website. Bulletins are being posted and we are working on building the site to a more informative site.First things first - "Are we all on the same page?" Some may have difficulty initially accessing the new website. If you have been on in the past, you may reach an old cached version of the site. If the page you see is a photo of the church with a link to connect to our parishesonline address, you've got a cached version. The new site has a photo of the sign at the entrance to our driveway at the top.To get to the new site, hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key and click the refresh icon on your web browser.

Ministers of the LiturgyThe following Liturgical Ministers will serve at

next weekend’s Masses: October 3 & 45:00 PM Mass

Sacristan: Lisa & Tom O’Connell; EMs: Marion Bergen, Fran Riccardi, Denise Verdicchio, Patricia Snyder, Cindy Campbell, Floyd Campbell, Kathleen Urban, Walter Urban; Readers: Tim Henry, Fred Gentzel; Altar Servers: Michael Cadwallader, Curtis Quintos, Hadley Sheridan, Meghan Pedrani

8:00 AM MassSacristan: Anita & Larry Wuest; EMs: Judy Ashcraft, Russ Balunis, Michael Boland, Dee Bovino, Bob Clarke, Jackie

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Cornetta, Brian Dornan, Lois Dornan; Readers: Chris Steinberg, Frank Steinberg; Altar Servers: Sarah Wooby, Alex Sias, Evan Wooby, Sara O’Neill

9:30 AM MassSacristan: Laura Sepesi; EMs: Sharon Boehmer, Frank Catanzareti, Kathy Cebulka, Liz Bonsignore, Diane Buckland, Tom Connolly, Jack Gosdick, Kathy Gosdick; Readers: Molly Weber, Bill Weber; Altar Servers: John Sibiga, Alex Buckland, Sara Rothemich, Jack Robison

11:30 AM MassSacristan: Lynne Dawkins; EMs: Tom Boelter, Barbara Boelter, Bob Caron, Larry Dawkins, Lynne Dawkins, patricia Petrelli, Bob Kloss, Cathy Kloss; Readers: Christina Schuler, Mike Stanbro; Altar Servers: Jenna Kotlar, Julia Clark, Bryan Kotlar, Matthew Lauber

This Weekend’s ReadingsTwenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

First Reading: Numbers 11:25-29 Two men not considered prophets by the people began to prophesize, and this offended those who did not feel they were true prophets. But Moses explained that prophets are chosen by God, not the people.Second Reading: James 5:1-6James speaks out strongly against people who become rich by cheating their workers. He claims the wealth they have dishonestly collected will be a testimony against them on judgment day.Gospel: Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48Jesus explains to his disciples that it is acceptable for a person who is not part of their group to speak in his name, but he does warn them that anyone who tries to lead his followers astray will be severely punished. Jesus also discusses personal failing and the importance of taking whatever steps are necessary to avoid them.

© 1999 Bon Venture Services, Inc.

Next Weekend’s ReadingsTwenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary TimeFirst Reading: Genesis 2:18-24 Second Reading: Hebrews 2:9-11Gospel: Mark 10:2-16

Religious Formation News

Catechetical Sundayand Pope Francis in the U.S.

This is an exciting month, as we celebrate Catechetical Sunday and welcome Pope Francis to the United States for the first time. Prepare for both of these events.

Catechetical Sunday 2015. This year’s theme is “Safeguarding the Dignity of Every Human Person.” With gratitude, we pray for everyone involved in faith formation ministries in our parish at SEAS and around the world.

The presence of Pope Francis in the United States next week will be a joyful time for millions of Catholics and people of good will.

During his historic Apostolic Journey, the Holy Father will attend many events, including addressing Congress and the UN, visiting schoolchildren in New York, and celebrating Mass in Philadelphia after the World Meeting of Families.

Blessings on your ministry as we begin another season in faith formation.

Mariam Nawab PCL

“Children are a gift from the Lord.” PS.127:3

Religious Formation OfficePlease contact Mariam Nawab,

Parish Catechetical Leader at 908-284-2929 x23 or [email protected] for any

RF concerns.

First Holy Communion CandidatesPlease remember to sign your name and take any handouts at the table in the back of the Narthex. Second Graders should go to

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CLOW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) during any Mass you attend.

Attn: 8 th Grade Confirmation Candidates

September 26 or 27 is the Rite of Enrollment at the 5:00pm Mass or the 11:30am Mass with a brief meeting immediately following in the Holy Family Room.

Echoes of Faith Training - The Catechetical Set

Sundays-10:30-12:30pmGetting Started as a Catechist: October 4, 2015Role of the Catechist: October 11, 2015The Person of the Catechist:October 18, 2015Please call the RF office at 908-284-2929 to register for any of these sessions.

Attn: Summer Religious Formation Families

Upcoming Reflection EventOctober 3: Animal Blessing 3:30pm-Please bring a donation for the St. Hubert’s Animal Shelter. No registration necessary; only a completed reflection form turned in before you leave.

Religious Formation Upcoming Events

September / October 2015

Sept. 26,27 Confirmation Prep-Rite ofEnrollment 5:00or11:30 MassFHC Prep-First Penance Lesson

#1Sept. 28 Class Mass 7B & 1A - 5:00Sept. 29 Class Mass 7C/6C/1B - 5:00Sept. 29 Class Mass 7D/6D/5D/1C - 6:45Sept. 30 Class Mass 7E/1D - 5:00Oct. 3 FHC Prep-FP Lesson #2 HandoutOct. 3&4 FHC Prep-Children recite the Act

of Contrition During MassOct. 4 Echoes of Faith #1 - 10:30-12:30Oct. 5 Class Mass 7A/6B - 5:00Oct. 5 Grades 1&2-Rosary DVD - 5:00

Oct. 5 Confirmation Prep - Baptism Report Due

Oct. 6 Class Mass 5C/4C - 5:00Oct. 6 Class Mass 4D/3D - 6:45Oct. 6 Grades 1&2-Rosary DVD - 5&6:45Oct. 7 Class Mass 6E/5E - 5:00Oct. 7 Grades 1&2-Rosary DVD - 5:00

Adult Faith Formation

Registration is open for all of our fall Adult Faith Formation programs which take place in the Holy Family Room at SEAS. For more information - or to register for any program, please contact Diane Luceri at:

782-1475 x 14 or [email protected].

Beloved: Program for Married Couples

Tuesday evenings, 7:30-9:00 PM

Sept. 29, Oct. 6, 20, Nov. 3, 17

Our Beloved program will be meeting THIS TUESDAY—all married couples are welcome to attend! Join with other couples in the parish for fellowship and to explore the mystery of the Sacrament of Marriage by using the tools of Scripture and Church teaching. You will find your unique and vital niche within God’s plan and will gather insights into enriching your marriage and drawing each other deeper into God’s love. There is no cost or materials required for this program. For planning purposes, please contact Diane Luceri if you would like to attend.

The Prophets Bible Study

Wednesdays: 9:30-11:15 am or 7:30-9:15 pm

Sept. 30th - Dec. 9th, 2015Our fall bible study program on the Prophets begins THIS WEDNESDAY! In this program you will come to a deeper understanding of the work and message of

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Jesus. We now have an online capability to supplement our bible study programs. Our program will run as usual, beginning with hospitality and prayer, then breaking into discussion groups on the questions, and finally gathering to watch the DVD together. You will also be able to access the DVD online, which is great if you miss a session. You can still register for this program - sign up through

Symbolon: the Catholic Faith Explained

Has someone ever questioned you about your faith and you did not know how to respond? Do you have some questions about our Faith? Then join us for these sessions. Symbolon asks the questions everyone is asking…and provides the answers! There is no cost and no materials required for these sessions. Sessions are offered at several times throughout the week, so there is sure to be a time that works for your schedule! In addition, the schedule is ideal for those who have a child in the Religious Formation program as sessions meet at the same time as RF classes - when you bring your child, stay and learn about the faith yourself! There is no cost and no materials required for these sessions. Sessions meet throughout the year beginning the week of October 19th at the following times: Mondays (4:45-6pm, 7-8:30 pm), Tuesdays (4:45-6pm, 6:30-7:45 pm), and Wednesdays (4:45-6pm) and on Tuesday mornings (9:30-11 am). Each session stands on its own, so come whenever you’d like. *If you are interested, please contact Diane Luceri for a complete schedule and to be kept up to date on program specifics.

Symbolon Fall Schedule - The Sacraments:Week of: TopicOct 19: The Journey of FaithOct 26: The Sacraments~Baptism/Confirmation

Nov 2: EucharistNov 9: Walk through the MassNov 16: Penance and Anointing of the SickNov 30: Matrimony and Holy Orders

Lighthouse Catholic Media CDs and Books Be sure to check out the many titles on the kiosks related to the World Meeting of Families and the Papal visit - only $3 a CD, $4 for a book. In addition, there is a DVD - What Every Catholic Needs to Know About the Pope ($5 each) **Kiosks are located in hallway outside the narthex and in the foyer outside parish hall

RCIA: The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

It’s something you’ve been thinking about for a while … perhaps now may be just the time for you to make that move, to take that next step in the journey to become Catholic! The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the way in which

adults become fully active, participating members of the Catholic Church.The RCIA is intended for: adults who are not baptized, adults who have been baptized into a

non-Catholic denomination, Catholics who have been baptized but

have never received Eucharist or Confirmation.

We extend an invitation now to “Come and see” - see how Jesus may be calling you, see what the RCIA process entails and how it can make a difference in your life! Come to an Inquiry session - weekly sessions will begin on Sunday, October 11th from 10:30 am-12 noon. This is a time to ask questions to find out more about the Catholic Faith. Contact our RCIA Director, Diane Luceri, at 782-1475 X 14 or [email protected], if you’d like to attend this session, to find out more information or to set up an appointment. Adult Catholics

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needing Confirmation should also contact Diane.

Youth Ministries

ROOTS Kickoff Party - Friday, October 2Students in grades 5-8 are welcome to participate in our ROOTS activities. Our ROOTS Kickoff party is on Friday, October 2 at 7:00 pm. Sign-ups and schedule can be found on the Youth Ministry website at

AMBASSADORS needed: Students in grades 9-12 who would be interested in serving our parish by providing church tours for our RF classes and new members, welcoming families to CLOW before Masses, and providing child care for families during Baptisms on Sunday afternoons as needed should contact Jenni Clark at [email protected].

SEAS Ministry Information

All Hands Welcome on SEAS’ Deck

to Build Up the Body of ChristOur SEAS Ministries Offer Three Bridges:

+ To Faith and Prayer!+ To Local and Community

Service!+ To Friendship and Fun!

Visit the Upcoming 2015 Ministry FairOctober 24 & 25

Watch Future Bulletins for More DetailsThe following current Ministry members will speak at Masses this weekend - Sept. 26/27

5:00 pm Wings/Roots8:00 am Music - Tim Glackin9:30 am EM of Holy Communion/Homebound

Larry Dawkins11:30 am Wings/Roots

Respect for Life Rosary

October 4 - After all Sunday MassesThe Knights of Columbus and Respect for Life Ministry will continue to lead the Rosary for Life on the first Sunday of the month - Sunday, October 4 - in the chapel after all Sunday Masses. Make the Rosary a part of your - and your

family’s - life!Monday,

October 5 - 9:30-10:30 AMRespect Life Eucharistic AdorationAll are welcome to join us on Monday, October 5 immediately after daily

Mass for one hour of Eucharistic Adoration.Please join us on

Respect Life Sunday, October 4 to pray the Rosary for Life after any Mass. There will also be raffle tickets sold benefiting the Hunterdon County Right to Life in their quest to protect the vulnerable in society. The raffle tickets will continue to be sold from the Parish Office throughout the month of October. The last event is a Life Chain which will culminate in peaceful protest at a gathering in Flemington and Somerville at 2:00 pm. Please join us or offer your prayers to show your support for the most critical life issues facing the world today.

Military Ministry - Operation ShoeboxSEAS Military Ministry has a collection box outside the Parish Office for donations to Operation Shoebox New Jersey. Your donations to this cause will help support out troops deployed oversees. A suggested donation list is available on the side of the box. Thank you for your generosity!

Elijah's Promise Soup Kitchen - Help Needed!

SEAS is scheduled to prepare and serve the evening dinner meal at Elijah's Promise Soup Kitchen on Tuesday, September 29.

Help is needed with:TRANSPORTING FOOD (in your car) from

SEAS to the Soup Kitchen in New Brunswick - Tuesday, Sept. 29 in the afternoon; food must arrive at Soup Kitchen between 4:00-4:30 pm;

SERVING at Soup Kitchen in New Brunswick - Tuesday, Sept. 29 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm;

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If you can help with any of these activities, please contact Cathi Hynoski at 908-208-8680.

