Page 1: Verax Integration Engine - Automate and track execution of business processes (data sheet)

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Automate business

processes for increased

efficiency, error reduction

and consistent


Update business

processes easily and

enable incremental roll-

out according to

business needs through

GUI-driven versioning,

deployment and rollback.

Gain better visibility

into business process

performance through

execution tracking and


Interconnect disparate

systems using J2EE, XML,

Web services and other

industry standards.

Verax Integration Engine

enables seamless, out-

of-the-box integration

with NMS & APM,

Service Desk and other

Verax applications for

rapid and cost effective

development of process

automation flows.

Verax Integration Engine Automate and track execution of business processes Overview

Verax Integration Engine is a complete BPM (Business Process Management) enabling uniform, manageable and process-oriented integration of IT systems, applications, and people.

Designed for telco and IT services & applications, Verax Integration Engine allows service providers and enterprises to tie their applications and services into repeatable, consistent, end-to-end process flows.

Verax Integration Engine can integrate a multitude of IT systems supporting service-oriented architectures and open standards (e.g. web services, XML, J2EE) for rapid development of process automation and orchestration procedures such as disaster recovery, service provisioning, activation, automated network management and others.

Workflow Engine The workflow engine is based on the industry standard jBPM engine allowing to execute business processes defined by the OMG BPMN 2.0 specification featuring:

● Execution of advanced business logic featuring conditional expressions, loops, parallel flows branching, sub-flow decomposition, rendezvous and more.

● Transaction integrity enforcement, restart awareness, rollbacks and checkpointing.

● Deployment of new rules, versioning and rollback capabilities.

Workflow Manager

Workflow Manager is a GUI front-end for controlling the Workflow Engine featuring:

Management of deployed process modules (collections of workflows) including deployment history, current versions, manual and scheduled execution, rollback and others. ● Detailed execution history for each workflow along with status code (success, failure), execution start time, duration, input, output and exception data, history of performed activities, history of workflow variable changes.

● Strong security mechanisms including user execution context, access rights and privileges, audit and security log.

Verax Integration Engine is a three-tier Enterprise Java application with a web-based, RIA (Rich Internet Application) front-end. The workflow designer Eclipse GUI runs as a native Windows or Linux application. Designing process flows

Verax Workflow process flows can be designed in the industry standard Eclipse GUI or written directly as XML files (for advanced users).

On-line demo

Verax Integration Engine demo is available at:
