Page 1: Video analysis sail awolination

Shot Type Extreme close up


0.17 This is used when the instrumental steps up a beat at the beginning when the character is running to his room. This is used exactly when the beat drops to the next and this type of shot is used to show the emotion and also tense the viewer up and put you more on edge. This also shows fear in the character and may make us think that he is running from something and also his pupils are larger than normal so may even reflect that he may be on drugs as he is scared and running away. The shot is very clever as it gets you intrigued for the rest of the video.

Lyrics Instrumental- beat dropping and piano starting to play the second line of instrumental.

Shot Type Mid shot


0.41- This is a little bit further in and is showing that he is scared of something or someone. The character is looking around constantly and worrying about his surroundings. This shot makes me think he may be scared of himself in some way as he looks in the mirror and turns the other way, like he doesn’t want to see himself. The shot works well also because it shows his emotion in his face but also how his body is positioned; it is tense and ready to run away if needed. The clothing also is normal and makes it seem like he was caught off guard.

Page 2: Video analysis sail awolination

Lyrics Instrumental after “sail”

Shot Type Mid-close up


1.01- He has now found a recorder and has now given up what is wrong with him. He is looking at photos and talking into the recorder and talking to loved ones and it is showing that he is going to kill himself whichever way. This adds a large change to the story as we now know what he wants to do. The position of him shows that it is like he has given up by having to lean on the wall and he is also singing into the recorder.

Lyrics I blame it on my 80 beat, baby instrumental…….This is how and angel dies.

Shot Type Close up


1.42- This shot is showing him talking to himself and he is singing the lyrics and showing great emotion in this shot. He is thinking these things and the character is showing a upset look to him but also his breath is creating condensation making it feel cold and dark where he is helping the continuity throughout and making it a much darker music video.

Lyrics Maybe is should cry for help…… maybe I should kill myself Insturmental

Page 3: Video analysis sail awolination