Women’s Spirituality GroupAll women of SEAS, and their friends, are invited to sign up after the weekend Masses for the Women's Spirituality Group's Fall Retreat Day being held on Saturday, October 10. We will spend the day learning how to "Untie the Knots of Our Lives with God's Mercy" with our presenter, Sister Mary Cleary. A light breakfast and a delicious lunch will be part of your day along with the warm spiritual companionship of other parish women. A $30 donation is requested. If you need more information, please email [email protected], October 1 - Judy Ashcraft

facilitates our first meeting of the year with a presentation on the Shroud of Turin.

Thursday, November 5 - Nancy Lacorte will speak on Our Lady of Kibeho from Rwanda, the last Vatican-approved apparition site.

Thursday, December 3 - Elaine Lenskold will present a music-related speaker.

Wednesday, December 16 - WSG will be ushering at SEAS Advent Penance Service.

Meetings start at 7:30 PM in the Holy Family Room and conclude by approximately 9:00 PM. If you have any thoughts or suggestions on this schedule, or if you would like to contribute on a particular topic, please send an email to [email protected].

Prayer Shawl MinistryThe next meeting of the Prayer Shawl Ministry will be on Thursday, October 8, at 10 AM-12 Noon and also 7-8:30 PM. ALL are welcome! Come whenever it fits your schedule!If you know someone who could use one of our shawls, or for more information, please call Judy Herdman at 908-782-7973.

Seton Men’s ClubThe next meeting sponsored by the Men’s Club will be on Thursday, October 8 at 7:30 PM in the Holy Family Room.

Seton Seniors

The next meeting of the Seton Seniors will be held on Thursday, October 22 at 1:00 PM in the Holy Family Room. We will be playing Bingo. Please join us for a fun afternoon. If you have any questions, please contact Jennie & John Giancola at 908-371-0606.

Silver & Golden Wedding Anniv. Celebration

Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 4:00 PMYou are cordially invited to celebrate your 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary with the Church of Metuchen. Renew your marriage vows with Bishop Paul G. Bootkoski at a special Evening Prayer Service in the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, Metuchen.Application forms may be secured by contacting the SEAS Parish Office or by logging on to the diocesan website: Click on EVENTS tab (top of page) - scroll over to EVENTS BY CATEGORY (left side of page) and Click on MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT - Click on SILVER & GOLD ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION -Click on REGISTRATION FORM. Please note: this form can be typed on and printed out but cannot be forwarded. If you wish to keep the information it must be SAVED AS a word document in your computer.Forms must be signed by a pastoral minister and returned to the Family Life Office by the SEAS Parish Office. Application forms will be accepted by the Family Life Office until the deadline for registration Monday, October 5. A confirmation letter with further details will be sent once your application has been processed. For additional information, please call the Family Life Office/Diocese of Metuchen 732-562-1990 x 1705.

Around the Diocese

The Carmelite Nuns of the Monastery in Flemington

Invite you to participate in theSOLEMN PONTIFICAL BENEDICTION

AND BLESSING OF ROSESIn honor of St. Therese of the Child Jesuson Thursday, the First of October at 7:30 pm

By His ExcellencyMost Rev. Paul G. Bootkoski, D.D.

Sermon byFr. Nicholas Mormando, OFM.Cap

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26 Harmony School RoadFlemington, NJ 08822

Marriage EncounterAs Pope Francis emphasizes the importance of marriage and family, why not take this opportunity to enrich your marriage and family life by attending a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend?The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend will be held October 9 - 11.Early registration is advisable as space is limited.Phone 732-904-9636 for registration and info or visit us at:

Attention Girl Scouts!The Diocese of Metuchen

Annual Girl Scout GatheringSaturday, October 10, 2015 - 9 AM - 2

PMSt. John Neumann Diocesan Center

PiscatawayScouts will complete activities for their respective Catholic medals:Juniors: I Live My Faith MedalCadettes: Marian Medal Senior/Ambassadors:Spirit Alive MedalCost: $15.00 includes materials for activities, continental breakfast and lunch (sandwich, chips, drink); those with dietary restrictions may bring their own food.

Register by October 1, 2015!Registration forms and information can be found on the Diocese of Metuchen's website: or call Mary Jane Boyle at 732-529-7928.

DEALING WITH DIVORCE?Someone in your family facing it?

