  • mm*%$1 1 IpVH _V01 XXIV.N°- 7,1G7. AEYV-YORK, MOm\Y, MARCIl 13, J86-. PR1CE FOUR CENTS.

    Bja* gkaaBj ¦ »>o»«- a_* ¦ . *


    *rv»oa tr -4*8-0. cati. 80888*4- Jtcxwooo."*c

    |88PI»tlB l-BOM MPT-BAl llBIBtl

    Tl-^OBBLKP t^-Old SbbI. Mia^cions irotUd ccrtainry biti tad Le aotchod tbe OMfPOOO of the.

    *,a,6er b**o.>,. the 83-88 Baaah-bj tha tuinj.ite-bfaal botiuned aouthward, poooofl tka pivket guard.Md,Laktcn:bgoua«arar'.d 88*8, Mt8P8l tha r.coelI.lcb befoie BBfE.TMoMoMooaatkaattaTi Bf*a tka a_B8 toat. of

    ..tepatiiot tomW MllllBaaJ it, BlItlalBB «* mileiarer the Mtakt. 11.1- Likl n llada af rnow-dtlfts; ond

    apon tbe bbM|J BOBt-BOB of tl.e dlt-tantoutjx.ati. _Bf_lranie ou __4 0018-818 in tb. u 88*Taa vitj a'pr'i wulle

    farawoTttotheia, »i*t*ve. alve«, iu tbeir tomfortablo

    horcee, -icurLid ef the b.Ted on«s heie.

    PidFred-kff..i!crolec?thBt nigM? Mi ahl dtcru

    ifkerdaihng boy reatlug upon the bard glggjol BBItloie of tbe BOjaad wfco nited, or V-MBBBJ Avit'a tkoaaato watoLcdl DU *hc a._ hiin uart from iaafaltofBBB ln Ihe i.lght. erul, haaj-kj "P arttl hii comradci.aniwer to kB hr* apoktu nenietTLey are going M i. tLe aei.tir.ili. The lireaare

    »nt, and ln iiler.ce ond dnrkneaft Ika} Btaeill along theiLad.wy eltlc of tho lidge. -ItJ mennt toward itatrcit. latbe 8-*0Jl-0a of-Oixo (>arfl-b ti-ck fv.utly deIne- agaicat th* ii_B rky. __t8B84l a volco t-eyenjal-ailertp. ..

    '.lToi^!., Tho BaityoM-t-..Wbo gioe there i".. Ji*.ll*;," -I .11 io* Baaaaajaa,"AcTet.tu MlgMBt. *Bk ttl BIM1 lalgB."__*kerrert t 0 iiarieea, aad whi-p'!- BV I OgiO 8-fi

    B bm ggj aftka ehaawaggp. ir. lotter in tjrn athvta_r» lt in the ear of th. M)M_00 ato lOliMOO hic). T..cli*ai«Ltit.'r, takl th'.r j.iaresi tle old onei I'all luto

    Bafiaif iflkl laBot-k] i>bity, aa U B__i*kaB8B,iii ia i' aa k aa tbt iai k cr.^t of the litikfo.Fifd ii l:(.'.to_',- BOflf BBhM '."Vv -4-01 lioei lhal

    .oreen _M aJekaio Uk ra lYoai Ika aaaa y_ akgi 11Ue ii not a!.r.e. B8_M0_!J80l8_r8fj4}_*f__-M- TfcoraI* ao isoon, ar.d but few Btan aro TisiMe. Wktt Iatrargc, *H'11. katatj -tgktl _*aB0jBj kaaa*kaa* ai utbo t..tirfj la. Ile uiaT l.e far 8**J in thoae uo-d*atctVr, or le ajflf be |g Bgajoaa-J ejaga .vviihiu BrWI*.*.

    |-*i BM*mj| vc-'ii.jaiiv abo..', fx:_i.i:.inp the gt*___."r.di.'t je Lrar r.iiLi.'g'' Vh_by8PI vi- Joel. "A

    tPBgkl- :¦ M thsM Ifl 188-1 _8f J'Thcj I nerrd: td r >v..i.i!' Fred rrorehee laa*, la

    aiiicr to M c-rrt e^-niiit thr tkv *.ej o'.jV. t ajay begMtbtf aaar. B*patBklB8*j to fba gtaaaA Faatit-pei 'ihtie ia aaaal*fjy apatoacfclagi ra* >.;tbree fciut- BM airibie."K-!!' Y'.ht gaaaj t!..* '"

    "Patn..'""Staud* AdTRuc* oi.ea.'.h tk* .rubtcirigL."The tounieralgn ia lifkE The pattol atkb a fI v»

    agjgg-kjM laiBtaa/MOB. ¦'¦i"J~ l ;erce.-1 1.-8 88 utta. I obatf 'ho _ce Icre, aomc

    ¦kggesj _888l layMLght,'' praaMata-a-M «'.u J*.i.w__8_*a_Bf8ja '* ^'"ifr OM 81 UMM ^I'-vt B8I""Dovii. Bth_t-_l8l -ar Cykroagkl iut Ile

    wm s* ipy ¦' pafa 11 A.Jkt u-j rath m on that. Tte'a in tbe Ttcbtl cau.p,

    i. i.gTort- -Ua 1 haBata S M-MkBaaaBj I'.t.ia-to eaiak tka br^t bkdioa.fJJM of I .. OTOBMBtla tkBtdi-8-tioa. BafM-1 t*Ie cueiry BBI B88B tU eafapad l.» Bi-kotl:. _>r < 8*1 *bd bitn ii:"ii" i.j.'te aie a *\x:i-\ fi Bl BPBlta lh* aataMJOja*Tl.. bo -n tbeir guard,.elake a__ J.ii ..oiop.'ibio:)* aith the reat, 8-1 niorcblowlyI BBBM I"" BBPBrtj BM Qfldlaalj UM Bakgl BBr-tP*|*r* ijaon U em. HuriDg dmhi l iuo BM line, _B| p ig.lurrd afp>rji;.-cr.e:>, they w_*el, tni! li.ake a aaoop toIfkeio whtt otraiFglera llo«y aaa. Hare BB8J 80888,8.» 't iMujIaiaao8j*0f yoB-kg, .ilbaaklMla nh:" by i.roilh ''ebO'ita-Inke.i' e io en ataaa pt tc ttmjt bbt if i' B080M8

    rksa few trattpred _ayM0M_aaa^_Mi luth an l;ajiot-ofi-aaalaa '

    * OtrkMaM J< (I .throwiig io*l hia renj.h«t. olJ thn BlBg uplla 1

    " BSaai the luck grovbJak*, BMwtiai-MdatoggalOI._nj.ia

    l eiBBMj biitkf i.i" ii.",; '-ot. ib.j.tjiug8M aaiii]Tboykaroyla thoi Tha B%,b«Ba_____d

    ff atrraad JPafpaj I

    llliORMT FAOH WM fAHOLI.W-*>..¦-

    A BiUtle Reported Ncar Kinstonon Wedncsday last.


    The Gnliantry of thcllnion TroopsAckiiowlcdgcd.


    Rimiorctl Vnion Victorics inSouth Carolina.

    chjoAtham and jorasToa m" AiVFULLY WHiri'ED."


    y\'a-iiin«-1'-n Mareh IX '.'".;/,< i, l ,,.. EMMiarrofFiidxj wntaJnatbe

    ifraaGea, Lea g|Yt*gtk*[ol batl b BiBel a, Martfc CaiaBaa ketareaa Oon.Biagfat theCo fttkrata a*~ay, aal tki Uaiea bbtc**wblch l.'Vi.,fi Sea ratoaaeetl aaxlBtbeai|*a*iaB .!...¦¦ ...! .

    Di AtrQi AJLIBBa, >'e .'; rck ". 18*8,// n. J. C. 1 MU" -v ' '¦'

    Brapg t- it he Bl ke.l tt- eay |. rday,leain freni of K'- iton, at,.i di .". >m bto

    poait.on. Bc diajnil I .¦ ' '' k(apanew line ibrwmileefrom hii , r<tbr. c j ry aad 1.34* |*-i*o'i.ia. TlI,. .,1 Iba B r J .. idB d vv-u:..: . tlllarge. 0 iraiireli tmalL 'i uie-,,,. .,;,,.¦:,... i..[ Malor-Oeaa, HiU and Bnka ax-!,.. icd tbeir m ,i bm a**7gy. IL LbX.

    ,- ¦:, ri-.. wMeb tkO fagkf iK-cuuetl, iaM-u.t'daatka aTraot laata Baa Q**aa8a8***rh toBawbara

    kksat Iwaaty iLilr* etat af fJ*k**kaawagh au-!laBeat tkirtj fr-'in B rwkaraj D :- nf*.m I thia forre of tbo eneriiy n a aa>van'-intr Ba* Newbi-m ajjalaai (ioblaboroufb tkfftk*Mlfa l af utima; tho raiiio id at tt t i akBi I'i BB

    t : t! .» n aka tlut tl.e inriuvai1. att< tiij tt* i | c, ni.d it i« hk.'y ive fhall B*BtbrBXT*f aa*J8Bxfiii g ta.k ea* »«1 r:., , ai.J iu l!i« f.L.t, nnd il. t. if Juiotur". ltIn.iiv ba' ¦'¦ t raa**t**Bi* aakbanaaalaf tke ***** of Uhen aa


    tim. BBbb88*7BBJ Arr*o« at.- axaaaa a--**.. -..*brtwr.n lla.d.o and HetiurryurilA B.n. tlt ---Thiolrii-ala Takiatf ttiellnili 1 ladr, tVe.

    Fku. o... .-j- ... ( .- ¦; B*aai\V':VIM.7'7V, N. C, Mal'lb 7,18S

    Adrlees lecmi ti'i.tunrthy, lmve i.e.r ftiiir 0*8. Sl.irn.en. aoaltBtH IO] -'*ahlih raaahfI at itm-' aaya .-n..-, ta tk*affectthalhu BMia 888*71 ¦."¦ "1 '"'" Ba*tkC*iaBaa*l kaail uleyaago. Bh roata ftkrwagk Ckmntw, B » - th}:.!.: m.o efG( il li-'iif'-aie rep. rtt 8 tot.-lungoii

    ->,. ]¦. ;,.-, tokaal '!,...

    tnrie.l lo int nioutiotied, but it waij.rol.ably BBB I * baflou tie Um oftho st Boa of leaak and Soith CbpoBm

    Veaerlloaa from ihe Itrbel Army.NKVVHFItV, X. C, 1-kaM, iJ,r'.

    Yaatardaj Cmmmuj i» af tho Gth North C_p*olino C, iif.'.'.'-rate Cavalry, whi.-h was raia.'d L- ra Batl of theState, BBflM BttB-B- linea Inab-dy,

    ialththe.r tvvo M-'utennnt*, tbeir Lnraea aud Oa*Jf>meiit*, nuuiberiug "ror aUty men, and d.liver-d th.'in-selrca up to our OOOB-WB U-i ...LVer* nt (.'ninp I'akjruer.Altcr p.irtakuiK of a bountiful feaat at Cauip 1'alu.or,

    they. wltn the uhl Iag at tl.e head of tbeir eolunm. rn-Mrod Ihe tiiv, tl.e hk-btlaBBM vt «B_b8_ tLty are nowBaJsjlBgaWkOB tlcv wero Juforrne.l that thpy wuiM IHOtfl

    BBJ .'¦ i ;)., ir hol-P» illidailnaaial le f'.i i.i- ko d»y-ii.. nt i.r iiih.wtd to go Bo-tk, tiry i*_M__eiti..!t if Bwa* [MOiaBj kaa_* in th- Baatk that aaah areceptionBVattad tka'.ierate BBllba- iu 888 linra thocutire Aiary Of the Couftd'-racy _W_kl boBoB mMB. 88BBBykkTM arr.iu! of tl.e l*BBM-0-01 8f IkB l*g_B8_t_UBl

    OBI B_l ¦ ia l"..k. 1 i»' ¦-¦ V

    LUut-C a. WA8B Jlami i""-. C-aaaaitaj 0 ¦.. .

    Qerebal: It ia officiallj TYiporttHj to ma tiintOBI fi.i... | | liei a-r :¦...r !':¦.!.'" r ... Pi, ili,.!, ,1 'll iat_ lo ..:. r igi ) tl -t 1 e..aii.>t, of-- r. neatinB yoor rl,,,; ,¦!, ibe .'. outry. "IU ingtl i otd a* aiilory I d"i-"'. »"". '¦ "'.''. ibii rl|¦-1, Bui u iel* iI 11 il.l.rei-n ll an tl il - .1 n - Bl -I- ll ilkT llii.- rigb) lbal eterj Baa ha.- ta .!¦ feud li boaprotecl thooo wko are deaeattoBt aao" bJaai aad ftaaitaybeart i wl-b that orory abf avta aad h"r in mjcoiuitry *ho eaa Ira aaaa, vaaM hi-r t doaa, aahaiioiild ll V ll.l, the n.eii w!o ll- deeolal.Bg IheUi.r il. baralag U Mi ba m ai I li attlag ll :r vobm aYoa are parttoalai la deBalng .. .! olalmiaa "woi'i rhta." hfay I aak lfyou eanaierote otaong l :.. Ihoi.'-h, to Ire npon a d. tei .< '¦¦ m lt- wltl

    barntbal :tv |otMgW«_iafk r it h id bei Biarreoderedbi ibe aotborltlee, « o claluied, ihou ;h Ir \ .ln ti ,ii.ret-, lion whii h I- alaoyoaseordod Inclvdlaed aarfarein..:. onbat-Dto; totue ihe .!«. lui.g buuaea if rltl/,,. | i, r., ibiag th,'iu, a:,.l U. perpeiraie eren darti rcritnei Itan Um m oruaeo tie. blaeh to o mentioned.

    Y. a hare -nuiit-il, Ifyoa fa ira aotordi i- lb< -¦ m-ii.| m kta >.' tl r- .,ii f*eei agalaai hnmaoity and lbal '¦of'war. Poo flred lato tho cdty of Colurnbla wil >u1 .-Iword of woralog. Aftorko lurrender by Ua Maror.ahe darnai d. ,1 pn le ittoa to pripate i rtit erty, yoo iklii,-' i, ,.'.ni aitbea, tariaf aa_i n* ruuii Ibou-laadi ofold mea aad l rploaa wo_m n aad rhlldi i'are hkely to perieh of oiaraaUaa aad rap-aat*. P.mrl.ii- ofnarch eaa batr.1 bj ll ol irld liglj, ... and to more tl laoaoboai bold there ia aa aguny f r n oie bitt-i IbM th il nfdeuth.The ladlaa ma | I hli lieth* r-.'ir.ih- >f aex ot

    ii^'o, but aith aii i.i. barbority ba ulwnjo r. ip _ted Ibeperooni "f hia Brmala eapiirea Yoai lolutn BtoriMvage t ui ihe b liaa, bkiaB tkaao akiM gataral jao-t. eti ii r- aba Btlu i¦.. lllibioU, 1 IlilVPOf.l.V tl. le.JKlt th.t TvllPl'PTcr

    T'.'i baro aay oi w) bmb" .i-t" .i ,' or "n.ur.ii -ai,"

    fi: I',.-t-nui appeui to I.e a.ino.ivnioua wub you, vonM || |, ,.. 11.,. nt It, :n ordi r I a-i i,,w *halbci ot i.t ihe i" tko n.a!ter. lu tii" otoo-U8M 1 ihalli.i.i.. Bfty-ilx of yoor mea na bo-tama br iboaawhafliyoa hato oriereo to M exea-otod. Iat_,yoora Aa,

    ,."WA' 1 Hv.I .'.:., J.le .1. I.eD.


    \\ u.'.i- lluiuplau Ikuiibiat foi lli* Hiply laNhrrnian.