A self-help support group is being formed at the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi, Metuchen, for those who are in the early stages of a separation/divorce. The group will be meeting Thursday evenings for seven weeks.PLACE: Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi

Solarium Parish Center45 Library Place, Metuchen

DATE: October 1 - November 19 (8 weeks)TIME: 7:30-9:30 PM For more information, contact Vicki at 732-548-3170 or Jo Flanigan at 732-548-0100 x225.

Walk for the JOY of Life!Life Choices Resource Center

Annual Walk for LifeSaturday, October 10, 2015

9am-12pmMerrill Park, Iselin (Rain or Shine)


DJ, Refreshments, Games - Family FunNo Distance or Time Restrictions!

You Can Make the Difference in the Life of a Mother & Child

Visit to register or download a pledge form. You can create your own page and fundraise online! Call 732-516-0911 or TEXT 848-229-7634 with questions.

Metuchen Cursillo Fall 2015 WeekendMen’s Weekend is scheduled for Oct. 1-4Women’s Weekend is scheduled for Oct

22-25Weekends start on Thursday evening and

end on Sunday afternoon.Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning “short course,” - a short course in Christianity. A Cursillo Weekend is an “Encounter with Christ.” It is something which will strengthen your faith and bring you closer to Jesus. Bishop Bootkoski supports Cursillo and has made a Cursillo Weekend.If you are interested in making a Cursillo Weekend, you may obtain an application from our website at or contact Pre-Cursillo Chairperson, Lorri DeNoyelles at [email protected] or 732-738-1796 or Mary Ann Faillace, Lay Director, at [email protected] or call 908-334-4729. Early registration is advisable, as space is limited. Also, any Cursillistas that would like to help or assist for these weekends should contact Mary Ann Faillace.

Diocese of MetuchenHigh School Open House Schedules

Page 10:  · Web viewFrom the PastorSeptember 27, 2015. 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - B . To help spiritually benefit from Pope

Bishop George AhrOne Tingley LaneEdison, NJ 08820

732-549-1108 x616 or 641October 18, 2015 - 1:00-4:00 pm


240 Mountain AvenueSomerville, NJ 08876908-722-0200 x218

October 25, 2015 - Noon-3:00

Mount Saint Mary Academy1645 Route 22 WestWatchung, NJ 07069908-757-0108 x 4506

October 25, 2015 - 1:00-4:30

St. Joseph145 Plainfield Ave.

Metuchen, NJ 08840732-549-7600

October 18, 2015 - 11:30 am-2:00

Catholic High School Placement TestSaturday, November 7, 2015

8:00 am (It is a four hour assessment.)Fee: $60.00

If your child does not already attend a Catholic school you can call the high school of your choice to get an application form. Mail the completed application form to your first choice school. Be sure that your first quarter marks are on the form. For information regarding the registration process, call Kim Hussey, 732-562-2446 or the high school of your choice.We welcome all newcomers to our learning communities.

Immaculate Conception School, Annandale, NJImmaculate Conception School Early Education will offer our Rhythm and Rhyme program again this fall for children twelve months to three years old. Give your child the head start he or she needs to ensure their readiness for preschool with this fantastic program that meets once each month beginning October 20. Little ones will have so much fun as they socialize through story time, singing, dance and so much more, all in a friendly Catholic school environment. For registration information please visit the school website at fourth annual High School Information Night will be held Thursday, October 8 7:00 PM at Immaculate Conception School in Annandale. Middle school students currently in grades five through eight are invited to attend along with their families. This free event provides families the opportunity to gather information and speak with representatives and students from several Public, Private and Catholic high schools. Participating High Schools include: Academy of Saint Elizabeth, Delaware Valley Regional High School, Delbarton School, Gill St. Bernard’s School, Immaculata High School, Moravian Academy, Morristown-Beard School, Mount Saint Mary Academy, North Hunterdon High School, Notre Dame High School, Oak Knoll School of the Holy Child, Oratory Prep, The Pingry School, Princeton Day School, Saint Joseph High School, Saint Peter’s Prep, Seton Hall Preparatory School, Villa Walsh Academy, and Voorhees High School.For more information please contact the school office at (908) 735-6334 or visit the school website at

Page 11:  · Web viewFrom the PastorSeptember 27, 2015. 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - B . To help spiritually benefit from Pope