    F-'rowa Thr fUrLmontl Stitllnrl, .fi.,,h9.11 ii iin.'-iK.iiil.'Il'*: lictvvci-ii (i.'iiuial S ..-r-

    i.i.iii and HaBipt-Bi ta to-daj'o Maar, wiU bpsbm (!"'BiaaUueoool ovoryiHM »ko peadi it. IJ«B. Ilaaiptfjo. ill rei-i'iT" thw thaako "i arerj L'oafederato f»r bMipJritrOJ and appropriaie om war lo Ibe S onkoe bruto.

    'i i,iM-,.ri"i|..'ii'!-'r " t-»."'.'- Ibefatoof tbo boautlfulrity of I dotaiila Pired Into witbout a raing, aad laid,,, .: r i,ri",,ib r, M,. 11 laa earu. ii fol b_B-r-.r thebatoof mojikiad au.l Uta lreat*Mot dao t""wib! iu .VI. lli- b.iib.ii.tT will baro aa efl'eot opf-aitotn th a traloh be detog-od, aad will ai-uoo otom ii.i'l

    ii,.4> n> nh....i doaa kiai aad hBaa-Blad Ba>Bg. n at BYotj .; i l By.

    Brerptiou of ihr BJl w-Yorlt Volnairira.Auianv Sali.i.l iy, M.reli 11. 1

    Tho Sai n tarj >' vVur ba i ''"v-j'. aton thai bo a -¦ latbe li hdi r 11 tbe MRb KeglBonl,¦1 .-!._,¦ Natloi JUBardi of Broohja/i, Col Adanii moaoyvai- k-PTico, fo ;,'. oa rffJ ....:. oi _-8|a



    "VYe hnvc f'lll ftlei of Bkbatond pnpers to IheOthiwt. (ThTirfday la.t), and rcale the foRowIng aa>Itraeta. Bnch of t,, m na a.e wlthont date are fromThartday'a kwraesi

    Wa» PIowbiA GRFAT YYAR MIETING AT lALADEGA, PLA.Frmn The Ifhig:TAi.Arii'iA, FeK. gp, r!a CrtiRi.OTTP, Xfrrrh 7.- \

    greaf ninaa meetlnp; wna hild bere to .hj.tbe B_M Hare riaing. Thia moralag ihe li' u. A. V.. Ball ad*dTeaaed an iounenie aiiu.euee lu ibe eharek for i IB80*of three and a ha.f boure, wldeh i-alhd forth tbe on tim part of tl.e peonto. Tk* B*«ll*acewaadiaii.iia.d until 'j p. m., whan IBey weie addreaaedln Bipci'.'h of two ni, ,i lu.if l.oiiia bv C*l t. Buid. Witkgnat cffei f. Tba of thoa* efbirta to, that tk. peo>ple bere are now uuiu-d and will ftoaeont* tbe w..i- viir-oronaly.Tbe al'.'le rnattcr ootcludcd with a grai.d cativiiiiJ

    alr by the tadiea.AN KAKLY ATTACi: ON MOBIXB TEOXATOEO,From the Mino:Moain, Keb. 88, Tia (iiiriotte. If. C, Marek7.¦

    Tvaaty-twoateameraaud mx Mtt.ii-s'iui rirer trai.a-porta are in iba Luwtr liay, nnd a large numbet oftroopa are reported on Danphia Dluid und r«Liacola,uidlt-ati; " an eaily on thia city.


    Adjearnmrnt of Ihr g ot>«"< ilrinle (nngfi...In the Rebel Seiiato on the &h tho l.'ll.jwii'.cr

    aetloa waa taken on t'.e ijtteation of alj tirnm. t.t:Mr. Maxwell ct Floril* moved ti. i-lriu r »rd pr.-.-:vr tbelf in.-itu, t |-:. ,..L t |..-..,ii r I. I.rirl.) auu.. r.rt I., ...k foi

    tbo 'ineri of ila.4 a Iba BMTtoaa af a rbhedtad Braro me* aa h* Baxy aV»ui e*podl*iil

    forandd rtocta. ..r o i^ rform uiiliaiy n-nUr iu v»!.i».re f 1 I V I.r i.r dl.i il.

    .-ri .' Tl tti, Omrn.1 in Ch'.rf ba * IbOfhwd lonrail/rIbt aaid aaaa kato aapaata, batt.lioi-, rrglaaaata aadi- .-. i.i..';. b |, !. . »rd I'gal.t. . . -. -r. r. I.ry ol

    ,. - ..... lodtob*. i. n.ji.did t,y afl .¦ «.1 PP Bt

    .i. .inploytd la lb* irnri .-. Iba aaid trc*pt, laibeaatM r ttoa*, ilalktoa a Ii .-,|wi.«.:loii ei

    i .... ia i| .¦. ....- kn ehol iba -iv- -.>n 4 Tbaflf, obaVf tt* ptoitoaa faeel Bal Ibtaaft, tbe

    p, i || ,.. i.i b- ihle 'o ra ." j mrln ii-i.t BBBthirol., ;,,. -, tl.- vair lateaaafally and u .iutam lb*

    ,--,.. ai'dlle ii. !--|r.,lr.,.| Ihr ( ,.n.. -, y «u'l /,-.! t.. .-. ¦!...." - .4.- - .... 4...,.....,

    .u.vri Ita Ihiaka M expeai.B, lor har .j.nio .¦!.. .., ., I ry -. ia 1 .

    ,...-.. ¦ 4., i .. u.'iy thero-l af lha Pre .¦ ul ;.,||, .. -4 I .- .1 Ir II li ir II 1 lie (,. oala

    lion, Irreira iitboI or, IneacbHsta,.. iia jripvr auiuonf. . Il.-r. bl v. .!. f bB

    11. .1 Ihlaa oi 11>iil tim a. bebu.l l.f|.!*. II*.' wa* not loUolod that the majoilty of the arniT wn- ia lavor oftM The armyhad I aoa told tkal tha BMBBBi* waa ueeeiaary, and tkaybad ac'iuiitied. He did i.ot h-llero that the lieruea *iihfaaaaaat, Fr< _nrlikob'irg and Cold llarbor were b-dd-ing out thelr to tbe i.-.-r, r to :i .. and 0088tBOOB. He .lld irr.t heh-TO tbat our tloops Wouid lir! 1with that eoaotanay a lefa iboald Inapire troopo ln (koI lu iir af battle Who*th-y kn-w th.aliiielr flnnVa wer*be.i,,? hi bl by upgroe*. llu repeaied tbat be would B8T0youd Bf-init tnr Mil egpppt for tl.e lootruetiOBi ablohpat aa obUgstioo uj:on him. H» ikoakl gaoaBMf loniold th« b.ll -o at to inr.-y o'it '.Iip tiue apirit

    gliiial.cgialal ne to m-'ruv't iti 5ri:r.toia b.'t.T the rr.n-t i .. ilelilaTBtion of the Srieto had dtOMaed of tbaauoaaia. aklak aieetod :.>.t iM rkatoafPIrgiotoalooo,baf otapy -lata b.tain UM Fekaaai gad tl.e Bm(Irabtte. 'M-. Ol*.8_l arK'.id at laagtk air'.lu.t thelOiiifltiitiepiilitT and i ipedleotry of the Bfcoaaat*._fr. BeouBeo ipoke bt -draoa y of the bdi. Ba advo-IcBtoditaa oneaB>*itT. It *00 hOttOf to throw orer

    part af tka aaraatkaa toloae the abip nnd cargo to-gethop. lt aua arged by Gca. laa, and the ssaajs*naeaeeo vhich aoufl toUo* woald aot bo *o bad aa hadI... n laaiooaataA Ba ).- r"' tha bUI wouid be *o modi-fird aa M .onfnrri t tb* UBJBbiiUbBI gtrrn by the Stateif V iiu-inia tohrr Sei.atori.Mr. Orr oirpttai-d ti ebiil.Mr. Ibiniitt BPfOd ife paaMkg*.Tl.p Senale rei"lve«l lota -eeret leo.lion.WTivreUAT. lli.r-h -.. Ibe Senato retunied con

    ? idiiotlou nf the Jin:.»e bill to invreaae tten.)!lt_rTfon-oof thaC-Btwaat-BI lytbe eitiplovrufut Bf

    Hr. ao-..ib.datthc lame Unif, but tivt dan-geroaaly. .lTuui The r.iamim.r clitonal:

    FABt DAY.Tha _8j satBpart kvt pobli- worohipdawns ua aaaea hat awro au-i'ii'tou-iy than any one dayfiir thp la-t threo bmbUm. iiue ot tl« ooltuaao of tho,.,,, 1|V wblob Mir.'to'.'oriii Bhenaan'i adraaciag i.u.e,ha* baoa detenied with hnivy liw, rear KiiTArototi,N C and thoogh 188BlkJPI*B.IrtOTOM, l-OttHtBg l'ithe aastaro of bel ikraa goaa and 1,8-8 pttaaeiai yrt itBM] !«' tiiKeli ua ab 881-001 tha*. 0_t COBUBB-deTBBMMIhe andoiii troopa la flgbtlagtriro oaco aot* lothat liireitioii. lu faet b-BO-MM ia ouly beb-lnniob' tofeel llu. dUBcultk -. of hia eniorprUe.

    S.i h.iiK aa it waa I i.t bmiilim ileferspleas (owni androbbtog -Maaaaa and aayto8*-iei wivca aud chtl.lren,ha i* bad brilliatit 88888801 BM B8W ho will liav-tnllght. (irant'a 01*00*1 giand BMTOrgtog oi_np*lgnH-eiaa now to iiroiiti M the laino kind of tennirntb'n of l.ut veiir. Ji>' iiui do noiiuug li.-rc nulesa shei-1iiian i-onie* up to l.lm from Bootb ("..rolina.UMMa -mi ni eaniiot ioiuo. Anotlier ea.pnttal a*li f hiaprograuioio..(«''Dka «"".totli. CBplui-eoiT.y-ohbiirg;.ui,!, to tne latei accounta tr*Ta.*****)* BB8fl lt oraom*of ita oftleerg. Ia* Ya-keea ui fery eugcr to get poi-aeanion uf our tob.uvo.Vcit to cotton theru ia nothlng of oura wiileh they coti-I

    fo iii'jeh. Aal BB tbey ennno? eoat* al B*t*a tob.iccoaioied at Peteisburg aud Kithnioud, they feom to haiobetboiight them of auother plan. A Yankec B*a*i 'Iriingleton haa twic* asked for a p..»a to eome within ourliuua, and it haa been twioo granted. In v.nn aoniewary Confedorntea proteated agai.-iat thia, repieaentiugthat thia Yaukee oould huvc i,o honeat here.But we have a Govenimeut that deapiaea " pahilo clorn-or." Tlui Mr. riingleton migiit bo a I'eaee r-.inmlg-aioner. he might be aneaklng tbrougb our liuea to bringna an offer of recognlzing our lndependence, or on *on.aB*a*t**8 mltaion of thataort; io ba wua permitted tocoiiip ebuig. Soon it beeame kuoivn that be waa onlyon a nilsilun to procnra tobacoo by purohase; pay-i.iont to bo iiiudo in bacon at eertaia ratiBagreed npon. Tl* tobaeco oerordingly waa aaaOforward bv the Ir'redi riokaluirg road, 3W,0uOponnda of it, or there.nbouU; and waawaitlng nt ITniiiilton'gCroaaiiip, nnd.-r charge of Con-federute BBBBt*, nutil theexchange anould bo efTected.Bnt now, by gorce obanoe.aomo extremelr fortuitonaeoincldenoe.thoitore of prcciona toeaaae u_d scaicelyarrlve,1 there.and waa ttill in Confedtratc handa, wben,lie'ioM, s lnrge force of Yaokee-B bappened to appear intbe aan.e plnee, l.avii.g come lu ateame.a np tbe I'.appn-bannock, aml aaiaal tbewholc af the tobacoo, andeitherearrled it off or bnrnod it. And now where ia thabaaaa I We mnat gire fnll credit t» the ingenionat, tuon whleh contrived and exeouted tbia littlo aA-henie.It Ia a perfi-i-t tpeilnien of a apeclea of traDiactiuaralled Yankeo t.Teka, whieh menna a verv clerer gwin-d!c. Ia our a.igaciona Oovernment Bfitiarled vett Haait reen enongh of the 4tonaequenws of ndmittlng publioeiieniieg witLlnoiirlineato look after private olfiLiU)Wbo ia the next Yankeo that will atk a puaa l

    8TATB COBYENTIOW.In the Yirginia Uouso of Delegatcs on TliTirs-

    dnr laat tbe following debate ocgurred on the propoai-lion for a State Convention:On motion to gnapend tho rnlea for tho reconsideratioa

    of t!io Tote by wblch the bill conferring couvcntioLalE1*788 unon the General Aaaeinbly waa lost, Mr.uuter of IWkeley obtalned tho floor in oppotition totho propofHlon to reconnuler tbo vote.Tbe atoaaaalea already bad upoa the anbject had had,he thongbt, dangeroui and permcioua etfecta. Iio hopedtbo vote would not be reconaidered; that the b.ll woahlbe left to aleep tbe aleep of deatb. Mr. Buford ifIMtaylrania hoped tbe noaae would urraign itaelf upoatbe queation fair and fqnare without prcjiidicejhe Ikuagkt no harm oould eome of a Conrention. Thotitne migi.t i-'.iiie |wU''n legialatora would fii.d them*lelvaa l>e!iiud the people In ttiis matter. He waa willing10 tniit tbe tveoplu aud the people ahoold bo wilting totruat tbeir legialatora. Mr. Snem-y, aponker, n itb!>T in tbo Chalr, xrmke in oppoaition to tho laotioato.raaoaahiar the vote by wldea tho bill to chrtho thefli imial laaaaiblj whb (Joiutitutioiial nowera »u loat.ll'two e*lk were propoied, he wouhi oUooae tbo leart.tbe ftnlgl.t-Out convention. Be did not und.-retand|that there w.ia to bo any iMfTercnce ln ptnrera tob* eoaatrred BfoaeltkerBaay'. True, ilielegielnturet-otildlBOt ' nicii t!:e bill of righta nor uuite tLo ******* ofl.e--, exCoUtire and Judiclyl. II aiiythi.ig waaocnt inpiated by a ermventlon, i' waa lookiug to tbo'aover.mco of Virginia'a conn.'otion ivlth vhe Coifodera-or ar.d ep*_BI of and aepr.rite negotiatioiia withthotreaty Biaoag power af fhe Bortfc. Oaca ontn tb*

    rate ladyaa will let I'M-ae u ea*T*at that will|g«. . witk loaototioa the laat i.ope BOW toolatetO

    doihia thinr'. Thealip.-f BtatatoBfoathanfjoa,aadif the '¦¦. iiubin.-iii cai.uot guii'e the thip aho BMkBt ta,l*FV. ,1 tii p'.t-cea. It ivia io tin.e now to t-bange frontjno tim* to aeek a hidit.g pl ico froei the temne^t of war.If wearetoaitik. let tw alnk where we atuml aad godowii wiih our nhip with one ahout af da_-011, c. vit'l tL^ lla* of YilgllL-i. '.-iv £*r i'yr_«*4*M.H.'1'ltl.gOTer tlf. ....

    Mr. BaraaB of BevBord waa g'dng la ftiek to tl .ahlp till aha or inn aahore. tbco he would biiilda raft of tbe fragmenta and a«e wLat toe.ld bo doue.He Uvore.i a coiiTention. Teatc.l in th* I.4*tjalatc~*.Mr. l^ilcrtaon of B;ehm«nd »iid that onlr wbea

    our irnui a were overlbrvwn, the ( i.u ...!..-,y t.-riiliuib from limb. und 8t«te from St ite, iv oeld he glve hiarote or c.o.aent to gn into oonreiition. Bv*n Bftoth*laat pxiremity, tbe hunor and tottagrXWal Yli nia de-i,.','.i-ti that aha akaaM kaaal b/m. Tf Jegia,atora bajoftha ,.;l-in a eoaraatioa ij aVotaaaJealj tbey-i.oul.l wr.bdraw themaelTe. tl.e p- xsible .:.¦.;;.i:_-

    on ol lieing candldatea for ita nieiflhcrab.p.Mr. 8tafl*a olitalneai tbe flo
